Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1910, p. 6

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\ THE DAILY BRITISH Wille, wis Nah 1h; 1810 ha a CANADA'S BEST nafact uring Ving 4 oy as fs guarant a, to 4 Day 'Phone 239. Night 'Phone 235. Fiomern and Jans ng and ¥ i De- shivp 16. pit ater WM. DRURY, . 285 WELLINGTON STREET, 3 'Phone 443. e Ontario Grape Grow ompany's o = ate tre, dry and per- ie best imported at xiy hy ". 3 JAWLER, Golden a -- oe Bowels "l have been troubled with constipation for several years, and have tried a great many kinds of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. Nothing seemed to help me until I be- gan taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. I found the little pills very effective, and I am thankful that at last I have a reliable remedy." MRS. F. M. DUNKIN LeRoy, His. Dr. Miles' simply catise the bowels to move' in a -mormal manner, and with- out the griping effects of cathar- "Sugar 1s uo Tor preserving or iable use Ontario reet. AE Hives tics.and purgatives. That's why « | they are so universally used by women and children. The longer they are taken the less are needed Natural conditions gradually being restored. Price 25¢ at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price 0 us, wé forward prepald. Bs MILES' MEDICAL CO: Troma. % » Reed be KF ok » FRONTENAC THOMAS COPLEY, Prone 987. a Lund to 18 Pine Btreet when done 1h the Carpen- Pine prime on given on a kinds also, All eceive Rrompt attention Btreet, hin oors or Man Kinds. OAN & INVESTMENT BOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1863, Richard Cartwright. { doney d on uy and Farm Pro. portion, unicipal an oun - 5 T Deposits 'ures. Mort of Burch nterest al "CHOOSE YOUR WHISKY AS YOU CHOOSE YOUR FRIEN » Y be less particular in your choice of whisky than you are in your choice of friends? CORBY'S "Special Selected" Rye Whisky x Priv ru aad 19 MN is recommended by a host of good Judges. Its quality is vouched for by our half century reputation. Its age is guaranteed by the Govern- -+ ment seal on the capsule. Its credentials of flavor and the "open sesame' to 'the uglity are earts thousands of men who know what good whisky is. Corty's ** Special Selected' is on sale at all first-class hotels, cafes and liguor stores. Jor Goal or Wood OUR convenience was given the deepest thought by our brainy stove experts when they were designing the Pandora Range. Among the many handy features that they ori the Nickelled Towe '(patented) is one of te ; most popular. One-third of the owe Br consists of e h A few 8 of hgh Sade Somer: Sma. fan noted it. | shdw thdt a STILL "AN EXODUS DEVLARES RURAL = ONTARIO SUFFERS FROM DECLINE. of ------ : In Twenty Years Peopulution De creased ( dgn Waldron Says Tarlfr' fs Largely to Blame. 'A rural decreuse of $8,000 in twenty years, after an "exhausting drain dut- ing the previous thre years, » rural birthrate scarcely excreding the deaib rate, an urbdd ibcredse ~ of 450,000 that is a condition for which every consideration of patriotism and sound national life. demands an immediate remedy," said Gordon Waldron, bar ister and political economist, «in ad dressing the Canadian Club, Toronid, on the depopulation and impoverich- ment of rural Ontario. "Ur iY ee EE PU Udduda's growing time, Canada's century. We are, we boast, annexing" the United States, Yet, paioful as it is to disturb a pleasant delusion, it must be said tha "thie. 15 Ef "an -opadys 50 large that without w'compensating sumigra- {ion into the North West, we could not long survive," said Mr, "On. turning to the public 1 ling that notwithstanding all our confidence amd buoyancy se venty thousand persons left Canada last year to make tiieir homes in the United States. -Whereber that eéxoilils went from, I may venthre to say in the presence 'of manufacturers dnable to fill their orders from the west fox Jack of laber that it, did not go. from the 'cities. and towns of Ontarid. "Tt was an exodus from the. land--an ex0- dus of farmers 2 "Hut_let ane. confine myself to ryral' Ontario. the 'evidetice: of de" population sand 'impoverishment 'is. ko plain that T am swe that you have Enrepaired buildings and neglected orchards, ill-cultiva- tod land, land turned to pasture and in effect abandoned, the disappearance of the farm laborers and their dwell ings, the fall in. lind valués, and the very significant fact that farm pro- ductlon,_has not appreciably responded to go exiénded periad of high prices. He footed hirthrate statistics to rah} districts the birth- rate had fallen to 1 in the thousand and lower, while rural schools, which thirty years ago had 50 to 75 pupils, row had Hut a mere handful. To prove the movement of the population be pave. figures to show that in 1872 the raral population of Perth was 31,000 it is now 20,000. In the same year the rural population of Norfolk was 000; it is now 19,000, In 1872 the rural popubation of Huron was 50,387; it now 36,567, a loss of nearly 14,000, Tn "sk. rural Middlesex, numbered 53,000 ; i is pow less than 10,000. And they had not gone to the cities. "What are the economic causes? The principal ones are protection and the exelugion of Yhe farmers from the market 'of the United States?' said Mr. Waldron, "Relief is to 'be found in tarifi 1% form, in admission to the markets of She United Site and and in g reduction hip foe ' diture. "There s.nb baie remedy #fiored hw our friends who call themselves im perialists, It is preference in the Brit ish markets. Of that 1 do not venture to speak, lest I lose my reputation for temper#io afd egautious speech, Sul lice it to say phat I regard the tarifi reform movement in England as at heart 4 movement for agricultural pro tection, and I am convinced that ag- vicaltural protection once enthroned i, England will prove itsel quite as de structive to Ontario or Canadian agri culture as the industrial protection of the United States or Toronto." possibly Waldron, reports, fences, 25, Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Nov. 15.~Wacut, white, per bush., BSe. to Sc; what, red, per imsh., 88c. to 89¢,; what, goose, per bushy, 8%¢. to 83¢.; vats, per bush. 4 ¢. to Me. peas, per bush, Bde. t, barley, per bush, dle, to 62; es heat, per bush., Sle. to B52; hay, timothy, per ton, #17 to 520; hay clover, per ton, 815 to $17; straw, per ton, 817 to $15; Alsike clover--Fancy, par bush., 38 to $8.50: No. 1, per bush 7.50 to 38; No, 2, pm bush,, 6.75 to $7.25; red clover, No, 1, per bush, $7 to 87 25; 3 over, No. 2, per bush., $6 to clover, No. 3, per bush. tn 50; dressed hops, $9.50 to B10. bg utter, dairy, per ib, 2c. to 30e.; Lutter, inferior, per l., 2le to 2%e.; eggs, new-laid, per dozen, 40c, to 45c.; ducks, spring, per Ib., le. to 18e.; chickens per bo. 13¢, to 15¢. ; LurkEys, per 1b., 20¢. to 2c; 'geese, per 5, 137% 14e.; fowl, per ib., He. to 12e.; apples, per bbl, $2.50 to $4,. cabbage, per dozen, 25¢. to 40c.; cauli- flower, per dozen, 5c. to $1; onions, pe bag, $1 wo 81. 20; potatoes, per , 6c. to B8e.; beet, hindquarters, £9.50 to $10.50; Deef, Joset to $8; to 25; beef, medium, carcas N to $8.25; mutton, prime, per 5 to 810; veal, prime, cwt!, 80 shh. lamb, per cwt., fio to $11.50. Feet Frozen and Mind Deranged. Port Arthur, Nov. 16.--Mary forequarters, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH -- A Pleasant, Simple," Bat Safe snd Effectunl Cure For It. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing ton curable. af he usual symptoms' are o full or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied vomelimes with sour © od watery rvisings, a lormation of 'guack causing pressure on, the hemt amd lungs and difionlt breathing, hres achies, fickle -appetite, netvousnces and a general played out, lenguid fering there is often & foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and if the ins terior of the stomach could be seen it would show a slimy, inflamed con- dition. The eure for this edminvn ahd obsti nate trouble ys found in a detntingut which canses the fopd to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has tiie to ferment and. irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. Ta secure a prompt sud healthy digestion ie thre one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap: peared. According to Dr. Harlanson, the saf- est and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, compesed of Dias tase, Ageptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids, These tablets can now be found at all drag stores under the name of Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safe- ty and assurance that healthy ap tite and thorough digestion will fol: low their regular use after meals. R. 8. Workman, Chicago, 111., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition results ing from a neglected cold in the head, whereby. the lining membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poison- ous discharge therefrom passing Back? ward into the throat reaches the sto mach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach, Medical authorities presc-ib- ed for me for three years for catarrh of stomach without" cure, biit today I am the happiest of men after using only ome box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 1 eannot find approprinte words to express my good feeling. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the faf- est preparation as well as the Simpl est and most convenient remedy for any form of indigestion, eatarrh of stomach, biliousness, soir stomac bh, heartburn and bloating after meals. BEAT FATHER IN COURT. Mother, San Francisco, Cal, Nov. 16.--Be- cause his father made reflections upon jis mother on the witness stand: in yolice court here, George Cameron at: tacked him * and gave him a terrible eating before the court attaches sue seeded in "separating them. wJalige shortall said the beating was so well gerited that he would not hold the bung man for contempt, but he was rdered from the "court Eh The der Cangerofi' was 'convicted barge of battery Hitteral wi bid FORGER AND EMBE: dx-Agbnt: of or ! Sudbury, Ont; | er, former agent the Dominion Rutter, was nent and lori ne ember and October and sentenced me year in the Central prison] sho is unmarried, shadcbeen sy the company for two ok h ame from New Brunswick. p---------------- The shdden death of Mrs, J wl Jriggs occurred ut Linden Bank, od luesday, at the age of fortyning years. 'The décénsed, * 'well khowh throughout this district, wax.a daughe ter of the late Lewis Marshill, od Elizabethtown! ' If there is no end to the making of books, then there is mo end of theif vearing out. We repait and make them as good a8 new. e Whig Bopk Bind: "on Monday, a quiet wedding Hook place at St. Michael's church, Belle: flle. ~The bride was Miss Annie Con} nolly, © daughtel: of 'Mr. "and? Mrs, James Connolly, and the geoom, Je well Hickey, Toronto. SEE THAT coi it stands for the original standard and only, genuine preparation of Cod Anes. Oil in ihe Soati's. Emulsion Cod Liver Oil preparations with- oul this trade-mark are only chédp Tase oye ne Young Man Resented Reflections On | COAL FOR .G.T.P.RR. VALUABLE DISCOYERIES RE- PORTED WEST OF EDMONTON. Will 'Make a Big Difference in the Ogprating Expenses of the Rail. way if the Mineral is Fit for } Steam Use--The Brazeau Field. Ottawa, Nov. 16.--A report by BD, iB. Dowling of the Dor sion geological survey of the past season's viork along the line of the G.L.1% vast oi Edmon. ton shows that coal «i» osit« of con sieruble area und of good quality faeen found alowg the ro .te of th reilway 200 miles west of Edmon tor. One deposit is in the neighbor- hood of Jasper Park, and the other is situated 'near Brule Lake, The tablishinent of the fact that coal ex- ists alonz the line of the G.T.P. is of the utmost importance to the railway. There ig very little coal Hetween the latest finds and the western coast, and to fhe east there are no deposits, excopt for what known as "do- medtic" coal, which is unfit for use in engines. At present the railway pays arout 810 per toy for its fuel, whereas it would. not cost more than about $2 whould the local deposits be utiliz- wil, Of these, by far the largest is whist is known as the Brazeau field, witich the G.T.P. will probably tap hae ox 18 8} with a"spur line. CONFINED IN CAGE. Brother Was Insane--Greek's Dread of Hospitals. Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov. 16. --Held sectetly a prisoner by his brother, for the reason that he was demented, the police found Louis Charles, a Greek, locked up in a rude cage made from a packing case in a little upstairs back room in the heart of a business dis trict. The unfortunste man had been confined for the last ten days guarded by padlocks and hasps. The man was violent, and his hiding place was sos remote that the police found their way to it with difliculty," evén when the man's demoniacal cries attracted at- tention from the street. The brother had been feeding him and otherwise caring for the patient, but did not al low the fact to become known cause he did not wish his brother placed in an hospital. The brother had built the cage and compelled the ihsane man to enter it. be BABIES SORES IN WINTER, Mothers Should Know About Zam- Buk. Every mjother should realize that the skin of her Baby is 80 tender thut the segretions of the body often lead to rashes, eruptions, etc, all of which may be removed by Zam-Buk, 'Scores of restless, crying babies, upon exami- nation are found to be suffering from gome form of skin irritation Or "heat." Don't let baby suffer when Zam-Buk will cure ! Often, too, in winter, the little ones suffer from chaps on the chin, hands, or other parts of the body. Zam-Buk dpplied after the bath, and at inté vals during the day, will prevent 'all trouble. Mrs. L. Wood, of 475 Alexander ave nue, Winnipeg, says : "1 have proved the value of Zam-Buk when applied to chiliiren's sores. Some nasty Sores broke "out around my baby's mouth, and despite all the preparations used, they refused to heal. I took him to St. Boniface hospital and he remained there for two weeks, At the end of that time he was no better, and we sain took him home. 1 was them ad- vised to try Zam-Buk and obtained n supply. The effect of the first few ap plications was very gratifying, and a little perseverance resulted in a com plete cure." Zam-Buk will also be found a sure sure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bites, ulcers, eczema, bhlood-poi- son, varicose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, and skin injuries getier ally. All druggists and stores sell at S0c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk company, Toronto, upon receipt of price. You are warncd against harm» ful imitations and substitutes. See the registered name "Zam-Buk' on every package before buying. DOCTOR WAS SARCASTIC, Thaw Not Compelled to Associate With Intellectual Inferiors. Albdby, © Nov. 16--Attorney-Gener al 0" Malley" filed in the court of appenls affidavits in spposition to' the appeal of Mrs. Mary C. Thaw in her applica- tion for the transfer of her som, Henry K. Thaw, who killed Staufprd White, froin Watteawan state howpital 6 some other asylum within the giate. Among the affidavits Jropard by De puty Attorney-Genera Fraoklin Kén- nedy, who is in charge of the case, is one by Dr. Amos T. Bake r, the first assistant physician at Matteawan. In support of his contention that Thaw's surroundings are conducive to health, Dr. Baker alleges that since Thaw was committed to Matteawan he has gained thirty-seven pounds in g 'weight, is permitted to play eards with congenial companions, to receive visi- tors, take outdoor exercise, read the best of literature, and in not compelled {0 associate with anvone who is not his equal intellec tually and morally. One of Mrs. Thaw's eortentions is that her som is compelled to associaie with patients who use vile language in his présence, - and who often assault him. br. Baker says that these as sertions are wholly unfounded, and that, on the contrary, the record . of Thaw's past life, as kt. out in the courts, would 4 te Sha of the patients might have reason Ht. abiet vo associating Edward's cha Westpor onday, Rev. Father O'Rourke nite Me ter : 'Michael McAndrews. The i was Mise Susan NeLafres: mons of death came to Ww. the House of Refuge, Belle 5 , He was born saghity tage H. A. Grant, and Mis | cAndrews, of gi - § Taanet Pow ung PORE] "00 Jive Sormmog nd Lgruvac Ses ive wy s,ppruE)) Jo nposd say Le] HAOA pur--10030) mol of nu Aes JR 02a 4 30} Jeg ipo nod jxou uSUM Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonul restores every nerve in the body to its proper tensi on ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and sid sexual weakness averted at ox eo. Phosp ronal will make you a pew man. Frice $8 a box, : $5. Mailed to any address. The Soohell © Drug Oo. St. Catharines, Ont, Or at Best's a Deve Store. AER 10 TH! EYE, THE FOOT AND © THE POCKE 00K ! mms seit IRE ERR RE Saar EERE SERRE EEE BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT fain One of the latest models from £ the factory of UTE & IUNN, ps yh 2 at Rochester, N.Y Your Liver is Clogged up That's Why You're Tired--Out of Sorts--Have no Appetite. A Shoe for Style, Wear Perfect Fit. ' ST Prices $4.00 and $1.50, The Te Sage Jorg Agent. RTA Laundry TEE RR EN edi TE Saami Biliousness, Indigestion, end Sick Headache. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine mus bear Signature orl TTPBTTTIITURRTRR TIT Woh Lon * Ss First. class ww uaranteed Drop me & card and I will eal promptly for four laundry. 166 WHLLINGTON ST, etween Broek and Clarence Sta. csstesststsrsasssssittattsisancatorasiiint te : Brass Castings, Bronze Castings, Aluminum » Castings. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. 0 OFFICE: 381 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. 90000000000000000000800000000000006000000098 i Fresh Goods Arriving Daily Malaga Grapes, New Dates, New Figs, Sweet Potatoes, Cape Cod Cranberries, APPLES for Eating or Cooking. 4 R. | TOY Se eins, at EEE SINE 0 030228 0200 There's only ome best in ; anything anything else. . ranges Now we want to demonstrate to you why we say this Imperial Oxford Range is the best range for your kitchen. The OXFORD ECONOMIZER SAVES 20 PER CENT. OF YOUR FUEL BILL This is a patent found al Oxf i ly on Gu ord Ra El reduces ok T pda fire running a at Tour fifths hoo, Figure that out in dollars as ds cents. GIVES PERFECT RESULTS ON BAKING DAY ; Another Gumney-Ouford: patent spreads the heat vvef tha efile oven. Makes it bake in front as well af ba *e under crust Je wells upper. Figure the time and worry saved on that tor Has a hail densa other special features worth everything to 3 or convenience and ecomomy. Features that « ! od % «Can we deth Otis La le the store in a jiffy, Bus we can't explain here, nen fia Please give us ten minutes of your time next time you're down Loy These ranges are male by ane of the : yy ane of the Gldust 4 not reliable concerns in Canada. Their gpuaranted of quality is ad ma 4 rol 1b want to show you Heir good poi hin oY We also ea ther 4 x14 all kinds al carry othe ey Uxiotd staves for. off sure to be satisfactory putposet snd Pr you want B sure 4 be in their line ome in and see for yourself,

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