Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Oct 1910, p. 3

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Never before have we "had sith ag fine assortment of Pure Wool Blan- kets, ranging from $3.50 to $7.00. Grey Wool Blankets From $2 to $4.50 per pair. The Best of Flannelette Blankets § Medium, Large and Extra Large Sizes, grey or white, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 pair. Joo pd t Fine Soft s Nice Soft | Bess }& Crib Quality Pare Wool, only $1.75 per pair. § Quality Flannelette, only 50c. pair. COMFORTERS New Designs, ran $1.75, $2, $3.25, $4, $5. og at $1.25, $1.50, $ 50 and up. November Fashion Sheets Free. CANADIAN NORTH. was LAND REGULATIONS. - ou tivation LL a ne nd, Seeusoa Bo ol MB | Marathon in 3.01, Notes on Baseball and Other Field Events, Hatch won the Chicago Sidne; : The old record was 3.15, Ralph Ripley says the Toronto Ar- ports | goes will give Tigers a close game tain Galt and n over 140 feet. on Saturday -at Hamilton, Saturday afternoon, at Brampton, Orillia will settle the ju- venile championship series. More than $70,000 bas been re turned to applicants for = world's baseball serids tickets at Philadel ia. Martin Sheridan has at last soc ceeded in boosting the discus record 0 did 142 feet at Celtic Park, New: York. Neither Gilmour nor Paisley is likely to be on the McGill teams to meet 's to-morrow. = Paisley"s bad ankle will require a couple of weeks' rest. "Chaucer" Elliott gets them In addition to Nate Molson, Montreal f out. post at quarter Ottawa won the Montreal snd djs- trict league" Shatfionshig, but lost money on 'the season hile soccer is not gaining rapidly in popularity at the capital the Ottawans will be in the © again next year, Barrymore, a former Harvard tac- kle, is out with Ottawas in uniform, and he favorably impresses Coach Clancy, his line-bueking being good, while his tackling also attracts at- tention. Like Solomon, however, he Racin ut To I pGe of the, Candis game, tit tha wi pick this up fast enough for the Ottawas to 'use him the sea son closes. Toronto Globe: The cat is out of . Jack Williams Late Hugh xi ' Away beset) Ni pe, Oct. 14.-A ram was 5 Mer rg Rise? ee Wetlnesday, a ing the Rev. 'Adelbert Hayes, son of William Hayes, Thomas street. Deceased con: ad tenho!' fever 4 counts of weeks ago, and not being very robust cold {0 not withstand the disease. The re- mains were interred at Medicine Hat, Deceased was thirty-eight years of age leaves a wile, two sons and ug? "Another sad. death from typhoid fever was that of 'Hugh Killorin, son of James Killorin, Napanee, who died at Grand Rapids, , on Sun- ay last. The remains were brought Napance and the fuperal took place y morning, from his father's , Thomas street, to St. Pai- urch, thence to the Roman vault. The decessed was thifty-three years of age, and was well-known in Napanee. He spent last Winter with his parents here, Mrs. 1.8 , Jobn street, gave an At' Home $0.4 large number of vd friends on Thursday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Mrs. McIntyre, of Lanark, who is home for a short visit, The Napanee Collegiate Institute senior fagthall team jourgeyed to New- burgh on W. ¥, to play a friend- ly game with the Newburgh boys They came off victorious by a score of five to two. The girls basketball team played the Newburgh girls and they also were yio- torions; score seven to six. Clarence Vine has houphe the pd rectory y on Newburgh Roa and oy peopert into it. Robert J, Wales is this week moving into the Oronhyatekha property, Roblims Hill, which he recently purchased and thor- oughly overhauled, making it a very desirahle residence. Peter Fraser, a wellknown and high- Iy- resident of Napanee, but indy of Simcoe, died Wednesday, aged gigghtyethree years. Deceased has lor some years with his daugh- ter, Mrs. R. S. Milligan, and was tenderly cared for in his declining years, Mes. W. FP. Gerow, Road, is a daughter. Maj. A. P. Deroche and Mra. De- roche, of Ottawa, spent a week visit- ing friends in town. W., A. Rell house removed this week to the house on Thomas street, lately occupied by the late Mrs. J. D. Ham. Walter E. Metcalfe is attending the funeral of his father in Georgetown. Miss Check- ley returned home this week after a two months' visit in Nova Scotia. Snow Apples, Snow apples, in baskets, 45c. Crawford. Jas. Not Quite So Bad. Ban Francisco Star, "We Yankees are Somenergial, said ig 2 Albion E. Walcott, of Vermont, Sal marcial '. banguet at antic. City; "but we are not as ! herper woud "The soutbarner declares that a typical Y once visited the south. " Here," id a Sule to him one day-~here, right in t room, sir, Washington received his first commis S100" "The Yankee brightened up. " 'What per cent, commission it?' he asked." was ery new shape and shade, $1.50, at Campbell Broe'., Kings ton's only exclusive hat and fur store, Best's 15 Cent Table. Contains to-day 28c. boxes of tal cum powder, tooth paste, toilet soaps, Witeh Hazel cream, shaving sticks, ete, -------------- The American Automobile Associa: 0 tion has suspended and disqualified (5c Barney Oldfield for his announced in- "Jack" Johnson in race. By wo doing saves the $5,000 forfeit money he _-- , buy Your Mackinaw socks and duri sale; less than cost. Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess St. Palace |* AOR or 15 AM 2.20: Bveniug 8,18, " Maun offers mss sage Tale ym ou ae Homo The Yate rae Veskust ~Nritey NING--1 , 35, 0c. Now oN SA, "| TUESDAY. OCT. 18th Paehter WEDNESDAY, Oct. 19 Beyle Woolfolk Presents THE REAL MUSICAL COMEDY, A WINNING MISS WITH MAX BLOOM AND 80 SEARS, Direet from Performances, Garde ve, Chieage, A RARE BEAUTY CHORUS, Augmented BIJOU Se i TO-MORROW, "THE BACHELOR'S BABY" A fine drama, splendidly acted by the gplebrated Vitagraph Company. + 'GUSSIET"THE FLIRT" Or "A Sime Miftake a tip-top comedy, which will give the laugh to everybody. ./MISS EMILY HENDERSON Hear Miss Emily Henderson in ius trated songs, accompanied by Miss 8 A Mciaushiin n. Be "Only a Game of "Gussie, the Flirt." AT 6rifin's Orpheum The Home of Vandeville Motion Pleturen ag Complete change of 2 Reels of Pictures very Roy. EAT SALE ONDAY, TO-DAY. Se Pog" {Splendid drama), "A Hearts (flue comedy), Oct. 15th, 14th and rig These speed démotis, National Races ELGIX, AVG. 20th and 27¢h. Motor faces 1a the World, Arthur Lynn Populer Songps + Comedy Playette, HIS BEST PAL, Presented by. Spectdculaf Dancing," Double Voice ++ Vocalism and Impersonations. .. Also Delay and Halcomb Dufel Comedy Merchants. COME, LAUGH AND GROW PAT. a¥ Pringass Theatre Geo. Hammond, Mgr. Three big acts of advanced vaude- file, three thousand feet of antmated life-like pictures from leading studios, new and up-to-date flustrated: songs, - {one hour and half of high-class pater vital. "High class at Gibson's, The oto ways roll aris apples. J. Crawford. At The Sc tainment at a high-class theatre for high-class people; Three shows daily, afternoon 2.45, evening show pm. and 5.15 pam. Miss Daisy Glenn Serpentine Dancer, « at jcommencing 7.46 Glen brook and Martia|s tren har Sart po Sd People' Ss Foram | BOUSEBMAID, APPLY TO MR Wald ron, corner Barrie and Ve: A GENERAL AN AO aA Apply. Mra. Jos. Ham whe i. TWO DINING-ROOM and one Chamberm: Randolph Hot WAITRESSES ald. Apply at RELIABLE BOY ABOUT 15, TO DRIVE delivery Pa tafgon A Apply, Zur- very, GENERAL, Vi R REFERENCES, in small family onee, to Mrs. Rodger, 161 AB elias Street. PLUMBER AND SPEAMFITTER, HAV. Fg! Ee >. ™ A oly - BoE Whig office. "7 TWO SALESLADIES: MUST HAVE EX. perience; salaries pald we right acy Reone. pply, at once, to Steacy: : *lan OFFICE of 2 thks Apply, writing and state w, to Box 1,210, care of WITH SOME typewriting . and in own band BOY, es 2] hig © AN INTELLIGENT PERSON Y earn $100 monthly correspon pets. No canvassing. rtieulars Eros Byn kport, N.Y for new Bend for cate, 3,969 ge] C-BRKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH eeded in every home, eapecially by working men: good salary; per. manent position; If yon are wark. ing for small salary behind the counter, 'write to-day; you can Jouble J 6%, wages Shd fe gou own Box Whig offic. RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVE FOR each locality by million dollar finandial corporation of Vancouver, to Sell highest ade investments, such as bonds, debentures, ete. an excellent opportiniLy for .insur- ANce or rea tate agents or other reliable business men to howads revenue uv presenting highes investments to busines Write us tunities are not British Canadian Secur tem, ., Dominion Teust ye ancouver, B.C. BRERA E SEER PR REE WANTED, In the New Millinery Depart- ment of George Mills & Co, two more experienced trimmers and preparers, iat a et WANTED-GENERAL. i... {7 HYDE and RAYMOND o= Lume ONTARIO AND 8. ¥ ERAN SCRIP jo buy forcseis 2. & Fe R. McCang, 81 A LOAN TEN OR TWELVE HUNDRED dollars; good security. Addres Box 76, Odessa, Ont. HARNESSES TO CLEAN with ate proof AN Ina. oi i rub off either on your hands or on the animal; prices very reasonable. Sing your harness to 71 Clarence Street. TO BRING Cloth and h it 2 - Yo date suits: 'Price gna % ging usrait isd roc iring or on the eat rhe. al ra: 1 Botice, st, ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD - cond -hand Jlirniture and Stoves iT po wood drop me a rices. I nave Fe HE AeA in Oal ron Beds and all ges. Will sell roby sce 333 Princess PERSONALS, HAIR tah O LO Ly BS, Janata fo SR oy ar E Eos LEGAL, LOST. L A MARBLE SLAB. YESTERDAY. BRE. tween Henry Folgers and Ottawa Hotel, Finder kindly return to Ot- awn Hotel 0 UREDAY, 6TH INST. A GOLD N ne iach Finder will be rewarded by Feturning same to Miss Blake. care Dr. Winnet, A TURGUOIRR PIN OR BROOCH. MON- day afternoon. Finder kindly re- tofu fo to a8 J J onnacn Street and re: e BRINDLE BULL BITCH, WEDNES. day evening, near corner of Barrie and Prine Streets; bas white Ha around neck and white spots nder JMense return to 282 Victoria Stree rove AND DwoRaRCR. WR Sygeincn mag pepenss co Street, or or Shane tty Wa ER a a J. CA pro chasxt. Eo Eth, RES Ag eC WE is ke: ano. 8 vaio LE Re $33 frog 1, Be ngtrost re rept. All k Ah ar 1 nsurance ~; Phone 396. #7 ton. " | LONDON, AND GLO LIVERPOOL i mpany, Available Fire Jusimade $* Assets 390.187 215. In Spdition to which t holders or security He ¢ unlimited Habillty of ah t 4 red yg Bo ro ¥ nae a el sity pe party Btore renewing old or giving new siness get rates from Strange & me. Agents. 'Phone, 326 MUSIC. Miss ILA HAMBLY, ACN THeory), Plano Pupil o D. A Tip) hE Theor te oe lessons a Blane an hearty every Wednes- reday at 65 Union pres he rebared for exami pations, % MEDICAL. and 7 to 8p CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DRORA CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL. ham Reset North: a sonable Jor 3as0nai & ces on all Winds of jobbin, 0! TES tk Mang Bromytly aid nes int A CARD 70.08 Ww. K arpenter and Builder, 355 Bivtaton or Tedsohable pri all kinds of jobbi ng; All work done promptly, DR tor Ballers al mates 'given f Tor AT road 2 dea "i DENTAL. SPAN Er ER Street, n= br $ Weicker sostetant. 107 183 pC ST, 19 MONT. incess Street DR. A B. EARP: DE real ® nea 'Phone $53. : OSTEOPATHY, IAL OUT pron 0 Jot Osdopatsy. aS B.O, Gri the Foun terature. Tours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, $ ¢ 57 EPS AnguTocT, BC. RTHUR ELLIS, FICE AR and EB] 18 U YL Ave, TTT ser ARP, B. 3. a DOUBLE BOATHOUSE FOR SALE IN Anglin's Bay. one half pow rented. Apply, T. F. Harrison Co. COAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES, Coal Heaters, Quebse and other ibe nds of Stoves at Turk's. 'Phone OR LEASE, T) -- BR LEAL B, BR TEE TTR forage Heer, sine" or Suliable oe BOA SOME BAR IN TS. GA x8 NEW and seco ine lau with" or" or ane hg ait a Che raga; ie to THREE HEAVY PLATFORM "WAGY feonn one ty ith top, Two Sets Hea Shble Harness: all the abov 3 0 con 0 ap Kay, Brock ot in £3 Pl FARM vat, 130 ACRES. WELL CULTI- . Situate on the water front, near Kingst ton, canvenient to church, school and cheese factor i splendid orchard; new brick res ence and bank barn. Apply to J. 5 "Cann, §1 Brock Street, cor, ng. 0 Lax. 304 EARL STREET. BRICK BYR bg 1 rooms; RETR ¥ to J McCann, 8 oNB LARGE FRONT AND ONE amall furnished bedroom: reason able rates. Apply to 363 rock Street, east side. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished: modern conveni- ences. Apply to 16 Montreal Street, near Princess Street. Wellington BRICK treet net Se oka, Ary Teet. SIX-ROOMED WARM BRICK HOUSE, Chatham : conveniences! $7.50 per moh includes water. Ap- ply, 333% Brock ® A BEVEN-ROOM BRICK DWELLING, #9 York Street, in first class condi. tion; possession after October 20th, Avply, J. C. Landeryou, 83 York reet, SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE ON Wellington Street; bathroom: gas for lig {ing and cooking; $12 $0 per month, udes water. Apply 33% Brock Street. SITTING-ROOM AND BEDROOM EN- suite on ground floor; private en trance If necessary: also large up- stairs bedroom Apply, Box 1310, this office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ry, airy rooms absolutely roof | fous own lock and key Frost's oy Storage, 199 Queen St "Phone 526 129 UNION STREET; BRICK: 7 rooms, b, & ©, gas; 'three students how rooming here 'who a od ree ain, Ap py to J. 8. KR, McCeonn, 8 Brock Street, BRICK RESIDENCE, 08 William Street i furnace, was and all modern. impr. rovements. ARDY ng to Sullivan, Cerner ap Prinses Streets. FOR SALE OR TO LET. work bw Blaine, 2 1-2 STORIES, FURNISH or unfurnished; ail modern im- provements: choice location. Apply, J. A. Gardiner, 61 Clarence. Stroet. ™WO EIGHT-ROOM HOUSES on Street; lat im Fovements; A $11 per re A 1y ti Ror 10%" Fine BL co treet. THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS re fy Ch TOE, SSRN asglats, extending from Pri cess 0 Queen Street, wi frontage on both, und Including ex- tensive bund % ningham & ih, #. Apply to Cun fe. BOARD AND ROOMS, FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LODGING ther together or separate may be at y In University Avenue, con- venlent to cars: bright. be iey I rooms; Fae yy modern cotiveniesces. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. opments HOTEL, ONTARIO BT, ATR, station, one block * CPR, ou street car line; hot lately remodelled; charges ale: special rates by the week.. Jobn Cousineau, >. LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, REMOV- 3s to 72 Princess Bireet: dinners, oysters in season, ee cream: inkn; private parties cster. for; upuiairs sitting<rooms, koa May. ons. wr patronage PRES E, 8 43 £3 WM. NEWLANDS he fects, ete Office, * of Phot Book POWER & A MER. wl Hs } 2 BUSINESS CHANCES. ANT 4 A HERE. CA i § ¢ Novelty, Bag Punching and . Master of Xiyophone. GEO. HAMMOND New Mustratl Songs. ~ lg Se andl 10¢; START ff ii fit MANTEL CLOCK SETS, IN jsronaeres, B "or WATER KETTLES, } R CANDLESTICKS, ¥ High-clase VAUDEVILLE fond ter Hd AKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE ME by seliciting personal Christroas commssion ), tien Com IPF YOU WwW Wisi TO ii } i i i i Ir ir : i: fi OUR COAL is "to; imported dir direct from the best anthracite regions. It is all kept under cover. Your order is solicited.

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