~ Sf FOR SALE. Tho Albion Hotel propecty, corn POLITICAL CHANGES and Quen streets, Kingston, w st a sacrifice. For particulars | LEADERS OF GOVERNMENT AND ad T. J 1acRHAWL. - | OPPOSITION IN CONFERENCE. 150 Wel on St., | Grey Federation Scheme--Provides for Local Home Rule and Imperial Parliament With Colonial Hepre- sentation, London, Oct. 18, ~~ Fundamental changes in British legislation and the SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed recommended for women's ail whole system - of parliamentary gov- ay onapereh fomedy on ernment ave impending. The confer- The seealt from a pa ence of leaders of the government and permanent. For sale at all drug stores. the opposition, which had been con- sidering a possible compromise on the uestion of the House of Lords, held Te sessions, last week, and has now the trux of its deliberations. Not a word of the proceedings bas y 'been allowed to transpire officially, fut it is possible to give the general ope of * the great changes contem p pial. It is by no means certain, perhaps not even probable, that an agreement | will be reached, but the leaders of botl parties have made a gepuine effort reach a non-partizan solution of the "The questions involved. The basis of the sweeping change a discussion is Earl Grey's feders {tion scheme of the empire, which I loutlined during his visit to Londos {This provides for local home rule fo Hreland, Scotland, England and Wales {The imperial parliament is to consis tof a House of Commons of 200 mem | bers and a senate of the same number ne commons will edmprise approxi mately twenty-five Irish, twenty-fivi { Beoteh, twelve Welsh and 138 Englisl imembers. The senate will include 1M of the present lords. The colonies wil be represented by six senators on ap [proximate population basis. This, o leourse, is only the scheme in the irough, for there are many considera ¥ wee tions which would modify it. It may i be said in general terms that the aananhtemhRR scheme is immensely popular in Ire J : {land, Scotland and Wales. This ex ; plains Redmond's recent volte face af iter years spent in uncompromising de inunciation of schemes of devolution , There is also strong opposition among 'oertain classes, for example the yro perty holders of Scotland, who ar that a local legislature would be ténsely radical apd that there would be in greater danger t ever. It is impossible to say wha progress has been made by the conf ence, but it has been admitted t! the situation thereanent is now « eal. Lloyd-Giearge and other 1 bers of the government have postpone their partizan speeches, which ver booked for next week, until « resol tion has been reached. Failure to agrée would be -followe by the announcement of a rival s for the reform of the and early electibn by the country compromise is reached, the changes involved must in any be submitted to the people, bul election would net be postponed there had been an opportunity for thorough canvass of the great is It is believed that the conference finish its work ome way or ano within a week, RI J HOUSECLEAN- ey ING. 4 Youf thoughts are doubtless 'rupning that way. The path- way will be made easy if you send your curtains and furni- re. asoverings here to be éd or dyed R.PARKER & CO. - ras Se heme ont. As Sung 2s a Bu aBugima Rug Selmi te y«, THIGH Common Sewss they're dead | 'reached Fog £8 We used By a SENSE MPG. Co. 14 a -- = Toronto, Ont rue in propert "ar h m lords a i Swoon wil fer Roosevelt is Overworked. Now York, Oct. 18.--Col. Theodore Roosevelt has protested 10 the re publican leaders here that they are Putting too much work on him. Hq has commenced to feel the strain and declared he desired, if possible, to lay off from his arduous campaign duties for a week's recuperation. On next Thursday, Col. Roosevelt will journey into Massachusetts, 3 where he will speak for United States Senator Lodge. From there helwill go into New Hampshire, where 'he will speak for John Buss, the republican candi date for governor. Then he will hurry back to New York. : Tah has no reference to the cele- brited play by that name. But! deals with the ever obliging, always ready, never falling, general servant of the general family, The greatest convenience in the hoisehold, 'Ofice triod always used. "Cook With Gas CHEAP --CLEAN--~CONVENIENT. Disfranchise All Men. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 18. Lillian Rus- sell, an actress, believes she has avso- lution for the suffrage problem. She declares men have enough to do taking care of the women without the added duties of government. She suggests that men be disfranchised and that the women vote and rule the country, while the male population makes the living. The average man would not perjure himself if be pleaded guilty to the charge of amounting to but little. by Lydia E. Pink- : fre HE = - = o ------ BUDGET FROM MORTON. What is Transpivieg in This Busy) Little Village. Morten, Oct. 17.~ Mrs. White bas re- turned home from Chafiey's Locks, where, during the stoner, she was en- | gaged in the clubhouse. An old and] much respected person, Mr. Webster, of Beaver Hill, died suddenly, Thursday last. A succdssful box social held in the: Presbyterian church, Fri day evening last, under the auspices of the Epworth League. The proceeds amounted to £27, to be used in the construction of cement walks to the church. Stanley M. J. Kemnv, ad family, and Thomas Timlin and family, of Jones" Falls, are pow quarantined with scarlet fever, Up Thursday last, {rene the daughter of M. J. Kenny, succum- bed to the disease. Their many friends extend their heartfelt sympa- thy. Ernest Jones, of Toledo, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. lLam- mier. Miss Mabel Henderson is at- tending high school af Athens, Wm. Booth and a friend from Athens, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Wells. A party of seven or more left on Mon- day for Devil Lake to indulge in fish ing for salmon. The party will be zone two weeks. The cement piors and approaches for he new bridge over the Morton Creek wre ready for the iron work, whieh i wing built by the Campbe Nord Bridge ompany, and is expected to arrive his week. Mrs. John Stewart return- wl home, Sunday, from a visit at Lyndhurst. Jacob. Dormer and fam ily, of Berryton, spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Willis. Mre. J. Dil lon, Mrs. Joseph Mcllroy and family, and William Dean, all of Secley's Bay, spt' Sunday with Hel mother, Mrs, Dean, of this village, Roantree has improved his residence Ee a coat of paint. Mrs. Dawson and son, Clinton, of Jones' Falls, spent Sunday, the mests of B. N. Henderson. Joseph Lammier, engineer of the passenger boat, Yennel, arrived home last week owing to the Yennek being laid up. He, however, secured a similar posi- tion on a tug owned by Wilson & Sons, and returned to Gananoque to take charge. UNFOUNDED. Mrs, Swift--I feel so wretched. 1 found a dark hair on the suit my hus- band wore last fall. Mrs. Sweet--Don't worry, dear. If you remember, your hair 'was dark last fall, . -------------- LONG-LIVED WOMEN, Beer at Meals Given | as One Reason for Longevity. YViennd, Oct. 18.--Frau Katharina Lustig, the oldest woman in Austria, died last week in Vienna in her 112th year. She belonged ~ to a Hungarian Jewish family in which longevity was hereditary. Her grandmothers on the mother's and father's side attained their 113th and 110th years respectively. Two of her sisters lived to he over ninety, and she leaves two children, who are well aver: eighty. Her husband, who was a tailor, died some years ago at 105, after they had celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of their wedding. After his death Frau Lustig maintained herself until she was 106 by covering umbrellas; and was able to sew and thread need- les up to the last without spectacles. She attributed her long life to early rising and to drinking a glass of beer with all meals instead of tea or cof- fee, i i was | i | brother, WHAT WHIG TCORRESPONDES TS! TELL US. : The Tidings From Va Various Point: in Eastern Ontario-- What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. i Charleston Visitors. 'Charleston, Oct. 17.--Nr. A.W, Johnsan are receiving congratu- lations over the. arrival of & new grandson at the home of Mr. and Mis [C. E. Frye, Soperton. W. .. Blwek, Brockville, "was a visitor here for a] few days last week. C. J. Slack ant W. J. Slack, of Brockville, visited at Long Point, last Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George | Reid,, Long Point, George Bradly's on Sunday. | At Plum Hollow. | Plum Hollow, Oct. 17.<Miss Bella} Knapp has started for Edmonton, | Alta., where she joins ber father. My. and Mes. D. M. Kilborn spent the week-end in' Brockville. Mr. and ml Palmer are gaining nicely, after sue-! cessful eperations at Brockville general |; hospital. Mrs. J. Wiltse and Miss Lena are spending a few days at Haw- mond, N.Y. Miss Kenha Barber is vis- iting at Smith's Falls. The Ladies' | Aid meets at the home of' Mrs Ld Palmer on Thursday. Tichborme Tidings. Tichhorne, Oct. 15~Farmers bave finidhed threshinz and the yield nas been good. Mrs. John Steel and fani- ly have sold out and are moving to Cartwright, Manitoba, Péople reset their departure, William Swerbrick, is not mach better. Mrs. Peter Ritehie, is around again, after an illness of two weeks, Mrs. J. Brown had a monument erccted in Parhany cometery on Thursday. Visitors: William: 'Swer- brick, at Mrs, Gray's; Richard Howes, at Mr. Swerbrick's; Lonya Kennady, at Mr. MclLeener's. avid Mrs News From Plevna. Plevna, Oct. 17.--Threshial; is in this vicinity, and a very peor yield is reported. 8S. Barton returned from Red Deer and vicinity. My. Thomas is here assisting Rev. C. Huyck in speci ul! meetings. Mrs. Hornby is home from Toronto, where she visited her parents. Miss T. Morris returned ty Fernleigh, after visiting her aunt, Mrs. Gi. Johnson. C. Hollinger took a fine drove of cattle away last Thurs. day. Mrs. M. Gowan, formerly of this place passed away very suddenly of heart-failure, at Monnettville, New Ontario. Mr. Dalton and Mr. Richard- son, of Kingston, were at G. Ostler's, for a few days hunt. P, J, Wenslev, is at his sister's, Mrs. Woods; B. Watkins and son, at J. Godkin's. over Mount Chesney Notes, Mount Chesney, Oct, 18. ~The farm- ers are nearly all through potato dig- ging, and 'they report a good erop. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fair spent Sunday at Sunbury; M-. and Mrs. A. Craig are visiting, at Joyeoville; E. Barrett and Miss G. Ruttan spent Sunday at James Hickey's; Miss Ethel Sears is at home; George Fowler, vis iting at Glenburnie; D. Dennis spent Sunday at George Draper's; Patrick Fowler and daughter, Annie, spent Sunday at was, J. Draper spent Sunday here; Mrs. W. Spencer and Robert Smith, 'city, and George Ritehie, spent Sunday at J. Smith's; Joseph Kennan, at Mrs. P. Fowler's; Migs Maud Turner and Miss Lilly | Smith, of Barriefield, visited Scion | here; Mr. and Mee. IH. Sears are visit. ing at E. Moore's. LIVE STOCK MARKERS, The Prices Pald at the Various ! Centres. Montreal, Oct. 17.-Abbut 1,000 heud of butchers' cattle, 150 calves, 1,650 sheep and lambs, and 1,360 hogs were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stockyards this forenoon. The offerings of live gtock at this market during the week were 2,050 cattle, 210 calves, 3,000 sheep. and lambs, and 2,200 hogs. Trade was slow, but the prices were higher, especially for good cattle and lambs. Prime beeves sold at from Bic. to Gle. per pound; ran cattle sold at #jc. to Bjec., and the common stock, 3c. to 4je. per pow. Grass fed calves sold at 3e. to ic. per pound; good veals, 5c. to Tc. per pound. Sheep sold at dc. to jc. per pound; lapbs at Go. to 6fc. per pound, Good lots of hogs sold at Sic, to Sie. per pound. ' Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, Oct. 17.Cattle--Re- ceipts 5,750 head; market fairly active for choice, others slow, steady.' Prime steers, 87 to $7.95; shipping steers, $6 $6.90; butcher grades, 55 to 26: heifers, $3.50 to $6: cows, $LE0 to 30 milch cow§ and springers, $20 to Calves--Receipts, 1,200 hend; Market slow, steady. Cull' to choice, 86 to £10.50. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, £2,000 head; mwirket fairly active, lambs ensy, sheep firm. Choice lambs, £690 to 87.10, call to fair, $5250 fo $6.75; or apnge, y to $5.80; sheep, $3. ly active and etendy T sags, $6.50 to bg is 2 mixed, $9.35 to $9.40; heavy, $9.40; roughs, $7.50 to £8, whe $0.45; $9.9 to Chicago Cattle Prices. Chicago, Oct. 17.Cattle receipts es timated at Foch Fa 10e, to 150. Tower, FD) to £1 7.80; Texas steers, Py to $5.70; Wotton 'steers, $1.15 to F455: stookers a) $4.25 to B60; cows to 26.10. : Salvas, TEs to irs | Pittsburg, {dent {that Cobb is the champion The automobile, there has bee a little ; scheme, THE SPORT REV IE Ww * Notes on Baseball and Other Ficld Events, known A prizefighter, in the t . Fisher, was killed of a fight at Meno, day night. In ap exciting Philadelphia si x-round Micky" lobby' Owen weight, I raneiseo, before the Moran, the and "Johnny" fought New Orleans Oklahoma, Gannon, had a shade the Wilson, of Canada, English Frayne, of San a tenround Athletic Club, as "Rid" enth round Sun- at of better of bout light- bout The men fought at 133 pounds, | in the Montreal-Ottawa rugby game "Ken" Williams outkicked especially in the second bali, Juck, The riv- al brothers clashed several times, with honors about even. 'alship was "Ken." Campbell, | fie drives of Migs Dorothy ton, Unt., retained her honors as when men's. national champion defeated Mrs. G. M. Marti { Yistogh, Devonshire, Eng., i 0 of the sixteenth an --h Championship of t {States "Gulf Association a two up and one to play. FBI interesting to note t portion of the star ormerly intéreollegiate play Williams, who played such game for Montreal Saturd éd to Queen's university. Ottawa quarter, formerly p Ottawa College, and Jack" of Ottawa, back. Tyrus Cobb, by official President Johnson, is the le man of the the last winning with over L season, percentage National Leaguers dropped batting contest some time Johnson's announcen the counatry. which trophy excitement and not goes to the Detroiter, but land captain, by permissic Johnson, will be allowed du licate, 'he batting records of L Cobb, fis turned in by scorers, and approved and ted hy Mr. Johnson, are a A.B. I wD ..591 Cobb... os Lajoie to Husbands, London, Oct. "1%. ti of state medical certifi health of brides is now in of practical politics. In all Swiss brides will in future to present a certificate of their bridegroom, so that marsiesg girl whose good he will have himself t Next vear, if the rich anc lic Utility for Women, much good in Switzerland last few years, women, wed or unwed, wi who enter the Swiss army. According to its report fc society has launched t which is said to warm support. "We feel ourselves respo the health, the homes, and ters of our people," the in dealing with the suggest It further Urges every vou herself, her husband and hair? and 'irritation of mote the growth and er hair, fregusni sham . wi oy Ea a Hg ment torturing, di humors and the alarmin #0 often results, other and Ointme read Reed Bt. | Philadel a able gout started ith a Li ¥, bead, Then it would scratch, all, over my 0 doctor, until W S went fo t to fall out in MW 30 sore 1 could not touch it deided to go to the hospital. to treat yA it pr - or ea roved ver: this disense. I thous I thougt tall Rapes , 1} ndhant cure were Tapes On seeing the Yopdition of my <b bo Jhas of Tus ® hat tried 1 me any good: but be beeured, 1 decided to tty them, treatment Decgh hair became 2 ie and st all the scale Je ft and ad so Tan use of the Sinium Remedies, "Jack's" superior, but he were visitors at | himself unable to kick back the terri back {[layoes in duterprovineis al rugby O'Neil, Kpunady. now with Ottawa, was ol Varsity player. American league a joie of Cleveland, of 000860, 196 The ve health has ils way, re to undergo the ordeal for the sake Switzerland, Itching Scalp] falling Hai prevent dry, thin and falling remove dandruff. allay ¥ Behing occasional with Cuticura Ointment, methods fail. he, al effective in the Lreat- | ng scalp oss of hake or exa w George BE, Jefforson, "Io18 iphia, tells of his wire Eo 25 raw as & Plecs of b dy ak on ne of hee! anid m halt com, My head at hig Time They A friend, head -- hy Le ut 1 told him nothing would do ht immediate Joa ve & {foley ay a Fa wad Satna dso wo gener- found of Hamil Wo : she n, of 'Ta- n the final nual Woe he United t Chicago, hat a large division were vers. Ken a * gt and ay, belong- the layed with Murray an Williams, is also an ex-Queen's half Cobb Gets the Verdict. verdict of adding bats- during ridiculous arry La- As the out of the ago Presi: pent means x hitter n so much | criticism, the Cleve- mn of Mr. ajoie + and the official promulga- g follows : 1. P.O L384944 7 S84084 CERTIFICATES OF HEALTH. Must be Wedded Gift of Swiss Brides xed cates of the the ques- of § over | | | to accept a @ ® © © © © © | i region | probability | be required health to if any man is not o blame. { influéntiyl body called the Swiss Society of Pub- which has done during the all young I be phe) cally examined, --as-are their brotherg wr 1910, the his »e daring receiving nsible for the charac port sd measure. ing woman of HAYS y of Pee th Cuti- nt have af he pega slowly. from of a per- The oe | OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay cighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Breet. THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST. near PRINC ESS, There are other hote but none approach the Club for Homellke sup- roundings. Located in centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate Special rates by the week PF. M. THOMPSON, roprictor, caused by the accu- mulation of waste matter and impurities within the body. Dr. Morse's * Indian Root Pills, enableithe bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities. Thus they PEEPLES Try Our Line ot Chocolate Assorted Creams, Hard Fruit and Nut Centres, made with a selected coating, Just the right kind to make them delicious Grimm's * 1 t | 102 PRINCESS STREET, SPP PP PEO 2PP PRET ERR VT I R00 THE F AMOUS NATIONAL DRINK-- BE WISE And have your heating and cooks ing arrangemeotits in good shape before the cold wintry days set in have a aml Heater as new, We Rang BOO prices ii will pay you to see them be- fore buvire elsewherp All 'kinds of Househol bought and sold 'furniture a Specialty. { L. LESSES, Cor Princess and Ohntham Sts, Kingston, 4 Goods not a 'stimulant but a tonic for all times and seasons--invaluable as an appetizer for delicate women--a nutritions and invigorating drink for every member of the family. "Salvador" tones up and strengthens the whole system. Try it at your meals, Brewed and properly aged in wood by REINHARDTS' rosdiero The Kind Ral) are looking for te he kind we sel) Local Agent, E. BEAUPRE, Kingston. Tel. 313. Scranton Coal : 18 good coal andl we guarantee f prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO, FOOT WEST STREKT. ERR Was JEN Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL, FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PRONPT DELIVERY. VW. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. Sat & ELECTRIC 7) EY UGHE FOR A = CHURCH, STORES © LAT 11) | SR |" OUR SPECIA 4 7 Sy A, NTI PTY The things that cost u sometimes the things cheap fi nt know A the busine man he doe tae most ine that Lite what with. smal ar nase us feel pretty C0000000000000300000000000000CROINOIROIOIOIOOIORORS Babbitt Metal, Fuse Wire, Battery Zincs, Wire Solder. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. P000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - NEW FIGS just arrived at 15c., 20c], 25¢. per 1b. Also Grape Fruit at all prices 302 King St? R. H. TOYE, Phone 141. + SAP00D 0000000 NOOOOOODNRONROOROOOIIIOIOIROIOTY A AA NPN NN A OANA a S.J. Kilpatrick &Co Monument and Cemetery Work Noted for keeping the best stock "doing the best work--prices the lowest. "Princess St. - Cor. Clergy St G00000800000000VONON0NN000PROT0RRRRRRORROY If You Are Looking for the Best in Chocolates and Pure lc Coream GO TO Next Door to ms SELL S Opera House. 2 Princess Street 3