Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1910, p. 7

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TO FIND SOLACE ds ONLY MONEY WILL INDUCE HER TO WED, Ohio Woman Once Jilted Says She Will Marry Man With the Most Cash, Zanesville, Ohio, Nov. 21.-- Money is the only thing that will induce me to marry," is & remark which Miss Lor- ette Roberts is said, to have made ten years ago, after her $20,000 breach of promise suit against former County Auditor James I. Starkey. While the jury returned a verdict of $10,000 in Miss Roberts' favor, Starkey departed the night before the verdict was re turned and has wpever been seen in Zanesville since. At that time Miss Roberts, an art- ist, was one of the city's most popular young 'society women. As a result of the sensational developments of that trial, she has "Jived a secluded life. Now, however, she is a principal in another romance and is going to Cali- fornia for the express purpose of be dpming the wife of H. A. Welly, a HOTEL DIRECTORY: DRSERONTO. -- | 5 7% T HOUSE. oo yp BL IEPANT an, Jy JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. RAND TRUN GRAND -- INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EX- POSITION, CHICAGO, ILL, Nr Nov. 23nd te Dee. 3rd. Round Trip Fare from Kingston, $24.25, Good going Nov. 28th, 20th, Dec. 1st, good to réturn until Dec RAILWAY EAE AL 30th and Sth, i PROVINCIAL GUELPH, ONT, December Sth to bth, Round Trip Fare from Kingston $6.35, Good going Saturday, Dec. 3rd, to Fri- ay, December 9th, good to return un- til Dee. 12th. For full particulars and Pullman re- servations, apply to J. P, HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts ONTARIO FAIR, 1X STR RAL: 100) 4d J ny h RAIL WA In Oonnection With CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. ve Kingston RET al v am Mixed-~For Renfrew and int ste points, Mon, Wed, and re . 8s leswing Kingston at 12 01 arrl 4 in Bttawe at § pm; Pe 4 ha Toronto, 8.80 pm. OAL: 05 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 any . John, 12.00 noon. 11 paztiouigrs at K. and P. and crk wiokel fri Street CofA ~ n vB tario . Pass, Agent. BAY OF QUINTRE RAILWAY. robt, & Bom. daily Steamboat Co., Limited. vod Beis A Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily except Sundays at § p.m. for Pleton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Full information from James Bwife & Os, J. P. Hanley, Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. a fo ata & pound Ie a good in 1 eighty-five? Yomarie Sire. 1 ANDREW abi pg x ithy land owner of Grenalis, Cal. 'William Moore, a Crooksville elec rivian whom she is said to have been yaged to, and who had even gone so as to have his wedding suit made ad many household furnishings pur- chased, is also speetling toward the Golden Gate, not, however, in pursuit of Miss Roberts, but to find solace for an aching heart, The first that Moore knew of Miss Robert's departure was when he, with two friends, drove to her country home to see her, and there learned that she had suddenly changed her mind. A SUDDEN DEATH, v Lady Expires at Social Gathering. , Braekville, Nov. 21.--Miss Margaret Thorpe, a popular young resident of Throoptown, while attending a party at CGarreton, on Friday night, was taken suddenly ill and died Defore . a doctor could be called. The deceased was in bet usual good health up *to the time of the fata! attack and en- tered iflo the spirit of the gathering with hearty enthusiasm. Miss Thorpe was a daughter of the late James T'orpe andl was about twenty-five vears of age. Besides her mother she leaves one brother, George Thorpe, a sailor on the upper Inkms. Miss Thorpe was to have been mar- vied shortly. Young Pastoral Changes. Cobourg, Ont., Nov. 21.--~Rev. Dr, Sharey, pastor of the Cojourg Metho- dist church, has accepted a very cor- dial invitation from the Cambridge street church, Lindsay, to become pas- tor for the next conference year. Rev. J. P, Wilson, B.A. pastor of the ( Lindsay church, has accepted an invi- tation to Napanee. Dr. Shorey is very popular with his congregation here, where he is completing his fourth year's pastorate, . Not only beautifies but manently benefits the ski 'At your Druggist's, 25¢ DRESSES CLEANED, We renovate whole or parts of gowns by the French Dry Cleaning Process. - No ripping § of seams required, no chang- ing of fit, and no rotting nor fading the garment. R.PARKER & CO., Desirous of Curing the Drink Habit. We are honestly desirou 3 all who are addicted to art ae ine wi avis yous 15 rie us ou to h cor nes Ss u" - wish ncess Stree oe the Ae upto oles off e Build g i Se ing, ruggists en the. y G. wh ahood, Cor. BOOK BARES LOVE'S DREAM. Gets Tender Epistie After Hidden Twelve Years. Saginaw, Mich., Nov. 21.--That there are many rare things in old books has been proved to the satisfaction of Miss Julia Emery, now a teacher in the public schools, and Alfred E. Kent, deputy county treasurer. Twelve years ago Mr. Kent, with other youths, was in love with Miss Emery, who, as the story goes, "lov- ed" another. While skating with Kent's rival, Miss Emery collided with Kent, but failed to beg his pardon, This led to complications in the young man's mind as to how he stood. Tak- ing advantage of a few spare moments next day in school, an epistle, which was placed in an en- velope and sealed. Then something happened, just what no one will ever know. However, the letter never reached its destination until recently, when a book was taken from the supply room of the school board and sent to the Houghton school. It was opened and a letter dropped out. The address was plain, so a messenger was despatched with the letter to Miss Emery, who read it over carefully. The school teachers with whom she talked re- garding the "case" of her youth had a good laugh, as Mr. Rent is now married has a fine baby boy. HUNDREDS IN THI); FAMILY. Has 518 Descendants--None Ever in Prison. McKee, Ky., Nov. 21.-Mrs. Jane DAILY BRITISH Morris, of Jackson county, now eigh- ty-six years old, is believed to have more descendants than any .other wo- man living. They number 518. None of them has ever been in a prison or ys school for reform. She had fifteen children. Her grand- children number 128, great-grandchil- dren 326 and great-great-grandchildren forty-nine. She was married when sixteen years old, and her husband lived until six years after they had celebrated their golden wedding. One of her daughters, Mrs. Hannah Lake, has sixteen children, seventy-six grandchildren, and eight greal-grand- children. Another daughter, Mrs. Sally Sparks, has fifteen children, twenty-nine grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren, The Best Known Portrait, Literary Times. In a discussion. as to what is the most common and familiar "portrait in the world, writes Arthur Joring Bruce, one man was sure Raphael's Sistine Madonna was the best known portrait in Rhe world, all for Leonardo's Mona Lisa. Still another vontended that no likeness was so universally known as that of King Edward on the coins of Great Britain. The sphinx was mentioned and the Venus of Milo. The discus- sion was growing warm when a mild and callow youth chirped up with : "You are all wrong! All of you! The best known portrait.in the world is the Queen of Spades." : He then proceeded to prove what, it seems, is common knowledge among the cognoscenti, namely: that the queen of spades is a bona fide likeness of the late Queen Anne of Britain. It seems that somewhere about 1719 the English and European stationers fixed on the image of the queen of England as a suitable one to inscribe on their laying cards. For 200 years. or more er face has looked out at us, not al- together unpleasantly---particularly in bezique--from the depths of the pack. How much longer, we wonder, will her piysiognomy be shuffled down the cor- ridors of time ? Plea of a Purist. Boston Transcript. Thus writes a purist of Dorchester : "For the honor of Boston culture will you not call attention to the proper pronunciation of the new vocabulary concerning airships ? Positively, it sets one's teech on edge to hear about 'a-re-o-planes' and "a-re-o-nots,' to say nothing of 'Bleerotts' and 'bip-lanes' and avay-shun.' It is bad enough to woe 'airplanes' in bold type, but 'a-reo- planes' is tough. Say a word, too, about that terrible new coinage 'onto.' When the brave 'a-reo-not' gets up 'onto his car,' it is really pretty Bad; but no so dangerous as to get wp 'onto his hanjer* And while you nbout it, do ask 'em to take time to say 'telephone' and not that dreadful 'phone. She who 'phones' so often wears a gigantic what germy fillet, and exhibits a vast amount of dentistry for the money. And ask her, too, not to buy a 'rim- let' of 'voyel' for her dress, nor to take 'Pohanna Hofi' if she wishes to 'rejuce.' " The Foolish Virgin. San Francisco Star. "We should always be prepared," said H. K. Adair, the San Francisco detective, in an interview in New York, j'and then we will miss noth- "You've heard, perhaps, of the ung lady who said, as she sipped tea: | * Pe just had such a dreadful ex- ; "<A dreadful experience ¥' asked an- Another was | {and i : | i are j' coiffure and some- | WHIG, VERY BAD HUSBAND ACCUSED OF SETTING HIS WIFE ON FIRE, Ela Smith, of Benton Harbor, Mich., Was Himself Burned a Few Days Ago at Time Wife Died. - | Beuton Harbor, Mich., Nov. 21.--Ela Smith, sixty years old, husband of the woman who two days ago received burns, when her clothing caught fire, from which she died, now rests in = cell in the county jail, charged with the murder of his wife. His arrest came after developments which led Prosecutor Andrews to believe that in- stead of Mrs. Smith being the victim of an accident, she had died from burns caused by flames which her own husband had started. Smith recently served a ninety-day sentence at the county jail for wife beating. # AUTUMN REFLECTIONS. Companionship of a Good Book or Paper a Blessing. By Prof. Paul Denys. Pardon me if I beg to unfold my spirit before the frequent tears shed by the spheres of late, with, now and then, a smile from old Sol and a flake or two of the beautiful by way of diversion, which shows what Can- Notes on Baseball and Other Field Events, Toronto ball club has sold Pitcher Newton to Louisville and Pitcher Lundgren to Topeka, Kan. Varsity will likely charter steamer Turbinia to take their ers up to Hamilton Saturday. Hamilton Tigers have invited T.A. A.C. to be their guests at the game with Varsity in Hamilton next Sa turday. h , The Varsity-T.A. A.C. gate amounted to about $3,900, which was divided between the teams after the expenses of the game had been deducted. At Paris, France, Sam McVey, the colored heavyweight, knocked out Battling Jim Johnson in the twenty fiest round of a fight for the cham pionship of Europe. : Py defeating Minnesota 6 to 0 Mi- chigan claims the Western States foot- bal championship. The Michigan men were a little faster in returning ints and much more expert in hand ing the forward ' By defeating New York university 9 to 0 the Navy closed the season of 1910, so far as games on the home field are concerned. ext week the midshipmen will close their schedule when they meet West Point at Phila delphia. At the Now York horse show the Siftons, of Ottawa, got away with the first, second and fourth in the class they root- ada can do when she wants to. It stands to reason that we can't ever sending bouquets to Crippen or dilate on events in Drummond and Oyster Bay, and the seem- ing fickleness in Miss Canada's weather tastes, proves a welcome theme for innocent words. It also eun- ables us to observe that no matter how inclement the temperature, you will find the gentleman of the street corner persuasion undaunted, nay, superb in his staying qualities, finding fortitude sufficient even to whistle--an art I always admired. True, the while and to complete the picture, he has his hands in" his pockets, which per- haps is better than having them in his neighbor's, yet forcing the reflec- tion that, after all, man's happiness must largely be a matter of tempera- ment. But in these dark, dreary autumnal days, with leafless trees and flowerless terraces and the raw wind moaning at your window, what can you do if you have not learned to value the. com- panionship of a good book or a good paper. You may be great or you may not, but no matter what, little vexa- tions, troubles, contrarieties will, in spite of all, ereep into your life--the more readily if you are of a gentle, sensitive nature--and cloud its course, fortunate will it be if, loving those friends who are never false-- books--you ask their aid, for they will lift you into an atmosphere of higher, nobler thoughts and truths ! I would, a cheerfully chant a paean for the public press, that "pul- pit on wings," and "first power in the land" as fittingly called in turn by twa. eminent. djvino. How lonesome we are when fails the mail to bring us our morni "quotidien," or if the local evening journal with ite"budget of news "about people we know," is so much as an hour late. Besides, he who reads not, knows not, and not to know in this age of intense light and life and progress, is almost a crime. "Neither ould it do to expect clothes however chic, to cut all the ice. My old chum, Prof. Huxley, exacted a little more when he said: "Let your intel- lect having compassed knowledge, be o clear, cold, logical engine with all its parts of equal strength and in smooth working order; ready to spin gossa- mers or forge anchors, and your body a trained servant to it." I would wish to have seen something about the heart in that definition, yet it calls for more than smart garment to make a man, and goes a bit higher than the little chap had reached when he won the medal at school. Being asked by his proud father how he had carried off the prize, "I answered the ques- tion," was the no less proud re. sponse. And what was the question, Sonny? "How many lege has a cat?" And what did you answer ? "I answered three." Heavens! and vou won! "Why, yes, pa; the other boys said two!" : BRANDON INSANE ASYLUM. Fireproof Building Will Replace One Destroyed. Winnipeg, Nov. 22.~The rebuilding of the Brandon imsane asylum, recent- ly destroyed by fire, will be com- menced as soon as the plans, now un- der way, are completed, and the new building will be ready for occupancy within twelve months. The plan pro- vides for a central building with radi- ating wings for patients' wards, to be no more than two stories in height and absolutely fireproof, CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. Spark From Stove Ignited Little Girl's Dress. Halifax, N.8., Nov. 22.---The two- year-old child of Benjamin Welsh, of the Island railway, was burned to th at Ionia. 0 children were sit- be | for Kumpers taking six fences. Iron side, entered by Wilfrid Sifton, made best showing on the field and was giv {en the first prize. Ironside was fourth in the high jump. | The official record of the American {baseball league shows Cobb's batting average for 1910 to be 385, and | Lajoie's .384. Philadelphia heads the {clubs in batting with 265, Chicago be- ing last with .212. Lajoie played in the greatest number of games of any player in the league, his record being 591 times at bat in 159 games. | "Jack" Johnson's nervous break- {down is not a sdrprise to the gene ral sporting public. Ever since the negro defeated Tommy Burns in Aus tralia two years ago Christmas he has been hitting only the high spots Unless Johnson turns over a new leaf and takes care of his physical con- dition it will not be lohg before there's another world's heavyweiyht champion. The following is the official decision of the Canadian Rugby Union garding the junior and intermediate final games : The Interprovineial jun- ior champions, Hamilton III, will play the winners of the Junior O.R.F.1 series, Alerts, at Petrolea, the winners of that game to play Quebec champions on Quebec grounds. . Inter mediate series, Quebec winners will play RM.C, in Kingston next Satur day. Toronto Mail-Empire: For Royal Military College Robertson, at centre half, was undoubtedly the star, and probably the best man on their team His punting was accurate, he handled kicks faultlessly and ran and dodged in grand, fashion. Galt, the eadets' back, was also in the limelight by treason of his clover running and entehe ing. Gwynne, at outside, did some hglliant tackling, and the bucking of Roberts, Arnoldi and Goldie was _ a feature, ' Under the name of the "'Interprovin cial Amateur Hockey Uniom of ada" there will be a league in sections, the Central, composed of the old Interprovimeial Union clubs, with the Ottawa Second or New Edin burgh club taking the plate of To ronto A.A.C.; the Eastern section, to be composed of the clubs of the St Lawrence league; the Western section. to be composed of the clubs of the Manitoba Northwestern League, and, finally, the Ontario section, which is jo Jo organized by the Toronto A re Union an oar A. A HAPPY RVENT, Was the Double Wedding at Harrow. smith, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, Harrowsmith, was the scene of a happy event, on November 2nd, when two of its most popular young ladies became brides. Promptly at the hour of eleven o'clock, and to the strains of the wedding march, render ed by Mrs. Waddell, the groom, Harry, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Walker, entered the drawing-room and took his place beneath a pretty arch of evergreens and flowers. He was im- mediately joined by the bride, Miss Lillie Tallen. The impressive wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Waddell, in the presence of about fifty invited guests. They were attended by Miss Lillian Walker and J. H. Hughes. This was immediately followed by the marriage of Miss L. Walker, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rank Walker, and John H. Hughes, a Jlosperous young farmer of Pleasant alley, Miss Walker is highly esteem- ed, and will be greatly missed by the young people of the village, Both brides were dressed alike, in dark gray ladies' cloth, trimmed with guimpe and overlace, with hats to match, After the ceremony the ts wer invited to the di in a sumptuous dinner was prepared for them. The tables were beautifully de- corated with flowers and laden with the best things of life. After partak- ing of these : things, the brides SI. This Home-Made Cough Syrup will Surprise You Cough Stops Even gh mg Rs Quickly. A FamMy at Small Cost. Here is a home-made remedy that takes hold of a cough instantly and will usually cure the most stubborn case in 24 hours. This recipe makes teen ounces--a family - supply. ou couldn't buy as much or as good ready-made cough syrup for $2.50. Mix two cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm water, and str 2 minutes. Put 23% ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a 16 oz. bottle, and add the Sugar Syrup. This keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste-- children like it. tite and is slightly laxative, which helps end a cough. You know the medical value of pine In treating asthma, bronchitis, and other throat troubles, sore lungs, etc. There is nothing bet ter. Pinex is the most valuable con centrated compound of Norway white pine extract, rich in guiaicol and all the natural healing pine elements. Other preparations will not work in this formula. The prompt results from this mex pensive remedy have made friends for it in thousands of homes in the nited States and Canada, which ex De why the plan has been imb tated often, but never successfully. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex or will get it for you. If not ge HOTEL '2% 1.00 i Ex A apward send ® on 5%. Br onide Book aod Map A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regu + the ul cheap imitations, « de Van's are sold at $ a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address or at Best's Drug Store, W. McCANDLESS Opposite St. Andrew's Church, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry or money promptly refunded, goes send to The Pinex Co, Toronto, Ont. NEW YORK CITY DOr. de Van's Female Pills generative portion of the female system, Kefuse The Scebell Drug Co,, Bt. O ines, Ont 318 Princess Street Reliable Watch Repairing. co. New pamphlet Medicin PAGE SEVEN. Our Crystal Brand or ranulated Sugar is uae excellea for presuryving or isble use, ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Bireet, H PARKS & SON, Florists J Ray, Fives 233 Night bone 385 All kinds of Cyt Fluwery and Piants in season. Wedding and Funeral Des signs a specialty shiped lv ali paler, tae Xing Street. x ia Our "Harrigson Fisher™ subjects make natty Christmas Gifts. Come in vow and, chose one. The best go firet D. A. WEESE & CO. BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT J. E .Hutcheson AUCTIONEER asd Ariwsismm A card sent to BIT Auer Wires af sn order left at H Waddingrons ar J 4. Henderson's Btores «1 recaive srompt attention Hest references give: ¢ . : ; THOMAS COPLLY, s "PRONE 87, Drop & card to 18 Pine Sipeet when wanting anything done in the Ckrpens ter line. Estimates gives oan ail ainds of repairs and new whrk als Hardwood Floors of all kinds Al orders will receive pros suiention, Shop, 60 Queen Street i -- EPR P00000060 760+ 0 0008 Sowards Keep Coal AND Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU 1THina mim? Phone 153. 0000000000490: 00 000m ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW Prick: ASBESTIO PLASTER BALE. ALSO OOAL AND ALL KINDS OF Woon, S. Bennett & Co. Cor. Bagot and Darenck Sts © Phone 941. ---' FOR 8 ! i A 0 Toronto, Ont, That every precaution is the highest quality. Cream try + Phone 845 What We Prove to furnish our customers with milk of chsolutely For Milk, Cream a: d PRICE'S tesa cccsonescesnoee taken that will enalile us Ice 277 Princess St. 060000000000 0000000000000800880008000acssson SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON FANCY TABLES AND RUTTAN AND COBBL FOR CHRISTMAS. WE STORE YOU James Reid, SeeOurLineofFresh Taffies MABOG ANY E SEAT ROCKER R PURCHASE. The Leading Under taker. Phone 147 a a a ? $ Which Has Just Arrived. Almond, Walnus, Peanut, Butter a ( (/.c nut at 20c per lb. aA Walnut Maple Loaf at 20c¢ per Ib. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St Flore 141 ACADIAN «Our Ber@e STC a Ganong's Bitter Sweet Chocolates ~~ 50c. per Ib. AAA AP ta AISI tl NE et SL_A.J. REES, Phone - 38

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