Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1910, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. PAGE SEVEN. 5... ee -------------------- ee TTT TT TT Tre ree HUDSON BAY The Trip Of The Gover- no r-eneral. ON ANNUAL OUTING PROF. MACNAUGHTON WRITES RACILY OF IT. I-- No Living Man Has Seen so Much of Canada as Has Earl Grey--Has a Long and Remarkable Journey-- Norway House and its Historical Interest, Copyright by Publighers' Press, 1910, It is characteristic of the governor- general cof Canada that bis annual holiday on thix occasion, as it did 14s year, should exemplify Hormoe's ideal of poetry by harmoniously combining pleasue with profit--pleasure to him. sell and all around him, profil mach renter than is discernible on the sur- sto the general publie of the do- minion and to the whole empire. In deed it may iruly be said that a suffi cient guarantee for both these deside- rasta is secured under nearly all con ditions hy his own optimistic and JOHN MACNAUGHTON, the Racy Narrative of the trip PROF The writer of vigorous personality (which sees the good side of everything and everybody and is, therefore, apt to stimulate if not actuglly to create it), the ripe and astute statesnmnship xo happily under- lying in him a rare, perennially youth ful zest in life, and a genial openness to all manner of impressions. This goes far to explain the indubitable fact that no hving man has seen so much of Canada asthe has; none has a jusicr, keener ov broader senwe of its resources material and spiritual, or a more earnest desire and sharper eye for their development in . the wisest and widest lines. An Indian orator at the mouth of the Saskatchewan de- scribed the ip then just begun as "Hiv Exvolletey's -- mrduow explora. tions." As a matter of fact no fore east of the jowrmey as it actually shaped itsell coulda have heen less feli- citoue, There has been nothing as duous about it. It was one continuous picnic. Everything combined to make it so, the truly "'roval'" weather, the comparative absence of flies, (one al: most pitied the few poor mosquitoes that were met with--their usually en- sanguined siphons were not stiff enotigh to pierce the average human skin!) the quite perfect arrangements ladies much to went no further Evelyn. Grey--the evervbody's sorrow than Norway louse--assembled at Wingipeg oh the third of August. {hence leaving at miduight they pro- cedid by special train to Selkirk, the point at which the month's unbroken journey by water was to begin---a jour wey of more than 600 miles by lake and river to York factory, and 1,915 miles of sea from there to Bay of Is ands, where the R88, Earl Grey is lviug at this moment of writing. From here they visited St. Andrews, 10 examine the remarkable dam there unique of its kind on this continent. The curtain consisting of seporate sheets of steel, which can be drawn up somewhat like windowblinds, is so constructed as to give free passage to the spring foods, thereby avoiding anv overflow on the arable and oceu- pied lands above tde dam. This ar- rangement combined with the effect of the strong stone piers oi the massive structure in thoroughly breaking up the ice is beneficially felt as far as Winnipeg, which is now in consequence much less liable to periodical inunda- tions than it used to be. ; An opposite effect of a no less desir- able kind is secured by the compara- tively steady maintenance of level in the Assinaboine into which the dam throws back the waters of the Red river--naturally to the. great improve- ment of sanitary conditions in Winni- peg. This last was an entirely unfore- wen advantage. The locks at St. An- drews are at all times opened ~ with- out toil to anyone who wishes to pass through, even to a solitary Indian in hiv canoe! It is pleasant to think that our civilization turns at least sone friendly, and beneficent aspects to the old lords of the land whom we have dispossessed, On the way pack from the dam the party' visited Lower Fort Garry in old times, though not in tie oldest when Norway House held this place, the most important strategical point in the Hudsons Bay company's sys- tem where the merchandise from Eng- land' consi; down 'the Red River met the pelts conveyed in canoes down the Saskatchewan and Lake Winnipeg and up the course of the Red River. This interesting landmark in Canadian de- velopment ought certainly to be ac juired by the nation, The antiquities of the Hudson's Bay company and many valuable books and documents in their ossession, now scattered pretty widely among the various posts and in danger under present condition of being irrecoverably lost, might be collected here under safe custody and made generally accessible. A very delightful hour was spent at Fort Garry in looking at the intevest- ing collection of Indian work and in conversation with Mr. Chipman the head of the Hudson's Pay Co. in Canady, Mrs. Chipanan and their charming daughters. One of these young ladies drove his excellency be hind a splendid pair of ponies fo re join the train at Selkirk, the rest of the company following in motorears. After lunch in the dining-car the governor-geperal reviewed a company of cadets Who formed a guard of hon- our to conduct him to the good ship Wolverine belonging to the Northern Fish company which lay at the Sel kirk wharf surrounded bt the whole population of the town amd guarded tsy the local company of boy-scouts in them familiar, picturesque and busi ness-like uniform. No sooner had the party embarked than these vouthful warriors set off at the double and'oc- cupied g point of land ahesd of the Wolverine from which if their designs had been hostile they: might have poured a galling live upon her -de ks. As it was they relieved our apprehen- sions by raising a hearty cheer ine stead. We were soon on' the wide wat. ors of Lake Winnipeg which we tra- versetl in calm and smiling weather, during the afternoon of the fourth of August and on the following day, as we made for the mouth of the Sas- katchewan arriving there on the even- wade by Maj. Moodie, of the Norih- ing of the Aith. The intention was if a few miles up the river, with a View| from there to Liverpool. This is ome {of the most fascinating, though doubt. [lss stil somewhat remote prospects lopened up by Canada's unparaliefled resources in the way of waler-trans- port and water-power in general, which Five her a quite a solitary position in {tne world, and are certain if used with { tho-mecessary amount of enterprise in- | telligence and above all, honesty, to raise her to a high position among the nations of the earth, It would, | however, have taken four hours to | visit "irand Rapids; time pressed and his excellency was f to ecomtent himself with landing pear the mouth of the Saskatchewan and taking part in a pow-wow, as he did on several other occasions at other places, with the Indians of the settlement there. A Lvery loyal and eloquent address was presented to hin to which he replied in some wise and well-chosen words transl dod by the interpreter, stimu- lating the Indsans {0 exertion and warning them against the fatal mis- take of merely leaning on the yovern- ment, They had it in their power he said to become as rich as white men but the Indian who depended on what the country did for him would die a poor man and would deserve to die poor. : Earis the Aexlyfucining August 6th we reached War®n's Landing; the place where we were to bid a reluet- ant farewell to the Wolverine on board of which we had been peifectly happy. This was one of our few wet days: It rained from morning to night. Dut at eleven o'clock in the forenoon we set out in a motor-boat which proved itself not altogether free from the in- evitable eaprices of this cranky sort of eraft, the baggage eing conveyed in a barge tugged by a steam launch and after 4 somewhat rough erossing of Playgreen Lake arrived at Norway House at three o'clock in the after nootr, -~ Norway House is a place of great historical interest. It once occupied in the organization of the Hudson's Bay company the eentral position which was afterwards transferred as we have seen to Fort Garry, being the point of conveyance for English goods and the furs of the north, the former in those days being shipped through the Hudson's Bay and up the Haves and Nelson river by the very line of route which lay before ourselves in the re- verse order. This factory still retains all the appearance of its old pre-emin- ence with ite palisades and generally fortified aspect and its neatly kept quadrangle of white red-roofed houses. Round it are gathered the huts of a large number of Indians, as good as any of their race, and that is saying a very groat deal indeed, in their typi- eal accomplishments as hunters and cause-men. They are nearly all in the employment of the company, many being engaged in manning the great longsared York boats, which are row- ed down stream and poled up the in- numerable rapids or else hauled over the rocks from Norway House to the numerous outposts. It was from this splendid body of Indians that Major Moodie selected the crew for our expe dition, and I do not think that I have ever seen any considerable number of men more thoroughly efficient in their work. There was not a slacker in the crowd. It wag a constant joy to see the easy strength and skill displayed by them as well as their unfailing good-humor in every part of their varied work, paddling, sculling, pitch- ing and striking camp, managing the sail, steering down rapids and what is called "packing," that is earrying heavy Touds with the help of tump- lines over the numerous portages. {To be Continued.) It pays to buy drug store wants at Gibson's. Only strictly high class goods sold there, Some diseases are less fatal to the patient than to the people who have to live with him. Never shirk responsisility for takes that are yours. mis. AN AFTERNOON COSTUME OF BLUE MARQUISETTE. Voiles, grenadines and marquisettes are to have a grat vogue----so prophesy those who profess to know. and some of the new costumes for bridge, matinee and afternoon calling wear, made of these sheer ma- terials, are particularly gracefnl and charming. "The little blue marqui- sette frock shown here is dropped over a white silk lining, the deep hem at the foot being of darker blue satin and the same pipings at the edge of embroidery bands on the bodice. of clear burnt orange---the striking color note of the new this bodice embroidery and yoke andeuffs are of deep cream lace, satin appearing In There is a touch SCASON=--=--in FISHERMEN WON OUT. Likely to Get Increased Prices for Sardines. St. John, N.B., Sept. 24.--~The prolr ability is that the sardine fwhermen who met here some days ago, with re ference to the decrease [fom JIU to 88, and 36 per hogshead by the canners, will have their demands acceded to, and will get the $8 rate. A prominent local fish dealer is authority for the statement, A number of boats from the canneries are now in port, and it is a matter of 88 or nothing. "The fish for the past week huve been very scarce. The Summing Up. 1 have lived, and I have loved; { have waked, and I have slept; I have sung, and I have danced; 1 have smiled, and 1 have wept; 1 have won and wasted treasure, I have had my eup of pleasure, And all these things were weariness, And some of them were dreariness, And all these things but two things Were emptiness and pain. And love it was the best of them. And sléep worth all the vest of them. ~I.. 8., in. Kansas City Star, Comparison = measurements always carry with them the stamp of partial ity. See our new red patent leather belts, worth B0c., for 26e. Dutton's, 200 Princess street. The thief can be watched, but it mighty hard work to circumvent Liar. is the --T An Unprecedented Offer For $5.00 we will sell, during a limited period, our $40.00 Electric Belt. "This offer is made to any man of Woman Who | wishes to regain their energy, strength and vitality This Electric Belt is the best electric belt on the wiarket. It is fully guaranteed to cure all ic weakness and to supply vitality. Ask for booklet and literature. DOCTOR McDONALD No. I12 Bleury St. Montreal T ast years profits' should not doubls this years expenses. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PIG LEAD and ANTIMONY: . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. . THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED, OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. $00000000000000000000000000000000000000NTe ) 0000000000000000000000/0000000009000000000000 : "FROM MILKMAID TO HOUSEMAID." No More Trouble We are now gteting our MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK, and ICE CREAM from PRICE'S WHAT A COMFORT. ® Phone 845 ' 288 Princess St. 0000000000000000000000 000000000000 0000000000 § f 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000] E'ARE ALWAYS ADDING New Oakes to our § .already Jarge assortment. We will have a § new one out this week called Mocha Bar, the price is 25¢ per 1b., and the quality 18 the very best. eben Try a-1b. with your next order. R.H. TOYE, 2X Phone 141. 24 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2 0000000000 OOIONIGTY fpe000000 .. FIRST ARRIVAL .. BROWN'S BUTTER SCOTCH and NUT TAFFY at 20c. per Ib. "FIRST SEPTEMBER. FURNITURE, ODD PIEGES, LOWPRIGED Many pieces left over from summer selling have become of less interest tha the space they occupy. To a their immediate Clegn ance we bave made big reductions. " a This also includes our High Class Dining and Bedroom Furniture. R. J. REID, Ambulance Phone 577. | Is it the Hair or the Face that makes the Woman? If you think it is the face, take another look at the iwo heads pictur- ed here beautiful One shows a girl which the most critical would pronounce Whilé her features are fairly perfect her greatest charm lies in a mass of fine lustrous hair other detail except that the wealth of hair is wanting Both of these ladies would aftract attention anywhere bul ea h for a different reason, one on account of her superb beauty and the other on ac- count of her comical appearance, The hair makes all the difference. exact proportion as she loses her hair, Newbro's Herpicide Saves the Hair There is nothing which is so destructive to the hair as dandruff This annoying trouble to which everyone is more or due to the working of an invisible growth or m Germ. The opposite picture is identical #8 to features and A woman loses her good looks in less exposed is icrobe galled the Dandruff It robs the hair of the snap and luster of health, burrows down into the follicle and eventually loosens the hair, allowing it to fall out. Newbro's Herpicide applied regularly and germ, keeps the scalp clean and bair healthy. Falling hair is thus prevented, and if the hair follicles- have not be- come atrophied, a new growth of hair may be anticipated. The life and luster of Herpicide halr is beautiful to see, is unmistak- able to permit its needless destruction is unpardonable. Kills the Dandruff Germ One Dollar size . obtained miss BE i . McLEOD, SPECIAL AGENT. Bottles Sold and Guaranteed by ali Druggists. at the Better Barber Shops and Hair Dressing Pas- intelligently kills this "An abundance of fluffy, glittering hair fs woman's chiefest beauty and Stops Falling Hair SEND FOR SAMPLE AND BOOKLET. A sample bottle of also a booklet telling all about the care of the hair will be sent upon receipt of ten cents in postage or silver. Address, THE HERPICIDE CO. Dept. 438. WINDSOR, ONT.

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