IB Monuments ee Latest in Design and Best Work" manship Guaranteed at Lowest Poss. ible Prices. A Call of Inspection Solicited. JAS. MULLEN 872 PRINCESS, TT ------ _-- = i Overcoat Suit ARIRUSGI TIS PUPS IV IIS II FIV IIIS III I SSIs Your order respectfully solicited. {Crawford & Walsh Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sts. , Crawford & Walsh; "Sale of Dining Chairs 3 Bett of Diners, genuine leather, golden oak, $15 per sett. { , 2 Bett Qt. Oak, best leather Seats, $23 sett. 1 Sett Qt. Oak Leather Seals, $23; others at $28, $30 and $10, Surface Oak Diners for $1, $1.60 each. Golden Finish Chairs, 76¢, $1.50 each. R.J.REID Ambulance. "HAPPY HOME" When you require a new range examine the "Happy Homes! "handsome if apipesrsrite, econ: omical in fuel, large ventilated oven, and every : Fango fully guaranteed to give perfect. satisfac- ; p : ARR a ant a Ay! : Gk E Aliott B ros., .. Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. 100080B0T0000000 0000000000060 G00) Bt i . heh. 2 The cconductors " on' the Liverpuol Particular not do ted pessons to enigr IL trameats: are ven allow, any intox the cars. ? One day a man the worse for litguor got on Lo a car unobserved by the ¢on- dudtor.. The car being full of 'passer! gers, he. wai obliged to stand inmichif hol an ho strap. ; J i A station the, donductor calls 'ASATANSURALL sand makes | [246 the namie of, ie "stevet. Tt Va i Sy olathe ht est i a "NS tanip trait t ou : r cl : o # * the . et 1 diy A 0 n ed oul, in his wich Irish brogio. The tates ove virbed Usain int ted one gripped the strap tighter, and straightened himeobls. ! gain: the conduotor called out : UStanup strait!" nant I was the last stiaw. ¥ "I cam' standing up straight, ain't jo growled _ hh toper, "Can't * somebody else wr shoul at od : al 3 Fo amin T & i lA NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES. Robert Mauntell to Appear in "The O'Flyan"--FErecting More Theatres ir New York--Oldest Playhouses in Ameriea, The London Hippodrome are having such poor business that they have cut prices in half. Annie Russell is to appear, next month in a new play by MM. de Cail lauet and de Flers, "The Speckled Band; An Adventure of Sherlock "Holmes," will have its premiere jo Boston, Uctober 24th. Ogear Wilde's comedy, "The Import- ance of Being Earnest," is to be ro vived this season by Charles Froh- man. Cyril Maude will produce a new ver- sion of "Cinderella," at the Play-} house, in Londgi, during Christmas | k. ££. : week. "The Foolish Virgin," by Heuri Ba- taille, is only the first of fifteen new productions which Frohman will make beforg New Year's, Edus Goodrich, Nat Goodwin's lat- est better half, has signed with thé! Benson company to appear in Shakes. peatean roles in the provipces. Alfred Sut-o's new play, "The Fire Screen," which is to be produced 'in London next week, has been secured for America by Charles Frohman. Charles Cherry is to star in "A Gen- tieman of Leisure," in which he plays a man who commits burglary on a bet, just to show how easy it is. Henry' Arthur Jones, that strong pleader - for the public to consider drama seriously, and not as mere en- tertainment, is writing for the music halls. Edith: Ellis, who wrote "My Man,' is at'work on a new comedy to be produced 'shortly based on Rev, E. I". Roe's "He" Fell in Love With His Wife." Eugene Walter is about to bring out "The Assassin." #0 thrilling the electric chair look like a game ol pmachle, Elsie Leslie, famous for her imper- sonation of "Little Lord Fauntleroy," has detafied to ' tive bet He says that it '* by the great couturiers are in this combination. that its last act makes glustrated is of white satin, over which is dropped black chiffon Bm- broidered with white, the bodice being of white Irish lace veiled with the chiffon. The tuvic merges into a black satin flounce, the Joining made under a vandyked patter n of venise lace. _ At the waist there A ¥+. As a wide sash of binck ribbon, with an Obi bow the stage in "Alias yellow rose----the only bit of color-- tucked in at * + A BLACK AND WHITE COSTUME FOR RESTAURANT DINING. Black and white is the keynote fashion jowrnal, and it is true that half the frocks being turned out of color in Paris, says an authorita- The restaurant gown 3 the back and a pale we front, Jimmy Valentine," after of. nine years. Sir George Alexander's co A fo ---- mbm sm-- new plays' thy, author of "lhe Proud Prince include. & new comedy by R. C. Car- amd "id | Were King,' at Pittshur, ton called' "Fecentrie Lord = Comber. October: 24th. Nir Hyrbert Tree hae dene," and a three-act comedy by Hen-' great sticvess with his play in London ry Arthur 'Jones. | Mr, Mantell's character is that of 'There is & moving picture theatre in ' soldier of fortune in Charles Stuart' Murket Square, New York, where they time. . 2 : let the market people in for ahything | "Lhe Mery. Wives of Windsor" wil from three sweet potatoes to a bunch be seen for the first time in man of edrrots. | years in thie obantry at the I'rincess Maxine Elliott will make her debut im Montreal on Oct: 21th and "Ih nd a public speaker when she shortly ' Tnund rholt" receives "ils prem gives o tatk on the drama of to-day prewsitation du America at that pla to the Haresfoot Club of Yale at her houle, oh Oct. 27th, a notable even: theatre in New York. | certainly in Montreal theatricgl his 1t is said that since his marriage tory. ; ; . to "The Little Devil of Grand Opera," | Henry Miller; who is appearing Pritzi. Schéff, John Fox, Jr., devotes the Pacific ' coast in the comedy en more time to (ravelling in his wife's titled "Her: Husband's = Wife," un private car than novel writing. ,hounces: that hes will interrupt bis Am Uhnrles" Hawtrey is another actor hicks tones at the clue Sf the Paci wh a: new, Jones comedy. is const sail dor London who eet a society vagabontl, to stage Hex Husband's Wife." Tie wha lives on his wits, and is" Jpivee play. sail Mot: be withdrawn during 'without. a resource. when a crisis av- Mri Miller's 'absence, 'hut will continue rives: A on Tour 'thronghout the east. Great-grandmother Bernhardt will Tnmediately following is opén her American tour at the Stude- from London Mr. Miller will prodae baker theatre, Chicago, October 31st. in Naw: York. new play _by alan Henty Savage has given her the right' Sophus Sheldon, entitled he (Tuest ia appear in Ameries in her old role A remarkable feature of the new pla. bf Nedame E" lies in the fact that il ealls for a east 1The Concert," which is Bolasco's ' of only: three players, but ihe thre Taest New York production, is brielly rales are prastically- stax parte, Mr. desorbed as a drashatitation of the Miller will 'play: the husband in "Th attistic temperament. Teo Detrich Guest," While the 'other characters are gtoin has the leading role of a Hun- | the wile sud the thee A garian Pianist, the vo an ws M mire Y Ser, The ea a Shift A hears that are the Walnut street Theatre, of A: Specialy a be: used -ab the Lyric Philadelplifa, and the Savannah, of texty - he - at of Savannah, Gegrgin. "Theatres," says +r L argon : Spr rent WHE AUERORTy, "aie Tong lived. De hs game i 1 aur 5 gree spite the fact thati so many new Fe Bran Rae oud George piayhousa have been built in New ny have written a play calle York in the laut decade, only five old tint Shall Tt Profit-- 7" The main ONe% have been elini nated. There ace métive is 'described ns sort of a Jame: the Star, Madison Wlrare, Manhattan sq aid, With the chiel character de fhe Princess and 'the Koster and Vials ting a five tepe of Jew. : usic Hall, Li Hulgaria has ao very beautiful Na Adonal Theatre located in the city of Spphin. The structure = cost $400,000 is 'said to be one of the most on returpy | Managers of American amusoment enterpriges think thoy have much to contend with, but there is one item in Fe which is not heart of in. the : a : : 'nited States, "and that is a tax o commp.ete plaghousts in a or receipts. In 1900 Barnum ond" Bailey . Bw hag # population of 30,000. | Cirtue- and = Sousa's Band visited ithe latest fad among English act! a rosses is $0 be photographed wilh | their children. It is 'said Shak ns British public ix so interested in: thet ; ' | taniity ite that pictures of the giftel § A Pure Product of a Perfect Process but domesticated ladies sell extremply well. . RA Oued The funniest things sbout "The Naked Truth" was that Henry Dirie, the ran who was forced Ly a magic ring to tell the truth, was form- erly a nevspaper man. Imagine a newspaper man foboell to tell te truth ! t Friends of Miss Coudie Hill (Toron: ta) who has just made such g hit in Chicago fn = The Sanpten | hel, will ile at the etplanation nae *4 o sertaln critic' there. She render. | it 'as ""Coodtie," and says it is Can: | dian patois, i ! Adeline Uenge ill male hee fare appearance this month in Nev | po} at the New York Theatre, yd] { management of Klaw & Erlanger, now mésical play, "The Bac : lected, cleaned, roasted, freed said it was > Jelofieamn White tn Marie Tempest's ts, a » NOW ppears in Casth a ¥ 3 the Richa! lman who EE -- EE Mumich, and before they could leave the CiLy th ' nanagers were foreed to ony n large sam as an income tax on their gate receipts. Rudolph Fesier. whose name is fami- liar to American theatregoers through bis inimitable comedy of "Pon," is said to be working upon a dramatiza- ih of one of H. G. Wells' 'Kinpe." Mr. Resicr's most recent con ribution to stage literature ran-dation of Pierre Berton's "la {encontre," which, under the title of Fhe Crisis," Miss Evelyn Millard cently produced in London. Melutyre and Heath, a wellknown team, are sad to have the old atrical partnership now exist- Jefferson stories, is n omedy st the ng. It began when Jaseph was in his prime when they first. me pearod as a team at the Belly Union, at Dallas, Texas, and that partner ship has continued without a Haat over gine. Melntyre has a sop who is following dn iis father's fool stems, In spite of the fact that New York s well provided with theatres, more ire suilding. There mip now on Man hattan Island alone 73 playhouses, of hich 34 are producing or "Two Dol- ar" theatres, and the balance vaude ille. burlesque and melodrama, Brook Iv has 34 more, making a total for fireater New York of 109. A reeent lirectary 'of agents and mavagers do ny business along Broadway places the number at 1,125. In "Mother," the beautiful play of mother love now being presented at the Hackett Theatre, in New York, William A. Brady has found a real, Aid in Emma Dunn, the talented wo- plays its leading pact, he has discovered an actress who will take the same rank among women of the stage as Warfield does among its men. The play is by Jules Eckert Goodman, & young writer, who has had the sense to write of the life that everyone knows and believes ins-the life of the home---autl who has the rare gift of making people see the heauty and the sacrifice and the marvellous power of the love of a mother for her children. New York is Mocking see it, Our Cousins in. London, The booklet hy this name issued from the London Traffic office pictures and paints the interior and sxtorior of the New Grand Trunk building in pur wireetl, The location is one of the best in all Lopdon and the nel bmiding has already become one of the show places of London, On the first floor of the Huijding will be found a spacious room "all Can: adian furnished," where Canadian snd Umted States newspapers are on file and where facilitios are provided for conducting correspondence. A private room is provided to, which patrons may bring their busi- ness associates where in to transact business. Adjoitiing this room is the office of the Grand Trunk Industrial Agent, who will give iniommmtion and facilitate transpartation and commer: sal transactions betwen any country. iMitors may rigister their gddresso for the infgrmation of their friemds or business acquaintsnces. oy of this booklet may he ob tai on application to JJ. Qui BPA, Grand Trunk Raitway on 'tem, Montreal. : ; Woman Lawyer's Large Fee, The largest legal foe ever given toa Woman attorfey was "wom by Miss Mary E. Miller, a Chicago sttorney, when a jury in Judge Gibbon's court gave her a verdict for K32.500. The verdict - was against the heirs' of the late John Bross, Hientenant- governor of Hlinois, whom Wiss Miller represented in a will litigation. To Coe make her vietory all. the more com plete, Miss Miller conducted her own case, examining witnesses and making her own j j intensely interesting American drama. i to FEEL ITY To Give You a Statement In Regard To Fruit-g-fives' Tarpwrcksn, Mirasaom, NI, Tan. 13h "1 feel it my duty to give to you and the world an unsolicited nent in respect to the wonderlil cure I received by taking "Fraitatives.' Chronic Constipation was the complaint I suffered with for vears, My gemwral healtn was miserable as a result of this diswase, and I became depressed and alanwed. I was treated by physicians without the slightest permanent benefit, and I tried all kinds of pills and tablets but nothing did me any gook Tsaw the strong testimonial > in favor of 'Fruit-a-tives® by New Brunswick's 'Grand Old Man', thé Hon. John C , and 1 knew that anything . he stated was honest and true and given only to help his fellow-men. 1 tried 'Fruit-a-tives' and the effects were most mare vellous, and now I am entirely well from all my Chronic Constipation that I suffered from lor so many years. 'Myrgeneral health is once reore excellent and I cannot y too much to express my nks for the great benefits derived from taking 'Fruit-' a-tives.'"' A. G, WILLISTON. * Pruit-a-tives "* is not got- ten: u by druggists orexpert probe, fom. now nothing about disease and the needs of the human body---but is the scientific discovery of a ov well known phygician, and is the only medicine fn the world made of fruit Juices, . & box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25c. At all dealers, or scut, postpaid, on pt of price by Fruit-atives Limited, Ottawa. B-- a CE UNDERWEAR Fits right from first to last. en you buy "Ceetee" size--not a size too la Ie, Because our shrinking process 1910, ---- Urderwenr you: buy the correct does not destroy the a a ye, > v original elasticity -of the 'wool. Look for the "shonp.™ showing yofi © Ceotee. * women sod children dealer Insist on yous Kim of Taen, In ail : SO RL Ged Ur, > CCEETEE Re The C, Tambull Co. of Galt, Limited oo Manofactarors Botablishod 163, 7 i RSI For bread, for cakes, for biscuits, for pies--. the flour chat will win FS AZo RV E oes Ro-Sakolz i ---- : i