Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1910, p. 7

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Baia Che Globe MI. BUSINESS MAN: Why not begin to advertise now? Some day, in all pro- bability, either your own judgment or the stress of competition will induce you to call in the advertising doc- tor. You are losing valuable thme in putting it off. Com- mercial history Is being made in Canada to-day at a tre- mo ndous pace, The firms who have been making public opinion in their favor through tha newspapers during the years gone by are reaping rich rewards to-day The lag- girds are dropping further ard further to the rear--and thw may be the last to realize it, too, y The standard = medium of publicity to-day is the news. paper, and the standard newspaper of Canada is The Globe. It is to-day, as it has been for sixty-six years first on the list of practically every pational advertising campaign conducted In Can- ad If interested, consult The Globe's advertising depart- - mont or any reputable adver- tiring agency CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER. RECTORY. We tn HOTEL DI DESERONTO, Go 10 the STEWART HOUSE, Leading Commercial Hotel, Hates, $1.50 per day. JAS, STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING, CITE FARMERS' EXCURSION To New Ontario OCTOBER 4th and 5th, At very low rates for the round trip, good to return until October 15th, VANCOUVER, B.C. $45 10 PORTLAND, OREGON . AR DAE MEXICD Coy, Mex. For full Information apply to Low Colonist Rates Pacific Coast VICTORIA, B.C DAILY, OCT, 1st to 15th. And other points at rates in propor- J. P. HANLEY, Agent, DAILY, SEPT, 15th to OCT. 15th. SEATTLE, WASH, fax B NCISCO, CAL eit | $47.09 . tion, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. TALE CL LAR ANE GUL RAILWAY in Uonuection With CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. LOW COLONIST RATES PACIFIC COAST Daily, Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th, YASH $45.10 Victoria, Daily, Oct. 1st to 15th, Seattle, Portland San Francisco, Oal 1 San rs og 3 47 0 s Mexico City, Mex. J . and other points at rates in propor- tion, Kingston- Ottawa Leave Kingston 12.01 pm, rive Ottawa 6 p.m. Leave Ottawa 10.45 am, Kingston 3.65 p.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train lonves Union Station, Omari Str t, 4 p.m. iy (8 Saeapted) Eoara te tarto \gont ar- arrive on your shipments v| Sir. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily except Sundays at 3 pm. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Snes Swift & Co, J.P. Hanley, Freight Agents. Ticket Agent ~~ BE WISE And have your heating and cook : : the veld wintry x ¥ sh days sel ---- WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Vatious Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Glendower Notes. Giendower, Sept. 26.-People. are cutting corn and digging potatoes, The latter will not be as good a erop as last year. Apples are a middling trop. James Willison has his job completed on the road, Charles Bab- cock has bought a horse from Mr. Daley. Miss Edna Campbell, visiting her futher. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Snider are going to visit at Saoford Lee man's. -------------------- King Edward VII, On Monday evening, a lecture was given in the Oddfellows' hall, Mallory- town, on "King Fdward VIL" by NH. Haywood, F.RG.S.A., who has re cently come to Canada from England. The lecture riveted the attention of his audience from first to last, to his subject, which was indeed both in- structive and interesting, full of facts, respecting the late king. The lecture was illustrated. Items From Flower. Flower, Sept. 27.~Miss Durick has j returned from Ottawa. A. Shields, Renfrew, spent Sunday at home. Miss Frelyne Cameron is visiting in Ren- few. A Bt. Pierre's family has moved into a house in Flower. 8S. L. Cam- eron, Misses Annie and Ruby, spent a {few days in Lanark last week. Ben- jamin Class attended the fair in Ren- ifrew, Thursday. Mrs. John MeGonegal and Miss Hazel Leakey have gone to Ashton for the winter, Mrs. Leakey has returned to Middleville, At Brewer's Mills, irewer's Mille, Sept. Farmers are cutting corn. Many féom here at- tended the fair in Lansdowne on Fri day last. Recent visitors: W. and T. Maxwell spent Sunday with friends in Pine Grove. Mrs. W. Fisher and son, George, spent a few days last week zt Mrs. H. Woodburn; Miss J. Deane has returoed home after visiting friends in Buffalo, N.Y.; John Murray and daughter, Lillie, spent the weck- end in Lansdowne. Miss I. Smith at Joseph Boyle's; Taylor; G. Webb is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mvs. J. Wehh. 24 Orr's, | Charleston Locals, Charleston, Sept. 27.-Mrs, A. W, Johnson is Very ill, Me, and Mrs. A. Hudson are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. DD. Peach. Charles Slack and daughter, Mes. M. J. Kavanagh, were in Brockville on Saturday. Mrs. A. J, Demerest and Mise Edith Bull, the guests of Mrs. Hanson, for some weeks left for home on 'Saturday. Mrs. © B. Slack, Long Point, who spent the past couple of months with her son, (', Slack, returned home on Tuesday. Manford Webster lost a valuable horse in a runaway accident on Monday. R. Fontor atiended Ogdensburg fair. Budget From "Flinton. Flinton, Sept. 27.-School re-opened on the 1st with Miss Lake, of Syden. ham, and Miss Campeell, of Harrow- smith, as teachers. Master Earl Lidz- wigk, ill with typhoid fever, is im- proving. Frost has been heavy in this locality. Miss Mary Banford was married on the 12th inst. to Edward Hewitt, of Marmora. Charles Dion and Miss Lillian Sedgwick were married on the 6th inst at the Ro- man Catholic church here. Dr. Hicks and Mrs. Hicks, of Griswold, Man. visited Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Irwin, Mra. James Hasler and children, of Fort Willimm, who spent the summer at R. W. Kimmerly's, retarned to their home last week. Tidings From Outlet. Outlet, Sept. 275-Jathes Fodey, Sr., Montreal, is spending a few weeks with her parents here. Mrs. John Hay's lial 23 jr HH Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to iis Natural No and Beg ye. ma or faded. a nt het i of thy hair. Stops its out, Reps holf sors sod § JIT not seit atin or Heo SalT aot a Shiu. Prices reduced on ELECTRIC IRONS TOMSTERS. - By the way have you every tried toast made on an Electric Taster, if not you have never eaten toast. us send you one. Vodey is pending a few days with her | daughter, Mrs. KR. Milne, Brewer's Mills. Mrs. Chester Running spent | Monday with friends in this vicinity. ! Mrs. John Crozier spent a couple of days with friends at Warburton. Mrs. Edward Vanderburg, nursing for the past three weeks near Seeles's Bay, returned "home on Thirsday of + Tast § week to nurse a case at Warburton. William Kerr is renewing acquainian ves in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, iz. | Cook were guests of his brother, B. | Cook, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. ! Elwell Slack and children, of Bishop's | Mills, spent a few days-with Mrs. ! Slack's parents 'and other friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. Stacey, a daughter. J. A. Stacey and son, Wil- liam, of Seeley's Bay, made a short visit with her parents last week. Crow Lake News. Crow Lake, Sept. 26. --Service was conducted by the Rev. George Rich- mond on Sunday last. A merry Joad of young people made a trip to Sa- lem on Saturday. Miss Jennie Mahon is very ill. William Barker purchased a fine trotter from James Martin, of Westport. A party of men from Perth' made an enjoyable trip in their auto- mobile to this vicinity on Friday last. Visitors : Mrs, James Hawley, at her parents', at Oso; Mr. and Mrs. John Hawley at his brother's, James Haw, ley's; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dowdall and son, Mr. and Mrs, R. Reynolds and A. Morrisof at James Mahon's; Mr. and Mrs. William Jones at Wil liam Tharrett's; Johnson Armstrong and daughter, Gracie, Mrs. James McEwen and Mrs. Frank Tapping, of Mallorytown, at J. W. Knapp's; John Knapp, Jr., at Stephen Jones'; Miss E. Bertram has returned from Perth, after spending a month. At Allen, Wolfe Island. ') Allen, Wolfe Island, Sept. 26.-Far- mers are through threshing and report a fine yield of grain. A party of hunt- ers from Brockville are camping in this vicinity, and are hunting in Big Bay. The sloop Maggie L., of Kingston, was at Boxen harbor, loading grain for Richardson's. Miss Myrtle Faiord returned home, on Tuesday, after a wo weeks' visit in St. Lawrence. Fd- ward Payne and Joseph Murphy pur- chased a new corn binder. George Woodman, a prosperous young farmer of this place, was married, on Wednes- day evening last, to Miss Inis Niles, of St, Lawrence. Mrs. Johnson and daughter, of Buffalo, N.Y., visiting re latives, returned home on Saturday. Vincent McDonald, of Watertown, N.Y, 8 visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, R. McDonald, Miss Katie Driscoll, Howe Island, is spending a couple of weeks with Miss Gertie McDonald. Miss Stella McDonald, Kingston, is visiting at her home here. LIST: OF DATES Of the Agricultural Societies' Fairs 1010. wn onn oa oli0hs 4 Sept. 20 and 30 Sept. 29 and 30 Oct. 4 and & Arden ..... oe Bancroft Cobden ... Colborne .. Delta ...... . Frankville Odessa Roblin's Mills ..... wr e080, Tweed ... 7 Oct 4 and a It Pays to Wait. A great many students wait until they reach here to buy their- new hats, as they find it a pleasure selecting from our immense stock of nobby styles, and besides we sell all the lead- ing makes and give values not to be found elsewhere. Campbell Bros', Kingston's only exclusive hat and far store. Would Do His Best. "1 believe I am to be placed in juxtaposition with the general," whis- pered the influential citizen at the ban- quet. . . *Why--er--I can't quite do that, you know," said the head waiter, with a vague smile; "but I'll seat you right next to him." Coal Found in the West. Edmonton, Sept. 28.--While excava-! ting for the piers of the high level bridge, laborers uncovered a vein of coal of exceptionally good quality, and it is ex they will mine sufh- cient coal to operate all the machinery employed in building the bridge. Harrison Myers died suddenly at Trenton on Sunday. Deceased, after arising, was about the barn and, up- on returning to the house, said he did not feel well. He laid down and im- mediately expired. > Order your corset now, from $3 up; perfect itl specially made shoul: der braces, spinal supports, ab dominal belt, etc. No city agent. Dut- ton's, 209 Princess street. James Johnson, Hungerford, ix dead, aged eighty-nine years. He was an Anglican and a conservative, Mrs. Charles Phillips, Kingston, and Mrs, Lucas, Deseronto; are daughters. The latest scientific for cold in the head and catarrh, "Kero- Jone." Sold only at Gibson's, "phone 2308 Mrs. William Bell, a highly respected resident of Delta, died Mooiay night in Brockville general hospital. Mrs. Rall was sixty-seven vears age. tee-inch silk ribbons, "all colors, 3 . Dutton's 209 Princess St. When Eve told Adam just what she really thought of him that was the original rib roast. Hong Rong had only thirty-one fires and sisty-three incipient fires last Sear. cade surely pure DT Process<cnsuring GOING ON FOR YEARS: JEWEL FRAUDS MAKE YOUNG MAN RICH. BIG Italian Postal Clerk Secures About £200,000 Worth of Goods by Easy Methods, Rome, Sept. . 28.--Astounding jewel frauds running into many thousands of dollars have been perpetrated upon leading Italian firms by a Messina pos- tal clerk named Marullo. The Italian post office has adopted a system whereby goods can be ordered at u distance, payable upon delivery. Ma- rullo, who is employed in this depart- ment, tampered so cleverly with the detachable coupons, that his colossal misappropristions at the expense of the government have gone on unsus- pected for two years. Meanwhile, he is wnlleged to have been keeping Fva Messeri, a young Messina = woman of twenty, whe had been abandoned by her 'lover in the United States with a baby. Messeri passed as an American girl under the name of Ida Lider, and was installed in sn aristocratic villa in the environs of Messina, with servants, a carriage and every kind of luxury. As soon as official suspicions had been aroused Marullo sent her forward with the child and a maid to Florence, where she was arrested in bed in the middle of the night at a first-class hotel. The police on opening the baggage | disclosed to view a quantity of stolen jewels and wlittering gems of the value of $25,000, also bulky packets of bank- | notes, . Marullo has also been arrested. Both mistress and maid are charged as ac- complices. The frauds are said to reach a total of $200,000, ------------ Keep it Out of the Paper, Galt Reporter. "Keep it out of the paper," is the ery which the local newspaper pub- lisher daily hears. To oblige often costs considerable, though the party who makes the request thinks® the granting scarcely worth saying "thank you' for. A pewspaper is a peculiar thing in the public eye. The news gatherer in stormed at becanse ke gets hold of ope item and is abused, because he does not get other. Young men, and often young | women, as well as older persons, pee: form acts which become legitMnate items for publication and then rush to the newspaper offices and beg the editor not to notice their escapades. The next day they condemn the same paper for not having published an other party doing the same thing they were gailty of, forgetting apparently their late visit to the printing office. an- | Rumoured Division of Diocese. Ottawa Citizen. The announcement of the appoint- ment 'of Archbishop Gauthier of Kingston to the vacant see of Ottawa, while it may not mest the wishes of all his future parishioners, undoubted- Iy relieves wiich unprofitable suspense on their part. Should the nrunored division of the archdiocese along ra- cis] lines and the proposed additions thereto be effected it supplies a solu tion of a difficulty that has ne doubt long vexed the peace of the ecclesi- astical mind. Should such not be the intention, however, it is an interest- ing question whether the pre-eminent quality of tact, said to be Mgr. Gau- thier's most distinguishin'z characters istic, will serve to soothe the asperi- ties engendered by racial differences. to caelocppension Sea-Hathing for Pearls, "Your pearls, . madam; have = lost their lustre. They need a galt bath," the lapidary said, "A salt bath for pearls,' cried the lady. "Yes, madam," the man aAnvwered. "The hot summer was.very trying on all pearls. Pearls fide. under » hot spell as human beings = do. And just as a sea bath tones and braces the human being, so il réstores a pearl This collar of vours is dull and life- lens now, but I'll 'bathe it daily for | a week and when 1 return it 10 you aext Friday it will have the very sume pink glow" it ossensed when you smuggled it in five years ago, from Paris." Trying to Understand It. Frederick, aged three, had been a naughty boy, and his mother had punished him, He felt very much hurt and complained to his auntie about hix mamma's spanking him. Auntie said : "It is not you . that mamma spanks, bul a little devil inside of you who makes vou do naughty things." Alter sitting Very still for five mintites he said : "It beats all how it hurts mo when that devil gets spank- ed." ~The Delineator. ------------------------ . Industrig] Education, Montreal Herald, The latest educational tendency of the time in the mother country is one that in a peculiar degree comes with. in the scope of De. Robertson's com- mission on technical education and in- dustrial trainin. It is the compul- sory establi t of contivuation hook a and' compulsory attendance at them by vousy persons ap to a certain age. Sensitive on That Point. "What's your name *' the three oth- er men asked him. "John Potter," answered the strang- er, who had accepted an invitation to take the fourth hand in a game of cards, "That's all right; we'll eall you" "No, vou don't! The first galoot that me Jack Potter will get the map of his face changed !™ | were applied to him | House was that of | Baby," owing to his political connec- { tion with Northamptonshire, | purpose of protecting him. SPENCER'S NEW EARL, Althorp, Who Succeeds, Widely Known. Spencer's new carl has been a mem- Lord is _ ber of the House of Lords for the last four years, having been raised to the peerage as Lord Althorp in 1906, on the occasion of his appointment to the office of Lord Chamberlain, which he still holds. He is a half-brother of the late earl and is widower of a sister of Lord Revelstoke and of Cecil and Hugo Baring, all three of whom are well konwn in America. More- over, he is a man of very chivalrous instincts and of a sense of honor un- fortunately rare in these modern days. For on the occasion of troubles of the fire at banking house of Baring, some fifteen years ago, he, although of no fortune of his own, voluntarily came to the res cue of his father-in-law, the late Lord Revelstoke, and of the other Baring relatives of his wife, by sur- ing to them her dowry. It was by sacri of this kind that the ouse of Baring was able to weather the storm. And now that it is once more on the high tide of prosperity, the money thus surrendered by the peer, familiarly known in the House s as "Bobbie" Spencer, has been restored to him. But at the time when he turned it over to the committee of liquidation formed by the leading bankers of London it doubtful whether he would gee a penny of it again. The new earl is noted for the per- fection of his manners and of his attire, his collars in particular being as famous in their way as were those of the late Mr. Gladstone. It is this that caused his commencement of a speech in the House of Commons with the words, "I am not an agricul tural laborer," to excite so much hilarity. Among the sobriquets which in the lower "Bradlaugh's with which county the first professed athe- ist to occupy a seat in Parliament was identified. That he is a man of some pluck is shown by the fact that at the time his half-brother, the late earl, was Viceroy of Ireland and in constant danger of assassination, he made a point of accompanying him, in an unofficial capacity, everywhere in and around Dublin, no matier whether walking or riding, for the He sue ceeds to the ownership of a very stately mansion in London, known as Spencer House, overlooking Green Park, and formerly leased to Mra. Ogden Goelet, of New York, but now rented by Biron de Forest. Althorp, his country seat in North- amptonshire, has been in the posses- sion of the Spencers since leng be- fore the reign of Henry VIII, and although the celebrated library was gold by the late earl to Mrs, John Rylands for the Rylands Public Lib- rary at Manchester, yet the house re- mains full of treasures of every kind, including no fewer than twenty paint- ings by Bir Joshua Reynolds and thirty-two by Lely, in addition to masterpieces by Titian, Raphael, Rubens, Murillo, Holbein, Rem- brandt, Kneller, Franz Hals, Gains borough, Vandye and Guido. The Spencer plate is also extremely valu- able. It comprises two pails which are the largest pieces of pure gold plate in any private collection, and a silver wine cistern as large as a bath, all three inherited from the first Duke of Marlborough. Perhaps the most cherished pieces in the eollection of plate are, however, the gold casket in which the third earl received the freedom of London when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer, and a beautiful silver-gilt jug, one of four provided by penny subscriptions from the nation" for Lord Althorp, Lord Russell, Lord Grey and Lord Brougham, in recognition of their ef- | forts in passing the Reform Bill, in the early part of the last century. U.S. Consul Dead. Naples, Sept. 28.~Caspar Crowninshield, the United consul, died here. shield was the son Admiral L. A. active in Ahe relief work after the Messina earthquake, and for this re- S. ceived a {testimonial from the city of | Naples. His exertions at that time are held responsible for his which was from, tuberculosis. Buy cold creams at Gibson's. death, | PAGE SEVEN. SHOE POLISH works easily & few dads, & Souple of quick --you have a bard, Polish both SHOE POLISH For Ladies Too Won't rub off on frilly things, or stain the skirte. Waterproof Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro- quettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. For sale by all dealers from Coast to Coast. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. i i osy Cheeks or Pale Ones? ~ A-moment's reflection with your mirror will give the hint as to the condition of your system, Pale cheeks, muddy complexion, dull eyes, show a poverty of blood." You require something to make a plentiful supply of rich, red blood course through your veins, To ensure this lake BEECHAM'S PILLS the wonderful little blood makers, Whatever your blood may need the stomach will supply from the daily food when it is in good working order, Beecham's Pills aid the stomach to digest its food and to assimilate the blood elements, They increa re supply and improve the quality of the blood. If you are pale, weak, languid, or anaemic, a few doses of Beecham's Pills will Make all the Difference Prepared onty by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England, Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. /.merica. In boxes 25 cents. School S HOES A NNN a AA AN PNP NANT IAI 'FOR BOYS and GIRLS A A A A A A aN A A Pi SOLD ONLY AT REID & CHARLES The kind that looks well, fits well, and wears well, States | Caspar Crownin- | of the late Rear | Crownlinshield. He was | --- EE -- fl fy Tan 4 7 [| VEL oF Ea ~~ i' @ This Range Was 3 Made For You am - are a particular house- keeper- are a discriminating buyer-- You are a gocd Manager-- That is why we ask you to come in and let us show you this The Imperial Oxford = . There's not a better baker in the Dominion. A special divided oven flue guarantees that. A special grate guarantees the most heat for the fuel consumed. Special ash-door guard guarantees cleanliness. The Nickel lifts off and saves work of scouring. And oxford Economizer saves 20% of your coal bill. : We want to demonstrate these exclusive Gurney features to you--their economy, efficiency, the satisfaction they give. Then we leave it to you 10 decide--can you afford to use any other range m your kitchen ? You'll find a full line of Gurney Oxford Stoves on cur floor--all styles and all prices-- Made for every purpose and all kinds of fuel. Come in ay time, we're always glad to seow them. Simmons "= A ™T™Z YELLOW * HARDWARE STORK Bros

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