Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1910, p. 8

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hav. gn PAGE EIGHT. HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO, Go to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading SE mem | WONDERFUL CURE ms ab oo i OF SKIN DISEASE r CIR TS Harn) [Et XCEL INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EX- roSITION, CHICAGO, TLL, Nov. 22ud te Dee, 3rd. Round Trip Pare from Kingston, $24.25, Good going Nev. 25th, 29th, 20th and Dee, put, aod to retirn until Dec. ith MURDEROUS MILLINERY Some of the Crueities Practised for Sake of Millinery. NVENIENCE was \our idea when we ted OXO Cubes. will say we have eeded. The finest health-giving drink in the world; made ina moment from OXO Cubes. Sold in Tins containing 4 and 10 Cubes. Two Free Samples sent on receipt of 20. Stamp to pay postage and packing. CXO is also packed in bottles for People who prefer it in fluid form. 5 Lombard 81 : Tosueio The bavoc that is being wrought among birds to satis"y demands of! modern miilinery was pressed home! by Mr. James Buckland in a striking speech at the annual meeting of the Selborne Society, London, England. "The whole volume of the bird life of the world is being reduced ai /an | alarming rate," he said, and then he! gave the remson--that to obtain the feathers the birds bad to be killed in the breeding season. At that time birds' natural fear of man disappears under the stress of providing for and protecting their young, and it is under conditions such as these that the old birds are shot and rifled of thelr plumoss, and | the young left to die of starvation in! the nest. Scenes of Slaughter. Thirty years ago there were heron: ries in the United Ftates which were estimated to contain about 3,000.000 white herons. At the same these birds roamed widely over China in prodigious multitudes. But even these vast hordes could not withstand slaughter during the breeding season, and ww the white heron is practically exterminated both in' North America and in China. Now the sape havoc is being wrought in South America-- in every country of the world, indeed, where the white heron is still found. The feeding grounds of the Ameri can jabiru, the largest but one of MHv- ing storks, are also the scenes of slaughter during the very period when the bird should have respite. Thirty thousand quills of these birds are sold annually in London alone, and as. the species was never very sumerous, if will soon be wiped out. So wary is the bird that it keeps be-| yond the range of a fowling-plece, but] is shot to-day with a soft-nosed bullet] from a Mauser rifle--a dreadful mis-| sile, which often tears away a great piece from the body of the bird. Even in this sickening conditen, unless the mutilation be such as to prevent flight, the majestic creature will take wing in one last effort to escape. Of a sudden it falls lifeless to the carth| --and woman's wish is gratified. One Gang Shoots 300,000 So far this year but three plume] == sales have taken place in London, yet = é in those three sales alone there were catalogued the skins of over 25,000 humi..ng birds. Even the law is set at deflance by the gangs of men who make a live lthood by the slaughter of the birds Not long ago a gang was surprised on one of the islands which the United States had decreed to be a "bird reser vation," and these men had in their possession the plumage of 300,000 birds, There was no bird in the world to Afjor-20 Years of Intense Suffering, "I have been afflicted for twenty years with an obstinate skin disease, cajled by some M. D's. psoriasis, and others leprosy, come mencing on my scalp; and in spite of all 1 could do, with the help of the most skilful doctors, it slowly but surely extended until a year ago this winter ft covered my entire person in the form of dry scales. For the last three years I have been unable to do labor, and. mehuel A all the very mortinig thers wou nearly & Tol of i 8 taken from the bed, some of them hall as this letter. ape containi wi i . thi in PROVINCIAL GUELPH, ONT, Detember Sth te Sth, Round Trip Fare from Kingston Saturday, Dec. 3rd, to Fri ood goin ay ec. 3rd, to Fri- 3 Goa A a oth, good to return un- th Dee. 12th. For full particulars and Pullman re- servations, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. #1 Common SL Montreal ONTARIO FAIR, psig g i bs sil New Nuts, 3 if iE) 2 Cracked through the skin all $ 2 is {i Just Arrived, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts See our Window for XMAS CAKES. R. H. TOYE, A CC LA RA LOLt RAILWAY In Comnection With . CANADIAN PAGIFIO RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston 1201 pm. Express--For Ottawa 3 + Montreal, Quebec, Bt. John, NB, ie fax, Boston, Toronto, hicago, on - 'var, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, w nnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and Ban Francisco 00 pame~docal, for. Sharbot Lake, connecting with .C. P. RX. Past an West 7.45 a.m.Mixed--For Renfrew Intermediate points, Mon, Wed, Friday. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12 Mtawa at § pm A1 p.m arrive in We A Peterbore, pm. > y pom; Moniraal, Js am. Boston, 7.30 .m.; Bt. John, . noon. a Full particulars at K. and P. and alt CPR Gicket Office, Ontario Street §. CONWAY, Pass, Agent. 302 King St Phone 14 "THE ART OF HOSPITALITY" and and RUE hospitality is the gentle art of making folks feel good. When you ask visitors "what they will have," = be sure there is a convenient decanter of CORBY'S Rye Whisky the best and purest whisky of the age. By its purity and superiority of flavor, it has hough man forgotten the using the Cuticura Remed Since this cure was made by the Cuticurs Remedies, they have made Boh to every jor of the civilized world, 32-page book- et describing humors and affections of the in bi be alle fice 10 thoss Sestit fur er information by 4 tter Dir ical Corporation, Hoston, us re Gen. BAY OF QUINTE BAILWAY. ok in Jedved Union Station, Boosh Bm, aatly (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Nspanee, Deser onto, Bannockburn and all points north To secure quick despatch to Bannock burn, Maynooth, and points on Centra Ontario Fouts your Hg ee f Quinte Eallway, p hy wey R. DICKSON, hone, No. 3. CANADA'S BEST wvaild Port is the Ontarie Grape Grow. ag and Wine Manufacturing Company's +f St. Catharfnés. "It 18 guaranteed 10 soars old, and is a pure, dry and per- ect wine, equal to the Boul imported st pohalf 'he nricg Sold only ne dA LER, Golden on! NEWS OF NEIGHBORS |:=% = iii Kenai s pew bri is A 0. Kirkwood and L. W are 3 Sm. working 'at J. Mundell's barn. Visi WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS tors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods, at " 3 Mes. J ames TELL V8. Murphy 'and Loretto, af. T. The Tidings From Various Points in| Murphy's, Storrington; Mr. and Mrs, L. J. Jdoyee, in Gananoque; Mrs. Eastern Ontario--What People Keys and Victor, at Howe Is- Are Doing and What They Are land; R ad 2 Othman, Hamilton, at Saying. . McCary's; Mr. Mrs. Goologhy, Finn in Kingston; L. Woods and John At Lavant Station. Mundell, at John McKendry's, Brew- Lavant Station, ov an. 3 I= s Mills, ' Rankin, Hopetown, rs. eter Barr, a a few days at] 'Westbrook Thomas Lee's. Mrs. E. J. McFarlane! Westbrook, Nov. 29.--Farmers wel- and family visited her parents, Mr. comed the fine weather of the past and Mrs. John Paul, Lavant Settle- | week, as some of them had not finish: ment, last week. The teacher, Miss od their ploughing. The ladi' in- McDevitt, t Saturday and Sun- stitute will miget in the town hall on day at he Te in Renfrew. Wednesday afternoon. Miss Cleo Par- ---- rott, of Morven, is the guest of Mr. At Desert Lake. and Mrs. 8. Burt. Miss Lizzie Shee Desert Lake, Nov. 28.--D. Babcock |han, after spending the past month lost a fine horse last week ana C.Mec- (with her niece, Mrs. J. B. Scanlon, at Canee lost a valuiible cow. Fishermen | Nairn Centre, and also visiting friends are fishing in surrounding lakes. Mr. |in Toromto, Belleville and Marysville Taggart. Wentport, has been renewing [en route, arrived home on Mohday old acquaintemces in this vicinity. |last. Joshua Knight, of Kepler, t Miss Eva Wilson has gone to spend a | Thursthay last with James Howie. Miss few weeks with Iriends in Kingston. |E. Nivens, of Kingston, was a recent John Williams end Miss Williams, at [visitor with friends here. The news of James Wilson's; Miss Annie Snook, at the death of the late Mrs. Milton Sil R. Lindsay's, near Sydenham; Miss {ver was received with deep sorrow. Olive Snook and James Campbell, [She was formerly a resident of this Sydenham; Miss Lowrie Joyner 'and |place, and ter of the late Alex- Fred Joyner, at James Wilson's. ander Bell. A number from here at- ) tended the funeral of the late Mrs. N Poland Lady Dead. Sproule, which took place from her Flower, Nov. 29.--Mrs. Robert Closs, | home at Odessa, on Monday last. Mrs. of Poland, who formerly lived at Georgina Smith left, on Wednesday, Flower Station, died on Sunday evén-|to reside 'in Kingston. Mrs. Jenkins, ing. The fusieral takes place to-day at | Kingston, is visiting her daughter, White. Mr. Closs, who is left with [Mrs. H. Christopher. Peter Morley five little = children, has the sincerest made a business trip to Picton and sympathy. John Siawiand is loading Northport recently. a few cars of hardwood for the ex- wit LDersby certily Ee ted | ploration syndicate, Wilbur. Mr. and Death ag Crow Lake, know his condition to have been os wared, | Mrs. Edward Closs, Mr, and Mrs.| Crow Lake, Nov. 29. ~The young We believe his statement to be true in John Closs, and a number of others | people of this place are practising for chants; G. A me ole & Son, | attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert |a Christmas entertainment, The ice on Davis: Miard E. Jomer, Merchant; obs Closs, Poland, to-day. Donald Came-| Mud Bay has taken od» to enable ST ian. Hen cnasiotne 4 ron went to Montreal on Saturday in| walking over. Anthony Wiltss, an o Betti, a1) of 1a ean, Bt kb charge of a carload of lambs o J. | resident of this place, died on Friday written Jsiuaty 19, 1580; aud ») A. Craig. Bertram Deachman has morning, the 25th inat,, aged ony. Leg rned to Hall's Mills, seven years, seven months and twenty net fata ee an 1eie. Mr Carpenter | returned bia days. He took a stroke of paralysis, . Bo. Lansing, Mich, : News From Verona. which Jeft him unconscious. He lasted many have, Verona, Nov. 29.--The gramophone |nine days. The remains were taken entertainment in the Orange hall last|from his daughter's, Mrs. J. W. night was fairly well attended. The | Knapp, where he has resided for the remains of the late William Yorke, last ten years, to Delta, and placed in who died in Renfrew hospital, arrived | the vault, thence to be buried beside this afternoon and were taken to his | those of his wife, in the cemetery. The home near Bellrock. W. Asselstine, for | funeral service was conducted at the some time a patient in the Red Cross| house by Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Par- hospital, Cobalt, has-sufficiently con-|ham. Deceased leaves these children : valesced to return home. There ijs|Mre. Charles Gilfillin, and Mrs, F. very good sleighing here. William | Beadle and Mantin Wiltse, Lyndhurst, Abrams, Desert Lake, has moved into | Miran Wiltse, of Westport, Mrs. Mr. Burleigh's house on the Front|J. W. Knapp, of Crow Lake road. W. Lamson is helping Thomas| Visitors: Robert and Ross Dowdall Ryder in the grist mill. Mr. Trous- | at W. B. Tharrett 5 Mrs. Jobn Be- dale, reeve, Hartington, was a caller | dour at Joseph Bain's; Miss A. Gend- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quint: Lion Block. Steamboat Co., Limited. Electric Restorer for Men here to-day, Mallorytown Matters, rén and W. J. Knapp at R. Reynolds'; S. Mahon, of Maberly; Mrs. F. Beadle and Martin Wiltse, of =~ Lyndhurst, at their sister's, Mrs. J. W, Knapp; Mrs. wards which the eyes of zoologists were turned in more admiring wonder than that pride of Australia, the lyre bird. Yet the rarer the bird became become such a favorite beverage among discriminating men, that it is a sideboard Mallorytown, Nov. 28.--~The funeral of the laté Mrs. J, C. Dickey, of Yonge Mills, was held from the home Mon- day. Frank Hadigan ha® his contract nearly completed, Ome scowload of timber has already been taken to Alexandria Bay, and the remainder.is to be delivered at the Landing by De- cember ' Ist. Robert Smith and bride were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Blanchard a few days last week. Miss Ketha Tennant entertained her friends on Wednesday evening of last week. Harry Stooksberry is preparing the ground for a skating rink. Samuel Nowlin and family, and William Me- Cormick and family, have moved to Natural Bridge, N.Y. At Beeley's Bay. 'Segley's Bay, Nov. 29.--The steam- barge, John Randall, is unloading |" " i hes at Washburn, Thomas Mar- typical Yds bof a af tin's bam is about completed, re- Bi . plading the one burned Oct. Ist. B. eal ropes 3a tental character Blackman has returned from the ation Pu Phyel KE tvpe of. woman North-West, where he spent the sum- a Bas ype tr dous mer. Dr. Young spent Sunday visit- hood hi gong of rent ing his father, T. M. Young, at For- { change in the short space b any far. The funeral of the late Leoni-|Years and is Approashing ne das Murphy was held in the M. E. Dpposits a $ RM lirettor of =-\he church on Wednesday. On Tuesday |ley Allen Sard pymnssivan. in evening about forty of the young |Sarzent and * Harvar Ry och. people journeyed to the home of | Cambridge, and Sn iy 2 . John Simpson, where they spent a [Out the country gs | wt wer oe very enjoyable time. - Harry Ran- Sharity ot She day in physical dall will soon take possession of the |OPmen omen. : i Twenty agé, actording to Dr. new hopse on Mill street. Sargeats yaits tn, w 's ultra: Reynoldston Reports. fermnine characteristies--small waist, Reynoldston, Nov. 28.--The ladies of | 'ae hbk. sIBAT feet, efCors over: this vicinity spent a social afternoon : . ; i srtions. and evening at Miss E. Reynolds' on thesis of man it physical proportions Thursday. In spite of the inclemency To-day her e has become of the weather, the members of xevalutd gh fas, Bhd already Young People's Club met at the ximates that of the other sex. ! g : HB. This reat evolution has taken place, Moore's on Friday evening and enjoy- says Dr. Sargent, since 1890. What ed a pleasant time. Another new must one 'expect the woman of 1930 ber was initiated. The Misses Jol- | to be like? frey, Reynolds and Bush spent the| J, ing ° This question, Dr. week-end at home, returning to Syden- Sargent in his study pointed to a ham on Monday morning. R. Boiting, | statue of a' woman, gracefully carved, left dn Monday to work in the Wilbur | which stood high on the bookcase be- mines, Visitors: Miss L. Wagar, of | hind his chair. Echo Lake, at J. Baboock's; C. Jef-| This frey and Miss B. Jefirey at Miss E.|made in Sccordance with actual meas- Reynolds'; F. Moore at the Flatts; |uroments made on more than ten Miss G. Botting at ber home; R. Shep- thousand women, These measure- herd at F. Haddock's; R. Botting ai|ments were takes Dr. Sarzent's J. Genge's; Misses Jefirey at A. a 'anthropometric sys Bushe's. 8 tem, now become universal. : = 2 were taken John Hicks, at J. J. Bedour's. IS GREAT CHANGE SAYS WOMAN ARE ASSUMING MAN'S PROPORTIONS, Athletics a Prime Factor--Develop- ment Mental, as Well as Physical ~Comparison With Composite Statue, : Boston, Nov. 80.~~According to Dr. Sargent, if you are a typical woman: Your feet are bigger, Your hips are smaller. Yous waist is further round. Your shoulders are broader. Your neck is thicker than those of the honol restores every nerve in the body Phosphonol {« £13 proper tension ; restor vim and vitality. Premature decay snd all weakness av at once. FPhosphomol will wake you a new man, Price 88 a box, or two for is 0 any address. Fhe Boshell Drug , Ons. A or at Best rug St necessity when you are entertaining. secure its tail feathers, and not long| ago a party of plume-hunters sur | It brightens up conversation, promotes rounded a patch of scrub in which, = a . akes hospitali the birds were known to be breeding, | = good fellowship, makes hosp id complete. she. setting fire to it, shot down the h ) % rds as they struggled through one On sale by all firet-class h lo, cafes and liquor sores. the flercer grew the competition to tr." ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally except Sundays at 3 p.m. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Full information from 5 BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT James Swift & Co, J. P. Hanley, H PARKS& SON, Frolght Agents. Ticket Agent Florists | Day 'Phone 239. BAHAMAS RTI y All kinds gf Cut Flowers and Plants IDEAL WINTER RESORT tn season. Wedding and Funeral De ® + | signs a specialty Pp 0 13 Mix FOURS © 110 King Street. : & four other large steamships in service, California and Pacific Coast points. FROM WINTER 4 AVER Splendid hotels excellent golfing, ten- para flowers and getation with abundance N.Y, & CUBA' MAIL SS. CO. (WARD CABIN WORM AND DANDRUFF. ronnecting Nassau with Havana, WEEKLY NASSAU TEMPERA- {\ NEW YORK AGE. n polo, otoring, yachting, shing, of fruits. wi te Tor literature and NE). General Office. Pier 13, East River, New 9 pitiless ring of fire to meet death in another. Then the tail feathers were cut off and the bodies left to rot. It was decided to organize a cru sade throughout the country by means chiefly of lantern lectures, and stir up public sentiment in favour of the Plumage Bill, by which the importa {lon of feathers would be prohibited by law; and an appeal was made fo subscriptions. B. Corby Distillery Company * Limited Head Offices: Montreal. "Corby's of Corbyville for Over Halt-a-Century" si Hm HHH A TONKIN AMAZON. The Remarkable Wife of a Notoriow Rebel. RING Fourteen followers or accomplice of the rebel De Tham, who still defles the French in the fastnesses of Ton kin, arrived at Marseilles on their way to the convict station of French| Guiana. Among them is a woman. | She is Thy Ba, De Tham's second! wife, an altogether remarkable per son. Her age is about 30. Imperious and cruel, this woman fought by her husband's side in all his battles with the French troops, and exercised great | influence over him. She strenuousiy| opposed the release of the French | man Voisin--who had been kidnapped by De Tham---and urged that his head should be struck off. It was by al mere chance that she was faptured. ! The French troops, victors in a skir | mish, were searching the bandits lair. Thy Ba had taken refuge in al thicket, into which a passing soldier] drove his bayonet. There was a howl | ow Ba had payed herself. On! the voyage this woman's word was! 's r in anvthing --ra De Iams is Somaws. word wa There's only one best in anything --ranges or them men. She maintainen an iron anything else. discipline over them in the Impro-| Hed cell in which they were kept. | and which they were only allowed to! leave twice a day. She distributed] their food to them and regulated all the details of their daily life on board! | When the vessel reached port it was she who led the captives as they step ped ashore. They Are Each Caused by a Pesti- ferous Germ, Ring worm and dandruff are some- what similar in their origin, each is caused by a parasite. The germ that causes dandruff, digs to the root of the hair, amd saps its vitality, caus- ing fal¥ng hair, and, finally, baldness, Without dandruff there would never be baldness, and to cure dandruff it is necessary to kill the germ, There has een no hair preparation that would do this until the discovery of Now- bira's * Herpicide, which positively kills the dandrufi getm, allays itching in- stantly and makes hair glossy and soft as silk. "Take ne substitute, There is nothing "just' as good." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles gharatteed. James B. McLeod, special agent; Kingston, Ont. 4 Best Range For Your Nilchen New twin Sdrew S88 BRAZOS 'and Mexico, and Galveston, the gateway to BERVICH TURE 73 Heat of British Colonial Government. bathing, A se of beautiful further particulars York. Highest TTT YYYWY * KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE anarev), HEAD OF QUEEN STREDT. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Tweaty-Sixth 3 Term RC CA EEL Sr time over sixt: Now we want to demonstrate to you why we say this Imperial Oxford Range is the best range for your kitchen, ETO. + PROMPT DELIVERY W.F, KELLY, Ontario Btreets. » The OXFORD ECONOMIZER SAVES 20 PER CENT. OF YOUR FUEL BILL This is a special patent found only on Gu -Oxford Ranges-- reduces household expenses. Keeps fire running at Tarif he the cost, Figure that out in dollars and cents. GIVES PERFECT RESULTS ON BAKING DAY Another Gurney-Oxford patent spreads the heat over the entire over. Makes it bake in front as well as back--under crust as well as upper. Figure the time and worry saved on that Has a half-dozen other special features worth ev erything to you for convenience and economy. Features that can be demonstrated in the store in a jiffy, but we can't explain here Please give us ten minutes of your time next time you're down town. is a compositd statue. It was AN ACCOMMODATING FLAG "The King of the Codd falinds™ who died the other , came of a stock that would have done credit to | the old Scottish clan system. The "king" was king in more than name, but he preferred to be like an old-time Highland chief. So he came! voluntarily under the shel accommodating Mit of bunting is the British flag. verify the statement," he said, "I know for a fact that the women of ish than the "Women in the savage state were so like men in form that it was well ih A HUGE WHEAT PLANT 5 ci' x flix; dd = = gE Fey .- These ranges are made by one of the sidest and mést reliable concerns in Canada. Their guarantee of quality is back of ours--we want to show you their good points We alse carry other Gurney-Oxford stoves for all 4 ) : t be " ves for all purposes and all kinds of fuel. ~ Whatever you want is sure to be in their Boe--and Sure to be satisfactory. Come in and see for yourself Simmons Bras. THE YELLOW HARDWARE STORE. §Eet SH 5 15 Ha 58 . 5 i» midwifery, he attended 2,000 births, He attens £3 5

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