. " THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1910. . We invented 0X0 Cubes to make the Doctor"sorders easy fo carry out. OXO Cubes are just the right size for a cup of delicious Deef Tea. You do not bave to worry about thie measuring spoon, Just drop an OXO Cube into a cup of hot water and stir, OXO Cubes contain nourishithent as well as the rich," stimulating properties of Beef. They are not only handier but also better than the best Beef Tea. Ting containing 4 and 10 0 packed on, in fluid Joris VEUBES STemtnsd 0, Tomnte, | 8 Comsmon B., Neutron Logical Remedy for Eczema. Many different remedies bave triesl for Kesma and other skin vitkgs, Dut it is now known that heen dis- the j posible cure is a mild, soothing | 1 $d thay up of Gil of Wintergreen, | hymiol, Giyoerine, and here ingredi A "nor carcielly . compounded that wnth ingredient has its proper effect, This compound is now made up in Aha DOLD, Preseription. Ten vears 'of sapere: ad thousands of ecyres show gheemorit of this wonslerful compound, Tit the most convincing roof is a trig? of the remedy by any exrzemna wofs rer. BAR, will prove to vou that vou ek he enred, The very first deops will ive vou instant relief, Write the L.DD, Laboratories, Ded, K.W,, 49. Colborpe street, Voronto, foe a free trial Gottle, and vrove Hy won corful affectiveness, G, WV, Mahowl, Drugist. THE WIIG, Tih YEAR PRIS 1 Suite 19 and 20 Queen City m EA Brit BF Daily Wig STILL HAS HIS NERVE. The correspondence with C. D. Shel don, late of Montreal and of blind pool fame, is more than interesting. It is refreshing. He writes to his ole associates in the business, his confi- dential servants, though he kept them blissfully ignorant of the secrets of his business, that for the time being it ix expedient that he should remain in New York. He has access to funds with whick to operate that he bad not in Mont real, and he purposes to make money, to make it fast. if. he can, and wit it redeem his promises to pay in Mont real and redeem his credit at the sam time. He may mean what he says but it sounds like the pleading of i man who feels uncomfortable, whos conscience is somewhat disturbed, anc who is afraid that he will be pursue and, somehow, called to account. The victims of his® high financing may be gratified with his gracious as surances that he has them in his niin and will some day reward them for their faith. The majority of them wil not find very much comfort in the mes sage. The man who could write it un der the circumstances may have losi his patrons, but he has not lost hi nerve, WOMEN IN ME PLACES. The women who are so jalous their rights the suffragettes who tong for ths time when they can he legisla o wr on 0. 20 i sg ring Mt tion, ig v IF IT CONSISTS F WOOD : Anglin Can - Make It Spindle fo a from a a: Silo. WOODWORKING FACTORY North End Wellington St, UNIQUE LAUNDRY | © We recommend our work to be first class. Send a card and we will call for and deliver our laundry. We replace free of charge. eo SAME RE, LJ 294 Princess Street. tote and electors, when every walk & life trod by man ix open to them ill seriously meditate upon the ad mission of one of the sex. Miss Alices Robertsen, of Muskogee, Ok, is to day. the head of the post office in he town, ju registered as a first-class off cial, and proudly. holds up her head But ot an meeting of the South-Wes: Postal Association in Kansas Uity ch made this statement : "'l have bedi what the world ealls a successful wo man, but like every other womag whi has succeeded at man's work 1 haw paid the price. It has cost me every thing dear apd sacted to a woman." It is assumed that she had her plac and pull in political life. No one get: offipe in the United Stats unless Tv of sho has an influence among the peo ple who make and unmake piblic men The Whig remembers the personal ox perience of ons who held an office i one of the larger American cities. 1 was in connection with the navy de partment. ®he was clever and wat ambitious. She not only master ed the details of her own assignment but was equal fo the strain of intro ducting many office improvements anc reforms. She could what mer could not. But promotion she wae denied. It was admitted that she de served + it, <but--there were influence the could not overcome, She. went 4 Washington. She pleaded her ow cas. She made some people sit wu and listen. Yet when last heard fron she had about given up her fight fo advancement, and in the scuffle, she fost some of the refining grace tha was a part of her character. "The American Woman," says th Woman's National Daily, "believes sh has found the way to a higher succes: without surrendering those things which Miss Robertson complains - of losing. Home life, instead of being the supposed hindrance to genuine pro: gros, may be made its preatest aid sh do * Th: line sehich for so long separated : Besssssanssssessserses . . : * 1690000000000 00000000 -------------- | the home front the office, the store and { ths activities of the farm has been all ! but obliterated. A more intelligent Lachopie of co-operation has been de vised. It is because this is working out so satisfactorily, and because the interests of all have been found to be common, that the pries of every aburdant success has been marked down. Those of the newer generalicn will not Smplain that they are being overcharged." ! Where are the evidences of it? W the women of to-day anywhere can as: sume the place, the work, and the fanc: fons of | the menSor of some men atid not sufi by it; they should hand otit the facts at ones. i ------ STATUS OF THE TEACHER. A public school teacher of Brant: Jord, William Park, i Globe in defonce of the education: de- partment's 'action. in abolishing the Modid Schools. - He applauds the de- writes to the fi mentiwhile without education. ! They can wait, of course, until the Normal 'olleges have, in the course of seve ral years, turned out their graduates, nd they have found employment in the scores of schools al present manned. The polities that would approve of + too hasty attempt to change the situation, regardless of eousequences, in as open to condemnation as the wlitics that ean suggest a criticism fd the minister and his aids. Our chool teacher eritic must remember hat when in opposition the conser 'atives professed to be eager for a on-politienl department,' and in power ut at its head one who is recognized s the greatest political pottifogger a Toronto, a man who believes in the poils system, and who would not wa .tate to crush any unfortunate grit vho came in his way. The Brantford teacher hus an am- ition that is remarkable. He wants he province to authorize the depart- aent, by law, to regulate the salaries f The teachers; he wants the pro- ince to establish am adequate pen- on system; he thinks the teachers hould be members of the civil ser- ice. MM the province is to regulate he teachers it should engnge them nd so have a direct experience of the lificalty of meeting some contingen- ies. II the government is going into he pension business why not provide or all trades and oceupations, for the lerks and mechanics 8 'well as teachers. epartment be nd with better results than the uity department of the federal rnmen? ? The civil un and artizans, Can a pension managed any cheaper an- gov- service has federal service o do with the provincial or mployees. When ommission takes charge of the teach- rs the boards of education may vell go out of office and let the the civil As gov- roment run the schools. The last thought of our Drantford riend is worth quoting. It 'the place to - inculcate intelligence, soral and religious ideas, is the pub- To shure the proper these he would have ic schools." neuleation of ave 'men and women who intend re paining in the profession." Is the eacher better morally or religiously ecause he has a permanent job ? This eligioms side of the teacher is worth ooking into, and hereafter it e for the boards of education to seek he evidence that their teachers wrally and religiously strong. Here oforeg the whole question has will are been, Yhat is the qualification in a secular euse, and what the salary ? Ii, Heged, "we are growing materially, ut: retrograde morally and re igiously 'in direct proportion," the eople ought to know it, and they do ot seem to be conscious of the fact, as EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Maclean, of ared to see government by commis. ion, and would not be sorry to see he experiment tried. "Billy," as he is amiliarly called, is considerably ahead fd the times. tantly breaking out in new spots. the World, is pre His radicalism is con- Sheldon did not have many patrons n Kingston. He had a few, and it vill be interesting to them to learn hat if they had pro- its they can be prosecuted for fraud. have any f they have not had their annual va- ation now is the fime to take it. The head of the medical section of he Conservation Commission says tu- wrculosis could be stamped out wenty years with the expenditure of in + reasonable sum of money. Any par- Amony in dealing with the white lague should be condemned unspar- agly. The Bourassa-Monk campaign has wad the effect of driving the English onservatives over to the liberal par v. The liberals may lose some voles ww the navy question, but) the Laurier overnment will sweep * Quebec, all jews to the contrary notwithstanding. The conference at the court house, on Friday, would have been of ° some wdvantage had the loard of education wen tepresented. "Why weren't you there 7" asked a county man, the 'ather of non-resident scholars. The wswer was, "Time enough to go toa lace when asked to do so." The conservalive papers are again circulating & rumour that Sic Wilfrid Laurier Will presently retire. His re cent trip across the continent, his de- finition of the naval policy in Que bee, and his active preparations for the session, all point to retirement, Fo only | : | that when thoy leave school thay shall { difference | knowledge, knowing when they is that | | they THE OPINIOXS OF ETON'S HEAD MISTAKE SCHOOLS FUNCTION. " To Inculcate Love of Value of Games in Moral Training and Teaching Corporate Action. Eton College, where, Wellington claimed, Waterioco was won, has bad for the past five, years as its bead master the Rev. the Hon. Edward Lyttleton, seventh son of the fourth karl of lyttleton"s progeny of scholars and sportsmen. Opening a new secondary school at Norwich re cently. Mr. Lyttleton gave his views on education. The task of a great school, he said, is to solve the pros lems which are presented by intellec- tual training and physical training proalems greater perhaps than any other problems that can come before us. In regard especially to the probs jem connected with intellectual train- ing there is the Jreatest doabt and confusion in the public mind. What about specialization? What uhout the great temptation that there nest be before the man agers of a sehool like this to tell the public, as some managers of schools have told them already, xpuite wrong ly, that they are going to prepare boys for every kind of profession and vocation to which they may Le called, How can vou in any school give special education' which shall fit boys for all the countless careers that may he open to them ? There is another ideal of a totally different kind which will affe the ob ject which we have at heart the more clearly it ig discerusd aly the outuct, vou cannot turn o#t into the world boys at sixteen or sevent®n who are equally well prepared for any profe jon. z * You eannot do it. But make it your sim so to teach on then you be inmbued with a love of learning, You ean insvire them with a wish to ro on learning when they bave left sohool. ~ Boys ean leave school com | paratively young, knowing for life the and Rnow a thing, and knowinly when they do not know it. How many of onr gdults in this country ean. really say that hase achieved that amount of anovess in their intellectual training? THIHE 5 the physical. wide, Eton's headmaster said that the best form oF Fecregtion is not that which grows of its own account, for rectoa- tiom es an ideal, quite as mych as Ant stual work. There was for merly at influential element in the natikn who soncht to hanish pihleties from the schools, but now it is ac- crited that plavgrovnds are an essen tinl part of any school. England's grand contribution to the oduention of the world consists ip having turned out a large. body "of mon wito have learnt at school to get on with ench other through the ex perience. that they have had in cor porate games, which demand give and take, which demand honor, fairness of dealing, and control of temper. 1 wonder if all our: mangers of the House of Commons have had corpor ate games in their Youth. "Rut," concluded Mr. ILyttloton, "vou cannot get those:igames to flour ish in the right way unless you are prepared to pend thought and eave upon them, and to call upon the Hove for solf-sacrifice. If the hoys of this Norwich schoo! want cricket and foot netween ignorance complished in other schools, they must be prepared to take trousle. "They mmst be prepared to fight against slackness--physical moral, and mental slackness--and to make snoh sacrifiens as all corporate heal thy action demands, and then in 4 vear or two they will find that they have their reward." De You "Bolt" Your Food? Thomas Times. > Dr. Henry C, Ferris, recording vetary. of the New York State Dental Society, recently presented an illumin ating remort, showiny the effects of the Holting of food. Dr. Ferris nddress. ed a letter to one hundred and fifty the prominent medical men of the Un ited States, in which he askod them if they comwidersd imDertect chewing and salivating of food an actiolozieal factor in diseases of the stomach and intestinest and, if so, what pathologi eal mvhtions resulted from soely mw doc ™ Out of the hundred and fifty replies that Dr, Ferris received. 08 ney cont of these ohyaicians said that chewfng of food was import ant factor toward vood health, and that the bolting of fond Troquently caused cancer, catarrh of the stomach, and gastric uleers, Save doctors' bills, therefore, and avoid antiety eoncérnins your health Ii' chewing your food often--thirty time was Mr. Gladstone's eount--and he lived to a good old ame. What Have They Done? Brastford Expositor. * 8 The Guelph Herald, confronted! with the possioility of a labor candidate entering the field in South Welling ton, asks the pertinent question. "Why should organized labor oppose the Whitney government?' The most riasonable answer we can think of is because the Whitney government has done nothin whatever for or gun- ized labor. st gor of an ball te do what those cames have ac. Tr ---- DR. SOPER. DR. WHITE Specialists in diseases of Skin, } Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Special Ail- } ments of men. One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice Question blank and book oa diseases of men free. Consultation free, Medicine furnished in tabiet form. Hours: 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2 te 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am to 1 p.m. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Trento Street, Toronte, Ont. ' WIAR On Instalment mez Plan Ladies' Suits, latest New York styles ust received, in Greeh, Gray, Blue, ete 'rices, $12.50 to $20 Large consignment of La@les Skirts ust arrived, all prices, from $258 to 37.50; also Ladies' Throws and Muffs at educed prices, \ Large assortment of Men's and Boys' Wwercoats and. Suits. Odd Pairs of ants, $1.50 10 $2.50; also Boots and thoes, ete. Everything 20 per cent heaper than elsewhere, and ail sold on Te weekly payment plane . Jos. B. Abramson, 4 COLBORN ESTREET. ON IMPERIAL DEFENCE, Kitchener Has Joined the British Committee. London, Oct, 17.~The government Las incited Field Marshal Lord Kiteh fier to become a member of the com Fistiee on imperial defence and | Lord Kitchener has aceooted. hi standin: cause of agitation on account of the non-emplovmnt anoral Kitchener in the service of his untry resignod the! Mediter anesn command. Iemoves v long of sine he MAX BLOOM "A Winning Miss," at the Grand on Wednesday, Oct, 198th In An Odd Suggestion. . York Herald The cordial relations existing at this hour between Great Britain and France have inspired an unofficial proposal that the latter should withdraw her fleet from the Channel and the Atlan tic and concentrate her undivided en ergies in the Mediterrancan. This, as a corollary and as a matter of reci progity," would enable England to. ve duce fer squadron the -waters----aol Southern Furope and materially «trengthen the force mobilized for the defence of the home coasts and for the security of the North Sea. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, who was asked to express his opinion on the suggestion, recognized that the un derstanding between the two countries warranted the greatest confidence, but doubted the wisdom of either putting aside the responsibilities imposed by its gommercial interests and geographi cal situgtion. - Indeed, he believed this wemld defeat the existing motive of the proposal. He declared, moreover, that should such a policy be officially proposed he would oppose the trans fer to any other power of the duty to protect the British stations in the Mediterranean and the lines of com- munication with India. Admiral Beresford's seems as wise as it is frank, and it is probable he had in mind Voltaire's sage admonition, that should eunltivate pe own garden. Pumpkin Pie. Nightingales' tongues-in honey afloat, Panties that slipped down the Lucul lian throat, What srg ye all but tasteless and dry Matehed by a wedge of real pumpkin pre! N in mam declaration every one Cleveland Plain Dealer, The frst pumpkin pies of the year ere sntisfyinedy thick, rich in color and of a heavenly creaminess in con- sisteniev. For flavor their spiciness end tang ave, of course, not so pre dominant over the fll, rich taste of the pumokin at this date as 1 may: be later on. Delicacy I now the keyaote.-Bofton Globe, ein png Much Misery all the Same, Montreal Gavells. it is gratifying to Jearn that the re ports of the forest fires wp north yere grenths exaggerated so far as lose of Efe is concerned. The list of dead map not esceed fifty. Bot there sre hun dreds of survivors who are utterly destitute; and as the cold weather is vot far away aid to these sufferers cannot be extended too soon. - Kingston and Rideau Ferry. Rideau Ring Jonves Swift's wharl ever; Tuesday and Thursday at & nm. James Swift & Co., agents, "Infant's Foods and a" ab ways fresh st Gibson's Red Cross Prog Store. Just SEE OUR BOYS SUITS. ee It you Overcoat for a a ith deh $10.00 Wo are offering our new Speedway, two style § collar coat, in nobby patterns in the new shades of gray and green and brown, and $13.50 qualities for $10.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS. - Mine! | 1 need a New Overcoat £2 Sir N w is the time. Bibby's is 8 he place. ( In Order to Start the Overcoat Seuscn with a Rush we intend of-§ fering three Specials 5 Er -e RORORORORCEOEORCRRCROROROAOR Regular $12.00 a ; For Twelve Dollars College Ulster. 12.00 Cheviot Coat with silk velvet collar, fine Malian linings, band padded collar and lapels. Regular $15.00 qualitics for $12.00, $15.00 : Will buy a swell Black or Blue English Beaver & Melton: ora. Ileal Bw we show a swell Black » ROSOROAORCROEORORCE OROE0 HAO ell Two-fold Style Collar . FOROROROAORD Bibby's $15.00 amare The H.D. The Big Store | | GLO COIOT ODF FOOOCOL Bibby Co With Little Prices, His Mother's Version. A Bible class wa the translations of teliing of the Bible exoclioncios Ihe ted, and one of talk teacher various their difleromt tore and clas the young me evening ing to gu inend about it 'I think 1 prefer version for m "though, of cholarly. friend smiled] "I preier ny 's translation of the Bible my to any other * be sad the Was Isuch wa James said; is Kin; part,' he the the Course revieed mre His nod ner self versuon, "Your mothers" cried youn: man, thinkites his had sudden! gon voi mean, Fred?" companion wary. "What do "J mean that my mother has trans latex! the Bible into the language of daily Ble for me over swe 1 was old mouth to stand it, She lates it ht too, and sive ll There has never ary about her Whatever printed version of the Bible I'may study, my mother's the one that tien. "Selected. trans. its heen ry version is always clears wp my diffioul ------ -- --- It Keeps Women's Hair Soft and Glosey, Says Flizabeth House, No man Ifkes to look older than he is. Every woman on earth absolute- lly sbhors such a condition. You may be 30 in vears, but {if you are bald- headod or grey, people will sure iy take you to be many years oid- sr, apd you will be helpless to prevent. Dandruff is the root of all hab evils. If It were not for the little destructive germs working with a persist- ency worthy of a better cause, Look Parisian age. America's greatest THE WORLD, THE)SIZE OF BE. Kiser, 16 Chicago Record -ferald IUs a little world, my brothers when L you've cause to wish to hide Everywhere turn there's some . one who remembers You by name You may cross the widest ocean, but upon the other wide There will be somebody walting who has heard about your shagne you It's & Hitie world, my brothers, for t has to fles; nw rest; Thoug! farthest m and ascend NL stealthy ie there will Know Lhe s hiding In his breast » it's a wide, wile world, miy brothers, f¢ i man whe walks alone With no money in his pockets and 1 no wh to lay his head, the busy millions hurry wander all unknown Never hearing a fair greeting or a word of welcome ald Wher be world, my brother and a dreary, lopely place For the iad with emply pockets homesickness in his heart; Where the thousands hurry past his will find no friendly face digchyer anybody with a ki word to tmpart, It's a wide, wide Nor Now and then 'the ministerial is worn by the unworthy. Baldheads Will Be Scarce When Parisian Sage Is Better Known hair restorer, will keep you locking young and attractive It is guarantesd by G. W. Mahood to make balr grow, and stop falling hair; to eure dandruff in two weeks, to stop itching of the scalp almost instantly. Parisian Sage Iu the most invigor- ating, satisfying and pleasant hair dressing made; it makes the hair goft, luxuriant and handsome; it is especially praised by womea who have beautiful hair. Parisian Sage 1s for sale by J. B. Mcleod at (0 cents a large bottle, or charges pre- paid, from the Canadian makers, Girous Mfg. Co. Fort Brie, Ont. The git] with the Auburn hair is on every bottle ¢ "I have only used one botile of Parisian Sage, and, of course, 1 can not praise it a¢ much as if 1 had uséd more, but | find 41 a good tonic for the hair "ft keeps ibe balr soft and glossy, thé sbalp clean. dnd makes the har grow long, and stops falling hair. "f recommend It to anyone 38 & good touie "+ Filzabeth House, Mans chester, Conn.