72 £ - Go to the 3 PAGE EIGHT. hia : HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. STEWART HOUSE. Leading emercial Hotel. Rates, §1.50 per] : JAS, STEWART, Prop. THANKSGIVING DAY TRAVELLING. GRAND TRUN! RAILWAY SYSTEM NDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1910, ound Trip Tickets will be issued at Single Pare, good going October} | 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st, and valid for return until Wednesday Novem- ber 2ud, 1910. not good on trains 1 and 4. pre 2 4 Hunters Excursions Golug X 'points fu" Northern Ontario, Superior, Georgian Bay and Eastern Provinces; also : From Oct. 20th to Now, 12th, to Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, Lind- lay, and all Hunters' Territory in Muskoka. all Hunters' Territory in Ontario and host Tien on 8 Sick: Return Tickets Between All Stations at Return October i RE EWR TO WEFT AFORE T i HY, nts in Quebec Bharbot Lake. to Nor Bound, 16th, 19 C. Note Tickets to certain points are Full particulars on application lg Fn tn Fr by steamer lines. The above _apply to nearly on will be lication to EY, Agent, Corner Johmson and Ontario Sts. SETS CRE RAN: LOTS: RAILWAY Jn jon With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILVAY, THANKSGIVING Single Fare Going Friddy, Saturday, Monday, OCT, 28th, 20, 31st. Limit Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, 1010. : HUNTERS' EXCURSION Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE, th to November 12th. embskant Northern 'Railway Stations and 12th, to stations. Budbury to 8 8 Marie, Havelock to Li y Branch. Severn adawaska to Rrry Oct. 20th to Nov ay, ritam to Caiabogie All kets good tosFeturn until Dee Full particulars at K. and P. and P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ¥F. CONWAY which I, my wife and two-year child had for eight months. It started with small pimples on the head of my child which gradually broke out in sores, and it was not long before I and my wile got the same. Our heads were one mass of sores, wa could not sleep and the itching was terrible. We suffered for cight months. We tried different kinds of ointments and medicine but it did us no good and soon bodies until a friend who had the same trouble told me about Cuticura of which 1 used two sets of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment and Cuti- cura Resolvent, and T was surprised. After the first few days our heads began to hzal and in two months we were absolutely cured of this terrible eczema." of Fezen By Cuticura Remedies "The Cuticura treatment has abso- utely cured me and {amily of eczema old it began to break out on our (Signed) Evaene Porrrorr, 581 Ralph St., Brooklyn, N.Y. No stronger evidence than this could be given of the success and economy of the Outicura- Remedies in the treatment of torturing, disfiguring humors of the skin Ww FAMOUS. BRITONS WHO HAVE RE: FUSED TO ACCEPT TITLES. L Chamberlain Was Unwilling te Lese , Himself Under a Strange Name and It Was Only After Years That Lord Morley Took His Peerage--Radicals Have Several Times Turned Down Honors--Heaton Said "No." Most men afe only too pleased to re- ceive some honor as a mark of recog ition 'of either political services to their party or in the wider sphere of usefulness to their fellows, says M.A.P. It, therefore, requires considerable strength of character to refuse such an hover from motives of modesty or 'owing 40 an'ugnswerving adherence to prineiples. Yet many a famous man 4s refused recognition by his sove reign snd a grateful country for these 'reasons, some of them more than once. That great' statesman. whose failing health' him out of the tur- moil of Dolities for! so many months bis refused to lose his identity under ia litle: Tuows title. Thus, when he ngton in 1887 on & mis- 1 i the fishery een and the United Btates, Lord Salisbury offered him a 3 [eorase on his return, but Mr. Cham- 3 rlain * veftised it, preferring to re- main in the Commons where he had won so many triumphs, ' It is 'well known that it was only with the Gtmost reluctance that Lord Morley was Qleyailed upon to accept a tite, He had ref one several times, bat when it at last came to the ice of remaining in the Lower House as a private member or retain- ing his post as Secretary for India 4 in the calm of the Lords, he finally 318 Princess. Street Opposite St. Andrew's Church, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Reliable Watch Repairing. Spon. Pass Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. loaves ton Station, Ontaric ---- pm, awily Bunday excepted) % "Napanee, Deser. | an forty-five ceénis a po Tobacco, kuigh ANDREW MACLEAN sions wb ftario Street. - . , } HennikeriHealon OUR: RO0STER BRAND f fmoking and Chewing Tobacco at d is a good Why pay eighty-five? Lake Outario and Bay of Quint Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily except Sundays at 3 p.m. for Pleton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports, James Bwift & Co., Steamboat Ceo., Limited. Send BSE 0 2°. Hm ait Enel rod Meo GRAND UNION ds HOTEL ary oxy wr u -------- --- BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201 Full.information trom J. P. Hanley, Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. i Grimm's 7 » Try Our Line IB Ee ------------------------------ ot olate » Assorted Creams, Mard Frat and Nat Cantresit made with a selected coating. st the right kiad to make t delicious, a -- 162 PRINCESS STREET. | | DAY OR NIGHT - Wood's Paesphioding, A ; J Brg perva +73 wn. ates the wi makes ill cu i vt of plata p yt. on rove ee... ¥re Yovmer, Wik Zane: a ------ as a Sowards Keep Coal Coal Keeps AAVE YOU TRIRD HIM? | 'Phone 155. 3 fantée your coal poet op that won't fail to FLLLLEE0600000¢ k's sin WA RA Reel decided to adeept the honor. When * the present - Lord - James of Hereford became Bolicitor-General he x ethan that. a. th Sept 2s night al goes w but. Mr. Gladstone insisted that tradi. tion should 'be respected. i More than one sturdy Radical who had no belief in the pee , has re fused..prometion to the Gilded Cham- ber, or declined lesser onots, Tae years ago if' was expec a Birthday Honors List d inclaode the name of Mr. Arthdr Acland, who entered Mr. Gladstone's last Cabinet in 1802 at the same time as Mr. As- quith, but. it-was understood that he had declined the profiered . peerage. yhien. that veteran statesman, Sart he Conserve: tive Government ten years ago, he did not see his way to accept the. peerage that. Lord 'Salisbury was anxious to bestow upen him. Knigh have been declined on the same grounds, while.others have 10 retain the simple title of aih "Mr." In two cases knighthoods ave been refused after The Gasette as contained an announcement of :bestowal. . Mr. Henniker-Heaton, ny postage, who is retiring from the representation of Canterbury at the t Parliament, de- on several ocea- r and many statesmen belonging to the dominions beyond the seas have pre- ferred - to remain undistinguished above their fellows. That noted Im- rialist, J in, has consistent- a refused every honor;-even a Privy ouncillorship having no attractions for him. . At; the last Colonial Confer. ence these visiting Premiers who did not already belong to the Privy Coun- cil. were sworn in as members, but the Australian Premier again declined as he: bad already done in 1900. It is only within comparatively re- cent. years that the gris of literatures and the drama have been recognized | as deserving honor as much as paint. ing and the sciences. Mr. J. M. Bar- rie, who is equally successful as novel ist or dramatist, is of such a shy ani retiring nature that no one was very surprised. hen he used a knight. | hood offered him twelve months ago. Very few men have refused an honor in so graceful a manner as did Major Karri Davies, that sturdy Outlander who was a thorn in the side of the late sident Kruger, and who led the South Africas Light Horse so gallantls duripg thé Boer War. He was offered the Commandership of the Bath, bus he wrote expressing his thanks and asking that he "might be permitted to serve Hid Majesty without any re- iwardy as that was reward enough." + There 'are mnregenprate people whe "ook: onthe: Victorian Order as a sort "of nagitive henor to be without which 18 a gredter distinction than to pos: sass it, but it was net for this reason that M. Guar Knudsen refused the {Grand Croés when the late King Ed. ward: was visiting Scandinavia twe i years #go. He asked leave to decline uit us' he dissgreed with orders in gen- chal, 8% explanation that was publish. ved at the time, because some thought i3t. odd hat .while the Premiers of X # end Sweden were create! K.CMNJO: the Prime Minister of Nor way was Jie ont. ny hgre arg fou residences which ars ast 4 'on of the Ki be in the per namely, London Dispatch Writer Liked the Canadian Boys. - Part of this week my lot has fallen in pleasant , Says a writer in The London Weekly Dispatch. I have beet living with the Rifles of C fine body of men. They might, in fact, be our Queen's Westminsters with an American accent. The secent is' all they have got which associates them with the United States. I have never i ined that it was possible to hate a Yankee as much as these fellow-subjects of ours do, To sug- gest ahméxation to the States is to run the chance of "bavonet, get it in your innards" 'as Drummer Lew said to the Afghan. 'The regiment is one with traditions dating back over fifty years. "As it is a rifle regiment, it carries no fag, otherwise it would have at least four honors upon the colors. Colonel Sir Henry Pellatt is a fine man, who is devoted to his regiment, where he served for years in 'the ranks. He told me that he does not wish people to think he is an: over whelmingly rich man. He is spending $100,000 out of his store because he loves his men, his colony, and Great Britain. He is the head of a big firm of brokers in Toronto. The men are keen to learn and have much to pick up. The notion of one man being as good as another ~which is sheer nonsense--which has arisem : through close neighbor- hood with the United States leads them to be less disciplined than is a British territorial' regiment of the same class. They obey their officers smartly enough, but no battalion is good unti! it heeds even the whisper- ed behests of officers. I dislike intensely to hear a sergéant casually say to a private, "Ain't you going to fall in on this parade?" and' the private respond, "Why - certuinly." The men will, when: onee they are away fighting cheek by' jowl on manoeuvres with the Buffs or the Faugh-a-Ballaghs (which latter means "Clear the way'") and see the Regular sergeants at work begin to realite how vital it is to jump fo the co:--.nands of their N.C.O's. They tdve a strong element of the Scot'in them. One of the most inter. esting mien I have met for a long time is qld Sergeant Ellingsworth, who is spending the week-end amid the of his youth at Edinburgh and Glasgow, when he was a gay young soldier of the famous 93rd. He has bean out of the army for forty. seven years, but éver since emigrating to. Canada he. hos been the Quéen's i and they are proud to have the sturdy, self-reliant old man with them. He still has fire, and takes pride in Canada and Great Britain, and above all in his soldier, ing. We gossipped a day or two ago in his tent, a few of us, on his career. He had not only soldiered in the Crimea and in India, but he is one of the few men who remain who have journeyed from Paris to Marseilles by road in a carriage in the days when there was no other way of doing it. He was traveling with one of his Now he made one of the famous occasion . "1 was never conscious that I killed anybody in the Crimea, but I wish T had a for y one I stickit India. We didna care. We just ve the bayonet in | them, 1 ding think you can under stan' what Caw meant to us. time." arbitrament of battle, Bought Steel. of Quebec Bridge. Quebec, Oct. 28.1. G. Kilt, ot Ot- tawa, has acquired all the damaged iron and' steel work of the demolished Quebee bridge:' The amount paid is said to be more than $100,000. Mr. Kilt has already turned over his pur- chase at a large profit, it is said, and will begin shipping the metal to Mont- real, Hamilton find Pennsylvania with- out delay. § Am a sd The wise man lets some other chap do his boasting. ~ Try This Home-Made : Cough Remedy Little, But Doss the Work Quickly, or Money Refunded. Beall fd Th frm its 'non-commissioned . en. With. the 4 youth. Now, - it happened: that the : L # _-- \ \ B000sc0000sc0nus stents 000000000000 00000000e W. H. Rowley Handles Big Thidigs In a Big Way. W. H. Rowley of the E. B. Eddy | Co., at-Ottaws and Hull, the new president of the CU. M.A., is one of the most forceful men in' Canadian indus: | trial life. | Born in Nova Scotia, the son'of an |' Anglican clergyman, Mr. Rowley gov} the benefit of perfect Rome training. { in a highly intellectual Cimadian en- vironment, with the best private and public schooling; developing in hima } determination positiveness of character that has carried him to a high point of success. His lofty sense of business honor, his sturdy 'loyalty to British traditions, his exuberant love of country, his buoysuot joy in outdoor recreations, his fine hospital.' ity, may all be traced to the lessons learnt in the house of his father and: the example set by that sterling Chris a bots inent iti r. ey has prominen the large industrial life of Canada for 4 generation, yet is still in his prime. His career began ina bank. He was manager of the Ottawa branch of the Bank of Moftreal for years. In this capacity he came in touch with E. B. Eddy, of the E. B. Eddy Paper Co., Hull, Que. Mr. Eddy, a keen, down- east Yankee, knew a ood inat when he saw him. He buckled Mr. Rowley to him and to his business. . From that time till Mr. Eddy's death a few years ago, Mr. Rewley was his right hand man, working with him shoulder to shoulder in laying the foundations of what is to-day the larg: est industry of its kind in the British Empire. 3 " When the fire. took place ten yéarw. ago, wiping out. the E. RB. Eddy plant - at Hull, Mr, Eddy found in Mr. Row- ley a man of boundless optimism and superlative capacity / for ' reconstrus tioh. Out of the ashes arose a mags nifitent plang that stands to-day as a monament to the genius of EB. Eddy\and the proven bysiness acumes of W."H. Rowley and his persevering associates. Mr. Rowley, since Mr, Bddy's deaih has been president of the company For twenty years, like a full-powered dynamo he has worked for the suecess of that company. He has seen it grow to five times its former size. Mr. Rowley is a. man of large af. fairs. He has vision and wigor. He: has all his life been in the habit of dealing sith matters of great import. ance in the business world; he knows big things and handles them in a, big way. y § His knowledge of busingss cond: tions in Canada is second to no one's. The years he spent with the Bank: of Montreal put. hin in Auch fundamentals of industry. His close association with the late Mr. Eddy and his large undertakings, schoole! be him to grapple with any industrial problem, no matter how great. Hence in his career he has been brought in, to personal intimacy 'with the master minds of finapice and industry of Canada, and he is of their kin. Per. haps no uation-sized man '6f industry is more widely or betfer known than he. He has the happy hunian faculty of keeping his friendships green. Mr. Rowley is an ardent eJub man, as to the manor born. He is a keen horseman. In religion"he isa devot- ed adherent of the Anglican Church, odeupying no mean positiod among laymen 'itr the 'discese of Ottawa. A Boxer Who Came Back. Since the institutional church. be came popular in Toronto, there has been a great growth in 'the 'number of teams 'and athleti¢ orgatifeation: bearing the names of saints, and in almost every part of the cify gymna: siums may be found, especial y oon- nected with the Anglican find Roman Catholic Churches. A story is told by a member of the latter church who has been accustomed to add to his physical fitness by boxing for a few ours each evening. ! One night he grew tired of the exe:- cise and called a halt. His sparring partner was waiting anxiously to re- new hostilities, but he was not ainx- ious to do so, and while they waited a priest offered to seé how much he remembered of the manly art of self. defence, which he had 'known in his sparring partner was an excellent boxer, but he did not know how often it would be respectiul to land on his revérend opponent. He started in in protect himself, and did nof assume the aggressive. It did mot take the other man long to discover 'that he could be reckless, and he went after the sparring partner in great style. He hit home so often that he manag- ul tufle oy other man's 'temper, and at last the sparring partner paus ed. "He took one pee, Roe at 'his op- nent and said, "Look out; father, "m coming." A minute later the father under- stood what the ! B bi; f ih g g E 2 5 i A few almonds added to a piel, sl padding will great- ly improve its flaver. an my Sime out ob top hy getting in on y . Th Rg body or gallery cannot become wedged, handle. "attached i Brass Castings, Bronze Castings, Aluminum : Castings. e+ THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED, ° OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. C0000 00000AR0NE0000000000000000000000 00000 ~ the power to enjoy to. the full lites work and pleasure--conjes caly with a g sod digestion, Vigorous Health tone up weak stomachs--supply the digestive juices which are lacking --ensure your food being properly convertsd inte brawn and sinew, red biced and active brain. §0c. a box at your drugriat's or from R Natinoal Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, - = 5 - Moatreal. a 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 w- "FROM MILEMAID TO HOUSEMAID.™ ia No More Trouble We are now ftoting our MILK, REAM, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK, and ICE CREAM from PRICE'S WHAT A COMPORT. : e Phone 815 . 288 Princess St. ¢ BO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IS Sut SA EE a Inspecting Our Large 000000000 OOOOOOS S00NOOONIGOOIOITRS Now is the time to buy a plece of natty Furniture, Fancy Solid Mahogany Parlor Chairs, Solid Mahogany Contre Tables and Jardineer Stand in Oak or Mahogany, Brass and Iron Bedsteads Brush and Bright Brass. Mahogany Dressers: and Cheval Glasses and Ladies" Dressing Tables ON SALE AT JAMES... REID'S The Leading Undertaker. = Phone 147 in A -- Boys and girls thrive on it. Shrédded Wheat fortifies them against winter ills--builds sturdy, robust youngsters. g Simply heat biscuit in oven, pour hot milk bef it and salt to taste. Best for every meal, EO 5 Sold by all grocers, 13¢. a carton, two for #5. C000 000000000000 00004 Ganong's Chocolates Caramel; Chewing, Nut, Fruit, Cream and Ginger Centres, only 50 CENTS. PER LB. EVANGELINE PETITS Something extra. 75 CENTS 1 LB. BOX Foes Plone 58 - A.J. REES, 166 hinges § P0000 0000000000000 00000000000000000000004 a mama Turn a Draught to Good Account : Often in winter you dare not open a window, even though the room be warm, because the cold air makes a draughts that is dan- rous. With a Perfection Oil cater there need be no danger from draughts. the lower part of the window a little, put the Perfection Oil Heater in front of it, and the cold draught will be tumed into a pleasant, healthful current of fresh air. The RFECTIQ SmoxeELEss Absolutely smokeless and odorless gives just.as. much heat as you desire, It is safe, odorless and Has sn automa flame er, which prevents the wick from being turned high emough to smoke, and is edsy 10 remove to clean and drop back. Burner ause of a new device therefor; it can. be easily and quickly unscegwed for rewicking. An indicator shows the amount of oil in the font. .Has a cool Flllet-c2p is put in place like a cork in a bostle, and is to the font. by a chain. Finished in japan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Pons Spe, (LT Sewn The Queen City Of Company,