THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1010. .d 2282820220022 0220202200 0+ {to the speakers, for the way in which | 3 ill ah dee] pata ; hill i ils : 2 J they had placed the question before [3 y a mer : RE a a i \ T : a ' : ? the congregation, and said that the I y HUN S - members were very grateful to the . - STRONG APPEALS MADE AT Ajspeakers for their visit to the city. & P 0- a p Bg 2 -- 3 ERATE ® MASS MEETING He referred to the conference held be- {ween the city ministers and the visi- For a Natty Hat Hell in Chalmers Church, Addressed] tors, nt the Y.M.CA., and also to by Ven. Archdeacon Madden andi'™ addresses they had given in city = ye ; Rev, George H. Hanson---Men of thtirehes on Wednesday evenng. : SO $ FOR MEN The Shirt Collar and Tie Store of the city. Dicietem hureined Stiould Meee SPENT TWENTY-FIVE YEARS iC Fa 5S ogether to ght God's Ca ---------- " ¥ Be fi 4 3 ¥.y * ag » » Collars in } sizes, Strong + appeals for Christian. union '® Tastor of St. Andrew's Church |g peli : = A TA E INVICTUS SHOE is a serviee- 8 A -- " were made by Venerable ArBileacon | Hee, able shine full of style. See the = 2 Madden, of Liverpool, England, and ------ _-- ' n ' : : Kev. George H. Hanson, pastor of the | go pu ih ; " pretty | Duncairn Presbyterian church, Belfast, | | ; j P | : TT Tans, Patents and Calf {Jreland, representing the Evangelical Alliance of Great Britain, at the mass . ated ! i } meeting, held on Thursday evening in = il i TE ST w Chalmers church. Without doubt, the : a THR | > 5 00 d 5 5 * s000csseses 'appeals were the strongest made along A . i . al . this Ime, in Kingston, in some time, w | td A HRI Brass Castings, Bronze Castings, Atuminum § Riv, Dr. Maegilliveay presided, and] J 3 a ih if Thete is noae: bett>r than "Invictus" Bid- f 4 » : ; at any price. SOLD AT { inteoduced. the speakers. Dean Castings. iwell read the scripture lesson, and offered prayer, oy g LEX N " q X 0! x ETE EREIR IT IEE eR *® * . '8 THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. Bats bee. MacTavish oie : wre was a fair attendance. - OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. a Ia a 5 Bit Bessecesessesesesenscsrssssscessstsasescanse speaker; and in his opening remarks, 5 - pointed out that to-day the subject of Christian wuity was a most popular B0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 one in England, The question was 3 If You Are Looking for the Best in all Ta Ghocolates and Pure Ice Gream sent time, men were praying that they : might come together, and worship as REV. JOHN MACKIE D.D. FOR SECURING ENOUGH SIGNA- one church. He referred to the Stu-| Rev. Dr. Barclay, chaplain to the TURES FOR ROAD PAVING dent Volunteer - Movement, when men |late Queen Victoria and now of St. . : from all the churches would meet 25 FO Presbyterian church, Montreal, | Residents of Stuart oa and Albert Streets gether, on behalf of missions. od [will be in Kingston on Tuesday next, " . was working more in the hearts of [to take part in a congregational gath- Will be Called Upon 10 Renumber men, to bring them closer together. [ring to mark -the twenty-fifth anni- Their Houses--The City Engineer : PERFECTION Has Completed a Survey and Fixed IPL Ly | years ago; such a question would re 3 joeive very little attention, outside of IT BRICHT| . a i a i » 4 HC Ha N The speaker believed in the holy [ve sary of the induction®of Rev. Dr. certain circles. However, at the pre = QDs 'SAKELL'S 0 Opera House, the pastorate of St. An- the Proper Numbers. i is the most economical that Phone 040, 20 Princess Street 2 pirit, the holy Catholic, church, and |M:ckie to E there was comfort to all who believed |drcw's church. Dr. Mackie, in Scot-{ pe road paving question Hil' not ~ you can buy. Mapyz 1 par ass [Hall a teaspoonful ' F "eesssencsacesecseesscesssssesscesssscrsses in those blessed truths. The speaker Hund, was an assistant to Dr. Barcley. come before the board of works, ves . meres | helieved that as the days passed, the | Every person who knows the kind- terday . afternoon, fer dik mation, Ho will make a cup of cocoa -- rich, bring the people to- [hearted and, sweetly christian clergy- |, city engineer is mot yet ready 'to fragrant, nutritious --with the delicious { holy ghost must } ! gether, and so fill them with divine | man will heartily congratulate him on tas the titi he is dH % 4 Fi 3 Pillow Sham Holders love of. God, that they would love one [his long gelationship with St. An a Houde ot i itn te fl Se flavor that is characteristic of Cowan's. The best, which does not soll or |ondther, forgel the Hibs of bitter frew's, on the blocks that the board has de- crease. your shams. Made to fit |n#s, and repent. We shoul A haw ACCUSED OF THEFT cided to pave if sufficient signatures : : : are secured. Ald, Carson. enquired of wood or iron beds. edge these things, for God's sake. would deliver us from our narrowness, the chairman when the matter would come before the board. our Fall Dis y. re ous § ull Display... | and make fig all one body. In the 3 Gu Bird's Eye Maple, : : | meantime, there was something we Police. "We will fake it up at our 'next! ? Circassian Walbut, | could do, to prepare ourselves for Gathered in as a drunk, John Mat- meeting, and we've got vou thig fime, ee 5s Quartered Oak, {that great day. This step was In | thews, will likely have to answer to Brother Carson," replied Ald. Bowes e erry and. joining the alliance, as the first alep ihree charges of theft, when be ts ar- "Thank heavgn, we've got vou at | Solid Mahogany towards confederation. Could there | -.ipned before the police magistrate, | jac . i -- Furnitre, : | not be an alliance of the devout men | on Saturday neorning. He has heen "All rights we'll 'doe about that." | Stop starving yourself--stop suffering the pangs of indigestion--stop Meet your friend. They all deal' |©f @ach church? Could not the men |, trouble before. replied Ald. Cason, citing and pull | Wonying about what you dare and dare nolwat, & here, : # meet together, and pray together ? While on his rounds, this morning, ing away at hi¥ cigar: 8 I Eat hearty meals of wholesome food, take The speaker Selieved that a great onstable Naylon noticed Matthews Ald. Chowan said he was quite. hope coming out of the laneway, at Car ful that enough signatures would ] + g90¢000000h0d00000 9000000000000 'ohn Matthews Taken in Charge hy many of the prejudices were melting | ) : bs wiiolcsale.: J" 48 trp : rd AMES REID'S, a. in Ah linn wookd nox | o's wigs, Pree tet, wih feuds" uBie he bod 10 pr | es "a Jlomz iy tr ht aw od - Min ! to picicas dren tant . he coed ith the paving, ¥ithout- ha nving ideas was merely the drawing to- g to suspicicas circumstance o ! i . a to ask th ounecil {o adopt the Phone 147. --- The Leading Undertaker gether of the men of the different | constable made inquiries, and the scheme on its : w inidlative, yr | i i shipping clerk at Carson's said that |' u ® pwn 1 opis churches. It must be agreed that time Wil i ¥ anil Me a ha . afi nll 4 illiam Holder applied for permis- and that the devil and gn | Matthews had heen loafing around the sion to erect a ways at the foot of | # and you'll feel like 3 new person. Sour stomach--heartbum-- was "short, RL WTI ES ra peo r y | Were busy, There could be no swing- yard. (onsiable Naylon then made | Ly - a Aa en ") EEE E nz away from the truth, We must | after Mitthews| and placed him under ON, street, for his Satashuilding busi- occasional - indigestion -- chronic dyspepsia = all yield quickly to { hold together, and in this way, fight Jnut, witiin ie Sas myding his way Hews, he. requcet di pos Spped Mo NA-DRU-CO Dyspepsia Tablets. The ' properly digested food God's cause. The speaker wag not | 'uto the MCA. building. He still had power to grant it anyway, How- restores your strength, your stomach Tegains its tone, and , soon 3 pessimistic. However he did not care had the can of tomatoes with him, 13 ; i re to be bind to the signs of the times. | and at the police station a short [Ve It Was dex ided 1 refer the mat uifes no tuthes 2d, 4 . With the voung men off to-day, he be- § tine afterwards, the can was identifi- | °F © the chairman, Ald. Hoag: and a box your druggist has not stocked them yet send beved that there was a new era. it I as belonging to the stock 'at Car- Sie city engineer for ir \ } S0c. and we will mail them. n s sy to indifference. The me | son's wholesale, ie city engineer report that he was due to indifferance e young wile had completed the survey dor the re- NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA Lmireo, MONTREAL. men were not antagomistie, In Oan- shortly after Matthews arvest, two oo Put | other ccwplaints , were made about numbering of Stuart and Albert ada, it might not be unbelief, J streets, and recommended that the fe SA I URDAY MORNIN 2 iets or rot 3 wasthatfhenrtet ihn tia. 44 Riles Tale all | se lief or indifierenice, the 20th century [od that he walkal off, with sci pro- sidents of those streeis should be re. : i vizions, and at Crawford's grocery, he quired to re-number their houses inl showed the greatest comilict for faith. 1 Oy And in the face of this, should we not | is alleged to have purloined a ham. accordance with the survey. The board decided to recommend this: to. the f » 8.30 0 CLOCK come together, in order that we might | The accused is married. A . 30 council, and that the city solicitor be ARN protect our faith? Should we not ask -- ! every minister, teacher, and head of 4, Made Tour of the City. requested to, prepare the necessary by- > : . together, and . hold GH law. Next Year, the engineer' will X ra ] )E( '1A HN : ' of : : : 4 Nx : : 4 : : s TVVVLRVLTVVVVLVVLLLLDS ly a . Soni Phe rath which made us what Archdeaco,y Madden, and Rev. make a survey of Bagot street, and we are? The alliance not only stood Hanson, the represintatives of the have it re-numbered a for truth in holy scriptures, but also fvangelical Alliance of Great Britain, | qq Hoag brought up the 'question for religions liberty. The British flag ade 4 tour of the city, of Thursday of extending Barne street, from Que- Braes ocd for Talizious Yiberty. We ifternoon, in Charles Livingston's au- bes to Pine streets. He claimed that or al 111 a Bed in fre ts and received iomobile, and they were greatly im- this thoroughfare hould" he opened, a ) sf p : i rN oh a 8 e i] ? : rested with the beauty of the city : ; as w did : bes ang 3 Tes pralection » long 8 eh « oS not | 4 visitors made the trip:early in the 0 that the residents ip thére colild 2 crraitmde conan violate any of the laws. The alliance | . he get easier access to the budiness wec- got into communication with other | NOOR, 64 it 'was the only spare tion. The city engineer will feport at et chin, ail protected a Cahgel time they had all day. In the morn- oy Yc gin ih IE chef ort at ; 3 : "Su moe 1 Bg, they had conference with . : C 8} Nuts fics religious peinsipics. The ww Toe of the A al he Vi the the cost of getting the necessary land, a ies' oa WwW ea ers al lance also stood for unity of pray- |. "0p afternoon, they addressed og * 2 cided that the hoard 7} th, a ! l . . scting of Queen's students i woulcl Next. week Snmmence ap spo 3 en ma tho "lI believe we need move prayer and the oe ct at nical, a } dn ion of the city and decide 6H the 3 2 en » est All Wool Y aro, less talk against unity," wdded the |" poli in Chalmers church. walks that $Hould be constructed next in W hite, White and Sky, Brown and JSpeAlee, Pee should be ny in ---- 2 Jour This duspection is Jade i srery Grey. Prices rang ng from $0, $7 znd $8 frais for God toot out is bio | umeheon at Queen Sirect Churn, | a now, andar la Aho worin fe Kg 3. 1 BS » plleve ver. ny "> ' Ce: 3 y Iv 1s £ upc . ! a The Travellers' Luncheon, held under | ., that the engineer's Lpartinent™ is prayer is arranged for, but I wunder- } 8 f th Y Ladies' is wt stand that it is not very weil attend. J ihe suspices of the Young Ladies |,oady in May to commence the build- Ch 3 : ed. 1 hope that as 4 result of our guild, of Raed Street Metbodiat mz of the walks, olce Ior 5 . a . » rch, AS ay 80 3 , . . : . : visit to this city, that there will he |church, in the Sunday wool hall, on County Councillor Rankin, chairman Saturday Only n « : . rsday evening, was a success from a revival. I would ask:that 'you stand | Lhursday iE " . arty © bE together, as ome united force against [every point of 'view.' The menu was Oo Yyhrabe rd arg , » oe, sd 2. pe ; couchle | Tied to the board for curbing 3 o of unbelief." particularly. good and was thoroughly ls . : % s Kiu® posses Hage het that he tan enjoyed by the large crowd present. townd jhe nn on; the dg ol the C ome early and get y onr choice as this wiih On, 84 0° | From six wntil nearly half past seven | "3 eA nry Qe am, oe hath is Re a1} on 2 ¥ msi arly half pe H a iin ig a ecord Bary io. % wislery d itp Ao. Great Bonoy_te he's oelock people made their = way to Walk to the Fonda leadling song. hy a a di" bv hn "He felt the church to partake of the dainties. | %'"® the jall a iL Sl SOUL oF Bb 2 © Lanala fy . The Young Ladies jguild of this church | 'M"® WOrk. 'he cily engineer sajd thal that a great daa} depefidad upon the ia always noted" for the grand : ban- ths material was on hand, and .reco:a : . ' ' mer incr he JW Tir I nt whch provid: © {meni hive ie ih 250) Child d Bab Archdeacon Madden. The object. of the . . x : < preven loll ® So Ble ia ue In ren S an a y S : Court Cataraqui C.0.F. Daiice. tiirty dollars, and a bo imerovemen would be made in ¥ street. The alliance was that the Christian peo- Ad held the: Grab y ple should meet together, pray to- dance was held in the Oruheum ly oo (doped 'the chizsinesr's recom. : B t gother, and place themselves on com- | hall last evening by Court Cataraqui, ay onnets Fh ow rood that they | C-O0.F. There were about 150 couples d > Digonals fe Eic. Should hear each other's prayers, | Present. The might was quite cool |, gre Street Railway company is not | In Silk, Wool Knit, Embroidered' Silk, ee ' shoul hear each other's prayers. likely to remove the switfh® ac - : pti and those present were able to en- There should be no mistonceptions |? © foermer-of William and Ontario streets, Far Trimmed and White Beart kin. Some : 0 co and jealousy. All this should pass {joy themselves. The floor was in}, "yp. 'Gore street factoriokdiny = Lo BLACK, NAVY 'and y LORS away. The members of one denomina- pericet sundition and fhe ashe sup- revived. As the approach to the witch of them slightly roiled. Prices innging : > x aot 2 ! y - McAuley orchestra was |; tne city «ngineer wil $i, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and. $2. tion should not criticize another de- y is dangerous Womination. It appeared as if one |4Teatly appreciated. Refreshments hase raph: « made. : 3 { denomination looked at another de- pte served at J, J. Lackie's lunch "irs request of J. WW. Cooks, for 4 . 3 Owing to the emakable mild woather: we fRnomination through, colored specta- pm Semiittey Mallon ovens | sewer Jn Couper strdet' was granted, Choice Sat- i k of high olass Skirts altogether too told of "his association with Archdea- | Werchamt, Park MeAllister. These a ition she a' petition #7 ade d 0 ] C aC pon Madden since taking this work, dances may be continued during the ay Was oranted W. CF Gos. ur ay n y v re making this heavy sacrifice i in order and said there was. danger of his be. | Winter. dan i he uN ed fram Tr : : Jinidad. Words cannot 'give y<u any idea of Dai nican hefore he got "Just for To-day." soar of Feotenae aiul Heock staeets, See Samples in Window, axcollence of materials; the superior styles, f kpoaker said that he felt by | A Toronto despatch sys that the | yids. Chown (chairman) | Caron, : \ nay Sag ; and (above hymy, claimed "to have been | Harty, Hoag and WeCartney. A 4 saloof from one another, i - J i Great Saving in Men's and Boys' nd the genuine man=tailoring and pressing. | i work, we | Written by Yiuckle, the Kingston pris- - ; A \ i : i ; : were: guilty oner, in 1885, was actually written in , : ; rt in ab shi were * s yory sin © skirt is a ute J new tH B a to hold alock hs way |senger of the Sacred Heart, a copy of | -To get 4 bot su supper on short notice, : is > go - heal tin of Clark's Fork and fears. Fall and Winter Clothing of keepin, back , 2 1880, it aving in the English Mes- . Clark's Pork and Beans. which is in the British' museum, dated | season. : Ee : : 'a he felt w obedience to Tia 3 heist. The. knowledge Januagy, 1880, A A a Satisfying repast that all + has this brand. Perhaps you have to buy a Suit or Over- ol a enjoy. grocer - hi Naation. He There is No Denying Wm. Clark, | Mir., Movtreal. J 3 + Alterations charged extra o. lewrw from ~cher . ~«| The fact that Campbells. make of fee nen coat, or both, this Kesson. If 80, yoa certain - ; : ell. The same thing a Sh. surpaseed in oo hresuly a Minghtam Pirie. : Jy are interested in Jnowing where you can i Ww -~., - » ' 8 Ladies' fur-lined coats from |reprossmting doh MeKay, the hing. | J} Get the Best Value for the Least Money: : fur: | wton furrier, on be road, and in sho We say you cau geu tho Best Value fof the wy ring a il R his | ifm's furs least money at ovr store, and de w il prove it ie if you will ta tronive to eall, Sd Mixed Bolt Fob y ke the tro } vy We have all the wp-to-date hat store - styles, $1.50, i 8250. Campbell MT i Sn 4p cue The Montreal Stock Ce. ara s ' Prof. Huit says ®he trees 'ong 180-PRINCESS ST.-180 - Kingston's streets fie too thickly ot Brat that ove The Between Redden's and Crsovford's Phone 844.