PAGE TWO, Be0e00000000000000R000 = ® ' Never in the history : of the store have we e shown such High-Class o 'Designs and lower R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSE. BLON0VOOBLBOB0LERGNS PEARS. No, 1 Stock, KEEFER and VICKAR OF WAKEFIELD, Fine for Preserving. D. COUPER'S, $413 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. COAST SEALED OYSTERS, | Fini Pr. SHISTIIII ITT Sats ates KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STRERNT, "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" vil raps % Our graduates beat Positions." Within a tine over sixt 1 or write for in , METCALF, Princt -» A Vo---- {---- {on -- H PARKS& SON, Florists | Day 'Phone 239. Night 'Phone 2385. All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants fn season. Wedding and Funeral De- signs a apecialty shipped to all pater, 198 King treet. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. \ te AA Tr Mr ate, have ny speciailt. 4 ag doa If Tarmers wan! Ar, get my services. MARKET Jaliakx | : THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY, ESTANLISURED 1863, Prestdent--Nir Rickard Money tesued oa City au Pro- ri Municipal and Count ben- en, el 5 unity h. ures. Mo e4 pure 3 recaived a Titereat allowed, . o MeGiLL, Mansging Director, reat | ' That $35 suite LADIES CON- TEMPLATING A Now is the tie) to order. We! can give our best vice. Our Stocks of Skins, Linings, ete, are complete. We are here to show you. No obligation to buy. ~ JOIN MoKAY OCTOBER Seating ¢ can assist you. OUR NEW AUTUMN STOCK AT YOUR SERVICE, PARLOR TABLES In Oak and Maho- gany, $1.60 up to $35.00 each. PARLOR SUITES AND COVERINGS. We do these up to sult your own Our new degigns are the latest. usually sold for $45, is the best on the market. taste, DINING-ROOM, CHINA CABINETS, a full line, $105, $18, up. and Ereatest BUF SIDEBOARDS TABLES. all to match. The line We Have ever shown, The round table is the most popu- r. CURTAINS. ~--Newest ideas in Madras, ilk, Lace, ete, RUGS, all sizes, qualities, colors. An Immense Joriety, CARPETS Wilton, Brussels, Tapes- au liepalr, and Upholstering promptly Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. "Phone 90. LAD WANTED TO KNOW If $20 Bill He Had Was Good Money. = A lad: walked into a grocery store, on Division streef, a. couple of days age; and @icduding a $20 bill, wanted to know if it was good money. The money looked O.K. to the clerk, and!' he told the boy so, wherew youngster said that a woman mn the ad giv- jen it to him, and that she had told WILL CURE ECZEMA. " greatest healing agent known © for Cuts, Burns, Wounds, Ulcers, Old Sores, Soothing and antisoptic. PRICE, 25¢ BOX. «Sold by. | . Drunaigt | Frouse, : Jug | # i = = 3 Suit You: A commodious rick Dwelling, n rooms, furnace, b, & ©, very | Whig, dent that both roads il 'not ated by the Grand Trunk. him 'that if the money was good, she would give him half the amount. It is stated that a sum of money was lost by one of the residents, in that neigh- borhood, and on account of the lad having such a large sum, and under such circumstances, it was considered worth while to make - an investigation, and the police have been notified. An advertisement appeared in the on Wednesday, telling of the loss of a sum of money on Clergy street. Long Arm of the Law. Even the Y.M.C.A. is not without its surprises. This morning E. F. Trim- ble and Mr. Hamilton went ont to the front of the building, and carried in a sign standing there. After entering the building, and depositing the sigy on the floor, they turned around and Were surprised to sce Constable Johy Naylon arrest a man who had just entered the building. The man enter- od the building, thinking, no doubt, Hat he would be safe front the arm of the law, in that peaceful institu tion, But the aver vi-the law jg. enough to reach even to eh ---- A RAILWAY QUERY. Eaised by G.T.R. Acquiring Ottaws Brockville Times. : i he ine] announcement that Grand Trunk railway proposes to erate the Brockville, Rideau V and Ottawa the cern, now wequired by the Grand Trunk ROL u time extension of 'two years, nestly n year is now passed work must commense next summer if the lo wslation is not to lapse i be oper. . and people Interested in the old company's ject are endeavoring to learn the Ca a Fi wa am, © wi 8 ment that the Kingston; ye LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS x; Occurrences In e) you, ser-| "King Settled After Holidays. | { GENERAL. The City And Vicinity =~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Remembered. i Table apples. J. Crawford. } A. B. Cunningham is in Toronto. | R. F. Elliott *left this afternoan for | : # Toronto. : ~ William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | received at MeAulev's. Phone 778. Jersey sweet potatoes, are the best, Nix pownds for 25c., at Carnovsley's. New figs, 'eating apples, eating rais- igs. J. Crawford. Stine Gladys Bibby, Kingston, spent the past week with relatives in Elgin. Gas and electric accounts are now due. Pay at once and save ten per cent. Mrs. James Porte, of vio, i spending a few days wit rs, E. Lake, Alfred street. Chief of Police Taylor, of Trenton, spendin, turned H. ome, to-day. Cunvingham, piano tuner, street, leave orders at Auley's bookstore. ¢ Miss Opal McClellan, of Moosejaw, Bask., is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet = W. Saunders, Albert street. a ; New figs, eating apples, eating rais- ins. J. Crawford. Six of the eight put into Princess street roadway be- tween, Sydembam and Wellington streets. Dutton's noted quality boots at low prices. Call dav. 209 Princess street. The death occurred at Odessa, on Thursday, of Caroline E., wife of the late Anson Storms. She was seventy- four years of "age. "Special make" of strong hound candy sold at Gibson's Cross drug store. Capt. long and Master Gunner Stroud, Kingston, have been in Peter- boro mspecting the equipment of the 14th Field Battery. Table apples. J. Crawford. Miss Cartwright, Ottawa, entertain- ed, on Tharsday afternoon, at the tea hour, in honor of Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Kingston. Spemal- sale of corsets, four hose supporters, 350c. 209 Princess street. Capt. and Mrs. C. J. Hinckley, Uni- versity avenue, returned home, to- day, from Renfrew, after 5 ten days' visit with Mrs. Hinckley's mother. "Strong 'horehound candy" for coughs and colds. - Gibson's Red Cross drug store sells it. Gilbert T. Raflerty, the Pittsburg milljonajre and summer resident of the Thousand Islands, was called to Chi- cago, while hunting down the Rideau, by the death of a sister. New table figs, new table raisins, ap- ples; in baskets. J. Crawford. Visitors at Battersea : Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Houston and little daughter, at H: Abernethy's; Miss Moore, Seeley's Bay, at Mrs. R. Abernethy"s; Miss L. Anglin, at her parents', at the post office 2 Me- shoe store for best to- hore- Red worth $1, Dutton', : John Freeman, of High River, Alta., is confined to a hospital in Calgary, suffering with spinal 'meningitis. He the 'past few days here, re-| grates have been | ving at one time the w wiirks at Yarker, mpage Table apples: J. Crawford. ; Follow the crowd to the sale of : Princess street. Charles Bradford is in the city as) 9 advance agent making pweparations| for the appearance of "Midnight Sons," Hamilton, where he conducted supple mentary examinations at the t-aining ¢ 'schools for nurses for the provincial hospitals. Men's $5 boots, waterproof soles, 'Goodyear welt, $3.85. Dution's shoe |store, 200 Princess street. | Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamly, of Pic ton, came down in their motor launch lon Wednesday with a party of iriends {to see and "heir Archdeacon' Madden i The avchdeavon was an old Table apples. J. Crawford. For those who love clever step danc- ing, abd plenty of it, they should. go to the Orpheum this week. The two acts there are really good. Arthur! Lynn, the popular singer, was well re- ceived im the selection which he sang. | Men's driving gloves. All kinds, less 'than cost to clear. Dutton's shoe store, 209 Princess street! | Rev. J. E. Hunter, evangelical part- Iner of Rew: He T. Crossley, is very ill with shalingapalsy, Mr. Crossley is continuing the work of conducting re- alone. For twenty-six years ivivals men worked together har- these two moniously. | AM. Clown, chairman of the hoard of works, is quite certain that at least 'one block of road paving will be done next year in the down-town section not off Princess street, of course. When one block is- laid, it is expected there will be jealousy dn the part of others. "Get strong horehound candy," the | only quality, sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 8. 8, Burns preached his fare- ! well sermon in the Presbyterian lehurch, Lakefield, on Sunday. Mr. | Burns, who has labored faithfully in the church for the past four years, is leaving for the purpose of taking post graduate course in the Princeton Uni- versity. He is a Queen's graduate. Order your corset now; perfect fit, from $3. Specially made of spinal sup- ports, shoulder braces, hvgiene waists, etc. No city agent. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. That the management of Wonder: land alwhys wants to give the public good amusement has always been a by-word. among the lovers of vaude- ville, and this was never more plainly evinced than this week, when the man- agement turned away an act of infer ior quality rather than lower the standard of the house. To make up for the deficiency, an extra reel of pic- tures was ¢ A strong comedy act is booked for the first three days of next week. The Water Power Question. It is not likely that the light, heat and power committee will further dis- cuss the yuestion of power supply from the Seymour company before next week. In coming to a conclusion, hy- dro-electric comparisons will be used, An. alderman today, that he would prdler to Meal with the hydro- I Rev. " "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Suits That Suit _ Business in our New Ready-to-Wear Depart- ment is growing every day, aod people who should know tell us that electric conwmission, if it decided to develop water power at Waddington, N.X,, for Re 'thought that the city could set hetter terms than the Sey- mour company is offering. ------ . Marine Man Causes Trouble, On Fotlay. moming, a Borriefield woman 'interviewed officials atthe city buildings to find il she could pre- vent her daughter keeping company with 4 certain married man, who is not living with his wife. She would | have liked to take out a warrant, but as her daughter is over twenty-one years of age, she was informed that the Jaw could do nothing to prevent a girl from going woth a married man. A ------------------ At Trades Council, Tho regular meeting of the Trades and Labour 'Council, was held, on Thurstlay evening, but only routine vusiness was disposed of. The com munication from the Dominion Trades Congress, notifying the local council, for the payment of the per capita tax, was read, and ordered to be paid, The vice-president, Wilkam Buck, oc cupietl the chair. Married at Napanee, The marviage of Miss Planche Ma- dale, Napanee, and Owen S. Reddick, Cleveland, took place at the home of her father, M. 8. "Waflole, on October 19th. The eeremony was conducted by [the Rev. W.:H.' Emsley. They loft uf- {terwards for their home in Cleve: land, - A ------- Four members of the craw of the steamer Dundee, which passed up, on her way to Hasilton, on' Wednesday night, were loft in the city, because they were not on hand when the vessel pulled out. The captain wanted in- Frontenac covnty, | § wheel | 4 4 ; 4 {boots and shoes, for men," women and | children, at Dutiop's shoe store, 2004 Lew Fields' |$ with two hundred ' ¢ people, at the Grand, on Wednesday | 4 evening next. 14 Dr. Young, of Rockwood hospital $ staff, has returned from Toronto and |$ AAA Pv VvYYveYyYYY SLA LDDL AL Sa THEFT IVITIVYVTIOIVYIIVIYVYoV TY YY b y in price from 15¢. t0.$2.50. the largest and best in the city. 50c. for the handcolored. 0 ity. ercnt subjects. --y » 60 PRINCESS STREET, Saturday Bargains ----At ANDERSON'S -- -- Choice Round Steak ... .12 1-2¢ Ib] 1,000 Ibs. good Roast Beef .. 1.c Ib |i 12 1+2c 1b. || 10 ALALL LL & 5 5 & LEGGETT'S CHOCOLATES "The Sweetest Story Ever Told." The purest, most fascinating and delicious morsels that have Ji Forequarters Lamb : ever delighted your palate. Chops ain Fresh Pork... Loin Chops... .. .. 2,500 Ibs. Young Pork fer to-morrow, Have you answered the offer in this week's "Saturday's Post?" We will redeem your coupon Fresh supply Jgpt received. Sole Agents, See our Windows. er a ---- All kinds best Bacon, Hats, sea: o, Sausages and Cooked Meats, all pre- pared from meats of best quali' . ASK FOR OUR SAUSAGE. For Sale in all Stores. They are the best, MAHOOD'S soz: PRINCESS AND BAGUT STs, Anderson Bros. Cor. Princess & Division Sts. x. = oan LLL0L00000000000000000 LLL0LL0000400000000000 You Can Save Money i" Students'. = Specialties COLLEGE PENNANTS AND BANNERS in the correct colors ranging ' The quality of felt used in these goods is the finest oblinable, and having the exclusive on the largest American and Canadian manufacturers our line is COLLEGE POSTERS, varying in price from 15c. for the lithop : | : 3 raphs to COLLEGE POST CARDS.--We have the most exclusive line in tho We control absolutely four special lines of Queen's Post Cards in 22 dif- The College Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Phone 919 $ * Whole Set Ri et Ings Our stock comprises many beautiful specimens of this pure gem. We have them set singly; in three stone, hoops, and in S-stpne hoops. All our ° rings are made to fit the wearer comfortably; free of any extra charge. Prices to sult all pockets, are arranged accord ing to the size and quality of stones used. SMITH BROS., JOvelsso KING STII § Issuers of Marriage Licenses. I SEE * $ At This Special Sale on Saturday Morning. 15 only Children's Print Dresses, Mother Hubbard style, to fit ages 1, 2, 3 years Ladies' Black Taffeta Silk Waists, neatly tucked back and ont, long sleeves, two styles, open In front and back, gizes 34, 36, $2.50 Waists on " Saturday Morning For Each $1.50 Shirts and Drawers, 39¢ To Clear at Each -- 5 = o Men's Fleece-lined Underwear, best quality al! sizes, 32 to 42. This 50¢ lino on sale Saturday Morning Per Garment . \ > » ® > » » » : >» $ Ld : 3 : 5 3 » i 3 3 3 * 3 Of the Best Quality and most up-to- date styles. W. F. .Gourdier, BROCK STREET. Six Choice Building »> 3 » : > Quilts in dainty shddes of Pale Blue, Pink tch she trimmings in $169 We got hold of a good snap in Ladies' Coats, and will share it with von 16 only in Navy and Brown shades, made of good quality Diagonal Cloth, 56 inches long, with Velvet Collar; 1 sizes, 34, 36, Extra well made and a bargain at the price Regular $6.50 Lots of Other Bargains. . 22 only Colored Satin . and Yellow, shot effect. Just the article Lo/ your bedroom. Regular $2.50 quality for(a Satarday Morning Special Each 3 Saturday » s > 3 3 » ® > » $ Merning > > > >» » > - H Newman & Shaw to teach the men to keep at hand when the vessel wits ready to depart. Fur-lined Coats. We are till. making a specially of fur-lined eonts. Prices range from $20 to $250. Ask to see our special 850 muskrat-lined coat for men and wo- men. George Mills' & Co., the makers of fine furs, Princess street. Ritchie. At Merriman's request the {on Wednesday last. During the inter- THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. 3 * » » > . » » dv Lots Albert Street, facing Queen's new Campus, gcod frontage and depth, At $12 per foot frontage. Mullin, Cor, Jbhnsoun and Division Stre SO0000000000000O0OPOCOGISIOTS : HOME WASH We're home wash people---we do the best laundering in town LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, The Facts Related. Battersea, Oct. 20.-(To the ¥di tor) : Allow ime to say that your eor- respondent, re Lake and Merrimun, has not stated the facts. 1 proved my case at Elginburg, on Friday, bv two re Dutch Bulbs ro id Fall Planting the | 9 |For indoor bloom during the {fF Winter there {a nothing like the * Dutch Bulbs. They require 4 clittle care, asd by bringing them gradually fo the light, | blossoms may be had umtil o spring, * Our "imported Bulbs 'are all 4 sound specimens and of the best varieties, including: -- Hyacinths, Daffodils, Crocus, Beledal lt ts 5.5 & RT case was adjourned to the court house, val I learned, as did also Mr. Law- gon, that on account of the neglect of tl township comncil to pase certain by-laws, there was no law to convict. I, therefore, paid the costs I had made to Mr. Lawson, near the Whig office, on Ring street, I did not go to the court on Wednesday, nor did any witness on my behalf Respect: fully, 8. K. Lake. 5 28 ~~you know that, If you've tried us. Make it look like new --- THT) and through. .. lat Work amily Wash No fabric of any kind that . We cannot wash perfectly. . . -------- Your New Hat. one of C ft Bros'. new you'll Bemaphatlt Bye very iE Prices, 5c and 10c Each, and 23¢, 30c, 33¢ a Doz Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, "Let it be styles and Tatest, ERR RATE Ty Bedell ot 5 8 8 5 808 H Our mew plan explained in detail} for the asking. Kingston Laundry, ©Oor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. : Phone 22. 7 ® 0800000 sssssssssnsne * » ® . * * . ® bd * . . #* . » * * . ® * * * .