THE DATLY BRITISH wala, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, sie DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 206-310 King rE Kingston, tario, at 38 J per year. itions at % 30 and 4 o'e Ww rEbLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages. M pe ubiished in Mon day and hursday morning To United States, Charge postage had to be added mak ing p price of Dally $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per yea itached is one of the best "ob, Print 3 Offices in © a: rapid, stylish, In: cheap work; nine improved presses TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church St. Torento, H. E. Smallpeice, J.P. representative. Daily Wibig. THE PARTY OF SHAMS. The tory party is again being ad- vertiveil ax the party that follogs the flag. It was this party, however, which, during a debate on the national po- liey, declared that if British connec- tion could not stand the strain so much the worse for British connection. It was this party that, later, and when a British preference was proposed demurred, demanded from Britain a quid pro quo. f It was this party which was repre sented by the. man, who, in Drummond att Arthabaska, wanted to shoot Y | holes in the British flag, and asked what Fugland had ever done for Canada 7 It was aD [ party which, through Sir Hibbert upper, advertised the mother country as a power which used its navy to force on civilized lands the purchase of its wares It was this party Lord Elgin, as the the king, and now Bourassa when he flings insults Earl Grey. ate At is this party that "has a leader who ig afraid to show himself when a who practically endorses the anti-British campaign in Drum- mond 'and Arthabaska and excuses himself on the ground that he not presumably know of any doing. It is this party that is guilty of all the shams that can be practiced in the name of loyalty. It's & record of which it can have a menopoly. Hanger and Fastener is the only ideal Sash Hanger and Lock. clamps the sash firmly at top, middle and bot- It tom. Hold at Corbett's, that rotten-egged representative of applauds Henri at Cedar Shingles are still of Our on top many of the oldest houses in this city, doing daty crisis is on, i # he same as ever 8. Anglin & Co. Cor Wellington and Bay Sts, TELEPHONE No. 66. does wrong- - FANATICISM RUN MAD. Logical Remedy for Eczema. Mr. Lavergne is Mr. Bourassa's echo. Many difieront remedies have been He was willing to leave the commons 0 02¢ ski di : : 3 rate. et sta mow known that, the 1m order to help in smashing the Que only possible cure is a mild, soothing bie government, and he was as ob liquid made up of Oil of Wintergreen, noxious and troublesome as possible. Thymol, Glycerine, and other ingre- Ho wanted the French lariguage used dients so carefully compounded that . . . each ingredient has its proper effect. the legislature and in its literature This, compound is now made up in and records, He wanted the French the D.B.D, Prescription. Ton years of language used by the railway com- sucosus and thousands of cures show panies and on their posters, announce: derful d . the merit. of thie wonderful comPound. menty--and - tioketa.. 1 he could hav pe . i corner tril tof the remedy by any eczema suf- his way French would be the only lan ferer. guage spoken in Quebec and in Can- BON wil prove to xan that you oi dhe or stant il. . Sid But he did not do the Quebec gov- Write the D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. ernment much damage. Neither did WW., 19 Colborne street, Toronto, for My. Bourassa or Me. Prevost, who was Neth isin bottle and prove its won- og po department because he eo. W. Mahood, druggist, could not administer it properly and Bago! and Princess streets. nedigtely went into opposition. It a peculiarity of an occasional Fe nehman that he must be "It" on BibBY (] CAB STAND he will change his allegiance, or he will still call himself a liberal or =o Phone 201 ecnservative and fight his party with ,« DAY OR NIGHT all the bitterness of a born enemy. By the way, this is not a peculiarity of the French only. There are in On Our C: stal Brand tario several persons who turned their up aysal. Sugar 1s ua- political coats on short notice and eae for preserving or table use. they are the most venemous of their DREW kind, an Mo ontario Sree. | 'The point is that Mr. Lavergne-- * this man who is sp wicked in his op* Cools Cotton Root Compound. : position to the liberal party--calls himself a liberal yet, and predicts that the liberals in the federal and local houses will be defeated in the noxt election, And then? Does he suppose tha nationalism which ho preaches will become popular anywhere outside of Quatue ? Cov NCILI LORS IN DANGER, Is the law like the rain from heaven, which falls upon the just and unjust alike? Can it be possible that the § count Sounsillors wha java Fh hone refuge Dm the irs Sho don't ? What ® un odd ontcome of the mandamus pro- R ovedings that would be--to make the % innceent suffer for the sins of the ¥ guilty !~Hamilton Herald. 'This has reference to the difficulty 'that has arisen in Haldimand county with reference to a county refuge. The county in question has not a place in which the poor, the helpless and 'homeless poor, may be sent. At one shovld Jaddeuly lose Its 3 | of combustion, can -- fancy how & this world would look and live? | THE REMEDY. 3 fact that they were without the means of livelihood, Herald sees the inproping of | pun- ishing those who agree to the reform as well as those who opposed it. There ought to be some way of en forcing a law without imprisonment. Disobedience of a statute, on the part of a councillor, is pot u criminal of- fetice, aud the council of Haldimand may be willing to make a test of the act. Haldimand's experience is inter- esting to every county in Ontario. CHANGE ACROSS THE LINES. The democrats won in most of the state elections on Tuesday, and they will be in command of the House of Representatives, if not of the senate, Several members of the select cham- ber intimated their intention of drop- ping oit a while ago. They probably read the signs of the times aright, and concluded that it were more agreeable to retire than to invite de- feat, The way is, therefore, cleared, by a remarkable change in the popu- lar vote, for a change in the nation- al legislature, and two xpars hence for a change in the national gov- ernment, unless the reverse suffered by the republican party has a recovering effect. The fact that most of the states vis ited by Mr. Roosevel(, in the interests of new nationalism, have gone demo- | cratic Will be interpreted as an em- phatic repudiation of the man. The situation, in view of Mr. Roosevelt's aggressive activity, certainly admits of this inference. It may be that collapse and calamity would have come in any case: The republicans had quarrelled among themselves, and over the greatest of political evils, the spoils. In congress the opposing forces, the regulars and insurgents, de- clared war upon each other, and in successive clashes showed that they | meant to finish each other, and in- cidentally they have finished the party, | and all that it represented. | Mr. Roosevelt came on the scene when the battle was on, he seemed to espouse the cause "of the insurgents. At any rate he was against boss rule whenever and ever it was in evidence, and presently | he found himself acting as a dictator | sad undertaking to sweep bis party free of the crooks, the corruptors, and the casuals who constitutate the con- tingent that will not hesitate at any- thing in order Lo win an election. The Cannon combination, too, which #0 long ruled with an iron hand, ceived notice to quit, and so cleavage widened until there scarcely any hope of the party viving the conflict. Mr. Taft may have concluded that the purification might as well be made complete, and Mr. Roosevelt, who asked for no fa- vouis, became a means to an end. The democrats have been a long time out of office, and they may have among their leaders the men who can give the people the kind of govern: ment which they want. At any wate the opportunity will presently be theirs, and if they fail the fault will be their own. Two years hence the president will either offer for re-elec- tion, or a new man, will claim the honor. The people will be respected, and the promises that candidates make to them will be redeemed. The re publicans have not kepr their pledges, and they have been punished accord- ingly, : Meanwhile Roosevelt is dead politi- cally. He is a great man, and very forceful in his character. But he was a trifle coarse in some of his methods and sometimes his conduct was so overbearing that it caused resentment. His big stick has lost ita terrors. He can put it away forever. and how- EDITORIAL NOTES. The democrats in the United States ure doing something this fall. Roosevelt said the republicans in New York state would defeat the de mocrats "to a frpzzle."" Who's ras dled now ? Fifty thousand dollars is an entire ly safe reward for the production of Belle Elmore, and one million dollars would have been equally so. + Some Canada, with tender thoughts, to- y day recalls the memory of Edwaid, the Peacemaker. This is the day of his birth in 1841. He lived to good pur pose, His name will "hold » place alongside his illustrious mother, Queen ; Victoria. bas in it sch posnibil shording ' 8 ocd and ais like both Pius "a DRIVER WAS INJURED ERNEST SERIOUS WATTS VICTIM ACCIDENT. Was Crushed Between Shafts of Rig Building--Mishap Occurred Tuesday Afternoon-- and Wall - of Frederick Andre's Miraculous Es.| cape in Fall Off Ladder. Ernest Watts, living on street, and employed as a dniver for the Shedden company, received serious injuries, in an accident, which occurred about five o'clock, on Tuesday after noon. He is confined to his home and is undei the care of Dr. A. W. Rich ardson. - The accident occurred in the lane way at Wlrmwith's piano factory. Mr. Watis was driving out of the lane, and leading the horse, when the animal t suddenly to one side, and as a result he was crushed between the shafts and the wall of (he building. A | couple of ribs were broken, and. it is | feared that he also suffered other in- ternal injuries. He was™sttended by Dr. Richardson and removed to his home. Mr. Watts is well-known around the | city, and evervone was very sorry to hear of the mishap. He is unmarried, and a son of Samuel Watts. Fell Off a Ladder. Frederick Andre, RATTOW escape injuries, if not fatal, in on Wednesday morni an accident, in He has been i in shingling « 3 house on Johnson street, near Bagot About eight o'clock, he was going up | work, commence his the roof, the ladder, to and when about' near fell. Luckily, he was able to grasp hold of a rung of a ladder, and this way was able to break the fall, and no doubt, this was the means saving his life. He was stunned for a few moments, but was able to get up and go into the house. He suffered go bad shaking up, but no bones broken. After Mr. Andre grabbed at the | ladder, it also worked out of its place 'and fell with a crash. Several people were passing at the time, and they thought sure that Mr. Andre would have been seriously injured. The accident was purely accidental, One of the other workmen told (he | Whig that it might have locked to some lite a case of carelessness, but this was not so. It was purely an a¢ cident, which was liable to ocous any job of this Kind. of on HARD TO GET MEN. Marine ( Captains Have Their Troubles. of "I cannot recall the time when men | , Were so scarce as at the present time," remarked a captain on a vessel, run- ning out of Kingston, to the Whig, this morning.™ His vessel was ready to make a trip, and he was compelled to remain ig port for the reason that he was unable to get men to go ont with | him. All the marine men have been com- plaining about the difficulty in secur: mg men. Some men make a couple of trips on a vessel, and then they are gone. Sometimes a boat is all ready to go out and the men fail to show up. Truly, running a boat is not all sunshine. M. T. Co's elevator : Tug Bartlett, from Montreal, two light barges; tug Mary P. Hall, from Montreal, light barges: tug Bartlett cleared fo Oawego, with barge Kingston, to load coal; tug Hall cleared for Montreal, with three grain barges; steamers Ke rora and Saskatoon, grain laden, from Fort William, are due, to-day, and the steamer Stormount is due to arrive on Thursday. The sloop Ariadne cleared for Deser- onto to load freight. The steambarge Jesca, passed on her way to Montreal, with a cargo of canned goods. At Swift's wharf : Steamer Aletha, dowrand wp, to-day; steamer Belle ville, due, up, to-night; steame: Neepa- wa coaled on her way up. The government hoat Kingston dry dock for days, being painted, morning. The stoambarge Juno, which ran aground near Northport, early Sunday morning, was released, yesterday, by the Donnelly and the Saginaw. They brought her down here last evening and she will go in the Kingston dry left there this doek, to-day, to ascertain the damage | douse to her. It is not thought that the damage will be serious. WILL TAKE RIVER ROUTE. Wili Start Night Boat Boat to Alexandria | slay. - The Oswego, N.Y., Times says: Pro-! spects are bright for a night steamer rionaing from Oswego, N.Y. to the Thousend Islands next summer. Two gentlemen from upper lake ports were conferring with A. H. Mowry, regard: ing ths matter, It is planned to have | the line start running in June, 1911. The boat will start at Charlotte and The plan as at have the boat ve pos' 2 Rost will stop at Oswego Wednesday, Friday and Swnday, at three o'clock OF Rideau | a carpenter, had a | from receiving serious | ini two | { Bayfield, in | the past few | I; Specialists fn distases of Skin, Biced, id, Nervea. Bladder aod Special ri ments visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free 'opinion and ad- vice. Question blank and kX on diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished fin tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2 to 6 pan. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toronto Street, Torente, Out. Payment Plan | Men's Suits ahd Overcoars, many i styles apd patterns, $19 to $18 each Men's Sweater Coats, Socks, Shirts, I Un derwedar, Heavy Winter Pants, at ! lowest prices Also Ladies' wear, etc | Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for | Women and Children All kinds of Jewellery Blankets at low prices Easy payments 'Jos. B. Abramson, 4 COLBORNE STREET. Suits, Skirts Under» Men and Flannel KINDLY REMEMBERED, the | ladder, in some manner, slipped and he | Kingston Shipbuilding Co. Em- ployees Make Presentations. James McKellar, the retiving super intendent of the Shipbaild ing company, and George Kane, the retiring foreman, were presented with a gold mounted umbrella each by the men in the employment of the com pany, last evening. The presentation which was made by Neil Munsey, keeper, took place in the top flat of the new building. Mr. Munses half of the men, presented Mi NM Kellar and Mr hans with the um biellas a token of their apprecia of the good sprit which prevail the men, while they had charge of them. Hoth Mr. Mchellar and Mr. Kane thanked the men for their kind remembrance of them, and trusted that the new men in charge would find things as agreeable as they had found them. J. RB, Ja succeed Mi arrived { ---- At the Orpheum. three Charbeno Brothers, their soul-stirring, puise-quicke ning novelty act, 'The Slide of Death," the headliner at the Orpheum Theatre for the first three days of this week This act has been brought here by the management, al an enormous expense, {and is certainly worth seeing. This troupe only plays at the large houses, as the salary they receive will not warrant the smaller houses in showing them. Charles H. Saunders almost created a panic with his. funny, orig- inal jokes, made upon the spot He gives an entirely new show at every performance, The show is up-to-date in every respect Kingston store , on be as tion od among kson, of Collingwood, will McKellar. He has alieady --- The in is Assessment Reduction Small. The C¢ Revision Mas heard a sessment appeals from six of the seve wards of the city, and the of W. 8S. Gordon has been reduced in less than $5,500. It is not likely that tho total reduction on the assessment of nearly ten millions will be more than $10,000. The rcductions made ! yesterday afternoon - in Front na: {were John Tutler, statute labor off; Mary Cenrov, $200 off; John Haztett £200 «ii four properties: David thinto mn R100 of; S. H. Miller, $200 of; | Bingleton, income off; William Snow. i jen, $400 off two properties; H. Watts, wi itcome Nurses' Home Benefit. The Bijou theatre, which was used for the befisfit of the general hospital | Nurses' Home, Monday and Tuesday, realized quite a large sum. The house {both days'was packed to the doors by the friends oi the institution and fat times it was found difficult to ae 'tommodate the crowd. The Nurses Alumnae sold and, the tickets, acted as ushers, door-keepers and did most of the work tion with {the venture, urt of - assessiont 1875 i took in conne A Text for "Christmas. Buffalo Times There is a fine test for Christmas {essays and sermons in the statement tof Hery Lloyd-George that the coun tries of the world are spending annu ally £150.000,000 (%2,250,000,000) apon their machinery of destruction. In twenty yours there has been an in crease of L£300.000,000 (31,000,000,000; per annum on this expenditure. Cures The OLD ath afternoon. An extra trip will be . Chariot f ng | Dieovred by 2m 10 it fails to cure. 25c. mg Medicine icine Cor Cetin alam: We are totsestcd to say to you thet a wohl yoidier-8a% Nad a ras read eprs and your DR pb ANF Shri HEALING OTL, cored Miu. & swore stalemest to this effect. Sreed: WYCEOPF BROS. Draggins. Obie. DRORORCH CRON HHO MOHD DRORORORD "What Splendid Overcoats !" This expression we hear cause the exclusive every high-priced day Such Overcoats as ours Tallor to stand aghast The best Tailors in Canada built our Overcoats from a varigty of the cholcest fabrics and Coats for the we mistake not, you'll say $10.00 Don't miss seeing the Dollars, two-style collar {x Fabrics are $13.50 qualities new AT BIBRBY'S $15.00 For Fifteen ever offered at the price English New Speedway Ulster. duplex collars Cheviots and Tweeds, all beautifully $20 garments Fabrics, Scotch Regular $18 and self collars tailored. man of affairs 'What Splendid Overcoats! Overceats new English Tweeds and Overcoats Dollars we promise Beavers In Blue or Biack, We've coats for the smart young dresser Come in for a look, sir, and if $10.00 College Ulster we offer for Ten shades of Grey, Brown and ureen Wales Cord Regular $12.50, s FOR $10.00, $15.00 to give you the Finest Coats Collar, with with Silk Velvet New Broadway style, AT BIBBY'S FOR $15.00. rn wom, A mac -- CECHOROR : CYS CRORORCROROS The H.D. BOYS' OVERCOATS, $2.90 to $10.00: Bibby Co: The Big Store With Little Prices. Toronto Street Market. Nov. Wheat, ; wheat, red, per In sh., . goods, per bush., SN to to 40c.; pea Toronto, 8. while, per bush., 8% whes'., sats, per bash., Jk &2 . to Sle. to 6le.; buck to 52. hay, to £820; hav, £17; straw, I se. , per bush., bush. ton, arley, per whent, pet timothy, per clover, per ton, $15 per ton, ¥16. Alske Fancy, per bush., #8 to 88.50; per bush., $7.50 to 5; Neo 2 wr bush., $6.75 +b $7.20. red clover, No. 1, per bush., #7 to 87. No. 2. er hush., {3 to 86.25; per sush., 88 to $5.70; dress $0.50 10.95 butter, : butter v-laid, per doz. per ib, Ih. 13e. wish, Se le. 7 o lover yo. |, 25; No d hogs, to dairy, ferior, WRs, ne to 45 s, spring, sickens. ier per 1h, 20c 13. to lie to Se to 15¢c.; turkeys, to 21 geese, per Ih, Lost, per 1h, lle, to 1 ipples, per Sbl., $2.50 to #1; timbre, wr doz., 25¢. to #e.; cauliflower, lozen, 5c. to 81: £1.10; potatoes, Toe; hindquarters, $9.50 to 810.50 viel, foregquarters, $6.70 (0 §%; hoire, carcase, $5.50 to 80.50. modium, carcase, $7.00 to 88.25 ton, prime, per owt, 88 1p $10. rime, per ewt,, 30 to $11; lam', cwt., $10 to B11.50. ealy Ler onions, per bag, 81 o vier - bay, 65 ta wef, beef, bod, mat veal, ------------------ It Won't be Improved. The Colonist (Con.), Victoria Quebec would have been transformed years ago; its people would have for- gotten their language; it would ave been reduced to the status which t has in other provinces if it had not wen for the good faith of the British | wople. Such men as Sir George Car fer and Sir Wilirid Laurier, 10 select XN nantives of by of hath iginal politi: al parties in Quebec, 'e made this lear enough. It was an appreciation of this that inepired "the famous de duration that the last gun fired for British connection would be fired by a 'ranch-Canadian, But we are hearing i new doctrine. We are being told hy tuekee nationalists that they will not peak our lnnguage; that will not their to our schools: that they will enjoy British protection and asist on our keeping good faith with hen. But, they will not consent to hs expenditure of a single dol ar io naintain the empire that alone makes t Possible for them to make the de asnds which they deem so vital to heir welfare. "New Cillest razors." Gibson's A man seldom has any money. Soe he gets Married 3 De spends they Pe it; af . Ha rage bis wife spends it. "Bay took brushes." Gibson's. OOHOHOHOOROHOROROROBOBOEOHOCE QEOICHD: Can You Ask More? We are so confident that we can fur la relief for indigestion and dyapep | sia that Pre 7 to supply * | medic ine free of | cost to Jwho uses it ording to directions who is not perfectly satisfied with the Wo exact no promise and put under anv obligation what Surely nothing could be fairer { We are located right here wher vou five, wind our reputation should be [ suthici nt of the genuineness of our offer Wo we the very one results no Lom ohe arance ied thy ant every one who is troul tion or dyepepsia in w Oo ow Rexall Tublet vad giv them x Pe steording to directions Fhe are very pl ant to take: they soothe the irritable stomueh, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, pr mote a healthy and natural bowel act} almost i . store and § Take them asonable 4 trial, immediately and stomach irritation, healthy digestion aud and promote nutrition. 25, Be., and $1 Remem} vou ean obtain "Rexall Hemedies atthe Rexall Store. G. W. Mah on, nausea duce ton, Angin Three Sizes, "Everybody Put on Gum Shoes." Toronto Telegram The duty of the hour is for Ontario to not merely refrain from abolishing bi-lingual schools, but to make French h the official language of the "publi schools, rather then displease Mes Bourassa, Monk & Co. Do mot whisper & word shout possibility of a stuffed census On must count it all joy i Quebec be over counted and the English-speaking pro vinces be under-counted, What about your country ? Talk about your country is "pifile for fools," and what are either you Country, your provines, of yowt prin ciples, compared to the party ¥ the Lario Produces about ninety five of ghe world's platinum, Russia per cent. It's often a little thing that puts a deranged digestive system ri ight = if taken in time. 25¢ and 60e. Sold everywhere.