' DELIGHT | SOAP " INFANTS' NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. Sem-- The Tidings From Various Points in Sharpton, Nov. 18.~C. Crasmer's plowing foe, on Wednesday last, way well attended. Everett Rogers is visit- ing at Denbigh. Miss Agnes Moban, Elginur, , and Miss Margaret Walsh, Mount Cienney, spent the week-end with relatives bere. Robins at Zealand. Zealand, Nov. 19.--Robins were seen bh . of November, Te this time of the turday. Garrett at Alexander a-- At Ferguson's Falls. . Perguson's Falls, Nov. "21.~Tha farmers of this vicinity have loughing on " of the ost. Thomas Quinn has home from the west. J. A. Murphy, of Montreal, visited here, on Sunday. Mrs, W. Oats, of Hamilton, is Yimithig bere. John Quinn, is on wt, The bunters of this hor shot four deer. On account of illness Miss Mary Stafford has returned home from jor, w teaching school. Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Nov. 17~Mr. snd Mrs, Reynolds, Arden, were married st the ta on Trop . Dizon. terian tea me ing, held in the Town Hall, on VWed- pesdey last, was a grand success; ds over $60. W. J. Paul, bas had the Sheffield factory put into first class shape with cement walls and floors. Jobn Hutter has added a large commodious shed for his implements and harvest machinery, Oldest Bedford 'Resident Dead. Westport, Nov. 21.--Mrs. William I, Dia the oldest resident of Bedford township, died, on GAY she was * Juinety-fwo years. Marmalade, Assorted Chivers'. D. COUPER'S, a -- ------ L | Stark og ys at his pn | Bont t = at Hu wv. kwood has re- he uve. H. turpel oom Western Conada. M. J, McCann is on the sick list. Miss Ma, rie Dooher, of Lombardy, is the guest of Miss Annie Hammer. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blair went to Kingston, dn Monday. Notes From Plevna. Plevna, Nov. 21.--Rev. J. Lyons was i i isefore G. Ostler and w son, Wesley, are sway to Sudbury to work in woods. Hite E, Youd is at her mother's, at Fernleigh. Mr. a Mrs. W, White, Ardoch, are' at her mother's, Mrs. L. Kring' -- Il at Charleston. Charleston, Nov. 20~Harry Bots- ford returned home a week ago, from Edmonton, where he spent the wum- mer, While there he was ill with ty. hoid fever, and since coming hoing, as taken a relapse and is now con- fined to his bed. 8. Godkin's little son has recovered from lines, Miss Jennie Eyne is to Ie the local teacher, for 1911. Mrs, Geor, Reed, < Point, Be Ye goeit of or nfonts, Mr, and Mrs. George ly. Denney Brockville, was recently the ol Mrs. B. Loreim at the cottage. Mrs. RB. Foster visited at Smith's Falls last week, is, Zion Church, Cushendall. Cushendall, Nov. 19.--An "interestin gathering of friends and members of the Helpinz Hand Society, of Zion Jehurch, met at the , © dali, on Nov. 11th, After listening to {Your Time is Not Yours a bref, i icinity of Silver Lake on the } in the viclsity an unusual oe | wad | returned |' hr - he ladies reshments were served Hy tl dies. | The report of the work acgomplished by this society during the past sum- under 'the leadurship of the Allisouville, Nov. 19.--Mrs. M. Fink- ugh is visiting Mrs. Royal Hicks. "Miss Pearl Humphrey is sisying with her grandparents, My. and Mrs. E Ping, Miss die Forshee was home to see her mother on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Society had a quilting on wosday at Mrs. Charles Thomas'. Toa also had one at Mrs. George Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd and Mist Ads visited Mr. and Mrs. Atkins on Supday last, The blasting here has done some damage, breaking windows of Mr. Boyd and Mrs. B. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Philips and Miss Pearl Humphrey visited Mrs. Philips tents, Sunday evening. Mr. re. Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Danford Ainsworth, visited = their daughter, Mrs. Carl Bryon, on Sunday, Late George Weber, Ardoch. Ardoch, Nov. 19.--The death occur- red Noy. 10th of George Weber, sr, aged eighty-seven years, after a lin} geging illness. Deceased was a high respected resident of this place. jesves a wife and three sons and two ; : _Nre, William Fraser, Mrs. ansi Michael, George lois. many friends of R. M. Munro ate pleased to see him able to be around again after a few. days' ill- ness. Rev. John Lyons conducted the service in St. s church on Sun- day. Vistor shot a fine depr last week. Mr, and Mrs. John Grey, of Harlowe, spent 'the week-end i friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. in and family, of Plevna, Mr. and Mrs, D, lar, of Fata , "ont Sunday at , ate kin's; 9. J y hinovar and Miss Barbera, visited at W. Wagorn's. Grist Mill at Stella. - Stella, Nov. 21.--Many of the farm- 3 thet } ore have 5 W. G. McGuinnes, Emerald, is buying Nay. The presses are at work. He ex- pects to ship to the west before the close ob ngvigation. H. Sandwith," is putting 'upr a grist mill, which will he a at convenience to the islanders. J. ubien, who has beeh very: sick for two weeks, is recovering. Miss Mi Tait, is a sufferer from Siatica. rs. D. Preston, ailing time, is not much i v in health. Mr. and Mes, H. Brows, have returned home fromm Chatham. Nr. and Mrs. S. K, ok for the west Mrs. H. RB. Ri eo, , on Tuesday. The nary noeting was held Pauls church, on Wednesday. sea- terian in St. Hiness at Verona. . Verona, Nov. '19. Eugene Percy the fifth victim of pneumonia bere. He is a very sick man. Mrs. Reuben Motey, High Falls, near here, ese her husband with a nice sy daughter lately. E. Martin and cMabon are blasting out stone for J. McKeéver. Ira Reyholds, is down with pluego-pneumonia. Fred- erick Kerr is saw wood on the is near hs iT | fe 2 § i Il : i a | ¥ § is It Sir if ; fey i i | x iz | gif 4 ing favor. ably, under the management of ii. , Mrs. Nowlan, Lyn, is ing the winter with her brother. Laki sRREsEmg snap" dp i i 2 ra, spent the guests of ; Mrs. E. Bishop Frank, of Harlowe, spent Sunday last at the Cave, the of Birs. T. FLEET g ai% g D. Perry. Mrs. E. Wood, of Wild Rose farm, near Harlowe. wag the guest of Her; parents, Mr. and Mre. T. D. Perry for the Inst ten days. Miss Ida Dellyea, of Arden, visiting her grand- ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dellyen, for Inst weeks, returned home on ast. Miss Jennie and Mas- » Gray Minion the Beek end guest of their C, Mitchell. , Cloyne, w, the . J & Mitchell. pence, of is on hin zounds, J... \ is improving the appearance of his Kitchen by having a chimney built on it.. Ira Marks, of Toronto, t the week-end at the Cave, the gen of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Perry. . .John. Curtis, suffering from a severe attack of quinsy, is some better. Harold Neale, who spent the summer near Watertown, N.Y., is the guest of his mother, Mrs. T. Neale. WOLFE ISLAND REEVEIHIP, Messrs. Fawcett and Spoor are Likely to Contest. ole elayd, Sor. 3 ~The muyicl pot is inning to il. It is stated that the present reeve will be in the running again, and his oppon- ent is likely to be ex-Reeve John iram Davis, who makes an efficient tax collector, is again on his rounds. Another eargo of coal arrived here, Jaeietday, J. William = Woodman. is expected home, next week, from Alberta. James Grant is buying Theodore Beep farm, JS, Brissland will ly take possession of tl sland hotel. His friends ict - success for kim in his new venture. Gregory Keegan, the popular lessee at present, will, it is stated, remove to Water- town, N.Y. Patrick O'Reilly was at Railton, yesterday, attending the fun- eral of the late W. Keeley. Richard McAvoy, formerly of the island, died in Denver, last week. REA ha Aton "Iw a as a rter for a week," says Mr. Garman, "I didn't gol ihe very ' startling into the nln he 3 je ih dat at ught | ot. tho and was made. One of my friends. told me of the intentled elope- ment-of a girl of prominent family. the projected elope- : t there's nothing in it mow. The girl's father showed 'wi shotgun and spoiled the SHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1910, n 'son's. School: is A DOG THAT TALKS DON CREATES SCIENTIFIC SENSATION IN GERMANY. Dog's Owner Says He Began Talking Five Years Ago Without Any Training---Has Now a Vocabulary - of Six Words. Berlih, Nov. 22.--The scientific sen- sation of the hour in Germany is the ing dog Don, a dark-brown setter elonging to a royal gamckeeper at Hamburg. Don promises to become as celebrated an attraction as the horse Clever Hans, which startled the zoo- logical savants of Europe eight years ago with his alleged mathematical feats. Karl Hogenieck, the world{amed animal Jealer, has offered Don's mas- ter $2,500 for the privil of exhibit- ing the doz in the Hagenbeck outdoor menagerie at Hamburg. The dog's vocabulary, it is said, already em- braces six words. The gamwkeeper, Ebers, affirms that his | the daz began talking in 1905 without training of any kind. According to his owner, the animal sauntered up one day to the table where the family were eating and, when the master asked, "You want something, don't «you? the dog stupefied : the family by replying in a deep masculine atone, "Haben, haben" ("want, want." The. | tone. was not a bark or growl, it is Jeclared, fmt distinet speech, and in- creased in plainness from day to day as lus master took more interest im the dog's newly-discovered talent. Shortly afterwards, the story joes, the dog learned to say "hunger" when asked: what 'he bad. Then he was taught to say "kothen™ (cakes), and finally "ja" and "nein." And it is added that he is now able to string several of these words to- gether 'in sensible rotation, and will say "hunger, 1 wane cakes,"" when an plinopeiate question addressed to im. ONE PIECE HOSPITAL. Unique Structure of Concrete in One Solid Piece. The papers are full of advertise ments at certain times of the year about one-piece suits, but one-piece hospitals are still a novelty. In Lima, Ohio, Shey have that very thing, a one-piece hospital. The entire build- ing, and it is a big one, with wings and extensions sticking out in this direction and that, is a monolith. The hospital is built of concrete, and it is said the structure comprises the larg- est group of concrete buildings in the country, although the fact that the walls of the whole structure are of one piece seems to make the use of the word 'group' improper. Forms were built for the walls, veilings, floors and roof, and the concrete was poured in. This, resulted in the one-piece struc ture, There is not a single joining in the walls throughout the building. The building is as much a monolith as if it had been carved out of stone. It's the natural bravery of a widow that makes her want to take another chance. Two and a Half Hours on Operating Table Specialist Could Not Remove Stone in The Bladder P GIN PILLS PASSED IT r. He decided to operate but seid the stone was too to remove and too hard to crush. returned home and was recommended by a friend to try ey lieved the pein. I took rel e e two boxes and went back to the specialist. home and continued to take GIN PILLS, surprise and joy, I Between meals, Before retiring, brain workers. QUALITY IN SUGARS All Sugars da not look alike, if placed alongside each other. Every Grocer knows this. We want the Consumer to know it. Insist on having EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR You will not only have a good Sugar, but the best on the market. - The clear white color proves the superior- ity of "Redpath" Sugar. When buying Loaf sugar ask for REDPATH PARIS LUMPS in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co. MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by Joha Redpath Ves 'Size Famous "SILI s Every stick a mafch r every 'mafch a ligh and ew : hght a. stead even flame. ¥ wom, "De-Light" for rhe Smoker --Try a Box. ny hers sk for t Pocke of EDI High-Glass Tailoring REASONABLE PRICES TRY Crawford & Walsh Princess & Bagot Sts, a Leading Tailors. Just the best food for professional men and RANGE When you require a new range examine the { "Happy Home"--handsome in appearance, econ- omical in fuel, large ventilated oven, and every range fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tion. Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. A SENSIBLE LUNCH For breakfast. With soups at dinner. At the supper table. A most nourishing and