Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1910, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, " ---- wim---- se ---- ----- 4 - } t ry = . " . Nature implanted in the Coffee berry all the DID HE SUICIDE ?! PROF. WATSON AT GLASGOW. : ) THE FRONTENAC ingredients to produce a healthful, invigorating : ® Delivering Lectures on "Interprets. -- [LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCINTY. ------ 1 tion of Religion." ! : A | Presideat--Sir Hichard Usrewright, | Money Issued on Clty and Farm Pro- drink. In | vaxion v ARE VANISHED IXY Tar m SH wre The Glasgow Herald says that the | Toenie sued sa City and Pur ive. | Gifiord lectures on patural theology | | tures. Mortgages purchased. "Deposica i Lhave been entrusted this year in the ! received and Interest allowed. NCVYEMBER 3, 1910. PAGE SEVEN. - -- -- -- re e---- } i VE -------- Seal Brand Colfee P all the natural ingredients are retained. Sold in 1 and 2 1b. Cans only. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. A New Laxative 30 much better. than ordinary physics. While thoroughly effective, they never gripe, purge or cause nausea, and never lose their effectiveness. best of the NA-DRU-CO line. 25¢. a box. If your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25¢. and ve will mail them. Mational Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, 120 One of the the best known to modern medicine ~is the active principle which makes . The * Edelweiss" flower is the sym- bol of perpetual purity. "EDELWEISS" BEER LOCAL AGENT, E. BEAUPRE, KINGSTON. is the rarest, best and purest beer in all Canada. "Edelweiss" is not only a delightfully refreshing drink ~--'tis a wholesome food as well Drank with meals it aids the diges- tion and tones up the entire system. A beer brewed especially for tem- perance folks. Bohemian Hops-- pure malt and filtered water. That's all. Brewed by REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO TEL. 313. ~~ HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR Sugar is one of the best, and most widely used foods. Would you risk your health for the sake of a few cents on a hundred pounds of sugar? Buy only 1 EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR Its Purity and Quality cannot be questioned, Compare it with any other and note PARIS LUMPS When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., ~ MONTREAL, CANADA. Established in 1854 by Joka Redoath the difference in color. Limited 0 > FOOT OTHES Every sth ry match a ory hight a ven flame. + we De-Light" for moker--Try a Always Srary in Canada, EDDYS MATOHE "HAPPY HOME" RANGE the : r Box. ; Mysterious Disappearance | Northern Lumber Camp of Man | Who Hinted at Murder. : Fort William, Nov. 3.--A few days 'alter he had told his hoyhood friend, | (W, C. Murphy, of the firm of Murphy | 'and Adlifi, owners of a lumber camp ; north-west of here, for whom he was i working, that he would willingly hahg Id he could kill three bunchoed him out a fortune, ( harles Thompson, forty-six years of age, borrowed a revolver from the camp wok and disappeared in the dense | forest. He is thought to have com- mitted suicide. } News of the man's disappeatanco nearly two weeks ago was brought to the «ty, br Mr. Murphy, who has since . had his entire crew of men | searching the surrounding country. | Thompson had neither hat nor cont; men who "had | "From University of Glasgow to Prof. John ! Watson, of the chair of moral phil- osophy, Queen's University, Kingston, Cenada. Prof. Watson will deliver two courses of lectures, his subject being "The Interorstation of Religious Ex petichee," The Herald in referring to the first lecture of the first course, which was givin in the humanity class room of the university, says : "Prin- cipal Sir Donald MacAlister intro duced Prof. Watson as one of the most distinguished of their alamni, and ss one whose reputation as a philosopher in the dominion of Canada had long extended to this country. "Prof, Watson expressed the pleasure he felt in finding himsell back in his old university, after an absence of thir- ty-tight years. The main object of the Jectures, he said, was to determine whether and how far a reconstruction of religious ideas might be necessary i 2 # 2 y and could searely have reached civiliag- | in view of the complexity of modern tion, as he Murphy later learned had threatened to commit Thompson was ohoe a prosperous busi- that the man A Trinmph in Surgery. | Woronto, Nov. 3.--When Norman Al- len, Sutton, Ont., ent the main artery in his weeks ago, he lost so much blood that the dottors despaired Hf his life. His vounger brother volunteered and surgeons decided to try the transfu- sion of blood, first of such operations in Canada. At the general hospital blood was pumped out of one brother into the other, and both have now re- covered. They were presented to pro- minent surgeons of the United States and Canada as marvels of the triumph of modern surgery. Bank Clerk's Shortage. N.Y., Nov, 3.-Ofticials of the National Union Bank are en- deavoring to locate Carl H. Hohe, a bank clerk, who left the employ of the bank on Cetober 24th to go west, The bank was consolidated yesterday' with the National Bank and Loan company: into the Northern New York Trust compaoy, of which Viee- President Sherman is a director. In checking up the hooks a shortage of 113,000 was found in those kept by { Rolw. 'The Union bank made good the afleged defaleation. Brigands Kidnap Girl. Mexico City, Mexico, Nov. 3.--At the request of U, 8. Consul Miller, rurales were started in pursuit of brigands who kidnappetl Grace Rolph, the six- teen-year-old daughter of Dr. B. M., Rolph, of Pender, Neh., from a ranch | near Chicoy, Temaulipas. The desper- adoes first rifled a safe in the ranch office and then fled, taking the Ame- | rican girl with them Peary and the Navy. { Washington, D.C., Nov, 3.--Captain | Robert 15. Peary, the Arctic explorer, ! {returns to active duty in the Vaited! | States navy department on November {9th, as engineer expert for the de | | partment of justice in oases before! {the court of claims involving con- § struction work for the paval bureau of yards and docks. -------------- Called to London Church. London, Nov. 3.--The quarterly board of Askin street Methodist-chugch has decided to extend a call to Rev. G. W. Henderson, Peterboro, to become. their pastor next June, in sucressicn to Rev. A. K. Birks, presi dent of the London conference. Watertown, i "It pays" to buy rubber woods, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. A woman is foolish to resort to! tears unless she has a lot of confidence | in her complexion. Best's short stop cures all coughs, for 15 cents, A man seldom has any money. Be- fore he gets married he spends it; af- ter marriage his wife spends it. i Fawn coats dry cleaned. My Valet. | It's surprising how well the average man gets alohg - when you consider | how worthless he is. Eczema is | Not Fatal But its torture increases as it spreads over the body until it makes life a burden. It is cured by '1 Dr.Chase's Ointment So many have eczema of one. form or another and do not know it. The constant itching annoys them, but they scarcely realize how the disease is gradually spreading and becoming more ak ravated. Partieulagly duriig. cold weather, when exposed to sudden changes and dampness, this ailment ecomes mor severe, gnd during the night, w the S0dy is warm, sufferi and sleep almost en 4 There is cure in the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. This healing, sooth- ag pispatation rings almost imptant from the distressing itching. the course of a few days the heal ing process sets in, and it is only a question of time and persistent appli- cation of the ointment until cure is Mr, Fred W. Clack, Petworth, Ad- dington counts, Omt., writes: ~My mother had éczema in voth legs for about twenty vears. She doctored for a long time, apd tried everything for | was without provisions, | suicide. | ness mah of Pembroke, Ont. [i be devoted to leg with a sharp chisel, some} (and, | vagrancy. Watertown. is intense bag thought. An enquiry would first be made into the origin and development of Christianity, but in the course of that enquiry particular attention the theological interpretation of religion and especial ly to the influence upon it of phil osophy."' Prof. Watson went on to show that religion was 4 life as well as a creed and a ritual. Religion did not con: sist in ceremonial and ritual, since a man who had no belief in the divine, therefore, no reverence for it, might perform the so-called religious act of worship and yet be essentially jrreligious. No man could be religious who had not a belief in the divine, but it did not follow that he was able to throw his belief into a systematic orm, much less that he could persent the rational grounds on which it rest ¢d. The lecturer went on to speak o the untenable position of regarding faith and reason ag abstract opposites and he argued that the relation be tween faith and reason could not Ix that of mutual exclusion; faith coule differ from reason only iu being an im- mediate or intuitive exercise of rea son, while reason was simply explicit faith. Religious faith was not fixed once for all, but grew and developed with the growth and development o experience as a whole. COMPLAINED TO THE POLICE. Stated That Men Were Stealing Hi Coal, * Very much excited a man walked into the polices. station Wednesda: morning, and complained to the me that some people were making a rai on his coal bin and that he wanted the police to go and stop them. "There are about forty men and a dozen or so rigs there," he exclaimed "They ave carrying away the coal a fast as they can." From the way in which the mas acted the police could, see that lu was not in his right mind and he was removed to his home as speedily a possible. On the way to his home he imagined all sorts of things and the constable who had him in charge had his hands fol] Jooking after him. The unfortunate man, so it appears has just suffered a severe illness and his story about the theft of his coal was all imagination. He was report ed to be in better health to-day. ----r------ Christmas Buying. To he done satisfactorily Christmas buyinz should be done early. Gifts should be selected when they are first put on sale. Many firms are alread; making their Xmas ° display--only seven weeks more. Among the early ones is a display of dressing cases and manicure sets at Best's. The wrice to evar this first lot out 'is very tempting. One third off regular price is offered. Many will take advantage of this opportunity to save many dollars. i Reported as Undesirables. Immigration Inspecior Geoghegan forwarded to the department at Ot tawa last evening a report concerning John Pennett and his wife, of Gou verneur, N.Y., under arrest here for The inspector recommends that the couple be deported as unde sirables, which will likely be done next week when the necessary author ity arrives. Horse Should Have Been Shot. The Watertown farmer whose horse was refused admittance here by the customs last Friday; took the ani mal back to the Cape, and drove the poor beast all the way from there tc If the horse bad appear ed on Kingston streets, Humane In spector Arniel weuld have taken pos session of it before it had proceeded a hundred vards and had it shot. Is Leaving Belleville, A dissolution of partnership having taken place in the firm emsrs. Faidlaw & Ketcheson, Belleville, ' the former is ab®ul to leave the city. On Saturday evening Mr. Laidlaw was the recipient, on behalf of the employees of the store, of 3 handsome travelling ang address. John Laidlaw j= a brother of PD. G. Laidlaw, Kingston. Vital Statistics. During-October, t » register. ed in the city decks office, 35 barthe, 16 marriages and 27 deaths, -------------------- "Marshmallows," fresh, at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. g Dr. F. i Merchant, Shivl provincial inspector separate schools, has been to visit Essex, Kent and other localities where what are known as bi-lingual schools - +8 Gy MeGlLL, Maaaxiag Director, §7 Clarence Bireet * -- COAL Try WM. DRURY, 235 WELLINGTON STREET. 'Phone 443. ih \ ge » 5 . "nr THOMAS COPLEY, - ~ PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Plue Street when wanting anyihing done in the Carpen- or line Kstimates given on all kinds of répalrs and new work Hardwood Floors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt attention. Ship." 60 Queen Street Loa +4 WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. 3 Furnjlure Bules given special at- FOR STORM GR SUNSHINE. fi Ogltntry Sales of Farma e FASHION-CRAFT Combination Coat © cANADAS BRST © avilid Port is the Ontario Grape Grow. FOR FALL AND WINTER ux and Wine Manufacturing Company's RINE SE Sih ane a burs Ld pert { No harness or hooks--easily adjust- ||| eit,cop vn 2 gawis, Gosden ed--No freak, but a high grade gar- ment of utility. € Made in all classes " and of matenals and suitable for all seasons. er Hw rE SS Prices $15.00 to $35.00 RE er Rest rafurences given SHOP OF a LT E P. Jenkins CONSUMERS Clothing Co. Are the life savers of the Gas indus try. The real fact seems to be that 114 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. Btock,ete., have been my speciality for ong Joie. If farmers want the high dollar, get my services. MARKET SQUARE. J. E .Hutcheson SUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. advantages obtained by the for the present the many use of Gas lighting and cooking better time are at under stool than they were a quarter of a century ago, which accounts for the popu lated areas. Everywhere Gas appenrs foothold. "Tce 'ried always rapid development in the newly to be gaining Fhe fact is * - a permanent Insure Your Airship ? woe. If you haven't one, them INSURE YOUR LIFE, If you don't think that's worth lusuring, then INSURE YOUR PROPERTY If you have ne property, INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST ACCIDENT. In any case call on J. K. CARROLL, 14 Market St. CHEAP~--CLEAN~~CONVENIENT. firgston LH, & Power Co C. CO. FOLGER, Gen. Manager, We own and offer --to net 0% ~ $1,500,000 Dominion Steel Corporation Limited FIVE-YEAR 5 PER CENT. DEBENTURES Dated 1st November, 1910 Due 1st November, 1915 Principal and Interest payable at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, Montreal, New York, and London, England. Interest payable 1st May and 1st November. Redeemable as a whole or in part at 102%; and accrued interest at the Company's option on any interest date upon thirty days' notice. Denominations--$500, or £102 143. 10d. The principal of the Debentures may be registered. Tbe legal opinion of Messrs. Blake, Lash, Anglin €& Cassels, Toronto, will be furnished. The following salient points of this issue are taken from a letter addressed to us by the President of the Dominion Steel Corporation under date of October 18th I. Issue is limited to $2,500,000. 2. During the life of the 3 per cent. Debentures no mortgage lien will be placed on the assets of the Dominion Steel Corporation. 3. Security---$19,776,300 (98 8.10%) Common Stock of Dominfon fronand Steel Company and $14,648,200 (97 6.107) Common Stock of the Dominion Coal Company, aggregating $34,424,500 out of a total of $35,000,000 actually outstanding. 4. Present market prices for these stocks tedicate an equity behind this issue of Debentures of spproximately $21,000,000, or 14 times the t of the Deb es now § d. 8. Net earnings applicable to dividends on the Common Stock held by the Dominion Steel Corporstion for the year 1909 after deducting depreciation and payment of Fixed Charges and full Preferred Dividends were $2,446,834, or an amount more than sufficient to retire the present issue of Debentures. 6. Net earnings for 1909 sufficient to pay the annual interest charge of $75,000 on the Debentures outstanding thirty imes over. . Subject to sale, we offer the above Debentures at 95.73 and accrued interest to delivery, and strongly recommend them as a well-secured and desirable investment When you require a new range examine the 3 "Happy Home"---handsome in appearance, ccon- 9 omical in fucl, large ventilated oven, and every range fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- it, but got no relief until a friend ad- vised her to use Dr. Chase which she got. _ "She found that Dr. Chase's Oint- 4 tare in operation, make o s Ointment, ' amination into the whole situation, jand report as to the actual condi. ment gave her relief, so she got tions. - Cleaning and ing. Vi some more continued this treat 3 fn . ment faithfully, until now she is en orueity to animale in Tol The CPR. tirely cured of wi I don't think yielding 6 per cent. x Send for descriptive circular. J Domsion Securrmes GrporaTion CANADA LIFE BLDG. MONTREAL. OWING STEAST TORONTO. NOMI OOOOOOOOOOGO0 LONDON :-ENG- wp

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