PAGE SIX. i Form Iu DAILY nay THURSDAY, OCTOBER z join a HAD NARROW ESCAPE GETTING DANGEROUS BECOMES A BRIDETHE DAY'S EPISODES TO DRINK WATER FROM LAKES HAS EXHIBITED HERSELF FOR LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN OR RIVERS, SIXTEEN YEARS. GENERAL. : As Sewage From Towns and Cities Is : {Occurrences In The City And Vicinity Polluting the Waterways--Prof. | «Other Brief Items of Interest night Lectures ; Easily Read And Remembered. ey and Water Dagon mnt ft Opera. cloaks. dry cleaned, My Valet. ha airs and pressing, My Valet. Daniel Mclean, an elderly man, a Prof, AP. Kn s lecture Ah South Bend, Ind... Octo. 3.~Thal Hopaire 10 buy tooth Daamen's retired farmer, of Pittsburg township, | Queen's theological alumni svulutents "Bearded. Lady," Baroum & Haiey's Gibson's. : who has for some time hoarded st | this Wtemoon was on the question | civeus, became a bride this morning. In! Three reels of pictures and orchestrs the Ottawa hotel, come within an ace | 'Milk and Wntes in Relation to In private life the widely-knows per. as Wonderland, tonight. : : of being suffocated with gas, early fectious fisiaes. A le wade. some in- former is Miss Grace Gilbert, of hal-| Pears for preserving, 40c., H0c., Gi. Thursday - morming. He was found teresting 8 A in PEER RAL kaska county, Michigan, but with per basket at Uarmovsky's. iust in the mick of time, by some of | er 'pollution, and stated that in view i he became Mis. Giles A. |. Ur. Charles Publow, of Picton, He people at the hotel, and quick work | of the fact that the greater portion os - Ela A ar Sa the pec ak Dr Morrison who was | the Kingston waterworks intake Pipe | ee . Swabs, pi tr. Oda ES res i had heen tested sad found tizht, one thaa | William : Swaine, piano suser. On The affair was purely accidental. It is aso. surmise hat. the polation The "Bearded Lady" announced re "The Midoight Sons" company left usual for Mr. Mclean to have the gas int the hachor itself. for 40 condition tirement from the circus life following | this morning by special train for in his room turned low at nights, and of the ales aries with wind nod her marriage. She said she was born eterboro. on during the night, when he had ocea- | CC i yO ontreal hacterio. {with a growth of hair on her face | ~Horlick's malted milk," fresh at sion to get out of bed, he turned out logist bas just reported that he found And that she had exhibited herself us 1Gibson's Iled Uross drug store. "Phane the light, and in some manner hap- in the Lake of Two Mountmns, 2000 a freak for sixteen years, 230. pened fo turn it on again by rr feet out from the shore line, infected! "1 8m now going back to my take. Some of the people in. the | Coo orc being right in the middle of band's farm," she said, "and hotel could smell escaping gas, early } 4 7 The commissioners for Lake | ever appear in a show again, this morning, and they made an in-| yi pion, (Wo vears ago cautioned the | ry to make a good wife." vestigation, with the result that Me- people that intake pipes along the | sms Lean wes f unconscious: in his shore were liable to yield polluted MRS. DELINE SUFFOCATED. bed. Dr. Morrison was summoned, water if the sewage discharge was even immediately, had, 10 work over | within miles. Some people think that Second Post-Mortem Results in New him for yuite-2 long time, before he | pocquse the sewige is a few hu | Evidence. came aroun right. . feet away, there is no danger, Hut the | ots OF Mr. McLean was quite a sick mam, | \.riation of the wind a the water | etathore, Unt, ied 37a a for the rest of the day, but out of | rents are liable to pollute even the ct - et Si nasterm, {ite es of some months. _., anger. His fi believed that i he | Bivuston water mnpply, [the crawn, on the body of Mrs. Hugh |Red Cross diwgy store A had on lol rn hos. coum a little rl. nigihe Sasatipnod people abut Deline, which was exhumed, new evi-| The police ® elle had two inmates anger « COLL water a ¥ longer he would have been found dead. | Wells ad Chiefly in og irs Hence a hich ° character was obtain. last night, a man arrested for being Mr. Mclean is well-known in the | places, and there is more typhoid ip "9 tO the crown prosecutor at the drunk, and another who came in for township, and also has a great many | the rural districts than in the @itres rekon assizes, [. Meredith, of Lon- protection. 3 friends in the city, and all of them | and towns, on account of bad water. : god had She trial of Hugh Deline, ac- | "Infants foods." It pays to were very sorry to hear of his mis Lhe tural people are not so alive to i Jvvrdet oF bin wife, tra- | these ry Gilnou % Red Cross . the danger of pollution of water 'gs! Ser - store, Always Iresh there. ag strange part of the affair was the | the hey or A, or that the pollution | The latent (developments throw an| The heavy ruin of this mowing was way in which o little dog, owned by | poured into a river afivets the water. Toor new light on the case," said succeeded at noon by » gale of wind, James Norris. the proprietor, acted. | way. Weak bacteria may quickly die |° It Merudithe © | that x which sly the water of the harber i he examina- wally ro Before it was found that gas was es hid. . Shida rin ty Sx amin. unusually rough FOUND IN ROOM WITH GAS TURNED OX. Will Retire From Stage--Was Born With Growth of Hair on Face-- Happy Bridegroom an Indiana Ratmag Daniel McLean, Pittsburgh Farmer, : Came Near Being BSuffocated-- | Found in Nick of Time--Saved by ; as Purely Accidental, I t Doctor-----it Was y spare dollars in a 'Savings Ac- count at the BANK OF TORONTO Interest: is added Half Yearly. our y at v was Calvin. Calvin is a former, three vears old, nineteen older his wife. SPECIAL SILK OFFERING TO-MORROW, 9a. 6 hus. | Miss Ada Rosevear, Queen street, is will spending a few days in Belleville, I will | Visiting friends, ; H. CVunningham, piano tuner, King street. leave orders at Auley's bookstore. James Thompson, of the street rail- way company, has left for Belleville to actept a position there, Robert Lipman, formerly connected re lwith the Princess theatre, is in town, con- | aiter an absence of some months. 21 Me KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET, - George B. McKay, Manager, Just Received FROM MANUFACTURERS A Lot move of Lovely A very special Silk has just been secured and to-morrow we will place it on sale. 320 Yards EXTRA WIDE, (full 38 inches.) BLACK DUCHESSE bu Vv drug in the water, but the stronger bac- New velvet collars, My Valet Brass Goods BRASS FENDERS, 35 BRASS FIRE SETS, CANDLESTICKS, ; JARDINEERS, TRAYS, r SMOKERS' SETS. Lovely Goods for the Home or for SEE OUR WINDOW. '. 4, Miers 3 Rarbwas, WHISTLED P00 MUCH And Was Shot and Killed Aet, Winnipeg, Oot. 2Tv-A despatch from Fort William, Ont, reports the mur- der of Thomas Waugh, a Scotchman, by J sano, an Itwlian, of a GTP orers' house, nt Lake, north of Fort William, on day , Grogano, it is said shot Wauth, bocause the latter failed to respond when asked to cease whis For caping, the little dog went around the hotel as if all was not right, go ing from one room to another and then going to its mawter. Just short- ly after this the digwovery was made. HAD ROUGH VOYAGE. ---- Boats in Harbor Well Shaken Teo day. Owing to the rough weather, the teamer America did not arrive from Cape Viooent until 2.15 o'clock this afternoon. The captain reported a very heavy sea, and this was verified by the number of sick passengers. Freight was put on board as speedily as possiuie for the return trip. All the vessels around the harbor were given a shaking up. Seu- eral vessels which intended clearing, had to stay in port. The steamer eepawah was at sonchor a few miles up the lake, all night, there béing such a heavy gale The barge St. Louis cleared for Os wego, early this mening, but got into the gale, a short distance out, and had to stay at anchor. The yaw] boat broke away, and at last nocounts, was over near Point Frederick, badly jsshashed up. i Lr -- Steamer's Semsational Trip. The course of the steamer Wolle Is ander across the asigry harbor, this ~ {afternoon, was watched by many peo and orchestra Three vols of pictures at Wonderland, tonight : _ After thirty-dight years' service, Rev. Robert Ashton has resigned the § of 'the ' Mohawk Indian ; " to seek a well bE rest, hed institute, Which is } ¢ the New England com- pany for a education of Indian oe and has attained high effi- Ghar der Mr. Ashton's charge. He will succeeded by his Jo Capt. Nelles. Aghton, formerly o insti- tule A oe dors in the west, ---- ---- HOW OLD PEOPLE 1 -- May Prolong Their Lives. At an advanced age waste is more "than repair. The organs act slowly and less effectually than th. circulation is poor--the and watery--the appetite tion weak, Say to every aged per- inity that Vinol, our iver wand iron tonie ng life. It ere as (bons, who for the little ferry but the islanders' craft came afely into port on the city side, after ome sensational stunts. The waves were rolling: high, and the wind was of he hurricane type. A small yawl, which had broken away from its moor ngs, drifted down the harbor to the bridge. Yachts in Trouble. The yachts Temeraire, owned by the late Major Bruce Carruthers, the Isis, owned by Hansard Hora, and the Chiriya, owned hy Dalton Bros., while moored in the vacht club slip broke away from the wharf sometime early this morning. The Temeraire was lus tener by three lines and managed to break two the bow-line holding fast, She was anchored, The Isis broke her lines, bumped into the Chiriya, aud pounded , hole in her hull from con stant wearing against the other boat; The Chiriya was not damaged to any extent. None of the boats get away from the slip. Nominations for the bye-election in Prufimond-Arthabasca counties, for he seat in the House of Commons, 'stated by Hon. Louis Lavergne, took x Thursday, the nominees being J. . Perrault, government, and A. Gil bert, nationalist. ; Overconts cleaned and pressed, My Valet. A call was extended to Rev. B. W. Merrill to become associate pastor of Jarvis Street Baptist church, Toronto. Three reels t. Guelph is dn TR power "" ourly next week, ; Gibson's. teria may live some days. Prof. Knight said that it was quite possible that the whole water of the St. Lawrence was polluted and dan. erous to drink, as there is 80 ® mucn towns amd villages fare situnted said it was dangerous to drink water from them. He instanced fact that Niagara Falls, N.Y, the has place in America, and the reason is that the water svoply of that town is polluted by the sewage that comes down from Buffalo. | The Quéistion of milk supply was al- | so dealt with, the lecturer showing | clearly what was meant by pure milk, Nit should br sweet and fresh, and free fram dirt. No milk was fresh that ; was over twenty-four hours old, and' then it should have been kept in. a | cocl place. Dirty milk is dan erous, | particularly for infants and children. lr. Kmght pointed out that the com- mercial pasteurization of milk was not sufficient as only the lactiric germs are killed, while the disease pro: ucing germs resnmin, Of course, this milk will not sour, but the disease produe- ing ffxi are multiplying in it all the time. It takes Sty min- utes to properly pasteurize milk, but the milk dealer does not care to take so long a time; and the commercial method is too rapid to le satisfactory. A nouple of instances were given of onthreals of typhoid and di heria cavsed by milkmen peddling diseased milk, To-morrow morning, Prot Knight will give his final lecture of the cotirse in connection with "The Conservation ot Lif~" and his subject will = be "Food." FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Sales Made om the Board on Thurs- day. In the absence of the - president. William Craig, Frederick Ferguson, of Inverary, occupied the chair, at the regular meeting of the Frontenac cheese board on Thursday aftérnoon. The highest price paid was 11 3-16, for colored and 10fe. for white. These seles were made : At Il 3-16e. T. H. Thompson se cured Gilt Bdge, St. Lawrence; Silver Springs, Thousand Islands and For- [LN At 1lie. George Thompson secured MeGirath's and flenburnie. Ibors who had related that Mrs. sewage Aoing into it. In bays where Mevealed that death was due to sufio- he ¢ation, not to shock, as heretofore be- lieved, the scratches on the dead wo- "A B0c, beef, the man's face evidently being caused the highest typhoid fever rate of any Fereaming. { ; i jvery small market this morning. 'I here were only two rigs at the square oth- cested on seduction cha jcommands. An uprising is feared,' t Cleveland, has heen named by Gower- De- line had complained to them that her husband had been guilty of unnatural conduct toward her. Further, it - was on wi by her assailant trying to prevent her The post-mortem was conducted by Dr. Bruce Smith, inspector of prisons; Dr. W. T. Connell, professor of patho- logy, Queen's University, and Dr. FE, Ryan, superintendent of Rockwood asy- lum, Kingston, the exhumation taking place in the presence of Inspector Re- burn, of the provincial polick depart- ment, who has had charge of the case, er MN / field manoeuvres PITH OF THE NEWS, Thanksgiving Day. The Very Latest Culled From An," Over the World. Lieut. Sagliette, at Centosell, Tialy, killed by falling aeroplane. Thomas Robillard, of Amprior, ar- A verdict will be likely rendered, to day, in the Gorham. murder case at Peterboro. og Gaange Ade,' caretaker of assembly grounds in Mason City, lowa., receiv. el a legacy of $35,000. All. officers of the ments are burrying Egyptian regi- there to rejoin | th Mayor Nathas, of Rome, has issued a veply to. the oritickww of the arch- Lishop of Montreal and others, Men are out buying the right-of-way for the Canadian Northern railway between Ottawa and Smith's Falls, C.D. Long, punaging director, and Loxton sub-editor of the Shefield Weekly Telegram, were fined £106 for publishing an article in regard to Crippen. ra. Frances Priveeton, N.J., R Gil R Cleveland, of Grover Folsom widow nor Fort as ove of the commissioners to manage a women's relormatory in New Jersey, : Prevost, Brock Street. | Has received hin fall goods consist- ing of tweed, serge and eheviot for sulting, also overcoating for his'order department, oc Alexander bought Glenburnie at 10ie, These factories boarded. K White--Forest, 63; Glenvale, 100, total, 293 504 s St. Latimer, 35; Model, 60; Sunbury, 35; } In six out of the past nineteen vears the deaths in France have exceeded the births, Over 39,000,000 gallons of oils are jubally produced from shale in lng- and, at COFFEE WAS IT. ---- People Slowly Learn the Facts. | Tuesday and 3%¢c., on son's Red Cross drug store. ferees in connection with the Mr. children vale, where they have been located all spmmer, and have taken up their re sidence on Johnson street. the J4th P.W.0. Rifles will hold smoker, Wednesday evening, Nov. 2nd, in the armovies, when the cups prizes won in the shootin will be awarded, "Infants store. bargain Cross drug store during October ticket sale. weather, the social York Road, auspices of the Epworth League Princess Street Methodist church, been postponed till Monday, 31st. Rev. perintendent of Methodist missions Alberta, is the guest of Rev. William » reels of pictures and orchestrg at Wonderland, to-night. The weather man as certainly hard market. It rainad Saturday, Thursday. Perhaps it Il rain again next Saturday. iron and wine," for the bargain counter at Gib- the In account of the rain there was a than the market gardeners from the My Lieut. ol. Crowe, of the Royal itary College, will be one of the re- military on city. Suits cleaned and pressed, Valet, at Toronto, "Dru, wants," 'phone 230. bson s. and M rs. have store James Irvine and returned from HBarry- Evening gowns dry cleaned My Valet The officers, non-coms. mm men of a and matches buy foeds."" It pays to drug at Gibson's Red Cross "Phone 230, There was to have been un exhidi- Ne tion soccer match between Queen's and OHA, yesterday afternoon, at Queen's campus, but owing to the fact that the ground was too wet the gam: was postponed. " "Phone 230" for drug store wants, bson's. y James Kincaid, checker at the G. T, . freight shed, who was injured in the Sack while lifting a stove, is still gonfined to the hospital, hut in Joing Aicely. It is expected that he will be ott in a few days. Baby robes dry cleaned, My Valet "The Arcadian," a big musical pro duction, with one hundred people, will play at the Grand, on Thursday, No vember Jud, Charles Hayes, the nan ager of the company was in the city to-day; y- "$1.50 safety razor for $1.17," on counter at Gibson's Red Red On account of the condition of the to have been held Mrs, Frank Gardiner, the of has the home of this evening, under T. C. Buchanan, Calgary, su- in "All my life Ihave been such go slave . Craig, Alfred street. While in Kings- the to coffee that was to set gradu, who spent to Montreal on Saturday. fright AD Yold me, | , stop at Sanday. x tom, Mr. Buchanan will interview the ey aroma of it ythodisg students ab "disen"s, with. a view to taking up mission work in Al- A Marriage at Westport, Westport, Oct. 24.-W, FE. Garvin, his holidays here, returned ah a. F. . Paylay is a fow days . in > B. tbr, of Morton, the guest of Dr. and re. ow Miss Tey Tey nolds and Miss Cora Garmett were Brockville 3 Boys' Hize, SILK Pure Silk with a soft satin finish, just the right weight, and make for the present style dresses. This Silk is also suitable for WAISTS, SKIRTS and long shouldered SCARFS where a Special Price wide silk is required. To-morrow Girls' Fall Coats Particularly attractive and Girlish Coats, made from good: wearing Oheviot--Serge--and Blanket cloths, all sizes, ages 3,4,5, 6 and on up to 18 years. $3.99 upto $12.00 According to the make and size. Babies' White Bearskin Coats from 6 months to 3 years. - - Very A AAAI tN NAN SENN NN Ea a a fh Misses' and Small Womera DRESSES Good qnality Panama cloth, nicely braided, colors are Grey, Walnut, Navy and Black, Prices particularly attractive. Come and see theih, JUST ARRIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT [adiess DRESSES AND SEE THESE SPECIAL DESIGNS. COME BOX CALF For Children The Best Kind of Shoes for winter wear. Wo have just received a fine shipment of these, % and are selling them cheap, 3 Childs Sizes, 5, 6, 7 : Childs' and Boys', Sizes 5, 9, 10 GIFs and Bow', Siges 11 to 2... ., Girly' Sizes, Flat Heels, 212 16 6... fies ... . ... ? daa ' $1.00 . $1.00 and $1.25 vii BLES and $1.50 VECO GOORIN