Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1910, p. 6

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id Rose Tea and | will find the ine flavor and Pd strength that tL it the tea of ince 1894. It's rer | { Cent, fet Kirkpatrick, Misses" Nora dnd Bold in Guwilight see {Continued from Page 2.) * * » Mrs. H. A. Calvin, Kin street, en tertained nt a very bright tes, on Wednesday, given in compliment to her house-guest, Miss Jean Marsh, of Win nipeg. The drawing-room was prettily decorated with white chryeanthemy ims. Mise Anna Lesslie poured tea, at a prettily appointed tea table, and Miss Marion Redden served the ices. Also helping were Miss Florence Cunning bam, Miss Muriel King and kttle Mise Hilda Calvin, The guests were, Miss Mildred Jowes, Misses Hilda and Poris Miss Wadge Dawson, Miss lo Helen Cordon, Misses Mamie and Susie Anglin, Misses Eva and Mabel Rich- ardson, Miss Phyllis Knight, Mi Kathleen Crisp, Mis# Edith Goodwin, Misses Kathleen and Moltie Saunders, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Madge Tay lor, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Dorothy hi de iy, again, even as a tree may bloom aod bud a second time." rubber plant, which stretches second time ? She has studied | from a near Viewpoini, and apprecia- | tea to ihe full all his good qualities. { She knows what it méans to have | protector 3 | world's storms. Her first | grateful for THR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. NOVE) STORY ON MATRIMONY, r-- Can a Charming Woman Love a Se- cond Time? Lajira Jean Libbey iu Chicago Tribune. H you ask a pretty widow that ques- tion with charming naivete, "Ah, my dear, why not ? ) me perfection; may not another view me through just such rosy glasses" | One dear heart found ve mankind, and love wins love, you know." Her eves gare pensively into the gloaming, and she adds reflective- into the heart "Love tan come "Or, as the out," pted+ by' a tinkling I say, with a laugh : I am interra laugh, merrier than my own. A little hand creeps nestling into mine, the little widow thoughts ask about, and the puts into words to I bave not had time a Why shoitld not a widow love 1 man a her from the choice was the affection she gave There was nothing she left un- yne for his comfort; she has no re to shield m. Ses LECKIE, OF QUEEN'S, PICK OF ITS FULL BACKS. Harvard Continues to be Favorite Over Yale--Hamilton Tigers snd "Chaucer" Flliott--A New Bil. Hard Record. % "Tickets for the Yale-Hurvard rughy game are bringing about $30 each. The J. Ross Robertson new trophies were presented to the O.H.A. to-day. Well, what do you think ! Pieton is going to have professional hockey { Holy, gee! Pitcher Applegate, formerly of ronto, will be sold for a big by Wilkesbarre. Haileybury and Cobalt will hockey teams notwithstanding withdrawal from the national ciation. The O.R.F.1U. declines to acknowledge the Hamilton City League as the In- terprovincial junior series and hus ap- pealed to the C.R.U. on Offers pf money have been received from a large number of the leading pugilists and fron many prominent sporting men of America. Dr. Smirle Lawson, the great gal To- figure have their BESO~ LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, LTD, Strong Life Company Rearranging Its Canadian Business. W. AB MacKay, oi London, Eng. general manager of the London and Lancashire Life, returned to Montreal recently, after an absence of four weeks, during which time he visited the principal agencies of the com- pany 'between Montreal and Vancouver. Referring to his trip, Mr. Mackay speaks with enthusiasm of the growt that is taking place and the prosper: ity shown throughout the dominion. He anticipates a steadily-increasing volume of Canadian business for the London and Lancashire Life. Mr. Mackay was accompanied on bis trip by Alexander Bissett, who has been appointed to the management of the company in Canada, under the title of secretary, Mr. Bissett, whe has been in the company's head office in Montreal, for upwards, of twenty- five years, was formerly istant to B. Hal, Brown. Mr. Bissett's many friends, both in imsurance circles amd elsewhere, will be glad to learn of his appointment, and will cordially wish {him success in his new position. L. G. Atkins, F.I1.A., has been ap- pointed assistant to Mr. Bissett. The following branch office appointments and arrangements have also been made Fourteenth Year in Present Form. The publication that set the pace for better print. ing in Canada. The Montreal Gazette said about the 1909 edi. tion :e-- "Altogether the number is the most artistic publi cation ever produced in Canada, Upon it has been lavished the highest skill of authors, artists, litho. graphers and printers, and the result is a production of which every Canadian should be proud." Theres Plates. In addition to the bcok of fifty-two pages and stories in- The Supplementary ROTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. Go to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading Commercial Hotel. Rong $1.50 per day. JAS, STEWART, Prop TRAVELLING. HLL LSS LOCAL BRANCH TIME-TARLE, Hralns will leave and arrive at City Depot. as follows: ' Gel ¥. Arrive City. mn. 12.57 amg Li am, 2.47 am, « A357 pony 8.51 pany rv 70pm. 7.38 paw ing EF = ean, 8 Samos ast, Leave Ciiy, J ity, x 3 RES a 4 18 vy Trains 1, 2, 5 4 dally; other tra dav Through Pullmans to and frem Ottawa daily on trains 2 and 0 For Pullman accommodation and all information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts cluding eight full pages in col- or, there will be three sepafate supplementary plates: -- grets, save for the loss of his pre- clustering about his memory. The widow, unlike her sister women who have known no such near and dear companionship; js always inex- pressibly lonely unless she has some male friend about to confide all her joys and her woes to. She is fascinating to men because she studies their moods and understands them; all sympathy when they go to her with their love storigs which concern some other woman. She holds their hands: tears fill her eyes, as she mur- murs the consoling words: "I won- der how any woman could help ap- preciating the love of such a great, manly heart. To me such a heaven sent gift would be a treasure dear as life itself." The words are artlessly spoken, and straight from the heart, for she means every word she has uttered. A man's heart is a strange thing; capable of sudden revulsions. The little widow's words have scarcely died out on the breeze ere the: man experiences a sudden change of feeling: "Why woo a cold marble statue, he asks himself, while here, within reach. of his arms, i+ a little creature all heart, all sym- pathy, all love and devotion, who ap- wreciates his worth ? The only question which raises a doubt in his mind is, can a widow love truly a second time? He gives himseM up te the pleasant experi- ment of finding out. That is the Le ginning of the courtship. He is cross- ing swords with an opponent worthy of his steel, but it is not within the widow's province to let him even sus- pect this, She knows that the best way to get along with a.man, be he lover or husband, is to let him imag- ine he is having his own way. When he is cross or stubborn she is too wise to frown or rail against his ac- tions, but cajoles and wheedles him intg pleasant humor, though it taxes all her ingenwity. She is only re hearsing a little lesson she has studi- el belore, Every man grows dependent upon the woman who looks out for his com- fort. The kttle widow is wise upon this subject. He is not dragged off to the theatre or ball when the ther- mometer is down to zero and a bliz- zard is blowing outside. She knows the walue of the cozy fireside at such a me, and how comfortable she looks in 'her prefty, simple 'house gown, with "her slippered feet on the fender, a sight to make any man's heart gow with the desire to see her sit- fing as his wife all the rest of his He. Then again comes the old, harrow- ing dotibt--can a widow truly love a second time? (He leans over, takes the little hand lying on the arm of hor chair. His proposal "of warriage is tinged with that doubt, which he begs her to dispel. She accepts him, addinz earnestly: "Doubt not, dear, that 4 widow can love truly a sec ond time. Fhe heart is fallow for havin: nurtored a blossom of wedded bliss, The past, beautiful though it was, softens in time into ga hallowed memory, The heart that iy loved once is always susceptible 1o love. Love 1s the blossom; marringe is the Power." Her heart responds to a sympath- etic nature which has been attracted Hill, Misses Christine and Sylvia Coch rane, Miss Harriet Watson, and her visitor, Miss Fanny Field, from Win- mie: amd Miss Blanche Kent, Mis mcjory Brownfield, lopipg halfback of the Varsity fool: ipy My: Mackay and Mr. Bissett : ball team of 1900, will start medical | "voneouver--H. A. Massey, provincial practice in Ottawa next August. ' The fans will have to stand for the noe, ASTER Pe MLC SENTR0 In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingsto 120 p.m Express--«er Montreal, Quebec, St. Johpy, NB fax, Boston, Toronto, r. Renfrew, Sault St Paul, Winni Seattle, Portiand ar 5.00 p.m.~--Llocal, connecting with © West 7.46 am Mixed intermediate points, Friday Passengers leaving F 01 Peterboro, 4.3% pm; Montreal, 7 am.; St. John, 12.00 noor |" Calgary-The b foe under M . b 3 n Calgary--The branch office under Mr. iron on, hr dia rol oe |actind a provincial manne the prices 50c., $1 and $1.50. | Roma new branch office has Vos, Jamilton, Tiers axe Svests Se een on nd fos Canton) Saskatdhowan game this 'afternoon, at Rosedale, the Sohn A Mackenns: Ye Sissction % ug cantastante inviting the Big Four Winnipeg--The branch office for Cen | The Renfrew club has no intention gal Cannda is oa tined wnder - of giving up Lalonde. President Bar- The company has pp A Tages. net has been in communication with Winnipeg, y Toronto Star: Sep DuMoulin © asks heen opened under jhe distriet, ni ai-- Tigers to get hit haute Elliott int an=--The ys Mills, an old re- Foe Sow str i prsmnive of the compaiy. has (ak season with Argos this is a sore en. charge of the tewritosy from Tren: touch. a at guntingor, "Jaeck' Johnson is suffering from | % : . nervous prostration. The big cham- Ottava The interests ga} the AB pion loses his memory at times. Fear pany dy. wh gs Je a ing that he might do some harm he Kennedy, Jas i with. the com: has had his wife take charge of his [P2Y for some years. + revolver. » Arrangements for the establishment Today the big American of ther beanch offices are being ne: games will be betweon Yale and It is stated, in an official circular, is- vard in the rast, and Minnesota and sued by Mr. Mackay tials Wad, hat Michigan' in the west, Harvard and the lytiness of the assgeiation in Can, Minnesota as the favorites for the est ada will, as heretofore, be Santinved and west championships. Under. the guidance of the Sanadian Frank Woodworth is tying to ar board of directors and that it is the range to have Tizers make * another aseistion's-ihisution to. Safty out tip. to. New York this fall. He is tre policy of steady and continued pro- ing to have Tigers meet one of the [ETO American college teams--hali Cang- dian, half American rules. John Morin of Pittsburg is beine boomed for the National basenall league presidency. in opposition to President Lynch. He is an old South- ern League player and is now Director of Public Safety 'in Pittsburg. Offers of contribution to a fund to be used towards the erection of a monument for the late Stanley Ket- chel, who was shot and killed recent- ly in Missouri, are being received by his parents at Grand Rapids, « Mich. Professional hockey players who are still + waiting for their last season's salaries see pastures green in the Maritime Provinces, where a pro. i league iy rouse] to be composed of Moncton, Halifax, Amberst, New (las- gow and North Sydney. Toronto - Telegram: The boys who rub the Presbyterians are Back in Hamilton helping Sep. DuMoulin tell the Tigers how to trim 'Varsity, Soems a shanie that the only 'Rastus, who was once mascot for Queen's, should not also be engaged. Calvin Demarest, the voung Chicago billiard player, in practice hung up a new record for the 18.2 style of play. He made 312, breaking the best pre- vious mark, either in practice or com- vetition of 307, made by Willie Hoppe in 1908, at the allstar tournament. In naming an all-Canadian rugby team Capt. Quilty, of Ottawa Col. lege, picks Leckie, of Quéen's, for full: back, claiming that - he is brainy, fast, a good kick, ant has made just one fumble in 19)0. Capt. Quilty says Leckie is the superior of Stin- son, of Montreal. Hamilton Tigers are ready to for "Chaucer" Elliott's , state that they made at attempt go month ago to secure the well-known couch for, the nat two weeks of the to her own. She sees a silver linin. AEASOD: ot that, the Nontrent ev, to the clouds which bent above hor. seauid fa ay i, oft. They are Yes, a vitow 's Meuse may Know love | In:reply to the charges of prokession ; : a Seco ime, t love w i - treal ¢ : Bishop Farthing arrived from. Mon-lhountiful in its freshness and ner Sain fram Mon hal BEeunedy; of treal, to-day, cin the » of | ness, a young gitk's tender romance, | it is Ey ughy States that Bishop and Mr&' Leonox Mills, "Bis- | culminating in wedlock. A widow's G A fue that he plaved > hopscourt," King street. love is Phone Live years ago with the two Psco . : deeper, more mellow. The | Thomas and A Mrs. R. J. Carson, Brock street, will [husband and the fireside is the Alpha | news vend, Ancus oT receive on Monday afternoon, and not |and Omega of her hopes. | Marriage, was. in play a Das His offence again until after they New Yehr. Mrs. | the Raven of her life bark. tanedonni: He mith sud. ayainst. pro- Kénndth McLaren, of ho Ew re- oo ola with Hut a single thought | A ny Ho was Fae hort v. wo hearts that Dea WM i i ahiata Miss Birdie Harkness, of Lancaster, 3 ay one this tall before he played any rughy is expected in town on Tuesday, to 8. 'Vareity. rie of Mrs. Hugh Machher- Hatching Chickens in a Hot Well. son, "Elmhurst." » : Miss Winnifred Claxton, Union street expects to leave the end of the week for Toronto to be the guest of Miss Nan Gooch, Crescent road. Mrs. Rdward" Lewis, of Vancouver, Governor Simcoe--the sixth in The Christmas Glohe series of historical pictures, Christmas Eve---one of the most beautiful and expensive pictures that The Christmas Globe has publighed. "In the Enemy's Country" the first of an educational series uf animal pietures. This one, a pair of lions, wi'l find a place in many a den, as well as schoolroom. * 5 Mrs. Fi W. Irwin, , A for merly Miss Margaret Hewton, of Kihgston, entertained n large numbers of her friends at tea, last week, at her pretty home, on' Broughton strect. White flowers and smilax were taste fully combiued in the decoration of the reception rooms, while a warm glow of color was given to the ten room by the red flowers employed in its appointments. The hostess reosiy- orth Jivic. ed in a lovely gown of pale blue ninon the D.D.D. Labo tories, Dept. |de soie, and had hel ing her Mrs. G. 49 Colborra >i." wonto. for] E. Macdonald and Mrs, J. Y. Grillin, bee trial bottle of this w «til both of whom were handsomely gown. 8 wash. It is called the 1.101, [«l, nnd who poured tes and cofiee, nt . jon, The very first arpa vill] + able laid with a cluny lage cover, you sheolute and ing repel [ud brilliant with rich crimson earna will show you that life i» worth |tions, and red shaded candles, * o sulleFing feaore + . first Dhplicatiud, Miss Kathleén Saunders way =» * in DDD. Prescriplisr you |charming hostess at the tea hour, on at last found a eure. ot any | Thursday, at the poof her Jnow you have instant re- mother, Mrs, K. M. Saunders, Alice W. Mahood, corner Princess street, when she asked a' fow' of her A rireets. friends to meet Miss F deld, of -- Winnipeg. It was very informal, Miss Mollie Suunders waited on their guests, who included 'Miss Josin Marsh (Quebec), Miss Harriet Watgon, Miss Fdith Goodwin, Miss May Macdon nell, Miss Bessie Richardson, Miss Kathleen Daley, Miss Marion Hague, Miss Margaret Fairlie, Miss Marguerit Stewart, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Mil dred Jones and Miss Gertrude Power. * * 9 5 The new members who were elected to the Badminton Club, on Wednesday afternoon, are: Colonel and Mrs. Birchall Wood, Mrs. A. H. Wolle, Miss Madge Crowe, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Marjory Brownfield, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Charlie Short, Captain W. P. Elkins, Mr, Tif: fany "acklem, and My. Davis. * > na Cure Worth Life Itself. Zeit ng with eczema weber it is worth Heel «w that a simple fol DF: isterygreen, Thymol, ir futel tiv compounded" in- gives stat and positive that vol bong teh. know that yi. -< vou do from tbat tus. ing woony, ho : i kis i oti Ottawa, Hall Mariel 1 sie get life For Renfrew Mon Ask your newsdealer for full particulars and make sure that he orders a copy for you. Price fifty cents Ch Jastiulary at RK. and Bb. A each, from your dealer, or F. CONWAY sixty cents if mailed direct Sen. Fas Agen! from The Globe Oftice. wit! BAY OF QUINTRE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Btation, Ontario 3 reat. 4 pm. daily (Sunday excepted) 0 r Tweed, Sxden Am, Napanee, Deser- CANADA'S ockburn an B fhura all points north. 0 Secu espa o Runock- ANNUAL. att pated . NATIONAL h, da i Ye A bg your aD Ipmanye via Bay 9° €« Rooms i HOTEL "22. YORK CITY 'wpwerd Quinte Ransar, For further parti to Free Sond Bosiam to and or Garde Book os Mep lars ply Rr DICKSON, Agent. 0 o § W. McCANDLESS Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 318 Princess Street Opposite St. Andrew's Church, Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally except Sundays Reliable Watch Repairing. at 3 pm. for Picton and intermediate ae our GIVEN Bay of Quinte ports. FOR SELLING POST CARDS yuu rughy Har. SL LL ------------ Sousa's Band Farewell Tour. John. Philip Sousa, master of band conductors, is the greatest traveller among musicians. During the past eighteen years he has covered more than half a million miles, playing or directing his band, before great audi- ences in many of the civilized coun- tries of the globe. Besides the United States and Canada, Sousa has won notable success in England, Germany, France, Russia; Austria, Holland, Bel- gium, Denmark, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, Now that "March King" prepared for a tour of the world which began late in August and will not end until the early fall of 1911. Following his appearance at Ocean Grove (N.J.), Sousa and his band were heard at Willow Grove, at the Western Pennsyl- vania exposition, Pittsburg, in several concerts in New York state, and then in some of the principal cities the middle west. After his farewell dt the Hippodrome, New York, Sousa sails with his men for London, where his takes place, "Supplies, Railings, Wire ete, manufactured at Part- 8,Crescent Wire and Iron+ 'Street West; also 'of all kinds. "Phone Mrs. T. OC. Wilson, Alfred street, is entertaining at lea, his afternoon, in honor of Mrs. Williams, of Sarnia. * @ 700 ink 8 headache is you have caten too heart- a 8 drank more good 1. your digestion, } you feel youhave a com= feel feverish or chilly, times Zatoo tablets a Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Barrie street, ix entertaining the Children's James Swift & Oo., J. P. Hanley, i i ven Wind Watch, Club, this evening. Sven p stame are girel 10, boys and girls for selling 3 packets of Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. with Deguifl Gold Art Post x a packet. Urder go packets "are Finish Case, Wan sohl, send us §3 3nd we will Positively, send you factory tested, guns T #1 oace the Watch, Rin and Chain i information from Cr American made us ub 0 & > Mrs, Thomas W. Mills, 122 Univer- STR IND ad ite WM. DRURY, sity avenue, will not receive until of 235 WELLINGTON STREET. apadian Novelty Supply House LONDON, CANADA ter the New Year. > > 9 Mrs. 'F. Peart Birley, (een street) will not receive again until after 'the New Year, , : a Miss Granger, from Ireland, is the guest of Captain and Mrs. H. A. naulbach, Royal Military College. She expects to spend some time with them. Miss Edith Fraser, West street, left, on Monday, for a three weeks' visit with friends in Peterboro. Colonel Neilson, Quebec, arrived in the city, yesterday, to spend a few days with Colonel and Mrs. R. E. Kent, King' street, Harty and little Mrs, William H., daughter, Nadine, arrived home to- day from Torpnte .and Bronte. While in Toronto Mr. Harty was the guest off her mother, Mrs. J. Kerr, "Rath. nally," and in Bronte, the guest of her sister, Mrs, EF. Osler. * + "Phone 443. first European concert January 2nd, Before the 25,000 mile trip is over Sousa will have won the Pov of music lovers in most of the countries already mentioned, and, in addition, will have faced the citizens of Egypt, Australia, Arabia and Japan. As al ways, two distinguished soloists, a singer and a violinist, will accompany the Sousa band; Herbert Clarke, first cornetist and assistant conductor, will also appear frequently as soloist. Sousa"s band will be heard at the Grand Opera House, on Tuesday after- noon, November 22nd, at two o'clock. : Our Crystal Brand Of Standard Granulated Sugar Is wa- excelled for preserving or table use. ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Bireet H PARKS& SON, : . ba Day 'Phone 23% F i313 Night 'Phone 255 All kinds of Cut Flowers ane in season. Wedding and Fu signs a specialty shipped to 138 King Street. : HE Underwood Bill bid services, but T peals ing Typewriter ap- tne stn eon BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT THE | He Was a Scotchman, The composure of prisoners under trying circumstances has often excited comment. The palm in this respect must be given to Alexander Cunning ham, who was convicted of wife mur der at a court held in Ayr during the spring of 1854. After the death sen- tence had been pronounced, the presid- ing judge observed that the prisoner addressed some remarks to bis coun sel, The expression on the latter's countenance was one in which surprise and amusement seemed to be blended. When the court adjourned his lordship asked if he might be acquainted with the purpose of the statement, and learned to his great surprise that it was summed up in the short query : hang strongly to pro. gressive business men who appreciate the advantage of the most advanced CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homalike sur- roundings. Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre . Charges are moderate Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. methods in the office. 'UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. J. R. C. DOBBS, KINGSTON. ceive with Mrs. Carson 1H they we, what will they do wi' my claes ¥"~Dandee Advertiser. The Trusts and Guarantee company, "- limited, Toronto, have been appointed administrator of the estate of the late Ann McCloskey," of the city of Toron- to. The te is valued at about two thousand lars, and consists of a one-half interest in the property known as No. 14 Saulter street, To- ronto, and a bank account for the hal. GIECK OVER YOUR ORDER t1 Two may be able to live as cheaply as one--if the one doesn't have to pay | dlimony. "Special sale of dinner sets at Rob- Bros' erison . - Tn the dark ages men were tortur- 46d on the rack. The music rack is still with us, 8 5 i' 10, are the guests of Mrs. C.W. Gove street, © Land, J Practical Painstaking PLUMBING Is what we try--at ail time to furnish, We're all liable to make mistakes --we don't mak mistakes--but when we do. we never hesitate to "make good r--n@ver! 'PHONE 3335. RESIDENCE, 856. when you are In specially good Plumbers, and we will be "on the job" quick- iy as possible, | David Hall, 66 Brock Street . ing from Toronto, Jgwest of Mrs. J. Gibson at Govern- jment House. Mrs. Douglas = Young, wife of Capt i ; Foren, riding some of « Sifton' ew York horse show. * > 0 i And you will find the items abso- lutely correct after we make a deliv. ery. Not only in number and quan tity, not merely in weights and wea: sures, but you get the best qunlities, too, and the prices you pay are no higher than you pay lower grades elwewhere. We are in deliveries and polite iw our You wilt find it saves you moviey, to deal hers regularly. . CSL 's need of

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