Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Oct 1910, p. 16

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BRITISH WIG, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1910. "The associations" message to | ate away from home, at the other end young men." of their run, 'they find Wyitimate "Unaracter the basis of cliciency in | means of passing their spare time at the industrial world." the railway = gssociation rooms, in "The latent powers of the men of | stead, perhaps, of passing the hours North America." sway in , neighboring saloon and be TERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE IA- . YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASS a! TION OF NORTH AMERICA. "Ogy world-wide obligation," "What can the assocsation do to recruit lay and clerionl leaders for the church?" 4 "some great undinished tasks before coming unfitted to perform their dut- ice. In this way alone much property i» raved to the company and precious lives safeguarded whereas they might be jeopardized by employees who had By A. A. FORD. : fron lay the Nort 3 Rn gasgeiation move ast all their wits shout them. . Nit es as ae . ment on BOE the home and foreizy n the work of the various associa. rable Liambary Christinn Association, it is hoped, will at first ? provided for. the most part field." : : A Lions great importance is laid -- jie dv Convention or [Re a i. to come and hopes are en- reading rooms where its meinbers could ie is only gixtyeix yours since the capifle superysion. Travelling secre Mitty 'Christian Associa te at t at noms ol the foremost look over newspapers, Magazines and movement had ite beth wi onde, ares ave coaployved to give ther whole North America held its an mag be ath ork in European countties books of a healthy character. At dif- | kong, and seven years later it was | tio lo the extension oi the work to in Canada, the lust |™ bE able io crows the Atlantic and ferent times other featushs, intended to | transplanted do thin , continent and | anv anvisod towns and the supervision : N96, win, ss will be |. "0 8 helping hand to their brethren [provide amusement ' for thé members, Montreal nad the hepour of organ: | of ihe societies already in existence. § With fhe forthcoming gather. in North America. . were introduced. It sas found that | ing the first association of the North While the Canadian assoeiations have Wonto wns 'the meeting Hace. The work in Canada is naturally on | these brought in vou men who might | American continent. As altgady stat- | always maintain: close reistions & very diferent. Toronto | smaller scale than it is in the Uni- [have otherwise spent their evenings in | od that was in T8351 "he organiaition greet the delegates this ~d Btates owing tothe great differ- : - in London wus the result of the eary- / ence in population but its importance e¥t zeal of a few youl men in a large ---- is growing all the time as the coun- dry goods establienment, under the ; try fills up with the influx of settlers leadersinp of George Witlinms. Hat- whe come from abroad to make homes tle did he think at that time that he for themselves, either in the land or in was sowing the seodw of such dn the industrial centres of the dominion. organication as has developed or Tor There are now cightytwo associa the laying of the foutidations of a tions in operation throughout the religious movénant whieh vas destin: dominion and of this uumber fifty-five od to spread aver the wholes world and own their own associdtion buildings. result mn such spiritual and temporal These are valued at %3,729000, Ther benchit to millions of young men, 4 : are 167 officers, secretaries, ete., anc Grorge Williat oi befope Te' died saw 1 NC ' - A ---------- ---- the geveral. membership is mow in ex great things prow out of small Ly. cess of 30,000. ¢mninga He wad Wo ali hovoed © 50 Ths Toternationsl organization was big king who Oestoved - Lanighthood formed in Buffalo in 1981; and this upon him, The late Bip George's: won convention will be the thirty-seventh iv feilowing worthily Ge he. fathé:e fhe jubilee of the organization wa: {ootstu is ang irmobly working te observed six years ago. Ths oldes fucthee the cause which his futher Leld Canadian association ix the Montrea 80. ce8Y, . ¢ fore: 16 wan organised in 1851 so thn From the ime the dL abantion oly ff BS Rone from, (i, ets, Wreath That writ mat year i will be able to celelwat tong 4 and nh mbsen! i iy food we have digested, to replace what Jas Desh ary its diamon jubiles which wi ke 3 no ong Ci Man 0 spread ried off, This constant wearing out and expelling of nicely with th opening of nil hn throughout Canada apd the United the dead Matter and the a OS aan Bo some new association buildny which States. At the presehf time thers jn Abel 7 rears te Y 8 now in course of construction to : < in about 7 years a complete change has been effected. not an mportant contre in the country Thus every man and woman has an entirely different take the phice of the preserit quarters from Halifax to Vietoria, thal is with: om Dominicn Square. body in every particle of it from what he or she had out a branch of the organization. At The convention will open on Friday 7 years before. the outset the mouanmxnt was solely 4 tes, ot etn It sometimes happens, however, from a variety of spiritual one, the mempirs g wtherins [------------------------ EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY PURE The first and great essential of a food product, is Purity ; the Purity and Quality of our Extra Granulated have never been questioned. * Once make a comparison with other Sugars and you will not he satisfied with any but R Deinty Tea Tables are always served with PARIS LUMPS t5 be had in RED SEAL dast proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Suzar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established ix 1358 bs Job Redpath LOCAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS The health we enjoy depends very largely upon how the blood circulates in our bodies; in other words, it we have perfect circulation we will have perfect health, There is a vonstant wearing out of the tissues in every part of the body, The blood flowing through the veins carries off this waste or dead matter, while the causes, that the blood becomes congested In certain portions of the body. This means that the hiced ves- sels in these parts become weakened, and the circu- Jation in that section of the body becomes sluggish and stagnant. The consequence is that the dead mat. ter in that part of the body is only partigily carried away, and that but little of the new, vital matter is introduced1there to bulld up and strengthen the tissues and nerves. This condition invariably exists in all cases of fe- male disorders. The dead matter retained in the cir« culation, which should have been expelled, causes ir- ritation and inflammation of the delicate memberane, and oppresses the nerve centres. This condition is the cause of the grievous physical and mental suffering JOHN RR. MOTT, Associate general secretary Inter. national committee, New York WM. TURNBULL, President Londen. Ont, YMCA, witit those of the Mother Country, | they have been in closer relat ons with those in the United States and with them form oue international broths hood, Nor have the nemwbers in Can D. W, ROSS, Montreal. =n " - more harmilil pastimes, not that the time from what it was in the days of SI! Jas ol ining ul / a s amusements in themselves weve injur- the firms national ghthering. oe city ious, but in mami the affiliations t wh mansely in ro th and : 2 were, The X.M.C.A, commenced to tance in the: ipterven- : provide' these amisements, but sur 2 i is safe to say that of caring for the moral wel pte of 'the community has kept pace (With ite other development. Tn this on the Young Men's Christian polation hae been en immense fac sevonding the work of the church "in looking after primarily the yorng. men of the city and directing fope in the direction of Shbintinn citizenship, any of 'the most prominent citi of Toronto, men famed the coun- over for their success in profes financial and commercial life, rouried by 4 hendthiul Christian at. iwosphere, . To wake -a long story short tn association went m fo: athletics on a large scale and now has its clubs devoted to various kinds of sports, nnd many organizations hase athictie fields far: the nse of its mom- ers or have arrgngements for the uss of some exeveiing grounds for stated tithes <3 Ord of the Intest and most sugdess- fal 'bram beg of the association work has been the . eduentiodal side. This has Foeh povided at a very small ad- ada beon contént to remain within their-own borders but they Lave be come intarested in the vounhy men in foreign misgiore lands and secretaries ave Owing supported for the work © in student Gentros in Joddin, Clink and other mission statioys. The international committee which { was incorporated in 1853, has ite gon eral officers in New York. The chair man is Lucien €, Wartier, New. York the viee-chairmen are William J). Mus ray and Alfred 1. Marling, New York, and Froderek DB. Selionk, New York, is tronawrer, Richard ©. Mearse, Now which accompanies female troubles, To obtain relief it js evident that the first thing to ha done i8 to get rid of the dead matter which is be- ing held In the circulation. If this dead matter Is allowed to remain there a species of blood poisoning will result and nature will endeavor to get rid of it by forming ulcers, tumors, ete. The above explanation will also show why ORANGE LILY is so successful in curing this condition. It is a local treatment, and is applied ditect to the affected organs, Its curative elements are absorbed into the conges tissue, and from the very start the dead matter begins to be discharged. A feeling of Immense relief, hoth mental and physical, accompanies it, and the Improvement is constant and positive, This featura of the expelling of the dead matter Is always present 10 a greater or less extent, and in some cases it is so marked as to be amasing. The case described In the following letter is not exceptional: Dr. Coonley--I am thankful to Mrs, F. E _Currah, your Canadian representa. | tive, for my health restored by your wonderful remedy. I have suffered for 17 years, but not so bad until 3 years ago. Phen I had a dootor, who told me I had 2 tumor, and could live no more than a year. If 1 went through an operation I would not live through it. A year later | sent for him again, and he gave me up to die. My busband then sent for another doctor, who performed an operation, 1 doctored with him 2 or 4 months, but became so bad ; ; iti on sinbers wade the Y.M.C.A; one of their ditional cost to the ig and has i tr proved a great wmocess and vory useful York, general secretary. There nre al | and it aid me much good. again that I thought I could live no longer, and I began to long to die. One day Hod As a Mena of pro: : in attrnoting young men to the as t int i - f : 2 ne . c y ! sa two assacinte general scoretaries, by P ig the walk ro of their follow men % sociation buildings. What will the ! eats y id Cluraher J Hicks ad Jol X MN ¥ my husband came home and threw a slip of paper to ma with Mrs. Currah's ad- IW Any kure to see that " be" Possible thi ? he An Bhs 1 in Ah Mott, gress and told me a lady had advised him to write to her for a treatment that ? fC next great mee he ? ossibly this | RICHARD ©. MORSE. New York, ew Youk, would cure m& I sald It was too late, that I would die anyway. I could not lift \ | i ave - : : : great convention is a 'Success in is . % The board of trustees i8 comer { ® teacup without hurting me. Then the first doctor told me ! was worse than Gen. secretary Huternationm! YMCA, ' UE 15 OMB p rev , 0 : : a or, as follows: Cephas Heained, Now York ever. However, my husband sent for ORANGE LILY, and ths third tremtment ly way. E.R, Wood, who is pre- 4 1 --- ---- sy ee - Lrought away one tumor. - Others followed, until 7 tumors had been expelled, 3 respi is a (LE ones AT 4 small ones. 1 know If it had not been for ORANGE LILY 1 fur prayer sasetings dnd' Bible classes. | 1 Their zeal led them 3 indie "| world have died, for 1 could not live much longer, would have thought it cheap led tiem fo. Gondiet ail iD Nanded dollars*for a month's treatment, instead of one dollar. It {8 worth Kinds of iniggion work ainbng thi poor / y i i i wr old. MRS, GEO, LEWIS, Huntsville, Ont. and pogtacted classes of the various TH Te Sign in fetter is published with Mra. Lewis' permission. All letters received tommyinibics. i Ate treated as being sacrediy confidential, but occasionally some patient feels so Horning, October 28th, and continue The next slop Was he rea tion i grateful for being cured that she 1s Willing to make the matter known ntil the fast day of the month, permanent haadguarteve th enth place SE and Snrouiakerment PORItive, sel- [; Problems of far reaching importance 3 i where olgadization had Ten «fected antific remedy for all disorders of the we to he discussed hy the lenders and ww 1 wr and tits led to the opening of reading WM. BIRKS, Mohtreal, me of the trustees of the Internatioia: oA i it female functions. Ap sxpiained AbavS i > a + pay b local origin, an lelegntes, Jrominent vmmong the rooms aad libravies. For' many yeurs Hens lmubies treatment, It Tia" Just topica is "Saleguarding the boys of this covered all the agmeits that wire as sensible to take medicine internally the Continent," This is one of the unied "hat Hu Lhe cities fgrew the asso Yor jemele froubles an 3 oo I i i. < 3 pe 1X 7 ake medicine reat fentures of the work of the 0a (ration found its roal ork snd then a boll or an ulcerated tooth. In all ogintion. Primarily it was organize | bozan eo pikdsent earcer anblubiesn these caxes some dead matter is be- o altract young men and to, infhaonoe 3 ns an organization caring for the {ng Jyinined. and the cule 1 Sfftoted them for good. The young man with: k spare hows of young mn pd staking 3 Piling the dead matter. ORANGE mt chiareh affiliations is welcomed and to influence them to soli-tntro vanet haLY has ntiseptic, mothing and i . i i FRA ' AAR Abdel ta eo ealing properties, and also tones up y a feat ditocted 2 the right way, y Ihe work of the aswopiallon i Hest hE ara, Jana also tones up a Pe ivory effort is made 10 provide attrac. | stated yy the delinition ANE terms it nerves, AM so anxiotis that eve; a tive athusements for young men so j "an orgamdhtien of yore wen foe # ; suffering woman may satisfy herself, without cost to her, that ORANGE LILY will that they may be guarded against the mutual helpfulness, 1iovitkng for "the | cure her, that 1 hereby make the following many harmful attractions which beset voung men of the covunimity 'an at- i FREE TRIAL OFFER the pathway of 'the young, more par- tractive placa of social ¢hjpyment, free 1 ibn send, ithout Shape, to Svery reader of his notice who suffers in any i pntros. i stion i necs way from any the troubles peculiar to women, If she will send me her address, tieulatly in the large a os ay 4 from. arent enable ! influences and enough of the ORANGE LILY treatment to last her ten days. In many cases this hysical wellate 1s made a1 matter of eqwpprd with helpful © nwenvics Tow trial treatment js all that is necessary to effect a complete cure, and 'in every lirect concern, well equipped gymna: their iectnal, covial, physical and { Instance It will give very noticeable rellef, ir you are a sufterer, vou owe it to siums being provided for that pur- A. 15. MARLING. New York. spiritual welfare." yourself, to your family and to your friends to take advantage of this offer and + ' ee : i in t fvac f your home, without doctors' bills o t nase. Should a young man desire to One of 'the trustees International An important. featwe of tue work i, . RR Ir I MA RACES CURRAHM, Windsor, ont. § xpents 9 7 improve his temporal welfare by addi YMCA is 'the jonior dapartment, 'doing * a DR. H. WOODBURY, { GERALD RINKS, Montreal, Prominent member of Intern. Comm. + the hand of the lagal or on, i¥ 8 "noted financier, who great interest in dharch work same amount of zeal $ " work 'as he does in- his tenga af- well known Lr the wheel the convention fa he unifyipg poe of ing and "The timeliness of the association to meet the needs of Canada." Great care is exercised in making, cleaning and polishing the Pandora Castings. That is why they are so very smooth. The Cooking-Top is burnished. it isy smooth as glass. Doesn't catch the dust. Requires but litle black lead once a week. You want a range that is easy fo clean--that bakes perfectly-- that saves fuel--that is guaran teed to satisfy you. The Pan- dora is that kind of a range. See it'at our agent's in your locality. M<Clary's Stands for Guarantesd Quality - similar work for bovs to that done | Presid MCA alifs {8 discussion mY be Ake. meni of 1 resident Y.M.C.A., Halifax, NB on the commission created hy she James Taleott, C. 1i. Dodge, all o Washington convention to wiscertan New York and Robert Claett, Iroy. #1. the question of the deswahility of | repleasing the definition of (ve Word Jolin, N.B.; C. Brainevd, New York; | Jos. Hardie, Los Awieles; L. D.| The success of . \ at: try upon the following themes: + x that country has "A donde: of progress in woth HERE is no fine, fancy, : dust-catching carving about | Habrisburg, Pa; Edward P. Metealf | {| Providence; W.. E. Sweet, Denver; ! ' 8. F. Stephen Winnipeg: for yous mes. The Jose chaps are man, Montreal: M. H. Dodge, Nev thus brought under the beet inflopices York; BH. MoAlpin, New York: J. nunching ot new branch of ark in William Sloan, New York, treasurer : the interests of young men. No doubt John 8. Bussing, Gilet Colgate i r Se Solgy, 1 1 Two Minute Talks About what is the practice a! the nxeoug- the advisory members sre Hon, 8 tian with reference to the evangelical NH. "Blake, Toranto: RK. S. Brewster, a ba wnnals of the: of the Ki "evangelical" as contained in the Portland 'test. § Wishard, New York; E. P. Bailey, Chicago; Jobin, L. Wheat, louisville, i i ; § aDY an . SIONg AONE: Man and boys at howe 3 a di : the Pandora Range. Instead | Bdward 8. Harkness, Xow: York: Joby, | the Carving is bold and large, } Ww. Veooman, New York: I. W. Me | from the start. Needles' to sav & Wrge MeCook, New York, A. BE Marl percentage of, them gr be New York; J. P. Munn, New York; there ave other fields of endeavor wait: F. Catting, W. H. Dodge, John test of membership and, sevond, the New Yook: ¥. C. Moore, New York : | Ri to meetin, g In addition to disapssion of "The Ky; D. A. Budge, Montreal: J. "The vomservation of rural man- | and is easy to clean. Wiliams, Brookiyn; &. T. Smythe, ! y senior membets | ! Sloan, New York; Jo Fetanan, i Reports arg To be presented first, Bratt, T. B. Schenk, James ' Stoke: the Washington convention Lo consid Falconer; Toronto: John E. lrvim, St. | Jatersationa con Jor Coal or Wood . paizn' addresses are to be tefivered Minersville, Pa; Jammer McUormick 1 KE, i Associate general secretary. | The international committee includes | i ces J ABNER KINGMAN, Montreal. tional studies in his leisute hours, the ing to be taken up. Havemeyer, A. E. Marling, Chas. M. report of (the commission creatvd ny AJ J. Mason, St. Paul; Mind; B. do, ! Christy, Pitsburg, James Stokes, | New York; F, Brolings, New York: H. Woodin, New Yori: Prof. Robt i $s [s ational . ony. Sow forthcoming "Men Relizion'. eam- | Kemmerer, Xow York: 2. B. "Thorne, Le CLARENORE] J. $HOKE, Wow York. | Choriemton, So' time. i The College Y. # and the Paris, Ont; D. W. Ross toni; W, Railway Mens! Y.M.C.A's are dmport- | M. Birks, Montreal: J.-M. Speers, ant outgrowth dhs parent organ- | Mottelaic, Nob: G. D. Pratt, Hees. ization. In : all the college bmg J. 6G. Cannon, New York: I. M. cotfres throwhout ~ Narth Ameren Sagate, New. York; C. ¥. €ox, New tnere dre collige auasiations. Th Xe A EX. Hill, So EB g ' stinclive Schenk, New York; W. J. Rehraffelin i is ran. along New York: J. W. Jenks, ithaca. N.Y. C,H. Dodue) New York: Ww. Hal ford, New ¥ ks Orrald rks, wen a 4 NB. be

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