Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1910, p. 4

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CCC OIID i Fy bl - Daily Wibig. A MENACE TO PEACE. Le Devair (Bourassa's paper), has a. regard for the church and its princes cooly when they pl it. Archbishop Bourne offended when he said the ¢hurch would advance the quicker with the use of the English language. Arch- bishop Gauthier (the most peaceful and diplomatic prelate in Canada), can- not he Yolerated because there is a touch of Seotel blood in his veins. Le "| Pevoir wants representations made to is 5 ' {Home because it fears that Mgr. Sbar- -& ? reiti has not shown the consideration Cor bett 8S & or the French which is their due, but aR ae ' 9 there ure some peofle who can remem- ' 'ber when the same Mgr. Sharetli was } denounced by the party press because he had entered into an alleged: alliance with the premier of Canada to force the French language tupon the people, There is no reason why the utmost | harmony should not exist betweén the English and French in Canada, but it will be no fault of 'the Bourassa party il something is not said or done to bring about a racial conflict. There is a dangerous element in Quebec. It ia waving the torch of intolerance and it will make a conflagration if it can. € OLY THE GENUINE "Plough PAR . Repairs For all Ploughirat WHE DISTINGUISHING 5° FEATURE of . Anglin's .. Lumber ti IS ITS RELIABLE AND UNI FORM QUALITY. 2 "Clean, bright, and fresh from the planing machines. STUDENTS IN THE BHOPS. +The American Engineer and Rail road Journal for September contains an article on college training for the Indasteies which is very interesting. F. | W. Taylor, addressing a Manufactur- ors' Association--the place is not giv. en--said the college gradugte was. not liked in the shop and because he put intellect first, and Mr. Taylor put it in the third place. To character he gave first place and to common sense second. ; To get the student into the right relation with his fellow workers Mr. Taylor thought he should get away from the college at the end of the freshman year, whatever his ambition * is, and he should 'spend a year at least in actual hard work of some kind." And the design is what ? Let us quote 'the words df Mr, Taylor, J. E. JOHNSTON, jiu it toe FALL BOOTS FOR MEN PRICES © THE LOWEST AND STOCK FIRST QUALITY. Bee our Rubberless Shoes, $4.7 Headquarters for Grandby Rub- bers: © ts ki BROOK STREET. "Po give them a real look at life's -t - - - work and give it to Pim saxly A enought ax to affect the lust three POPUBAR LAMENT: © 3% C0f0u "ears of thei college like. BR hs gianna. Se When they start work in a shop, un Where Woulll Society Be it One Wilk rood rigid discipline, they begin . dwddged for the Sins of Others. oto get the character training which is x (rind. one: of those hair tonics olmost' entirely lacking at colleges. and it never did ine They then begin to have the great hs a % lemon of life, fat almost pinetenths "Ahat's what many people ure saying the work that every man has to i Teh ] i do is monotonous, tiresome and un: Schein "Fy role Nerpdoide 'a interesting. 'Then they start to Jo wold be as sensible to | say, "A velop the character th ena Etontel oh a railroad because | them to do unpleasant and disagree of Misi . 3 able things. They learn that life i oo tnentipned in the mads wp mainly of serving othe Nawheas desiro; % the % x people, not that the world is there Hexpicide y Py ally made to teach them something new. 1 the i tha S Ving On (kink that almost invariably the it is so exceedingly effi TO hy wtart into the shop with the common eaciows~it is thers for the sole pur ojos How, 1 ue i a learn home o . Ina: A thing in this shop that is going of ridding the hair of this para incoring education. fof Rie awh, after which he "halt mu Thay foil mt ts: for" therd' Je WE ux nature + ¥ i oe training i id ediog Hregcicls. Gaia 100. 10 Seat. inteligetunt training in in stamps for sample to The Herpicide (}, monotony. any Tail to get Go, Detroit, Mich, $1 bottle guaran: oui character tralging that +B. Meleod, from that work." Here is an opinion that merits care ful donsideration. It affects especially the, ambition of the multitude who ate pursuing a scientific course in our colleges. The plan has been to find 7 gpeningg in the shops for "those who HY spent at least two sessions in then, it is argued, , their staying power, should they be , recommended for shop training. That iis the college side of it. The Taylor {theory is that early in their career they should be made to realite what comes on safe eifeotual Moot ssceccesoceee | y Jp tributes to the steadiuess and ear , - nestness of the student. Having had all sentiment knocked out of them they will study with a passion Ee ec this shop work is, and that it econ: | Bartley "there are immensely greater masses of startling buman stuff alongside of them, and the spots referred to are the most densely populated in the world." . There are in the British Isles, to- day, 54,000,000 persons, and of these 1,000,000 are paupers. But forty years ago there were more paupers than there ave now, and the population was less than half, while the wealth has in eased ten-fold. In spots much drunkenness may seen, but the drink bill is less than that of the United States, and, ex- cepting Canada, England is the sober- est country in the world, With respect to sanitary condilions the imp t has been very great. 'Though the population has increased by three and a hall millions since 1891 the statistics of 1907 showed that the number of persons living in overcrowded houses was 600,000 less, Finally the mortality was less than that of France and Germany and as low as 'that of the United States; the wages had increased by eighty-one per vent. in Gfty 'years, and the necessar- ies of life by ten per cent.; the taxable income had risen from $3,500,000 (o $5,000,000 in fifteen years, and this sam capitalized represented the enor: mous sum of . $50,000,000,000. Talk about the decadence of the mother land, and her "helpless, hope- less and anaemic people." Here is an exhibit which must satify the heart of every Britisher, and Mr. Ross is to be thanked for supplying it, with a votion and a labour that cannot be fully appreciated. : EPITORIAL NOTES, \ The students who fail in their ex- aminations will learn, perhaps, 'the vadue of regular and persistent study at the sacrifice of ball and gelf. When fun interferes with one's progress in the classes it is time to eut it out. Watertown leads off with a idéa--a conference between the teach- ors and parents with regard to the | school work and the duty of the homie. If there were more of this it would be better for all concerned. MADE AGAINST UNION MEN AT LOS ANGELES. Local Labor Opinion on Terrible Catastrophe at Times Printing Office--~Unfair to Blame Printers Until After an Investigation. Kingston labor men do not believe that the terrible disaster, in the build- ing of the Los Angeles, Ual., "Times" whereby over twenty lives were lost, cat be laid at the doors of the union be | printers of that city, as bas been al- Press despatches from that eity, say that the union men wre suspected of hating had 4 hand in blowing up ol the building. "i cannot think for ane asnute that ution printers had a band in such a thing," remarked a leading labpr man, when spoken to by the Whig, , vester- diy, in refevénce to the awful eatas- trophe. "1 do not think that there is atything in that story. It is horrible to . think of it that way, to imagine that any. body of men, no matter how they might stand on any question, would do saything which would cause the death of workmen." "Why, the very first thing that a tnion man has preached to him, is he must keep away. in a case where ghere is any teouble. I feel ure that when the matter is investigated, und 1 hope that it will be given a thorough whvestigation, that you will find that unibn men hal "nothing whatever to do with this calamity,' Members of the trades unions other Cities, also refute the churves which have been made aginst the typolraphical union, at Los Angeles It has been pointed out, hy some of the leading officers of the printe:s un- ions, 1.oar day, in de- e which. lustexd for 1asve Ivars States,' was arrested, even ior duly, It is held ty some, (hat the solution of the mystery will to in the story that the full of gas. It may have been tant a ENS main was broken, and tnat a Aighted mateh, or heat from one of the machines, caused an explosion, It 's statéd that there have been in- #tances of this kind, that it is most unfair to blame printers until the cause termined. Labor union leaders in los Angcles repudiate any responsi slity, and Lave { offered to help find th culprits, Ae- cording to reports sent out, rewards amounting to $100,000 have now been offered for the clearing up of tj, mystery, I eket tiue found building. was the new Je has been The Canadian Post advocates a uni- 'orm basis of valuation in assessing cities, Very good. If this were wlopted there would be a difference 'n the rates of some places, and a cided difference in the borrowing ower, It is estimated that about $4,000 ler annum is left in the city hy scholars who attend the institute from the ouilide." Yes? How many pf these outsiders board in the city? it would be worth the while the man of $1,000 to inquire. ---------- THE WHIG'S PUZZLE, of Hamilton is asked to appoint a morality officer because some girls walk the streets till late at night, and their mothers cannot, find them. las Hamilton tried the Carfew bell ? [t is a great regulator-so long as the police force keep busy. It tood for nothing without police sup- port. The Brockville Times hopes that a vil service commission will be ap- pointed in Ontario, and that it will lead to the abolition of the patron- we committee. The Times appears to hope in vain. We know what hap: pened when Sir James Whitney un- dertook to destroy the spoils sys: Lem. What tool? 2 Yésterday's puzzle--Drop curtain, is miei Torouto Street Market, Toronto, Oct, 4.-~Wheat, new, per bush., We.; wheat, goose, PE Us, She. barley, per bush., Sie, to Fine: oats, old, per bush., 40¢. to 4le.: nuts new, per bush., 37. to 38¢.; rye per bush., fe, to Tes peas, per bush, Wr. to 80+; Suckwheat, per bash, Hac. to 56¢.; hay. No. 1 timothy, per ton, $17 to $19; Hay, mid, per ton, B11 to $16; balsd hay, per ton: R14 1g £14.50; baled straw, per ton, $7 to $9. Iry onions, per bag, $1.5) to £1.60; eg, strictly new-lairl, per doxen, 30, to 336s huiter, farmers' "laire. gov ih Ae. to We.; potatoes, per husk., 4%. ta 50%: potatoes, per bag, 0. to The.; chickens, alive, 15¢c. to Ife; chic kems, dressed, per Ib., 17e, to 200. ducks, alive por the, Ie. to 15e. dicks, dressed, per Ih, Tis, to Me. Ln keys, degseed, per Wo, 202, 10 Me, "A We. YMenvnade Powder, for 17e,"" durin: October Red Ticket Sale, at Giwon's Rell Cross Drug Store. Evno Arefi, described both as the head of the fighting Russian social ists and a police spy, has been as- sassinated at Weisbaden, Goll filled frames properly fitted to your gyes, complete, for $1.50, at Best's A soft James Simpson, of the Technical Commission, has been expelled by the Socialisk, party, of which he was a leader. Serves him right for belong- ing to 80 unreasonable a combina- tion. He was making sacrifices by defending its cause afd it casts him off when he refuses to reveal the see rets of the commission. Some one line blundered, but he is not Mr, Simpson. f At Chaffey's Lock. Chafley's Locks, Oct. 4.-T. Sim- mons, engineer on the steamer Rideau Queen, has returned home. Mis. W. H. Fleming has returned after a lengthy visit in Montreal. W. H. Park left for | 3 00 his home in Youngstown. He spent five months at his cottage here, M. HT answer may turn away KIRK iid ifiiiitg] TRibE ELL the | that in the fight for an Gight- pot w man in Canada, or the United and it is claimed | In our country wrath but Tt woiit turn a Book agent. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY. OCTORER 5, 1910. TEAR: of ow 4 sonst = REFUTE THE CHARGES SEE OUR SPECIAL SEE OUR $4.75 $5.00 TRUNKS, LEATHER SUIT CASE. Specialists fn diseases of Ski Nerves, Bladder and Special Al A iyisable if impossible, ne visit » able 3 send history for free opinion ; : % "ind back sh i i i. | i lan a ¥ DRY GOODS On Instal- ment Plan Ten casts of New Fall Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes just receiv- od Thes. Include Overcoats, Suits, Men's, Ladies, and Children's Under- wear, Sweater Coats and Dress (Goods, Girl's and Children's Coats, Flanneletts Blankets, largest sizes made: Woollen Blankets, 33.50 to $6.50; Table Cloths and Table Linen, Towels and Towelling at low prices, Tapestry Curtains, Lockets, Bracelets, Rings, Watches at Lowest Prices Easy Payment Plan, weekly Come, examine and compare prices Jos. B. Abramson, GRAND UNION dh HOTHL = ® Bend hentams tor HF. ity Guise Book eng Map Boyeot€ of English Banks, Montreal Le Devoir. It is time that all who love their national traditions ould arm for the coming combat. There are several means of 1)'hting our adversaries; first to force the majority to execute the spirit. of the treatics and the consti tution, which guarantee omr language and our religion; but there are also otha means, Anvingst others, we must develop, amongst our own peo ple, more material sources of riches, and of comfort, and then found new those we have, to sw pothinr of our commerce and our industries, Quit recently we spoke of the roll of om Freneh-Canadian banks, and that we should support them more gencrously, instead of encouraging foreign fin ancial institutions, and placing =~ our aeposits in hanks whose directors are at least indifierent as to our destiny, listricts how many of our peoole there are who deposit large sims in the nearest bank without asks ing themselves what are the views of these directors, who are very = often strangers. Let us first place ow money with our own banks, in' order that they may become solid" institu tions, and ale to enccwage our om merce amd eur industry. By all means let us place our small sums, as well asf ont large capital, in the hands of French-Canadian financiers, and he fore very lomg we will see the wisdom J imepeggeen of such a policy. Tet us, in a word, TTT OP ar be strong, brave and energetic, espe- cinlly in the face of our enemies. Try a few Short Stop Cold Tal Pots, for that hepd cold and seo it vanish, 15¢., at Best's, The winter cod fisheries vielded in 1908, 1909 the number vear 55,700,000, AB ole) Scoll's Emulsion are linked together. The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is Scot's Emulsion DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Torente Street, Toronte, Ont. N obby Suits ° Overcoats| Men who care, may confidentially look to us for the authentic Fashions in Outfitting. § We make a business of not only knowing what's correct, but of having it ready. For Men and Young Men we show the standard styles as well as all the smartest models in "classy clothes." WE WANT YOU TO SEE OUR $1800 OVERCOAT SPECIALS, Other Lines, $10.00 to $20.00, OUR RANGE OF BLUE AND BLACK SUITS, $105, $18, and $20, OVR ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS, $15 and $18, ENGLISH CRAVENETTEE RAINCOATS, Good rain or shine, "1 EE $19.80, $15.00, INGLISH CARAMETTAS RAINCOATS, $7.50, $10, $12, See our Special 815.00 Spring and Fall Overcoats, plain Grey or § Black, Silk Faced or Plain, MEEBO RORORHOROROS DEORRORORORCROROR HOCH fustitutions, and sugtain 0 wren dy EORORCRROROROANRE OR 0 FOBORCROROBORORDRORCROR of Norway 18,220,000 fish. In was 56,500,000, this CAPE COD CRANBERRIES Just Arrived. Extra Fine Quality, at 15c per qt. SWEET POTATOES 6 Ibs. for 25c. : R. H. 302 King St? 000000 0000000 cocoons TOYE, Phone 141. PLPC 000000000P00000000000000000000RGOROGOIOOY ois bss THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, TE --_--_. a | - THOMAS COPLEY, rroxe 987. Prop a card tn 15 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds o repairs and new wor , Hardwood Floors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop. 60 Queen Street There are othershotéls, but none approach the Club for homelike sur- roundings. : Located In centre of city and close to princi 3. Staves and theatre. are 3 A wedding ring is larger than diamond ring, but it $s much casi to pull a glove over, ee College Shoes for Men in tans, patents and calf. Best grades, $5, 4.50, 4.00, 3.50. Ladies' College Shoes, light and heavy scles, intans, patents and kid ; also velour calf. : . $5, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00 and 2.50 "You are invited to inspect our stock."

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