Remember. Thursday Morning, Dec. 1, At 8.30 a.m. Sharp Great Change of Business' Sale "- Selling Off the Crumley Bros. Select Stock of Dress Goods, Millinery, Suits, Coats and Furs, Men's Furnishings, Smallwares, § Wwe, ele, eRe eeseeeese®] NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AL Small Margin of Profit THE MOST SELECT STOCK IN KINGSTON TO CHOOSE GOLD SAFETY PINS, = Heavy Solid Gold Safety Pins, made in England to our order. The correct style for men's scarfs 31.90, $2.00, $2.50, #3, A NOVELRY In CUFF LINKS, Gold Cuff Finln aR a locket Sttachmont for Shoto, or Price, s3ise. En- ove Min case free. PAISLEY BAGS. Shopping from made shawls imported from Palgley, Scotland. lined with fine silk and gold trimmed. The rage of Paris and New York. Price, $7 and $7.50. (MOTHER OF PEARL, A A islet Watch with 4 of mother of pearl. Ee eat. A new novelty seelng. $12, TOBACCO POUCH. Hy POU Mochd Pouch with filoest elastic rubber mounted with sterling monogram. 00. BEAUTY PINS. Two beautiful Enamelled Pins in fine leather case, T6e. BRASS ASH TRAYS, A suitable Smoker's Gift, 50 cents. or Pr Price, 4Lib." 41.35. oe PEELE IWE (®) 6, EER EEE eee sees » OOOO! HOE : OO (e) YM POOOOO0O In the Estate of Elizabeth Seale, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of the above nam- ed are requested to send In a state ment of the same to the undersigned for settlement. The claims would require to be verified. J. B, WALKEM, Solicitor. Kingston, 28th Nov., 1910, THE LATE JOHN NEILL. An Aged Resident of Kingston at Rest. ae funeral of the late John Neill, took place on Tuesday afternoon from his Grother's resitlence, Brock street. a fine tribute to the excelle qualities of the is fidelity to the interests of his employers, Messrs Chown & Ounuis am, and Fawin Chown & Son, whom he engaged for the Yong period 3! forty: ho. continuous years. wonderful devotion to the interests wr Cooke's church, where he was a mem- bor ae for fifty - three years, much of his {time being speut as a teacher in the Sabbath S iaol and the last twenty- five years as an honored elder; his staunch rance privileges, his love for the rvance of the Sabbath iy beautiful yet simple exemplification a Christian these and many other ar qualities made him a model citisen apd respected by all who knew him, either in busivess, or in church matters. Many floral tributes were placed on the casket: by sympathizing friends, amongst the number being a wreath from the session of Cooke's church. The bearers were Dr. A. P. Chown, John Murray, William Anderson, George Y. Ohown, D, A. Shaw and 0. C. Chown. The deceased leaves a daughter, Mrs, Wiliam Blackburn, of Vernon ville; a sister, Mrs. William Campbell, Pine street, Kingston, and a brother, William Neill, Brock street, and a niece, Mrs, James McCulla, Bay street. AMPUTATED } CRUSHED HAND. Man Waiting for Sur Surgeon, Operated Efi Efe riffs J ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1910. re -- QUEEN'S AND WHOLESALERS PLAYED TO A TIE. The Score Was 338 to 33 After a Great Contest--Moore's Garage Team Easily Defeated St. James'. There were (sig basketball games at the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium last eveuing which wate witmteod gf quits a large pumber of spectators who watched the clean manly playing all the way through with the greatest delight. Both games were hne exhibitions, The first was between the teams which represented St. James' and Moore's Garage. Moore's won by 39 to 18, which showed thet Moore's had the better of the play. They had the Dest eam all round. St. James' were too slow for the boys from the garage. Dr. J own, of New York referred this game, The teamsi-- St. James---Staigg and Gillespie, forwards; Singleton, centre; Atkinson and Hawley, defence. Moore's gress Ring, and Gilbert, forwards; Orr, centre; McCormack and Moore, defence. The second game, between the Wholesalers and Queen's was just as fast as the first one, and drew forth the well-merited applause from the spectators at different times when the laying was good. Back gna forth on one end of the room to thh oth- er the teams fought and scrambled, Queen's having the better of the play at a great many stages of the game, thei quick beadwork and lightning bination work being one of the many excitable features of the game, When Queen's would get a lead of a fow baskets, the Wholesalers would rally, amd by a series of fast play, would even it and at 5 few points were ahead of Queen's. The game, which was a very gruelling one, was far more exciting than the first one, and finished a tie 33 to 33. Frank Birch umpired in a satisfactory man- A Wholesalars- "Shorty" Pound -and Fleming, forwards; Day, centre; Bear- 4nce and "Duy" Pou , defence. Queen's--Erskine and Wardle, for- wards McCartney, centre; Watts and Kendall, defence. ¢ May Play in Two Sections. Montreal Gazette. If all goes well in Intercollegiate hockey circles next Saturday will pro- bhably see the final acceptance of Me Gill's suggestion to extend the league #0 as to include Laval, of Quebec, and Ottawa College and to play off the schedule in two sections, Toron- to, Queen's and MeGill playing in one division and (Laval) Nontres] and the two néw teams in the other. The suggestion came as the result of To- ronto's resignation from the league and the subsequent statement that the Varsity team could not continue in the league until: Laval was dropped, as the presence of a second Montreal team necessitated two trips to Mon- treal each year and created far too heavy an ex| ture, Ottawa College has accepted the in- vitation o join the league; Laval, of ough they have not de finitely gh seem inclined to fol- low the Ottawa lead; Queen's have made no objection to the proposed new arrangement, and Toronto hus indicated its willingness to remain in the league under the proposed new conditions, A meeting of the Intercollegiate league will probably be held in Mon- treal Saturday to conclude arrange- ments and draw up the schedule. In Rugby to Stay. Tia Ottawa University Review says: is given to the report that Ottawa College is going to Ter out of the Intercollegiate Rugby Un. ion. We can take a licking with the best of them. McGill has not won a championship since 1906 and Queen's last win was 1904 so we are not so far behind, We're in to stay." The Schedule Drafted. In No. 1 division, Leeds County Rookay league, this schedule is draft- Jan. 2--Athens at Westport; Phillips ville at Newhoro. Jan. T=Westport Newboro at Athens. Jan. I4--Newboro at Westport; Phil lipsville at Athens. Jan 21---Westport at Athens; New- bo at Phillipsville. Jan. 28-Athens at Pallipuville Westport at Newboro. ay, 3 3 2 div iaiap, & com, of 8, y, Morton, Elgin and Phillipsvi has not drafted ts Mhadule. The "le cers of the Jo 3 "Gallagher, New- at Phillipsville: FES Fy i PAGE THREE. e---- Sme------ Jimusements. (aRARD X" OPERAY HOUSE) The People's Forum TO-NIGHT SAVAGE, Producer of Widen,» * Butier- offers Mouweckton Hottes Charming Comedy, THE LITTLE DAMOZEL It comes hore with the Ldenticnl New Piaget 1 Year In Lenden. SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd MATINEE AT 230. EVENING AT S15 A. BE. CALDWELL AN 2 jo ws FRANKLIN Fe CALL 1: WILD Pramatised b; m Evan Shipman Remington's ely ro. Ermine of The Y FRICE-~Matinge; 235, 35, Sec. Child- re: oe $1.00. Seats on aie varedar: Grand Opera House Miss Barbara Tennant ion Celebrated English Shakesper- fan Actress, » aby > selort English ty ng Reginald Murray, the English Bari. tone, will give RECITAL MONDAY, DEC. 5th Shakespeare Kipling Service Wilcox Longfellow PRICES, $1.00, 75¢, 50¢, 35¢, and 25¢. Boxes, $1.50, Plan will be open at Box Office, Friday, Dec. 2nd. AT Geiffin's Orpheum The Home of Polite Vaudeville and Motion Pletures, Seats now he. Our motto is: NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD. PROGRAM : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, NOV. 28, 20 and 30th, Engagement at great i THE WORLD-RENOWNED' Appolos of Strength, Grace and Res finement, The most astonishing, sensational exhibition of physieal strength ever exhibited. These men have been recognized as the strongest in the world. Jean Manuel Impersonator. Gordon B Bunch The Happiest Man on Earth. Arthur Lynn Sings "I'd Like to be ynn by a Girl Like You." Afternoon at 2 o'clock All Seats Se. Evening at 7 o'clock Admission 10¢. Children under 15 years admitted at all times for Se. 5c. TO-NIGHT 5c. AT Wonderland ACTS Sgr 2 2 Fred. Price The Up-to-date Single. hi, First insertion lo a word. Each cone secutive insertion thereafter half cent & word. Minimum charge for ome in- sertion, 25¢; three insertions, 0c; six, $1; one month, $3. HELP----WANTED, A DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY TO Yukon Restaurant, 343 King St. ONCE, TWO FIRST-CLASS Waist Hands: best of salaries paid. E. Mitchell, 73 Brock Street. AT GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUBEWORK. AP- ply. at once, to Mrs. J. H. Cun- stam 587 Princess Street. A GENERAL SERYVANYL MUST r Sod Apply, Mrs. Rn. addetl, #0 Fron téenac Street . GIRL TO MIND CHILDREN AND AS. fist with house work. Apply, Mrs. Pp. J. Armstrong, 205 Barrie Street. A MAID FOR GENERAL WORK; must be a plain cook. Apply to Miss Ferguson, 191 King Breet, A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH baby and a little housework: § wages. Apply, 185 Queen Street. SALESMAN WANTED FOR WINTER for our choice Nursery Stock and newest varieties seed liberal terms. Cavers Bros, atoes; Galt COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, one who understands plain cook- Ing: references required Apply to Mrs McKay, $6 Stuart Street. Geo. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERV. ant; ne washing, nin, sweeping. Apply to Mr Francls Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, 143 King Street West. Y correspo No Sam vasting. rticulars Press Syn port, N.Y. AN INTELLIGENT Sara $100 monthly or news Bend for arti cate, 3,969 CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working me salaty: per- hAnent err if you are work- for small sal behind the counter. write AY; you can double your w and Bd own tA Whig to - WANTED--GENERA L. ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SCRI th buy for cash. J. 8B. ER MoCann bn Brock Street. FURNISHED HOUSE IN. GOOD ocality for the winter months. Toca to Capt. A. FP. C. Williams, RCH.A, Barracks. ENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman. hi guaranteed to please. Pressin re] airing done on the shortes Rotice. mas Gi floway, 130 Brock Bt, next Bibby's Livery. WOMEN WHO SEW, TO BUY THE Self-Threading Sewing Machine Needle; three in a tube, 10c, or 3 thbes 25¢c, delivered anywhere or mailed on receipt of price; name machine . P. Treneer, Quebec Street, Kingston. WINDOW CLEANING, cleaning, ARNG, olling. rub. ng and moppl ng floors, { wall or Sleaning. offices, stores, and vate ses; everything fur- Diahed except water; all orders promptly attended to. O, son, 15 Ellice Street. HOUSE G. Simp- ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SE- cond- hahd Ra iture and Joe before Twill p - al rit, To kinds % Furniture in Oak. Happ: Thought Ranges. Will sell reason- able. > Thompson, 333 Princess ree STRAYED. ONE, J FARLING BULL ON TO LOT §. owner can have same by NS property and paying ex- enses. David Hannah, Godfrey, nt, UPHOLSTERER. VIN SPHASTERING. Bork. alr Fenovating br call 216 Bagot mat: TEACHERS WANTED. FOR 88. No. 6. CATARAQUIL, ship of Kingston, for 1811 plication. stating salary to made to Jno. Simpson, Sec.-Treas Cataraqui, Ont TOWN- Ap- A TWO GOOD SECOND-HAN be ines. ip Apoiy, B D. 5 ce FOR SALE. Har on QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S8 Nos and 10, Olden and Oso: duties 10 Ce a Jan. 3rd; salary per annum. Apply to Jos Phersen, Sharbet Lake, Ont. TWH TEACHERS POR. SR No & Lanark (Middleville School), for TEN vizx:--For Senior Department, a qualified teacher; must have experience in teaching salary, $450; about 25 pupils or Junior Department. a qualified Teacher; salary, $325: 25 to 36 pupils. Ap- cations, Stating age, religions enomigation, etc. to be sent to Arch. Rankin, Sec.-Treas, Middie- COAL AND WOOD OR FOR LEASE. THE RE THIS. COOK STOVES Coal Heaters, Quebec ods of roves a es ane paner 34-38 Princess Street, stor livery, Gunnin ngham WEEK... 25. ES No. ultable for onvie or garage. ---- FIRST.C Cockrels, Rhode Island e Ase White Wyandottes., and Barred Plymouth Rock: all of them from prize fowl Apply, 108 Pine St 0 Lav, ville, Ont. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. 306 EARL STREET: 7 ROOM & relPriy at MoCann's, 8 Brock GERMAN TANARIES, FIRST FHIP- mhent-fust received; these birds are In song and guaranteed; come ROOMS OVER 63 PRINCESS STREET; fon at poisess once. *rincess Sireet. Apply, 8 in and hear them. J. Driver, Corner Queen and Barrie Btreets 'Phone No. 612 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, oF URNISHED or unfurnished; rn Beni: ences. pr PDLY te 85 Montreal $1 near Princess St POR oT Gatwints Tngurance: Buportuse 's Insurance PO over orthern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'phone 434. TWO NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSES on Quebec Street; ments and lar Rev. J modern improve. e grounds. Apply, D. Boyd, 108 Pine Street. GENERAL INSURANCE--FIRE, LIFE Accident and Health Policies issu- ed; first-class companies; standard rales. T. J. Boon, Agent, 159, Wellingtoa Street. STORAGE ROR FURNITURE, CLE ry, airy rooms, absolutely 7 RAN Foot; far awn Jock amd xeX: or oan "Phone S34D, rose. 199 Qu GEO. A: BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK- er. Put your Invoices In an envel, ope with & one cem Samp o it and drop In the nearest letier box. We do th ihe rest. All kinds of Fire Insurance placed on short Jotice hone "se. Pe Clarence Bt. Kings- on. SUITE OF ROO! INCLUDING SIT. ting-room, bédroom and bathroom, located near Market re. A ply to Cunningham far 5 Ya Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable FOR SALE OR T0 LET, assets $61.187.215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lHability of all the stockholders, Farm and eity property insured at lowest ponsible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents : ne, 3 THE. {EXTEN VE BUSINESS for many years oecupl By Skinner & Co. Wholesale Druggists, extending from Prig- treet to Queen Street, wi frontage on both, and Including ex tensive bahidings. Apply to Cun MEDICAL. PHYSICIAN I RKS, BA. MD. » Lg Wellington Bt 100, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. 2 ted BRUNSWICK HOTEL. ONTARIO oy pposite G.T.R. station, from CPR, on hotel lately moderate; week. one block street oar line: remodelled; + special rates nr John Cousineau, Prop. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W, KELLAR. Arpghiter and B: ig 266 on reason kit nds ot , Jobbing. done prompt DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL, North, for reasanable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. Al work done promptly and adntly. PERSONALS, A HAIR, MOLES, arts, ts Ee without scar, wen . rience. Elmer y y gare a 4 r, Noge, Throst and Skin hen ish Specialist, 258 Bagot St - TIEARES EST R. BHCKWIT ing Bastnter and architect ie BUSINESS CHANCES. Bullders' spect fou. Sydentam reat", "8 treet. Plans ras od ih Aso Bari ost! mates given for all classes of work AND SPARKS A 1d Frinton Be 'Phone 346. Shad DR C C. NASH, DENTIST ticker, a assistant, 183 baRS Eingsos LH . Bt ANYONB. ANYWHERE, oC & mall order business Fogg Re Ne canvassing. ® Your own Send for free bookie, Telle Daa H Kk, 2 Lockport, N.Y. EO -- -------------------------------- THE NEWEST RULES, RBOULA- tions and forms Pertainos LA~ station agent and telegraph operator's work are ineorporated in the new courses of trainin ven in the Central Tele re 5: chool, 1 Gerrard Street East Tor ronto. Particulars free. Write T. J. Johnston, Principal ARCHITECTS. DR. A. P- ENAPP, DENTIST, 19 MONT- real reet, near Princess Street Phone 651. "HEALTH WT * fsherott, | Do 0. Bana. Aho D.O., under Dr. Sui ie Pounges: oor Osteopathy, 43 incess Str nar Divist Phone 447. A RTHOR ELLIS, HENRY P. SMITH. ARC RY». HITECT, BTC, ing Strect. 'Phone, 345. tps ae ARCHITECT, OFFICE residence, 151 U niversity Ave. wa, NEWLANDS & BON, ARCHI- pea a Gs , Dtfloe, 0s Bagot Street. sion spitation and erature. for son. Bours, 10 to 13, 2 to 5, Sto 8 C FURNITURE FINISHER.' POWER & BON, ARCHITECTS, MER- Bank Building, nn. k and "Phone 313 Welllugton Streets. chants' ANTIQUE FURNITUR PECL Shonlzing and Al co pind "gia: aig, enamel of wor iven t attentio Driscoll, 23 23 John Street. Pat Quality, ---------------------- as C. B. KIRKPATRICK, Why yeu your Coal and Wood from us. MARRIAGE LICENSES. r GOVERNMENT 42 Clarence Street, Kin Oni Telephone G68 Re sid . i% Frontense Street Issuer ton, ence, should purchase Service, One Price.