CANADA'S BEST ~ Mvalid Port is the Untariv drape Grow- bn and Wine Manufacturing Company's of Bt. Catharines. It ls guaranteed 19 years old, and is a pure, dry and per- feel wine, squall to the best Imported at onsshalf the price Sold only by RR. J. JA WLER, Golden Léon Block. "Phone 787. ° ~~ OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound Is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontaric Street "COAL ry WM. DRURY, WELLINGTON STREET. "Phone 443, i 33 THOMAS COPLEY, HONE 987. Drop a card to 18 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds {of repairs and new- work alse | Hardwood Floors of «all kinds. © All | orders will receive. prompt atteation. | Shop. 60 Queen Street. | i» BE WISE | And have your fieating and cook- fug arrangements in good shape before the cold wintry days set : n We have a splendid lot of o8 and Heaters in stock, as as new, al extremely low Ran Brod prices it will pay you to see them be- fore buying elsewhere, All Kinds of Household Goods bought and sold. Antique Furniture a Speciality. Give us 8 call Cor wl I ESS ES, wens and Chatham Ste, Hingnion, ar---------- - Flower Ded Border ft. Fences and (ates -of He > factured CHESCENT WIRE AND ON WORKS (Partridge & Sons). 'Phone 80 from fe tre { aminininia ON'T FORGET TO TRY dren, Diseases Of |THE WELSH EISTEDDFOD | oe: | : The Skin +. ANNUAL FEAST OF SONG IS i " with a changes of] A VERY OLD INSTITUTION. . | temperature. Eczema and Salt! : Rheum are cured by | It's History Goes Back to 517 A.D., | DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT When the Bard Taliesin Presided Cold, damp weather brings out ecze-| Over the National Musical Gather- ma and salt rheum. Many who are ing -- Reason That More Widely |sabject to these ailments do not sub | oduced fer except during the changeable wea- | Knakn Music 1s. Not Pr h Found In Piety of the Welsh. {ther of fall and spring. | The snwoying itching and the dx, - 3 i i figuring blotches on the skin make this My National Eisteddfod, which is |trouble almost unbearable to those | d annually in North or South who are not familiar with the sooth- | Wales, was held recently at Colyn Bay. influence of Dr. Chase's | Formerly the Eisteddfod was eriticiped . | by the English press rather severely Relief comes almost as soon as this but as its quaint ceremonies have | Fitation inaspenre, the sores ore esl) 0 40 be betier undersiood, more » 3, 80) are heals) : ed up and the skin is left soft, smooth sympathy is shown towards the vener- and natusal. | able institution. There are, of course, There is always danger of cczema | any who continue to adversely criti. spreading and becoming chronic. For | eize the "Gorsedd," or Supreme Court this reason the use of the ointment lof authority; but it is feared that should be Foguias god Dasistont ati] {these and others of similar opinions 3 cure is rougn and complete ! o a: Mrs. John J. or Li An: 1 averlook the fact that the Eisteddtod tigonish county, N.S., writes : "I want (of which the Gorsedd is an adjunct) to say that Dr. Chase's Ointment has | B88, whatever its defects, helped to proven a great blessing to me. I Jind | Make the Welsh a music-loving moral salt rheum on one hand, and could not, people. It is a proud thing to be able get it healed up. The itching was | to say that & nation's chief hobby is most distressing at times. Two boxes | music and poetry. of Dr. Chasé'§ Ointment has cured me | It is impossible to say when music completely, and I gladly recommend it | entered into the ceremonies of the to every sufferer." | Druids, the founders of the Gorsedd In every home there is a demand { 80d of the Eisteddfod, or "Chair" as for Dr. Chase's Ointment. It is pyr- | ib was formerly designated. A There is ticularly useful where there are chil |& record of an Eisteddfod" held in Chafing and skin irritation are | South Wales in the year 517 A.D., and relioved at once. Obstinate wounds | It Was presided over by the bard Talie- are readily healed. Baby: eczema and | 3iB- Another was held in the year all forms of poisoned or irritated skin | 240, at Deganwy, or Conway, and its are soon cured by this soothing, heal president was Maelgwn Gwynedd. This ing ointment. 6b¢. a box, at all deal- | PET0R offered a reward to such of the ers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co. To. | P8rds and minstrels as should swim ronto. over the River Conway. The poor J. E .Hutcheson harpists who swam had their Jazpa damaged in the water, whilst AUCTIONEER sad APPRAISER rd sent to $17 Albert throats of the bards or singers were not affected, and, of course, they car- ried off the prize or prizes. The re- Aol cords of early Eisteddfods are rare, an order left at H. Waddington's or Henderson's Stores will receiv srompt attention. Rost eaforences given Often ling, healing Ointment. { but I will name three ,the first being that held in Cardigan Castle in NO7, when Cadwgan ap Bleddyn, Prince of Bouth Wales, invited the princes and chieftains of all s of Wales, in- cluding the cl bards, singers, and musicians, "and set chairs for them. sud. ins As was or J Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension 3 Jostorss i 3 sre decay sndall so weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will imake Jou 4 Rew man, Ftice 33a box, or two for ailed to any address. Drug ©o,, Bt. Ontharines, Or at Best's Drug Store, i bud ed. 2 = ® SI the race gi he King Arthur." In 1136, at that held in Ystrad Tywi, &c., was kept up for forty days, "when all were allowed to depart, and the bards, musicians, and learned men, and performers of every sort, were honorably rewarded." In the same century Prince Gruffydd ap Cynan held an Eisteddfod at Oaerwys. North Wales, for the purpose of regu- Our Crystal Brand Of Stasdard Granulated Sugar 1s ua excellea for preserving or table use M. 'NOLAN, FOR YOUR GROCERIES, 338 PRINCESSST. Our Coffee at 25¢ and 36¢ cannot be beaten Highest Grades GASOLINE, COAL Ol. © LUBRICATING OL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMIT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY, 3 } Toye's Building. Ags EON HITTITE f= CHURCH, STORES ©|| LUTE STUY: I \ OUR SPECIALTY / A (7 IT ERR 5 4 3 a A ron | t ARR Hout. 18 the one we ; to, as and its a source of CUROF- we were sure Clarence and Ontario Streews. | Announcement : ANDREW MACLRANS, lating instreley. ere laws tte es: J tablis or the better regulation of ey _ ; Ontario Street music and poetry. As music is now the principal at- Dr: Martel's Female | Pills traction of the Eisteddfod, it is natural A TSO: to ask whether it is being develo SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD | thereat on the right lines. odned Prescribed and recommended for women's ail | ments, a by results--the best possible method remedy of proven the answer is *'No." Neither have the scientifically prepared worth. The result from their use is quick and Eisteddfodic competitions in many cases stimulated the poets to produce permanent. For sale at all drug stores, their best work; and it may be added that. no poem or ode successful at the ae I ary -- Eisteddfod has gained world-wide Bt ma ee: Make the Liver Do'its Duty sung, has handica them, though Nine times ia ten when the liver is right the stomach and bowels are right. it is a splendid Bed for the expres. sian of the t's varied thoughts and emotions. Music has not been handi- capped in the EBistoddied because of language ; and although Macaulay may be right in stating that poetry will be of less use as the light of knewlédge increases, it is patent to all that music is ever advancing. It is an art thé possibilities of whiéh seem inexhsust. ible. The music of Wagner, so startl- ing, so disliked by many forty year: ago, is fashionable to-day--or, it may pethaps be safer to say, was fashion. able yestérday. The art is being de veloped so fast that Richard Strauss's mysterious effects outclass many of Wagner's! Take as a starting-point the rathe: late pericd of Eisteddfodic ekistencs CARTERS LIVER PILLS gently but firmly com. a lazy liver to its duty, An Englishman then produced a piece called "Summer is a-coming in,'" and English musical production Has cul minated, in thé twentieth century, in the monumental works of Elgar." On pthe other hand, there is no examplo extant of Welsh music which can be proved to have been composed int the thirteenth or fourteent century. say the key to a kind of nota- tion in runic characters is lost, and that with it the music of the Druids is gone for ever. Let us hope it is owi to some such misfortune our stock o. really ancient mufic is untracegble; but the sad fact i Sek Headache, and Distress after Eating. Senall Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine mut bear Signature } | 1 i AA We are réd to do Uphoister ing =fd all kinds of Furniture Re paired and Cabinet Work. Pianos Tuned, and Repaired. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Apply to CONNOR & SLEETH| 128-1232 ONTARIO STREET. (Hooper & Siater's Factory), What Cures Eczema? : We have had so many inquiries lately regarding Fozema otlier skin dis that we are glad to make our y Alter careful investiga: found that a simple wash , as "compountled 3 ai be relied upon. We would not 'm this statement to whe patrons, friends and neighbors unless of it--and although there on. ¥ Hecause--~We knoW that it gives in- ig ris LL wa Abe feasts of --the thirteeath or fourteénth century. | GROWTH OF JOHANNESBURG. South African Town Has Grown a Hundrediolid, Twenty-two years ago Johannes: burg was an isolated town of not more than 5,000 inhabitants. To-day it is a city with an estimated population of more than 100000 and a eolored Made In Tobermory Bay. Salvage operations at the spet where the Tuscany galleon Florencia is supposed to have been lost, in Tobermory Bay, Scotland, have led to such important finds during the population of upward of 200,000, while past fortnight that those in charge the immediate surrounding mining of the operations have decided to within a radius of 30 miles of the | charter a powerful suction dredger, city has fully as many more people | cdpable of clearing the ares where the within its -bounderies. majority of the undoubted relics of Here we have gathered within a ! the Florencia have been found. few miles a total of 800,000 persons, | before diving ceased where a quarter of a century ago, there was recovered a fine silver there was not ome per cent. of that lamp, of Italian pattern, quite close number, ' to where a silver candlestick was re- } Here we have established, within | covered previously, and where two that brief period well in the interior | stone cannon were found a few of Africa, a community that sends to | days ago. The zecovery of such ar- the outside world each year, $150, | ticles as silver lamps, silver plates 000,000 in mew gold, 15 vivify, stimu- | abd silver candlesticks bears out the late and sustain the financial and | story in the Spanish records, that | commercial operations of every con- [there was on board quite a fortune ! tinent, in the way of sacred vessels, silver One third of the entire sum of gold | ctucifixes, lamps, produced annually from the earth | belonging to the seven priesta who comes from the 80 miles of gold reef | sdiled in the vessel. formation which encircles Johannes- In the list of the treasures carried burg. on the Florencia were included a This suddenly credted city supplies | cfown of gold, with many jewels, and London every Monday with an aver- | the admiral's sword. The diver one age of $3,000,000 value in new gold, | day came upon the richly adorned and the keenest money changers of | basket-hilt of a sixteenth-century Paris, Berlin, New York and LorMon | rdpier. The quillons of the hilt dis i itself note with intense interest the | played beautiful filigree work, and on arrival and distribution of 'this con. | the guard was a Maltese cross, with iribution from what was but a few | ball and crown, under which was a years ago the African wilds. monogram "G.R." The guard was Fifty years, it is predicted, will | stil further ornamented with fine not curtail, much less exhaust, this | imitations of flowers and other fancy great stream of gold from Johannes | work. burg, and while that city is doing so An authority on antiquities, at muen for the business of itself and | ptesent oh holiday at Tobermory, every other portion, rural and urban, | ednsiders that the decorations of the of the earth, through its gold pro- | hilt are of gold, and this opinion is {«duetion, it is doing wery much | stréngthened by the fact that the hilt | through its development of the region | was entirely free from lime incrusta- in which it is siteated. tipns. In the records of the Clan Theatres, hotels, stores, public and | MacLean district mention is made of private buildings of the latest designs | the admiral's sword being on board and the finest types are being con- | the Florencia. The hilt found may structed at Johannesburg, sand no | of mdy not be that of the admiiral's place on earth has se much ready | sword, but it certainly is that of cash to' pay for what is desired or | some grandee, and on the Florencia needed, there were at least two such grandees Europe and America have beéen | --Don Garcia Chanez and Don Fer- called upon to furnish them more '| nando Bernadino. than 1,000 automobiles, which tra- - verse the city streets and run through the mining distriet. Gas companies . end electric light companies are doing their full share in hghting up the dark Sontinen, and the orders for mining machiner, GT GTA eden EE : got | the United States have amounted to millions of dollars to each country, and its construdtion has given work to thousands of mechanics in each of the nations named. Here is a community, a metropoli- tan city, which is largely dependent upoft Europe and America for all it uses in the way of merchandise, and which consumes. millions of dollars' worth every year of the manufactured articles of those two continents. Twenty years from now Africa will have a score of commercial centres | as great as Johannesburg in their distribution of the outputs of the mills apd shops and factories, for Johannesburg, in Africa, is bul one frontier, city of the civilisation that is sure to reach the very heart of that ! continent. The Oldest Lieutenant. The Earl of Ducie, now that Lord Spencer is no more, becomes the old- est living lord-lieutenant, having serv- ed in that capacity for Gloucester SB Bo ney 0 vy ne , jo ir Honored ranks in 1860; thus serving under . sovereigns, 1% is curious fo contemplate the fact that Tord was appointed lord-lieutenant by Palmerston to run over the list of. p 8 who have come and gone since that Yemote time. The Dulciés trace their descent to Robert Dulcie, one time Sheriff of London; who was given a baronetcy in 1629, and who, two years after, was Lord Mayor of London, He was the favorite banker of King Charles 1., to whom. he had "the honor of lending $400,000, which, it is sad to record, he had to wipe out &s a bad debt, for he never got a penny of it. Nevertheless, he succeeded in leav- ing $2,000,000 to the son who followed him in the baroneicy. This son be- tame Viscount Downe at the corona- tion of Obarles 11. but, as he diel without issue, his wealth went to a fiiecd, who married a Moreton of Moreton, and whose son was the first Ducie. i Lord Ducie spends most of his tims ut his Gloucestershire Disappointed Brides. ; Brervbod) knows the story told by Charles Dickens of the lady who kept to her room and would not suffer the wedding feast to be removed from rupted. There are three or four o in which a lifelong seclusion followed a love disappointment. Two of these ladies died in the year 1778. One of then, Mary Lydia Lucrine, a maiden lady of what was then called a "'gen- teel" fortunie--I have reason to believe tht the adjective meant something not exceeding $1,500 a year--lived for many yedrs in her pr i in Oxford street, never going oufside the rooms, andl never admitting the light of the sun. The other, whose name is not given in my authority; lved in Charles street, also wholly in her own rooms, and Mways by the light of a lamp or candle. Ten years before this in the year 1768, oye Esther Claridge died in her lodgings on Tower where she had lived for thirty-five years, never once going outside her Koma: 1t would yg if, in poi ter of love, it was t respectable #nd the right thing to do, if these matters weni wrong, to make "retreat from thé world. mediseval wo- man went into a nunnery, and there nursed a broken heart; in 3ho Jaa eeu tury she. went upstajrs, wn the . blinds, Ty avg haters and the 'ciirfaitls," lit & candle, and sat dowh in. dighity fo'weep. Her friends cage WW visit her; if she was pospess. ed of Mi el', fortune, like Mary Lydia' Lucrine, she provided tea anc cake br gomething bot, with « glas; of cordial. * HM, however, she had uo money, she had to stay at home and to go on. with the old domestie du ties. In that case ghe speedily pieced together the fragments of the broken heart and give it perhaps none the worse for the fracture and the recov- ery, to another man. Doubles' Troubles. The extraordinary Gorse Hall mur- der case in Eugland, in which the likeness of two meh to each other has been cominented upon, brings to mind the frequency of cases of "doubles." + On jie. a080pd d: o ila hearing of the char nst Crippen an Miss a Btreet Chere was resent a well-known journalist, who fad liad the unpleasant experience ¥ the police for the male prisoner. One Sunday, before it became known that Cri was on board the Montrdse, bound for Canada, 8 ser- gett and two or three constables ar- rived at this gentleman's house, and made it! clear shal, from his appear- ance, they suspected him of being the doctor Fogantel , he was able to convince them' mn re abd thé of his real iden- of being mistaken WORKING WOMEN Here is a Helping Hand---A Newton Woman's Experience. Oxford has traveled v b You know just how if is yourseli-- the Rondition of rd the - when you ate ti of the teenth century. He had tle run-down, and . fife is a'¥ y irri. | Arfived i IF Put i i Important Discoveries Have Been she table. after. the. padding wes Jota: ped | | FPTFIIIIN. 2000000000000 P00 UN000000000000000000000000000000000080008 3 : Bfass Castings, Bronze Castings, Aluminum § : stings. : § THE CANADA METAL COMPANY. I.TKITED. A OFFJCE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. Sw me arw--" rv a ph Soo ae a mn a © 7 tT B0000000000000000000 000000000 OOROIGIOITROIGS A -------- Inspecting Our Large Up-to-Date Stock Now is the time to buy a plece of natty Furniture. Fancy Solid Mahogany Parlor Chairs, Solid Mahogany Centre Tables and Jardineer Stand in Oak or Mahogany. Brass and Iron Bedsteads Brush and Bright Brass. Mahogany Dressers and Cheval Glasses and Ladies' Dressing Tables. ON SALE AT JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 bo Chestnuts, Hickory Nuts, Filberts, Wal- nats, Almonds, Peacans and Brazil Nuis, Figs and Grapes. M58 A.J. REES, 166 Mess St If You are Not at Your Best don't worry about it -- there's no good in worry, = Get better! If your stomach is wrong, your liver and bowels inactive-- your nerves arc sure to be on cdge and your blood impure. Be cheerful and hopeful. As they have helped in thousands of cases, BEECHAN'S PILLS will help you and will give your sysicm the natural help it needs. A few dosas will ialie & reat dificrenee in your feelings and your looks. They will Melp you «ll along the line--to a clear head, free from cles fo Bright cyes=to healthy active organs, This will hélp Nature to Restore Yous Full Vigor | Sesesesstsasesesstntassesestssatthntes sts Fall Fall Overcoat duit PIPIIIPIPIIG VIVO IP IIGPIVIIII IIIS 90094 sure, quick apd onic Lmily remedy Sebo 000s Your order respectfully solicited. Crawford & Walsh! Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sis. LHPIGIIIIIIFIGIVIIIS NIGP IEE I II IOI IG, Women's SHOES of Quality The - Woman, 'who. "knows," can't help but our Shes are from the kind most stores sell' They have that smart "built for found ing" just shoes " We claim oir Women's Shoes to be the perfection of Shoes mak- ing; and we assume all rink Nothing pleases us more than to have sa Woman examine closely. the leather, the lining, the style and general workmanship of our Shoes. Such buyers will appreciate our Shoes of Quality; Women's Shoes at $2, $3, $4 to $6 Shoes of all sizes and width . Shoes lor stormy days Shiges for street wear and for dress. ' The pow Napoleon, high cut, wave top Boots. Bary Shoe a leader in its clase. LH, SUTHERLAND & BO. _ notice how different you alone" appearance not