We Have Superior _facHitles for the transaction of all kinds of Banking Busi. ness, and if you your account to us we assure to every client the same courteous treat. ment and painstaking care, whether the account is large or small, I you live out of town you can do your Banking hy Mail, intrust { DANK OF TORONTO INCORPORATED 1853, ASSETS --$50,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET, George B. McKay, Manager. USTBANE Mave you eyer used it on your floors or your carpets? There is absolutely no dust, and it does away with that sickening, choaking unpleasantness, It is a disinfectant, deoderizing sanitary compound, Just sprinkle a little on your floor and sweep it over and over fold in barréls and half barrels for Hall Stores," Schools and Churches. #1b. Tins for Household use 35c. a Tin "TRY A PACKAGE. FR ¥. A Nitchels Hardware, 88 PRINCESS STREET, LIT] HH 8 tH ei 'Is to use 0 *' RYRIE"" Catse logue. You det on immense Jewelry, Silyerware, China, Glass, EE en bt 5 : s, Stationery, Novelties, $ Soh, J 10 choose from-- at a great range of prices, We guaran. dee safe delivery --prepay all postal or express charges-- ands refund the money if de- 1 Drop « postal card right now for Catalogue L aan that his baby looks baby. a : but gets mad if told he othe baby. 1 proper vactination. FIGHT DEATHS IN MICHIGAN IN TWELVE HOURS. Nine-year-old Girl Pled of Tetanus, Which is Said to Have Developed After Vaccination--Mail From yen Districts Famigated. Détroit, Mich., Nov. 17. Despite the vigorous measures which have been sdopted in nearly every county in the state, the smallpox epidemic shows little signs of abatement. Eight deaths have been reported within the past twelve hours from the infected districts, and thirty new cases. At Bad Axe, yesterday, Lulu Terwilliger, a nine-year-old girl, died of tetanus, which developed, it is said, from im- All the students in Michigan University at Ann Arbor have been ordered to undergo vaceci- nation at the university hospital. All mail coming from within an hun- dred and fifty miles hus been ofdered fumigated at Port Huron. Two deaths took place ip the Michigan Home for the Feeble-minded at Lepeer yesterday, and the institution is now quarantined by state troops to pre vent the spread of the disease. Upto date this city is reported comparative ly free of smallpox. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Professors to Speak---Arranging for Events, . From Our Queen's Correspondent. A new enterprise is being promoted by the arts faculties of the three great universities of the Canadian In tercolleginte Union. During the com ing session Varsity, MNeGill and Queen's will delegate professors i address moss meetings of students at the various colleges, and with this end in view the Arts Society af Queen's, Tuesday afternoon, chose Dr Dyde to go to Montreal, on Novembe: 30th, to address the students of Me Gill. It is understood that the several addresses will be on branches of study with which the chosen professors an associated. The programme for the season has - not yet been completed, but it is anticipated that within the course of a few days further detail will be available, Enthusiastic executives of all facul ties sre now busily engaged preparing for the annual dinner. The arts func tion will take place early in the month, possibly on December Sth; the medical affair is anpounced for Decem ber 19th, while seience will hold it banquet the evening following. These events will all be held in Grant Hall and the public will be afforded opportunity of hearing after-dinne speech making of a high order. Em mihint speakers from centres of th United States and Canada have been invited to attend. The committee having the Arts din wer in hand is composed. General con venor, U, J. Tulley; programme, F Burnett; invitation, R. T. Pilkey; re freshment, M. Colquhoun; decoration A. J. Wilson; reception, G. Telford. -- ' The Alma Mates elections will In beld at the university on Saturday December 3rd. The following gentle men are looking after Arts interests McTavish, Scott, Jull, Mackinnon Wilson, Mcleod and Gordon. J. Mackinnon and G. Telford wil address the Y.M.Cs\, meeting this af ternoon on 'Work on the Mission Field During the Summer Months." The students will again conduet ¢ mock parliament at the meetings o the Alma Mater througpout the win ter. D. C. Ramsay, M.A, has beer chosen premier, while W. Kennedy wil' lead the opposition forces. The open ing session will take place at the so ciety meeting this Saturday eveniny. STUDENTS SUSPENDED As Result of Battle at Westen University . London, Ont., Nov. 17.~Neatly one hundred of the first and second year students, at the Western Medical Col loge, were suspended, indefinitely, this morping, as the result of a pitches battle which occurred, yesterday after noon, between the "freshies'" and the "sophs." The suspended students are parading the streets in high spirits and declare they will go to work in local factories until taken back. R.M.C. Excursion to Peterboro. Train will leave Kingston, 9 am. Saturday. Return train will leave Pe terboro at 7.30 p.m. Fare, $2.35 re turn, Italian Chestnuts. Fresh cocoanuts, pineapples, ripe pears, California grapes, etc., at Car noveky's. Come to 200 Princess street for new woollen Togues, 25c.; vests, 2e.: drawers, Be; tams, Me; sweat ers for all. Sale this week. Dutton's, CARRERE AERERETE RS 3 t Question; is certainly difficult to decide do when ever clothing store in [SiacCt on," 'money the lowest pr , and back, ete." 'only one way tu settle this per- tion, and that is to in we ave right sure we "sell QUESTION OF TERMINAL PORT TO BE LEFT. Four Firms After Contract--Tend- ers Will be Called in January for the Construction of the First 130 Miles. Ottawa, Nov. 17.~--It is announced that ibe construction of the Hudson Hay railway from toe Pas Mission to split Lake will be proceeded with with- out waiting for a decision as to whether Fort "Nelson or Fort Church- ill is to be a terminal port. Tenders will be called for the construction of he first 150 miles, probably in Janu- ary. No less than four large interests will compete for this contract. J.D. Me- Arthur, one of the largest contractors or the National Transcontinental, will 'ender for the construction of the Hud- on Bav railway; so also will MJ. YPtien, of Renfrew. Another tender is pected from a powerful syndicate waded by friends of Hon. Clifford difton., A fourth tender will be made yw the Canadian Northern railway. Ihe Canadian Northern will have (he advantage of owning a railway ine to the Pas, and rival tenders must igure upon getting in their supplies sver the Canadian Northern line to hat point. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. "High class Soaps," Gibson's. Lettuce every day at Carnovsky's. Ninety-seven piece dinner sets for 4.65, at Robertson Bros'. Miss Norah Parker, Patrick street, Il for some time is still confined to wr home. : 1. Maxwell, who has been visiting in he city for several days, returned to sis home in Sault Ste. Marie. Best 50c. corset ' ever sold in King- son, four hose supporters. Dutton's, A Princess street. J. McNulty, manager of the Wilbur ron mines, in the city a few days on usiness, has returned home. Lots: of appropriate 'Xmas gifts at Knox's, Come and see them. Warden Thomson, lost a fine team i horses in the fire at his barns, at harbot Lake, on Wednesday' night. Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald has consented o give the adlress at the meeting, in he Y.M.C.A., to-night, in connection ith the week of prajer. Mrs. OC. A. Jones, in the general hos- sital for some time following an at- ack of apoplexy, was not so well oday. "High class Toilet on"s. Wear revolving rubber heels, and ave money, 5c, 28¢., 35c. pair, put n free of charge. Sole agents, Dut- on's, 209 Princess street. There was a meeting in labor hall, ast night, of the members of the nasons' helpers' union, bui only rou- ine business came up. The theatrical company, ('When All fas Reen Said," arrived in the city, hix afterfioon, from Peterboro, via he C.P.R. The company will go from wre to Ottawa. Special sale of wrtson Bros'. Who owns the pork ? Market Clerk fc('ammon would like to know. This fternoon, a farmer left a quarter of york with the market clerv, ar he ould not locate the owner. Special 'Xmas stationery sale at {nox's this week. Have you called to see the new goods, arrived straight from manufac- turers, at Dutton's shoe store. For nen, women and children. Prices very ow, middle profits saved. 209 Princess street, Frank Reid went over to Wolfe Is- isnd this morning with an ambulance, wd brought the young son of Archi ald Staley to the eity, suffering from diphtheria. Miss Alice Dempsey, Chicago, who was heen visiting her cousin, Miss Hattie Buck, Victoria street, for some time past, left, to-day, for a week's Lsisit in Hamilton before proceeding to her home. Miss Ruby Buck, Sydenham, accompanied her. HERE'S A HIGH TEA. Waters," Gib- dinner sets at Rob- This. Chicago, Nov. 17.~One thousand Jollars was paid for a cup of tea last aight in Chicago. The mark was set it the charity bazaar ai Orchestra Hall, the of which will be for the benefit of the Home for Destitute Crippled Children. Thomas Griffin, wealthy manufactur- into the tea room, con- Mrs. Gaeme Stewart, and debutantes and or- ar, whe ducted by two dosen pretty dered a cup of tea. . Griffin took a snuff. "Great, isn't it?" commented the young woman who served it. "Yes, indeed." Mr. Griffin drained the last drop, then put the cup down and filled out a check for $1,000. "Never mind the change," said Mr. ariffin. f | CHANCE FOR WEALTH. an Thinks Nut-Growing Would be Pro- fitable. London, Nov. 17.--Nut growing as an industry for Ontario is one that will add wealth to the province, in the opinion of G. G. Steele, the well- known London wholesale fruit dealer. "There is an Sppatianiiy, in this "that ought People forget the sonnty Xa [E DAILY BF St. Paul's Was Not in it By: NEEDS FOR GUESTS HOTEL COLOMBIAN X7 T.1. PARK WILL BE MODERNIZED. Well-known St, Lawrence River Hos- telry Catering to the Comfort of Sum- mer Tourists, Under the direction of L. A. John: son and Bert Freeman, proprietors of the Hotel Columbian, at Thousand Island Park, important improvements are being made to the well-known hostelry on the Sts, Lawrence niver, Twenty-five bathrooms, which will in reality serve double that sumber of rooms, are being installed. The rooms, which will be about five by seven in size, are to be located between the sleeping rooms, a door opening from each apartment hotel bathroom. The work was started to-day, Captain lrown and others doing the carpen- ter work. The plumbing work, it is said, will probably be let to Clayton mei. In the many years which it has served to accommodate thousands of summer tourists, the Hotel Colum bian has had but few bathrooms. Lack of such has sent prospective guests olunwhere, This fall the execu- tive board decided to meet the de mand at once and to that end work has started. A number of cottages are being built at Thousand Island Park, a handsome bungalow having been fin- ished recently for a brother-in-law ol Mr. Freeman. WILL GAME BE PLAYED? Hitch Over the 'Varsity TLRM.C. Final at Peterboro. The® seems to be some uncertainty as to whether the Varsity TI-Royal Military Collége, tie will be played off on Saturday, to decide the intermedi- ate championship of the Intercollegi- ate Rugby Union. Cadet Young, cap- tain of the R.M.C. team, received word two days agos that Varsity would play, and the cadets are all ready to go to Peterbore on Friday night, with the same team as played Varsity here last Saturday. Herve is what the To- ronto News says, however : "There is a grave possibility that the Varsity II's and R.M.C. will not meet again to play off the tie stand- ing between the two of the intermedi ate series of the Intercollegiate. Ti such is the case the C.R.U. intermedi- ate finals will be robbed of a greal deal of interest, as there would be no college champions to meet the other league winners. The situation is this the ordinary on Saturday next or a week later, as there are several high the second team who will be acting as spires for the seniors. Of course, i the seniors are beaten this week the game could be played the following Saturday without difficulty, but the local collegians will not consent to play on the 26th until the result of 'Saturday's game with the Toroutos is (known. -H the erimson are beaten a refusal will be forthcoming. On the other hand, it is said that the cadets ciding match is to be contested, on a Wednesday. Varsity are willing to nlav next Wednesday. Hence the dead- lock," NEARING THE CLOSE. cember 1st. The marine season, is fast drawing to a close. The marine insurance will expire on December lst, and after that time, there will be very few steamets on the lake. Some may have their in- surance extended for a few trips, Dut generally means that the majority of the vessels will be laid up. There are several: grain boats ir was stated, today, that they would not go up to Fort William for an other eargo, as time would not per mit. They will be laid up for the win ter, at Montreal. "It's no snap out on the lake, this | i kind of weather," remarked a captain, jto the Whiz, to-day." This is the time jof the year it is far better to be on land. In the fall of the year, the very risky to make some of the trips." Quite a few of the coal schooners are being laid up, and the remainder are about to make their last trip of the season. From now on, things will be rather slack in marine circles. INJURED AT TICHBOURNE, = George Allen Removed to General Hospital. George Allen, of Tichborne, was re moved to the general hospital, Thurs- day morhing, to undergo treatment, He is employed on the railway, and a couple of weeks ago, while the men were letting off a blast, a piece of stone lodged in his left forearm. The piece of stone was removed, to-day, and the patient is now doing nicely. A Market Woman's Loss. In the rush of business on the mar ket, on Thursday morning, a woman from Wolfe Island dropped a 85 bill, but in spite of a thorough seach, it could net be located, od it is believ- pi i . The matter was reported to the police, and if the money is returned to the chief, be will see that the owner secures it, as if .it is not returned, it will mean a big loss to the lady. +"Hifih class Face Powders," Gib son's. . } Makes Provisions for affording double the advantages of | "Vargity absolutely refuses to play | class men on cannot go to Peterboro, where the de- | Marine Insurance Runs Out on De-| A the time the insurance rung out, it | Montreal, at the present time, but it ' weather is so changeable that it is | -- : SDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1910. BROUGHT TO JUSTICE "FLYNN TO GET AFTER "GET i RICH QUICK" MEN. | New York Police Deputy Forms "Commercial Squad". in the De- | tective Bureau. } . I New York, "get rich quick" Nov. 17. --~Promoters of schemes and of all manner of crooked stock sales and manipulations who operate in New York, are to be brought to justice if] the "commercial squad" of the detec tive bureau, the formation of which has just been announced, can bring it eoout. Deputy Police Commissioner Flynn, formerly of the United States secret service, will be in persondl charge of the new squad, and the federal bureau of investigation of the department of} justice, the post office inspectors and the American Bankers' Association will co-operate. { PITH OF THE NEWS. 3 ------ {The Very Latest Culled From All : Over. the World. | It is said that i dead. | is now selling at $7.25 a ton. | Elias Woods, ¢ well-known farmer, lof Scarboro, died very suddenly. | Vancouver conservatives have de- cided to erect a ten-storey headquar- ters io cost nearly a half million. | Senator Casgrain told the Empire 'elub, of Toronto, that the Hudson { Bay rqute Soonid not be practicable {for transportation. ~ | Alphonse Yerville, M.P., will again }introduce in the commons his bill pro- viding for an eight-hour day on gov- | ernment works. The River Seine, which has overflow fod its banks at many points, doing | considerable dainage in lower parts of | Paris, fell slightly, to-day. | The Dominion excise revenue, in { October, was $1,452,807 'and the grand {total of the depardmental revenue, $1, 1519,246, In October, 1909, it was 81,. { 196,873. i Percault, Chevrier and Derome, {charged in Montreal with having been {the cause of the death of Cecile Mie {haud, Westmount was ended to-day. {The three were acquitted. | A large agricultural deputation {waited on Hon. J. 8. Duff, minister of | agricult ure "and asked for the estab- {lishment of a provincial experimental {farm in the Muskoka district, | Andrew Bell, little more than a boy, {caught in the burglary of a Toronto | house was sentenced to serve three vears in penitentiary. Bell came out {of the penitentiary last May. { At Kingston, [., Conrad Hilte brant, owner of the largest boat build ing yards on the Upper Hudson river, died, Tuesday night. He was born in { Germany, seventy-lwo years ago Mrs. O'Connell, widow of one of jhe | Montreal policemen, killed by Timothy {Candy, who is to be banged to-mor- | row, has sent a letter to the minister {of justice pleading for the man's life. Twenty thousand persons, including members of wealthy and aristocratic ! families, of England, have signed the | petition which is aimed to save br. {H. H. Crippen from execution next Wednesday. A terrific storm, now sweeping the Katalls district, Alaska, is believed {to have sealed the doom of the {eighty-three persons from the wrecked steamer Portland, marooned on Ka- i talla island, telephone message from Rock | Springs, Texas, says that the excite- ment over the reported marching on | the town of a band of armed Mexicans | has subsided, but the town is still ! guarded. | The St. John Railway company has | decided to reduce the price of gas for | heating, cooking aml manufacturing | purposes twenty-five cents per thou- rand, making the price after December one dollar. John Hamilton, Winnipeg, a night watchman, was burned to death as {the result of a fire which broke out fin a wheeled caboose used by the workmen engaged in constructing a {sewer offi Portage avenue. Authoritative dispatches received de {clare Count Leo Tolstoi is still alive. i He passed a very restless night, how- ever, his tomperatire is 104. His wile collapsed again and hex condition is !now exceedingly grave. | London scientists here report that | the depths of the Pacific ocean are in {a state of great upheaval. Heavy earth shocks have been recorded dur ing the past two days, apparently oc curring in the regions north of New Z#aland. The serious (hacge of being concern: ed in the "White Slave" trafic is made against Rose Dufresne the keep- er of a' Montreal brothel, She was in court on a charge of keeping a dis- Count Te toi is! Anthracite or hard coal in Toronto' To-Morrow Sa WE WILL HAVE READY 5 li dts L7 34 Women's Made by an 'American expert irr this particolar style of dress. THE MATERIAL is a fine quality All Wool Panama Cloth, Allover Lace Yoke and Collar. Around the yoke is bordered with a dainty braid forming a design in front. SKIRT is made in over-skirt effect, with panel front and deep side pleats. COLORS are Black, Navy, Amythest, Nut Brown and Leather Browns. THE PRICE I8 14.95. To have this dress MADE in Kingston, the making alone would be $15. Black Voile Dresses THAT FIT and have a style that marks an up-to-date gown. Evening Gowns In Messelene Silks. Colors : Cream, Rose, Reseda, Black, Aviator Blue, Butterick's Large Book of Winter Fashions Now ready. Any pattern FREE with this book. orderly se and was to both fine and imprisonment. ---------------------- Barned Employer's Barn. Brandon, Man., Nov. 17.~Frank Wiltshire, of Virden, in the polive court, pleaded guilty to arson, and was remanded for un week for sentence. Wiltshire, on September 28th, fright- i was employed, by threatening them with a loaded shotgun. The mean burned the barn. and before being ar- rested, shot himself in the jaw. He has been in the hospital here since, and was not able to appear in court before. May Visit Canada. London, Nov. 17.--It is officially an- nounced that King George and Usieen Mary will sail for India on January Ist, 1912, to hold a coronstion dir bar at Delhi. It is quite possible that a visit by the king and queen fo Can- fad will be arranged at a later te. Bengalis Iunocent. some overt act against Minto, have been released, it ag been proved they intended no ened the Soras family, by whom he 0 DRSRCRORORORORORORO ROR CRORCRORORRRORN0 00 Friday and Saturday {Men's Shoe Sale Continued All Odds and Ends in Men's FINE SHOES REDUCED STILL FURTHER. : Those who did not get a chance at the bar. 2 gains last week will have a snap Friday and urday, { Clean Them Out Regardless of Price § DON'T FORGET Friday and Saturday. LOCKETT SHOE STORE oscar STA