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"1° Brass and Iron Bedsteads Brush and Bright Brass. Mahogany Dressers and Cheval Glasses and Ladies' Dressing Tables. ON BALE AT ES REID'S: Phone 147 JAM The Leading Undertaker. OUR SLIPPERS Are all new. We have a lot of styles you won't find duplicated else- where, % Slippers for Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Children and Babies. Handsome Evening Slippers, comfortable House Slippers, warm Bed- room Slippers. 2 Come and see our assortment of Rest Producers for Men and Women 50 Cents to $1.50 from gown for so long a time. He extended GIVENPURSE OF GOLD '== = 5. es 2 Sd } words, i -- -- i "Whenever a minister does his work PRESENTATION WAS MADE TO faithfully," he added, "I think oa con- REV. DR. MACKIE. gregation is always ready to be im ------ 'sympathy with him, dod to show Has Jast Completed Twenty-fifth hinddess," Year as Pastor St. Andrew's' Church--Mrs. Mackie Also Re. "0% the ladies and gentlemen of . the congregation hae ept the nresenta- membered--Addresses Delivered HOF a. He had poof notice of the at Reception Tuesday Evening. event until asked by the chairman of Surrounded by the members of his the board of management, to take teg congregation, and old friends, who with the Songregation. Even the ladies were with him during the early days had managed to key the secret, and of his ministry, Rev. Dr. Mackie, on bo» felt he would have to change his Tuesday evening, celebrated the tweu- opinion regarding the old saying ty-fifth aniversary of his induction about women not veingz able to keep as pastor of St. Andrew's church, a secret. He felt wow, that they could at a reception which was tendered keep a secret as well as 5 man. him and Mrs. Mackie in St. Andrew's | ------ Story of the Past. Hall, i There was a very large attendance ! Proceeding Dr. Mackie said: On an for this important event, and it was gooasion like this an address must ne- indeed a warm tribute which was cossarily be of a reminiscent charac- paid to the worthy gentleman who (or Whilst still moving on, for stay has, for an quarter of a century, guid: we 'cannot, we turn our heads, and ed the work of this church, . look backward along the road that we A special feature of the proceedings have travelled, noting the changes was the presentation to Dr. Mackie . i. cq 0 joyful and sorrowful, and of 'a purse of gold by the COREE (he progress of the march, gation, and to Mrs. Mackie, who i Twenty-five years of a pastorate in also beloved for the part she has . : : taken in this Christian service, of eny congregation, = preceded by 4 ht beautiful bouquet of red roses, ~The YE™® pastorate in gnother, and that Intyre, K.C., the chairman of the ry back to school days, is what 1 board of management of the church, fe® when 1 glance behind, There have and representative elder. been no variations, no interruptions, Several addresses were delivered, the No abrupt breaking away from my various speakers paying a warm tri- church, or creed, or the ome purpose bute to Dr. Mackie and his wife for of my life. I see myself, to-day, after their work in this charge. During sixty-five years, and more, occupying the evening there was a programme the very position, that as a boy, and of music and refreshments were served a youth 3 jrayed and jabofed to 2 by the ladies. (tain, and having oecupied it for thir- "Ihe speakers were John McIntyre, ty-three years--a minister of the Scot- Principn!l Gordon, Rev. James Bar- tish church, in otiand and in Can- clay, D.D, * Montreal, Rev." W. T. ada, preaching Christ and Him cruei- Wilkins, M.A., of Trenton, - who was fied, the gospel according to my un- moderator of the Kingéton Presbytery derstanding of it and with faith in it in 1885, when Der. Mackie was induet- and never any substitute for it. You ed as pastor of St. Andrew's; Rev. will not wonder, therefore, that the Dr. Maegilliveay, Rev. Dr. MacTavish wich of my heart and (he purpose of and Rev. J. D. Boyd. lmy mind, is to die in that church a Rev. Dr. Mackie was formerly gn 1omble member and devoted son, for assistant of Rev. Dr. Barclay in SOt-| | have yet to learn where there ix a fand. . . | hatter, more liberal, freer, more serip- Me. Melntyre, in his opening re (ural, or one better adapted by th marks, referred to the vacancy in the simplicity of her worship. and the pulpit, at St. Andrew's, twenty-five power of her pulpit to present to vears ago. He pointed out how it hamanity, Christ Himself, as the re- fell to the lot of Rev. Dr. Barclay to medy for every ill. I have yet to recommend a man for the Maney lkknrn where there is a creed more and Nia selection of Rev. Dr. Matkin magnificent in = structure, more com- the th Deny he dusted prehensive and biblical' in content, and : rau Ore signally productive of human Awenly-five. yore ago doepigble Xow. pon SEIS JL RAV ti nan | are icone of the fact, and can Chnfaiter, Titel aany Powerful and! testify as well as 1, that Dr. Mackie roligiously profound. bas ably carried on his work here, In all other things there has been both in the pulpit and in his® pas- Change. The church itself, in which toral administration among the peo. MY, predecessors ministered and in Ahi, itn § ren hich. my induction took place, was Dr. Mackie had many - distinguished harnt to the ground, and on it was features, and the members of the con: speedily reared this larger, costlier and gregation had profited by his work, More ecclesiastical edifice. The kirk He was a strong and devout up- Session has passed away, only one of holder of the sacredness of the Lord's the elders remaining that greeted me house and dwelt upon the importance (0 my Coming. The congregation it- to be attached to the Lord's Day, self, 1 may say, has passed away and not only as a day of simple rest from another has come, for I am now bap- labor but as a day to be consecrafed tiZing those whose parents I baptized, to service and" worship of Christ. If What a long roll of absentees | What the speaker might be permitted to say o large and happy compapy 1 trust on so Dr, Mackie had taken his cue from the other side! What a flood of t ameripture. For all his work memories 'comes over me as 1 look the 'eonigtegation was proud of him, ~ back, and how often as the thought The speaker paid a warm tribute to 'of many of them entered my mind the Worth of Mrs." Mackie! She was 5 lave I sighed "for the touch of a van- woman who had gone in and out irhed hand and the sound of a voice among the people, and especially in that is still" ! To the friends of the cases of pickness and distress her hand past, and all along, und with us still, had been felt. She had succeeded in my heart this ht goes specially her work. Dr. Mackie had, therefore, out. strong support in his work, from his! Change in St. Andrew's ! Change wife. In looking over the pastor's also in Kingston! Not a church has twenty-five years of service, the mem. remained, the same. They have been bers of the congregation considered cnlarged, or restored, and have been that such an event should be celebra- Creatly multiplied. Not a pulpit but ted id" some manner, worthy of the has "been emptied. The whole host of man and the occasion. Accordingly, ministers, including archbishops nnd an invitation had been extended to !ishops' and principals, are resting the members, to make a contribution, rom their labors, and I remain the so that they might have an opportup- only one of those here twenty-five ity of showing their love and esteem '€37s ago at work, Not a medical Jaan for their pastor, and a purse of gold Save one, my genial friend, Senator was the result. Sullivan, remains, They have been all At this stage, the chairman called SWept away and most of them in the Dr. Mackie to the platform, and hand- midday of their life and reputation es- el him the purse of gold. tablished. In the legal profession it "You are twenty-five years older to- has been nearly the same. Only a few | night, than when voi were inducted remain, and among them my dear and | as pastor of this church," said (he steadfast friend during She Whole per: chairman, "but however, that is not io of my pastorate, John Meclntyre, your fault." K.C,, chairman of the board of man i Ider, . be- Loud lause followed the presen- agement and representative elder, . g tation, ae i hi 2 pl be- loved by the whole congregation. There i ity § i hich there are not fore the chairman had an opportunity i® not a street in Ww ' of saying a few closing words. When houses that remind ae of Slamestic the opportunity arrived, he said: joys and sorrows, and in some ' 3 "Your congregation has taken a great of tragic events and of faces vei ed. deal of interest in your service of | [I am here still by the grace of God, worth and value as a pastor." ithe even tenor of my way and quietly Then followed another very pleasing atfending to the work given me to do. and interesting part of the programme 'I am not what 1 was; the prime of when Mrs, Mackie was called forward, life is past; the best service such as and presented by the chairman with it was has been rendered; there can be a lovely bouquet of red roses. The no expectations of anything better speaker, regretied the fact that Wil- from me. Soon what bas happened liam Mackie, the pastor's som, could everywhere must happen here. But not be present, owing to his having we are not now looking into the fu- gone abroad, to accept a commission ture. I look back, and it is with the in the army, but he wished the son despest humility that 1 lay my minis 10 be notified by the father of the pro- (ry at the feet of the Master, praying ceedings, and of the warm greetings Him to pardon, and accept. It is they extended to the pastor and his with 5 heart profoundly thankful that family. 1 this day acknowledge His ness Dr. Mackie, in an able reply, thank-'and mercy ever following, His com- ed the members for their kind remem- forting and encouraging presence all brance. He said there could be noth- the way, His manifold precious bless: ing more pleasing for nim, than to be ings, and among them as one of His in the hearts of whom he had 'richest, She devotion snd. affection of 4 le. St. cong In a humorous way, Dr. Mackie told ; presentations were made by John Me. Preceded by preparation for the min- | twenty-five years. They admire your, the minister of St. Andrew's, pursuing |g ! g MANUFACTURED BY THE RAMSFELDER-ERLICK CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO, ---- FOR WOMEN THE RESTSHU is a thick Flesible Sole Shoe - -made for comfort style. Price, = at the same time {oll of ¥ $4.50 Wo also have wonderful $3.00 VALUES in Women's Up-to-Date Shoes--in lace and buttons, in patents, gun metals, kids; also gun metals with cloth tops. Inspection Invited. they had treated the students of the university, The students appreciated the attention paid them, year after vear. There was no country on the face of the earth, on which it gave a man more pleasure to live, work and give service, than in Canada. "Next to Canada, I would place Scotland," said 'Dr. Gordon, glancing at Dr, Mackie. Dv. Gordon also faute to the work of Mrs. Mackie. Kev. Dr. Barclay, in his address, took the responsibility. for mavipg drought Dr. Mackie to St. Andrew's, and by facing the congregation of St, Andrew's on several occasions said he had shown that he was not gfraid of the result. Both the aker and his wile had been warm friends of Dr. and Mrs. Mackie for many vears. Mrs. Barclay and Mes. Mackie had known each other as long as they had been ale to speak. The speaker would mot say how many years he had knows Mrs. Mackie as he said, smilingly, that the members might look up at him, and question his veracity. It would be unpecegsary for the speaker wid a warm tri: PRIA NE RAT Accomplished in his twanty-five vears of service. Dr. Mace had been his colleague, and he could pay a warm tribute to his worth, . The speaker referred to the work carried on by Dr. Mackie, in his *harge in Scotland, In his old charge his name was still a household word. As it was a, quarter ol a century now, since he had been in charge of this work, surely' it was ample tribute. Dr. Mackie was a man of strony connections, a man who also had the courage of his convictions, and at he did not hesitate in giving expres- sion to his views. le was ulsoa man ture, ever teady to give help in the homn where there was sickness or sudness. - "You do well, to show your ap- preciation of what Dr. Mackie done, both in and out of the pulpit," said the speaker, in closing. Rev. Mr. Wilkins extended congratu- lations to Wev. Dr. Mackie, and re. ferved to the fuct that he was mod erator of the Kingston Preshytery, at the time of Dr. Mackie's induction, Of the men in the preshytary at that time, ut lew had remained in the same charges. There were four, Rev. Mr. Cumberland, Amherst Island: Rev. Mr. Gracey, Gananoque, Rev. Dr. Macgillivary and the speaker, who had they tried Post E almost served as long as Dr. Mackie. The speaker praised Dr. Mackie for his work in the church, in. the presbytery, and for the example he had set for good citizenship. Rev. Dr. Macgillivray extended con- gratulations as & neighboring minis. tor. He said that few people, whe ogcupied the pews realized what it meant for a man to fill one pulpit for twenty-five years. In these Jays, such o service stood for a great deal. The work of the pulpit was much harder now, than it was fifty years ugo. The speaker announced that he was now on his twenty-fourth year in the cue pulpit, Rev. Dr. MacTavish and Rev. J. D. Voyd, also gave an esg of con- gratulation to the worthy pastor of St. Andrew's, The musical part of the programme included vocal selections by Mrs. Ar thur Craig, violin solos by Mise MN Telgmann and vocal solos by Arthur Craig. the evening. to tell what Dr. Mackie has een, gnd | limes, when he cousidered it necessary, | of a very tonder and sympathetic nas has | Refreshments were presided over by Mys,..lames. Third, Mes, Wo %:Mimnos; apd Mrs. J. Montague Strange. Thanksgiving Day. | Round trip excursion tickets will be sold at lowest one way first-class fare between all points in Canada, also from stations in Canada, to Detroit, { Mich., Port Huron, Mich.. and inter mediate stations; tafialo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge, i Rouse's Point, Fort Covington, Bom- bay, Helens, and Massena Springs, | N.Y., Island Pond, Lake, Norton Mills and Swanton, Vt. Tickets good going October 28th to 3st inclusive. All tickets valid for return until Wodnes day, November 2nd. PTT ---- Not Likely to Materialize, It is said it is scarcely likely that a strictly vaudeville house will oper {ate in the building vacated by Skin ner & Co., on Princess street. ""Sare what do we want with another show house in this town ?"' said a citizen, to-dax., "There are five here now with the Ofand Opera House exvepted, and that is about all that a town of this size can support, or at least that is all it should support." Colds Cause Headache . FLexative Bromo Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy removes eave. Cail for full name. Look for signature EE, W. Grove, 25¢. ' foi oo Miss Shaw gcted as accompanist for. THE NEW THEOLOGY AN ADDRESS GIVEN BY ANDREW MACPHAIL DR, Before Queen's Theological Alumni --=Each Man Must Make a Theology for Hiniself-=Muster of Mint to Speak This Evening. Dr. Andrew Macphail, of MoGill uni- versity, Montreal, and a wellknown Canadian journalist, lectured before a Yairdizved andience in Convocation hall, Tuesday evening, on tho subject of "The Now Theology," in sonuection with the Theological Alumni confer ence of Queen's. - #t was his first visit bare and he expressed his pleas- ure at being present. Although he ia a stranger in the city the articles which have appeared in the Whig from time to time from his pen have al ready made him known to the people here. Dr. Macphail, while being an autho rity on u gest many things of pub lic interest, confedsed to being an amateut on. arguing on theviogion] problems. He sail his mission was to show the distinction between the old and the new theology. During his address, which occupied about an hour, and in which he.,was listened to with the greatdit interest, he set forth oléarly 'his views regarding this all important but too-often sidetrack- ed question. Drawing as an illustra- tion a man who attributes consump: tion of the lungs to excessive inhal: ing of pire air that man has estab lished a science no matter how far wrong it may be. foom the right path, because it is the product of the highest thought he is e of producing. Crities who ' know little about origin and less about God are apt to treat this matier in a » inl way. The speaker asserted that in order to know what God is like we must he God and that is a trans formation which has been found too difficult to accomplish, Religion and theology 'eannot work side by side for when we need theology it fails we. Eath man must make a theology for himself. Theology cannot do with- out the church or religion. After his discourse a vote of thanks was moved and seconded, fol: lowed by discussions from different ones in the audience, This evening's lecture will be given by Dr.James Bonar, master of the mint, Ottawa, Switched Over Some folks thought they didn't care for breikfast cercals----until Toasties Selected white corn is thoroughly cooked-- --1ollcd out thin and floffy-- ~togafed to a delightfully appetizing brown. if desired. They are rezdy to serve dircet from the package with only 'the addition of cream or milk, and a sprinkling of sugar be Try Post Toasties and Aellyourclfs "The Memory Lingers" lai 4