Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Oct 1910, p. 4

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3 PAGE FOUR. ~ LL teas may look . alike to you--but the "difference in Red Rose Tea is in the taste | and the smell. Another 'marked difference is the agreeable strength that puts real quality in the cup with less tea in the pot. Will you try it. ii al ao ---- h- a ea Your Groecr Will Recommend It |THE WHIG, Tth YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 200.310 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, at "WEBRLY BRITI HIG, 16 pages E ¥ BRITISH WHIG, 16 published in parts on Monday and Col ratay morniee at $1 a year. United States, charge for postage had to be ed, 'making price of Dally $3 and of Weekly $1.50 er year ing Offices In Canada; rapid, stylish ses TORONTO OFFICE. Buite 15 and 20 Queen City Chany bers, 32 Church St, Toropte, H. E Smallpeive, J.P. representative. Daile Whig. A LESSON OF VALUE. ~ Tt anything were wanting to con- vince the people of the imprudence of paving Princess street, or any other .| street traversed by the street railway without relaying the track, it is in the wretched work which is now go- ing on. Some time ago the works" de- partment undertook to repair the highway, and shortly afterwards the street railway company decided to ad- just or level the track. The ties will rot or sink and they must 'be dug out or blocked up from time to time It is remarkable that the work this year should be delayed until the city had done its part, that as the level ling up or curving of the street had beeg about finished the railway nav- come' along and tear vies must NIP IT IN THE BUD. First Appearance of Dandruff a Fore- runner of Future Baldness. That Such 1s the case has been con- clasively proven hy scientific Prof. Unna, the noted European skin specialist, declares that dandroff is the burrowedup cuticle of the scalp, eansed' hy 'parasites destroyin's the vitabty in the hair bulb. The hair be- comes lifeless, and, in time, falls out. This can be prevented. Newhro's [lerpicide kills this dan- draff germ, and restores the hair to its watural softness and abundancy, Herpicide is now used ay thousands of people--all satisfiod that it is the | Bost wonderful hair preparation the market to-day. on Sold by leading droggiste. Semd foe, | m stamps for sample to The Herpicids Go., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran- teed, Jas. B. McLeod, druggist, spe: cial agent, Kingston, Ont. ' research, | things up. Moreover, it is noticeable that while the macadam has to be | picked out from its track it can be | thrown back loosely and that this is | regarded as a festoration within the meaning of the by-law. The whole proceeding is an object lesson of the highest value. There can be no paving (while this work goes The must be relaid on something like a on. permanent. bed of concrete, on iron- "ties. Who should pay for this is a mat ter on which the council has had its own opinion, -- | A MAN OF STANDING, { the reception which the electors oi North York offered to Hon. Mr. Aylesworth, the minister of justice. Mr. Aylesworth is understood to have fl entered the service of the government "HELLO ! ARE YOU CALLING |S. Anglin Co. Yes. Mr. M T. Bins, ten tons § Furnace Coal, same as last. Yes, this afternoon. 'Thank you." TELEPHONE No. 66. Cor Wellington and Bay Sts. J. E .Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. A ard went fo 617 Al on SSS vention, wiven, - Sale Cheap Three Stone Houses in row, Nos. 114, 116, 118 Ordnance Street; No. 204 § Street; 12 rooms; modern: No. 218 King Street, No. 32 Ontario Btreet, 12 rooms; all modern; brick; large lot. Apply to ~ GEO. CLIFF, Agent, 85 Clarence Street. in deference to the desires of the libe- ral party, and to have served it, with an independence and impartiality that have been gemerally admired. But the Mail says he has been out of his place in polities, ; He has done some good work, and work that has been a credit to him. He has looked after the penitemtiaries well. He has achieved distinetion in protecting the fisheries, but he ham- 'mere Mr. 'Foster into silence and civility in one occasion, and he cannot be forgiven for this. Our contempor- ary talks of the minister of using the machinery of government to "ruin the business character of a poli tical opponent." It is marvellous how some people, like the fly and the candle, will re- turn again and again to the thing that hurts, There was a clamour the Canadian press for an" enquiry into the insurance business of Canada, following the scandals unearthed by the New York commission, and it was undertaken. Incidentally, in th, examination of the L.O.F.'s affairs, Mr. Foster eame into the limelight, and in "his was a most unpleasaht experience. The evidence presented him in a most unpopular way. The ex-finance minis- ter, having suffered by contart with the commission, charged that it had been projected for political purposes, and in parliament made a better at- tack on the government, and this the minister of justice resented with 5 powerful arraignment of his oppenent. It was the most complete exposure that has ever heen made of a trouble: some agitator in parliament. | Since then Mr. Foster has had an opportunity to vindicate himself in the courts. He sued ' the editor of the ¥ Globe for libel and jost his case. His (F in his party and brought about defeat cost him' "the loss of prestige the demand for his retirement. So that 3 under the circumstances the less said § about the case the better. Mr. Ayles- 3 worth may contemplate a return the practice of the law, as more con- | to O genial than parliamentary life, but he : : Ite should svddenty losé its § feg of coutbustion, Sah your: imaginat fancy Iw this world would look and live? will not change his occupation on ac- | ¥ count of anything the Mail or Foster may say about him. THE OUTLOOK FOR CANADA. The policy "of the political parties 2 with regard to ihe militia and the § navy is becoming more and mare con- | ¥ fusing. Me, Monk, the ally now of Mr. 5 ing a place in the Bourassa, in Quebec, though still hold- conservative party, § DPF yewr.. Editions at 2.30 and 4 Te Attached is one of the best Job Print| and cheap work; nine improved pres oy -0., Lii ment did not rush into the South A track | The Mail has been deeply affected by | Justice © a THE fticmatint is ready to wpill the last deop of his blood in defence of this, bis adopted, country. It makes a dif ferenee, apparently, whether this "de fenice is made on land or water. The peculiar point is this--that Can ada, in common with every other col- ony, is liable to engage in the wars of Great * Britain. The Laurier govern- rica campaign. Its policy, indeed, was not to participate in a trouble which did not directly concern it. But pub lie opini lled the recognition of Canada's place in the defence of the empire, and the Canadian contingents made co us the loyalty of Can- ada to British interests. And Nr. Monk snd Mr. Bourassa to the con- trary, Canada would not have it oth- erwise.' It may be possible to inflame for prejudice some of the French | against the Canadian naval policy, but the heart of the Canadian people, and of the great' majority of the French, must be sound upon the sub- Jeet. The nationalist plea is that the Ca- nadign" naval policy commits this country' to eventually puts its militia and navy at the 'command of the imperial gov- ernment. The conservative theory comy is that a Canadian navy, under control cof the Canadian parliament, sigmifies {the independence of the Across the water there movement in progress, one having for its object the confederation of Great dominion. is a great Britain and her colonies into an em- pire with all that it implies in govern 'meny, in legislation, and in defence. 'Which view strikes you, good reader, 'as the more popular and inviting ? on bese -- EDITORIAL NOTES. Sir James Whitney is handing He noticed ev- the press, amyl He ought out some more interviews. lery' little criticism of | shows his irritability. 'be above that sort of thing. Mr. Aylesworth that The tinet and emphatic gain for Canada. has made it clear Hague decision was a dis The Americans can have the boasting while the Canadians get the boosting. The republicans of New York 'are said to be bolting the Roosevelt | ticket. The party.may be defeated in {the state election, but it will be purg- ed and purified. So that there is no | adversity without some good. -- { A physician of Edmonton is willing {to pay $500 a year for the office of medical school inspector. He figures that the position would introduce him Yo many people and build up a prac tice quicker than in any other way. A follower of the Bourassa alleges 'that the Canadian naval scheme means thas the French-Canadians are to be carried to sea by the thousands and |drowned. Anything to keep the Wrench dws "Isn't this very silly ? The tourists' travel between New | York and Europe during the summer has been most profitable. About a million and a half of passengers have heen carried at a cost of $35,000,000, Which explains how it that the |great companies can keep on building new and magnificent boats. r ---- is The corporation' taxes imposed by the United States government were not well received, and there was some talk of resisting the collection of them. But the talk did not amount to anything. The year's levy has been paid and it amounts to S$27,000000, A mere bagatelle considering the interests that ire involved. Budget From Keelerville. Keelerville, Oct. 24.--There was a large attendance at Sunday school and church services, yesterday. Rev. IMr. Shortt preached. A number from here attended the anniversary tea given by the Ladies' Aid of Battersea at the home of My. and Mrs. Fred erick Keeler. Harold Sleeth finished the contract of remodelling the school- house on Saturday last. William Dix on, Jr. on the sick list, is mueh im- proved.| Samuel Yateman is in the city, today. School ' is progressing very favorably with George Hutchings ax teacher. The attendance is large. Mrs. Stanley, of Detroit, is visiting "her son, R, J. Stanley. Some of the {farmers have heen having sick cows, { hence quite a fallmg off in the milk jsupply at the factory. James Me Hroy, on Saturday, received the sad pews by m of the death of his fon-in-law, in Deferiet, N.Y. Mre. Me Me." the imperial policy, and | SY i DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTORER 25, 1010. THE NEWS OF WORLD membered. A revolt has broken out agaivst the assembly. The Torontar city way, Dr. Mason, was seriously pear Minden, The proposal of a steal ing talked of. Nineteen persons lost their near St. John's Nid. At. St. John, N.B., Allan C. Earle, one of New Brunswick's lators, died on Monday. The Ontario Retail Hardware and Stove Denlers' Association will meet in Peterboro next February. Cheese sales : London, 1le.; St. Hya- cinthe, Que.; 108c.; Watertown, N.Y. i3fe.; Canton, N.Y., 13ic. Sir George Doughty, M.P., declares there is practically trade dentiment in Canada. The steamer Langham, no bound for Lake Syperior, near Calumet, Hon, A. B. Aylesworth was given a great reception by his constituents nt Newmarket, Out., on Saturday. Several schooners, which loft United States ports recently, with lumber car- goes, for Jamuica, are missing, It is rumored that six: of the largest native wine manufacturers in Canada to "tate {| Petornpro Exa will merge, with a capital of $2,500, 000. SWE A MAHA if i io Posies PRINCE SOMDETH © CHOW Fi VAJIRAVUDH, Who succeeds to the throne of Siam Religious instruction is to be re placed in the schoois of Iortugal by systematic teaching of individual and civie morality. The Baptist convention of Ontario and Quebec upheld MaMaster Unive sity in. its teaching of its so-called higher 'criticism. The Grand Trunk is applying again to have its charter amended so as to do away with the obligation to giv, a third class passenger fare. Andrew Carnegie is again in New York and showing evidence of age. He will' remain in New York until next (May, when he goes back to Scotland (for his usual trip. The authorities promise . som. new evidenck in the Anderson murder eas at the inquest in Goderich, to-day, and, it is stated, an arrest will Se made immediately, Magistrate J. R. Reece, Huntsville, for over thirty-five years closely identi- {fied with the pficial life of the village, died, Sanday. The late Mr. Reece wi known throughout the entire northern part of Ontario, He was born in Eng land, and for some yoars served af Malta and Gibraltar. Count De Lesseps at the New York international aviation tournament, op Morday, carvied Miss Grace Me Kenziv, Toronto, around the shorter { course of two and a half kilometres three times. The grand speed test for biblunes was won by McCurdy (Can adian) ten laps in 14 minutes 350 1-5 séconds. i ------ A Very Significant Fact. Ottawa Free Press. It is significant to note that in the {recent tour of hiz constitusicy made thy E. W. Nesbitt, M.P. for North Ox- ford, the general sentiment was oppos- ied to any reciprocity agroemesit with the United States until the Washing- [ton government had given an earnest of its good faith by itself reducing its Aariff to the level of that of Canada. i Straws show the public sentiment. Job Aaa Sir James. ther, Sir James Whitney "oan be better employed than in running scandals to earth. He might do something to pre- vent hig mipister of education from ronning Chnada' school sys. 'm inte Have Fived Date. The girls' branch of the Woman': Auxikary, "of SL. George's cathedral, ill its ahs) tea nd sale, nt . Harey dy's, ing street, Tiemlay, November 220d, OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN| Everything Easily Read and Re- in Vienna : council rejected | the 'proposstion to buy the street rail- M.P.P.,, East Victoria, | injured in a runaway | direct-to-Ireland | ip line from Halifax is still be- | lives | when the steamer Regulus went dows : greatest legis- | England, | free | Port Arthur with coal, was burned on | = -- « | DR. SOPER | : Speciall in diseases of Skin, Blood. Nerves, Bladder aud Special dil- ments of men. One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinlon sud ad- vice. Question blank and k on diseases of free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet "form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 p.m, snd 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont. LADIES" WEAR On Instalment Ladies' Suits, latest New York styles just received, in Green, Gray, Blue, ete Prices, §12.50 to §20. Large consignment of Ladies Skirts i Just arrived, all prices, from $360 to | $7.50; also Ladies' Throws and Muffs at reduced prices. Large assortment of Men's and Boys Overcoats and Suits Odd Palrs of Pants, $1.50 to $2.50: also Boots and | Shoes, ete. ' Everything 20 per cent cheaper than elsewhere, and all sold on the weekly payment plan 'Jos. B. 'Abramson, 4 COLBORNDE STRERT. PLUMBING Unquestionable From Any Standpoint Has Been Our Work must be pleas- ng to us as well as you. We are particular. and want you to be also. DAVID HALL, 60 Brock Street. 'Phone 333 Residence, 856. * LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Paid at the Varions Centres, Oct. 2. <AbLout 1,500 head of butchers' cattle, 270 calves, 1,800 sheep and Tambs, and 1.200 hogs were offered for sale at the Point Charles stockyards this forencon. The offerings of live stock at this market during the weok was 2,700 eattle, 435 chlves, 3,250 sheep and lambs, and 2, £75 hogs. Trade 'was good, with no material change 'in the price, except: ing that hous continue to decline. rime beoves sold at Sic, to eo. per Hx; range oattle at 43¢. to Sle., and the common stock 13c. ta de. per Ib, Grass ted calves sokl at 3c. to dic. per 1b; good veals att Bie. to Te, do Sheep sald at «de. to 4jc. ner lh; lambs at Ge. to 6}e. do. Good lots © hogs sold at about Sec. per I. The Prices Montreal ~t, Chicago Cattle Market. Chicago, Oct. 24. -Aattie receipts estimated at 28,000; market, steady to shade lower; beeves, £4.60 to $7.80 Texas steers, £3.10 to $5.60; western sterrs, $410 . to $6.85: etockers and feeders, $4.25 to 86.50; cows and heif- ers, 52.25 to $6.30; calves, 87.25 to £10. Hogs receipts market strong £8.70 to $9.37}; estimated at 25,000 to Be. higher; light, heavy, $7.95 to $9.05. rough, $7.95 to $8.15; good to choice. heavy, $8.15 to $0.85: pigs, $83.95 to $9: bulk of sales, $5.25 to $8.50, Sheep receipts, estimated at 4,000 market, 5c. to 102, higher; native, $2. 5 to. $4. 0; western, £3 to $4; vear- lings, 84.50 to £5.60; lambs, $4.75 to $7.20; western, £5 to £7.10. Buffalo Live Stock, East Buffalo, Oct. 24.--Catile--Rel ceipts, 4,625 head; market fairly ae tive and steady; prime steers, $7 io 27.25, shipping steers, 26 to $6.50: butcher grades, 85 to 26: cows, £3.95 to $5.25:bulls, 33.25 to $5. Calves--Receipts, 1,100 head: mar ket active, strong; cull to choice, £5. 75 to $1050. Sheep and lamhs--Receints, 1.000 head; market fairly ~ metive; lambs higher; sheep steady: choice lambs, 87 to 37.15; call to fair, $5.75 to $6.75: yeariings, 55 to $5.50; sheep, $33 fo $4.75. Hogs--Receipte, 15.300. market tive; firm: Yorkers, $0.35 to $9.30 stags, $8.75 to $7; pigs, $9.30; mixed, $9.25 to $9.30; beavy, £2. 10. 80.25. roughs, 87.50 to 85, A GENEROUS OFFER. Te Whom It May Concern, There ave hundreds of people in The this vicinity at this season the yi year mprise y delicate chiliren, the weak, run-dorn and convalescents, and all those who wafler from chronic coughs and colds; that we od: to come to our #lore and get a sottle of Vinol, our delicious: vod liver and iron tense {without wil). Hoi fails to build Convertible" Coat, Suitable for our Winters (omoracreo av PATENT) Sale of 'Nobby Overcoats: IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SEE WHAT'S DOING 8 HERE THESE DAYS, MEN'S OVERCOATS. Same style as cut above in New Greys, Brown Tweeds. Regular $12.50 and $13.50. BIBBY'S PRICE, $10.00, MEN'S OVERCOATS, in Fine "English Kersey, Scotch in new shades, new weaves. Regular $18.00 qualifies, BIBBY'S PRICE, $15.00, MEN'S OVERCOATS. Same style as cut above, in Meltons, etc. Real beautiés. $20, $22 qualities. BIBBY'S PRICE, 818.00, Same style as. eut above, Cheviots, Riana / "The H.D.Bibby Co| The Big Store With Little Prices. Fancy | Green and § Hepyy = Bannockburn Cheviots, § Masterpleces of taflor's art. Regular & QUALITY IN SUGARS" All Sugars db not look alike, if placed alongside each other. Every Grocer knows this, We want the Consumer to know it. Insist om having EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR You will not only have a good Sugar, but the best on the market. The clear white color proves the superior - ity of " Sugar, When buying Loaf sugar ask for REDPATH PARIS LUMPS in KED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by Redpath ting, body-build- |. "HAPPY HOME" RANGE When you require a new range examine the "Happy Home"--handsome in appearance, econ- omical in fuel, large ventilated oven, and every range fally guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- on. ; : Elliott DOOOSO0 PRG OODODOOTEOO OOO

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