THRE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1910. FIGHT IN A CHURCH A RIOTOUS MEETING OF MONT- REAL CATHOLICS Over Freemason Accusation--Dir. Lemieux Charges Mr. Francy With Being s& Member of Emanci- pation Lodge. Montreal, Nov. H.--A riotous meet- ing took place Jest night at St Jean Baptiste church as a result of a lecture given by A. J. Lemieux on the recent famous Emancipation Freema- son Lodge troubles, in which he tried to explain how be secured the papers which figured in the affair, In the course of his address Mr. Lemieux accused Gustave Fr of being a member of the ge ay as $00n as he did this the latter jumped up snd demanded that he adduce proofs. Francy got his answer when a number of Lemieux's supporters piled on him and started in to punch and _ki him, a regular melee ensuing. Franeq's supporters were not slow to answer, and for five or ten minutes the church hall was a regular Donnybrook Fair. Cure Auclair tried to secure order, but failed, and the fisticuffs contest went merrily on. Calls were sent to the police, but they failed to respond, and when the fighters got tired the cure dismissed the meeting. Little damage was done save a few black eves and bruises, while the women, ® who were in the majority, were badly {rightened, When the cure dismissed : the meeting Mr. o Franeq called o counter demonstration in the street, which, however, was orderly, the frosty air cooling off the ardor of the pugilists. The clerical agitation against the French Free Masons in Montreal has FROM MANUFACTURERS ; A Lot more of Lovely brought disaster upon the rest. So BRASS FENDERS, great was the trouble over the lodge BRASS FIRE SETS, that the late Consul-General Kotlow- : sky, of France, was recalled through CANDLESTICKS, Many thousands of the people of Canada are using the Bavings Department of The Bank of Toronto for the safe keeping of their spare money. If not already among | the number your account fs 'also solicited. A small sum 'and a few minutes with our Teller will secure you an in- "ferest-bearing bank account. BANK OF TORONTO ASSETS --350,000,000 | KINGSTON BRANCH: } 107 PRINCESS STREET, George B. McKay, Manager, brought about the downfall of the branch of the Grand Orient Lodge here, and the charter of Emancipation Lodge has been returned to Paris, The Iondge had a stormy career, as its ten ots ied to strong opposition from the church, and some of its members at various times made exposures which connection with it. The trouble late- JARDINEERS. lv led to a civie investigation, which TRAYS. in raved Megat; bat Juiaed oy . x : n ie odge was nally a SMOKERS' SETS. | ji okon up. Jovely Goods for the Home or for Presents. MARGARET ANGLIN, Reports of Her 1fl-Health Much Ex- aggerated. Toronto, Nov. 14.--In a personal let Vv A Mitchell's Hardware, ter received hy the dramatic editor o' a local eveni aper from Louis 83 PRINCESS STREET. Nethersole, of Ay fork, manager of Miss Margaret Anglin, who was re ported to have taken seriously ill while playing in "The Awakening Helena Ritchie," and in danger of a permanent breakdown, Mr. Nethersole states that the reports have been ver much exaggerated. "The whole fact is that Miss Anglin has just concluded a long and tire some tour of over sixty weeks," Mr. Nethersole writes, "and she is now taking a well-earned rest in Chicago and has seized the opportunity to have a slight operation on one of her topsils. There is no possible redson why Mise Anglin should not very soon be in normal health again." SEE OUR WINDOW. Sharbot Lake, Nov. 12.-The Willing Woeker Society of the Methodist church hot at the home of Mrs. 8. Deyo, on foddm afternoon, Mrs, a: dds, ply ill, is improving. N. Blakely ' nd hehe sport ov duos with, Ti The Penalty of Drink. hasents, Me. and Mrs. Robt. Blakely, | Saskatoon, Sask., Nov. I.--Law- ee. H. Butterill and litle son, Tweed, rence Ryan, the man who died in d friends 'here. Miss 'Mabel - Kil. the police lock-up here last Thursda: bor Is visiting her sister, at North affer being arrested as a drunk and a. Miss Lillian Allen is at disorderly, has been found to be a ith's Falls, and Havelock. John graduate of London University, and He ton, Toronto, spent a few Dublin Medical College. He had a 4 with friends here, Miss Florence brilliant career as a student, and iameon is visiting friends at Par- gorved in the London hospitals before haw, Miss M. Gallagher, Horrow- coming to Canada. He was recently bh, is visitine Mrs. R. Colbert, | medical health officer at Edmonton, * k. Erwin and little son, spent a hut lost the position through drink. fow days with hor mother, in Perth. Ho contracted fever here, and unstead, R. Dodds, has returned to North Bay, habits led to his death from heart Aver vigiting his mother, rs. W. failure. Dodds. Miss Abbie Kilborn is visit- in Kingvion, T, H. Allen, Have Will of Don Carlos. » spent Sunday at his home here. | yo, Nov. 14.~The will of Den Carlos, the late pretender to the N AWA, ! throne of Spain, is published. It con: 7 -- Senator Robértson, PEL, Stricken tains an injunction to his son, Don f With Apoplexy. { Haima, to maintain the claim to the : 4 throne. Princess Elvira, his daughter, aw, Rov. ii The peemier, Who sloped some yoars ago, is disin- A i . ' herited, Ottaws to-day, and had a confer with R, 1. Borden. He goes from to New York on a business trip. news of the illness of Senator | ) pn, of Prinses Edward Island, heen received in Ottawa. He has stricken hy paralysis. Senator Dolliver's Successor, Ne Maines, Ia., Nov. H.--Governor RB. F. Carroll announces the appoint {ment of Lafayette Young, editor of the Des Moines Capital, as United States senator from Jowa to succeed the lato Senator Dolliver. Francis T. Tobin, attorney, of Phila: deiphia, says he has received a letter from a Detroit man, stating that Crippen's wife was living under an assumed mame in a Chien board: ing house. According to * To bins informant she is unable to sul fer any longer her self-imposed ban oi silence, ; superintendent wil sever his v, He hay a - ya 4 orty ey and maintaining bu d maintaining wanitarium, His departure on will be greatly regret: SIETIEEREIEOT GOOOOGOOOOO0 OOO weather is here, and so are the 1xurious garments were 0819) n)e) ee Eee ) Coats are . great favorites, P EPR EERE Oi ! -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraplis Picked Up by Re porters on Their Rounds, passed, dows, and hits The steamer Pellatt this moruihg. Printing that stands out aard, at the Whig office. ; William Swaine, piano tamer. Orders received at McAulev's. Phone 778. Remember ted and sale, benefit Ho- tel Dieu hospital, Wednesday, Nov. 2rd, afternoon and evening, 14 Wil- liam street. 2 In police court, to-day, a member of the "prohibited list," who was found under the influence of liquor, was fined 215 and costs, or one month, Another drunk, who made his first appear: ance, was given a chance, H. Cunningham, pisno tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me Auley's bookstore. A feature of the Christmas Seribnec will be the reproduction in colors of four drawings Ly Jessie Willcox Smith, representing favorite children in Dickens' novels, such ns Tiny Tim, David Copperfield, Paul Dombey and Little Nell, - Drivers of delivery wagons are having some trouble over the renum- Yering of Albert strect. When pur- chasing goods down street, the resi dents pive the new number of the house when it has not been put on, The resilt is that the drivers are put to a gréat deal of inconvenience, in hunting up the right numbers, W. J. TAYLOR, Of the Woodstock Sentinel-Review, PARIS TO BRUSSELS FLIGHT. -- Legagneux Took Passenger on Re markable Journey. Paris, Nov. 1H--M. Legagneux, the French aviator, made a most remark. able flight with a passenger, yester- day, from Paris to Brussels in the competition for the $30,000 prize of- fered by the Automobile Club, Legag- neux was favored by a south wind and covered the 275 kilometres (170 miles), at an average speed of more than sixty-five miles an hour. His to tal time for the distance was three hours and sixteen minutes, including two twenty-minute stops for gasoline at Compiegne and Bavey. He intends to return by aeroplane to Paris, to-day, if the weather per: mits, On October 17th, Wynmalen, the Dutch aviator, and Legagneux flew from Paris to Brussels, each with » pussonger, in an attempt to win the automobile Club's prize, which = pro- vides for a return flight. Wynmalen made the round trip, but Legagneaux was forced to abandon it owing to an accident to his machine. Wynmalen covered the distance to Brussels in five hours and thirty-eight minutes, while Lezagneux's time was five hours. The round trip occupied the Dutchmar twenty-seven hours, fifty minutes and twenty-seven seconds, -------------------- BRIDE HANGED HERSELF. Smith's Falls: Nov. 14--- Mrs. Moses Necaire, a bride of one month, committed suicide by hanging herself in the woods near her home in Russell County. The cause of ber act is unknown, PPT PEPE PP SEPP F200 ; 3 : ---------------- FOUGHT WITH SWORDS. renchman and Anerican Settled an Affair of Homor. Nov. l4.--Anthony Stewart, of Philadelpiiin, and Prince Ferdinand Faucigny, inge, fought a duel with sowards near Paris, Friday. Stewart was htly wounded, and honor was sath ' The two men had been at for several months. Two duels were arranged between them, but the trouble was patched up. A third squabble, however, resulted in . the meeting. The cause of the trouble is of "a pesonal and private nature." TWO WAITRESSES SHOT Paris, STUDENTS' PARADE PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying and Doing. WAS THE BEST IN HISTORY OF! Charles Harvey went to Sudbury, QUEEN'S. its Quality Was Higher--The Students Were Addressed by Principal Gordon. Queen's studen's parade, held Sator- day evening, is promounceil by all as having heen the most socresr®al @ et ent of ite kind in the history of Lie uni versity. The parade was col quite as Jasire as those of previous seasons hut what was apsent in quantity was ade: nor faculties spared neither means excel, money in their endeavor to Novelties of all descriptions were in troduced and perhaps the win from science hall are deservimr of special mention for their elaborate efforts in this direction, Every branch of their work was represented in realistic stele from the plodding prospector to the avaricious assayist. Floats represert- in the bldst furnner, nevonlane. the steam drill, ete, equipped with ely borate electrical anpriratus were espec. ially good. Medicine was a strong competitor for fiest honor; ther re presentation of the operating room could not have heen better. The mas querades of the many individuals on foot were decidedly amusiny. The freshmen and 'sophomores' of all facul- ties' turned out well. with people and the various thorough- fares were g blaze of livht durin - the vassing. Evervthing went without ac ident, and the event was brought t, a hanpy conclusion Hv a "rillant speech 'bv Dr. Cordon from the bal sony of Prinnipal's House. HOMESTEA D FRAUDS, Men Who Have Proved More Than One Claim. Tisdale, Bask. Nov. 14.The official nguiry Held here under instructions of the department of the interior has re- ealed appurently grave ireogularitics in' several cases where mon have filed nd proved upon three or four home teads in different parts of the coun: ry, when entitled to only one filing. William J. Boyd admitted that dance IST8 he has proved upon four womestends at fapelia, Neepawa, Dauphin and Tisdale. He claimed he "tad never been mtie to take the oath vhen Gilg oc proving up, although iis evidence as to This was contradict his applications. J. NX. F. Boyd failed to sbpear to vas taken showing that he had prov- +d upon four different places in the same districts as W. J. Boyd, Samuel J. Boyd apparently turned the trick in three districts, Neepawa, Dauphin' and Tisdale. Jacob J. Cathers proved wn thre imes, at Arden, Man., Dauphin and Pisdale, Just what action is to lx aken by the department jg not 'enown, Victoria's Real Estate, Victoria, B.C., Nov. I{.--~Realty wales aggregating well over a million dol lars have taken place during the past week, Projects are well advanced in- volving an expenditure of ten mil tion: In consequence of this Victoria is in the throes of a genuine western real estate boom. Strathcona Gives $23,000, Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 'rom Lord Strathcona of $25,000 to che Vancouver Y.M.C.A. building funds has sent the grand total up to $0,000, or within $10,000 of the mark set by the organizers. An Arden Pioneer Dead. Arden, Man., Nov. .--William Rob- ertson, a pioneer resident of this die trict, who came originally from de leaves a widow and family ol five. Death of Rev. H. 8. Mathews. Toronto, Nov. 14,~Rev. H. 8S. Mathews, for some years secretary of he York Pioneer and Historical so ciety, died this morning. He was nn retired minister, -------------------- King and King May Come. London, Nov. 14.~The Times, edi- torially, again dwells on the probabil ity of the king and 'queen visiting the overseas dominions. STOPPED SHORT. Right Food. The mistake is frequently made of trying to build up a worn-out nes vous system on tonics ~ "New material from which to rebuild supplied, and this can be obtained snly from proper food. > years ago I found myself on of a complete vervous wilapse, due to overwork and study, snd to illness in the family," writes be It Was Not so Large as Usual But quately present in quality; Tis various | The route of the procession was lined | ul by the officials who had received i newer a sindlar charge, but evidence | 14.--A cable! Clin- ton, whut., died, yesterday, aged cighty. : Taking Tonics, and Built up On bread is wasted nerve cells is what should be, 1 the police magistrate } Aid on hr" and who and I gained o, be the police earl deter! . te taken on Saturday. ! Miss Olive Alrertson is visiting her sister, in Cobalt. . Miss |. Healey, Queen streel, is re covering fiom an attack of typhoid fever. { Miss A. McDonald, of this city, has returned home, from a visit at Wolle Island. | James Black, King street, confined to the house through illness, is able to be ont again. Miss Erona Hardart, Philadelphia, Pa. is the guest of Mrs. Hewry PD, ~amth, King street. Miss A. Landers, who has seen visit. ing in the city, returned to her home mn Webbwoods/) LW. J. Taylor, proprietor of the Woodstock Sentinel-Review, was iu the city to-day on a business trip. Miss Alice Clement, of Northport, has returned home, after a Lhree weeks visit with Miss Minnie Clyde, of Cata- rayui. I Miss Loretta Murphy and Miss Leng Joyce, Joyceville, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. I. - Goodfriend, Howe Island. px I Mis. James Litster, and son, Ken- noth, Toronto, the guests of Mrs, A. | Rollie, Ordnance street, returned. home, to-day. | Capt. Robert Carnegie, 60 the steam or America, is laid up, owing to ill ness, and will likely have to undergo an operation. Joseph Gratton, foreman at Rich ardson's elevator, left on Sunday, for Quebec, where he will spend a well carngi vacation, | Mrs. Délaney, of San Frameisco, Cal, ia the zuest of her cousin, Mrs. Charles | Fmberly, Yanwer. They have not met {for thirty years. Dr. Nicholls and party have return. {ed from their hunting trip, and cach | one managed to bring Lack a deer. They had a fine time. Dr. Harty B. Thompson, formerly of Kingston, and a graduate of Queen's | university, has openetl an office and | started pravtice in Brooklyn, N.Y. ( | C. Frederick Hamilto, Toronle { News correspondent at -Ottaws, spent Sunday in the mity with Prof. W. L. | Grant, of Queen's univegsity. William Norman, baggagenun at {the Kingston & Pembroke railway i station, has been on the mick list, for ta week, He has resumed his duties. i Capt. Pringle, of the 47th Regiment, {who has been laid up in the general hodpital, for a month, with typhoid { fever, has recovered and returned to | his home in Ardendale. | William Vallean, father of Mrs, | George Robinson, of this eity, to whose bedside she was called, Friday afternoon at his home in Morven, Las imnroved considerably so that Mrs. { Robinson returned home Saturday night. FIELD CROPS OF CANADA, l ------ Good Reports From Nearly Every Section of Dominion, Ottawa, Nov, M.A Census { bulletin issued' Saturday sfates that | the closing months of the year give 'good reports for nearly all of the field crops of the Dominion. Potatoes alone indicate a partial failure, and in all the provinces there are' com- plaints of rot in the fields and in the beaps for winter storage. The area is 503.262 acres, and the estimated yield 74,048,000 bushels. This is an Iavertire of about 147 bushels per acre, which is nearly uniform for all the provinces, Turnips and other field roots show a vield per acre of 402 Husheis, and » total vield of 95,207,000 bushels for a érop of 236,522 acres. Hay and clover are coriputed for 8, i 515,400 acres, and a yield per acre of | 182 tons, TO HEAR BREAD APPEAL Office Being Made by Lieutenant-Governor in Council. | Toronto, Nov: 14.---Two weeks from to-day the court of appeal will hear the argument in the appeal from the judgment of Judge Morgan against the city in its bread act prosccution. The parties to the action appeared be fore the court, this morning, and de- cided upon that date. W. B. Raymond | represented the Canadian Bread and {Cake Manufacturers' Association; Wil: {liam Bayley, solicitors for the attor- ney-general, represented the govern ment, while Corporation Counsel Dray: ton. appeared for the city. The ap | peal is being made at the instance ol { the lieutenant-govérnor-in-council, The {point the court of appeal will be ask led to decide upon ix whether small required to be sold in sep- larate loaves, or whether it can be joined together and so sold without being detached by the vendor. BELLEVILLE WAS FLOATED. Will be Brought to Kingston Dry Dock for Repairs. This afternoon, word waw received hy the Calvin company, thal the steamer Belleville, aground near Grafton, had been floated, and was taken to Co- bourg, leaking. The vessel will be brought to the Kingston dry-dock for repairs. Sent to Asylum, A young moan, who has been before on several oo was gathered Saturday morning, and in the police cowt re- manded until Monday, was ordered to to the um, by the court. jutrate said that the voung been examined by a doctor foand iti Correct Fashion Marks. Every New Tailored Suits for Women HERE. Suppose your purse is limited ard your taste discriminating ? The best suits that small prices can buy are HERE. We mention one style particularly : The Coat is 32 inches long, is single breasted and semi-fit- ting back, with two imitation vents, sleeves trim- med with buttons. 1tis lined with good quality Imperial lining. The skirt bas clusters of side pleats, front and back and good sides. Made in Diagonal Suitings. Colors ara Black, Navy, Greys, two shades and Brown. The price is $15.00. COME AND SEE this Suit with others that we have ready. If not ready to buy you can have your choice put aside. A A AN PSN a an an a At $1.00. At $1.25 Women's Kid Gloves. At these two prices, $1,200 and $1.00, we exoeptional Kid Glove values for FALL WEAR. These Gloves are appreciated by hundreds of Kipgston women who know a good article. Fall Kid Gloves In Tans, Browns, Greys, Blacks, Myrties, Navys, Fawns and other shades. Also a splendid make of UNDRESSED KID GLOVES from the Farcous French Maker, Perrin. EEE SE EE Hl, Fin rl Evening Slippers) New Colonial Slippers, For Ladies. wintmtuatatuiuce Satins, all colors, New Patent Pumps, | 20 Per Cent. Reduction on Men's Patent Oxfords Some nice styles to select from. Suitable for evening wear,