he Globe THE BOY SCOUTS, {The Globe's Saturday Issue will each week contain the latest gossip in the ranks of the Boy Bcouts. New troops are being organized every few days in Toronto and Ontario, and The Globe is keeping in touch with the promoters, and will, therefore, be able to give jis Scout readers the latest in- formation, BREE RR eRe @ | | f fe Pm | For Fall Wear IRRNEER Ladies' at. Colt. Boots Buttoned or Blucher Cat, we $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 AND $4.50 Buttoned with Kid or ! Cloth Top. The Newest, The + Neatest, and The Daintiest yet. Wing tt, a The: Sawyer Sho Store Sole Agent for Kingston. IRPREeREY 1 Ask for ON THE CRIMINAL INEBRIATE QUESTION. He Declarbs That There Should be Establishments for Feeble-minded Children Showing Dangerous Moral Tendencies. f At the Iuternatiofial Prison Con gress at Washington ' to-day Dr. Dans el Phalen, surgeon of the domini penitentiary at Kingston, read a most interesting paper ou the Treatment of (riminal Tt and the necessity of special establishments for children howing dangerous moral tendencies, subjects concerning which he has made particular study, and on which he is well qualified to speak. He was the first Canadian ever asked to read a paper before Chis congress, and his address, printed in advance, was iranslated into French and German for European use. The doctor is wide- ly known over Canada and the United States. He was president of the wirgical association last vear and delivered the inaugural address in Seattle, which was so favorably re ceived all over America. He is cor- responding secretary of the associa tion this year, and was recently elect- ed a member of the American In- stitute of Criminology in Washington. On the subject of eriminul insanity he stands in the first rank as an autho- rity. Dr. Phelan, in his paper, declared that the criminal inebriate is either a riminal from instinct, heredity or raining, and his drinking is more a symptom of his former degeneration, or he is a eriminal because of his wontinual use of spirits destroying his ethical relations of right and wrong, In both eases he is a low type criminal, somefimes brutal, but usually cowardly 'and servile. two classes should be "deprived of their liberty by special enactment, and should be confined in special institn- tions, where military discipline, hy- gienic supervision and practieal work san be a part of their treatment. There Ts another phase in detention establishments of great imines and intérest. As in fully one-thidd of all eases of incbrintes the use of alcohol is a sympton of some brain defect, either congenital acquired, and as orimes are often the earliest man- For al it one-fifth »f ihe Inger ops 1 it AL Las Lo lor REG or, heenuse we have built reputation by Its iin sione. Tey It, merits BE WISE nd have your heating and cook- A arrangements in shape before the cold wintry days set n have a splendid Tot of Rigen and Heaters in stock, as oo as new, at extremely low i al win you Lo see them be~-- 1 buying clsewhere. fo kinds of Household" Goods ht and sold, Rs. Furniture a Specialty. ave us un cull SSES, Cor rani El Chatham Kingston. 0000000000000 0000C000 CRN ROORROIRIOOS . . * ° ® Babbitt Metal, Fuse Wire, Battery Zincs, Wire 'Solder. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED, OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. ARR EL ERS ELAR ERENRRERARRNRRGALRERLL0 RMN. BROWN'S BUTTER SCOTCH and NUT TAFFY at 20c. per Ib. i Boarding House Keepers M$ A.J. REES, 166 Princess St Attention ! These | of which the drinking is only a symp- tom and conceals the whole condition ' establishments for the detention of the criminal inebriate have frequently' sfiorded opportunities for the detec- tion of grave mental conditions which ' have long been masked by aleoholic indulgence." The drinking being fre! (uently "a symptom of insanity or general paralysis of the insane, the prominent symptoms of which condi tions manifesting themselves ' shortly | after the withdrawal of alechol inf institutions of detention. DR. DANIEL PHELAN. ifestation of the mental derangement | Theing first noticed by Inebriety is a 'degeneration which of- ten masks and conceals insanity and allied conditions. According to the laws governing growth | mont the highest elements of brain formed last, but from the addiction to aléohol they are the first to suffer and to be destroyed. Fully eighty per cent, of all inebriates are born with incbriate, epleptic, or feeble-minded parentage, and at least seventy per cent. of all perpetrated crimes are di- rectly or indirectly attributable to al- cobolism. Fully twenty to twenty-five per cent. of all insane owe their ifsan- ity to alcohol. Alcohol was often the direct cause of epilepsy in a drinker, nnd fully thirty per cent. of epileptips have alcoholic parents. It may be stated he said, that pris- on statistics prove that the more fre- quently an alcoholic ., is incarcerated, the more incapable of reformation he becomes. The inebriate is a drunkard and drunkenness is alcoholism. The word dipsomania is often used synonymously with inebriet, drunkeness, and al- coholism, but it should not be so. A person may have dipsomania and not suffer from any disease and may never have taken a drink; it is periodic de sire for drink--an' alcoholic predisposi- tion or susceptibility, When a man cannot stop drinking he is a drunkard, or when a person finds that he cannot conduct himself soberly under the so: cial conditions which are normal to his time,. then he is a drankard. That drunkenness is at the bottom of most crime, pauperigm, and lunacy, requires no formal proof. Drunkenness some say is not a disease, but a vice; drunk- ards are not insane but degraded. Drunkenness is more a vice to be re- formed than a disedse to be treated. If the purpose of punishment is the YOU CAN INTEREST HIM Any Man Over Fifty. You can interest any man over fifty years of age in anything that will make him feel better, because while he may not as yet have any positive or- | ganio disease he no longer feels the buoyancy and vigor of twenty-five nor the freedom from aches and pains he or I'he very y enjoyed in earlier years, am naturally examines with interest any proposition looking to the improve- ment and preservation of his health: He will notice among other things that the stomach of fifty is a very different one from the stomach he pos- sessed at twenty-five. That greatest care must be exercised as to what is eaten and how much of it, and even with the best of care, there will be in- creasing digestive weakness with vancing years, A proposition to perfect or improve the digestion amd assimilation of food is ono which interests not only every man of fifty but every man, woman and child of any age, because the whole secret of good health, good i and develop- | activity and power--the character--are one himself. . + 1 defective braind and are descendants of | ad- | for, carefully trained, and systematic lally treated in their years of immat- blood, strong nerves, is to have a stomach which will promptly and thoroughly digest wholesome food be- cause blood, nerves, brain tissue and | every other constituent of the body is entirely the product of digestion, and no * medicine or "health" food ean possibly create pure blood or restore shaky nerves, when a weak stomach is replenishing the daily wear and tear of the body from 5 mass of fermenting hall-digested food. No, the stomach itself wants help and in no round about way either; it wants direct, unmistakable assistance, such as is given by one or two Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets after each prevention of crime, the reformation of the criminal, and the protection of so- ciety, then the prison is nc place for the inebriate offender. An inebriate reformatory is the proper place for him where his defects may be found out; a year being long enough in that institution, as the atmosphere of an institution is not calculated to re "store the positive side of character: a long residence in am institution of the kind destroys initiative and weakens the will. The responsibility of ihe drunkard has at last been recognized in England; this is a great concession and places a new complexion on crime. The inebriate act implies drunkenness a disease, and the drunkard 5 patient. Under this act anyone who has been sonvieled four times in one year on the charge of drunkenness, or anyone who has committed petty crime whilst under the effects of drink and is known to be a drunkard, can be sent to the inebriate reformatory for a period of three years. This applies to such offences as the disregard of the rights of others, contempt of law and order, assault, robbery, arson, etc., to which the drunkard is prone, and are committed in a moment of thoughtless ness. The man may be under emotion, but he exercises his utmost precaution to avoid crime; the drunk- ard is a slave to his emotions, but never commits a crime as the result of premeditation or design. Alcohol im- pairs self-restraint by affecting the brain and the nervous system; there ix a normal paralysis, and finally a con dition of childishness, the symptoms the family. In tellect is impaired and he has no re jared for truth or morals; he becomes ow, He is jealous, irritable, and brut- tish, and lives in a world of his own; his children suffer and he loses ambi tion and energy; he is'a coward, but may commit daring acts, and by asso ciation with criminals he soon becomes Degenerate children are usnally the result of marriage, espe cially if both parents are addicted to the viee of alecholism. H the inchriate commils offence, he is at once sent to prison and soon becomes an incorri gible criminal and his reformation is impossible. If an inebriate is prone to commit erime, as we believe, there is reason why he should be confined before he has occasion to do wrong. An experienced medical man should be attached to every police court to look after such matters. An inebriate re formatory for criminal inehriates, and others, is necessary, to repair the per son's physique in every way; where he should be free from the irritation of !friends and where he could be employ- led in agricultural pursuits which are very beneficial for him, and after his term had expired he could be dis- charged from the institution as a use ful member of sodiety. Special establishments should be maintained for abnormal, packward, and feeble minded children showing dangerous moral tendencies. Dr. Phelan said: 'Children exhibiting these tenden cies should be carefully examined as soon as possible on entering thes® in- stitutions and should be Lziven an ed- uation on a line with their mental condition, Coupled with this there should be proper physical training on physiologival principles, and + dig enses amenable to therapeutie' mens: ures should receive full consideration. If society is to be protected froe:! the evimes of a rerse generation, it suffices not to punish the guilty, but means must be taken to prevent the innocent - from becoming guilty. When, therefore, evil or criminal tendencies accompany backward development, when acts which come under the erim- inal code are the result of abnormal conditions in the child, some serious steps must ve taken to check the growth of this menace to society. Mince none of our existing institutions are oaleulated to deal properly, and in justice to alt eoncermea, with such cases, there remains but one single solution, whieh is the establishment of special institutions for bers of this. exceptional class. Neither in America mor in Great Britain, France, Maly, Belgiom, or Germany have the governments sized upon the importance of this question, and as a result, in none of these countries--by far the most civilized of the world--do we find u single insbitution of this character. The world, however, is now gradually awakening to the great truth that a very larze percentage of the crimes committed might be easily obviated had.the perpetrators been placed in institutions, properly cared urity. Very many eof the inmates of penitentiaries to-day, are there on achount of their early dangerous mor al tendencies bein; allowed to grow, expand, gather strength, and finally become ungovernable, In the vast mmjority of cases, the habitual criminal who iy fo frequent- ly mentally defective, in 'the yroduct of vicious tendencies that have never been corrected in youth. Consequently Svory child of this class that is res: cued from its impending fate, tends to lessen the number of the criminal cuss as found in penal institutions. The diminishing of the number of hakitual criminals is 'a work far more important to society, ishment of wrongdoer THE ILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, J McPARLAND, AGENT, Peerless Peninsular) | Ee pe 1910, ADVANCE VICTOR RECORDS "FOR NOVEMBER NOW ON SALE Here are some of the choice selections from the new list. 5793--"' Second Chasseurs March" Red Seal Records. Garde Republicaine Band 74184 Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded" 10 inch 7sc. 12 inch $1.75 McCormack 10 eh Doble Paced Records 90c, for the two. 64144" Salley in our Alley" George Hamlin { 10 inch $1.25 (a) "Any little girl, that's a nice little girl" Billy Murray and Quartet Purple Label. (b) * My Prairie Song Bird. 60024" Nora Malone ** Stanley and Burr 10 inch go cents. 16560 rts Berliner -o-phone Company ot the Limited, Montreal. Nearast Dester's Sold in U.S.A. by Victor Talking Machine Co. WahLong's Laundry First-class work guaranteed. ' Drop me & card and I will call promptly for your laundry. 166 WELLINGTON 8ST. between Brock and Clarence Sis. Jd. E .Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. $17 Albert Street or A sent to dar loft at addington's or J. Fy 5 snasrson's "Broree receive ompt attentlo pn references given. OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? NDREW MACLEAN, A Ontario Street. - A chocolate confection of rich milk choco- late 'and fresh shelled walnuts, Simply exquisite. In ¥ and ¥ pound cakes. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. mvalld Port is the Ontario Grape Grow» mg and Wine Manufacturing Company e of Bt. Catharines, It Ia sharant 1 enrs old, and is Jute, ry and pers wine, equal to t bast import one-half the price. fold only wn J. gAWLER, Golden one . BIBBY'S GAB STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT Our Crystal Brand Of Standard Granulated Sugar is uae excelled for preserving or table use. ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Birest, and at bedtime, drink this Your estion will im ell fo oe you. Every drop gratifies. y For 0 ALE & STOUT Better for invalids than ordinary tonics or patent medicines. It is wholesome as well as pure JOHN LABATT Order dealer In beverages or direct from the of LONDON, CANADA brewery in London. " Made of selected from tt vr bariey-malit, chole- -- est blended hops.and tested spring water, any 339-341 KING STREET E., FPRPERERRIYRREL TRA RRe COAL! | @ fel fhe kind you are looking for # the kind we soll. i Scranton Coal i | ® Is Honest All Through-- iB In Little Things As Well As Big For example, let us take the OVEN. #9 good coal and we guarsites prompt delivery BOOTH & CO., : FOOT WEST STREET. -------- Highest Grades COAL OIL. LUBRICATING O1L. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence snd Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. SOME TIMES IT 15 ABSOLUTELY vu NL GEORRY... That people be reminded continually that you are ready to sell them the things they want. This ia a busy world with lots of people in if, and some of us are apt to be forgotten if we don't keep digging. That's our business. digging." and we are still at it. Digging at you once In a while also lest you forget to have the pipes put in your house and enjoy the many benefits Cerived by the use of gas for cooking. 45 CHEAP, OLEAN & CONVENIENT. fogs 1 & PC). The oven bottom of all sizes is 20 inches deep. This is the actual depth of the oven floor, the part of the oven that is of the most value to you. We do not include an inch or two in the bottom of the oven door. Measure the oven bottom of other raAnNQges-- especially those with swing doors--and sce if the ovens come up to this specification "Pecrless Peninsular" ® a big, honestly built range--full size--with all the new conveniences of the most expensive steel ranges--and with the durability of cast-iron which is superior to steel in lasting qualities. "HARMONY", "CONSTANT" and "ADANAC" have the same quality, workman- ship and construction as the" Peerless"; the differ- ence is only in the outer appearance. Let us show you afl four styles--or write for : : ui 5 illustrated booklet. $1 CLARE BROS. & CO, LIMITED, - PRESTON, Out. bE