Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1910, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, STANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER The Standard. * (MONTREAL) This Year The Standard Christmas Number will proclaim to the World that the 20th Century is Canada's---The Christ- mas Number of The Standard will startle the world, and people in all lands will exclaim "The country that can produce such a paper must grow big amongst the Nations." Proficient judges say nothing like The Standard Christmas Number has ever been produced in Canada. © Advance demand enormous. STANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER AFTER SUFFERING YEARS Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's VegetableCompound Fox k. N.B.--*'I have Slwags had in the loins aa wl, py DOSS Often after m meals my would distress me and cause sore. ness. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Com has done me much good. Iam strong. i er. digestion is be ter, and I ean walk with ambition. I SE [lave encou many mothers of families to take it, as it is the best rem. edy in the world. You can publish this in the papers" -- Mrs. WILLIAM Bourque, Fox Creek, N.B., Canada. The above is only one of the thou. sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company. of Lynn, Mass. which prove beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound, made from roots and herbs actually does cure these obstinate dis- eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf. fering woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound a trial before submit. ting to an operation, or giving wp hope of recovery. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, M tuvites all sick women to wr her for advice. Sho has guided thousands to health and her advice is froe. # Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol to its a restores vim and vitality. Premature y and all weakness averted at . make you a new man, - onc £ isd fo sae Ae Boni Prue REMOVED TO OUR NKW STAND, 318 Princess Street W. McCANDLESS Watchmaker and Jeweller, THOUGHTS ON HOUSE- ; CLEANI You're thinking about clean- ing curtains as a start. We're ) specialists in the cleaning of the finest lace curtains. R.PARKER & CO., ) Dyers and Cleaners, 3 ® Princess St. Kingston, Ont. p p y Sickly Smile Wipe it off your otherwise good looking face--put "on that good . health smile that CASCARETS will give you--as'a result from the cure will | Slackie, and Rev. LIABLE TO BE FINED FOR SENDING IN ALARM TO FIRE STATIONS, For Purpose of Testing Apparatus-- Chief Armstrong Tells Aldermen of Their Danger---No Quorum of Committee, : There was no meeting of the civie fire committee, yesterday afternoon, as a quorum of members did not at- tend. Those present were: Alds, Bailey and McCann, . Chief © Armstrong's 'report shows that of the committee's appropriation this yedr, there is a balance of $575, but dearly all of this amount will be required before the end of the year. He dske that tenders -be called for fourteen uniform pea jackets for the nembers of the department, and that fourteert cloth caps be purchased. These things are provided for in the esti nates. Ax it will he nededsary next var to secure a new ladder = fruck, the (chief reported as to the cost. Should the committee decide that the department should be provided with an aerial truck, it would be necessary to submit a bylaw to the people for authority to issue debentures for at least $5, ® The chief drew the attention of the committee to the decision of the police magistrate of 'Windsor, in convicting an alderman of the city for sending in an alarm of .fire to the fire department from one of the street boxes, for the purpose of testing a new ladder truck which had been placed in the depart ment. . The by-laws of Kingston make no provision for the chairman of the fire committee or any other member of the city council, or even the chief of the department, sending in an alarm, for the purpose of testing the depart: ment, and in so doing they would * be liable to the penalty provided in' 'the city by-law eo sending in a false, alarm of fire. To be Laid on Mowday. The cornerstone of the Jewish syna gogue, on Queen street, below Mon treal street, is to be laid on Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, by Simon Oberndorfier, Esq. Rev. Dr. H. Abra: movits, Rentrons will conduct ceremonies, Mavor Couper, Hon. W arty, W. F. Nickle, M.P.P., Rev. Dr ; W. F. Fitzgerak have been invited to deliver addresses The citizens are invited to witness the stone-daying. : The building is to be built of brick and stone. It will have a basement The auditorium will be 31 x 42 feet and will seat; with gallery, about 300. The cost will be in the neighborhood of $12,000, The Christian public have been very generous in their assistanc towards the construction of the syna gogue. he Strawberries on the Market. Strawberries for sale on the marke 3 in October are quite unusual an le were quite surprised to 8 in the waggon of Ernest Cook, of Ca the | WOMAN'S HEALTH AT 45. A Critical Period When Pink Pills Are a Real Blessing. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are abso- lutely the finést medicine that ever a woman took. At special periods a woman needs a medicine to regulate her blood supply or her life will be a round of pain and suffering. It is at such times that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold Jor they make new rich blood, that banish the secret symptoms of dis- tress that only women and growing girls know, ' They strengthen every vital organ for its special task, and bring rosy cheeks and shapely forms that tell of womanly health and hap- piness. Mrs. Richard Lobb, Red Deer, Alta., says: "At that eritical period in my life known as th change I suffered so much that I hard- ly hoped to pull through. doctor- ed for months but did not get any relief and 1 grew so weak that bi vould hardly walk about, and it was impossible for me to do my house work. Only women who have guls fered similarly. can 'tell how: much. 1 enduted--the Sonstant misery, dhe} iragged feeling," and the terrible backuches that lings me. No rh gould have been in a more wretched condition than I was at this time; and it was then that my attention was directed to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got a half dozen boxes and before they were all gone there was a rood improvement in my condition, Fhen I got six more boxes aod be- 'ore I had used them all 1 felt like a few woman and was enjoying better health than I had done for years. Not only have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills proved a blessing to me, but they also worked a great change in the mse of my daughter, who was in a very miserable condition after child- birth. 1 know also of two young ils whom 1 beliove would have Seen in their graves now but for the we of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Con- sidering what they have done for me nd at 1 have seen them do for sthers, I am justified in my enthu- dasm for this medicine and T never lose an opportunity to recommend it." Sold by ail medicine dealers or bv mail at 0c. 4 box or six boxes for 12.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine '0., Brockville, Ont. TENDERED A RECEPTION. Queen's Graduate Remembered . at Strathmore. At Strathmore, Alberta, a large number of the residents assembled at he King Edward Hotel to tender a WHERE IS ROBERT MARSH? Engine Fitter Who Worked in Kings- ton Being Sought. The Whig is in receipt of a letter from J. A. Masey, of 14 Tuffon Road, Kent, England, enquiring as to the whereabouts of one Robert Marsh, who was living at or near Kingston un few years ago, and who was a mem- ber of the Salvation Army. He would now be about fifty-four years of age. For family reasons it is necessary to know. if Mr. Marsh is still living. The family have photographs of him tak- en at Kingston fifteen years ago. Mr. Marsh Jost the first joint of his right forefinger before coming to. Canada. He was an engine fitter and driver, BAD CASE REVEALED. Drink Has Seat. a Man to the Asyluin, $ A gad case has been revealed in the city, in the rémoval of & man to the insane asylum. Por some weeks he as beengdrinking very heavily and is has so unbalanced his mind that he¥had to be sent to the hospital, It Was thought at first that he could be Msated at one of the hospitals but the doctor, who wah called in, stated that the asylum was the place for him. On Friday the necessary papers were secured and in the evening he was taken to the asylum by a couple of policemen. It is believed that a short term in this institution will re store him to good health again, Hartington Cheese Factory Burned, Hartington, Oct. 7.--f\bout 10.30 o'clock last night, the cheese factory belonging to Earl Ryan was destroyed ny fire. The flames, which originated in the curingroom, were not gbserved for some time, and so every effort to extinguish them was fatile. Since pur chasing the factory three years azo, Mr. Ryan has made wuny improve ments. He had established a butter plant, which was proving a great suc cess, nnd last spring put in a new sasoline engine, this making the fae tory one of the most up-to-date mn the county. Much sympathy is tendered him in his loss. One hundred and fifty. six cheese. which were yot unshipped, were also destroyed, Dropsy-- ion to Dr. Girvin, a graduate of Jueen's, and his bride. The bride was formerly Miss Morris and occu- ded the ition of teacher in the range Valley school, about four niles south of Strathmore. A hand- ome wedding cake, the gift of the esidents of Strathmore, occupied the weutral position on the table, A fine toast list was carried out, nd Dr. Fisher, also a graduate of dueen's, acted as toastmaster, and woved himself to be the right man ht place. t feature of the evening presentation, to Pr. and Mrs. taraqui, several boxes of those sum mer beeries. This district Se" to be able to produce two crops of some garden growths. . Death of an OM Kingstonian, Bm No Word as Yet. Adjutant Smith, of ihe Salvation | Army, has received no word, as yet, as to where he will be located, but expected to be notified very shortly. The local officers regret very much his of a silver tray as a slight oken of esteem, in which the citizens thmore held them. Dr. Girvin located at Strathmore e of everyone. His King- ton friends join in wishing him con tinued success. operating a corn cutter on a s Jar Sat Mowing, William, seventeen- son of Charles Drummond, had his foot Given up by Doctor "I had dropsy, and was told by my family physician that there was no chance for me. My family also gave me up. My limbs and body were swollen one-third larger than natural, water collected around my heart and I had to be propped up in bed to keep from smothering. 1 took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy until I was entirely cured. This was in 1902, and I am now able to do any kind of work on my farm. My cure was certainly marvelous." : L. TURLEY CURD, Wilmore, Ky. relieving heart trouble. Its tonic effect upon the hedrt nerves an muscles is a great in assisting nature to 'heart weakness, . Price $1400 at your druggist. Me should rs ©, Terents, DR INK HA Cured in Three Days ! This is the Gatlin Institute's eleventh year. Thousands of men and women have taken the Gatlin treatment. The Gatlin treatment is administered contract to cure any case satisfactorily in three days satisfaction on leaving the institute. means that the full fee paid will be in no case. refunded. under a plain, BIT There has been fallure to cure legal Any expressed dis- No Hypodermic Injections, No Poisonous Drugs, Therefore No Bad After- Effects Hypodermic injections are dangerous poisoning, apscesses, paralysis and atrophy Jections with the Gatlin treatment, and only three days' time against 28 to 42 by injection methods can and do cause | HOME TREATMENT | The Gatlin institute for three days as efficient as Institute treatment if simple directions are followed Call, telephone, or write for particulars. LL ie BATLIN INSTITUTE : G000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CAPE COD CRANBERRIES Just Arrived. Extra Fine Quality, at 15c per qt. SWEET POTATOES 6 Ibs. for 25c. R.H. TOYE, 3% ki tL 000000000 000000000000080000000 £ 428 JARVIS STREET. Telephone N 453% Hargrave, Manager A ---- Boarding Hause Kespers Attention ! Last y Book Shelves and Eeasy Chairs. AD st uti JAMES REID'S, The Leading Undertake Phone 417. Phone 141. ses BRRBBRLBRRY blood There are no hypodermic in- Home treatment is for those who cannot come td the It Is just TORONTO ONTARIO, we furnished two-thirds of the boarding houses with Surfaced Oak Dressers and Washstands, Iron Bedsteads in Single or Double Her- cules Springs and Mattresses to fit, _-- "Buffets, Sideboards and Cabinets Baffets from $18 snd up, any finish, Early Buglish, Fumed or Gollen Rideboards, $6.50, $8.50, $12.50 to $45. China Cabincis, $11.50 to Wp $50. + RR. J. REID, Ambulance Phone 577. - -- HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. Go to the STEWART HOUSE Sommerelal Hotel. Leading Rates, $1.58 per JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING, LTR Hunters" Excursions Single First Class Fare Going Oct. 10th to Nev. 12th, to points in Northéfn Ontario, Lake Superior, Georgian Hay and Rasters | Provinces; also From Oct. 20th to Nov, 12th, to Dongtane, Midland, Lakefield, Lidds fxy, and all Hunters' Territory in Muskoka reached by steamer lines. The above rates apply to nearly all Hunters' Territory in Ontario and Quebec, and information will be cheerfully given on application to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. KincsTong PEMBROK RAILWAY In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILVAY, HUNTERS' EXCURSION tound Trip Tickets at SINGLE PARE; October 10th to November 12th. Petewawa to Port Arthur, Temiskam- ing Northern Rallway Stations and points In Quebec Oct. 20th to Nov. 12th, to stations Budbury te 8B. 8B Marie, Havelock io Sharbot Lake. Lindsay Bimnech Severn nn North Bay Madawaska 10 Parry Bound Ail Lirkels good 16 return until Dec 16th, 1910. + Low Rates To PACIFIC COAST ONE WAY $45.10 Second Class until October 15th Full particalars at KX and » LIVE. Ticket Office. Ontario Street F. CONWAY Gen. Pass Good Going and Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union further Taos, WL A fo' Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily except Sundays at 3 p.m. for Picton and Intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Full isformation from ames Swift & Ce. J. P. Hanley, Freighi Azents. Ticket Agent ad WH. MURRAY. Asttioneer. Furriture Salen given ate tantiut have bat ye Anne nt whe, ye or 8 for look yearn ' Famers watt be Bligh dollar, gel my services MARKET SQUARE

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