STAMINA IN MEN © (From "Man's Maladies.") "A prominent physician being mestion: "What are n iife a man needs answered, "Physical [h, strong nerves, mental ef- money and soclal suc- man possessing these en is a success. Any #sing the first three * and have the Possession of 2a with strong nerves requirement which mi . n ne 5 Xn be & er two : as men He the nd ing n hands , TEV ous- Slee, nm Mirae plete 1 vanish and & come« n restoration to normal fol« forty-five Sota 8 aol pay eighty-five? : | ANDREW M ----t. 's Female Pills' he Or at Best's Drug Store, GRAND UNION : 4 a ud Map SWITZERLAND RECOGNIZES IT-- GREAT BRITAIN WILL DO 80. General Amnesty Granted--Obligs- tory Secular Education to be Ime posed. Lisson, Oct. 13.--~The provisional izovernment has received a am {rom President Comtesse, of Switzer land, anncuneiog that government's recolmition of the Portuguese pul lic. The British minister, Sir Fran cis. H. Villiers, handed' the premier a note, stating that Great Britain would recognize the ae soon as it was convinced that the revolution was absolutely ended, and afidirs in Por- tugal were in a nommal state. he government has issued a de cree granting general amnesty to all military and naval Jose Retvas, the new minister of finance, in an interview i that one of the first acts ernment would be to tory secular education. At the same time the republicans would fully cognize liberty of . They did not desire to dest religious sentiment, but would izate the priests to confine themselves to spirit- ual matters. The minister said the t intended to readjust taxation and make the colonies bear their own ad- ministrative 'charges, Thi¥, he added, would meet a third of the existing deficit, without imjuri the colonies, the preservation and BE volopiant of which would be of supreme interest Portugal's policy. Republic Gains in Favor, London, Oct. 13.--The Lisbon corre spondent of the Daily Chronicle tele graphs that the republic seems to be §nining favor with the people. Un- doubtedly the provisional government is doing its best to redeem the re publican party pledges made to the ple. Ministers are wisely practis- ing as well as preaching liberalism, and are refraining from secuting their political opponents hore pro- perty is regar as sacred. This, however, is not altogether to the liking of certain extremists of the republican uy This action may, in a. sense, likened to the committee on and progress of the Young Turks. They form a powerful but mis guided body which, if they had their way would push the new government down the steep road which ends in de- struction. Members of the cabinet may be usted to resist to the last rather than yield to the arrogant counsels of those outside who are seeking to mould the cabinet to their way of thought and action. Notwithstanding this, rumors are current that extrem- ists may seize the government. Will Reside at Wood Norton. Fversham, Eng, Oct. 14.--King Manuel of Portugal and Queen Mother Amelie have accepted the invitation of the Duke of . Orleans te become his at Wood Norton. The house iin which Amelie. spent her childhood stands on the duke's estate a short distance from Wood Norton, Wor- cestershire. Jt is believed that this eventually will become the home of the royal exiles. in CAN'T MAKE IT PAY. Tax Collector and Assessor Out of Pocket, Chatham, Oat, Oet. 4.--Richard Knight, recently appointed tax col Jector and assessor for the city of Chatham, until the balance of the i the position. It is after paying for the bonds which the council insists upon, and alter Hiring help to collect the unpaid taxes, of which there are a lot still outstanding, the $1,000 a year salary would not be sufficient to reim- bt Bo 0k, a hen appoin vr. Knight, the council combined the offices ol collector and assessor. were over twenty applicants for the position when Mr. Knight was chosen. All Stopped. New York Sporting Times. Jack J n was talking to a New York sporting editor about game "But "they're all game," he said, with a good-humored smile, "They're as' game as Tommy Burns was at THE NEW REPUBLIC re AT THE GRAND. "Romona," in "The Vultere," on Saturday. "Romana," the - girl with the un- known power within the depths of her eyes, is a new and iar 'character to the modern stage. The power is unknown to herself and in modern times is - called hypnotism. This was discovered by the philosopher and sci- entist (The Vulture), in William F. Mann's newest and Jntevesting produc: {tiom, "The Vulture," by W. M. Fletch- ler; Romona, whose education has heen limited to the teaching of one man, shocks and startles. Herbert Hackett by her innocent overture of love upon first meeting him. This supplies a very pretty comedy vein which runs all through the acts of the play. It comes to the Grand on Saturday, Oc- tober 15th, matinee and night. Henry E. Dixey Coming. William A. Brady, one of the leading spirits in the independent theatrical movement, will send Henry E. Dixey : i : | MISS ALLIE ELLSMORE, As Romona, in "The Vulture" at the Grand, on turday, Oct, 15th, bargain matined and night. to the. Grand on Tuesday, October 18th. Mr. Dixey's appearance here, af ter an absence of several years, will be in the nature of an event theatrically. For the t few years, Mr. Dixey has confined his rances to the New York stage. lar American fun-makes will be seen here in George Paston's and W. B. Maxwell's three- act - farcical comedy, "The Naked Truth." "A Winning Miss." There isn't a question of the supre- maey of the Woololk musical show in its particular field of < popular enter- tainment, that plays the Grand on Wednesday, Ootober 19th, with Max Bloom, and some sixty people in "A Winning Miss." This is the same pro- duction that. ran all one season at the Garden Theatre, in Chicago. "A Win- ning Miss" is an unusually novel enter- tainment of the happy sort, a unique comedy with decidedly refreshing fea- tures, a------------------ BROCKVILLE YOUNG LIBERALS. Officers Elected---Prosperous Season in Prospect, Brockville, Oct. 14.--~At the annual meeting of the Brockville Young Lib- eral Club, the following officers were on. D. Derbyshire, honorary Hon. George P. Graham, George E. Smart, first viee- ; R. H. Lindsay, second vice : M. J. Burns, secretary; H. . White, treasurer; L. Dargavel, librarian; executive, J. J. Venney, R. J. Gall, M. Downey, W. C. Mac Laren, J. H. Botsford and J. A. Young. The outlook is encouraging for a prosperous year. ------------ Used Body as Bullet Shield. New York, Oct. Mr=hiolph Borg; {wenty-ome years, was arrested, on a charge of homicide, i the man known as "Pickles," who held twelve-year-old Charles Fischer in front of him as a shield from a fusi- lade of shots from the revolver of Henry Greenwald, alias "Biff" Clark, Toeay afternoon. The boy was killed, and - when Greenwald was cor nered, he shot and killed himself. ------------ $25 for Manslaughter. Montreal, ~ Oct. 14. <Garceau and Picotte, who killed Carter as a result of a practical joke, and were found ily ol manslaughter, were fined $25 or months: : KIDNEYS CAUSE BACKACHE. f Hartington, Oct. crop is being the Methodist church is leing re shingled. The county stome-crusher with nyinz engine, caboose and ang of. workmen, arrived, on Mo y and is now at work on the streets. William Watts is seriously ill. Budget From Bath. Bath, Oet:=13.--Mrs. Gourlay, Toronto, is visiting her som, Gourlay, manager of the Nort Crown bank. Mrs. Edward Wemp and Mrs. W. E. Toplifi, while driving on Wednesday, near Links' Mills, pick ed a nice bunch of raspberries, which were a second crop. of King- ston postmen came here oun Sunday with a motor boat and had difficulty 12.--A fair potato i The rool of w. bik returning home. Notes From Oso. Oso, Oct. 13. ~The most of the farm- ers have their potatoes dug snd re port a fair eon, Quite a number from here at the funeral at Zealand on Tuesdsy of Thomas Gar- rett's little girl. H: Englend bas completed work on the Sharbot Lake | which is of great convenience to the people of Oso and Sharbot Lake. Two local young men met with a mishap on Sunday, while out diving, by the upsetting of their buggy. serious damage was done. Mrs. H. Wilson, of Lanark, is visi her daughter, Mrs. 8. C. Bourk. G. But- Jer is home from the north. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chambers called at E. Bourk's, ' I Remains Interred at Wilton, Wilton, Oct. 12~The body of the late Mrs. Huttan, Conway, was buri- ed here, on Saturday. Deceased was a sister of Curtis Walker, of this vil- lage. J. E. Storms is suffering from a carbubife on the seek Schgol . = opened Monday wi iss Costley, Campbellford, as teacher. Mrs, N. B, Switzer, Kingston, is "pending a few days at her father's, James Lewis. Parbam, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Clow, Miss Bessie Clow, Sydenham high schgel, visited at J. B. Sanderson's on Saturday, Mies Mary Smith, King- ston, is the of Mrs. N. A, As- gelstine. W. Gallagher, Portland, is visiting ut Wesley Parrott's. The re- mains of the late Mrs. Calvin Mont gomery, Odessa, were brought here for interment to-day. Cole Lake Briefs. Cole Lake, Oct. 12.--Digzidy pota- toes is the order of the day. Frnresh- ing. is completed. The young men around here are glad tio hear that Captain G. H. 8. Campbell has or- izaniged the rifle association, the first meeting beinz held on Saturday last. Henr made the best seore at 100 yards, The baseball game be- tween Cole Lake and Verona boys was a decided success, the .Cole Lake boys winning. Turkey buyers are travelling through this part. A miscellaneous shower was held at J. E. Campbell's for Miss A. E. Kennedy. Miss Leish- man, Miss Anna Hill, Edmund Me- Knight and Athol Hill were the guests of Miss Ella Kpnnedy; on Sun- day last. Mes, J. E, Campoell has been ¢ inz a few days with, Mrs. Geovige Butterill and Mrs. Geo. Killins. Patrick Trusdale, of Sydenham, at Geo. Killine', on Sunday last. Chest- or Kennedy at J kins'; Roy Martin at William Hamilton's. Train Killed Verona Cow. Verona, Oct. 12~The noon train killed a valuable young cow owned by Lawrence iff; near the water tower, Lower Verona. W. A, Grant, Temagami, is here on a visit to his sisters, Mrs. A. Trousdale and Mrs. Eugene Percy. James McMahon has moved to Lake street. Clayton Card and Miss Georgie Spider were united in marriage at the bride's re sidence, to-day. Rev. B. Pierce was the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Le garry has moved to the house op- ite the Ti of Yet iy It bo BY of t A libe THOUSANDS OF MEN ING T Backache, Rheumatism, their kidneys, lieving the Rheumatism and allaying backache pains, when all the while the kid- neys are struggling at their task, weaker and weaker and becoming hopeless- should. Reader, see that you do not make the same mistake. ments for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Blood Dis- orders, or Nervous Ailments, STOP at once! Make your kidneys healthy and strong by taking Warner's and you will have nothing to fear. But start to-day--to-morrow may be too late. by druggists everywhere at 50¢c and §1.00 a write direct. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS for Constipation coated, absolutely free from injurious sub- stances, are a perfect laxative, he pills Ww RNER'S E YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? ASD WOMEN UNWELL THROUGH KIDNEYS Fall. © PROPERLY FILTER THEIR BLOOD. ers, Dropay, and Bright's Dis. Selatiea, Nervous Disord ease are Caused hy Kidneys Not Acting Right, Weak kidneys are the common heritage of See that You get the genuine thousands of Americans They are the cause package as illustrated below the housewif¢'s backache pains and the husband's Rheumatic agony when he bends down to his Work. They are also the cause, when those early symptoms are neglected, which leads Lo per: manent Kidney" Pisablement, Dropsy, and of }+ Bright's Disease. S few people take the trouble to look after They busy themselves in re- the § getting § incapable of purifying the blood as they If you are using drugs or link. is your kidneys that need help. Safe C Sold ttle. If your dealer cannot supply you, Constipation and Rillonsuess, : d Billousness, purely vegetable, sugars They do not 25 ipe or leave any bad after effects. cents a box. Bottle and To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kid- neys and liver, that WARNER'S SAFE CURE will ab- Box of Pills Free solutely cure, a sample bottle and also a sample box postpaid, to anyone who will write and mention having seen this The genuineness of this offer is will be sent FREE OF CHARGE, SAFE CURE CO. Toronto. Ont, ral offer in the Kingston British Whig. fully guaranteed by the publisher. BO0S0000S000000000000000000000000000000000W Come in and i t our assortment of TAFFIES which has just arrived--Butter Scotch, Maple Walnut Cream, Cocoanut Cream, Peanut Crisp and Lady Caramels, all at 20c. per 1b. Other lines at 15¢. per 1b. 302 King St R. H. TOYE, Phone 141.°¢ 00000000000000000000000000000800000000000000 ips nmin -- : on ---- lS FRRRFRERNRTRRERRRARPER NERIRLLLLE RRR RAR Ganong's Chocolates Caramel, Chewing, Nut, Fruit, Cream and Ginger Centres, only 50 CENTS PER LB. EVANGELINE PETITS Something extra. 75 CENTS 1 LB. BOX & @ 3 @& @ @ 2 i iz 2 ; 3 ) 2 : E @ o 16 Pines 8 | RRR RRR Mec53 A.J. REES, RRRERRRRRERR RR y hight a even fleme. ¢ De-Light™ Smoker. hd or. he Always everyw in Canada, E00YS The Family Shoe ~ WE'VE A JUST RIGHT PAIR OF SHOES FOR EVERY MEM- BER OF THE FAMILY FROM GRANDPA'S TENDER FEET DOWN : TO THE NATURE SHAPED SHOES FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE. ~~MANY FAMILIES CALL THIS THEIR SHOE STORE-COMING HERE WITH EVERY SHOE WANT. : THE FEET, THAT WE BRESS WITH SHOES WEAR THE BEST LOOKING, MOST DURABLE AND COMFORTABLE SHOES | THAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO BUY. ----HOW ABOUT MAKING THIS YOUR SHOE STORE' YOU'LL DO YOUR FEET AND PURSE A GOOD TURN BY DO- Try Our Line or Chocolate Assorted Creams, Hard Fruit and Nut Centres, made with a selected coating. Just the right kind to make them delicious. Xt ---------------------------------------------- . 9 Grimm's 102 PRINCESS STREET, SAMEERA EERIE EE THATTIRED WHEEL In sll ages the only natural and me- e it chanical and scientific way of working ron is by heatin and sticking it while it is hot. That also stands good in the matter of setting tires, as every. one must admit that the most natural and mechanical and scientific way of setting tires is by heating and ting them on while hot. Then you have a perfect job. More on this subject mext change. Repairs of all kinds get and prompt attention. Rubber Tires on your Carp or Buggy, also your Baby Carriage res get; prompt attention. *Arg selling balance of our Stock off "JAMES LATURNEY rN CIS STREET our best KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" THILY-GLEth EEE Building? ay I can Supply Wall Plaster, lime and Portiand Cement P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. BIRRRERRR COAL! The kind you are for i» the kind oo Scranton Coal BOOTH & CO. BE WISE And have your heating and cook. ing arrangemepts in good shape Je ore the cold wintry days set n We have a splendid lot of Ranges and Heaters in stock, as gO as new, at extremely low prices It will pay you to see them be- fore buying elsewhere. All kinds of Household Goods bought and soll. ntigue riuiture a Specialty. Give us a call ay cw oki LESSES The Sorvant in the House This has no reference to the cele- brated play by that name. But deals with the ever obliging, always ready, never failing, general servant of the general family. The "greatest convenience in household. Once tried always used. Cook With Gas CHEAP~--~CLEAN---CONVENIENT, NagstonL 1. & Power Go. C. C. FOLGER, Gen, Manager. the Best by Test This is proven in a Wormwith Plano. 2 Try One in Your Home artistically designed, and reasonably priced, KINGSTON'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE. Is all and classic popular Music in Book and Sheet Form. THE : WORMWITH PUNO CO LIMITED,