Remember. Great Change of Business Sale Selling Off the Crumley Bros. Select Stock of " Dress Goods, Millinery, Suits, Coats and Fars, Men's Furnishings, Smallwares, | Whitewear, etc., 3 Rags, Carpets, Cu igh t Priced Jewelry $505.00 CHRISTMAS GIFT, A single diamond of match- less quality, mounted In PEERS § Every Article Excellent Value 18K gold is one of our re- » gular 'stock gs. Others from $20 to $3765.00. $200.00 CHRISTMAS GIFT. A combination of fine dia- monds and pearls mounted in platinum in the form of necklet snd pendant is one of the many pleces shown the year around. Others at 3706, $100, $150 each ¥ $175 GENTLEMAN'S WATCH 18K Gold, - perfectly plain; open face, 8 riect time plece, A gift of apprecia- tion. Other gold watches, $40 up. | $215.00 FAMILY GIFT. An Oak Chest, containing spoons, forks, knives, etc, in solid silver, heavy weights thread line pattern. Other Chests from $25 up. $50.00 LADIES' WATCH. The handsomest 14K Gold Carved Watch ever import- ed to this country, Designs are new and entirely differ- ent to any we have ever shown before. Other Ladies' Gold Watches from $26 up to $90. WE INVITE THE INSPEC. TION Of our Christmas Display, whether you are ready to buy or net. sem -- ren rm "THE SEVEN AGES" BAZAAR. Held at St. Andrew's Hall, Wednes- day and Thursday. "Ihe Seven Ages," which is the pro- per name for the St. Andrew's church bazaar, was thrown open to the peo- ple of Kingston for the firft time on Wednesday afternoon. '"The Seven Ag®." are babyhood, childhood, girl- hood, sweetheart, bride, mother and vest, The first. booth, "Babyhood," was presided over by Mrs. St. Pierre Hughes, and had things pertaining to infants for sale, "Childhood" was looked after by Miss Louie Fowler and had dolls, ete., for sale. Mrs, James Craig looked after the "Girlhood" novelties, Mrs, Robert Reid the "Sweetheart" candy table, Mrs. John Mackie the fancywork at the 'Bride's' table. The *'Mother's" table, which had homemade things for sale, was looked after by Mrs. Wells, and the "Rest Room," = where the tea was served, was attended to by Mrs. Moun: tague Strange. "Mrs. Kelly" was in the middle of the room with her pock- ots filled with draws, Mrs, Campbell Strange was at the door. "The Magpio Minstrels" produced a series of minstrel joltes in the hall last evening. There was a large at- tendance comsidering the condition of the night and numerous counter at- tractions. John Melntyre occupied the chair and presided in a very creditably manner, Among those who took part were, Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Kit- tie Hughes, Miss issonette, Miss Edith Hendry, Miss Mowat (interlocu- tor), Miss Evelyn Gilbert, Miss H. E. Mowat, Miss Helen Duff, Miss Marjory Canwpbell, Miss Blakly, Miss G. Wil- son, Mias Louise Powlev, Miss Marion Gould, Miss Laura Phillips, Messrs, Hibbert Donnelly, A. C. McFarlane and William Minnes. Miss Bissonette, Miss Louise Powley and Hibbert Donnelly san) while Miss Laura Phillips and Herbert. Smith played the mandolin in a spirited manner, After the minstrels hau expended themselves John Smea- ton recited several Scotch recitations and Miss Marjory Campbell performed the "Jumping Jack Dance," while Col. Strange sang. The ' sale was continued Thursday afternoon, but there was no concert in the evening. The ladies of the church realized quite a large sum of money from their enterprise. Sharpton Notes, Shampton, Nov, 20.---A number of farmers are pressing hay. Mr, and Mrs, 0, Fairbanks attended a golden wed- diny noar Napanee. Miss Edna Max- well is on the sick list. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. M. McKeown and son Ar thur, Strathcona, visited relatives here last weds; Mrs. Hughes and childicn, Vennachar, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rogers. BEARING DOWN PAINS. What woman at sometime or other does not experience these dreadful bearing down pains. Mrs, E. Griffith, of Main Street, Hep- worth, Ont, says: "A heavy bearing- down pain had settled across my back and sides. 1 was often unable to stoop or straighten myself up. Many times each night I would have to leave my bed with the irregular and frequent secretions of the kid- neys and just as done out in the morning as on retiring. I was languid and would have to i let my house- 4 Nar : mand, had gs would benefit me. 1 learned of do THE HIGH-HEELED SHOES GAVE HM AWAY, Boy Disguised as Gil Could Not Walk in Them and Was Soon Ap- prehended by the Police Uties, N.X., Dec, 1.--Marie de Ar- movie, thirty-three years old, ah act ress from Youngstown, Ohio, arrested in Buffalo, on the charge of abducting Angelo Ferdinando, aged fifteen, of this pity, was broaght to Utica to answer the charge which bas been made by the lad's mother. The boy was also brought back a prisoner, charged with vagrancy. ! When the actress and boy were ar rested in Buffalo, the latter was dis- guised ns a woman, but spoiled the disguise because he did not know how to walk in his high-heeled * French shoes the actress had bought for him. This is the second time, it is said, that Ferdinando has run away with the woman. Several weeks ago he went to Cleveland, Ohio, with her, but was found there by his relatives and brought back. Mrs. de Armorie sang in vaudeville sketches in moving picture theatres in Utica, and, while here, met and fell in love with Ferdinando. iin A Lot of News of Interest to Every- body. "Buy Gripp Tablets" at Gibson's. ~ Imperial' Brand men's underwear for all people. George Cliff has returned from his trip to Edmonton. t A Large variety of electroliers; prices low, at Robertson Bros'. Shop early and late, at Best's, open each evening till 10 o'clock. Milton Silver, in the hompital with typhoid fever, was able to return home to-day. Nordheimer, piano, Show street, Miss M. Fazer, Cornwall, is in the city and acting as. official steno- gtapher at the assizes. Do not forget that kodak for "Xmas. Got a catalogue at Best's. The national convention of the Na- tional Mine Workers, will be held at Columbus, beginning January 17th, C. Walker has disposed of his double brick residence, on Charles street,' to W, Wood. The transfer was made through E, W, Mallin. Queen's Dramatic Club went to Pic ton, to-day, and will produce "She Stoops To Conquer," there this even- ing, returning to-morrow, Finest leather goods prices, at Best's. William J. O'Connor, chief of New Orleans police, is dead of sto- mach trouble. He had been on the police force for more than forty years, Liberal allowance made for old in- struments taken in exchange for a Nordheimer piano. Show rooms, Kirkpatrick's art gallery. Japan has the monopely of camphor production, for it is only in that country and Formosa that the cam- phor tree flourishes to any great ex- tent, Christmas cards, tags and seals, at Best's. No Christmas gift would be so much appreciated as a '"Nordheimer piano." Show rooms, "Kirkpatrick's," 159 Princess street. Leaders of all the principal commer- cial and business organizations from the big cities of the United States have been invited to attend a dinner to President Taft's tariff board by the Chicago Association of Commerce. Best's Short Stop will cure cough, for-15 cents. Musical critics everywhere acknowl edge the superior qualities of the Nordheimer piano. Show rooms, "Kirkpatrick's," 159 Princess street. J, F, Briggs, a member of the firm of John F, Briggs & Son, wool manu- facturers of Pradford, Eng., has left for New York in connection with the action brought against their American branches by the New York customs of- ficials. Gifts for everybody at at Best's. It was regretted by the members of 8t. Andrew's Society, who gathered in the Randolph hotel, last evening, for the annual dinner, that the "Laird of Glenburnie,"" William Craig, was not able to be present owing to illness. His absence was remarked by many during the evening. Tone" Band muito Princess the "Quality rooms, 159 at lowest the any low prices, Smet TWENTY YEARS' SENTENCE. Convicted at Truro, N.S., of Slaying His Wife. Halifax, Dec. 1.--At Truro Judge Drysdale sentenced E. J. Pervy, to twenty years in Dorchester peniten- tiary for killing his wife on the 19th day of September last. The jury took two hours to deliberate before render- ing a verdict of manslaughter. When asked if he had anything to say be- fore sentence, was pronounced, Perry adhressed the judge and in a lengthy speech asked for leniency. The evidence in the case was purely circumstantial, Why-~He Wept. Many good stories are told about the great house of Rothschild, whose sn head recently celebrated his seventieth birthday. One of the most amusing is that of the r Jew, who Lionel died, ig said Get go gift book free, at Best's. 5%) THURSDAY, DECEMBER JIimusements. (GRAND. | OPERA) NOUSE ) SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd MATINEE AT 2.30, EVENING AT 5.a5 A. E. CALDWELL ANNOUNCES FRANKLIN WOODRUFF in CALLm:WILD Dramatized by Louis Evan Shipman From Frederick Hemington's Novel, "John Ermine of e Yellowstone" PRICE~--Matinee, 25, 35, S0e. Child- n, 25¢ te uny went, Tyening, 25, 56c 735, $1.00. SEATS NOW ON SALE. Grand Opera House Miss Barbara Tennant The Celebrated English Shak jan Actress, su by a select English Company, including Mr. Reginald Murray, the English Bari- tone, will give RECITAL MONDAY, DEC. 5th Shakespeare Kipling % Service Wilcox Longfellow PRICES, $1.00, 75¢, 50c¢, 85¢, and 25¢. Boxes, $1.50, Plan will be open at Box Office, Friday, Dec. 2nd. AT Griffin's Orpheum The Home of Polite Vaudeville and Motion Pictures. Our motto is: NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD. Thorsday, Friday, Saturday, DEC. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, PROGRAM : Harris and Wilson Eccentric Singers and Dancers. Jennett Brothers Refined Equilibrists, Arthur Lynn Sings "Sweet Polly Primrose." Overture, "Light COsvalry," Bert Butcher. AFTERNOON SHOW, 2 O'CLOCK. All Seats Bc. Evening at 7 o'clock Admission 10¢, Children under 15 years admitted at all times for Sec. Tro BERMUDA Round Trip $30 and Up Fast Twin Screw 8.8. "Bermudian" sails 10 am, Dee 10th, 24th, Jan, 4th, 11th, 18th, and 26th and every Wed- nesday thereafter, , Blige keels; electric fans; telegraphy. WEST INDIES 8.8 "GUIANA™ and fortnightly for 8t St, Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, loupe, Dominica, Martinique, t. Barbadoes, and Demerara. - For Hlustrated pamphlets with full information apply to A. BE. Outerbridge and Co. Agents, Quebec Steamship Company, 29 Broad- way, New York, Quebec Company, Quebec, or to J. P. and C. C KIRKPATRICK, Agents, Kingston. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, wireless NEW steamers other Thomas Guada- Lucia, AN ¥ Ticket Ltd. Mining, Listed and Unlisted Securities. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King S& East ,., "Phone, 4228. Toronto, Ont. GENERAL ELLIOTT RETIRED. Performed Duty in Many Parts of World. Washington, Bee. 1.--~Major-lengral George F. Elliott, commanding the United States marine. corps, was placed on the vetired L lisp oa the navy, yesterday, operation limit law, Ct tian Pr. next ranking officer, probably will suc- ceed him, 5 With the retirement, of General ¥J- lott another American hero bas pass ed. General Elliott 4s a native of Ala- bama. He was appointed second leu tenant in the marine corps od Octo ber 12th, 1870. Since they he hone pr formed | duty: in 'many parts of the world, serving on nine different naval vessels, and at many stations. Ballet Out. the age' Biddle, the iting the bul | hed i CONDENSEP ADVERTISING RATES First lnsertion le ua word. Esch cons secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one In- wsertion, 20e; three insertions, G0e; six, $1; ome month, 63. HELP--WANTED. i ---------------- A tn. A DINING-ROOM GIRL. APPLY, AT once, to 240 King Street. BAKER SECOND HAND. APPLY TO T. RB Carnovsky, 678 Princess St A GENERAL SERVANT; MUST BE £Id cook; no washing. Apply to 62 Johnson Street. ONCE, TWO FIRST-CLASS Waist Hands; best of salaries paid E. Mitchell, 73 Brock Street AT GIRL. FOR LIGHT may sleep at Division Street, HOUSEWORK ; home, Apply, 33 A GENERAL good cook. Waddell, SERVANT: MUST BE Apply, Mrs. R H 90 Prontenac Street. GIRL TO MIND CHILDREN AND AS- sist with house work. Apply, Mrs J. Armstrong, 295 Barrie Street A YOUNG GIRL TO baby and a ood wages. treet. ASSIST WITH little housework; Apply, 185 Queen SALESMAN WANTED FOR WINTER for our cholee Nursery Stock and newest varieties seed potatoes; liberal terms. Cavers Bros, Galt COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT one whe understands plain cook ing: references required Apply to Mrs Geo. McKay, 988 Btuan Btreat EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERV. ant; nc washing, ironing, or sweeping. Apply to Mrs. Francis Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, 143 King Street West AN INTELLIGENT PERBON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding OF _NEWSPAPers. No canvassing. end for particulars Press Byndl- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y AGENTS. TO HANDLE strongest fellers ever merchants: cuts cost two; sells at sight missions ! 1 Truck Co, ONE OF THE offered to of labor in liberal com- ni Self-Loading Bex St. John, N.B JLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work- ing for small salar, behind the counter, write to-day; you can double Your wages and De your own bons, pply, Box "E. B. C.," Whig office. WANTED--GENEKAL ONTARIO AND B.A. VETERAN SCRIyY tn buy for eash. J. 8, R. McCann, §1 Brock Street. TO RENT, IMMEDIATELY, A HOUSE with modern improvements Rev A. P. Mershon, 269 Brock BStréet. FURNISHED locality for Apply to Capt. A. R.C.H.A. Barracks. HOUSE IN the Winter NC GOOD months. Williams, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock v 8t., next Bibby's Livery. WOMEN WHO SEW, TO BUY THE Self-Threading Sewing Machine Needle; three in a tube, 10¢, or 3 tubes 26¢, delivered anywhere or mailed on receipt of price; name machine. J. > Treneer, Quebec Street, Kingston. WINDOW CLEANING, cleaning waxing. oiling, scrub- bing and mopping floors wall paper cleaning, offices, stores, and private houses; everything fur- nighed except water; all orders pr ptiy attended to. O, G. Simp- son, 16 Ellice Street. HOUSE ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD BB- cond-hand Furniture and Stoves before disposing drop me & card, I will pay good prices. I have for sale Brass and Iron Beds and all kinds of Furniture in Oak. Happy Thought Ranges, Will sell reason- able. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. UPHOLSTERER. J. GAVINE, UPHOLST ING, RE- pairing and carpet work, hair mat- tress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Street. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST- VN Ny aod Hoticitors. Law office, 79 t., Kingston. Clarence "Pocket Flash Lights }) A New and Freeh Line of 4 i Pocket Flashlights, 1 AT ALL PRICES. : 4 W. A. SPRIGG Eleetrieal radius, ; Princess St, (above Bagot). ; w 'Phone 85. ) p y y AUTOMOBILE SKIDDED, To Avoid Cart--Hit a Pole--Parties a Injured, Toronto, Dec. L--Mre. Cawthra Mu lock and a friend, Miss Boulton, were hurt in an accident, yesterday after noon, when the automobile in which they were being driven by Chauffeur Rewnolds, skidded at the cormer of Jarvis and Gerrard . streets, and ran into a telegraph pole. The ear, No. 9596, wits. badly dam- throat, William Clark (aged, "and the two ladies and the House, He had been wag chauffeur injured. "As far as I have been able to as coriain," said Cawthra Mulock, speak- ing of the accident shortly afierwards, "what happened was this: My ear | was coming, up Jarvis street at a slow rate, driven by Reynolds, who is in very good man, and with ihe two sindies in it. A cart coming down the street deliberately turned in front of it, mand in order to aveid on collision, Revocdds torneo sharply, and the car skidded into 8 telegraph pole." It was found that Mise Adele Bouk LOST. SMALL WATERMAN FOUNTAIN Pen, owner's name on gold ad, Tuesday, on Brock Street, between Barrie and University Avenue Kindly return to 314 Brock Street ON WEDNEDAY APTERNOON, BE- tween the General Hospital and St. Andrew's Church, a Black Onyx Brooch, wit a diamand in it Finder wiil be suitably rewarded by returning same te this office TEACHERS WANTED, TWO TEACHERS FOR 88. No § Lanark (Middleville Scheol), for 1911, viz:--For Benior Department a qualified teacher; must have experience in teaching. salary $458; about 25 pu or 'Junior Department. a qualitied Teacher salary, $325; 25 to 30 pupils. Ap- plications, stating age. religious denomination, ete, to be sent i Arch. Rankin, Sec.-Treas, Middle ville, Ont. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS, GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST SHIP. ment just received: these birds are In song and guaranteed: come in and hear them. W « Driver Corner Queen and Barrie Streets 'Phone No. 612 FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to Godwin's Insurance Emporium over Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or "phone 424 IENERAL INSURANCE --FIRE, LIFE Accllent and Health Policies issu ed; first-class companies: standard rites . oa Bopn, Agent, 189 Welllngtoa Street EO. A BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK er. Put your invelces in an envel ope with & one cent stamp on | and érop In the nearust lettér bux We do the rest. All kinds of Fir Insurance placed on short notice 'Phone 396. 87 Clarence St, Kingr ton. LONDON, AND GLOBE ompany. Available In addition t LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance assets $61,187,215 which the policyholders \have fo security the unlimited lability om all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowes' possible rates, Before renewing ol or giving new business get rate from Birange & Btrange, Agents 'Phone, 325 J. F. SPARKS, BA. M.D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100, Wellington St Office hours, 10 to 12 am, 2 and 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone 386 10 § CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR Carpenter and Bullder. 256 Divisio: Bt, for réasonable prices "on' Al kinds of jobbing. All work done promptly DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL Carpenter and Joiner, 262 Byden ham Street North, for reasonabl prices on all kinds of jobbing. Al work done promptly and netly ERNEST R. BECKWITH, CONTRACT for ulldery' 'Specialities, 14: Bydenham Street and 202 Ea Street. Plans prepared and est! mates given for all classes of work DENTAL. SPARKS AND BPARKS DENTIST: 230 1-2 Princess Btreet, Kingstor 'Phone 346. DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. C. ¥ Welcker, assistant, 183 Princess 8: 'Phone 738. DR. A. E. KNAPP; DENTIST, 19 MONT real Street, pear Princess Stree 'Phone 652. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--R G Asheroft, DO, Bdna E. Ashcroft D.O., Graduates upder Dr. Still the Founder of Osteopathy, 43f Princess Street, corner Division 'Phone 447 No charge for econ sultation and JHiersture. Offi hours. 10 t0™12, 2 to 6, 6 to & FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY ebonizing and gilding. enamsiy and all colors of mission work; ing Engineer and Architect, Agen People's Forum | TWO a eONI- HAND Mowing Clarence Street © 01 Tah COAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES Coal Heaters, Quebec and other Hinds of Stoves at Turk's. 'Phone OR FOR LEASE, THE PREMISES Ne. 34-33 Princess Street, suitable for , livery, stable or ga Cunningham Mudte. li " iy ALL KINDS OF MeLAUGHLIN CUT- ters and Sleighs, Robes Blankets, and Harness for Sale Prices right at J, W. Martin's, Clarence Street Massey-Harris shop THIS.. WEEK... 25.. Cockrels, Rhode Isiand Red, White Wyandottes and Barred Plymouth Rock: all af them from prize fowl Apply, 108 Pine St FIRST-CLASS 0 LEY. L308 EARL STREET: 7 ROOMS b & e Apply at McCann's, 51 Brock Street. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished; modern conveni- ences. Apply to 16 Montreal Street, near Princess Street, FRAME HOUSE rooms WITH in good repair, No toria Street: rent, $5.00 Smith, §% Charles Street. CELLAR 7 25% Vie- Apply, FB, TWO NEW EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSES on Quebec Street; modern improve ments and large grounds. Apply, Rev. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth roof ; our own lock and key. Frost's City Btorage, 299 Queen Bt. 'Phone 526b. ' SUITE OF ROOMS, INCLUDING SIT. ting-room, bedroom and bathroom, located near Market Bqugre. 'Ap- ply to Cunningham & Mudle, Fo Clarence Street. FOR BALE OR TO LET. 'HE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE. mises for many years occupled by Henry Skinner Co, Wholesales Druggists, extending from Prig- cess Street to Queen Bireel, with fronfage on buth'and Including ex- tensive buildings. Apply to Cune ningham & Mudie. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. SRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO BT, opposite G.T.R., station, one block from C.P.R, on street car lhe; hotel lately remodelled; charges moderate; special rates by the week, John Cousineau, Prop. PERSONALS. ------ -~ TAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMANRKS, warts, ete, removed permanently without sear, Twenty years ex- rience, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Bye, tar, Nose, Throat and Skin Blem« ish Specialist, 268 Bagot Bireet, BUSINESS OHANOES. WNYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home. No ganvassing, Be your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. -------------------------------- i -- CHE NEWEST RULES, tions and forms station sgent operator's work are incorporated in the new courses of training given in the Central Telegraph School, 1 Gerrard Street East To- ronto. Particulars free Write 7T J. Johnston, Principal RBEGULA-~ pertaining to and telegraph ARCHITECTS. {ENRY P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, BTC. 268 King Btreet. 'Phone, 345. 'RTHUR ELLIE, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 181 University Ave WM. NEWLANDS & BON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Office, 268 Bagot Street 'Phone 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington Btreets 'Phone 213. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8B KIRKPATRICK work given best attention. Pat Driscoll, 28 John Street, 'Phone 995. Issuer, 42 Clarence 8 ton, Ont Telephon ence, 58 Frontenac (CUA L 7 0 ton sustained a dislocated shoslder, and had her face cut by flying glass. Nhe is a daughter of Melfort Boulton, of 4 Willcocks street. Mra. Mulock and the chauffeur were both badly ent about the face Sand head by fiving glass, in severs! cmses the cute being ns deep as the bone, When the car struck the iclegraph pole the big glass shield was shivered. "One bottlé'" Syrup Hordhound cue ed a cough of yours' standing, waid a customer in Gibson's Red Cross Store on Tuesday. It. cures Tames Reid toak 4 large Yond Moving Means improving all the time. Dry COAL, and New, Sound WOOD sold strictly at ONE PRICE. Try us next time. Ts Forward Clean, SWIFT'S DON'T FORGET M. NOLAN FOR YOUR GROCERIES, 338 PRINCESS ST. Our Coffee at 26¢c and 35¢ cannod beaten. undeswear at oll Prand furnitore over to Wolle Indowd al morning. |. Ji