Sgt THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1910. . : : n > Co -------- nt 4 RA -- hwonze medat; fev, 8. H. MeGreer.] THIRTY MINUTES TOO YOUNG. KB, bronze medal, : ; Lieut Col. Capriogham Cornwall Girl Cannot Enter Ot largest winter, gettin: $11 tawa Normal School. shield, Toronto, Sept, M.A Cornwall girl GREAT ; wants to attend' the Ottawa Normal BASEBALL RECORD School this fall; but finds that she is un Vietord: Axa under age by just hall an hour. The OF the J Fete Oly Ontario education department has heen Champions, asked to overlook the half hour and By defeating the Wolle Inland sport : permit. the young woman {o attend the The Kingston Rifle = Association [log oluds at the fair grounds, Wednes- normal, despite the fact that she is matches at the Barriefield ranges, on [day Bftestioon, the Junior Victorias! vent Trouble Arising. thirty minutes too young. The educa- Wednesday, were a great success, and once more closed a successful season. d i tion department the application some good scores were made. The fol-| This hustling bunch of baseball play-{ T® Jotion court, ¥ Errenks ¢ under advisement, but the youth of lowing are the results of the afternoon {ors have a record that probably has he charge apn. Evin delivernd | the, young lady is not nearly wo insur- shooting and the prize winnings : po equal in junior sport in Canada, "® ri dhe Ehaving for do- | Mountable an obstacle as the fact that All-comers" maten (200, 500 and 600 {to-duy. The Junior Victorias were or-| 8 Cu a the Ottawa school has its full comple: yards)--Lieut.Col. A, B. Canningham, ganized in 1907 and have, won the | WEUC US S08 'hairman of [ment of students. In fact, this applies U7, %5; Cadet Sweeney, 97, 84; 5. 8!{junior trophysevery year wince that.| 1 8m glad to wee the chairmen a oT ar 1 3 A, | the roared. of fenkih- present, remark- ed the magistrate, after the case had ; : to the majority of Normal schools in ' The money can be with- Skinner, 95, $3; Lieut. T. Pugh, 94, [They have played fitty games in Fhe Ontario. There may be one possible 82; Capt. H. Bwaine, 94, 81; Major 11] Slit Ss o di 1 of "as. it. shows . that be is interested in this matter,' aa e tion, North Bay, and if there is {drawn as required. J. Dawson, 4, 81; Lieut. W. E. erat tan the Cowal. gith wins for ir bo Cadet Lotbiners, 1. 81 aH. ich: The magistrate added. that he was | be given. the benefit ards, 90, $I; Capt. G. T. Birch, 90,1 | of the same apinion as the chairman | ooo ner Ie CARDINALABE. $1; B.5.M. Gorda, 89, £1; Capt, Kaul: of the ouard; ob health, ia. that these |; : a back, 87, $1; Cadet Goldie, st Ab he ony | Eight Prelates Are Likely to Receive Atkins, 87, $1; Cadet, Macpherson, 87, | and debvered, aml that shayld be puse Red Hat $1; Stafi-Sergt. W. A. Jobnston, 84, we, whtich sould ve used for "oth cool. : Bh. TH bb RS ten, ing or domestic purposes. This was the |. Rome, Sept. 20.-It is considered cer- L ' e, 83, $1: Pie. Goon , Hooper, 3 ry way the people could be sale: {tain at the vatican that the pope will 83 StH "Jeckell, 82, 81: Cadet Stew. guarded. The mangement of an ice [hold a consistory about the middle of art, 82, $1. Cadet Forts, 81, $1; W. M, company might take every precaution | November. There are many vacancies Baillie, 81, $1; Gi. Brooks, 51, $1: T.1 M. Ausselstine, 80, 81: Cadet Silver, 80, $1; Cadet Powell, 80, $1; 'W. A. Mil ton, 79, $1; W. H. Blake, 18, £1; QM. 8. Billings, 77, 81; Cadet Swartz, $1; Codet Kdwards, 77, 81; W. Bilodeau, 76, $1; Miss L. Pugh, 74, $1, Flour match won by 14th Regiment P.W.0. Rifles, 551 pointe. Next in or der, Royal Military College first team, 549, and civilian team, 505. Extea series matches, series 'A'. 200. yards (possible 25 points)--T. Pugh, Jr, 25 860; H, J. Dawson, 25 $3.60; T. M. Aselstine, 24, $2.70; W. E. Swaine, 24, $1.80; A. B. Cupning- ham, 23, 81.50; Capt. Kaulbach, 23, 90c; C. 8, M, Lothiniere, 23, 90c.; Capt, G. 8. Bireh, 23, 90; 8. 8. W, H. Blake, 22, %0c.; 8S. 8S, E. W, Skin- nee, £2, 9c. Five scores of twenty two were counted out, - More 'New Suits ! They are comimy® ' every day. Secarcely a day passes now without something new and stylish be- : ing placed on sale at: this store. We always arrange for constant newaess of stocks by ordering late in the sea- son, and this year our sales have heen so large that we have had to reorder time after time in order to keep our suit disolay unbroken, Women's Stylish Suits and Stylish Fall and Winter Coats was the and a I -------------- {FINE SHOOTING DONE! RIFLE ASSOCIATION MATCHES. . AARNE RS IN CASE AGAINST ST. LAWRENCE ICE ANY. comp Magistrate Agrees With Chairman of Board of Health That Only Pure Ice Should be Cut for all Purposes ~This wouldl be Only Way to Pre- AT THE Lieut Col. Led the Prize Winners--The 14th Regi A" INVITED TO OPEN ment Team Won the Team Match. : AN ACCOUNT AT THE | BANK OF TORONTO, where deposits of $1.00 and upwards 8% received In the Savings Department, and Interest add- 10d twice 4 year. in the cardinalate, and those most likely to receive the red hat are be lieved to be Mgr. Bislet, papal. major domo; Mgr. Lugari, of the holy office; i Mgr. Gusineti, secretary of the con sistory of congregation; Mgr. Bello, triarch of Lisbon; Mgr. Granite di Delmonte, papal nuncio at Vienna; Mgr. Amiette, archhishop of Paris; Father Corniser, general of the Domi- nicans, and Father Ehrle, librarian of the vatican. PREVENTED A COLLISION, Brakesman Lost Life in Setting Air Brakes. possible, to have the riles and regu- lations carried out, and in spite of this, some of the men might take {eaoling ice, and give it to poople for domestic purposes, just to save them- selves soma extra work. Ald. Bailey, the chairman of the hoard, was im favor of having the one class of ice, and he hoped that the board of health would do something in the matter. It was time that this ice question was settled. Richard Ritchie, the man who drove the ive waggon on the day in which it was the offence was commit- ted, told of havisk put on some cool rh ice, hot swore that none of this had heen ivered 'forl domestic | use, Swift Current, Sept. 29.--Brakesman Owing to a breakdown of his tig, he {James Cairns, of Medicine Hat, was was compelled to take all the ice in. killed under his freight train at that the, one watzzop. | point. He gave his life to save a pas ity Solicitor. McIntyre, who €on- yemger train from colliding with the ducted the prasecution said. thet . if | rear end of a freight which was about only pure ice was cut, for - all pur-{is foul the main line. As he turned pores, this 'would make it: sale for all | the angle cock to set the air brakes, parites, he fell beneath the car and was QUEEN'S RUGHY PRACTICE. |°T'bed to death. Bruce to Return--Hagyard a Second HE SHOT HIMSELF. Ken Williams. There is much joking in the rugby camp at Queen's. Word comes to the! Now York, Sept, 2,--Ahet arieviog catcher for the team, is the best junior Sect. that at Tout Louis ru has | nearly a year over the death of = his catcher in the city at the present time. oy rr th th 0 Xetutn t - a went art, Elsie Kitoher, on the eve He also plays on the Collegiate foot an Pol all © Wearers of the tric, of their marriage, Harry Tasver, ball team. Muckler, (wirler for t he ¥ bird t 3 dls} twenty-six vear old, shot himsell on team, has no equal in junior baseball Holey La --_--s Ned " ox § {the grave of the girl at Middle "vil- in the city. That long arm of his | 3 at I namcay for] lage, L.I, and is. to-day, dying in a puts the curves over the plate in a' Th : ip ga PR or h nn hospital n Brooklyn, Tesner left a manner which puzzles batters, "Lank- {the firs tame ch oan un he e o {note for his mother telling of his er' Walsh has a record as first base- Faction. divided pea, -- ra | Intentions. man that is excelled by none in junior squads' and: hat thei: working-.ri ht e---- baseball and very few in senior teams. | po #7 on of the or Y 8 ha Excuse Accepted, : He was one of the members « solid I rap he ol . thon twa Mtawa, Sept. M.A novel case the Collegiate hockey 'team, junior!g © Well" fering them A came up before Judge Champagne, in Intercollegiate. champions for the year | of nointers in every ng po ft { the Hull, Que., superior court, when a 1909, "Busty" lop, the sturdy hii Nothin pap ti or - po | itheny wrote that he could not at- second baseman, is like a stone wall, | fh developed tn f doseral smectacy. | Lend because he was being married. In [ No matter how hard the runners hit | lar runs by rE whos nade his letter he says he laid the ease be- him he always has the ball. "'Bounc- | field look like & bunch of tortoises 1107 bis fiancee, but she only smiled er" Brouse, of Frontenac hockey fame, | when . Hagyard thes inid "1 need you more than the judge holds down the position of short-stop, | an who is looked upon as a econd | 10% With consent of counsel on and doer his work in just as thoroush | "Ken" Williams, was out of the ame | 20H sides of civil action, the excuse manner as he did when playing. hockey. | with a 'sore foot, but it i" oer of. the witness wax accepted and he "Exdie" Comijer. third baseman, al- {likely that he will resume his position - wt be made liable for coutempt Special Stylish Fall Saits for Young Girls from 14 to 18 Years. $13.75, $15.75, $18.75. COME roO-MORROW just to see. Even if not prepared to buy you will be weleome 7 3 offer you the best value in the city. Miuchester, Marlin. or on N : : Stevens ng and allow you privi-| = B," 500 yards (possible 25 "of trying any gun in the house|Points)--A. B. Cunningham, 23, $3; Jose 0 buying. Capt. H. Swaine, 23, $1.80; 5. Sergt. SR | y £.'W. Skinner, 23, 81.80; Lieut, W. E, " GARTRIDGRS --We handle none|Swaine, 23, $1.20; Lieut. TI. Pugh, 23, but the best. $1.20; Capt. Kaulbach, 23, 60c; 8. y : 3 .H. Jeckell, 28, 6c; T. M. As The noted Atrow of the U.M.C.|Seut H. adorei : Company, New Leval (Winchester), selstine, 23, 00c.; Maj. H. J. Dawson, ETANLEY TROTTER, Manager of junior Victoria baseball team. four years and have lost only one, that one they lost to the Wolfe Island tegm last year at the Wolfe Island fair, During the four years of the team's existence there has only been one change in the team, and that was through one of the players being call- ed out of town. George BSleeman, 25 & 22, 60c.; Pte. George Hooper, 22, G0c. Having Grieved Over His Sweets Six scored of twenty-two were count- heart's Death. fed out. 2 Extra series "C."" 600 yards (possible 25 points)--Lient.-Col. Cunningham, 24, $3: Capt. George Birch, 24, $1.80; 7. M. Asselstine, 23, $1.80; C. 8S, M, Lotbiniere, 23, $1.20; Lieut. W. E. Swaine, 23, $1.20; Capt. H, Swaine, 2. G0c.; Cadet Sweeney, 22, Gc; 8. 8. W. H. Blake, 21, 60c; Maj. H. J. Daw- won, 21, 60c,; Cadet Macpherson, 21, 60c, Seven scores of twenty-one were counted out. Extra Series Aggregate--T. M. Adsclstine, 70, ~$1.50; Lieut.- Col. A. B., Cumningham, 70, $1.20; 14. W. E, Swaine, 70, 90c,; 'It, T. Pugh, 69, 60c.; Capt, GG. Birch, 68; €0c.; Major H, J, Dawson, 68, ec, ; Capt. . Swaine, 67, 30c,; E. W. Skinner, 65, 30c; Rev, A. H. MoGreer 30e. AR Nn Comfortable Underwear The large assortnienis' we are now showing is very at- tractive. i Women's White Upshrinka ble Undervests and Drawers, 26c. Women's White Unshrinkable wear, 35e. Women's White ALM.C. New Club, 66¢ box. Hily's and Dominion, 50c "And guarantee every shell. The House of Quality. Civilian Aggresato=A. H. Richards, Under- 88, shield, presented by W. F. Nickle, MP. P; Rev. A. Ho McGreer, 87 Unshrionkable [Under- ng . 1a weed, werge and cheviot pal "overcoating for his order The Allan steamer Tunisian, from Liverpool, for Montreal, was shield; T. M, Asselstine, 82. shiel "I Miss Lillian Pugh, 82, shield; W. M, 82, shield; R. A. Baillie, 80, spoon; W. A. Milton, 79, spoon; A. Aken, 73. spoon; T. Pugh. er, 63, spoon; James Baxter, 61, spoon. Grand Aggrdate--F. T. Puxh, 156, Baillie, ways has the goods, When the ball is seen coming his way, the Hoys know it is safe. "Shawnee" Reid, rizht field- er; in an all. round sport. He was captain of the Collegiate hockey seven, for 1909, and plays outside left field in the Collegiate Rusby team. He is torday. A little surprise has been evi: denced at Overend"s inactivity; he has not vet beem out to practice. It is now only eight dals until the date of] the initial league fixture and a week's practice will not injure even the best of them. A gale with the collegiate | Mull n, tor, crack in the planking. -------------------- Making It Worth While. Strolling along the boardwalk, Mr. the wealthy retired contrac. Guarter through a A Iriend come ropped a wear, 49c, Women's White Unshrinkable Vests and Drawers, 75¢, $1, 1.25, 1.49, Women's Fine Natural Wool Underwear, along a minute later, and found him squatted down, industriously poking a [> two-dollar hill through the treacherous some evening this week will give! Queen's a pretty fair estimate of what | they ean do. the best tackler in junior rugby in Heath Point at 8.30 a.m. Kingston, "Archie" Robinson is the i A. H. Richards, 134, shield; S.- 's $5 shoes, waterproof soles, shits SS Sut. W. Blake, 144, shield; S. Sst. W. Johnston, 141. shield: T. M. Aw 49¢, 75¢, 99c. centre LS. Dutton's Shoe Store, 200 c street, bodies have been found in the) of the Maine, says Commander + UBN; owt stock of bicycle sundries are , we are glo low in prices. H. p hundred thousand persons: have Naples to escape the cholera. solstime, 139, shielt; QM. Sgt. Bill ings, 132, shield; Wo M. Duillie, 131, which: Miss Lillian Pugh, 127, spoow,; W. A. Miller, 196, spoon; Rev, « A. H, McGreer, 123, spoon. Tyro iE auate A. H. Richards, 178, shield: QM. Sgt. Billings, 162, silver medal; W. A. Milton; 158, Uronze medal, Miss LL. Pugh, 157 EMBER mainstay in the field, playing position. He made lis first error yes- terday pn account of the sun, "Ed." Bostride in the ldit field has made a fine showing since entering Haseball four years ago. Every year soos an improvement in his work, Stanley Trotter, manager of the toam ix one of the best known vounly mon of «the sporting fraternity in Kimgston, He has managed the Junior Victorias since they organized in 1907; he managed the senior team for two years, was manager of the Mic-Mae hockey {eam} eity champions for 1908 M.A, who in el R. C. Jackson, : of the YMCA. at Queen's, will be | unable to assume his duties for some time, owing to ill-health, and so for the present his duties upon M. N. Omond, who has been pet: ing as student, secretary for. the past few years. Principal Gordon will be absent from the university for a few days, having been called out of town. "Billy" Dobson has returned to the fold, and will immediately be much in cranny with his forefinger, "Mulligan, what the divvil ar-re ye spring was appointed general secreta | doin' 3 enquired 'the friend. 'Bivh," said Mr. tryin' to make it wort' me while Mulligan, "I'm to will devolve 1€AF up this board." Wedding Next Mouth. Mr, and Me. W. H. Cruse, of To- ronto, vecdutly of this city, have an: nounced the marriage of their daugh- ter, Miss Florence F., to Norman GG, Van Dyke Huxley. The marriage will take place in October, at Lacombe, Women's Combination Suits, both in White and Natural Weol. Children's Comfortable Underclothing for Fall All sizes in Vests and Drawers, also in Combina- tion Suits. Alberta. Both are well-known in the city. Mr. Huxley was for a number of years employed al Wormwith's piano works. He went west a fow months ago. vai emus Power of the Bishop. Woodstock Sentinel-Review, Those who had the privilege of meet- ing or hearing Bishop Fallon, yestor- day, will probably be ready to com cede that it would not be well for tie disturbers who have been misrepresent. ing his attitode in regard 16 the French language if he turned his at tention to them. However, he is a pa- tient and kindly man, amd apparently as gentle as he is powerful. Not Desiving Annexation, Woman's National Daily. Canadians are not pining for ap alli- ance in the form of a popartaetshi 00, and president of the Kingston Bp FURNITURE, 00D PIECES LOWPRICED Amateur Hookey Association for: the LUT ! evidence on the tennis courts. M. N. Omond, MA. has been ap: pointed fellow in moral philosophy. A Horse Dropped Dead. Edward Mohan, a well-known resi: dent of Elginburg, lost a very valu: able horse, on Sunday. The animal was taken suddenly ill and a call was sent in to Dr. Gill, but when he ar rived on the scene the poor animal was dead. "Recolene'" cures ecatarrh and cold season of 1900. "Stan" bas taken a great interest in the team and Wt i largely throwsh his painstaking efforts that tt stands where it is. Many pieces left over from summer selling have become of less interest than PERSONAL MENTION, | the space they occupy. To accomplish a pa | their immediate clearance We have made eit Ars Baring Aha has big reductions. Principal Gordon went to Pembroke , . at noon today. x This also jncludes our High Class| Dasiel Smith! Colin Wacphrson aud Dining and Bedroom Furniture. ie Sti Lo! A special from Brus ph ess 5 : Ss enry Dunne, Montreal, ix on a | ture "Bath of Diana," by . has jait to his grandmother, Mrs. James | been bought by an American collector 393 Queen street, $200,000, : "ammings evening during sale. Dui 8577. . i ¢ home, after ding the . | ariends in Wilton. . TLS Y : a uot _aiwara._ th An} ve Cook | thing in world to people shoes our oats that it would omly mons nb: Serve | Toronto, Sept. 3. -- Additional towns A "in the eastern part of the province | have asked the Hydvo-Flectric Power Morris, went to Ottawa, to-day, i ry i : bee R. J. REID minor, of BY Qwct. {og a 5 a ' a: Mu Arecty}] on Shoe Store, 200 Princess street. ' ' 1 sorption. Breakfast N------ : Te MTL } Want Hydro Electric, {Kinga aronto