Editions WEE gblished Monday and a year. aia 5 at Gnited sy monly pry Bn 5B postage makin of price. > Eh Yi oy of 1 JY eekly $1. Att ed is ope of the oar Yb Print- | ine Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, | and cheap work; nine improv Sagish. The British Whig Publishing Co., TORONTO OF race Sulte n and 20 Queen rs, 32 Church St, Reroute) Emaliipeice, J.P, representative. Daily Wihiq. WALKING INTO TROUBLE, Mr. Monk has got himself into trouble, He taunted Sir Wilfrid' Laurier with the statement that some !* of his party had said that the Cana- dian navy might be used to attack England. The premier asked him to name one who had been guilty of this indiseretion, and Mr. Monk hesi- tated. Pressed to substantiate his! charge, if he dare, he gave the name of one Begin, a notary, and at once a French-Canadian member declared that Mr. Monk lied about the man. The expression was unparliamentary, and had to be withdrawn. But itis gnid that Mr. Begin was. at once tole graphed to, and replied that he had not | been in Drummond and Arthabaska | during the campaign, or bad not pare ticipated in the contest. The end of this incident has not been heard. The conservative party, as reorganized, is alleged to be in splendid fighting trim. It is one thing to be ugly and vicious and unscrupulous, and another thing to be clear and candid and courageous. Nothing is to be gained | by misrepresentation, and especiaily by | i reviving some of the bitter memories | of the late anti-British campaign in al constituency in Quebec. ota i THE TROUBLE IN MEXICO. { | The Mexican revolt may not amount | to much. It conceris"a republic which | is ruled by a masterly man, one Por- | firio Diaz, who is elected by the peo- | ple, but whose rule is as despotic as! that of any hereditary monarch. He has been the head of the govern: 'ment for twenty-five years, and has been instrumental in introducing and carrying through many reforms. They represent his ideas of what the coun- try needs, however, rather than the ideas of the people, who appear to be KINGSTON. illiterate to a remdrkable extent, nine- , tenths of them being unable to read and write. Where ignorance is so ap- parent it is impossible to conceive of A SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY enlightened legislation. Just what thé rexolt is about greens a Hing Butts for. Tveiy rf not well understood. At the bottom (Thame Goody are sil the latest styles 0 ible lies: the unrest which, S850 Oyerconts for .... $6.30 has its origin in the social condition $10.00 Overconts for .... $7.50 of the people. They are not happy $15.00 Overcoats for $11.25 and they are not satisfied. A change We are showing an extra good bar- for the better will only come with in in Reotch weed Salts, regular u x 10, for $7.50. universal education, for then the peor & Also good lines of Boats, Shoes and ple will be discriminating, and they will exercise a power which they do ISAAC ZACKS not possess at present. They hdaye re- belled before, and since Diaz has been 271 PRINCESS STREET. the president, but he is an old sol- dier and he resorts to arms as a means of suppressing the insurrection. His methods have been depicted as ' exceedingly severe, but it may be that they are the only methods that will purchased. Depusiis prevail. The masses are not able, rh pr a owes through ' any representative govern- Clarence ment, to direét their affairs, and if Diaz went down he would be only sue ceeded by one quite as dictatorial, ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter sinco his foree of character would be the only salvation of his government. ING'S Private Dining Mexico is in a bad way, but it will \ 3 , Rooms not _be any better until there is a gen- This can- 'ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos. 338-342 | INGSTON. : Now open. x Catering Contracts Taken. , Telephone No. 1138. If we please you, tell others. If we don't please you, please tell us. rts on y Cham- H Bi LUMBER HEMLOCK. | SPRUCE, WHITE PINE. YELLOW PINE. QUANTERED OAK. CYPRESS, BIRCH. BUTTERNUT. Highest Grades. Attractive Prices. S. Anglin& Co. North End Wellington St. HE Underwood res T radical prosents the first improvement in principle and constrac- tion since the typewriter the became a factor in commercial world. It has the revolutionized type writer business, UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. J. BR. C. DOBBS, FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY, THIS nd 1863. . rd Carte Moss topued an ued on re and Worn Fro ¢ fi ii and County - ug Director. treet. eral clovation of the people. not take place at once. TREASON IN POLITICS The conservative French-Canadians, like the nationalists with whom they | are allied, are striving to convince the | people, that they have been misreport- ed, that they are-longing for some op- portunity on which to display their loyalty, some occasion when they may die enfelded in the Union Jack. "Canada is our country," says Mr. Bernier, the Bourassa of Manitoba. "We have no other. In Canada we were born and in Canada we shall die. § Canada shall be the object of our love, 8 our work and our aspirations. But {#2 Canada also belongs to the British g crown. Our flag is the British flag, $2 We are British citizens; and if we wish' 8 to be worthy of the jon of the $ Union Jack we must ready to de & fend it at the cost of our life and our 3 blood. Ii the security of England, of the British empire, in the face of the armaments and the preparations of other nations, claims the participa. tion of the colonies spread over the entire world in the work of defence, we have only one thing to do, that is. g to give to England the help she needs, THE WHIG, 77th YEAR! tA irgalen Gncents | BRDY BRrTISH who, 16 pages; | Devoir staff, stated, in' the presence of (same it cannot take place. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910. from Britain in the rebellion of 1837. The climax was resched at one place, a church, where a member of the Le THE TALK ON NAVY BRODEUR SAYS LIBERALS WILL STAY BY POLICY. The Drummond Election is a Lively Theme of Debate--Blondin Says He Was Loyal in the Campaign. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Nov. 24.--Hon. Mr. Bro- deur, minister of marine and fisheries, was in the limelight in the house, yesterday, for a considerable - time taking his innings at discussing the speech from the throne. Perhaps, na- turally, be devoted most of his time to the portions of it relative to the navy. But a large proportion of his remarks were replies to tory conten- tions as to the Drummond-Arthabaska election, He strongly contended that it was to the interests of French-Ca- nadians, in Quebec, to maintain the supremacy of the British navy, and the programme laid down by the Laa- rier government was one to that end. He reviewed many details rela- tive to the recent bye-election and claimed prejudices had been appealed to that should not have been appealed to. "We are not scared by those ap- peals,- said the minister, "and wi will stat by our policy." 4 a . . Mr ondin, M.P. for Champlain The French are terribly afraid of | und who has been one of the pn conseription. It i not provided in| prominent conservatives figuring ir the Militia Act, nor in the Naval Bill, the Drummond fight, also had much a 0 say relative to it, "I claim," and until parlisment authorizes the said he, "that in the whole Drummond and Arthabaska campaign we re mained true to our king, our coun try, ond to the liberal-conservative party." Mr. Blondin emphatically de nied that be had wade a disloyal statement, and quoted, at length, from several newspaper articles. He. ack- nowledged, thouch, that when a speak- er had said "all they (French-Cana- dians) had they owed to Great Bri tain' that he had answered as' Sir Charles Tupper, as Sir Richard Cart wright and as others in the past year had done, that that was not true He scored liberals for trying to ex ploit the race ery in Quebec and claimed Fremch-Canadians were not disloyal. He recalled that people of that province had for eighteen years suppuried phe government of the late ir John" A. Macdonald and had shown that they could give their sup- port to an English- -speaking candidate as well as a French-Canadian. one, As the debate continues it seems surprising the amount of space de baters on both sides gives to th Drummond election. It has so far ta- ken up more time than any other mbject. . Mr. Lavergne, that British troops had left their bullet marks on the sacred |edifice, and that their horses had been (driven into it and made to drink out of the holy chalice, 'And in Toronto Mr. Lavergpe uses language to conceal his thoughts and iposes as one who is willing to suller in any way so that he may display his love for the throne and crown of Britain. A conservative paper notes incidentally that the stidents cheered Mr. Lavergne when he referred to Sir John Macdonald and one reralls that in his, last campaign the deceased statesman uttered this as his slogan : 'A British' subject I was born, and a British subject I will die." One can- not imagine Sir Jobn Macdonald ap plauding the Bourassa-Lavergne cam- paign and sending congratulatory messages to the men who had made treason as their stock-in-trade in their appeal to the people, EDITORIAL NOTES, Fancy Monk rising in his place in parliament, and challenging another member to go out into the lobby and fight. And the conservative papers, whieh apologize for him, say he is a perfect gentleman ! -- So American settlers in the tewer provinces' of Canada object to heir children singing 'Rule Brittania" ia the public schools ? Let them ob- Is Canada not British to the to falter in cultivating the patriotic instinct ? ---- An official announcement has been made of the reorganization of the fed- opposition, and Mr. Foster's {name disappears. Neither he nor Mr. | Monk are entitled to recognition. Per- Laps now they will see the wisdom I going away back and sitting down. some joct, core? Are its teachers eral The next appeal to the people ' of Ungland will probably produce the de sired effect. What any country needs is a strong government. Then it can do things. A good opposition is all right, but it should not be able to blo¢k the way all useful legisla- tion. Many Questio Among a number of questitiis that members want asked in the house are the following : Mr. Blain--What amount of money has been lost to Canada, caused by the . irmegularities in the printing bureau ? : Mr. Sproule--Has the reached a conclusion as to the assis tance they propose to give the inter national exposition it is contemplated by the people of Winnijwg and the wont to hold in Winnipeg in 1914 7 I so, would they make an aAnnounce- ment to that effect so as to serve as 1 notice to all interested parties or countries that the exposition is to take place, and the date thergof 7 Mr. Sharpe (Ontario)--What was the number of depositors in the govern ment savings departments, on Novem ber lst, 1910? What was the total amount on deposit on November lst, 1910? How many persons have pur chased the twenty-five vear Jovemmoni bonds at three and one-half per cent.' Mr. Monk--For a statement chow. ing: The names of all those engaged to date by the government in connec- tion withthe new naval department whether for service at sea or for work in connection with the department, either for inside or outside service. The domicile or origin of those thus en gaged, their previous occupation, rank or grade in the British navy or else where, and previous rate of pay or remuneration. The duties assigned, rank or occupation of those thus en gaged in the service of Canada, and present salary and allowances ? Mr. Smith--For a return showing the total number of accidents on pail ways in Canada since April lst, 1909, and up to date; the number of fatal acci dents; the number on each railway and the causes of the same. Also, the number of accidents on construction work, fatal or otherwise, on the Cana lian Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific railways, and the causes of the same, Mr. Monk--For a copy of the report of the imperial defence committees of the privy council in England concern ng the defence of the empire, com- . . municated to the Canadian govern- ase of Youth Arrested on Change ment, and of the despatches and cor of Drunkenness. espondence exchanged betwern the A boy in long trousers, appeared in imperial and the Canadian govern he police court, this morning. Drunk-| nents relating to the said report. nness was the charge, and as he ap ------ wared to be so young, the magis- A Liberal Caucus. trate questioned him about his age.| 14. igi caucus of the liberal mem fe first said that he was nineteen ers of the Commons was hedd Tues. sears of age, but afterwards stated] i.o Vitor Geoffrion was appointed that he was eighteen or nineteen] bi jiberal whip for in sue ears of age. The magistrate asked] ion to Senator Lavergme. Ernest im to be very careful to tell the Rov, Dorchester, was appointed his 'ruth, as it was most important, and} ooeisfant. the accused then said that he had al The conservative members had an ways been given to understand that be | ,ther caucus and considered among othe was eighteen or nineteen years of age.|.r matters the guestion of Mr. Monk's the magistrate said it would be anf mendment to the address, which save Susy matter to secure his correct age.l "The house regrets that the speech magistrate then. questioned him | rom the throne irives no indication as to where the liquor been secur | vhatever as to the intention of the ed, and he gave the name of a well | overnment 10 comsult the people on known hotel in the city. A young! he naval policy, and the Zeotal ties nan : gathored in for drunkenness, he | Lion of the contribution of Canada to Imperial armaments.' A to How is it that Kingston cannot government have an enforcement of its by-laws? \ citizen put it fairly, yesterday, when he said that it should not be neces- sary to force the city officials to do heir duty. Fheyishould walk out oe- ciwsionally and see what is apparent 2 others every day. The opposition of England and the apposition of Canada are alike in one cospect. They are weak in leadership. Xr. Borden's attempts to profit by the new nationalism, without commit- ing himself to it, are attracting at- tention. They Aire not contributing to his political power. The suffragettes will eventually for. fit the respect as well as considera- peagle. They are acting the rowdy part ut present, and ave getting the (treatment of rowdies. Those who smash windows and sault people because they cannot bull- doze parliament deserve tite roughest wind of treatment. ton of the as The Spectator compares the manage ment of the printing bureau by a gov- ronment department with the manage neot of the Temiskaming railway by + commission. There would be some hing in the comparison if all the pub Je business were run by commissions, nd the Whitney government is by no neans perfect in its plans. H it were there would be no quarrelling in ningston over the patronage, WILL BE INVESTIGATED. The Late Israel H. Plate. Tenaine of Israel H. Platt, whe lied in Kingston, on November 19% were Ment via G.T.H. to Colborne by Robert J. Reid. Deceased was seventy sight years of age, s farmer; and re dded at Colborne. lefore thw ins left the city a heautiful flor ibe {oe con the casket v r the of Ningston. 'pon ar rival Yemnins at Colborne a Ma sonic funeral will be held. - -- J. Y.W. CA Com and hear Miss Kawai, on Sat. urday aftérnoon, 4 o'clock in the par of selling fiquor to a minor. Imperial Brand Underwear is just the underwear for Shin semeou gi the DR. SOPER- Fy =) h ah kK. 2 Specialists in diseases of Skin, Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Speefal Ail- ments of mel One Bg advisable : it impessih send history for free 'opinion and EL vice. Question blank and k on diseases of 'men free. Consultation Tree. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2 te 6 pm. Sundays, 0am to 1 pw DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toronto Street, Torente, Ont. MEN'S WEAR pit Men's Suits and Overcoais, many styles and patterns, $10 to $1% each. Men's Bweater Coats, Bocks, Shirts, Underwear, Heavy Winter Payts, at owest prices Also Ladies" Near, ete, Boots, Bhoes and Rubbers for Men Women and Children, All kinds of Jewellery and Flannel Jlankets at low prices. Easy payments. Jos. B. Abramson, 4 COLBORNE STREET. Every Woman and shor a Lnow won. Suits, Skirts, Under- < new ginal Sy esr ast cotton TY ciosmes instantly. Ask yout dreggist for i Whe cannot supply the AARVEL accept ne other, autsend stamp for iusrrated cl ~veuind. it gives full partic sift aad directions tovataabls to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., Windaar. Ost. Coneral Aswnty fur Can LAA RAAASL BASIS AANAMMMALL, Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief---Permanent Care CARTER'S LITTLE : fo Purdy vege I rely veget- shle--act ha iy on cure indi " . = ~ improve com ore Small Pil. Smal Bree Sout oe Genuine wus ber Signature Se Fert | WELL DRESSED MEN. Query why and you're like- ly to learn that these people are customers of these works and have us clean their cloth- ing R.PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 4 Princesa 51, Kinguton, Ost. HIS is a season when most people need a tonic to assist the body in assimilating the full nutritative value of the food eaten and to form fit into brawn and vitality. CAMPBELLS QUININE WINE Dyspepties -- calms the peaceful, is unexcelled. find it alds digestion, nerves and induces restful slumber, Insist Upon the Original. Druggists and Grocers Sell Jt, MONTREAL, r.Q, Our $5.00 Cuff Links pestly engraved with "his" monogram, would make a most ., acceptable Christmis gilt. They are made in extra heavy 14k gold / and are enclosed in a fine velvet lined case. Send for Catalogue K It contains 132 pages in colors of PL Silverware, China, Glass, Stationery, Leather A tore of XWAA-, 106 3 street. Every = HANA SR HIER a eo» = os -- eo ne ws = FHAAAN = = = = 40 AERA AREA Hk MEIER | HANA HAHAHA HHH HoH HOES HH SEE OUR Eighteen Dollar Suits ; New Blue Suits, New Black Suits, New Grey Suits, : New Fancy Worsteds and Cheviots. » We insure a perfect fit in every instance, re- gardless of your particular size or build. Every Suit is its own recommendation--no art of display is nceded to tell yoa its quality ; no argument is wanting to declare its skillful desigr- ¥ ing, cutting and making. . No persnasive appéal is necessary to assur you of the character, style, or durability o material. All the late models. All the correct fabrics. Don't miss seeing our $18 Suits, Overcoats For protection or for style our Storm Overcoats are a splendid investment. The Grosvenor, The Speedway, The Broadway, ] $10 $15 $18 Fine Black Overcoats, with Silk Velvet ( 'ollars T $10, $12, $15, $18, $20 The H. D.Bibby Co! The Big Store With Little Prices. AHHH AANA AA AAAAAAAAAANAAAA ANA CHEE RENIN SAAN ry a A I III AIO Ls IIR 3 '% ¥ ¥ » + ¥* #* 3 3 + "4 ¥ + Ww + Kenneth Campbell & Co| Vest Bocker Size of EDDY'S Famous "SILENTS' Every sfick a match, every match a light, and every Light a sfeady even flame "De- Light" for the Smoker--Try a Box lweys eve io Ask Log "The J Joes! 1 t areh Creation roses of Ms heh b Manufactory SeeOurLineofF reshTaffics | Which Has Just Arrived. Almond, Walnut, Peanut, Butter and Cocoa- nut at 20c per Ib. Walnut Maple Loaf at 20¢ per 1b, R. H. TOY : $ | Phone 14" ro testrtrets ed ACADIAN Ganong's Bitter Sweet Chocolates 50c. per 1b. : it IR. Phone 58 I66 Pines SL A. J. REES,