Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1910, p. 3

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Crumley Bros. For Fine Furs, Coats, Dresses, etc See our Dressesat $12.50. They are models of beauty indeed. Soft, warm eolor- ings, perfectly tailored and graceful as well a8 decidedly comfortable and only $12.50 Ladies' and Misses' Smartly Tailored Coats $8.50, $9.00, $11.50, $12.50 $14.00 and $17,00. FURS We are offering some alto- gosher special values in Fur ieces, all new and stylish Furs too, which we bought at reduced prices, and are now selling even lower than Jast year. MLEY BROS ET ------ Auction Sale ny = ATTY a ROPERT RICK RESIDENCE, 82 BAGOT ST. With all of we a allure, Plane, Ete, be Sold WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23rd I have recelved Instructions to Sell £all of the Household Furniture ete, consinting of Fine Upright Plano, Parlor Betts, Side and Centre Tables, Pletures, Lace and other Curtains, \ Tapestry and other Carpets, Machine, Chairs, Writ} Desks, Rock- ers, Clocks, Dom tts, Mirrors, Mattresses, Feather . Beds, Bedding, Tollet Betts, Diaing Table, Dining ANY INITIAL ENGRAV- Chairs, Coal and ood 'Stoves, Hat ED FREE. BOYS' SIZE, Oi Brot mn Glassware, Coal 76c; MEN'S, $1.00. 'l , The Hous I] be, offered for Sale at 12 o'clock noon, not sold before BRASS TEA CADDY. ons (he. Draperty. will be a reserve bid PLAIN, BRIGHT, HEXA- on p " GON SHAPED, MOST Waikeme © on 'apply USEFUL, AT 5 O'CLOCK b THAS, $1.25. A Gifts wun, Fro ADDITIONAL COST. Sewing EXTRA HEAVY PLAIN. Bale at 10 o'clock. HUTCHESON, Auctioneer. De TENDERS TENDERS ARPRESSHD TO 'THE L \ | undersigned at Ottawa, and endorsed < lon the envelope "Tender for Prince Rupert Buoy will be received up to noon on THIRD DAY oF JANUARY, 1911, for the construction of a Buoy Depot at Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, Including the erec- tion of a Reinforged Concrete Wharf, timber approaeh Trestle, Power House with Chimney, Buoy Shed, Stores, Of- fites and Dweliings, also the installa- tion of Drainage and Water Systems Plans, specifications and Articles of Agreement may be seen and forms of tender procured at the Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, at the office of the Agent the Department of Marine an Fisheries, Victoria, B.C, Halifax, N.§S., St. John, N.B., Que- bec and Montreal, at the Post Office, Prince Rupert, B.C, and at the Custom House, W nnipeg, Man. Only lump sum tenders, on th tender form prepared by the Depart- ment, will be considered. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted bank cheque in favour of the Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries equal to five per cent. of the whole amount of the tender, which cheque will be forfeited If the suc- cessful tenderer declines to sign the Articles of Agreement above referred to or falls to complete the work ao- cording to contract. Cheques accom panying unsuccessful tenders will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender Newspapers copyin, this advertise- ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for same. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine and OTO FRAMES, STERLING SILVER, ON PURPLE yHLYET, Ty To HOLD |, IN. 1.2 IN SIGNE IN HEART. OVAL OR OBLONG. PRICE. §0c EACH. SMELLING - SALTS BOTT MOUN IBD WaTH PLAIN { STERLING SILVER TOP THAT UNSCREWS, 21-2 IN. HIGH. ENGRAVED FREE. PRICE. Se. WHOLE PEARL RI RET IN SOLID GOLD. SUITABLE FOR LITTLE FINGERS.. OR.. FOR CHILD, $1.50. STERLIA @ FEEDING SPOONS. WITH LOOP HANDLE AND BTCHED IN BOWL WITH SCENE OF LIT- TLE MISS MUFFET PRICE, $1.76 EACH. STERLING THIMBLES, 25¢, 50c, 78¢, $1.00 Each, BRASS PAPER CUTTERS, FANCY HANDLES, 7 1-2 INCHES LONG 60c EACH. LD OUFF LINKS. a MEN'S SIZE. PLAIN, WITH MONOGRAM, IN LEATHER CASE. SPE- HOTAE, $4.00. > Bot, sheries Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada, Sth November, 1810 NEW LINES b. DINING-ROOM DOMES, GAS, AND 'ELECTRIC TABLE : LAMPS JUST IN. We are Experts at Lighting Your Home. W. H. NEWMAN CUT OFF TRE CUT OUT SEEKS LAW To cx CHECK OPERA- TIONS FOR APPENDICITIS. Man, Whose Mother and Wife Died After Use of Surgeon's Knife, Claims Many Sach Operations are Entirely Unnecessary. Denver, Ceol, Not. 2. ~A bill will be introduced jn the next legis- lature providing that any surgeon who shall perform an operation for avvendicitis and, thereafter, be un- able to prove that the appendix was in ad condition shall be guilty of malpractice and punish- able under the penal code. The dill is Py fathered by Philip Schueh, jr., and = number of medical practitioners through the state. who hold to the theory that the appendix has a function te per: form in the human body, and that operations for its removal are due In many eases only to the surgeons love o his science agd desire for a large ee. Schuch, father of the bill. whose mother and wife died following operations which he feels to have been unneeessary, says in regard to the bill: "This is a civilized age, and the time has come when the crimi- nal use of the knife by surgeons must be stopped. 1 have in my possession a list of cases in all parts of Colorado where competent medi- eal authorities have pronounced operations performed by surgeons for appendicitis entirely nnneces- sary. "1 personally have heard surgeons declare they only performed an operation in order to get the fee, sophistically arguing the while that the patient was made more satisfied through the fact of the operation." CONSULS OFFENDED. Because They Do Not Get Rank They Want. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Nov. ~The feature of the drawing room given by Earl and Countess Grey in the Senate Cham- ber, Saturday night, was the refusal of the consuls-general of foreign countries to attend. The senior consal-gemeral in Can- ada is Colonel J. G. Foster, repre- senting the United States. In Ot- tawa besides him are representatives of Japan, China, and Belgium. In Montreal there reside the consuls of Germany, France, Holland, Argen- tine Republic and others. It is said the consuls are offended In that they are placed after the mayor of Ottawa in the order in which they are presented to the Governor-Gene- ral. They contend that their mis- sion to Canada is diplomatic, and that accordingly their status in this country is higher than mere repre- sentatives. However, Canada is still a colony of Britain's, and the gov- ernment does not recognize them as diplomatic representatives. AN AWFUL CRIME SHOOTS HIS SWEETHEART, THEN COMMITS SUICIDE. Young Man Who Had Lost His Job Did Not Care to Live Any Longer. Philadelphia, Nov. 22.---Despond- ent because he had lost his position and he felt that he could not marry. Harry Brandt, eighteen years old, of Gloucester, N.J.. shot his sweet- heart, Miss Mary J. Taylor, sixteen years old, of Camden, and then com- mitted suicide. The girl will re- cover. Young Brandt escorted the young girl to a theatre. They were both apparently happy during the per- formance. According to the girl, after the performance they went to her home and sat in the parlor. A short time later | Brandt suddenly said: "I've lost 'my position. I do not care to live any longer and I don't want you to live without me." With these wosds he drew a re- volver and fired at the girl. The bullet struck her in the shollder. She ran screaming from the room, but Brandt, apparently satisfied. coolly picked up his hat and coat and left the house. Brandt walked around the corner from the girl's home, drew his weapon and pointed it at his heart and fired. Death was almost Instantaneous. ---- i -- Cubs Adopted by Lonely Sow. Selins Grove, Pa, Nov. 22.-- When John Weller, a farmer of Summit village, near here, entered his barnyard he was surprised to discover that his prize breeding sow had adopted two bear cubs. Nearby was the she bear, apparently indif- ferent over .the fact that the. cubs had forsaken her. Upon the arrival of Weller the bear ambled off, leav- two bundles of fur. Quit or Fight. Boston, Nov. 22.--Governor-elect ment in which he demands that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge with- draw from the fleld for re-election. In the event of a refusal, Mr. .'oss declared he will go into avery sec 'commonwealth in xico City. Mex, Nov. 22.--The Me ir fanta Orus have of t place. ac- tch to the Mexican bla. ing the sow in sole possession of the © Eugene J. Foss has issued a state-|M near! {daw Hmusem ents. AT Briffin's Orpheum Our motto is: NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD. Tuesday and "Welsislay, Nov ad aad 23rd. For Two Days Only. World's series Baseball Games. Chicago vs. Philadelphia Champions of 1910. The seats to see this game cost $3 to $25. You can see it reproduc- ed in Life Size and 3 Big Acts of Vaudeville. In the afternoon for Se. In the evening for 10¢c. Children under 15 years admitted at all times for Sc. Roller Rink Nights Open MONDAY, WEDNBSDAY and FRIDAY. Afternoons Open TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. ; Admission, 15¢. W. E. BONTER, Manager. Notice To Parliament. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that an application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at itg next sitting for an Act to legalize, ratify and confirm By- law number 15 of 1910 of the Cor- poration of the City of Kingston, finally passed on the 28th day of March, 1910, and being entitled "By-law to partially exempt the property of the Kingston Shipbulld- ing Company, Limited." Dated at Kingsion this 15th No- vember, 1910. DONALD M. MCINTYRE, Solicitor for the sald Corpoga- tion. Wedded in Manitoba. Deloraine, Manitoba, Nov. 16.--At the home ob Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Barr, took place one pf the™ Prettiest wed- dings of the season, when, at 4 p.m, Mr. Barr gave his daughter, Mary Ann, as the bride of Norman A. Mor- rison, of Bay View, Man. The bridal party entered the parlor to the. sweet strains of "Wedding Bell," played by Miss Eleanor Barr, youngest sister of the bride. The bride was beautifully and »ecomingly dressed in a gown of Lansdowne silk, trimmed in Irish Jace, and wore a veil draped with orange blossoms. Miss Lila Barr, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and ° wore a very pretty diess of Zurich silk in champagne, trimmed with oriental lace. The groom was attended hy Alex- ander Jan. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful set of cut glass, and to the maid of honor, a crescent brooch. After congratulations the guests partook of a bountiful repast. The cakes, which ornamented the table, wore made by an artist from France. The ceremony was rd by Rev. J. M. Comyn Ching, of the Church of England. The bride ahd groom received many: Deattitul gifts, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison are loved ahd esteemed by all who know them. Murvale Events. Murvale, Nov. n. --The tea meeting held, last Tuseday ¢ a oo a seo cess. ing, ae a or atten The People's Forum | The Home of Polite Vandeville sad Motion Piet First fnsertion Je u word Each cone secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Misimum charge for one in- sertion, 25e) three Insertions, SPe; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP---- WANTED. CANVASSER FOR CITY; mission. Apply, Box 968 369 office. Ph GENERAL SERVANT, ONE WHO understands cooking. Apply, Mrs. Paden 125 King Street. AT HOTEL RANDOLPH, SECOND Chef and Diniag-room Waiter. Ap- ply, at once, to J. Randolph, ob YOUNG LADY £ ) LEARN DRAWER, finishing; work; good' Wages. wy to Kingston Hostery co King Street. cr SALESMAN WANTED FOR WINTER for our choice Nursery Stock and varieties seed Cavers Bros, potatoes; Galt. newest liberal terms. STRONG BOY TO ASSIST IN MAIL- ing department on Monday and Thursday forenoons and on Satur- aay afternoons. Apply, Business office, Whig. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERV- ant; nec washing, _ironin or Sweeping, Apply to Mrs. 'ancis Maen St. Lawrence Cottage, 143 King "Street West. AN INTELLIGENT earn $100 monly a for news Bend for Rarticulars ¥: Press cate, 3,969 OLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES needed in every home, es) working : od sa unter, write to- a% uble your wi and be only, ad B * Whig WANTED-GENERAL. LOST. GOLD-RIMMED SPECTACLES, rith chain, oh Tuesday Inoraihg, pe ar corner tnder Kind an Brock Streets. Finder kindly re- turn to this office PAIR a ee TAN TAN LEATHER POCKET BOOK, ON Wednesday, containing some bills and an American cheque. Finder will be rewarded By returning same to Whig office. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST SHIP» ment just received: these hirds are in song and guaranteed; tome io and hear them . iver, Corner Suetn and Barrie Streets "Phone FOR INERANCR THAT INJURES 30 surance orium, over orthern Grown Bank, Brock Street, or 'phone 424. CA KIRKPATRI oOo Al ably goes, 3 on cite INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE ent and Health Policies issu- ; first-class companies: standard lon J. Agent, 188, ellingtoa Street. GRO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- er. Put your Invoices in an envel- stam it t let d arence Bt, LL. LONDON, AND GLO ;seets 361.187.2135 Con t hich the policyholders for apeur Vd the unlimited Habitity of the stockholders Farm and city yopeny insured at Tow est e rates Bafole renewing old or giving new ness get rates om | nse a Strange, Agents. J. F. BPARKS, B.A M.D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 109, ellington St. Office hours, 10 40 12 a.m. 2 to 4 and 7 to § pm. 'Phone 38§ ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SBCRIyY to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, §1 Brock Street. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Bi dghe Hot 130 Drock Bioby' s Livery. TO BUY THE achine uv , or § tubes 25¢, delivered anywhere or malied on receipt' of price; name machine. J. P. Treneer, Quebec Street, Kingston. WOMEN WHO SEW, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL §azpepter and Joiner, 362 Syden- treet North, Ton Jeascnalic prices on all kinds of ng. All work done promptly am a iy. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR. urpenter and Bullder, 266 Division for reasonable prices on all kines of jobbing. All work done promptly. o. 612 4 nsurance C SompAny. Ayatlal 2 FOE SALR. DRESS SUIT. AS GOOD AS NEW. AP piy. Whig office. TiS Re Aet. B. 7. 'Hay, 14 A FIRST-CLASS PONY SLEIGH, IN guod condition, with high back. pply, M47 Queen Street COAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES Coal Heaters, Quebec and other 2 of Stoves at Turk's. 'Fhone MARE, ably gentle. ce. $ YEARS sound; Apply, OLD; BERVICE- good driver and Box G., Whig of- FIRST-CLASS HORSES FOR CAR- riage and general purposes Ap-~ ply, Oliver Gravelle, Portsmouth, Ont IR TOR IRD SE at OR FOR LEASE, THE PREMISES N - id Prificess i suitable for 0! very, stable or rage. Ba a & Mudie. i THAT COMMODIOUS BRICK HOUSE, with modern improvements; lot ORT RININE about 1-5th of an acre, 15% Montreal Street. Appiy, 311 University Avenue. . -- THIS... WEEK... 35... PIRST-CLASS Cockrels, Rhode Island Hed, White Wyandotte, and Barred Plymouth sek; ail of them from prize fowl APP 106 Pine St 0 LET. 308 EARL STRERT: 7 € Apply at McCann's, §1 Street ROOMS, b & Brock $5.00 WILL RENT A NICE 7-ROOM house from Dec ist having a fine stable. R. Chas. Bell, 1-2 Wellington Street LARGE FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished; modern oconveni- ences, foply to 15 Montreal Street, near Princess Street. TWO NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSES on Quebec Street; modern Improve ments and large grounds. Apply, Rev. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, a. 223 rooms a Byte) maih Eur own loc key Die 773 Starage, 293 Quean St. Phone § SUITE OF ROOMS, INCLUDING SIT. ting-room, bedroom and bathroom, ear Market ys Ap p unningham ndle, 19 Clarence Street. FOR BALE OR TO LET, -------------------------- AT ONCE, A FINE, WELL-KEPT §- room dwelling at $9 per month. Apply, R, Chas. Bell, 171 1-2 Wel- lington Street. THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS FRE mises for many years oct led by fea, Skinner & Co, olesale extending Yeon Pri n Btreet, wi ron geo on both, gnd including ex- tensive bulidings. Apply to Cune ningham & te. BOARD AND ROOMS. and esti en or all classes of work ANY PERSON HAVING nd) cond-hand roiture an Bion Ranges Will sli reason Ranges, Wil, 833 Prigcess TEACHERS WANTED. A LEGALLY QUALIFIED TEACHER for the junior room of Sydenham Public ; duties to begin January 3rd, 1919; applications, with testimonials and salary ex- ected, received until Dec. 1st. B R. Martin, ecretary. ENRY TH, ARCHITECT, ETC. H 258 Ring Birost "Phone, 345. - R ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE ARTHY residence, HH niversity Ave. ARCHI- TH acta ie "es Otten *68 2 Bagot Street hs A uiidiog. corns: | Ra nk wellinguol Streets. Millhaven, Nov. John, Clement have been under the doctor's care, bud proving. Mrs. Jane g at Oscar Amey's. F p finished ing." A arrived recently at Mr. Mrs. A. Millecs. Pall te to have a Go open air A hot wales bottles guaranteed "Gibson's. DENTAL. SPARKS AND Ae 1.4 naan Bu & ISTE Phone §46 non DR. C.. NASH, DENTIST; DR C Weicker assistant, 183 Princess 81 "Phone 136. DR. A 8 NAPP, DENTIST, 19 MONT- reet, mear Princess Street Phone 652. OSTROPATHY. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH board; good locality; rates moderate" Apply, 72 Princess St. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNBWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite G. TR. station, one block street car line; charges he rom CPR, on el lately remodelled; moderate; special rates by week. John Cousineau, Prop. PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete, removed permanently perience scar. Fven t Lope 2 rience. ake, Eye, Nose, Ree mat and Skin Blem- 3 'Specialist, 25§ Bagot Btreet. ao B508, "RG poe dente Ey Dr, the Founder of Osteopathy, Princess Street, corner vision 'Phone 447. No charge for con- suitation and literature. Office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5. § to § "HEALTH Sov 1.0. UPHOLSTERER, W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet. work, hair mat- tress renovatin Drop a card or call 216 Bagot reet. Ei 2A SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. WHO Is B sors Tre i ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN BTART your own boss, ree booklet. Tells how. 2.969 Lockport, Bend ror Heacoc THE NEWEST tions and RULES, REGULA- forms pertaining to station agent and telegraph operator's work are incorporated in the new courses of trainin iven in the Central Telegraph rhool, 1 Gerrard Bireet East To- ronto. Particulars free. Write T. J. Johnston, Principal, FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, nizing and gliding, enameilin all colors of mission work: all or ven best attention. Pat. Driscoll, 23 John Street. Phone Exercise a little of it next time you need Coal or Wood. We feel certain of a trial order from you. Quality, Service, One Price. SWIFT'S of oo jaan $0 acres solely owned Sado dnagier or ge bY his father, er or sister, t's gp in EY Bae 4 om a quarter is homestend. 8s. tes--Must reside. up: up- "em on ----- pA Be rom sts A ting the tims - SEE $ stead patent) and nausted his ES seat y enter for a purchased Bomemtend a otraln On Slstricta 8 Sree, ea | FE i Ares rultivate -- oan] Phe rect a house wo! WwW. W. CORY, Deputy of ths "siiRietar of the erior. we 3 th Tu publication of hia adv eriiscment ¥ . ill not pe paid fon, a mall order business at home. No a | a ly PS

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