YEAR 77-8NO. 254 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1810, Whig SUES PRIEST Woman is Secking Di- vorcee From Him. "TIS STRANGE CASE THE ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN AT RENO, Brooklyn Woman to Prove Secret Marriage With Father MeGinn-- Brings Suit for Desertion in the Far West, Now York, . Nov. 3.--~Alleging that "her huvrand, Louis T. Have, is. in reality the Rev, J.ouis T. McGian, for yours widely known as a Homan Catholic privet 'n Brookiyn, Mus, Helen ¥. Hare will sue for divorce in Reno, Nev. The plaintiff, whose father was Mendrick Haste, a wealthy butch- er of Brooklyn, will charge desertion andl non-support. Mrs. Hare's story of love and Hit ternesn is stranger than any of the Reno courts have divalged. It belzing thirty years back, when she and her hushand were pupils in St. Joseph's parochial sehiool. Greenpoint, and ran on through his ddueation for the priesthood at ®t. John's College, to is appointment fs assistant pastor of Bt. Anthony's, Greenpoint, in 1805, and his assignment to the church of Bt. Mary, Brooklyn, in 1900. All this tine, Mrs. Hare says, their afisction fi: each other continued, and on November 13th, 1902, the priest per suaded her to go with him to the home of the Rev. Dr. Frederick Mortimer, Disastrous Firc at Gananoque. IN A DRYING KILN LOSS WILL BE LARGE-- EEKING HELP, A THE Kingston Asked for Ald, Which it Readily Granted--Went East on Special Train--Working Hard to Save Surrounding Factories. Epecial to the Whig Gananoyle, tat., Nov. 3.---A disas terous fire broke out in the drying kiln of the Ontario Wheel company's works about vix o'clock this morning. An alarm wus at once given and the fire brigade was promptly at hand, but considerable * headway having been made among the stacks of dry hickory rime and spokes, nothing "could be dons to save that part. Every effort was put forth to save the main part of the works and sur rounding factories. At 8.30 am. the fire was still raging and just eating its way into the main building The loss will be heavy, but cannot, gs yet, be estimated, Later--Fire in hand about o'clock. Kingston engine and brigade arrived at 9.30 o'clock, and relieved the locals. The offices only are saved: works an entire loss. They were well insured in. different companies. hundred men are thrown out of work. ten Une Kingston Ejremen Summoned, rector of St, Mark's Episcopal church, fay whom they were Ted Beoenuse of bis vows, she adds, Father Mofiinn pssumed the maiden name of his mother, and she became Mrs. Louis T. Hare. Dr. Mortimer, sly says, had no suspicion of the identity of the msn whose marriage he was soletnizing, Mrs. Hare went to live two blocks from St. Edward's church, St. Ed ward's street, to which Father Me Ging had bean transferred. One night her younger brother discovered the tn con opny. She took her hor into the seeret and pledged him tuding She, kno wial to hirasell, vw y bal Ww laorn, and to a al er other and her her patents Father McGinn were disclosed in such a way that they were brought to the attention of Bishop Charles E. Me Donnell Brshop MeDoanell tools" immediate action, Mrs. Hare says. On May 14th her husband received $100 and was laced aboard a steamer for Europe. @ went by direction to a Trappist monastery in Ireland and remained for al s. Then be returned to the Uhited ta says, to a. sent, Mrs, Hare i n the South. How long he rem e sho does not know, but she believes he is wow somewhere in the West. In Brooklyn it in said he fame back for a visit not many ago. Mrs, Hare, who is now forty years old, has been in Reno since last April. She has' not wen known as a mem ber of the divorce colony, and even © among the friends she mada there her story was not known until a week ago. At the time of her marriage she was about to go on the stage, she says. She had taken a course at the American Academy of Dramatic At and had signed a contract! to play an ingenue vart. Dut she had taken pact in only a few rehearsals before she became the wife of Father McGinn, her story runs. The charges in her suit for divores will be restricted to desertion and fail wre to provide, Depositions from friends of bars in Brooklyn will be 'offered in evidence Lo show, she says, that even before her marriage became known she was compelled to support herself, Hor baby died within a year Father McGinn won a wide sircle of The Kingston fire department was called upon for aid, Mayor Couper re- eriving word from Gananoque for as sistance, ahout eight o'clock this morning. He immediately communi- eated with Ald. Rigpey, the chairman of the fire committee, and the latter lost no time in getting the men ready. Chiel Armstrong went to the scene, with four men, the Chatham steamer and 1,200 feet of hose. 'The men who accompanied the chief were Engineer Way, and Firemen Craig, Smith and Cockade, As soon as the word was received, Chiel Armstrong had his men on the jump, aud in record time they had the steamer, and, wg of the light wag gone, eul to the otter station, which contained Ne nid everything was put' on board a flat ear in good tie, and without any mishap. what- over. The loenl train wax held over 5 short tite, so as a special train would not be necessary, and at 9.15 o'clock the train, with the local fire laddies on board, pulled out, and, twenty-five minutes later, they, were at the scene of the blaze. Chiél Armstrong roturned home from Toronto, yesterday, where he was at- tending a convention of the fire chiefs of Ontario: The news that there was a big fire in Ganptoyue, and that Kingston fire men Bad been called to give aid, soon spread around the city, and many were the anxiotw inquiries made. BIG DEAL IN TIMBER. English Company Buy Out Brown Lumber Co. Nelgon, B.C, Nov. 3.----The Domin- ion Saw Mill and Lumber company, an. English corporation already con- {rolling the Munday Lumber Co, of Three Valley, B.C, has acquired the interests ol the Bowman Lumber Co., the Revelstoke Saw Mills Co. and the Yale-Columbia Lumber Co, It is the biggest lumber deal in the his- tory cf Kootenay, and involves over a million dollars. PRANK WAS SERIOUS. Threw Boy Over Fence, His Arm. Prescoti, Cnt., Nov. 3A serious Hallowe'en prank was plaved by. a gang of young fellows herve. They were going along the street when they met a Ind named Miller, aged twelve years. They weived him, Irightened him and to seare him till move, tossed him over a nearby fence, when he fell and broke his sm. None of the offen- ders ix known, BRAZILIAN RAILWAYS. Freach 'Syndicate. Lenses Federal Roads in Bahia, Janeiro, Nov. 3A contract signed the minister of public works and a syndicate of Paris Breaking Rio was = bankers, giving the latter a lease of hig 4 the fodvral rativoude in the state of IY MEMORANDA. Sd light commiitten, 4 p.m. Fri: pT ftelaty, aunuat ; Bahia, and providing for the cons struction jof extensions of the lines. S75 mile of pou The wont of he extension is estinsated at $35.00,600; Man 107 Years Old Arrested in North BD, Nov.' JProwh LATEST NEW, Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM, The Co the Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over~Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re The pont oflice safe at Pilot Butte was broken open and 3500 stolen, The express drivers' strike in New York threatens to be extended. Edmonton YMCA, men P0000 for association = purposes six duys, IL is expected that large rolling Fills will be Joeated in Fort William, Ont. shortly. The Montreal police say the story that Sheldon, the absconding broker, was arrested in Bermuda, is false. Mayor fiaynor has written o letter endorsing the candidature of John A. Dix for governor of New York state. The C.P.R. will build four new steamers for a service between Nova Scotia ports and Boston and New York. Five . will be raised m the out of ences ha Austrak in the x colonies trol of Ethel terday, son at thousand dollar order Silver Iron shortly hundred shares of the Hawthorne Mines, limited, Canada, will be issued. Gloucester, Mass., fishermen report the mackerel eatch this vear has been the most dismal failure in the history of the industry. There is a proposal on foot to es tablish a new political party in Can- ada, which will represent the Protes- tant people of the domimion. Mra. Belva Lockwood, who twice ran for president of the United States on the suffrage ticket, just celebrated her. gightieth birthday. John MeNaughton, Tay Mills, N.S, was found in the woods with the top of u's head blown off. It is not known whether it was accident, suicide or murder. The municipal élections throughout England and Wales show a consider able growth in the labor and the so- cialist party. 'The women candidates fared badly. A counterfeiting outfit has been dis covered al 85 Perth avenue, Toronto, | the home of Albert Dow, now under as- yest, al Hamilton, on a charge of passing counterfeit money. Rev. Dr, James Carmjcheel, who re cently completed a half ventury in ser vice with his congregation at King in York county, will close his active work in the Preshytorian church on Sunday, November 27th. A blaze. that started in drapery, caused a panic among congregation of the Church of Viateur, at Outermont. There was stampede but no one was hurt. Frank W. Morse, of Montreal, former vice-president and general manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, has been ap- pointed general manager of the Chi- cago and Alten and Clover Leaf roads. J. W. McIntosh, C.P.R. colored por- ter, arrested at Toropto, on arrival of his train from Winnipeg, charged with stealing 8110 from a passenger, was discharged. The charge was wrongly laid. In the Walthamstow, Fag., bye-elee- tion, Sir J. Simon, liberal, who has been appointed solicitor-general, was elected with 16.673 votes over L. 8S. Johnson, unionist, with 13.907 votes; an increase in the liberal majority. Riotous Guelph Agricultural College tudents, who did a lot of damage Hallowe'en and let bags of flour down on thegtee performers, were Jet go with a warning by the magistrate, they agreeing to pay all damage done At Vancouver, B.C, the premier prize of the first Canadian National Apple Show of $31,000 was awarded to Kelowna, B.C, its ear of Jona being pronounced by judges to be the finest Very posal of nz uns Mr. % is retur appeal. gued, women's the ahar the at. a Evans pickles, gasoline pickle threw th setlang Firemen houses, kel, whe HER The marine and fisher will call for tenders for cons Jon of a ship for buoy service Het Montreal and Quebec. The new bhigl will be called the Dollard god will completed by about the end of summer. of ' The congregation Goderich, Ont., has cod that its call of Rev. Charles Charlottetown, PEL, has heen tained. The pulpit has been vacant tince Rew. James Anderson died last April. A BURGLAR'S DEEDS. negident onc friends yund, agin Ol injured. church] red SAW or ARRANGEMENT WE PERIAL CONFERENCE WORK. Colonies Still Colonial Office~Ethel London, stated thal a. new Sedtetary of slate ers in Chicago bad armed al 'office, met in a pkivate room in the presence of the warders short, perty, in ihe event of hi appeal half of Crippen when the appeal is are | PICKLE-MA KING DISASTER. Louis V tery store to stead. "Mrs. stove, flames the house caught fire. She seized the iville, states that Duncan Dewar, aged jlorty, living near Wife Dumb With Fear While Hus- fod beside ber ; Antonia Valentine heard a trash of sless, and o moment later saw two mer. climb Hirough «be room. Too fri TO mN- ty puntries to be Associated in New Depurtment--Crown | to be Under the Le Neve! Seen Crippen. f Nov. 3.~It js unoflicially | appointed shortly and a ove al O. of which, henceforth, will | The wrrangement has arisen © work of the imperial conler- | df recent years. Cgnady, | a, Zeng, South Africa | in New amd Newloundiand «ill be associated where they were. ww department, All the crown | will continue under the coms | the colonial; office. i Leneve had an interview, i with Dr. Crippen in the pri Pentonville, Sip obtained the na the usual WAY. The ecoupld | { res The ardorstood the where] man's interview It i= i the ¢ pro be- ; ' was decided, i 3 : | i uceessiul, obin denies the: statement he ning his: orief jo the Crippen He says he will appear on se } { i ten NEW OFFICE To Attend to Self-Gov- erning Dominions. IN BRITISH CABINET jeffort to eflect a POLICE FIRE At Garment Strikers' Mob in Chicago. CAUTION REDOUBLED SOCIETY WOMEN CONTINUE TO DO PICKET DUTY And Are Not Afraid of Likely Battles--A Citizens' Investigating Commnittee is in Session in an Rf. fort to Get the Trouble Settled. Chienge, Nov. 3.--Reports that many ok the 45,000 striking garment work- themselves in anticipation of baties with the po department created to attend to busi- lice, caused or redoubling of caution on ness with the selfgo: efumg affairs be entirely separated from the coloni the part of the police to-day. The re- ports, however, failed to frighten the society women and working girls do ing picket duty for the strikers. They were at their posts early this morning and declarad no matter how much fighting took place they would stay Following an attack on the police reserves at West North avenue and Wood street by a girl, the officers found il necessary use their revolvers yesterday for the first time. Several of the rioters also fie ed, but the "gun men' escaped. Se- veuty-five strikers were arrested. Mem- bers of a citizens' investigating com- mittee are in session, to-day, in an settlement of the to trouble. COLLECTION REMOVED. Nalls Were Taken Out of Performer's Stomach. Montreal, Nov. 3.--A man was re leased from the Royal Victoria hospi tal, the other day, who had twenty five board nails taken from his sto mach, following a swrgical operation. The man posed as a vaudeville per- former and swallowed nails as part of his stunt Most of them passed through his system, but some got stuck and he had to have the collec. tion removed. Judge Leet, in the 'recorder's court, fo-day, denounced strongly the police £vstem of treating with the disorderly s# evil, declaring that they were driving them from gue place ther without reducing the num thee of evil resorts and frequently im- { planting vice in respectable homes. t i HENRY L. STIMSON, ! New York § { Grocer Sent Gasoline Instead of uncil of Vinegar--Houses Afire. ville, Ind., Nov. 3. When Mrs. oelkel sent her son to a go | got vinegar to make | he brought back gasoline in- | Voelkel poured the over the pickels vn a hot filled her kitchen, and pot, ran out of doors and pe contents into the next yard, the house next door on fire turned streams on the tute] the pickle pot and Mrs. Voel » 1% uninjured, . i et ! SKULL WAS FRACTURED. Wile of Prominent Montreal Mer chant Injured. Montreal, Nov. 3. Moa James Dal- rymple, the wife of a prominent Mout- | When a Falling Bullet Hit Him in rea! merchant, is toria hospital fatally injured, with a fractured mm the Royal Vie skull, a8 the result of ar on Mownt Royal. Mrs. Dal- | was out' driving with some when the horses ran away and | the carriage collided with a cab. The dW tile, shot straight aevupants were thrown Violently to the Mos. Dalrymple sustained | skull, and Maitland Cola, | the party, was also seriously ; 1 SLEEPING SPOUSE SHOT. band is Slain, ~ B= ing in sleeping husband Mrs the window of 10 move oul Mrs, Valentine watched A Boy's Suicide. ] 2 4 2. While de * ihullet { playmate, Lawrenoe Barcus, trying {gers ol DEATH OF DR. LUTON One of Oldest Practitioners in St Thomas, St. Thomas, Ont., Nov. 4.---Dr. Leon ard Luton, one of the oldest practi- tioners in this city, and an ex-alder nian, died, at his home, here, Tuesday night, aged seventy-five years, after a few days' illness. He was a native ol Yarmouth, and was formerly superin: Republican candidate for governor ot | tendent of gchools in East Elgin, a coroner and county physician. A wile {and two sons, br. L. S., of St. Louis, and Dr. L. T., of Detroit, survive. He has been for years o member of the the Ontario Collpge of Phy- sicians and Surgeons. SHOT IN WOODS. Bullet Caused a Man's Death, Ottawa, Nov, 3.--A telephone mess age from New Glasgow, néar. Egan: A Stray out the there, while hunting, was accidentally shol in head and instantly Killed. the information says a man, named Cameron, in the bush, at some dis tance, was shooting not knowing any thing of the presence of the Dewsr party. A stray shot, supposedly from his rifle, was the cause of Dewar's death. DROPPED DEAD, Eye. Sullivan, Ind., Nov. killed Ralph Lisman, years old, at Payson, vesterday 8.--A falling sight . His a up into the air. Both boys stared, hoping to see the bullet descending. The bullet struck Lisman in the right ere, and he dropped dead. Canadian Nurse Dead. Detroit, Mich, Nov. 3.--Miss Mary E. Feenan, a Canadian girl, a grade ate nurse of St. Mary's hospital, De troit, i* dead, a sacrifice to the dan her ion. Bhe contracted typhoid fever three woeks ago, while caring for a patient. Miss Feenan was a daughter of Timothy Feenan, Til bury, Ont. She was g member of the Wayns County Nurses' Association and the Michigan State Nuwwes' Associa tion, The body was sent, last night, to her former home. WEATHER PROBALILIT IV Toronto Nev. 3. 180 am- jana.) alley and Upper ks Lowrencen-- No ~east and east nds; Uy 6 and cold (« -drr and Prides, ¥ alr te ---- IN A Vision Dream Brought to Him a Bride. JUDGE ANDERSON BROUGHT TO MEET HIS SWEETHEART. Ont et ELIA NEWS 4 Plain Figuré Prices ON EVERYTHING WE SELL. Vision Revealed Wiglowhood of Mis- souri Judge's Early Sweetheart and Wedding Followed=--A Time of Real Joy. Independence, Mo., Nov. 3.--As result of a strange dream last mer Judge A, iL. Anderson has the Sin just | his In a word, we give fairness tor brought a bride from Ohio to confidence. hat is the way asd the home here. j only way to build up a big Business, {and the success of this store in a Thirty-five years ago Judge Ander- | son was a singing school teacher in! 1AT&e measure is to this fact due. We treat all our patrons as friends the Buckeye state. Miss Mary Wig. gins attended the school wid the two RS area RlaA were sweethearts, "Then thelr paths ONE--PRICE--TO--ALL, divided and each wax married In the course of time her husband and his wife died. Judge Anderson months ago that his erstwhile heart was a widow and that if ever met the old romance would be renewed. He wrote to his old home n Ohio, told a cousin of the dream and asked what had become of her who had been Mary Wiggins. His cousin told him that the sweetheart was a widow and that her name was Davie, Then the judge wrote to her He received so kindly an answer that w hurried cnstwalthy where early yopes finally were | (alized. A MIGHTY sTORM TO-DAY WE'RE OFFIRING VERY SPFIAL VALUES Jacket Cloths TWEED EFFECTS, dreamed a fou sweet they BEAVERS, DIAGONALS, BLANKET CLOTHS, BEAR SKIN, his EIDERDOWN, CARACUL, MELTONS, ETC, All Marked in Plain Figures. Has Done Damage and Caused Loss $1.50 of Life. Rome, Nov, 3.--A tremendous storm has been raging alon: th western oast of Italy for the past twenty our hours, working great havoc not wmly to shoping, but pro erty on shore. A numer vessals ave already been driven whore and wrecked with? it is feared, wavy loss of lide. Many have been Dlown down at various tees, the greatest loss in this way wing done to the Indidings beng rected near Rome for thy geoal ine erations] exposition next spring. he Sardinian pavillion, one of the lary st of the exposition buildings, was ompletely demolished and tn work men were buried under the debs, four d them being taken out dead The | tom was. accompanied by a heavy all of rain and floods, in various lo alities, are reported to have result A d. p> White Rearskin Cloths at $1.75, 52.25 Scarlet Coating for Childrea at $1.35, $1.50, 82.00. Call and see how easy it here: You'll be delighted + ¢ ¢ TEACY'S gor is to shop also to of SEDR Or / ha dl & OVERTISE 4 TO ENGAGE FEATURES. BORN. ' MURRAY At Jones Falls, Oct. 27th 1819, to Mr. and Mes. John J. Mur- ray, of Foster's Lock, a son Has Left Trip. Toronto, Nov, 3.-Two yphoid fever, reported to day, v total of twelve traced to ons Iniry doing usiness in Toronto. The ater used in washing the mil: 8 believed to be responsiblo, Dr. J. Orr, general manages of 'anad:an National Exhibition o- morrow, for Europe to bo aways nonth. This is bis annual tei ecure military Lands and gmusen: ot or the exhibition. WINNIPEG'S POPULATION, wx. Orr for Annual of make cans DIED, POPE~-In Kingston, on Nov. rd 1510, Thomas Nobis Pope. Fanergl will take place from his late residence, 165 Celrgy Sireet, at 2.30 pm, Baturday aftternocr Friends and sequaintadces respectfully In- vited to attend 5 ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 577. £80 Princess Street JAMES REID The Old Firm of 1 254 and 206 PRINC) 'Phone 147 for Am FARLOR SUITE. Two Setees, Rocker, Arm and Small Chalr, in Birch, Mahogany, and Raw Slik coverings, in best of condition, 3.00, at TURK'S. "Phone 765 Finest Slect (Oysters --8olid Meats Only.- Always Fresh Jas. Redden & Co. | IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES mall Cans ------ ireat Guessing Contest Now in Pro- gress. Winnipeg, Nov. 3. thn opulation of Winnipeg is once more the popular game, and guesses rig all he way from 175,000 to the even 200 . 0. Canvassers working for the Hen ferson Directory are credited with stat ng that ten thousand new names will ve added to the city directory this year, which would bring the populs- tion to 195,000. Civic officials who ire closely in touch with such matters we confident that the official figures will be over 175,000, Estimating Tidings From Tamworth, Tamworth, wov, 2.-The concert held under the suspices of the Ladies' Aid on Thauksgiving wight, in the vil lage hall, was a grand success. Pro coeds were about Clayton Taylor, wife and daughter, of Lyn, visited his brother, on Thanksgiving day. Miss Marian Wheeler, Miss Reid and Archi bald Wells, Kingston, visited | P. Wells on Thanksgiving. Thomas Hark- ness, Kingston, is visiting here. Mr. and Mre. Lockwood, of Napanee, spent Sunday and Monday with J. A. Hun fer. Mas. John Sherman, Kingston, is visiting friends here. he -- Shot the Lad in Foot. Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 3 - William i , East Flamboro, is under arrest, on the charge of shooting at a lad, named Job, Monday last. Job thtew a stone af Burnistone's horse, and, thereupon, Burnistone fired a re- volver at him, the bullet striking Job on the foot and secessitating his re moval to the city hospital. Dr. Lake Elected President. Perth, Nov. 2-The B.Y.P.N. Central Canadg i held ifs Mr. KILLED ON BAILROADS, Deaths in One Year In United States Were 3.804. Washington, Nov. 3-"Killed 3 801 - injured, 52.374." This is the casualty record for the rallioads in the United Btates doting the year ended Jone 30th last, steording to the Trdersinis Commerce eonumission. It 1» an in cease of 1,013 in the numer. Killed and 18454 in the sande ialwed over the previous year's Ggputes. There wore 5.861 collisions, killing 433 persons and injuring 3.705, and damaging railroad property $4,689,279. In the year's 5,910 derailments 0 persons were killed and 4814 in jured. During the last three months of the year the total killed oF injured was 2.650, Cooke's Anuivertary. Anniverstry services in cbpnertion with Cooke's Prewbeterian chiarch will