Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Oct 1910, p. 3

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The People's Forum al ANOGUEW DOIN i HAmusements. 3.4. DAVIS DR. J 5 ne | \COPERRY HOUSE SATURDAY, OCT. 22! coxpRNsEP ADVERTISING RATES LOST. POR SALE. : TINEE AT 2.30, EVENING AT £15. Two-Year-Old Sou of W, J. Allen, rn AN Lamghter Musical Cony GOLD WATCH, WITH INITIAL "W."| TWQ GOOD SECOND-HAND yowina Fell Downstairs, But Was Only on Thursday night, along Queen, : eeRbly, D. - in , : 1 Pri St Re- Brofsed. : e a or "return to this office. | © - G ue, Oct. 21~A preity house COAL AND WOOD 000K . STOV Are Now Ready weiimanagin, Det. 31 A pesly, hope Re = ob mo I BVA ef . jesterday morning, at me of Eskime Girls' Snowball Hefile w SUM OF MONEY. ON: JOHNSON 705. Nr ond No BN Torr" ig | pie ie 2 Poop | MEUSANIED. PLLC Brocrty ath sain bY . street, when = their daughter, " Children 5c any Reserved Seat, A HOUSEMAID. APPLY This advt Apply, Whig office. OR FOR LEASE THE PREMISES Ne See our $12.00 Sails § [ome 1oun rao, 'vis emies "| 2 rire, So 255 ee ou wise | 4 BY hes TO. MRS. aldron, $0 Barrie Street, City. 34-38 Street it : to Johs Davis, M.D.,| ' Seats now -on Sate. UPHOLSTERER. Rorage suitable for Thom A SOPRANO SOLOIST FOR COOK'S hin Cunniagh. . son of Mr. and * s : G. lt 8 ) 3 amis ed See oar $13.50 Saits Davis, Landon, » prominest medical! Al] Next Week [igruies Quennsusnolr, chy. Apply. 30147. GAVIN UPHOLSTERING. RE- ; man of the town, 'who bought out Dr. ny. Dalring and carpet Desks hair mat | no Ae.-- SOME BARGAINS IN NEW : Irving's practice bere : MAR KS BROS. A GENERAL SERVANT ONE WHO call 216 Bagot Street. And second-hand gasoline launches, See our $15.00 Suits § [roc tucson ele Pel" ir Stok y Amy to Mr Bavecn ito ER i : Rev. J. T. Pitcher, pastor of Grace ERNIE MARKS, Mauager. 12 King Street. FURNITURE FINISHER. : A York, > AT ew Natty Suits, correctly made and | ch, bgfore immediate relatives of | or, Fiavs RANG A GOOD STEADY MAN FOR DELIV.) * : : by / bgt PROGRAMME CHAN - ery Waggon. Apply NN Maclean's. | ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPRCIALTY finished expert tailors, and i i ies. Both bride 1 : wae rs, ) = Hiding, amelll HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE N . sold at prices that will surely gtended, The bride MONDAY NIGHT Outarie Street. agin and of mission work: all burner gas range Sideonart interest you Wad' gownled in & hindsome, travelling FOR His SISTER'S SAKE work Fives best attestion, . Pat. heater Setdroam au * also plane, . 5 ; suit of savy. blue, with hat to match. TWO LABORERS GARRY Brick Drlseo , 23 John Street. Phone Tht ra . for aso} ne boat, Ap 3 2 a ynagogue . - :. Stylish Coats ' After the ceremony a nuptial repast SPECIAL 10-16 25 None Cartney, Contrast ng. . - ne ] Was enjoyed, after: which Mr. and Mrs. i! Rios is ticket given free for Mon. | * Ba + pL x 26 with "ae @ | Davis left for Toronto and London for ' day night with cowl oars burchased GENERAL WITH REFERENCES, v| FINANCE AND INSURANCE Sharbot Lake: price. $456. bh cins are now displayed for your in- $ a 8 trip, prior to settling down in | Defore | Jal J4mily. ABP Bn to INSURANCE THAT Jarticulars $PPR 16H. H. Muc- . . - TS NOW ON SALE. ¢ Mrs. Rod , 161 vision Street. bf INSURES GO a eo spection and offered at such ex- their new home on Piné street. The | FOR 1 ANCE, RL rium an. Box 237, Englenart, Ont, SEA tremely low prices that will bride was one Gauanoque's popular over Northern Crown Bank, % A COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL . surely suit any purse, ! » af vigce of George Tay- E House work; references required. Street, or 'phone 434. 0 Ly. $9.00, $11 $14.00 to $17.00 Pr. "and 'was donhected with the Arlyn Svening, Mrs. J. F. Lesslie, ith S11. Sg oh Y.P.S. work of Grace church for g 5 Spree. C. 8 KIRKPATRICK. GENERAL IN. | GOOD-SIZED. BRIGHT DOWRETIND Be. number of years. Many handsome and surance Agent and Ocean Steamsbl: Room. well heated. Apply, $6 Basi : Street. I urs and cantly end of gteem attest to the be ing department Monday and = i larity" among her large TebAY, Thursday forenocons and on Satwur- FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SIT. "13 vircle of friends. The doctor is also day afternoons. Apply, Business . 2 ting-room: In good locality Ap Millinery a popular young who, by dil. MADCAP BETTY AGAINDw I >figrno GENERAL INSURANCE --FIRE. LIFE | pis: Hox L110 Wig cenit STRONG BOY. TO ASSIST IN MAIL- Ren" d2 Clarence Stree! ¥ man, - ----io - Accident and Health Policibs lsst- eee seers meme gent ptiention to business, has worked Another series of troubles worked up od; first. lass on a tana 128 UNION STREET; BRICK: 7 ra ig practice in town and vicinity, | DY Betty the Madcap: now Sh most es. - J. fooms. b & o. gas. Apply to J. 8 9p a big practice in a einaty f2, Be comed sharacter. on the | N carn $100 monthly EIRON | oo MAY Wellingtoa Street. R. McCann, 51 Brox RP The two-year-old son of Mr. and motion picture stage, i a Mrs. William J. Allen, Water street, ain Bend "for ptieulars pros ameing. Send for . : : oe " te, 3.969 J. EK CARRO DISTRICT AGENT ¥ IRN met with a serious mishap, yesterday SCENES IN OCEANICA cate, 3.96 kport, N.Y D fon Life Assurance Company A Baar ONT ROOMS, ro RNISHED morning. The parents were at break- Brrr Slso Fire, Accident, Sickness and ¥ : x i ne of the #plendid scénle pictures | shoes. APply to 15 Mostreal Street, fast Baw, having left the child in| colors Jately prong 4 by Pathe Feeron A DRIVER FOR BREAD WAGGON: Jiate Gites' Towirence. 14 Marke: | near Princess Streets 1" bed asleep. What de Woke up, got out | of Paris must have references; none but pr routs of bed, and reac ing the top « the A0Nest and steady man need apply. ved, " » . 70 oR BLE Stairs, fell headlong to the bottom. MOTHER AND CAILY one Seni: ™ SATngvaKY: 114 Fim GEO. A. BATEMAN, SUSTO! iTOM3 BROS * ORE OR an ne bare » Fortunately no bones were broken, but Another fine drama by the celebrated ter dete in or tJ Sur lnvo 4 1" Crothers' ory). Apply. Mr. C, the child was badly bruised. all Beariamreny. which will appeal to| EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER:| 0P8 MIN Nearest Tot Bex. R. Webster, 0 Princeld Breet Prof. Morison, of Queen's, gave an 8. must be experienced and well edu- e do the rest. Inds of ' ¥ cated; stat lricat 5 - > "xcellent address in the Anglican par. Se TO-MORROW, Ge en and. lary rrr Mang 3 hone 306." 1 lata . Sion A oe ROOM BRICK DWELLING, ish_home, Ipst evening, under the aus- "Two Waly and a Stray" a story of gress, Whig S nandwriting. Box ton. dons oh S iol Dra, Sond - pices of Eye Feo le's Th. His tenement and street lire in New York -- . : Apis. J. C. Landeryou, 83 York 'topic was "Eighteedth Century Life In| and of the fresh air fund, "More Tricks » LIVER > ~ - R 2 v » a POOL. LONDON, AND GLOBE Lofidon," and the learned professor, | PY Madcap Betty. A EPRE ENTAN RB TOR Nas: = Fire Insurance Company. Available + , assets $61.187.215. In addition to who is no stranger to Gananoque a forritory for tne Hane as xclusive which the policyholders have for STORAGE FoR FURNITURE, CLEAN, fiences, was greeted with a fair crowd : . & Wellington, Nurserymen, To Purity the uniimited liability of yee oar hs, Absolutely ry £ you're Interested In good Shoes Jf "0d excellent attention. Youle a city property insured at Ivins Frost's Ey Storage, 299 Quean St. Charles . Macdonald's. private yacht, . 3 - possible rates. Before renewing old Phone §26b, : Sir--better Shoes possibly than ff] Nate, made o trip to Brockville, We: Griffin 3 heum ARE. roy DESIROUS OF maRNING| beesible mies Helors redewing old . Eo hasta or Hew i Mes; Matinald ; soliciting Carder Tais onal Xmas Phone, $305 & Strange," Agents SUITE OF ROOMS, INCLUDING. SIT- ; Rev, Mr. Jo RS Greeting Cards? E commission; ss ting-room, bedroom and bath ou hav m in the habit of wear- B| on an ns 0% | he Heme of Polite V e . bedroom and bathroom, You have heen in. the babi nd "otis, for" the askin rie Houlel Hleomire! IHS ma] E50 eile Tor amie Tok Ho "on aan Marke Tonghe AF: . edding, pany, T to, \ ' Ing--we'd like to show you the new _-- Bonevan: ih, Tuesday oven-| Complete change of 2 Reels pany. Toronto, MEDICAL. Clarence Street, . i La to. 5 CLERKS vn SELL ARTICLES MUCH Fall models, and talk Shoew with Qf ig, for Ottawa, where he joined of of Pictures Kvery Day, Sore" sary home, especially by | 1: ¥, SPARKS BA. MD. PHYSICIAN UNION STREET: BRICK: 1 i i i : : : and 8S 100, Wellington St. buliting party in seatch of deer in th marking men; good salary; per- Ottice - 10 16 12 ny 2 rooms, b. & ©, gas: (herve students Ea r : o ou. Pombrofe district. W. J, Belfie has joanent position: If you are work- and 7 to 9 pm. "Phone 358 now rooming here who would re- y gone on 'his annual : deer hunting ex- PROGRAM e Ing Jor aman hay. hind She mh ply to 1.8 RM 'ann, We offer noth in the wa pedition to the Fort Coulanges sec- . double your wages and be your own u v fg yion in Quebec, Dr. Graham, Brook-| Qe, 20th, 21st and 22nd, dss. Aoply, Box "8. B.C." Whig CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. of any particular sentiment which In N.Y, was' in town, to-day, in at- Th F As . wi BRICK RESIDENCE UC) William Street tendance at the Tavior-Davis wedding. ursda 3 and Sat WANTED, YOUNG MEN TO pri o centrally localed; furnage, gas, a will appebl to a Man to buy his | Mies Isabella. Macdonald, spending the Ys riday urday pare for positions as automo 1& PROP A CARD To Sotner. Hey ALLL. all m Ca oERtovements. iy Shoes § simmer at Lake Joseph, Wuskoka, has ane | ETE, SW BARB North "tn teatatte| fo Sr 00 mali oes here, tu to town. L : by mall; assist you to good posi 19484 ob pia for your rade racher om the bast of good [| me ml cs NE Rp BRC 0 plea for your trade rather on the basis of g ! : i : 1 DROP A CARD TO CHAS. WI ouse, w.0., common: aud good Shocs. CIRCLES Popular Songs... with course; sample lesson and nrpornat and eis. Nid ELLAR. lat. 3 Evéry Man wants the best Shoes his money ean buy. 3 n MARINE O Vi > : " rine feasonable Banies Ans: gor ro ie Liess ou ol " room h RA LT To oh - ? i fe § a i mn . Rochestar. A done i * a ad Vit iol iret Stodnoyie put up in our Men's J] Arrivals and Departures of Vessels W erner and Allen na rs promptly. 150 WILL RENT A CHEAN, W / . . : tare eit rt ai. t S-roowi house, 3 roo SHGps Tg call 8_&t such moderate prices as-- at This Port. 'The One-anil-Onie Dititcers, RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVE FOR | RADECKWITHL CONTRACT. | 2 bedrooms water and Las, rooms. 5 Tiel $4.00 and 85 The steamer Jpsca aleared for Ot. ¢ ( | each locality by - militon dollar in oe lll Gi hy 94 $5. awa. S ith M Financia} Sefparatio nye couyer. y - Bpeclalities, 149 R CHAS, PE Worl Al ESTATE and i B78en Far 71 1. . aa Oath un ata Patent Colt. The steamer Sowards and schooner |WIN and oore such. as, bonds, debenturgn, etal an Tans Prepared vy antl Agri. 1 3 ralundton eet ucher cut, Straight Lace and Button styles Major Ferry, cleared for Uswego. In a very funny Comedy Sketch one excellent opportunity fer insur. mates given for all classes of work All toe shapes--some viscolized and some double soles. steamer City of Montreal touch, Tallabis business meh ta. Tacocien FOR SALE OR TO Live, ; ed at the dry does, on her way west. A ' revenue ur presenting high-grade ek i 2 All sizes and widths. {The government boat, Alert, cleared DANNIE'S HOME COMING Ahn oy Dusines acquaint. DENTAL ell stake our expectation for your patronage on these WH for Murray Bay, on Friday morning. a Tach ad me Tite u not |: - : Shoes, and it will be a good proposition, Sir, to test them. At Swift's wharf: City of Montreal, Introducing good Singing sh Desc. British. Canadian ABA rat YO we oabec" JLT ROOM HOURS ing. o lat ight: or | i es. Lid. minion Trust J "i up, last night: steamer Brockville, Bullding, Vancouver' oa Phone gi APaYSiments Tag Price, wes DR. C. C. NASH. DENTIST; DR. ev. I. b. by 166" Pine' Blreet. Sen " a A : The barge St. i s | Afternoon, 2 p.m., all seats Be. ; C N Pies RB : J ' HK ¢ SU 5 x BRO ben discharzing coal, Went on the | Evening, 7 pan, Se and 10c¢. | Ww | Picker, gue ant, 20 " "0 8: J . Davis dry dock, for repairs. Please come early to avoid crowd- , : | THE x YuNsive a oh THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. a all the stockholders Fa and in the premises, from Nov. ist, down and up, to-day. The steamer F. H. Prince, is at the - DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. 19 MONT. Henry % Co., Cereals Limited, with 8,000 bushels np ONTARIOCAND BA V real Street. near Princess Bross ems wert aieiosetsesntt SCRIP ! aruggist of wheat from Fort William. | : to buy for cash. J. 8 cCann, 61 Phone 663. beet to Strest, with Th pane: Wiinuoi made o ein 5, At The Se. i dtr #55 Je Ren andy SF ith 0 from Gananoque, on Thursday, SET LCS. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER- OSTEOPATHY, wiagham & Mudie i Books. with passengers arid freight. ng ks. Address, Box "H. P." The steamer Aletha, on her way up care Whig office. "HEALTH oo! [DHOUT DRUGS."--R a = mi 1 pr Asheroft, DO, BE 3 to Picton, on Thursday night, broke TO TAKE FAMILY WAS HOME. PO. Gradaatis Inder Pr it BOARD AND ROOMS, Apply, Mrs. Wm. M " 3% her wheel near: Deseronito and was v p . , Ports thé Founder of Oateopath 4 forted tg put into the dock there for mouth, head of. Union Street. Princess Street. corner vision Fepdies, The steamer Brockville will take i GENTLEMEN 70 TH ure. Offic > R her place until 'the necessary ro- To-night and Saturday BNL REN BRING t hours 10th 13. 3 to 5 8 tas finer tpgaher or fit As may Phode $47 . y . sullation and "ijonarge for com CLASS BOARD AND LODGE Avenue, - alr venjences, TIONS. 18 THER a qua : ck SEED y, or any aver 13 VOTERS' LIST, 1911 pairs are made. to-date suits Price and workman- valent to tanay4rt homsatend & auactir v M.T. Co's elevator: Steamer Had. and Sana Pressing B08 Ana xoclorn dington, from Fort William, livhtered : on the short SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, £70, ewan erta. New otion Pictures 'and + Latest fee. Thomas loway, 130 B pifoant tar Th pe! at 6,600 bushels of wheat, and cleared for N Motion Blet Sougs by Bre next Bibby's tp! 3% Broc : Ney or Sub- | Municipality of the City of Kingnton---- v ' » . . . v mes | THE NEWRET RULERS, REGULATIONS or the dist Afniey by proxy County of Fromtenme. Montreal; ta; Mary P. Hall, arrived ANY PERSON HAVING 600D 5B. alms vtms pertaining to Station| HOTELS AND RESTAURALTS + ro t at , On vertain light. from Cape Vincent, w ° Agent snd Opera a oe other or, som, towed the harge Harrison, loded Setar 4 He a cad Sark are jneorporated ) or or of i : . . Sood 3 courses of tra ning £1 n the : . with pulpwood; tug Emeérson cleared ? , Port, Prices. Is ne Central Foentann hool, 1 Gerrard 10K HOTEL "ONTARIO NOTICE 18 HEREBY. GIVEN, THAT | light, for Coteau Junction; steamer -------- 4 Kinds of Ft ure in 4 fireet, Fast TorSnte. Particulars posite GT-R, station, I have tPansniisted or gelivered to the | Turret Court, grain-laden, from Fort Thought Wi reason-| free. Write T. J. Johnston, Prines CPR. on TROT. in » ¥ Pn oy . na ote pe s nt Section 8 $ tage fl x 2 h She "ontatis. "0 In Wilkium, ill reach here during the OUR PICTURES Brest. so a er ---- 1. Desperado, a Western Drama. x fp ARCHITEOTS. a] nade | FOUND PEAD IN BED. : , " : (4 | sons i - ssessmen! : PERSONALS. Li N y Roll af (he sala | fe ; es 2. The Mad Dog Seare, EA, TENET Kino Bon. ARCHIT ET, ETC. Bi wy Fg inna t 5 Beit HAIR. MOLES, ' ees Arinks; wrivets suttie ; LEAla Hat wis thw posted up : 3 pod : hs 4 ana! oles Feared pers And re ATCHITRCT, OFFICE £4 for: "upsaire Sag reo Cwsnty direc. day of October. i916 A Sleep Walking Cure; Rip and 11 Univardity Ap. 4D. Nay. rg Pal rune a] a. op RE § . Two good comedy concotions, , . WM. nr ot hoe ed 3 ARCHI- - Gale . a ans" (fila upon. + : day, by | dealt out in dainty morsels. to tickle tte ste root, w-- - R880 | other Sire ne ke | hin i iving | the ticklish kind. ' ; OHANCHS, : mealats 32 according to law. | with of deat SPECIAL TO-NIGHT. ${7ONER, 8 Su Amciizects, urn. a Se TW anes a : Fall Orchestra, hk, 430 Wellingtel sirasis "a mals 'order Clerk of the said Muniectpality: 'arscallen urderwen: Don't forget -to- watch. 'Monday's ou : genvaael Gg Heacock, Dated at Ki on this twenty-first i ad. We have a gooll team -mext i day of October, 1816. Re : fhospital, on Tuesday lax : week. x Be M1 Say Made ge "WHAT 18 FRU 8 # carefully Tells = a chards, in the ratge TiS nn . $10 to $108 F acre; § # monthly. Send for booklet to-day, poration. Limited. 134A anti Rr waked. Ine We 8 SATURDAY, OCT. 22nd, 3 p.m. T5e. 3 0 hal | Plan at Uglow s until 12 noon Sat- urday. ny Ae Femana - Si In the average household gets the least attention. If you like to see Bright, Hard, Clean Coal in it, get ours. One price, SWIFT'S WR 6

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