Large Leathers, $2.50. SALE OF 20 EMBROIDERED LINEN Just put into handsome Pebble $ $1.25, $1.50 and NEW NECKWEAR. size, $1.00, ro Pretty Dresden Collars and Jabots, 25¢ and 30c each. COLLARS, All sizes, several styles, 25¢ Fach. | KID GLOVES. Fowne's Famous Gloves, 75¢, $1.00 and $1.25 P air, 65 DOZEN BOYS' FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR, All sizes, very special values, _ Only 35¢. SMART HAND BAGS. AND 235¢ RIBBONS TONIGHT, 15¢ xavd. CRUMLEY BROS Pe or 2 SYKOPSIS OF CANADIAN NonTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS. . ANY PERSON WI10 18 THE SOLE d of a family, or any male over 1 homestead & goarter fon. of avaliable Dominion land in nitote, Saskatchewan or Allerts. phicant must appear in person st lo Dominion Lands Agency or 8 ny for the district. Entry by pre y. be ade | Bt ney agency, on obtain on father, ther, hier brother ul hSater OF ten OE t aie months' residence upon cultivation of the land in each of ee years. A homesteader may live thin nine mites of his homestead on rm of at Jeast 0 acres Solely owned and ecupled 3 vm or Yh as father, ther, son, daug! r, brothe nel certain districts a phe a in a fig May pre-e op h Minabid de oh homestead. Price, HA six years ad ehtry tinoluding the time Ba a ra. as ont) and uitivate Cres © s homesteadet who hes exhausted his Homeste ri Hay bi at obtal in 4 s fie or of the NB. --Unadthorls ub) ion of this a4 advertisement will aot oe bald for for Pearsall's Millinery Kingston and Yarker Our Fall Dress nd Ready-to-Wear Hats sre taking fine with the ladies judging by the way they are going. As soon as new designs apbeat they are ipleked up. They have that get up to Our courteous assistants will be to show you some of them. OUR YARKER BRANCH MILLINERY OPENING, Commences on Tugsday, Sept, 27th. Al are Tuvited, THOMAS COPLEY, PHONE 987. wi Why in ion hy het Jhon nting « ns in n od a F ne: "Esti 1 k repairs ore also, 1 Floors neh "an Kinds. All il receive prompt attention. Queen Bt Burper. sw 0 « A N ew Line of Gas Wixtures just received DIED, AGED NINETY YEARS, John Hirkes Lived in Kingston All His Lifetime. Another of Kingston's old landmarks passed away Friday afternoon, when John Harkes finished his earthly career, Old age and general debility was the cause of death. The late John Harkes was born in Kingston ninety vears ago on what was then known as (umrry street, now Wellington street, in a houpe where Crothers' bakery now stands, He received his early education in the public schools, and at an early age started in the crockery business in a store near where the Orange hall now stands. He was in business there for a number of wears, and wai always regarded as a strictly honotable and upright busi: ness man. After retiring from active business life, hé became superintendent of the House of Industry, and held that position for a number of years, or until he retired from active life a few years ago. Deceased was a con- servative in polities, a Preshyterian in religion: and an attendant' of St. An- drew's church. The funeral. took place from: the fitinily<résidence Saturday af- dernoon, at qui cemetery. . Dr. Mackie duoted the funeral services, The surviving relatives are his wife one sister, Mrs, Stratton, cons only and AT COOKE'S CHURCH, Observe 25th Anlversary-- Pastor's Ordination. + The comgregation of Cooke's church will observe the 26th anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Dr. MacTavish and the fifth anniversary of his ins Hustion a into Cooke's church, by hold- ion to the pastor and his onday evening in the school Win ing a seife. on 3 room. : The clergymen of the city have been invited, and a ant programme has been arranged. The Presbytery of Kingston, at its meeting, in Belleville, appointed Rev. Dr. Mackie, of this vity, to comvey its greetings to the pastor and peogle. The Late George Smith. The funeral of the late George Smith took place Saturday afternoon, from the family residence to Cataraqui cemetery. Funeral services were cons ducted at the house by Rev. Dr. Mec- Gilliveay, of Chalmers church. The funeral was largely attendad bv friends of the deceased, as he was well known in Kingston and vicinity, where he had resided all his life with the ex- ception of ten years which he spent in California. 'A large number of fioral tributes testified to the esteem and re- Bpect in which he was held. Last of Revival Meetings. . The last of the ev istic meetings ® [held in Cooke's for the * pust two weeks, was held Friday evening. hose who 'were fortunate enough to there had the privilage of of listening a stifring address by Rev. H. D. on "Naaman The Leper." {5 hg afr sling, swvoral of Lore Be oped at That anoient : * wooden building consvicuons for a long time, on Sta the ution of Fron ar o'clock; to Cataras ow pATLY BRITISH WiiIG, saTvmnAY SEPTEMBER 24. 1010. VILLAGE OF VERONA A FORMER RESIDENT WEDDED AT CAPE VINCENT. -- Drs. Gélddes and Genge to Settle In Attend College at Toronto, Verona, Sept. 22.--At the residence the bride, Cape Vincent, by Rev. Guilboult, at eleven o'clock, Wednes- day morning, took place the marviage of William James Abrams, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Abrams, Rosieve, N.Y. and late of Marrowsmith, and Miss (lara Mearns. The bride was dressed in an exquisite dress of blue silk, with hat to match, apd was attended by her cousin, Miss Catharine Weaver. Jeo Walker was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Abrams left on the noon train for Syracuse. It will be remembered that M¢. Abrams left with his pa- rents to reside at Rosiere, some years ago, where he has since resided and where he is held in high esteem. fhe many friends of George Smith, of Kingston, were pained to hear of the sad news of Mis death. The village has been besieged docotrs since the demise of the Dr. McCarter. Dr. Geddes, of Ardent will take over the office lately vacated by the late' doctor. Dr. Genge, . of Fichhorne, has moved here and will open up an office. Charles York, principal school, goes to Queen's the first of October to enter for his arts course. Miss Gertie Cowan, Ottawa, the guest of Miss Ethel McMullen, for a month, deaves for her home Monday. Work is progressing rapidly on the new Methodist church and by the first of November it will likely be com- pleted. It will be one of the most commodious and handsome edifices out- side of Kingston. It camé as a surprise to hear that, on Sunday Rev. D, Flatt, minister here for over a vear, is to preach his farewell sermon and will soon take his leave of the Verona people lo attend college at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Uraig at the post of fice for a few days last week. Colman Craig and wife, Craig-alea, are rejoicing over the arrival of their first Horn, a daughter; John and Mrs, Walroth, 'are also rejoicing over 'the arrival of a son, Miss Maggie Tallan, spending part of her holidays at Murvale, the guest of Miss Swabrick, former teacher of Verona school, returned to duty again. Miss Florence Trousdale, visiting at Watertown, N.Y., for a month, has returned. James McMullen, visiting his parents, here left Saturday to resume his duties as sanductor on the G.T.r. at Cochrane, Mrs, McMulleni, and family visiting at by MeMullen's, left for their home at Chapleau, Tuesday. Mrs. H. McMullen accompanied her home, The funeral of our late Dr. McCarter was held Friday at the residence of 8. Amselsting. Service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Dowdell, Church of Enz: land minwter, Svdenhant., The villag- ers are indeed saddened at the dootor's rudden taken away, for he was held in high esteem for his usefulness and kindness. He was always willing when called "on - to alleviate suffering. Dymudthy is every where in ocvidence for his young widow and bride of few months. The remains were taken to the train followed Liy a host of sor rowing friends and taken to Almonte for burial. Farmers are cutting corn, which is a bumper crop. Some are diggink po- tatoes. The yield will not be as good as last vear, owing to the blight which struck this locality, Joseph Storms has returned from his trip to Manitoba and other places in the west. He communced building his cel- lar wall for his new house, yesterday, He thinks this locality is good en- oulbh for him. A new livery is opened here by Frederick Orser, Syienham. of with MORE NETS WERE SEIZED, Gananoque. Gananoque, Sept. 24.~Fish and Game Overseer Toner made another Lig seizure of nets on Thursday get- ting nine of what are known as twen- ty-rod gill nets in the north channel about seven miles west of the town, snd a short distance from Nokomis Lodge. This makes nineteen nets tak- en in that section during the past two weeks. At Ogdensburg fair, on Wednesday, in the freefor-all, W. R. Acton's "Jerry Dillard" won out in three straight beats; time, 1.03]; 1.02} and 1.044. The local Salvation Army Corps has leased from Williams Hale what used to be the parlor and dinning | hall of the American hotel, for bar- acke. The partition will be taken down and this will make a fine meeting place, Hundreds went to Lansdowrie fair, Friday. In accordance with the custom for several years past the hirh and public schools of the town closed at noon, to permit and pupils to enjoy the event. ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beerman, ville. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Seal, iny the past two weeks with relatives in town and vicinity have returned to Toronto. J. B. Wilson, Leeds; spent some time this week in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jackson, street, are spending a short time in Atts and ville, Orchid Cream and = Taloum Powe Sold at Gibson's Red Cross rug State oo Verona--Rev. 1, Flatt Resigns © late, of Verona By Fishery Overseer Toner Above Stone | ~~ TO-NIGHT "ITA" MENTALIST 7 . BIG ACTS 7 IN DOUBT? ET Prices, 15, 25, 35, ioe. ASK ITA. LIEBLER AND COMPANY PRESENT MRS. WIGS 7% <i: CABBAGE PATCH And Her Excellent Fun Producing Neighbors. Cast and Tuesday, September 27 ABom E: Eaglish Opera Coop § Oiest PRESENTING VERDI'S BEAUTIFUL "I Trovatore" n---- Seain now on Sale. 20e, B00, ES Buse | Get the Habit AND FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO 100 Singers and ::| Griffins Opera House The Home of Polite Vaudeville and Motion Pictures. ¥. DAILEY, Manager. Puone 942. PROGRAM : SEPT. 22nd-23rd-24th Arthur Lynn Popular Songs. Sadie Miller Sweet Contralto in catchy numbers. PROF.ATKINSON,Ventriloquist SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT of Arthur . & Felsman The Famous Comedy Mys- tifiers. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES, 5 and 10. Cents, Come early to avoid the crush, 2.30 and 7 pm HAmusomenss. | |( aRAND, Y OPERA) NOUSE Monday September 26] CONDENSE™ ADVERTISING RATES First tanertion fc n word. Each con- secutive thereafter half cent a word. charge for one in- sertion, 20¢; three laserticns, Se; six, $1; one month, $3. ANSWER TELEPHONE. AP- BO IO ab Stand. 'Phone 600. RT GIRLS FOR BINDERY DE- SMART sixteen years of age or over. Apply, Whis office. GIRL O ELDERLY WOMAN Youna other's Help Apply. M Mrs. Wm 2 Bon 163 Alfred GENERAL SERVANT, ONE WHO A understands cooking: 4 no. washing or ironing. Apply 10 59 West Street. BOILERM AKERS OR ia layers-out and fitters; wages paid. Apply, Box 208, off ge RAL SERVANT BY OCTOBER a GENER washing; references requir- ed. Apply to Mrs. Carson, 275 Brock Street. 0 MAID FOR GENERAL aT rh reférences required Apply, 96 Stuart Street, Rh st of this -- KITCHEN WOMAN AT ONCE: RE- A ferences required. Apply at the Avonmore, 207 William Street. N RIENCED MAID IN PAMILY AN gE 0; no laundry: call evenings. oe "Mitchell, 98 Bagot Street. CARPENTERS, At SNE a ie a is ong re 0 K. rr ole SiORE Teas Yaiding, Queen's oR versity. A GOGD GENERAL SBRVANE: NO washing; high wages. op once, Mra. L. J. Wi Reg 1560 "Unt: versity Avenue. WEEKLY AND EXPENSES either sex, to put out catalogues and advertise: large mall order hguse. C. H. Emery, W166, Chicago. GIRLS, EXPERIENCED IN COTTON spinning; oad wages: steady work Anply to. Kingston Heslery Co, 124 ing Street West. A GENERAL SERVANT, TO GO OUT of town, for a family of two. Ap- ly, 108 Lower Union Street, be- ween one and three o'clock. $100 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES TO travel and distribute samples for manufacturer; steady work. 8 bi : effer, Treasurer, Q366, Chicago MOTHER'S HELP, A GIRL ABOUT 16 or 17 years, to help care for echild- ren; good wages paid Apply, at once. to Mrs. J. H. Cunningham, 579 Princess Street. ' MAN, STEADY round for sober Fair, Kingston 11056, three A GOOD MARRIED work the year man, Apply to R. H. Station, P.O. 'Phone rings ---- --------------------------------" AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. Neo canvassing. Send for particulars Press Synd cate, 1,969 Lockport, N.Y. TWENTY-FIVE GIRLS TO WORK IN Knitting Mill; light and steady em- ployment no scarcity of work, and est of wages paid. AT to Kings- LL Hostery Co., Ltd. ing Street fest. UR QWN. BOSE--MAKE §4 aay siivering mirrors; anyone can do the work at home in spare time; § booklet and sample free. F. { Yedmond, Dept, 335, Boston, Maus: The Famois Glasgow Select Choir (20 VOICES) oy Hal Tuesday Evelg, Sepl. 27 to appear before oreo Bn $1& $1.50 Plan at Uglow's. Change in' Car Service On and after Monday, Sept. 26th, there will be a 20 minute spevice. Cars will leave Market 'Square. (Wade's Corner) 'and Portsmouth at the hour, 20 minutes after the hour, and 20 min- 'utes to the hour; cars will leave the junction 10 minutes after the hour, alf hour, and 10 minutes to the hour. Depot ear will run as usual, KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH, AND CATARAQUI ELECTRIC RAILWAY. AUCTION SALE OF MAGNIFICENT HOUSEHOLD FURNI- Wednesday, October Sth, 10 am. SHORG Walnut and Ebony Furniture, hand made, by hompson & Co. Montreal; 'Cabinet Grand Upright - Piano, Oil Paintings, Steel Lpgravings, Water Color Drawings, Wilton and other Car- pets, ete Wm. Leslie, Esq, has instructed me to sell the contents of the above house, consisting of handsome Drawing-room Suite in red Blush, Ebony Pler Mirrors, Carved Japahese Chairs, Wire Chalrs and Sofas, Office Chairs Desks, Platform and other Oak Library Chair, Ebony and Walnut Card Tables, Canterbury and Music Rack, handsome Walnut Sse, Inlaid Centre Table, Ebon ali Seat a nin Chairs, Wicker Tea Table, Silver ad C Cut Glass and Chinaware, China Ornaments, three very fine Marble Top Walnut Bedroom Suites, Iron Bedste Wal. nut Wardrobe, lateglany doors: Hair Mattresses, =p large Re- frigerator, suitabl tor 3 hotel or board. ins house, chal Thought Oak e and Ch Kitchen Utensils, 3 Mo . Hose, ge. may be examined from 2 to § day, October 4th. on Toes: A N, t Telephone, 385 . iy Auctioneer: Mined this Season.» We have no old stock. We sell at sirictly ne price, MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL: AND appoint agents for established house; $15.00 a week and expenses; state age and previous em ia E. McGarvey, Mgr, ge Street West, Toronto nt. ngton WANTED: LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay, work went any distance, charges paid. Bend samp for full particulars, Na- Honal Manufacturing Co, 'Mont- real. anaaasssas dh dogs sshd hide WANTED. A GOOD BOY AT CORBETT'S, Hardware. SEES UILEEEE 2004400004 PERSONS HAVING WASTE SPACE IN cellars, outhouses or stables can make $15 to $30 per week growin mushrooms for us during fall an winter months; now is the best time to plant. For full particulars and {llustrated booklet write Mont- real Supply Company, Montreal. TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially y working mani good ary; per- manent position; If you are work- ing for small salary _dshing - In the counter, write i ou gauble Your our wi oy And edn oo Noa ply, HELP WANTED, Girls to work in the Dominion Textile Co. Families = The People's LOST. GOLD-HEADED CANE IN ST. Luke's Church, Sunday, Sept. 15th, 1810. Reward for reiurn to Rev. W. ¥. Daykin, 38% King Street Test FINANCE AND INSUKANOM. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to Godwin's Insurance Emporium, over Northern Crown Bank, Kk Street, or 'phone 424. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, G RAL . surance t and Ocean ehthablp ot ent, 42 Clarence Tao 'elapnane 568. ERAL INSURANCE FIRE, LIFR OE fir and Health Policies lssu- ed; first-class nies; rates. ol n, Agent, 169, Wellingtoa Street. J K. CARROLL, DISTRICT Homans on SARC ent, Six Ry BRO Street, Kingst aro, A ATEMAN, CUSTOMS Bi t your invoices in an emvel: wpe Sin 8 a hs ---- Samp 3 A 2 The ras rast "al kinds of pire short notice We d ro. Chone 396. Pe Clarence St. Kigge- Insuran: J. 0 BUTTON, 18 a MAR, BT STR! Kingston, re, life, Re dent, ton, Broker 'motor boat. plate lass Insurance effected; bonds, de- ent stocks, Cobalt stocks, On. tario and Seuth jAteican scrips, and real estate bought a d sold, manu facturers' agent; Tre EpO Gener solicited. LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance 1187.21, be po IN. AND, GLOBE Available 4 addition te holders have for nite] Hability Farm and \naured at west lo arf Before renewing old or EVIE new business get Surane wh Strange, Agents Phone. MUSIC. MISE LPTs WALKER, TEACHER rERD A ano. asses he onday, Sept. 12th. Ad- dress, 220 Queen Street. MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER of Planoforte and ory, reopens her ue September 1st; pups pre- rH for examinations. Address 22 Queen Street. 'Phone, 260, ATCM D. A MISS ILA HAMBLY, (Theory), Plano Pupil of J Tripp, ia prepared to give les in piano and theory every Wedhes: day and Thursday at $6 Union Street. Pupils prepared for exami nations. MISS EMMA A. REEDE. AACM Teacher of Voice Placement (Pupil of Miss Geraldine Damon, Pitts- . burg. Pa. Assistant Teacher to Mr Bristol, Coburg, Ger), will be pleas to meet any 'wishing te Spay volce at 198 Johnson Street hone 1,100, ring 1 and 4. MISS FLORENCE LOSEE, COLLINS Bay, of Toronto Conservatory of Music, Normal Class (teachers' course), will resume her class in piano and theory in assngston, be- ginning September 1st. [or terms ete, write above address, or 49 Pr.ncess Street. MADAME A, DON COCHRANE, A. T C. M., Director of Trinity 'Church Cholr, Napanee, having studied jnder Se or Garcia on ie Pred, alker, ndon n pd An: Madame k Prepared to Beco it a Mmited num- r of pupils voice culture Studio open 2 ory Monday at 330 University Avenue. Volces tested free of charge. MEDICAL. SALE OF. FURNITURE PRIVATE PR 267 Earl Street. Apply. WG Oe Ry. Apply, D. ANT. WO in Clarence Stree HORSE, 11 YEARS OLD; GooD driver; city broken: be seen at Cor. Pembroke and ing Sts, COAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES Coal Heaters, Quebec and gther Kinds of Stoves at Turk's Phone 705. nt ee ---------- > » BUGGIES, BOB SLEIGH, I Ras gon. Side Saddle and Man's Saddie Apply, 183 Raglan Street. YR LEASE, THE PREMISES Ne aR Toa anh scat auiunble In stora live tal ie pr Cinningna hg Mu ON OCTOBER 1st, REAL ESTATE ARD rsonal property or © - hon, CAPDIY to Mrs. J. Trimlett, Bath, Ont. until day of sale. ET SAILING DINGHY, COM- Oars, dition: $56 A 12-FE plete, with sall, etc, in first class condition Apply, 7 Clark, Band, RCHA JOATE SOME BARGAINS IN NEW and second-hand gasoline launches, with or without engines; prices to suit atl. Coward's Boat orks. PIANOS AND ORGANE «HAVING Jought the w 1 Stock, wll sail at 1B. 1 an enc ne higher; ; worth $50. Coward's Boot some near Cotton Mill Works, 969. PRIVATE SALE. FRIDAY, BATUR- day and Monday. Antique Walnut Sideboard, Wainut Combination Bookoase and rithhg Desk. Oak Dining Table, Chairs, Pletures, Hair Statcrass Bedroom Suite, ete, 23 Mack Street. \LL KINDE OF SBECOND-HAND Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. I buy and all kinds tof Furniture and Clothing. Drop me a card before selling your oods, H. Sugerman. Ramoved to 42 Ontario Street, opposite Fire ange RETIRING FROM BUSINESS ---OLD- established General Store Business and Stock for Sale; stock about §4.- $500, fresh and up-to-date; good business being done and prospects are good; it will pay you to investi gate this chance; satisfactory reas sons for selling. Apply to Dickson & Bon, Camden East, Ont, 0 LER. WFICES, WITH ALL MO Jeniences, in Orpheum Ww. ker, Princess Stree ERN CON- all. Apply, TWO COMMUNICATING ROOMS, UN- furnished, suitable for light house- keeping. Apply, 435 Princess Btrect. LARGE TEN-ROOM HOUSE, WITH. separate bath and closet; flansants ly located; from 1st October Ap~ ply, 55 Clergy Street West \ COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLING, ell finfon en (next Crothers' ® PE Mr. OU. R. Webster, §1 Piiniass treet. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLE. J dry, airy rooms, absblutely wm Foal; our gon lock Sua key. ont's orage, ueen "Phone saeb. SRICK. HOUSE, No, 97 hx STRERT; rooms; modern Improve antl * Dandery You, a LE in for Sool once, Apply, York Street. FURNISHED.., BEDROOM, WITH small study off for 'ons or two! well lighted and heated: no other roomer; $10 per month, Apply, 222 University Avenue, J. ¥. BPARKS, BA. M.D, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100, Wellington Bt Office hours, 10 to 12 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to § p.m. 'Phone 384. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL Carpent and Joiner, 262 Syden- Street North, for FeasonabIE prices on Sn kinds of jobbing. All k done promptly and neatly. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W, KELLAR, Carpentér and Builder, 2566 Division St, for reasonable prices on all Kinds of jobbing. All work done promptly. ERNEST R. BECKWITH. CONTRACT ing Engineer and Architect, on CL Bullders' Specialities, ny Sydenham Street and Street. Plans prepared Tal i mates given for all classes of work OSTEOPATHY. You R FORTUNE TOLD: PAST AND future love, marriage, business and all mysteries of life revealed; send birth date and 6¢ in stamps Bugene Page, Box 403, St. Johns, p, ue. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS."--R. O Ashcroft, D.O, Edna E. Asherpft P.O, Graduates under Dr. i the Founder of Osteopathy, 4356 Princess Street, corner Division Phone 447. No charge for con sultation ang ijterature, Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 8. PERSONALS. to of girls and ha offered Special inducements. Yages pal to all Toners: minion Textile Co, RORY Street, City. WANTED--GENERAS L- FAMILY WASHING TO ba AT HOME. Apply, 193 Rideau Stree! a-- ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R, McCann, 51 Brock Street. {BRING THEIR ve it made 2 mtn up- its, "price and workman- eed to please. Pressing tice. Thomas Galloway: 190 Brock ows A Bt, next Bibby's Live 4 PUPL 0. ED FOR PRIVATE foot uh So of Ty Sai hort hand; Tctures Fines of. 4 pewriting wo at on Pe Ahsan Harold: 184 ANYONE HAVING GOOD" SECOND- iture for dis- d we will ® have a and Happy Heaters at pon, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS warts, etc. removed permanently without scar. paenty ears' _ex- Srielice. Dr. Elmer fake Eye, Throat Nose nd Skin Blem- Ton 'Bpecialist. 258 ot Street. SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, ETC. THE NEWEST RULES, REGULATIONS and Forms pertaining to Station Agent and Telegraph Operator's hork are ¥ ior BratAd dn on new urses of train sven in the Central Telexraph donbo 1 Gerrard Street, East Toronto. rticulars "Write T. J. 7. Jonnston, Priel. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START Canvassing Da at me. oa oes fond 1 ree booklet, Tels how, Heacogk. 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. WANTED. PARTY, WITH OR WITH. out services, as representative to in vest §500 do 5, he | in 8 r cent. gii{-edgh y bank and one prt Sirs capital; money in demand in Prosperous Oklaborda on safe first mort lpans. ress, obuaranes Coapant Enid, PIANO TUNING. BESH WILL RECEIY] at post office box No. FE RADERS mr Wa POSITION WANTED. ORGANIST EXPERIENCED CHURCH Kingston. is i rd th ain in $61 Johnset Street M. Chase, LEGAL. Potfice, 15 HET TWO NEW HOUSES, CONVENIENT TO Queen's University and Collegiate Institute; modern improvements; bath, w.e, furnace, gas Apply, corner Earl and Victoria Streets, FURNISHED HOUSE, VERY CENT. located: seven bedrooms; jal en improvements; furnace, gas for cooking. wie; fine brick 1taldance. Apply, Box 819, Whig of ls FURNISHED, FROM OCT. 1st, EIGHT. room house, centrally Jocated: hot wiler heating: gas, ete.) or choloe of four or five rooms for house. keeping. Apply, Box 200, Whig office, FOR SALE OR TO LET, TWO NEW EIGHT-ROOM on Quebec Street; latest im rovements; selling price, § rent $11 per month, Rev. Boyd, 106 Plone (HE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE. Co. WEotguni cess Bireet to Queen Btreet, Pri he frontage on both, and includin tanalyS a buildings. Apply to x ningham HOUSES modern $1,~ Apply to treet. BOARD AND ROOMS, FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LoDaING PErate may 1 fad 'at #7 Calvert glo of A as oon~ venient to cars; b sas and modern ¢ BOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite G. TR. station, one block fro on street hori lately remodelled; moderate; special rates by week. John Cousinesu, Prop. LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, NO, Princess Street, one Hoh King Street; hot lunches, on dinners, 20c; oysters season, ioe cream: soft drinks; private parties Satered AR u taire witing rooms. 3 1 ron. age solicited "e ie ol HENRY P. BMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, 368 Kin ng Sireet. "Phone, 345. 1 ----------------------------. ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 181 University Ave. WM. NEWLA tects, ete 'Phone 608 POWER & SON, NDS & ARCHI- Office, 258 ot Street, ARCHIT MER- SPARKS AND 230 1-2 Princess Phone 346 : DR , C. NAS sicker, one 159, DR A.B. KNAPP, DENTIST. 19 MONT. real Str near. Princess Street. PATENTS. FOR iat Ya Ry ER Aner, Ottawa, Os