sr pn THE oi WHIG. published py 208" Alo kh reet, Kingston, Ontario at} $6 per Jour. Editions at 2.30 and 4 ock p. CERELY BRITISH WHIG, 18 pager publistied in onday asd met y at B a yout, as en. Le! harke or posta o be ing price of fio * do of Wea oi a 5 p= Ber Year. Attached is one of the best Job Print - Ing Offices In Canada; rapid stylish aid cheap work: nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Ce., Liv. JORGATO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham- bers. 32 Church Si. Toromto, H. E Smalipeice, JP. representative. Daily Wibig. THE CHEAPEST WAY. : Frontenac residents, who send their catldren to the Kingston Collegiate In stitute, see that the position of the Bdard of Education regarding non resident pupils is quite a difficult one, and are anxious to do what they cun board, The county council has to do one of two things--either build an_ addition te the Sydenham High School snd agd two more teach or give a grant to" aid the King of Education in erecting to aid the ers, on Insomnia, Dyspepsia, | Board F Anaemia, Nerve ' Exhaus- tion and other kindred ailments of the season one needs a tonle that will enable exhausted pl, Nature to regain her own CAMPBELL"S: QUININE WINE assimilated nourishment which by strengthening the vitality, crentes a desire fur more sold which is happy foods and furnishes the. power for thelr assin fusist upon Druggists and Greeers Sell it. 51.05 and Kenneth Campbell & Co. MONTREAL, P.Q. Al COAL ES ston au addition to the It means to the county institute ag | sup city is bound to children securing secondary education, and i will be found that the cheapest wa to join hands with the Kingston board. te mawmtam it. is MONTREAL AND GAS Montreal is after cheaper gas, ben rightly of Toronto, which ji paying twenty-five per cent. less, an! offers, a readily jenlous over a reduction « another five cents to be made February. Montreal is paying 81 unl rents; while Te next two meter rontlo consuiners are charged only Se will pay only se It seem: venty-five cepts, and venty three months hence. strange that Moutreal should be pay ihg double meter rent, when the Hy ures for lighting and hepting ga< m Kingstoh id fortunate its civie ownership to have more favor able rates than the big city of Mor Here there dollar gas an! meter rent, and the report is tha so close. wit treal. is KITCHEN RANG BASE BURNERS OPEN GRATES STEAM BOILERS hy, 4 S. Anglin& Co. North End Wellington St. TELEPHONE No. 66. one the Kingston plant at the end of th th Inrgest on record, for thore has been venr will show a splendid profit, big increase in the consumption. Toro ta, advantageon the Consun which supplies it wade regarding reduction as the consumption and th profits Montreal is begin ning to want to kpow why a city half as large again i it seems, made an agreement in 1587 with ors' un aliding scale being Gas company, increased, of ite mize, nearly Toronto, cannot get gas just as chen of Ontario. The started am and something will surely as the Queen City Montreal has the « paign, sult. Star re END OF TOLL ROADS, I'he probability that 1910 ste the end of toll roads in Fron Only one remains, that running Kingston and Sterrington townships, and & by-law Tor its pure chase and the abolition of its tolls is now before the county council. It took Frontenac a long time to reach the point of toll road abolition, but it has taken it only five yvettrs to bu, up the toll highways and free them of fees. The council of 1903 was given u gentle reminder by the Ross govern- mout that if it did not abolish the tolls. on the York Road, which was a county, Overcoats A hig range to select from Nay now he cold weather is almost here. temac. Come In and Ree our attractive styles through and Jow Wieg #5, S030, $5.50, $10, S11 and BIA, Prices ta fit all pocketbooks Suita for Winter Wear. Enderwear, Sweaters, ete. Hoots, Shoes and Rubbers, ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET. ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining : Rooms ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos. 338-342 INGSTON. Open Inthe part of this week. Untering Contracts Taken. Telephone No. 1128 is will and not a private, toll road, it would be charged for the purchas of that highway, the amount of which it had never paid, and interest there which would amount away up mh the thousands. At the of the "following year, of went the tolls on the old York Road Then the council decid~l to buy th Perth Road, which it secured by arbi- tration, for the sum of 27,000, and the tolls on that highway also disappear: ed. Last year, Kingston township, through its energetic reeve, Mr. Ran: kin, bought up the stock of the Bath Road company, towards which the county eouncil contributed the amount it held. Then, this year, the Portland Road company was forced to sbandon its toll road, owing to lack of repair, and its inability to keep it up. but county representatives were responsible for bringing down the provimcial toll road inspector and having him issue a mandate to the company. Now comes the Storrington Road, which the resi- dents of Kingston and Storrington townships demand he freed of tolls,' and freed it must be. And what in the ways of tolls will be left ¥ Just those ton Cataraqui bridge, connecting the [eity of Kingston with the Pittsburg shore, and those on the Kingston | *¥ markeis.! The county representatives promise (0 got after the city council to 3 urge the abolition of the market tolls, which on the produce market yield ¥ only SLO a year, but which the city | fathers have stomtiy refused to wipe out, claing that the farmers secure 3 more advantage from standing on = | market plice than the city people du . & | irom driving over county roads. Even tually, same one will have to bay ond the bridge company. if a vew stracture is to be erected. The vity and Pitts {bury township, alone with the militia (Hepaetment, Ap Pluelly witerestnd in on for over forty years, close m-- HIGH PRICES. What is there in the complaint high prices, which we ave told, unduly enriching the farmer ? jug at the market reports, we observe that wheat is de. to Sc. a bushel; odts, 0c; barley, 3c. to Ble; peas, Th. to Toe, amd buckwheat, Je. to B3c. These are not high prices. They are not materially higher than the average of the past ten years, and not as high as they have been in some years during that period. There seems to be no doubt that ¥le. is not. high encuggh '10 promote wheat growing in Ontario. On the other hand, there has been a conviderable increase in the prices re ceived by producers of meat, eggs, and butter. Cheese and poultry have not inéreased to any noticeable ex- tent. Apples are high because there is a very' short crop. When, however, these ments of living from bread to the end of the list are bought by the consum- er, he 'payy prices increased out of all proportion to the increases received By 'the producer, remarks the Toronto Weekly Sun. Milk is a good example. The farmers receive #1.40 gallons freight paid on the sta of are Look- necessary. ele a can of eight tion platform, Toronto, that is, au ht- tle more than four cents a quart. The THE DAILY BRITISH WilG, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1910. THE NEWS OF WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. DR. SOPER- DR. WHITE Matters That Interest Everybody--- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Hasily Read and Re- membered. Thomas Lack, of MeNab, committed suicide by swallowing puriz green. A flotilla of British submarines will be sent to the China station = early next year. The first division of the States battleships bas reached land, England The Ontario license department has ruled that liguors must be barred from lodge refreshment tables. Telstoi's condition is improving amd! he may be able to leave for the! Doukbhobor settlements Canada | shortly, i Specialists In diseases of Skin, , Nerves, Bladder and Special Ail. ments of men One visit It advisable : it impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- Question blank and vl a of men free. Consultation free. fiche furnished in tablet form. am. to 1 pm, and Ze Fy Sundays, 0am tel pw » DRE. SOPER & WHITE 26 Toremte Bireel, Toreate, Ont. United Port-| ii The Dominion entomologists warned the women's institute convention, in Torouto, of the dangers of the house fy. Ontario fruit growers, in convention at Torvato, took steps to kill the in- sects and to overcome thefts in tran!' sit. The foundering of a sixty passengers and crew, bound for the Klondike, aboard, in a fierce gale off the coast of Alaska, is reported. Albert Dow, Hamilton, Ont, charg ed with making and attempting to MEN'S WEAR Tt 8 Men's Suits and styles and patterns Men's Sweater Urderwear. Heavy lowest prices Also Ladies wear, etc Boots, Shoes and Women apd Children All kinds of Blankets at low Overcoats any $10 to $18 Hy Coats, Socks Shirts Winter Pants, at steamer with Under- Suits, Skirts Rubbers for Men Jewellery and Flannel prices to ten cents y, distribution * The ex- gonsumer pays nine quand, That is than production. 0 to sa costs more planation is not that farming is too profitable, but that the wages of all forms of labor touching the farmers' product directly or indirectly from the time it Jeayes his hands till it' reaches the consumer have greatly increased, and are far higher than those paid in any other civilized country except the United States, ly resemble are largely high tan, the farmer by production and by making labor unat- whose conditions close ours. These high wages made and sustained by and react to the injury his. cost a of increasing of tainable. It that of wheat and other grains duction of which relatively the prices made by for eign competition Ontario at least to prevent an expan sion of the product. In meats, eggs and butter, in the produc tion of which relatively much labor is is well to note in the case in the pro little labor is required, are low enough in the case of required, prices are high because labor high to be employed i= too EDITORIAL NOTES: A man who had used tobacco all his life died in Connecticut at the age of 13. Holy smoke ! There was an eclipse of the moon on the eve of the opening of the domin- The eclipse of the of the conservative par date. ion parliament "Old Guard" ty later Being a United States is set for a CONGTeSSMM has its attractive side The 391 just elected will begin drawing salaries in March and don't have to get down to work until December. ---- The front townships are not the onl ones that are not provided with high school accommodation by the county conncil. - Children of some of the back townships go to other high schools To accommodate all the children of Frontenac seeking secondary education would require building jwice as large as the Sydenham high school 82. high The county of Frontenae 700 a year to the Sydenham If the county council was to pays school. provide secommodation dnd addition- al teachers for all the Frontense pu would £6,000 yor It certainly seems that the most economical scheme for Frontenac to make a dea! with the Kingston hoard cf education pils it cost pearly is The Lemieux act val abroad as well as at home. A con respondent of the New York Sus, who deplores the waste, interruption of business, rioting and murder of strikes in the great cities, suggests the pas. sage of legislation similar to the Lemieux act, which he regards as the best way yet discovered for dealing industrial disputes. The Le refers disputes to public 1B wWinping appro with mieux act opinion. A St. Thomas man has rather a unique ides on the subject of elec: tion of members of the city council. He thinks that every ratepayer ought to have a seat in turn, and in order to obtain this would take them al- phabetically as their names appear on the voters' list. Truth compels the conclusion that probably quite us} good a choice would be got in this way in most cities dnd towas as by | the present method, £ Pos Saturday, Mise Mary Agnes Man- Belleville, was taken ill --th pendicitis, and despite medical away, Tuesday evening. Decens- ed, in her nineteenth vear, was the eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thom: as Manley. : i the making of books, then there i no end of their wearin: ont. We Ea and make them as good as new. Rook Bimd- a bert Powell, « Brockville, died om - Taesday, Agel sistv-seven vears. le suffered from apoplexy. He was a Methodist, a gon sercative and a man of high stand: ¢ or afternoons teas." hn wet Conker's sweets, the onl of sw oits sold Ring ton Hin avizen of managed to get partially clear L the workd 1 wan' to do puss counterfeit fifty cent pieces ju western Ontario cities, was committed for irial is The jury at L'Original, after out two hours, Wednesday found Alfred Blondin guilty of man 2 slaughter for the. shooting of Dr.} GLAD TO HEAR IT. Empey, of Vars | . The minister of marine has ordered | Prices to Go the government steamer Lady of the! Lake to go from Selkirk to the Basy payments Jos. B. Abramson, being wowed 4 COLBORNE STREET. night, Down Much Lower Yet. . ve-| New York, Nov. 15 Repbris lief of the Wolverine and other {all parts of the United States show 4 frozen in Lake Winnipeg. | marked decline in the price of meats A Roumanian, who escaped from the | nd other food-stuffs Cleveland city hospital, claims he was! Not only has there been reductions held a prisoner there for three vears from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and was operated on, in spite of his prominent packers say that prices will protests about twenty times go vet lower Dublin corporation passed a resolu ll Ogden Armour, tion approving of the proposed par-| on declared, linmentary bill to facilitate the eo leago, that the prevailing price tiblishment of an Irish-Canadian ser jdency was now toward lower vice from Galway to Halifax. * IByv gradual stages the --_ -- reached in a few months, AN HONEST MAN. predicted, from vessels but head of vesterday, Armour Chi ten company, mn a level, bottom will be Mr. Ax mou Wa - Railway Landscape Gardening. Arranged to Pay Debt Dying. New York, Nov. 17. Seven men were | injured, three seviously that the j Amuunt will die, when an automobile in which | 7% of they were returning down town from i stations, the Walsh-Keller boxing = bout in { Trunk Bronx Borough, Monday, eollided with | whind in a trolley ear in Harlem. Not an o | served! by cupant of the auto escaped injury REMter o George Stivers, n down town ness mon, was dragged the a ovaries ne for eighty feet and was picked up in a DA \ i 3 "hz n dving condition. Charles Larkin FANWAY . DEMME ..8 Mp. 8 > James Buchanan, neighbors of Stiver § un bla the ccild plated "shapes of were also probably fatally hurt. Fx | Mio nL AL edit hi hd erybody in the ear tried to jamp | be b fe SIRE when it was seen that a collision was [10 Peds of sera amd, Poppies, inevitable, and the other fons which. bedeck He as the Ameri great of given a to the In recent years many Railways have of attention the grounds surrounding freight sheds, ote. The Railway system has pot thi {ean Leautify their Grand been, sO good we oh editorial Foil Railwa Chica rk as is the October Master Me un tl chanie I hey published in busi if doubts that place operation say ny under ean and i reed way through pans th fies and orchid men + " Peas) grovnds, the doubter, imist, will perhaps offer | that probably cardening jromotive t he the the he is a the opinion Stivers' fist thought when he recov Spi ergd consciousness for a moment for an obligation due of his com papions. Calling Thomas Lee, of the New England hotel, and one the less seriously injured members of the party, the dying man said : "Tom, I owe Buchanan 2975, and he has not even an 10U for it. If 1 soe that be gets it from my estate" The automobile was completely wrecked. and Wis ¢ specialty of repairing shoppe, Indeed, if carried far en ane mparison melined Some owner of 1 in one is Iv devotion to ovidenced of the ontput to wonder ff there may not connection Letween this the aesthetic results as die +10 quality quuntity ah work ob repair The Drop o' the Rain. Mo Herald A m has been spoiled little weather, returns from the with the following A blink o' the sun the raio, freckle or two considerably the h itreal Steamboat Etiquette. Winnipeg Free Press. Robert Fulton's! "Clermont," which begun plying New York and Albany | in 1907, had some quaint regulations on its walls : "As the comiort of all persons must be comsidered, cleanliness, neatness, aud order are necessary; it there fore, not permitted that any = person shall smoke in the ladies' cabin, or in the great cabin, under un penalty, fir of 81.50, and fifty cents for each half hour they offend against this rule; the | money to be spent in wine for the company. holiday aker whose vacation just a by the and a drop A \ It of tan, than first be wd a toneh purse lighte v hen day wns gan beginning he of spend, blink the = . The what Just nnd toddling A Cabinet Minister' s Joke "It is not permitted for any person y ond to liesdown in a berth with their Hebert boots or shoes on, under y penalty of master 81.30, und fifty cents for every half hour they offend against this "In the ladies' cabin, and in great cabin, cards and all games to cease at ten o'dock in the © ing, that those persons who wish sleep might not be disturbed. "As the steamboat has been ftted up m an elegant style, duder is tieces sary to keep it so. Gentlemen will, therefore, please to observe cleanli- | A man arrested at ness, and a reasonable attention not 00 Assault in Samuel, the British made a joke : central post office at I ti ope Mar as that 1 general, ng a rite the was a are en to rule announced at, special occasion the stamps With erpriging worth, eleven be thirteen a to busin demanded a Mr Samuel handed stamps aud two vt shilling an Jady and penn ' oles eve es. an ent shilli her halfpenny Ameliasburg for Belleville, was released 0 injure; the furniture; for this pur- | He was not identified. pose uo one geust git on a table under | the penalty of hall a dollar for each time, and évery breakage of tables. chairs, sofas, or windows, tearing of curtains, or injury of any kind, must | bo paid for before leaving the boat.' SURE SIGNS Of Kidwey Trouble. If your back is constantly aching and if you experience dull shooting | pains, your kidneys are out of order ; "a-- ------ If your urine is thick and cloudy or : An fmportant Message. ex passages frequent, eanty and London Arzonaut. He been he of | Badass. Shar Kidneys and bladder making a night of it, fare out of order. Neglect quick! but hard forsaken his companions. tie | brings on an ay was acquainted with an undertaker | lumbago, sciatica and etc, named tieorge, and decided at three! Mrs. John Wagner of "110 Hollis o'élock in the morning that he must | St. Halifax, N.S. says: "Dull shoot- sb this 'particular man. Accordingly | ing pains would catch me across the be found George's undertaking estab "mall part of my back and extend lishment, over which George had his | ato my shoulders and nek, offen SPnrtments. The intoxicated ; cAusing me to suffer with severé young man rang and rang George's headaches and spells of dizziness. bell, and at last awoke him. The un | Sots woud dazzle before my eyes put his head out of the third: and everything would turn black, 1 story window, expecting to find that | would fall to the floor and be un- his funeral services "were required im. {able to get up again without aseiet- medintely. Instead he recognized his (800¢. A friend told me of Booths iriend Frank. "Well, Frank," he ex. | Kidney Pills and I began their ase. eluimed erosshy, "what do vou want?" |The first box gave me relief, and I "} jst wan' tell you, George," said | A BOW well and strong. Frank, "thst you're the € Tah mun fo ah drugsista Booths GI, kidney Pills, fie of box, with & guarantee to relieve or your His Carelessness, Like all ariists Sir Henry Bving sometimes allowed the fine he wal tg spéigk to ovade his memory for the moment, but so swidom his prompter carele Henny + poe Fest -apevific for Kidney and badder trouble Postpaid from A GREAT HIT We certainly made a hit when we ordered our Winter Overcoats We selected the handsomest and best ments were built to our qrder and according one of the country's best Tailor Shops Overcoats designed and Tailored in son's correct models The Tailoring is of We certainly who looks says "THE FINEST OVERCOATS | EVER saw." great fabrics; and the gar- to our dictation in accordance with the sea. best hit" the "made a in our selection, for every man THE CASTLE OVERCOAT, with smart dressers, single breasted, button long pointed lapels, elegantly tallored in rich shades A great favorite hole through and through, from choice imported Cheviots and Diagonal Cords of Grey and Brown A BEAUTY FOR 818.00, THE SPEEDWAY OVERCOAT. A smart Coat that will give most splendid service and defy cold weather Fabrics are all Wool the Scotch Tweeds, made in double breasted Ulster style, with the very newest style of two-fold collar Swell patterns. Newest colorings. Regular $18 values, BWIRY'S SPECIAL. $15.00, THE COLLEGE ULSTER, $10.00. something ve special at $10 Coat you will say $12.50 OUR PRICE, $10.00, We offer looks good at ry Laurentions § | Workiy 'The tn. D. Ban Co i treet, in the house lately occupied by phriam Mauvety Masts henueth Wh ake was i Friday Ele Ruapy BURNS DROWNED i ndoct a land rink this 3 Lwinter an 'KR. 0. Leggett's lot on A: afi JOHN, \.B | rat ui ] Fo pnd See of a : 1 1a » tors on 3 3 Rew { gl sere 1 ad visi ; on a Staging at th fear o Nicholson, of Pro His Horse, and Fell Eighty Feet bei: Visiting Heversing Falls--Body Dis. i Nicholson Woman Train ville oi AT oing to « IL INTO FALLS: ROBERT ST ster ort i Lh Lunds ¥.,% Mex are installing rur ity Mr. and Wo Westport last Purge is Mrs Miche Mary MeCarthy, of Hed {ast week visiting Baw who fay > vile, > aotlier, in ra into covered by on sen . x win »! alt gEAG" 3 i lL were in Burns ! APES ' h. Ce bridge het Miss here Kobert week Moada and family nis left and nnores, of over tater feet and was ihe on "is fav, discover passenger looking from the the drow tus den, 4 ingston, returns Mr, and Mrs Ww, of Edmonton, » vicmity for the for Mrs were, on Mrs crossing raw a falls, ng and missing reiatives in hiree months, My Athens, Mr. and saw bod station hot the he « search reves tn house, which looking tbe falls, it had broken was workme, whe Lewy wold i Lapdon Uhr and ow . . ; | Coleridge m which the body made nt | f authors, who have found ins wile, who was in the house, din ¥ ie Sram, dor he him as now of the tragedy. will marchers i | apd bor hw he . ot. jiu { three 'hours, Un TY ifown the fragment now fit the interruption of a visitor ban iwhed, j the. rest from his mind, The first dey "of "The Ancient Mariner," wan. sggpested th the poet hy 5 of § hin friend, Cruiksbanks. And Kipling wt | "Oireatest Story tw the World," was butt the haMl remeatberod dream of a comet monplace young man, i ® stagin a. in Dreams. Burns house, coiild be seen Inspiration must bw added pt On io freed Hs awaking ig tok Over an," during a {of he existing NEW 5 OF OF NEW BOR 0. Young Men Have Formed an Athletic, lub. Newboro,, Nov, 6-H periain and Mrs. Fish were in Brockville or ue ness. Messrs. Benj William Bryan are cutting wood TOU§ oThe standard: Tr. BH. Myers, of Portl : {Conkev's uo a 4. Chapman, visiting from Gibson's, Badiard ithe, ithe man who shoots off hi his daughter, Mee { never runs ont of ammunition. week BJ. t & ubie cow on Nanda) : HOW'S THis? high ledge near the railw d broke ' tv + Hundred Deoliars Ree itz Jeg. ' d fe cane of Catarrh that cane Mes. RB : Halls Catarrh Care a Hamn CHEXEY & CO. Toledo, O liam Whaley ure undersigned have known & meeting of 15 years. and * norable in BD. Manares Te ath weed. ohl igations made The soung wien : Vistoria Hall on formed su_athletic entering a Rockey teans ip Lounty Leaighe™ 1 his wintew fing to try hard and Lily & Surf anes a hi wt | v ; the Taylor taghy whi Bold by all Di sgaiets. Yast winter. Migs Famity Pills for id aapily ills Aiven Campbell Has wmoved on wa, thom " Me sweets," of quality of royalty returned Athen Georg mi ir avannak in Ie ¥ the W visited ol the Trssdas club The WALDING, KINKAN. & MARVIN cp ip # he