Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1910, p. 6

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Dt Standard Granulated Sugar is ua i for Phoaming or table use ANDREW MAULEAN ye Ontario Street. COAL Wo Sa 235 "Phone 443. J . CANADA'S BEST ; Port Jajhe Ontario Grape Grow- Catharines 1 1. Sssagicod 19 a dry and per- ALR HR ol nif the price. £801 only RJ. LAWLER, Golden THOMAS COPLEY, £0 PRONE'987." Drop a card to 19 Pi § anythin . Jestim Street when n the Carpen- given on sll kinds , @ new. wo also. Floors of all kinds = All & prompt attention. Queen Street. THE GLUB HOTEL Wl aaon ST. near PRINCESS, appraach the Club for Momeni sure Located in contre of city and close to stores and t heatre. are moderate. tes by th k. P. 5. THOMPSON. Proprietor. STEIRIRG wi OUR COAL is known by its good burn- qualities. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. 1 wie Ek gd " BE WISE ve your ing ang - [Incle Nave a splendid lot of and Healers in stock, as a8 new, extremely low It i pay you to see them be- fore in where 4 An Kinds or Household Goods bought a 1 nd sold. ntique Furniture a Specialty. ive us a call Lk. LESSES, ely hand Chatham Sts, Power thee great. fequisite to Happiness, Comfort and Welfare of Mankind, are furn by Gas The Cen link, Heat, in the one we bh to ¢ ¥ aur gitentian to, as source Comfort and Nothing more cheer- m than a Gas) 2 ad, economically operated. pay for just what you use. ASTE. Discovery of 'Fruit-a-tives" has meant health for all Canada's fame does not reat solely on fier furs and wheat fields, Her rise in the esteem of the world is not due to Ler Cobalt mines. It is the work of her great men that has made her great. A graduate of McGill University has 'won lasting renown for his original researches in the realms of Physics. Everyone knows that fruit is whole- some, when eaten judiciously. Physicians generally recognize the fact that fruit juices have a beneficial effect on the various organs of the body. It remained for a Canadian physi- cian to discover a process whereby the medicinal action of fruit could 20 inercased as to make the intensified juices a wonderful cure, " Fruit-a.tives™ is this combination of fruit intreduction to the publie, * Fruit-a- tives " has met with a success ac wices and tonics, Since its to no other medicine in the world, The reason is plain, ** Pruit-a-tives "' is the one remedy. that is actually made of fruit, and is the omly remed paturaliy cures Comstipation, that ilious- ness, lodigestion, Headaches, Rheu. matison js Neural and Skin Trou 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25¢., or from I'ruit-adives Limited, Ottawa, OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking atid Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound js a good Tobaeco. Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, 4 Ontario Street , Backache, Kiduey es, At all dealers at WINTER LECTURES, Commodore. - A largely sfiended meetivg of te Kingston Yacht Club, was beld at the élub house, on Thesdgy evening to dis- cuss a umber o 3 made in the interest of the club. Before doing any business, a resolution was passed expressing the y vegret of the club over the death of ex-Commodore Bruce Carruthers, and 4 sense of ap- precintion for the many services ren- dered the club by him since its in- ception, Vice-Congnodore WW. C was in the chair, Une item of busiiess was the ap- pointing of delegates to represent the clu at the annual meeting of the Lake Yacht Raeing Association, to be held in Watertown, on Nov. Sth next. Lhe delegates selected were. Lisuten- ant-Colonel "Strange, R. E. Burns and H. Hora. 5 : 3 The question of racing, including the George Cup raced, for next 'sea: son was the next: matter discussed: As it is desirable to make an attempt to bring the George Cup to this end of the lake again, the building of a the present boats was considered, and a committee wos named to take. the matier into gomsideration and report at a later meeting. This same com: mittee was instructed to also consid- Jer the question of the club building a number of small boasts of a onedemgn class and placing them at the difposal rating purposes, to encourage the bovs to become expert sailors apd develop yaehtsmen for the future. The club 'was established for the encour: agement of yachting and it was thought 'that an effort to get the boys io learn sailing was ove of the best GRAN AND UNION df HOTEL = nena BOSEES 5 °F B07 ; W.F. KELLY, + Enjoyment tonight may mean suffering to- morrow, but net if your stomach, liver, and bowels sre helped to do thelr natural "work by BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere, In boxes 25¢. ] SinRINEIR RR eT Smart Styles Popular Prices = a x _in SHOES We have given years of thought and study to the sub- | ject of Shoes, so when we speak of Shoes It ought not to neem strange {hat we Assume to Know what we're talking about. Our experience is that In IQ RRR DTH III io of 'doivy wo. The question of increased moorings was also discussed, and a proposition for extending the wharf was consider- od, as it is Jdepireble to have more accommodation for motor and sailing yachts and also #or outside yachts visifing the elub. However, the mat- ter was deferred till a later meeting, A proposal was brought forward for the purchase or lease of an island site for a rendezvous, where the vachts- summer, - While a desirable thing to have, it was thoudht that the cost of a suitable place would be too great for the present. Instead, it was Je cided to make an effort to have the motor boats join the sailing yachts next season, and cruise to some ren- deavous to be selected from time to time, and all frateenize together and iiironse the enjoyment of the usual outings, It was Hecided #lso to arrange to have a series of lectures at the club through the winter on nautical sul- jects by competent men, combined with. smokers. and entertainments. This" "would I the means >f import inf to 'motod hoat men and suilors. a better knowlege of the rules of 1he toad and the handling ob their crats. It wae also suggested to have momth- ly suppers at the club house to bring the members t ter months. An annual banquet for antertaimment committer wil instruct- ol to make arrapipements for these events. Business Men's Y.M.C.A. Class. 'The business men's class at the Y. M.C.A., which fell through last win- ter, was re-organized when the new physical instructor Ralph Bowron, came here from Ottawa. The lass promises to he a success. Many men imagine that the exercise involved is altogether too severe for middle-aged men Who are nol: used to diercitle of any kind. On the contrary, however, the exercise is very light, more for the purpose of recreation, of taking a man's mind awsy from his business than for body building. The class moeis Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:15 o'clock, and continues till 6:30. A few gymnastics ave gape. through with at first. Then a game with the medicine ball. A basketball game follows and then & shower bath and a plunge. The dass is intended for bank employees, school teachers and all those who are THE YACHT CLUB TO HAVE To Place Some Yachts at Disposal of Young Men Eager to Learn Sails ing~--~Resolutioh Passed Regarding the Late Bruce Carruthers, an Ex- Kent, new boat or the turning up dne of of the juvenile mem jors of the clu for men cold meet xt times dri the | --~Some Stomachs Mast Have Help. Food taken into the Stomach whith, | from the nature of the food or the condition of the wonseh; fs - not dis | gested, is gorse than ne Tooth at alk This ix a tras sthtement as for as it goes and a great many dyspeptics go ouly this far with heir reasoning, They argue with themselves that Te cause their stomachs do not do' the work given them, they mist Ge given Jess worg in other words; they must be starved. It would be just as sens sible for a Busitiéls nad 'who'is "un- down his business to his own capa- city as it is for a fn self to relieve his body proper nourishment. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets actually Jo the work assigied to them. They relieve weak and ovérblirden¥d 'stom- achs of Jresit portion. of 'digestive action. entical with those of the digestive fluids and secretions of the stomach and they sinthly: take "up the grind amd carry on the work just the same as a good, strong, healthy stomach would do's. On this 'account Stusrt's Dyspepsia | Tablets are perfectly natural in their action ahd effects. They do not cause any unnatural or viclest disturbance in the stomach or bowels. They them. selves digest the food and supply the system with all the nourishment eon: tained in what is eaten and'earry out Naturg's plans for the sustenmnce and maintenancetf the body. How much more sensible 4s this method than that employed by 'many sufferers from weak stomachs, Bv this means the body and brain get all the good, nutfitibus feck thdy need and the man is properly nouns and equipped to carry on his work perform his duties. He could not pos sibly be in proper working condition by starving himself or employing some new fangled, insufficient : food that does not contain enough nutriment for a year-okl baby. A strong man doing stroug' w must be properly fed and this applies to the brain as well as the body. Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tablets, Ly re heving the stomach of its work, en able it to seouperate and regain its normal health and stgength. = Nature repairs the worn and wasted tissues just as she heals and knits the bone of a broken my, which is of course | not. used during the process of repair. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale Ly all druggists at 50 cents box and they are the one article that the druggist does not try to sell some- thinz in the place of that's *just as good." Their unqualified merit * and suocess and the universal demand for tham has placed them within the reach of everyone. free from work - at this time of the day. A . All Kinds of Sports. A Detroit rider tigde a vecord of a mile in fifty-one seconds on a motor leyele on a dirt track. 1 | Stanley Ketchell was said: to have 'made $100,000 in the ring, but his - es- tate amounts te only $18,000. ogether during the win- | Toronto News + Qaeén's goal line hus [tario railway commission is asking the ergssed only once so far, but the the members was also sugested. The Presbyterians 'have not met Varsity {route out of North Bay, east of yet. | Abe Attell idate with « stor { Reng. | The results tn Saturday in the Inter provincial Rugby Union makes the championship look Very open, and ,Saturday's games will be of a deciding nature. comes out at this Inte that Joh bad ries win the fight at The new United States rughy rules 'are playing havoc with Yale. Vander- bilt held Sale acorsiee on Saturday. Harvard meanwhile are * going along merrily. . Says President Lazier, of the Ham- ilton Tigers: * 'Jack' Williams is about the whole works on the Ottawa team, and is a wonderful player. He won the gade for the Rough Riders." {| Murray Thomson, the fast Varsity 'outside wing player, whose knee was again hurt in the MeGill game Sat- urday, will be in shape for the Queen's game a week from' Saturday. { It is probable that the Inferprovin- 'cial Amateur Football Union governors | {will request "Kid" Smith, of the Ham- ilton Tigers, to substantiate his jelaims to recogmition as an. amateur. | "AIL" Smith may finish out the sea- ison as coach of the Ottawas. "Tom" Clancy, , who has: been looking after the Interprovincial champions, devel- oped a bad last week. He has been advised to cut it out for the sea- son, aud intends to do so. The larity of soccer football in Glasgow was well illustrated on the Saturday of the Glasgow cup final, when upwards of 85,000 spectators' as at Hampton Park to see Cel tic and Glasgow . The Celtic veterans aré not Oet. f » coaversation pass Message. Geb 1 : gr 19.(T pT a 26, 1810. THEY Actuilyt he sue work GRACE) BY WIVES Food Eaten Is Worthless Digested able to dolall is owd work to cut {Hill avenue. Maria Sempiere, of Three starve hime (ried her ST The sen [first wife says she lived with Godin for sible bukiness man employs help and [three years, but, owing to family tron- goes forward with his business, Like. [bles, they came to Hull to live, wise 'the 'sensible dyspeptic will em- {Godin worked at the E. B. Eddy com- ploy help"for his stomach' and give his (pany. Three Rivers and the husband was to Toi bomiponent parts are [out to Jook for the husband with the strive for | Canadian Lady in Brockport Sends a JOINED FORCES TO BRING BIG. AMIST TO BOOK. Deserted = Both WomeneArthur Godin Arrested at Ottawa Finds Himself in Unenviable Predion ment. Ottawa, Oct, 26.--The Hull police arrested Arthur Godin on a bigamy charge. Accused was married in Sep- | tember to Elizabeth Gardoer, in Otte- wa, and lived with her at 250 Breeze Rivers, Que., says the same man mar- there June 10th, 19602. The and In 1906 the wife returned to return or send her money. Then he was lost track of and the wile came to the Hull police. The two wives met at the police station, and both went police. He could not for a while be lo- cated, but all at once both wamen saw him on the street and ejaculated, "There is my husband." He will ap- pear jn the police court at Hull. BARN GROWS A STORY. -- Used Green Willows for Corner Posts. i Winnipeg, Oct. 26.-- Harold Mackub- bic, a farmer at Llydmunister, Sask. has a remarkable barn, When DHuilding the structure several years ago he was short of money and timber was scarce. He used green willow for the comer posts and sides, setting them into the ground in a vertical posi tion. The following season he found that the posts had roots and were growing rapidly. That 'fall the floor ef the barn, which before had heen on the ground, was three feet sbove the ground level. A year ago the barn was on stilts nine feet high, and the own- er put another story underneath, mak- ing the original one story parm a two story structure, The lower floor is now two feet from the ground; the willows are growing rapidly, and the farmer looks forward to the time when he can put in 4 third story, when, so he says, he will convert the structure from a barn in to a dwellin® and live in it. Farmer Woman's Home Companion, At this exact moment, houses are being Fengvated, wardrobes being re plenished, and Christmas, in a mena- ware, anticipated. Add to this bit the great holiday of Thanksgiving, now almost upon us, and we realize that there is need of counsel and sugges- tion. The November Woman's Home Companion seems to take all these points into more than careful eonsid eration, and presents to the public a ramarkable magazine, which besides being rich in itself gives a most vivid promise of what the Christmas issue will be, For Thanksgiving holidays, suit. cases trunks, bags, telescopes, « ete. Great - assortment at reduced prices. Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. "The Temiskaming and Northern On- legislature for $1,500,000 for the new the esent line, This will reduce the ir grade and also the mileage, When next you order Salt for Table or Dairy--just say ontur fo your Grocer--and you'll get the finest of Canadas =e Salt wells..invariably pure! Domigion Salt Co., Limited Manufacturers and Sarpia, Ont. 3 thing purer or better made than Wilk Chocolate Sticks, Medallions, Croqucttes, Cream Bars etc. Have you tricd Maplé Buds? THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 8 t. yotir: meals, and af bedtime, drink this sparklin greeable 1 Your diges will e. Your er Every drop gratifies. LE & STOUT Better foi In than ordinary tonics dr pafént 'medicines. It - is wholesome as well as pure ade of selected O fi barley-matk" WIEN, LABATE Ot i bees y of or direct from tested spring water, LONDON, brewery In London. y ' " any Agent, James McParland, 839-341 King St. E,, mn hp YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE POSTAGE OR EXPRESS CHARGES Sam sis ross @l We prepay all delivery charges, and if. you are not perfectly satisfied with your purchases, you can tetarn- them at-our-expensc- and. we will cheerfully refund your money. SEND FOR CATALOGUE "D" @ A postal card will bring you our 132 page cata- logue, handsomely illustrated in colors, of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, China, Cut Glass, Leather and Art Goods. # Something extra. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED Diamond Merchants, Jewelers and Silversmiths 134-136-130 YONGE ST. TORONTO HARRY RYRIE, Seq. Tress. 2 oP JAS. RYRIE, Ples. PY RIES Ganong's Chocolates Caramel, Chewing, Nut, Fruit, Cream and Ginger Centres, only 50 CENTS PER LB. EVANGELINE PETITS 75 CENTS 1 LB. BOX Poet A.J. REES, 166 Prins St am This Range Was P53 Made For You 4.2 £3 { am W "¥ou are a particular house keeper-- You are a discriminating "That is why we ask dood There's nota A special grate guarantees . You buyer-- afe a good Manager-- you to cgme in and let us show you this rial Oxford - baker in the Dominion. A special divided oven flue guarantees that, the most heat for the fuel consumed. Special ash-door guard guarantees iS, Niekel lifty off and saves work of scouting. The Oxford Feonomizer 'saves 20% of yout coal bill, ~*~ We want to demonstrate these exclusive Gurney features to you--their economy, efficiendy, the satisfaction they give. Then we Jeave it to you to decide~can you @fford to use any other range in your kitchen ? You'll finda full line of Gurney Oxford Stoves on our floor--all styles and all prices--Made we're always: every and all kinds of fuel. Come in any time,

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