Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Oct 1910, p. 3

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'o 0 COFFS CECE OS PLPC PLES CBO ORCROREOR q ] PASIAN 2 3 & HOROOHOO0 We can Supply your Needs in' Child= : ren's, Misses' and Ladies' Coats § at Lowest Prices. Infants' Bear Skin Coats Cream, Red, Brown, $2.25 to $5 each. These J handsome little Coats are very durable and wash without injury to the curl. Children's Knit Wool Coats Closely knit with best Scotch Wools and very prettily trimmed, $3, 3.25, 4.00. i Military Coats For Children, Every standard size, colors Brown, Navy, Cardinal and Green ; also Tweed Eflects, $2.75, 3.00, 3.50 to 5.00, 5. Misses' Coats " Smart styles, in Colors and Tweeds, fitted with Military or Coat Collars, $4.50, 7.50, 8,50, 9.00. Ladies' Coats Latest New York fashic ne, in Diagonals, Che~ yiote and Tweeds, $8.50, 11.00, 12.00, 14.00, 17.00 il LI} Fmnsements, i , GANANOQUY HOCAL OPTIONISTS ARE WORKING "HARD. {( GRAND (OPERA HOUSE Five Gananoqae Young Men Seriously Sen Il in Hotel Dien, Kingston--Gift! -«... TO-NIGHT + Mennvs. Shubert and Daniel ¥V. Arther to a Bride who has Returned for a Visit, THE EMINENT a COMEDIAN, Weedon G rossmith 'w Great Fares, | POR SALR. RE FINE EXNGLISH-MADE PIANO! BAR. gain to cash buyer... Can be seen at 123 Montreal Street. COAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES 'onl Heaters, Quebec and Sther kipas of Stoves at Turks. "Phone LOST. ON THURSDAY, 6TH INST, A GOLD necklace. Finder will be rewarded Ly returning same to Miss Blake. care Dr. Winnet. 12.~The work of Gananoque, Oct, In RCC obtaining the twenty-five per cent. of names requisite 10 - submit to the Mr. PREEDY and THE COUNTESS town council in asking for a vote on Direct Jhon in twe res Tapdon. ra ar Lat and du tion local' option at the time of the muni: cipal elections in January, is being Seats on. ie To i A TURQUOISE PIN OR BROOCH, MON- day afternoon Finder kindly re- turn to 2358 Johnson Street and re- ceive reward YOUNG MAN'S APPLY AT GENERAL Hospital. TUTOR FOR MATRICULATION ork: Apply, Box M. B., Whig of- ce. A SMALL CAMBO BROOCH, BETWEEN St. George's Cathedral Market and Laldiaw's store, Satupday. Finder kindly to 64 Johnson Street. FINANCE AND INSURANCE FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to Godwin's Insurance Emporium, over Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'phone 424. , REPATRICK, GENERAL IN- es Pr t I Be Sreamabip Ticket Aent 13 Clarence Stree Kingston, lephone 568. rapidly and enthusiastically poshed along. - A large number of canvassers | are out. - Reports so far are most en- couraging. The local optionists say they are out to win. Martin Nalom, 'a well-known resident of the tows, was taken to the Hotel Dien, Kingston, for treatment, Mon- day. This: makes five young men of the town. in. that isstitution at. pre sent, the others being A. Latimer, 4, Mallette, A, Major and W. H. Meln- tyre. All ame quite seriously, ill. The Mises Illa Davis, Jessie Haig aud Gertrude Adams, are representing the local" Willing Uircle of King's Daughters at the provincial conven- tion in Ottawa. A. Pelow, taken suspicion of theft OR FOR LEASE THE PREMISES Neo. sora Princess Los i « suitable for sto wer » ble or garage. at ngham & Mudie. : TWO GOOD STOVES, HALL STOVE and cook stove, in first.class con- dition Can be seen at Frost's City Storage, 298 Queen Street, BOATS. A wa Hv. THURSDAY, Oct. 15th RETURN ENGAGEMENT COHAN AND WARRIS PRESENT J. E. DODSON "THE Eo: NEXT DOOR" By 4. HARTLEY MANNERS, el ey Co a TP ET Ei | SATURDAY, OCT. 15 Bargsio Mativee at 2.30; Rvening sas, William F. Mans of i ALLE KE ELLSMORE 4 TRONON A omiedy by Wm. Fletcher, The Vulture HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS. R. Waidron, 'corner Barrie and Stuart Bireets. DINING-ROOM WAITRESSES T™WO Apply at and one Chambermaid. Randolph Hotel, CLOTH WORKERS AND FUR FINISH- ers. Apply to John McKay, the Fur House, Hrook Street. BARGAINS IN NEW and second-hand gasoline launches, with or without ahgines: | Frgae to sult ail. Coward's ACRE FARM, ABOUT ¢ MILES from Kingston, near post office and school; well watered: large house, telephone. barns and Apply to Dr. G. W. Beli, 119 Clarence Street NSURANCE. FIRE, LIFE IN to GENERAL, WITH REFRRENCES. small family. at once, A Mrs. Rodger, 161 Phi: slon Street. gies Street. PLUMBER AND STEAMPITTER. HAV- ing experience, so take Sarge of 2 Job. A baly 2 Box C . Whig office, J. K. CARROI DISTRICT AGENT, | PIANOS, GOOD ONE, $20.00; ANOTHER Dominion Life Assurance Company. 7.00; real good Organs, $7.00 and also Fire. Accident, Sickness and 00; seme reduire tuning: some Plate Glass Insurance, 14 Marke: solid walnut. an cases Jultable Street, Kingato for desks er Doth aaa $2.50 oach Coward's Boat Works. into custody on of $21.15 from W, F. Stevens, International hotel, and against whom no evidence could be educed for conviction, was charged with vagrancy, but work having heen offered to him and accepted, he was allowed to go. Mrs. C. N. Palmer, Brockville, spent the past two days with her mother, An Um ) Mpstery Sears Mrs. C. E. Brennan, King street, re- 3 turning yesterday. On this occasion of Pi SHANE Cuitlien, 18; Adfin her first visit here since her marriage, EVENING=-15, 2% 35, &S0e, Seats on Sale Thursday, the officers and teachers of Grace Sun- day school took the 'opportunity of AND hr THE CROWDS To offering a slight testimonial "of their Briffin's Orpheum appreciation of her services as teacher in the primary department of the The Home of Polite Vandeville and Motion Pletures. school, in the form of a handsome set of silver table spoons. Complete change of 2 Reels of Pictures Every Day. The Spring and Axle company, hav- PROGRAM : ing made the necessary repairs, where Oct. 10th, 1ith and 12th. the accident<of a few days ago, dis Arthur Lynn "| arranged the Rteam pipes, connecting boiler and engine, used their engine Pte ror Bs in Mary, Scotch Songs. for motive power, yesterday afternoon, Extra huge Daly, with goad results. The water supply has been rapidly gaining and it is ex- pected will soon he cient for all requirements. The vr Bow: oa; in Songs, Dances and Piano- logues. €. EE. Britton and family, who Laughs ! Roars ! Seat! have spent the season at Mudlunta, from bave closed up for the season and The Sketchers™ moved back to town. Joseph Grat- tan is visiting in Brockville. James Root, Montreal, spent yesterday in town with his mother, Mrs. Gilbert The World's Greatest Com- edy Cartoonists, NO ADVANCE IN PRICES, 5 and 10 Ucuts, Root. Mrs. Charles Stephenson, To- ronto, is. spending a short time in Come early to avoid the crush. 2.30 and 7 p.m. Wonderland UST HAVE EX- les paid-to right to Steacy TWO SALESLADIES; | perience; good sal persons. Apply, at once, & Steacy, GRO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- er. Put your invoices in an envel- a with a one cent stamp on It Sron in the nearest letter box rE 0 the rest. AN kinds of Fire Shons 396. 67 Clarence BY. FARM OF 130 ACRES, WELL CULTI- vated, situate on the water front, near Kingston, convenient to church, sehool and cheose factory splendid orchard; new brick re es ence and bank barn Apity to J, 8 R. McCann, §1 Brovk Street, cor. King GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no washing: references required Apply, 27 Sydenham, in evening be- tween 7 and 8 wejoek. -- A GENERAL placed on short Ron SERVANT. NO WASH- ing, ironing or sweeping. Apply to Mrs. Francis Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, King Street West. AT ONCE, TWO FIRST-CLASS DIN- ing-room girls: good wages; steady employment. Apply, at once, D. I, Horan, Hotel Queen Alexandra, Prescott, Ont, LIVERPOOL, LONDON. AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187 215. In addition to which the policyholders have for recurity the untimited Hability of all the stockholders. Farm and elty Jropetty insured at lowest possible, rates. Before renewing old |g or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone, 825. 0 It. 304 EARL STRERT, ae K a 7 rooms; b. eC. - Apply to J, oB Meth ann, si froex treet, AND 5 WARM HOUSES, $4.50 AND $7 per month In advance; w.o. in each; ree water. Apply at 103 Raglan Street . RA A RA RRA AA AAR RRNA CRA RRO AA AROROROR DW Nie OFFICE BOY, WITH BOME kpowiledge of typewriting and shorthand Apply: in own hand- writing and state wages "olfice. to Box 1,210, care of W hig office INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY gern $100 monthly corresponding OF nNewspa rs. 0 canvassin Send for I oiilry Press Syndl. {Theary), Plano Pupil of J. D. Loc Tri ia prepared to give leshons --nte 3500 port, NY. in Minn and theory every Wednes- day and Thursday at 66 Union Street. Pupils prepared for examl- nations, ONR reasons Brock ONE LARGE FRONT AND small furnished bedroom; able rates. Apply to 363 Street, east side. MUSIC. AN ATCM Miss TLA ITAMBLY, M Synorms OF CANADIAN NORTH. 2» nap LAND REGULATIONS, . PERSON WHO IS THE BSOLM b ® family, or any male over 18 o) i ---------------------------- LARGE FRONT ROOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished: modern conveals ences, Apply to 15 Mantreal Street, A LEADING BOPRANO FOR QUEEN near Princess Street, Btreet Methodist Church Choir. Ap- ply, by letter, statin sdlury ox- pected, to R, BE. Sharks, Chalr rman 2 usic Committee, ad 1-2 Princess treet. megtend & quarter lon of ava fale minion land in to Saskatchewan or Alléria Yhiion cant must Sppear in person at |' minion ency or Bub- ey for the a et ntry by proxy o nade at any agency, on Sartell ons, by father, mother, or, brot er or sister of intending dhe residence t least 80 acres solely owned occupied bv him or by his father, er, son, d GENERAL HOSPITAL n certain Bors oro vd aa re. Oct. 15th. i standing g muy. pre-op wn quarter } ce.| REMEMBER A WORTHY CAUSE fir oF a entry Smiestend pat (the {ime 2 n allie: fy ao of Wie Pa has exhausted his rl and Sannot obtain » name on enter for a purchased stead in carials districts, Bar a Joys cultivate house worth A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLIN 205 Wellin ton Bireat MoE Crothers' ory), piE.M R. Webster, $1 Dan reel MISS EMMA A. REEDE AACM Teacher of Volce Placement (Pupll of Miss Geraldine Damon. Pitis- burg. Pa. Assistant Teacher to Mr Bristol, Coburg, Ger), will be pleased to meet any wishing to study voice at 198 Johnaon Btreet 'Phone 1,100, ring 1 and 4 BOOKKEEPER --A SMART YOUNG lady with knowledge of double entry bookkeeping. Apply, statin age, experien Suierancen an salary Sabects Address, A. B. C. care Whig office. A SEVEN-RNOOM BRICK DWRLLING, 99 York Jtreet, in first class condi« tion: possession after October 20th. Apply, J. C. Landeryou, 83 York Street. -------------------------------------------------------- CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH eeded in every home, especially by salary; per- if you are work- the can MADAME A. DON COCHRANE, A. T. M., Director of Trinity Church Ghar Napanee, having studied under Jlanor Garcia and Prof Fred. Walker, London {Engiind). Duvivien, Parle, Is imited num- yor culture. Monday at 330 Voices tested UNION STREET BRICK; 7 rooms, b, & ec. gas; three students now rooming here who would re. main Apply to J. 8B. Re MeCann, 51 Brock Street. working men; g manent position; ing for small pala behind counter, write to- ky: you double Zour wages be e your own boss. pply, Box "RYB. C." Whig office. RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVE FOR each locality by million dollar fingneial eofporation of Vancouver, lH highest grade Investments, #8 bonds, debentures, etc; an excellent opportunity for insur. ance or real estate agents or other reliable business nen to. ingreéuse revenue by presenting high- de investments to nequaint- ances in spare time. Write us to- day, Such shpertinities are not ofte British Canadian Securities, Ltd, Dominion Trust Bullding, Vancouver, B.C. WANTED--GENKRAL ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SCRIF tte buy for cash. J. B, McCann, 51 Br Btreet. OBITUARY RY NOTICES. Death of Joseph Sher Sheridan, Formerly of Brockville, Joseph, Sheridan, a retired gentle mah, who had been a resident of Kingston for the past two years, died in the Hotel Dieu, early Tuesday even- ing, after an illness of about wight weeks. He was a. former r t of Brockville, and was well-known in that locality. He was a brother-in-law of Fdward Halliday, formerly of the Hub hotel. He. is aged forty-four years and leaves a widow, but no children. His remains were forwarded to Broeck- ville hy 8. 8. Corbett, at noon, to and Madame pierared to Becept r of puplls Studio on every University Avenue. free of charge. MEDICAL. ROUGH WEATHER AND FOG Causing Great Deal of Delay to the Vessels, The George Hall Coal company has chartered the stenmer Mosley J for the balance of the seasan to replace Phoenix, which ran ashore during ho . storm apd hay been abandon Rough weather on Lake Ontario and fog on, the the upper lakes is delayiig the vessels' thobe days. A muimber of grain boats are on the way from Fort Wil liam to Kingston but they have lost considerable time as a 'result of thes circumstanced, - The steamer -W is expected to arrive at the M. T, Co.'s elevator to-night with a . cargo of grain from Fort William. Coal schooners running to Kingston have been tied up at Oswego all week ns a result of the rough weather. The weather has not at all favored BRICK RESIDENCE, 93 William Street centrally located; furnace, gas, an all modern Lmprovements Ap ply to Dr. M Sullivan Corner W ng and Princess Street FOR SALE OR TO LET, DWELLING, 2 12 8STORIRE FURNISH. or unfurnished; all 'modern im- provements; choloce location. Apply, UVARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. Gardiner, 67 Clarence Street, DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL, , 262 Syden- 1 1 kinds of Jobbing Al rices on a. nds ork done promptly and hinds. J. F. BPARKS, BA. M.D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100, Wellington St Office hours, 10 to 1X am. 3 to 4 and 7 to § pm. 'Phone 28d TWO NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSES on Quebec Street] latest modern i rovements; selling price, $1. 500; rent. $11 per month, A ply to Rev. J. D. Boyd. 108 Pine Street. ay. The deceased was the fourth son of the late George Sheridan, and = was born at Brockville. In religion he Waa an Anglican. He was a member the Prescott lodge of Oddiellows. When leaving Brockville he took over the management of the Mansion hotel, DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W, KELLAR, Carpenter and Builder, 265 Division St, for reasonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. All work done promptly. ERNEST R, BECKWITH, SONTRACT. g Engineer and Architect. Agent Builders' Bpeclalitiea, "149 enham Street and 292 Bar) THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE- mises for many Years cochpied by o., lesale Henry Skinner ts, extending nee: fron o tonopes bulidin ningham & Mudie. USE IT WHEN DUSTING. 8 A = » A LOAN TEN OR TWELVE HUNDRED dollars; good security. Address, Box 786, essa, Ont, tneludin Apply to CUSTOMERS FOR FRESH PORK ax. Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Kidneys . Foor Dressing 1t Is better than shellac, and _ wears better than varnish, : it does not 'scratch. It is bet- ter than wax. It is not slip Bn Siti with brush or ae Saas, you -l always 3 The Subleck Was Discussed dt futer- national the work on the steamer Phoenix, sunk mear South Bay Poiut. The government tug Lambton was in port to-day on her way to Nia gora where she will look for a buoy hich drifted away during the recent storm. by tug Mary, of the MT. Co, artived from Montreal with the barge Borchester, loaded with damaged rain, which is being unloaded at chardson's elevator, The tug Bronson towed the Buckeye § State to Cape Vincent t. At Swilt's wharf : Steamer Aletha down and up to-day; steamer Belle ville, = down, to-night; steamer Dun: durn, up, to-night. The steel steamer Keystone, which has been placed in the Kingston dry dock for the past eleven days, having some of jot platge ren removed and oth- ers tight from there, about midnight, for down the river. ooner Laura D. is at the Oereals Limited wharf to load grain, « barge and -------- PAY FOR PRISON WORK. Congress, matter Ros iscusmen day, of ' heart disease. and where interment was made, fellow was three months old Prescott, and gained the reputation of conducting. a strictly first-class house, His popularity made his business pros: per. He was a true friend to. many 'and no person was kinder to the needy than he was in the hour of theie trou- ble. He leaves four brothers. The funeral will take place at * Brockville, under Oddiellow auspices. Died in General Hospital. Robert Wardell, aged seventy-eight, died in the general hospital, on Tues- His remains were sent to Calabogie, by R. J. Reid, on the noon train, to-day. Funeral of an Infant, The funeral of the infant son of Mr. Mrs. Vietor Sudds, Simcoe Is land, took place, Wednesda r dfternoon, from their residence, to Wolfe Island, The little MANY ARE ATTENDING The Provisional School of Instruction at Armourdes. Lieut.-Col. A. B, Cunningham has ) succeeded gin huving = a school of instruction ovisional cers, non- commisgio officers fy men of the 14th regiment established here. The course lasts six weeks. Major Charles | To-night and - To-morrow -- That Irish Scrub Woman. Have you heard Hef the. If you have not it will be a treat to hear her sing. Come to-night with the crowds and hear her. Did you see the crowds last night trying to gain entrance to Wonderland? Come to-night and you TO HARNESSES TO CLEAN AND and Livers on Thursday morning at A. Maclean's, Ontario Street. PURCHASE GOOD GROCERY Street. Dians prepared and esti: mates given for all classes of work. DENTAL, store, locited in a residential dis iriet; state price and r for Taelling communications will be ated as private. Address, Box i 110, Whig office. OIL with waterproof dressing: will not rub off either on your hands or on the animal; prices very reasonable, Bring your harness to 71 Clarence Street. Sh will see them again wow PICTURES: GENTLEMEN Sr BRING THRIR made up mto . ce and workma to please. Pressing & on the shorte jowhy. 130 Brock TO Cloth and have {i FRISATE 'ype- pewrit- ; lectures and all fiks 4% fa merits Fn ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SE- Ferore "din ispaning drop and Bas ian will pay "Goud: prices inde of i Sai Happy ht i NL Seti fansan- 3 ble. - pron neess SPARKS ip BPARKS, DENTIST 3% 1-2 Princess Street, Kingston 'Phone DR. C. OC. NASH, DENTIST; DR. C a Weicker, assistant, 183 Pri 'Phone 735. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 19 MONT. renal ba near Princess Street "Phone §53. UNTRUFATHA. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS. "+R." OG Asheroft, D.O., Edna E. Asheroft P.O, aduatas upder Dr. Still the Founder of Osteopathy, 436 Princess Street, corner Division Phone 447. No charge for con- sultatién and literature. Ditice hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5. 6 to KL SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, ETO, THE NEWEST RULES, . REGULATION NS and Forms of given a the Gentral Tele eet ing 8 errard treet Taoronte. Ho hee "Write te T. J. Johnston, Princl- ARCHITECTS. BOARD AND ROOMN. RST-CLASS BOARD AND LODAING either together or separate may ha ad at 321 University Avenue, con ant to curs: bright, airy rooms; gas and modern conveniences. HOTELS AND RESTAURALTS. ONTARIO | ST, one blog ear line; BRUNSWICK | JHUTEL JR. station, from Crit. Be street hotel lately remodalled; charges moderate: special rates by the week. John Cousineau, Prop. Pp LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, ed to 72 Princess Street; dinners, 26c oysters In season, lee cream; soft drinks: private parties cater ed for. upstairs sitting-rooms. & D. May, Props. Your pstironage solicited. "Phone 9%5 REMOV. pr BUSINESS CHANCES. AXTONR, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order hlaineas at home. Neo Suratsing. vi Ba Four own boss, Bend for Ir Telin bow, Heacock, 2% NY. Kiet. Re a FISH TO MAKE MONEY IN " You A SPARE TIME by soliciting for personal Christmas orders cards (big commission), greetin IMITH, ARCHITECT, BTC. Series Company, HENR Ring Street. 'Phone, 345. 258 Ar -------------------- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 181 University Ave. WM ita ot otfioo 158 Bagot Bot | son a ete, ce, ree iPhone 08, write Canadian * Toronto, Ont, An interesting te at the. ditecaational Briss A. Low has been appointed command- -- with Capt. G. T. Birch as ad- Pheban, Skinner, "ftom Toron- that > a Saatel 0 for Re fy Fe) infantry, 'is instretor. FOR THE BRIDE lords s for work of gonvicts, 4 aff go to oh of amie eon 7 io (ham who wih to obtain iy am ! Ele EE 18 | MANTEL CLOCK SETS, out, by some of the IN isrpiNiEREs, that ove PATENTS. POWER & BON, ARCHI MER- XR Xo Brock. and ellington Slreets a 212. PERSONALS. LEGAL. RTHMARKS, permanently GHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST. vere and Law office, 79 Aston HOT WATER KETTLES, HAIR MOLES, Rout ad OR wenty Feary ex - . o A rience. i Eimer J. . Joye, r. Nose, Throat and Skin Blem- ish Bpeclallst, 26% Bagot Street. Good to seturn Ul Monday, ex pain leuyed City' Depot at chs CANDLESTICKS, TRAYS, VASES, GLASS LINED; . OUR COAL is imported direct - from the best anthracite regions. It is all kept under cover. Your order is solicited, PRICE

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