tea is the result of care and experience. in blen ding must be 'fhe combination of fine 4 Wor, sinooth strength "richriess; Because i th vse elements are 80 gene tously included in Red Kose Tea it NDER' oF SOTENGRL § Miss Kate Smellie gave a ightiul bridge, on Friday noon, in honor ins and her wis | ; Miss Madoling Madoling tee, Miss Low Qmeltie, The players { filled Ahree tables and were twelve in {number : Miss Madeline Higgins and Miss Lou Smellie, guests of hongrs { Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Mik Jones, Miss May Rogers, Miss | {1 sniilton, Miss Hilda and Miss i | kent, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Jean { Duff, Miss Mamie Garrett oul 1! | hostess herself, Miss Helen "Gordon carried off the prize. Miss Mildred Jones poured tea and after the bridge was over Miss Vera Carson, Miss Dor- othy Hill, Miss Marjorie Merrick, Miss Lilian Kent and Miss Madge Taylor { dropped in for ten. The room was very prettily decorated with bowls of nasturtiums, It was most enjoyable, thoucrh all felt sorry to say "good-bye" to Miss Higgins, 4% 4% Macnee, hostess Lawrence a bridge when mix Mrs. Francis St. Cottage, wos at party, Thtesday afternoon, tables were in play, The first prize was won by Mee. Neilson, of Mon- treal, while Miss Lily Norton-Taylor carried off the second. In the drawing room the) fg were rose pink gla dioli. and iwhite asters, while in the dino | m Sere yellow clgrysan the fnmak 'ond the Bable," where Md, How: a Folger red] Wen, by several of thd younger girls, who drop agsisted Has Proved That Dandruff is Caused by a Germ, proved a successful cure until bro's Herpicide wpe put on the . Jt is a scientific preparation Kills the germ that makes dan or scour by digging into the to ret at the root of the hair, it saps © the vitality; causing sealp, falling hair, and finally Without dundrufi hair must Juxurigntly. It is the only ide- of by for ing druzgists. Bund Moi or sample to ve Herpicide m Stamps Mich. $1 bottle guaran- "Jani B oP deuzgist, spe- "agent, Kingston, Oaf. yg 3 s Fes [H \ ais siit: RA vw EEN EARS HE ped in at the tea hous: to mile; them-_ selves useful as bs ordamdnial, and to enjoy Mrs, Macnee' s hospitality oy, Ker ar old Be Lay aufheioe Cogtage., we 5 Mildred 3 ics King street, ask- aw few friends, infbpmally, on Wed: Teslay evening, lo hy "farewell" to Miss Madeline Higging and have a game of bridge. There were two tables, the players being Miss Made- line * Higgins, the guest of honor, Miss i Hilda Kent, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Min Killian, Kent, Miss Lou and Mise Kate Bmellie. and the hostess EN Peligion refresh: ments were passed" after the bridge and much fun indulged in, though all felt somewhat sad at the near departure of Miss Higgins, a Miss Lenore Hamilton, King street, was hostesa at a charming little tea on Thursday aftdmoo or; © of Migs Madeline Hilzgi Garvett poured tea and tHef guests iss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss ] Gorden; Misa: Madge Bawson, Mise Hilda Kent, Miss: Madaline Hig gine, 'guestyiof dwoner,; Miss Winpifred Claxton, Miss Mildred + nd ones, (Miss Li Bip (larson, Miss Modes Taglor; Miss jori'e Merricks and Miss Lou and ss Kate & Smellie. mr prs re "Ms ad LD. luigi will ive. 12th' eek nf APA "x ooh EAE 4 gh's it, ron; aud 13th are other holels, but none ach the 'Club for homelike sur- £ 3 Jopme her! now damien iar) lawl nastla a numerpus ieionde will be pe to wel- Mrs. Abixknder' Matpba@l® will ve oeivemt DO Clergy street, on the first, weeond! apd third Mondays of the month, hegmhing nex{ Monday, 'O¢- tober 10th. * Rumors of a dance in the near fu- ture are confirmed, but invithtions are not vet out, whispers merely saying two fair maidens sre to make their bow to society. . . Mra. Henry Hubbel and Mrs, Pert Rol simsom, Bagot street, will ceive on the fimt aml thicd Fedays of the month dieing the winter: * + Her 're- Crowds have been constantly going per to the Country Club, but no func. tions can go on there SL faa Se furniture at pretent, In the golf Sh oo Abe $Grev? | drophy Misg: Charlie Shook: wan | the! gilver cup. Migs Dorothy Brownfield iy serateh, * hoe Mes. Willian Nickle, Bark street, gave a small tea last week in honor of Mrs, J. Mackerras, of Sierra Madeg, + + @ RR * nw The bride and bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig, bave been heard from, and are now in Boston, at the flotel Vendiime. © They dre expected houne early next week, after. a do lightful trip, havi visited. Montreal, Quebec and Boston, Their new home, obe of the pretty bungalows, on Albert street, is being prepared to receive 1 wv Mes. H. E, will not recgid in November, them. Mrs, R. O'Hara, is en peosion for a ghort time with Mr. and Mrs H. Betts, Albert street, having loft. Well strbet, and Prof. and Mrs, Wil: hofit are back again in their house, Pp SRR aisit- AEE Contes, andl Al re, . : THE DAILY loft, on Thursday, for Chicago, to visit ber sister-in-law, Mrs. bay, en route for her homeiin Houston, Texas. Miss Gerirude Birange, King pireet, leaves on Monday for Ottawa. Miss A Birek agot street; leaves on Monday for © rn, to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. F. Emery. * % < Miss Hazel Haycock and Miss Eve lyn Grange arrived in Kingston the firnt part of the week, after spending the latter part of the summer at 'Bogart's," on the Bay of Quinte, and Napanee. Miss Grange went Lad tawa on Thursday, Mes Charles Livigheton tocol, wobt to hawa jo Mise Helen Ug Barris and Miss 3 i ape, Joha git ot, of Mors. her firs from Kin: Taton, on Frida 1 Miss Kathleen Doyle has returned from Detroit. © » > Mrs. Herbert, Horsey and danghter, Migs an fred are en pension at the Y, W.C. A, where they will romain until lien when they leave for Mtawa, where they have taken rooms for the winter, Mr. Hotsey left for the capi tal, on Thuarlav. Miss Dorothy Brownfield left on the excursion to Ottawa. today, to Ix the guest of Mrs, Buxton Smith and Miss Jespio. Miss Emma Penge has réturned to town, and is azain at On-gwa-na<a. Mrs. No Wilmot aud Miss Wilmot, Clergy street, are visiting Mrs. J. EF Wilmot, in Ottawa, . » tH The marriage of Miss" Margarédt' King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ring, Alice street, to Mf. Pavid Me Gill, Maittreal," willl gakd place on No vembet Vth, "dt (he home of the, bride'd parents. The weed} r will very juiet th only, £ ah hein the. im of be med foud Yelativ e family. | The many friends King extend their hearty congratulations. Wine nounce the engagoment of their eldest daughter, Lulu Muslotle, to Dr. Ellery N. Peck, of Boonton, J. The mar riage will tale place as in Brook lyn this nemth. oD Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Mr, Russell Hubert Prit ion, Gananoque, to Miss Julia Bernice Jackson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Jackson, Brogkville, in St, Peter's church, Brockville, on October 19th. Expert Missed Whitney. BoleaygeniIndependent. ' s alyage the way. Here ig. an expert, from England, who has come over to investigate Canadian ex- plosives, and, Premier Whit is away, in England; Of course; there is M. Hougdesa, who is a fairly goed example, but, pshaw ! if our own dear premier was 'home, Ontario would show that investigating Englishman some thing that would blow his blooming head: off within half x mite; - vi 10 en) Ten a BAG Bigs 7 | 1 MontrageHers Id It is'a bad fime for Liberalism rion ihe patty. in oppesitien cannot find x candidate in Wellington, while at the sme 'time there ik a nish of candi dates' wheriver there is thought 'fo be Ball 'a' thadés 10' "be retried to Ot tawa, where the party is in" pbwer, Therp , pho ° mcati vers bod 92 ih rel fc Ron of the city in the YMCA rooms, this evening. Provincial See retary Farewell will address the meeting. "Red Cross Bepf, Iron and Wine," re- gular 50g, for 30¢, during October red ticket sale &t Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Francis O'Connor, the ex-Limesione player, has been appointed conch of Regiopotis Football Club. Practices will begin on Monday afternoan. See our men's leather-lined shoes, extra strong, during sale, $3. Putton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess Street, J. H. Putman, BA. mew inspector of the Ottawa schools, MA 815 folding pocket cameras Tor $10." during October red ticket saleat Gitibn' 8 Red Cross deug store, Ti thoes aro tickets to heaven it going to take some saints a time to arrive, Ovila Beaudry, Queen #lireet, returned from Magtregl last night. 1 i pu long $100 Reward, $100, The readérs of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all ts stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional Alsease, requires a con- stitulional €reatment, Hall's Catarrh Cures taken internally, directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereb: destroying foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength Dy buildin constitution andl assisting nal in doing tk war The proprietors have so much fal in ite e rative powers Al that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any. ease that 'it alia to cure din of ARR CHENEY & Be Gn Toledo, toi ncplieie dh: Purp i Wr God Sides Phases Mod nb] § 3 + D Pded, is he publi | in BRITISH WHIG, GEORGE €I'" WOULD BE REPLAYED. eis Al i" 3 vastern Lake Yacht Association Should Have a Cup for Competition Only by its Own Clubsi=Tgo Costly to go After George Cup. THE | Henry Cunningham, Kingston's vete- ran amateur yachtsman, makes ugeestion at another Shi Pg lonated to the et S80 ighion to ae] hid gone to Toro s likely to seman the tnke a previggond | boats tonto Bey wpd defeat fhe Royul Canadian Y wt in the water to "defend that rophy. Mr, Canningham would like tg we some one in Kingstdh §fofate' iad' up to the eastern gdssociation, and tipulate that it wax to be competed or only by clubs . who were members | fd the association. The George cup, it 4 understood, was intended originally |. vr competition by the associalion lubs only, but the rules werd not ramed that way, as boats of outdide tubs were allowed to compete for thig rophy, and that is whee Toronto ame in. The eastern olybs ave small ned, and have not the woalth of the ! Toronto organization. It "would ost $3,000 to go ulter the Cedeye ap, and then there * woukl be the ig sare RDAY, PCIOBER a 1910. ee go % ns 1 % that} ub wold | hance of failing to bring it cast gain, The distance to Toronto { "i if oo long fer LU ty Aodter ue afigor akes Others of "the vacrhtemen on thid nd of the Jake foot that, there should another cup fut up for gompetition | imang the olabs of the legs leq tisdor ination, The competition would : bel een for ite Of Gourse, they Ws atertgwn | gachiaien may, fant Mo hak 'the nd shat was doBated by #ue of shed] § tizens, but it looks as if ihe Yankee wf had come to Canada time ak psd W own exp $s. 10 have | halle mgd "Hekt deakdn to oronto, but, so far, Kingston has not ade any preparations te build raft that will show its heels 10 arvis cupholder, the Swamba. e A go to the Prefer Money Prizes, Nowadays, vachismoen are gelling | ired of competing for pennants and They prefer the coin, and yachi lubx are beginning to see that in or- to create greater competition in they must offer money prizes. achtsman would rather compete for a n, or fifteen or twenty-dollar money rize than for a three, ollar! penvant, The Royal Canadian acht' Clab, of Toronto, next season, tends to: put up goed money, prizes wo, pailislg contests, and CRCOUT AZO) ove vache building. Yaghting is a ostly luxury, if one uals a. fais dred crafts Ontarie Guvling Groups youd p, Ontario Curling" gssoviation will old, 164" hertli-antitlll nitetiMipoin "For ath, lon the 15th. diebpthe tankard onthdts for, this district the. : growp- s Cobourg, Colvarng, Belleville, TL Brockville, Napanee, Hing: ton, Play at Kisgston with ECE, Vong: as nmpice, For the district, cup competition the rrapgesent. jis--N apatee, Kingston, 'astern Hospitad 4 Broekyille), Hrogk- jibes) | Cobomrg, - Prescotdy, Colborne; stille. Play at Kingston; $0ns, aumpie. Hy ; ------ # Game Was Postponed, Owing to the wet grounds the great yowling match between the Scotchmen wd Englishmen, at Queen's campus, sn Friday afternoon, had to be post- oned. Owing to the heavy downs our of a couple of days the greens were in bad shape. The game will probably be played in the course of afew days: PRINCESS THEATRE. AS. WR, 1 4s Popular Playhouse Again in Hands of Capt. Geo. Hammond. ' Capt. George 1lammond has returh- d from the west, whére he has been n the employ of the Alen 'Amuse. nent Co., of Calgary, for' the Inst i8 months, and has purchased the Princess" Theatre' outright, closing he same Saturday night after the performance: fora week to make ne- wiry repmirs, and a thorough re aovatsoft, after 'which it witl' De med as a first class vaudeville and #olure theatre. Mi, Hammond says the "Princess" will play only first class vaudeville, of the advanced variety; hed Ww aly pictures that have hever ove iwem shown in Kingston, having con- tracted with she of rated Gaumont ('0., of France aod Ganada; for ther foreign subjects, and the old reliable Kinetograph Co. for Shir native sub- jects, He has also gall somes the best that can be ron tofrether as hiv co-workers. Mri Hammond will officiate im the tiplget Prof. Milner at the piano and Mr. Pritch- ard at the machine. Mr. Haemmnord x sinlz and "hy will have the firsk and only A four or five | Te" also "mshage the cou | White Label Ale 'Invalid Stout India Pale Ale} XXX Porter pe The product of of Puloet 4 brewing. 5 "Brewed and bottle} LJ Dominion Brewing Co Toronto. Rigney & Hickey, AGENTS 136 Princess St., - Kingston Fiéalth Demands |H PARKS& . SON, |W , | Wa Jah L i | i i { that the bowels be kept regu- | . lard Neglect means sickness. . Sluggish bowels are gpickly " regulated by Beecham' 5 Pills tele sers whit. | ¥ : Fat" Pickling We can supply you with strictly PURE SPICES, ground or whole ;also Pickling Vine-|$ ar D. COUPER'S, 841-3 Princess Street. 'Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. Stops: Headache Mr. E. F.- Tomkins, Ex-Mayor of Coatir Says 80, "Your! tablets are a safe and effective remedy for headache,' Mr Geo. Legge, 'Eder of Granby Leader, Mail says so. "Your Ziitoo tablets deserve to be 'widely khown as a curegbat will cure. " Major A; C. Hanso A, B.0.L. says so. "1 use Zutoo tablets find them avery 'satisfactory curedfor headache" | S0 siys every mother's son who has tried 4 KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. - » Twenty-Bixth year. Fall Term Boel Aspe fi, Curent 1a eepin orthan ele pay. Givil | Service and Es Qur graduates get the t positions. Within a. short time over Sixty soot secured positions with one of t largoat rallway corporations in Cana Buter any time. Call or write for informa- tion. H. F. METCALFE, Principal. % ~Asaya-Neurall-- " "Nervous Exhaustion The depression expérienced by womenduring convalescence from childbirth is never forgotten. The sense of utter nerve fatigue blots jout interest in everything. "Asa- vA-NRURALL" is invaluable at such times, It feeds the nerves, induces sleep, quickens the appe- tite, aidsdigestion, and soon buoy~ ancy of spiritsand the sense of ner- vous vitality returns. $1.50 a bot- tle. Obtain from the local agent. I. T. BEST. 1. J.-HOAG, ™ Underwood. Con densed Tiling Type. writer has a wonderfully ingenious device which automatically controls the 'spacing on the duplicate sheet so that the sales. S¥i ' In Boxes Sgkents | | { { { i 1 Day "hor Florists | Ri, Mhhoe All kinds of Cut Flo were ad P In scasom. Weddis a signs a specially sh ae ¥ 16. an "pat sr. 126 King Street. Try Our Line S Of, Chocolate Assorted f reads,. HEP Frbit and Nut ~ Centres, 'made with a selected , Seating. Just the right kind to "make them delic tous. d ® 9 102 PRINCESS STREET. "Johnny, Get Your Gun!' and hunt up that plumber who did this poorijbb 'anll charged 50 outrageously! Johuny will not hunt for or ghoet at us, becaugeghe knows chat what we doiwe do well We are modern idea, tiforoughly experienced whip cknow ole ut. Ml' iy varied branches, PANAD, HALL, 66 Brock St. *Phories, Store, 335 : £56 Residence, Jeeetttiescetacesrese Best by Test This is proven in a Wormwith Plano. Try One in Your Home They are sweet artistically designed, reasonably priced. KINGSTON'S | LEADING ' MUSIC HOUSE. in all popular and classi. Music in Book and Sheet Form. Orders promptly filled. WORMWITH PUND: €0 LIMITED, 232 PRINCESS STRERT. toned, and 7 : : & '"$ : < : ® $ BEIIIVIIIISI IIIS IIE Hurry Order We'll handle your Coal Order with- out dédlay, and guarantee your coal! of Scranton quality that won't fail to) get your approval. And in addition to giving you the best Coal, we put it where you want] it without causing you dirt or useless | worry. THE FRONTENAC LUNBER | AND GOAL CO'Y. A. CHADWICK, Manager NAPS Ginger Snaps; 7c. per 1b.; 4 lbs. for 25¢. pe i : i | Long's wor guaranteed Drop {me a card aud 1 will call promplly for | your lanodry 155 WERLLINOTON 8T., oj itWeen Broek and Clarence J. E .Hutcheson AUCTIONEER sad APPRAISER. Street A card'sent to $17 Albert or an order Joft at H. Waddington's or J. |B sive | mrempt attention. Best references Henderson's Stores rec wiven. ee OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five MACLEAN, ARDREW Ontario Street. on . THOMAS COPLEY, y HONE 987, Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done In the Carpen- ter Mine Estimates given on all kinds of repalrs and new work also Hardwood Kloors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt attention, Shop, $0 Queen Street BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT Dur Givstal Brand ranulafed Sugar is ua- od fof preserving or table use. ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street Building? I. ican Supply (Ready Roofhig, Wall Plaster, Lime and Portiand Cement P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. BE WISE Vé your hegting and cook- an mente good shape Lie cold Wigiry days sot We have a splendid lot of Ranges and Heaters In stock, as good as new, al extre mely low prices 1 Winn pay You i in them beé- fore buying clse All ihn dv $7 pada Goods bod ght nd wal At itique Furniture a Speclalty, add JLLES SSES, Coe Princess mud U4 Cuathnte ata And § ing a befofe her: i { SFinnouncement We are! prepared to do Upholster, Ing and all kinds of Furniture Re- paired and Cabinet Work, Pianos Tuned and Repaired. BATISFACTION GUABA NTEED, Apply t CONNOR & SLEETH 128-132 ONTARIO STREET. (Hooper & Slater's Factory), Prices reduced on ELECTRIC IRONS and TOASTERS By the way have you | every tried toast made | on an Electric Toaster, if no. you have never | vaten toast. |! Let us send $d you one. | tality Bt onan 845 KING STREET. Longest Establislied Electric : Firm in the Clty. } | | 21 1b. Box Sodas, 22¢. § Orange Meat, 3 pkgs. 22¢. PEE Corn Starch, 3 pkgs. %5e. rg i 'on the very Good fitting shoe. WOMEN'S FALL SHOES Patent Colt, button or | Blucher, mat calf top, made latest last.