ay PAGE FID Ipollinaris | Was Awarded The GRAND PRIX (THE HIGHEST AWARD) sels Exposition 19 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1910. me------ a ; said that The company ould build! OUTLOOK FAVORABLE 5 = = "THE SPORT REVIEW : Ald, iott wanted to know at -- what rate a kilowatt hour the &om- FOR POWER AGREEMENT WITH SEYMOUR COMPANY, any Ww supply power 'to the city for, Civie Light, Heat and Power Com- mittee Has a Conference With Nr. Carey said it would be first necessary to go through the records Company's Representatives--Com- pany's Offer Looks Good. of the city's plant before the kilo walt hour figure could be given. The question of cheap electrical pow- er supply for Kingston is at last be Much would depend Mpa the quantity fore the eivie Light, Heat and Power of Basser id how the load Ottawa College is not under-estima- committee, which, yesterday afternoon had 5 conference with rawessntatives A substation would wire only ating the strength of Queen's rughy tot about: 30x30 feet, | Auked an to | teana. The Journal notgy that the whether there was any objection to|Preshyterians are having three prac- the company using the city's plant' tices a day this whek and says: "It of the Seymour Electric and. Power | 'or a substation, in view of ving looks from here as if the tri-color de- company, of Cawiyoellford, which of | '0 carry a line of such powerful vol- | fenders this year will be practically a fers to supply Kingston with 3,000 | tage into the city, Mr. Carey said he new: line-up, most of those of last sea- horsepower at the rate of twenty |did not think so. Toronto allowed son's team who are here being at pre- five dollar. The position of both the |lines earrying greater voltage than |sent trying out in other positions. Ed. city and the company was pretty well hex company . carried, to enter the Ella, - Reskisen 3 nat yer 4 i v conference, ended, | ty. wing line, a ising ¢ rls 2d» ne there woul) event- | It was made clear that the erection | line, although Elliott is considered vally 16 some arrangement arrived at {Of a substation was + Omeimore valuable to his team as flying whereby this city would get advant- might be built close to the" city's wing. Garvock, of Ottaway loks Nike age of the cheap power that the Sey. | Plant, i a fixture at quarter, wi apt. n ix cman a olring Sey Manager Folger said it would be|at centre half. Leckie and Hagyard Tyonty-five dollars a horse-power is | 1 cessary for the city to install ma {will probably complete the back divi- the flat rate offered by the company, | hinery to ch the company's al13i5n" Smith, of Ottawa, is fast and a and it i offered for 3,000 horse-power | EiNatlg curiont to direct in the ldead sure tackle at left outside, while whether the company is given the |¢1'¥ plant. Kingston, the manager ph, middle and inside wing positions privilege of distFibuting to manufae- | *2id to Mr. Carey, was a direct eur-| ve warmly contested for. %urers in the ity or not. The com- pany is willing to sell power to the city 'on the kilo-watt-hour basis, 'but of eourse, the rate would not De so nat town, nish, Ald. Elliott said that perhaps the Queen's IL. and RM.C. L o gest Atastion was as to whether On Saturday next, the . low. The committee was pleased to |"1'Y Council allowing the company to in 3 tan ill be ta Milita opened, fearn, however, that the company did Jintrilute Tre to the SomSuiners 2 loge. joams 25 on Queen's y. Fryer not make an absolute stipulation that | > 5%. Ningston 8 args unds in the intermediate series of it must be iven a. franchise to sup nidre debt on a fats and w had, he intercollegiate union. It is not ex- ee i | Al gry ane] (i tho Ped ht, very Sey gas wi letter to the city council, making an | "C™Pany would supply the city with hag : = np A pe § - offer to supply the city with power. | Power, if the latter wanted to dis jan, or the Prasinderians abd the -- - It was brought forth in the course of | fibute all the power itself, . the discussion yesterday afternoon. It was finally decided that the com- ns Sangha, hanght that was, | bets she they et, ping from the. = T¥ MAINE Omerss. © |IDON'T FORGET pany should,' within a week, give the matter that rested more between the |rop of the hat. Arrivals and Departures of Vessels f 2 TOTR committee a figure at which it wouli-fi™ = the manufacturers and the Sey : ] \ i. of! manufacturers and the city, than be- Which Will Win. at This Port. A h ii ; The dates are fixed aud the Chicago | The steamer H. 8. Pickands is: at = wih: asic | WOUE company. ? He : 3 . ! : elt Power on the Rito Wat nt tule Nr Carey stated that his company Cubs and Philadelphia Athletics are | (ho locomotive works with coal. NO A much straight horsepower "and so | Has willing to do business with' any a yang for the pte bo oom Ray The tug Edmond and barge Colum minch by the kilo-watt-hour, that is 5 | Municipality, so long as it saw' a bull a w rom next. Monday. ho [hia cleared for Bedford Mills to load combination rate. When this $nforma- | hares. to mi a reasonable profit FOR YOUR GROOCERIRS, 338 PRINESS ST. Our Coffee at 25c and 86¢ cannop bs beaten. Ni hit in " Announeemen te considered . the impromptu meal as e Wafers S A dainty new biscuit made from cream of wheat. Always crisp and fresh. Soid in tins only, by all good grocers. Their flavor truly delicious. 21 Made by Paterson of Brantford OTTAWA COOLLEGE DOES NOT UNDERESTIMATE QUEEN'S, S-------- The Presbyterians are Working Hard Queen's and R.M.C. Open Rughy Season Here Next Saturday. We are prepared to do Upholster- ing and all kinds of Furniture Re paired and Cabinet Work. ; Pianos Tuned and Repaired, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Apply to CONNOR & SLEETH : 128.132 ONTARIO STREET. (Hooper & Slater's Factory), QUEEN'S COLLEGE STUDENTS ; i A COMPLETE LINE OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, 5 "SCIENCE AND MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS, NOTE BOOKS, ETC. In Pennants and Posters we have the largest line in the city, having the exclusive sale for the city for the largest manufacturers and publishers in United States aud Canada, J The finest line of Loose Leaf Note Books on the market, The COLLEGE BOOK STORE, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 200 PRINCESS STREET, MOHOHOHORORORONON HOCH OD Brus 000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000 If You Are Looking for the Best in Chocolates and Pure Ice Cream gdvo ro Next Door to Opera House, 20 Princess Street $ » SAKELL' secesncsnngenssccsce SPSCSOSOEOR sosesenensenn noe ever oveeee Is the Lamp of Real Beauty because it gives the best light of all lamps. The Rayo gives a white, soft, mellow, diffused light--easy on the eye because it Sano} flicker. Jou can use your eyes as long as you w under the Rayo light Without strain. The Rayo La is low-priced, and even NEE yon oe $5, $10 or $20 for , other lamps, you may get more expensive decorations but you cannot get a béster light than the low-priced Rayo gives. A strong, durible shade-holder holds the shade on firm and true. This season's new burner adds strength and appearance. Once a Rayo User, Always One. Dealers Everyohere. Jt ot yrs. nt for descrpthe, The Cubs have the henchit of expert- ence, having participated in three world's series to date. The Cubs are veterans played together for years. The Cubs' team work is hetter than that of any team in worhl. The Cubs have infinitely better men behind the bat. The Cubs are noted, for fighting. in the face of apparent defeat. The Athletics have the best pitch. ing stall, and in Coombs fhe greatest pitcher. His record is 46 consecutive innings without being scored upon. The Athieties lead the Cus in' hie ting and fiel fing. The Athletics have the Connie Mack on the bench. The Athletics are younger men and as a team have more speed than the Cubs. The Athletics can rely upon the sac- rifice hit because they have pitchers competent to win with a one or two! run lead. The ase running of the two teams is about even. AH Kinds of Sport. The American vaseball league season closes next Saturday. An Ottawa despatch says that the Toronto Argonauts are dickering for "Jack" Williams. , The Canadian rules adopted in Unit. ed States football are commended ' on all sides. Martin Kilt, who threstened to keep out of football altobether, has rejoin- ed the Ottawa team. Because he thought soldiering an easier life than ball playing "Soldier" Johns, the Southern league pitcher, has re-enlisted in the U. S. army. Johnny Evers' successor on the Chicago National leafyue team, Zim. merman, hit two hpme runs over. the Sinciundti left field fence Monday. The eat had never heen. accompli "he- fore. He scored ull of OS aaatished th "All the rugby the members of the Hamilton polite force will enjoy this ol information had to be secured by |yéar will consist of their efforts to toth sides. If an arrangement was | keep the crowd back from the side sompleted in n couple of months hellines," said Chief Smith. Evidently *hought. that would be the earliest |the chief is of the opinion that police time possible. There had to be a | duties and rugby do not go well to- {anvass made of the local manufac- | gether. : turers to find out if they would]! The dates of the world's baseball take power in quantities. Series games were fixed Monday. The : first ame will be played in - Philadel At Swift's wharf: Steamer Aletha, down and up, to-day; steamer Ridean King, up from Portland this afternoon. The tug Glyde, of the M. 1. Co's, was launched, on Tuesday. The tug hag been undergoing some exlensive re pairs. . The steamer Bowards and schooner Major Ferdy, cleared Charlotte. They have been held on account of the rough weather, The barge Sherman arrived from Cape Vincent on Weduesday morning, towed by the steamer Johnston, of the Calvin company, and is unloading coal at the Kingston & Pembroke rail way what. This is not the first time that Capt. Hourgian and the barge Sherman have been reported lost. Several years ago she was being towed down the lake in company with the barge Lapwing. The two barges broke adrift in a heavy gale and not being sighted for several days were reported lost. Later, how- ever, the Sherman appeared under sail and towing her consort, which carried no sail. NM. T. Co's elevator: Steamer Ad vance, from Fort William, lightered 5, 000 bushels of wheat and cleared for Montreal; tug Brouson, from Montreal, three light barges; cleared for Mon #3 ---- . yn C8 hi treal, with three grain-laden barges: Halliday Electric Company steamer Acadian, from Fort William, transhipped 75,000 bushels of wheat NG . will win and why: slab wood for R. Crawford. tion is received, the committee will [out of what it sold, » yr Mr. meet again, and yo further into the matter, It is hoped that a decision will be reached before the end of the month, and that the city council will have the committee's recommendation before it. If a contract is signed with the conpany by Nov. 1st, it will he abla to supply the dty with power twelve months thereafter, While the company is willing that the city should distribmte all the pow. er consumed here, it would like to supply the manufacturers. It could do #0 at a cheaper rate than the eity could, and it was pointed out by one of the company's representatives that if it was given the right to distribute, there would be a good deal more pow- er used fn Kingston than if the city! did the distributing, for the company would vigorously urge the use of pow- er, and naturally could give a lower rate than could be given from the city plant. The committee does not like the idea of auy concern but the city plant supplyinly power to manufacturers, and this is the most important part of the offer that will have to be considered. The city's representatives iy Attend, ance at the conference were Ald Elliott, chairman of the committee, Mayor Couper, Alds. Rigney, . Ald. Harty, Ald. McKay and Ald. McCany, and Manager Folger, Reproseting the Seymour company were J. Carey, To- ronter, A. B. Colville, Campreliford, and A. B, Cunningham, Kingston. At the hegmning of (he conference, All. Elliott said he hoped that an 'agreement would be reached that would be satisfactory to hoth city and company, It. could not be expect- ed that a fimal arrangement would Le renched at this meeting, as there were a good many details to be considered. However; he hoped that a good ad vance in negotiations would be made. Mr. Colvillo said that he re-echoed the words of 'Ald. FHiott, and hoped for an. arcangement. that would be ial to both city and company. Since the meeting in Belleville of re: resentatives of various muanieis Jities apt June his company had purchased %ome interests in dispute near 1laalev's Falls: It proposed to supply power to municipalities from Kingston to Osh awn. Its offer to Kingston was to supply 3,000 horse-power at the rate of $25. The first thing to decide was as to whether that price was satisfac tory to the city. He claimed that the in reply to Ald. Rigmey Col- "Me stated that its figure of $25 way quoted for a supply of 3,000 horse power. 'Tt didn't matter whether the ity or itsell distributed the power or tot, » Manager Folger wanted to know if te company, would not give the city Ye benefit of the cost of the transmis- son lines it would have to build and which it would not require if the city lid all the distributing. ; Mr, Colville pointed out that if the ity did all tho distributing, the com- pany would lose much of the anticipa- tod profit out of manufacturers. Mr, Carey said that if ihe company lid the distributing, more power would be sold within the city. Members of the committee eduld not aderstand this, and Mr. Carey ex- tlained that it was a case of pushing the gale of power. Mr. Cunningham pointed out that the company could sell cheaper than the city, and it was advisable to give vianufacturers power at the lowest Possible rate. 5 Mr. Carey vas of the impression that in Kingston there was a markh for 3,000 horse power. He included ihe needs of all manufacturing places in this estimate. Mr. Cunningham , advised the civic ommittee to' deal with the matter as promptly as possible, and not let it Jrag on. ymour company, when t submitted the additional figures re- 'vested, would like the city either to ccept its offer promptly or to reject who have probably the the for up Prices reduced on ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS - By the way have you every tried toast 'made | on an Klectric Toaster, if not you have never eaten toast. Let us send you one. fo The Queen City Oil Company benelit' of atured as Good Whisky | Should Be. dont Sos i ie If a time limit had been set on the building of the Egyptian Pyramids, likely they wou'd not be standing to-day. It doesn't pay to hurry some things. That is why Corby's "Special Selected" Rye Whisky is matured By the "slow but sure" method of storage in reed oak casks. For years the whisky is gradeally ripened, Nature takes her time--but is thorough. The chemical properties of the charred wood remove ihe harshness of the sow whisky! Age puis (he finishing touches to the flavor--imparts (he delicacy that is charac * teristic of Corby's ** Special Selected." This is the foagest and consequently the most expensive method of maturing whisky. Not all whisky is aged this way. Bot it is the only way to get the Corby Quality. Corly's *' SPECIAL SELECTED" Rye Whisky is sold everywhere, Try it to-day. wheat, transhipped into barges for Montreal. into barges; steamer McKinstry, from Fort William, with 72,000 bushels of "Firm In the Clty. we gl ELECTED THEIR OFFICERS, Orange Young Britons' Lodge Was Opened. Loyal Orange Young Britons' lodge, No. 278, on the Grapd Registry of British America, wag opened at King- ston, with twelve charter members; Ligat. Go NM. Ashley presiding. The election of officers resulted as follows: Worshipful master, Bro. James McCam- mon, deputy master, Bro. John ea: ton; chaplain, Bro. Jobn Watson, Jr.; recording -secretary, Bro. George 8, Grant; fmanciul-secretary, Bro. John Graves; treasurer, Bro. Alfred Cullen; directors of ceremonies, Bros. William Francis, J. M. Ashley; lecturer, Bro. William Francis; senior commitieeman, Bro. Thomas Patterson; inside tyler, An Echo From Exposition. The beautiful and generally coms mended Exposition at Reussels, al- though severely interfered with by a very damaging fire, has béen a thor oughly successful world's fair. Now that it is ending we will soon be hear. ing of the fortunate winners of the highest award which, as is. custom- ary in European countries, is styled the Grand Prix; amongst the first of these that have been announced by cable advices is an AWerican make of typewriting machine and Apollinaris water which comes from a spring in Germany. Ald. Elliott replied that when the ompany gave the committee the al- ternative quotations requested, the latter ou very soon reach a con- tlusion, and make a recommendation to the city council. Manager Folger, in discussing the heap power question this morning, stated that it would-take some time efore the city could close a deal with he Seymour company. A good deal Loyal Station Recording Ameter. The light, heat and power commit: tee, at the request of Manager Fol. Tne H. Corby Distillery Company 0 i best service would be secured by company distributing the larger blocks ers better rates than the city could. would be delivered. would ion at whatever voltage the city Ge would not feel justified in dismanding keep the city's plant in readi ves fog operation, in case of accidest. ion, pany would have several stations. present onl cartied to Kingston. Ther ere two lines to St. Anne, Teelloville. Trew faill at the invown the of power. it could give manufactur- Ald. Elliott asked where the power Mr, Carey replied that the delivery be at the company's sub-stat- Ald Elliott said that the committee ts plant. It would be necessary to fee Mr. Carey roplied that if his com- "thought that would be nce» sary Nr, give Kingston so goad a service nuzintenance of 3 city auxili- as the com- Mr. Carey farther stated that at a single line would be ton. Another Intter place. ; t drew attontion 16 the The way some "A Ble. Lime Juice Cordial for 39¢." during October Red Ticket Sale, at {iibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Lawrence Acton, Ottawa, has return- ed to the city and will resume his stu- dies at Queen's. These ave special days for machines, at Anzrove Bros. sewing BANISHED, Rn. Coffee Finally Had to ing to eol- v persons cling even after they know it is doing them harm is a puzdler. But it is an easy matter to give it would not be making ovartares to Nan Past oper the city at all. The chance of an ac- [320 cident was very rare. It would scarce ly cause hall an hour's delay. Carey said that his company propos. od to ha t id not ary plant woul There it up for good made--is used "Mother phia on Monday, October 17th. Prices range frony fifty cents to three dollars. Frank Chance thinks that Evers' in. jury will not materially weaken the Chico Cubs. Toronto Globe: The athletics direc- torate of the University of Toronto met last night to discuss the case of Jell Taylor, the Argonsut oarsman who is now a fi n at "Varsity. He was wanted by the student team for the wing line, but the directorate declined to break the rule which stip- ulates that freshmen are ineligible to fastitipate in any branch of imtercol- isle athletics. ---------- Mrs, Boyce, formerly of Athens, and Rev. Jobn Scanlon, a well-known Methodist clergyman, now stationed at Jasper and at one time street. Archibald Tompkins, Trenton, kas re- covered $2,000, by settlement of suit, against the Central Ontario RR., for damages for the death of his son, an employee of the railroad. The Finkie company will run two vans to the world's fair, Odessa, on Friday, October 7th. Vans leave Kingston at 10 and 12 o'clock. A pleasant event took place, Tues day, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. of | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Bro. George Bell. Almost Winter Now. We have received a inmost interesting picture post ecard from Mrs. PD. D. Cairns, posted at Atlin, B.C., on September 23rd. It shows the fa- mous Gleaner, which plies between Carcross and Atlin in the sununer. Mrs. Cairns says it is almost winter now, in Atlin, where she is. visiting some friends while her husband and his party are off on other work. The snow may be upon. them any day amd the mountains are white, almost to the timber line. "A (5e. Lemonade Powder, for 17. during October Red Ticket Sale, at Many a man sees his duty in time 16 dodge it. Fools often: serve as horrible ex- A FEW DOSES END BACKACHE ANY BLADDER OR URINARY MIS. ERY SIMPLY VANISHES. ger, decided to purchase a recording station ameter, which will show the fluctuations of the load at the elestri- cal plant. The load varies immensely on account of the small amount of power used in the day time, ------------ Prevost, Brock Street. Has received his fall goods consist ing of tweed, serge and cheviot Tor suiting, also overcosting for his order department. : Printers Held a Meeting. The members of local typographic! union, No. 204, held i g Monday night, when some routine business was put through. The elec: tion of oflicers will take place" mext month. The Ridean King, for Westport, Port- land 'and Rideau Ferry, every Monday and Thursday. : 4 EERO Yee 20 harmless or will effect »0 thorough ) ® cure, Pope's" Di acts directly upon the kidneys, bladder and urinary sys dizziness; nes, b sleeplessness, inflamed or pully lids, worn-out feeding and many symptoms caused by clogged, ingetive kidneys + Jeomplly vanish. Freqeest, inful uncontroflable urination ue to 4 weak or irritable bladder