oe TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES IN THE CITY OF KINGSTON. CITY OF KINGETON, TO WIT BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT I8sU- d by the May fh : inder his hand sy seal of the Cor- i of the City of Kingston, bear- : ¥irst day of Beptember, in ir Lord one thousand nine and ten, and te me directed, indinge me to levy upon the Seve- ysl lands herein mentioned, and de- seribed in the said City of Kingston (all hich lands are patented), for the fue thereon respective- ; costs as hereafter y ice that un- the said arrears and costs be tay of December next, #t of 13 o'clock noon, at the Counell City Buildings, in the Clhiy of extn aforesaid, proceed to sell by Aunetion se much of the said pectively, as may be sufficient ce such arrears of taxes and thereon respectively FRANCIS . IRELAND, City Treasurer, 2rd September, 1819, Catarsqul Ward. Taxes. Costs, nbher Kingston Total, part Lot .. BERENA~ od to Estate of John Mudie, Taxes 1505 to 1999 ine... vest 07 Frontenac Ward, 1. 8. 25, 26, North side Adelaide 81. assess ed to BR. W, Smith Taxes 1800 to 1909 ine of 450 1427 is 31.03 5.03 Vietoria Ward, 463, Lots West BL, ase urine ; i 7 # 1907, 1908 an aR 4.68 22.00 O18 29 and 39 wrth ride Stuart assessed to Thos. McAuley Taxes, L1902 to 1909 Ine... .. 138.07 Rideau Ward, 618, Northerly Quart. er of Lois 4, 5 and 6 on the South-west corner of Concession toad and Smith St, supposed to belong wo the BEetdte of the Mr, Bowes. 1905 10 1909 : 70 145.97 : s 4.80 15.50 West side otoria St, South of asi, asversed to Roddy. Taxes, A 1905, 1906, und 1908. . Ro OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tohaceo. Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, a Ontario Strest. 46.28 5.40 B18 Dr. de Van's Female Pills A rol abig French regulator; never fails. These pills are extendingly powerful in regulating the genierative portion of the lemale system. Refuse all cheap imitations, Dr, de Van's are sold a £5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address, The Sceboll Drag Co. 86. 09, In or at Best's Drug Store. | '1 feel like having a jubilee.' y LACES CLEANED. Old Family Ditchesse. Old Point or Ol Brussels Laces do not lose thelr refined character or softness if we clean them. R.PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 9 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, $3.50 Recipe Gures Weak Men --- Free Send Name and Address Today-- You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous, I hate in my possession a prescription foi nervous debility, lack of vigor, weakened manhood, failing memory and lame h brought on by excesses, nonatursl drains, or the © lew of youth, thal has cured so many worn and. nervous men right in thelr own homes-~without suy sdditional help or medi- eciae~that [think every man who wishes to regain bis waply power and virhity, quickly and quietly, should bave a copy have dotermined to send n onpy of the. prescription free of charge, in _ lain, ordinary sealed en- vekipe to anv man will drite me for it. Tals prescription comes from & physician Who has made wu rpecigi stndy of men and | am convineed 1 js Loe syrest-acting combi- nation for Loe eure of cefidient manhood and ¥igor failare . ev put together, 1 think I owe it to my fellow man to wh them a copy in confidence so that any man Ri whats whi is wes and discon with repeated failures may stop dra imeelf with harmful patent Tin a what f bedeve is the guickest-acting restorative, veabuiidiog, & "TOUCHING ever detised, and . Sure himselt Et a uickly. Jus pe 8 br Y E Robinson, 1838 LL -- 3 Detroit, Mich., and I want copy his w En rol docturs free of chu. vn A hi £3.00 ©. or would charge 8.00 & for motely Ntitiog ry aut a rip? like 1545 - tet J LR Lig but 1 v WHEN ORDERING FLOUR Ask your grocer or desler to send you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. | Try It apd he convinesd of the celebrated guality of the Flour. Saad Manufactured hy the e City of Kingston, | r paid, I shall on THURSDAY, the, the 6.08 HUSBAND yLL LEPHONING HIM HOURS OF NIGHT. T 'A Kansas City Man Arrested--He Loved the Other Fellow's Wife, aml Sought th Worry Her Hus. | band. Kausas City, Mo., Nov. 1-H. W, Porter, of No. 4,303 East\ Fifteenth street, a timber and sheet medal work. or, is hopelessly in love. His\love is especially hopeless, since the woman he loves is married to another, and, moreover, loves her husband. Simple love i» responsible for many strange ani unaccountable actions, but hope: léss love is productive of even strang. er, as Porter has proved. " Seven years ago Porter, thes twenty vears old, loved Mary Ulemons, who "lived wear bis home, in Jackion {avenue. His work required that . he | leave the city, and while away he re | caived word that Mars had married Gilbert A. Sharp, now a foreman of the Western Union Telegraph company, | Porter did not come back at ence. He | wout to Cedar Rapids, lowa; then to ¥ MARYS TO MAKE PRESENT. ! All Women of That Name Will NEWS OF NEIGHBORS Give. Rothesas, Sovz 19.----Much specala- | WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS tion was causal o few dave ago when TELL Us. the Marchioness of Bute Dsued a no | tive asking that every woman and ind i The Tidings From Various Points in living wm and belonging to the islandy | Eastern Ontario--What = People of Bute and Cumbrae whose fest bagi Arve Doing awd What They Are 1s Mary shonld send her full name and RN address to her. Saying. "No indication as to the purpose of the request was made, Lut there was J uo ready response. About a tigusand | Macdonald, Nov. 18 ~Mrs., Joha names were sent in. Trere was much | Hambley, und daughter Lilly, have gossip as to the intention of the Moved into ther residenve," lately pur- marchioness, but durin: to-day and | Chaxed from Mr. Rowe. Mr, Rowe and yesterday ou circular in the following family have moved to Picton. Miss terns: has been received by euch of Fa Richardson entertained a large the "Marys" from Lady Bute: nomber of friends on Friday evening Queen Mary's Coronation Gift-- Prelim. [of last week. Mr. : "inary Notice. | Miller's infant daughter, Marion, has On the occasion of her voronation it i been quite ill, but is better. Perey Ws proposed that the Marvs of the Williams, Hay Bay, is dowly rites, Spire should offer a gift to ing. ween Mary either in the form of a p---- personal ne mn or, in the form of » Hartington News. um of money to be placed at the | Hartington, Nov. 1% Rev. My ede disposal. As it is intended 1g | Stuart, of Parham, occapied the pul ve all Marys who wish (0 do so an {pit here lost Sabbath aftertoon. He opportunity to join, any sum can be [gave an address on ' ashion.' - My. gmaven from 1d to £1. A lis of als the | Waltano, of Verona, is threshing in contributors will He kept, Hut not the | this neighborhood. Mr. Conway his Macdonald Notes, | New York and finally to Philadelphia. "All this time] stayed away from Kansas City becanse 1 loved the girl," j Porter said. "I did not whnt to i bother her in any way, so 1.-did not {come home, And nobody can say ever bothered her," he added. 'Even | her hushand will say that." But Porter did bother the hasband. | Since Porter returned to Kansas City, about a year ago, Sharp pever has been sure of an hour's sound sleep. Any time at night, especially early in the morning, the telephone was liable to ring, and keep on ringing until an- swered. "Is that you Gilbert !" in a masew i line voice. And then : "How ars von going to voie on tha wet and dry proposition 7' "Are you old man Sharp's boy 7" or "Do. you believe in the square deal 7' or "Have vou any idea who assaulted Willian Patterson *" or some equally import. call " And the conversation with; "I will you up again to-night, or soon the promise would be kept. At first Sharp considered it a joke, but it grew tiresome, and recently, by asking the telephone central to ring back immediately after a call, ho found person who called was talking. "Bhen Porter wus arrested on a charge" of disturbing the peace and confessed that he was the nocturnal disturber, "1 didn't have anything Sharp personally --that ol, 1 he is a nie fellow. I guess must be something to hith or he would not have held his job for so long with the Western Union and have such good one. Bat then 1 wanted to toh, 1 don't know why I did it! [can't explain," Porter said. say His Funeral at district staff officer. Lieut.-Col. Septimus Denison and officers of the R.C.R., Halifax, command, presented by Major A. 0. Fages. firing party was composed of R.CGA amd R.C.R., under the command of Major 0. R. Poole, RS.A. He Robbed a Toronto, Nov. 19.-Fifteen days will be spent in jail. by John M, Freder- jek, eomvicted by Police Magistea Denison, of having stolen the sum i g~, from Richard Parks, with whom | he had come to Toronto, on the same train, from Alberta, and who had paid for Frederick's meals, etc., on the journey. ary | Revolutionary Plot, El Paso, Tex. Nov. 19.-~Attacks on | Americans, in Mexico, and rumors of a {Mexican invasion, of Texas, to avenge {the lynching of Roderiguez, were but | {masks for a revolutionary plot boneyv- | | combing several of the states of Mexico, | | planned to culminate in a genersljup- | | rising, Ronday, November 20th, ae- | feording to reports from Mexico City receiver here. ant guestion. And then he would end | whose nrrest on the charge o the telephone from which tho! 1 i belonging to the | command, and nected as a sapernumer- | | writes : : {Tablets in the house, and have given |them to my two Friend. i | Co., Brockville, Dnt. i amow® given by each. The gift will returned from Mountain Grove. |be limited to those who hear as their amd Mrs. I. J. Lake, atiended the (first name the name of Mary, Marin birthday anniversary of their father, iMay, or Marion. at Buverary, yesterday. Mr. Take, Sv ! As it is apparent that such a gift thas attained the ripe old age of nine would lose much of its atteactivencss ty. 'M. Trousdale is stiending the meet- [were it to be brought constantly wun- ing of county council, in Kingston. : der her majesty': notice, it is to be | H. Sproule, Kingston, will occupy the fhoped that all those to whom the {pulpit next Sabbath and will preach idea appends will = tell their friends jig interests of education. about i, so that no refevenie need he | - made in the newspapers. A committee Budget From Bath. of Marys is being formed, and a col- | Bath, Nov. 17.-~The steanior I'rince lector will shortly eall upon you in Rupert was here, on Friday and Sut jase vou wish to aubsorihe, |urday, and took on BOO toms of huy | The foregoing circular has been re. [for Fort Willian. Miss Clara Johns ceetved with mixed feelings, asx many ton, of Napanee, visited, for = few of the poorer Marvs thonght they were dgys this week, at DD. T. Rowse's. Mr to be recipients and not subscribers. {and Mrs. James Graliam were in i -- Kin ston, on Thursday, attending (he i GETS THREE YEARS. oat of a relative. Mrs. Thomp ; : : fson and Mrs. Parks visited in Kings 'Was Charged with Stealing Governs, 1, this week Quarterly services will | ment Funds, ho held Pripee Abert, Nov. 18.-Ex-S¢t. i Methodist church. Mountford, of the Mounted Police, | Kingston, visited f stealing 'last. William H. | government funds caused a sensation ment step made in fromt hers several weeks ggo, was sentenced ---- . by Judge Forlies yesterday to three Orange Sermon at Glenvale. : years: in the penitentiary. Glenvule, Nov. 17.~The members of i" Owinr to the fact that all the movey | (denvale L.0.L., No. 841, speak in the stolen from the government for which highest terms of the masterly sermon Mountford was veterinary inspector, {delivered to them by Rev. Mr. Me had been refunded, amounting to over | lunes, at the Presbyterian church Inst (85,000, the sentence was much livhter | Sabbath. In his discourse he refer- {than it otherwise would have been, red to the contention for supremacy E. I. Hancock, of hefe on Sunday Hall has had « ce of his store i Agni Albert Morgan, a confederate, got [of the Greek and Romi churches ini on't ! know him at all, and every one sayy | there | a similar sentence. the early ages: to the racial strife emt | for head of the Roman church, result SENT TO THE CENTRAL, i { -- {torians as the "Dark Ages, | award Coulter Assaulted and Rob creat nbeessity of maintaining f bed a Comrade. Nov. 19.--Edward Coulter! was sent to the Ceptral prison for six months, by Magistrate Denison, for assaulting ® and robbing George , Labarg, of Bi and a tiepin. The two | were ol walking tooether, several nights ago, when Coulter struck La- | barg.s blow dn the back of the head, {which knocked Lim down, und then robbed the fallen may. \ Santa A Mother's Praise, Mothers are always willing to show- er their praises on a medicine that not only relieves their precious little ones from pain but temoves the cause and {keeps them well, bright, active and | Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. No other medicine for little | lones has received such praise from [thousands of thankful mothers. These Tablets never fail to relieve the little Fones from any of the many little ills "that afflict them. Mrs, Thomas Hodg- son, Riviere du Loup Station, Que., | "1 always keep Baby's oo] {ing in that period spoken of by * awl the great commercial empire might De kept intact. In conclusion he praised 'Bishop Fallon for his courage voicihg his farseeing conviction Toronto, in i Sharp | said, after Porter was locked up, will get a good night's sleep." | Mrs. Sharp had nothing to about the case. LATE MAJOR FISET. Quebec Friday Morn. ing. Quebee, Noy ~The remains of the late Major Fiset, commanding officer, No. 5 Regimental Depot, R.C.R., werp buried this morning, in Belmont ceme- Jey, with "honors late officer's rank. Tho funeral cortege was very impressive. All men of the permanent troops of the city had been requested to attend. Major J. I. Gow: lett, 20th Infantry Brigade, was in At Brewer's Mills. Brewer's Mills, Nov. 17.---The work of building new sides in the locks is going to give employment more wien for the coming winter. Owing to the rebuilding of the by wash © it necessitated the closing of Anglin's tml. As. the work is now completed the will will feopen on Monday next Several of the young folks spent a pleasant evening at the bome of P McCallum on Wednesday last. Recent visitors : Henry Fisher is home from the west; Misses Urr, Woodburn, at Mrs. W. Fisher's: Miss Rose FE Smith has returned home from spemd ing the past week the guest of he sister, Mrs, J. Boyle, Gananogue; Mrs Joseph Rochefort is visiting in the city. to happy. Verona Church Reopening. Verona, Nov. 15 <Secord and party have returned from hunting woudts, Mr. Storms got, in addition to his lawful complement of deer, a fine specimen of a large black bear. Jessie, daughter of Johu Burpett, is yuite ill with pneumonia. William Craig. and his Young niece, Jeske { Crave, are also ill with paeumonia, Miss Grace Walroth leaves, next Storms little ones with the tors best results. I always recommend them to. my friends as they are a grand remedy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢. a bof from The Dr. Williams' Medicine | Death of Mrs. Gillbard, Cobourg, Ont., Nov. 18.~Mrs, Thom ' : as Gillbard died at her residence, 3 erie visit her sister, Mrs. (Rev) D. ' terdayv. after six weeks' illness in hort Flatt, Torento. Mrs. Eugene Perey, cighty-second year. She and her h 1a- | Who has been neriously: ill, con: band, the late Thomas Gillbard, who valescent William Griffith, who bas Iredereaiid her by three years, were been quite iH, has suffered a relapse, well-known for their public gifts and is ednfinal to his room again. The RE gifts, : cong these being 210,000 towards the | church reopening has been postponed i i y nhs . from the 27th to December dth. Mra erection of a new consolidated public oo : 4 shool at Cobourg, the Gillbard me {William Cook and children, from New he vial : hapel reched in Cobourg Ontario, wre visiting at Elisha Mar nok . p sho tin's, Union cemetery, and Hifis to church | enterprises. Mrs. Gillbard was a daugh ter of the late Thomas Lloyd, who settled in Coboufg in 1529 ------ Getting to be a Big Colony. a RS SE. --. At Kaladar Station, Kaladar Station, Nov. 18.-A prétty wedding was solemtized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thompson, | on Monday afternoon, at two o'clock, SHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TCRDAY, NOVEMBER 10, '1910. . remem aT RDAY, r---- o and' Mrs, James!' Improy- | § { most ' | splene next Sunday evening in the his- | the' English language in order that this] a | decided to increase the beer tax nearly their | expedition out in the north : week, | ---- | Washington, Nov. 18: Advance eati- Ti there is no end to the making of {mates of the population of the com- | books, then there is no end of their | monwealth of Australia, made by the: 'hen their only davghter, Charity, was united in mareridgs to FEdward Berry, | vatinfled. wearing out. We repair and makp them | as good as new. The Whig Book Sia: | ery. After @ man has been marcied a' week he begins to unlearn a lot of things he knew about women, i W a man is honest with himself = ho con be depended upon te gies his neighbors a square deal ) a brave man pever gets a to prove it, but is just ss well of Marl sank. Res. Mv. Livin, of Fin ton, officiated. Mr. youd Mrs. Berry will take up residence in Marlbank. Misses Adda Preslar and Gertie Beu dell, Northbrook, were the guests of Miss L. Fleming over Sundar. W Bowerman and fami, of Erimscille, have mosod here, and are settled on the Righy property. C. Kellar, Sharp's Corners; was here this week and shipped a cafload of cattle 1, Toronto. Mr. Paul and P. A. Detior, Avden, were over Sanday guests, at | the Carman Hows, Me. and Mrs James Bathgate spent Saturday iy Tweed. Miss Mary Smith, of the Car man Housh, spent Tust week at her bono in Northorook. Mr. and Mrs William Dafoe, are leaving this week for Napanee, where they will reside. Long Point Locals. Long Point, Nov. 15 <A few fuses have been Killad around here. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Slack are moving iste their new house. Mr. aud Mrs, Samp soi Andress and little daughter, Lucy, of New Ontario, are visiting Mrs. Ao dress" parents neighborbood. Mrs. Charles O'Connor ' spent Monday of last week in Kings : . r The ftom. James Burns has returned from Ladies" Mission Howe Island, where he pent the wim fal open wectiug in the "ehurch, on fmer at "Nakomis Lodge™ Au enjoy. Wednesday evening. Mrs. B. Hayes. held in the freto Athens, int x Pon abues mader thei MN vamber fad. ie federal © statistician, . place the total) number of people ih the six states at 1.474.000, according 'to consular re ports received here. The taking of the decennial census will be begin on April 1st, 1911, and allowing for a pormsl increase before that date the! population is @ ted to reach 4,500, 000. This w represent an increase | during the past decade of about 725, 000, Made Fine Progress. Windsor, «+ Nov. 18. Statistics of building "operations throughout Canada, for the past wionth, show thint Windsor ranks 6ifth among the cities of the entice dominion for in- credse in building values. Compared with the corresponding period of last year there was an increase of 117 per cont. in the values of new buildings erected. © This increase was surpassed itigs in the Canadian 10 eilios. iy At Plume Hollow. Phar Hollow, 18. Mr. of | | tirety, {is a play and other friends in this) ¥ days. Miss Norah 0'Connor is visit- ng her grandparents here. The many friends of Alexander hook were pleas od to see Him again! after his alwence of sixteen years in the Yukon snd Alaska, whete Lie bas done wotably well, owing 10 the fm that he was but a bov when Le left here to seek his fortune. Benjamin Slack has re turned to his home in Charleston, al ter spepding the summer hove. rs id, Flood, Delta, pent a couple of days with her mister, Miss Ellen O'Connor. Miss Rose Foder is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Arthur Slack. Miss Madeline O'Connor has returned from & week's visit with Miss Darley Flood, Delta. i ---------------- i TIDINGS FROM ATHENS. A Temperance Rally--Death of Mrs. Charles Wing. Athens, Nov. 13.~The death of Mrs. { Charles Wing oceurred on Thursday of lust week, the funeral being held to { the Methodist church on Sabbath Liaorning. She is survived by her {husband and three daughters, Mrs. W. | Davison, Bostod, Mrs. (Rev.) H. Kil- I born, Warren, Maine, and Miss Grace, at home, The temperance rally in the Baptist church, on Sunday afternoon, was successful, the church being ocd to the doors. A. S. Morton, ml of the public school, gave a ka address, and with solos, re- citations, a yuartette and a boys' i chorus made up excellent pro- gramme, Rev. Patrick forgan, formerly member the Capuchin Fathers, {announced to preach iu the Holiness Movement church next Sunday. The Anglican voung people' ody, "Old Maids' Convention,' sented hove a couple of will be given bvethom at the 25th. A few have been to receive invitations ception to be nt morrow evening, by Leehy, in honor of ~ Lechy, and bride, Mills. ' *t 'the parsonage here Nov, 10th, Rev. F. A. Rend united ivmar- vinge John F. Ryan, Seeley's Bay, and [Miss Mary E. Updergrove, Keelerville. Horn to Mr. and Mra. H. A. Pierce, on the th inst, a son Poultry fair will be held here ou Dec. 9th, I'he sale of A. Taylor and sen * last week way largely attended. | iF. McChevne nnd family, who have | been engaged on the boats of the Ri dean during the summer, returned to their home on Monday Miss Chrys. 14] Rappell visited Brodkville friends fast week. Willinm Mclean visited his } rothers Kingston over Sunday. | Recent visitors J. Thompson, MP 12, Havelock, and Mrs. Mooney, To- ut DB. Thompson's; Captain and Duclon, Alexandria Bay, at 6G, | IE. 8S. Stevens, Detroit, at | Stevens': Mrs. 'Tennant, Cain | town, at} KR. Knowlton's; rs. | | Brigxinshep, Toledo, at Mes. Mul-| {vaugh's; Miss Dlack, Brockville, at | Mes. F, Pieree's row | prinei an a ul 18 com- pre ago, Delta on weeks fortunate enough to attend ave Frankville, to- Mrs. Herbert son, Rev. MN of lishop's given her ut roto, Mrs 1 Evaps' J rs. INCREASE IN BEER TAX, -- Order to Increase Teachers (? Salary. Under the specious plea of provid: | fing the money necessary for increasing the salaries of wchool wachers in lower | Austria, the Lundesaosschnss recently in Teachers' | {2 per hectoliter (about twenty-two gallons), but so great was the putery | sgainst this proposal that the authori ties inunediately dropped the ob | noxious measure. | The general public of all classes hro tested vigorously at the idea of being vompelled to pay two bellers, a frac tion less than a farthing, more Tor their glass of beer, and the newspapers to how (& In 8 vear| beer drink- Ni i | i were full of calculations much thi would amount in the case of the ordinary ing Viennese family, The brewers were also from, | pointing out that with one solitary | | exevption not a brewery in lower Aus- | | tria was paying any dividend at the | present. time. Official figures indicate | that the consumption of beer in Vienna and lower Austria generally is steadily decreasing. In f notwithstanding | the rapid growth in population, some | { four and a hall millions less heer drank last year than in 1904, Meantime the poor eountry school | teachers are clamoring for their pro- | mised increase in pay. Six hundred of them made a demonstration in the court yard the dist, yesterday, when the deputation they sent in tol the ministers were severely «nubbed | (for their pains. The teachers will have | ito wait until the Landesausschauss | [oun levy some other tax less obiee | | tionable than the tax on beer! Vienna cor. Pall Mall Gazette. Tonight "This Woman and Man."! The Maxine Fliott Theatre, Now | York success, "This Woman and This! iMan," by Avery Hopwood, author of | the present reigoing comedy success, | | "Seven Days," will be soon here at! [the Grand to-night, with that re} i iarkably clever aotress, Miss Minnie | | Victorson, supported by a metropoli- | {tan company and New York , production. The play, although drama on present day social life, i+ remarkable | for its faithful charseter delineation, | {and vei withal is brillisnt in speech and witticisms that compel attention, {interest. and mirth throughout its en- | "This Woman and This Man' | That should interest ali classes in all stations of life i Ninety-seven piece dinver 24.65, at Robertson Bros'. Oeeasionally a man lays ap sone | thing for a rainy dav and then ic! BROWN. i as | heard ot, was | seenie wots for § Eiliousness Torpid Livér, 8omr Stomach, Indiges- tion Sick Headache == 2il cured by a regular morning glass of = SPECIAL OFFER = A The Globe (CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER) Daily morning edition, including Saturday illustrat. ed Magazine Section, by mail to any address in Can- ada, United States, or Great Britain from date of receipt of subscription until May 1. 1811, for $1.00. From NOVEMBER, $1 00 1910, to MAY 1st, 1911, period, besides giving all the news every During this aay, The Globe will contain many and exclusive features. Full apd unbiassed reports of the coming sessions of the Dominion Parnament asd the On- tario Legislature will appear daily. 'o reap the full benefit of this liberal offer, order at once through your newsdealer, or send direct to THE GLOBE, Toronto, Cnnada. COUPON THE GLOBE, Toronto: Please find enclosed one dollar in payment of subscription to The Globe to May 1, 1911 Name Address * 00000000000 0000000000000000000000000000600 ¢ Ingot Copper, Ingot Brass, Ingot Aluminum } Prices Righ', Deliveries Prompt. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED, OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. PO00000000000000000000000000000000070008000 - ® 2 If You Are Looking for the Best in Chocolates and Pure Ice Cream GO TO Next Door to SAKELL'S Opera House. Phone 647, 220 Princess Street 0000000050 000000000000000000000000000008000 0% siti 20COOTROOOIOOOOORNOODS The human system is best pourished by the use of foods containing seven paris carbonaceous material, to one of nitrogen. The whole wheat contains this proportion, . RANGE MEAT is made from the whole wheat, thoroughly steam cooked, Malt is added to ald in converting these starches. Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food 0000000000000 0000000 8000000000000 0RIRNIIIIN What We Prove That every precaution is taken that will enable us to furnish our customers with milk of wbselutely the highest quality. For Milk, Cream and Ice " PRICE'S 277 Princess St. sessssseseden S000 0000OCOSOOOOORIYS 800s cesenecetReeS $ Phone 815 PARI KARI MABDGANY BLY SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK 08 FAACY TABLES AND RUTTAN AND CORDELE SEAT ROCKERS FOR CHRISTMAS. WE STORE YOUR PURCHASE, James Rei The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 NE Seles . $ i Fresh Goods Arriving Daily § Malaga Grapes, New Dates, New Figs, Sweet Potatces, Cape Cod Cranbeir ies, APPLES for Eating or Cooking. 302 King St Phone 141 a Fon ptt i an 4