PAGE FOUR. NY TYPEWRITER THAT A WORK DOES. LESS EFFICIENT UNDER- THERE ARE WORKING FOR USE THE THAN (AND THE Woop MANY) IS YOU AT A LOSS, +. BEST, es ------------ UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. J. R, C. DOBDS, KINGSTON, THE WHIG, 77th YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 2068-310 King Street. Kingston, Ontarh a 38 per year Editions at 2.30 and 4 < k pm. Ww bkiy BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, ublished onday and 0 1 & year. or postage price of Dally I year, Attached is one of the best Job Print- § Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, ang cheap work; nine improved presses. iy $1. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham- re, 32 Church St, Toronto, H. E Smallipeice, J.P. representative. Baile Wiha. NO EVIDENCE OF APOSTACY. One reads a very weak and faulty story in the Toronto Telegram--a story treated with grave and stately {to the effect that because the univer- sity students invited Aymand Laver- gone to address them, and applauded his address, the queen city will not get new armouries. The story is real- ly too silly for even a "passing consi- deration," but itsis given the place HEMLOCK. SPRUCE, WHITE PINE. YELLOW PINE, QUARTERED OAK. CYPRESS, BIRCH. § BUTTERNUT. Highest Grades, Attractive Prices. S. Anglin & Co. North End Wellington St. TELEPHONE No. 08. of honour in the Telegram, and it js meant to bé soberly taken. Political animus carries some peo- ple to extraordinary lengths, and the eritic of Sir Frederick Borden, so un- friendly, will believe anything of him and assume that any statement that is printed of him, and reflecting upon this ministerial sense, is true. The {minister of militia may have his faults, but he is not lacking in sound sense, and no one who is inclined to {be fair or reasonable could believe | that he made any threats, such as the ; Telegram imputes to him. The dents' would be very apt to like Lavergne's performance, because some what spectacular, without in any way committing themselves to his political heroics. i As for Toromto. whelmingly and if given consideration only as a sort of quid pro quo would | not be entitled to much attention from the liberal government. Still Toronto It is tory over- % Off All SUITS and 25 .OVERCOATS @ bribe. I'rices, £5, $6.50, 87.50 and i. $l 12 Boots, Shoes and reduced prices, / ISAAC ZACKS £71 PRINCESS STREET. Rubbers a 7 We are showing a new line of 14K '% that of John G. Carlisle, with fine quality that will Interest those wishing to make a' present of the Cleveland Geld Hrooches, set real Pearls. at pric this kind, Our Parler Clocks are the product the best makers, and are of th talent designs. W. McCANDLESS JEWELLER, 318 Princess Street A POINTER TO YOU. Knowing ones have learned of the splendid service we ren der in these works. Everything from the daintiest lace to tie heaviest portiere is successfully cleaned here. : R.PARKER & CO, yers and 2 Princess St. Kingston, Out, of Sangh ING'S CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dining Rooms ING (James) Prop. ING ST. Nos. 338- INGSTON. Now open. Catering Contracts Taken. Telephone No, 1138, if we please you, tell others. we don't please you, please tell u d sho gets many favours from the govern: ment, without much seeking or plead "ANd, as a matter of justice, be cause of its size and growth, not as The pity is, then, that an honest acknowledgment of this fact 'cannot be made, and without giving Suite, 8, $6.50, 85.50, $10 and any evidence of political apostacy. bl SAD CASE OF NEGLECT, | Does public life pay? Many are the instances in which public * men have impoverished themselves and without inviting any sympathy the people. The saddest case of from late who was the secretary of the treasury in government of the United States. He died in New York, and it is corded of him : 'The casket contain ing Mr. Carlisle's remains arrived in Cincinnati from New York Saturday morning on the way to Covington, just cross the river, and was hauled a t town in an express waggon with" an ordinary load of miscellan- eous packages before being deposited p at an undertaker's establishment. No commitlee or individual was on hand to take formal charge of the remains. The body of Mr. Carlisle's wife, who died iu New York city several years ago, which ha¥ een since then in = receiving vault, arrived later in the day, and both bodies will be buried to-day or Tuesday," A story like this is enough to ban- ish from the mind of every young man the thought of serving the peo- ple in any capacity. It may be said, of course, that Mr. Carlisle had the opportunity of making money that it is remarkable he should die in poverty. 'The fact is forgotten that if the public man is not a grafter will find his salary small enough to meet his needs, and the drafts upon his resources, for political purposes, 'are constant. If he shows any dis ! position to\profit_ by his position, and it particularly by making use of knowl- 8. edge that comes to him confidentially, e ro and he IS MONEY Javest in COAL i spent ? you - get full valae in heat ? ; We will make it Whatever the cause in Mr. Carlisle's case the fact is that he died without money, and that his remains = were treated with the utmost indignity. The statement affecting his funeral is a se- rious reflection upon the government g and people of the United States, and & some steps should be taken to atone 8 for the failure to respect the memory 8 and service of Mr. Carlisle. 3 %: A CHANGE OF FRONT. § * The later reports from the old land, 5 Jehich is now in the throes of an elec i% tion, indicate that the situation is 8 somewhat mixed, that the parties ave facing new conditions, and that some changes in the representation will pro- bably take place. The unionists are fighting against disadvantages, and it % is not conceded as possible that they They hold now 273 senis. 3| They, would have to gain 63 seats in § forder to have a majority of one, and $ they would need at least twemty more in order to be able to do business. Where are these votes to come from ? The editor of the Telegram went Phrough the fast Brits i is Mm a position to The conservatives will ™ is regarded as a political crook. The British Whig Publishing Co., L'd, language in the editorial column--and | stu Mr. | house of Mr. Foster and his attempts I i | seats, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, [ the land, of miracles." A notable fea- ture of the campaign is the abandon- ment by Ballour of tariff eform. Austin Chamberlain launched the scheme in Edinburg, in an elaborate speech, but he is not the Joseph Chamberlain, with the arts of the public speaker, and he failed to make an impression. The party was hope lessly divided on the question, and the leader shelves it with the assurance that if bis party wins he will make tariff reform the subject of a referen- dum. The unionists will gain some- thing by the concentration of their energy upon the lords' issue and home The Lansdowne scheme may not be practicable, but it is plausable, and is Jikely to win some support from those who think the upper house needs reform and do not see that it will come through the abolition of the lords. This has been understood as equivalent to the abolition of the lords, since without the veto power the .chamber would be as useless as it would be powerless. The one remarkable thing about the election is the disappearance of the German scare. War with England--the possibility of dp invasion from Ger- many--was the bogey in the last "elec tion, and it had its influence in the result. The situation has mot chang- ed very i nine months, and the THE NEWS OF WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re-; membered. Small-pox has broken Henri, Cue. x "Canada has taken more prizes the 'Chicago cattle show. Ls Murphy, of Quebec, has been given five years for the Banque Nationale robbery. : : Mgr. Charlebois, vicar apostolic of Keewatin, has just been consecrated at Montreal. Grain carriers have come to the end of a bad year with low rates prevail- ing 'and unsatisfactory business being it Mrs. out in - St, at rule. Prominent Toronto ladies, Cawthra Mulock and Adele Boulton, were badly injured in an automobile | accident. { The presbvtery.of Lanark and Ren- | frew has declared in favor of church union with the Methodists and Con. gregationalists. A tramp passenger, who lost arm by being ordered off a train by a conductor while stealing a ride, awarded $1,000 damages by a jury at Brantford. " The Donaldson line freight warehouse | at St. John, N.B., valued at £30,000, ' | was | i Wednesday. A thirteen thousand dollar fire curred at St. Thomas. The cause unknown. It desiroyed the company plant. Montreal Irish societies are taking action against the application of the Grand Trunk to expropriate the .[ris% ship fever victims' burial place. The matter is to come before the railway commission, : fact that hel scare has ceased to merit comment 'shows how vicious was the agitation in which some alleged patriots indulged for political effect. EDITORIAL NOTES. The opposition in Ottawa is said 16 be very much strengthened. And the it is the return to the OC~ is Cooper | evidence of to bulldoze the speaker. J. F. Watson, the English journalist who is keeping the Globe posted on the England, alleges in the and trend of events in ¢hat the liberal gain will" be between twenty election thirty Not fifty per cent. of the people of | Toronto are churchgoers. This, in ad- dition to the record of bibulists--20,- 000 on the rampage each night and 2,000 of them going home drunk--is "the worst ever." That bold, bad man whom the tories wanted to get rid of, Mr. Foster, leading his majesty's opposition in the When he kicks Mr. Borden It's a nice position for a is commons, surrenders. leader to occupy. The gamblers of New York complain that the police blackmail them, and when they resent it they are pulled and punished. They are in bad busi- ness when they are up against the law all around. The members of the house are learn- ing to behave themselves. The man who called another a "liar," and the one who called his opponents "'fow- ards" have had to withdraw the words and apologize. The lesson will not be i { i | : ! FRANKLIN HOODRUFF, In "Call of the Wild" at the Grand on Baturday, Deé¢. 3rd, matinee and night INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. i Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. | J. M. Farrell left last night Ottawa. All kind of lamp goods at Robert- son Bros. Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald left, by after- noon train, for Napanee, where he will lecture to-night. | "Wise mothers" buy infants' foods | at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Al- ways fresh there. | Miss Mary Porter, Wellington street, who has been suffering from a severe' attack of grippe, is slpwly recovering. "Hot water bottles." It pays buy these at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. P'ure gum rubber goods are sold there. ! Mayor Couper presided in police court, this morning. Only one drunk appeared. before him, and his worship allowed him to go. ! Don't forget that the makers of Im- | perial Brand underwear, guarantee ev- ery garment, : Canon Starr will lectute before the' Literary Society- of Christ church, | Gananoque, on' Tuesday evening, onl "A Hero of a Hundred Years Ago; ! Napoleon, His Life and Times." Printing that catches :the eye commands attention. The only worth while, at the Whig job print- mz. . In dismissing the case, yesterday, of Crown ve: Devine, Judge Price said, referring to the conduct of Capt. Oliver, that he would recommend that' his (captain's) 'certificate be can- cel "Huy Cough Tablets' at Gibson's. The polite station always affords] shelter in time of a storm. While the storm was on, . last night, three men walked into the station and asked for shelter," and they were given the best accommodation 'the long eorridor pro- | | vides by the night sergeant, ! When g, ask your dealer for! Imperial Brand underwear. All that was mortal of the remains of the venerable patriarch of Flgin- burg, John Graham were laid to resi in Cataraqui cemetery, on Thursday for forgotten, Abraham Rueb, San Francisco's star grafter, has had his sentence of four- teen years in the penitentiary con- firmed by the appeal. The mills of gods grind very slowly in the United States, but they grind exceed- court of ing sure. 0 Mr. Foster is very jealous of Nr. Monk's. honour. It. was he who in- rn an opprobjus term used to- wards the nationalists, should be with- drawn. Mr. Borden only acted when he could not -hélp himself. ter. He knows what it is to be under dog in a, fight, i Poor Fos- i the The Mail is urging the farmers to tariff on the goods curious, The demand a lower that' they biy. Which is Mail used to represent the high. tariff party, apd it deceived the farmers by trying to make them believe the N. P. was ihe panacea for every ill. It has taken the Mail over thirty years to get wise. v The tories of Canada and the tories of England are great on the referen- dum. The one party, if elected to pow- er two or three years hence, will sub- mit the naval question to a vote of the people. The other party, if elected to office, will refer tariff reform to the electors. Both are dodging their re- sponsibility. It is declared on behalf of the pro- hibitionists that twenty thousand men go into par rooms in Torbonto every night and that two thousand of them | afternoon. Service 'was conducted at come out intoxicated. And Toronto is dha house by Rev. Mr. Danby, Bigin- called the Queen City, because ob) its "WE. | : ai t. } morals and its reputation for high re | ures fart sake Syrup Horchomd. | spectability. The words of the Golden [11 res any cough. Sold only at Text for next Sunday school's lesson { Gibson's. soem to fit every fourth man, "let Louis Reaudry, chet of the I, him that thinketh he standeth take dolph hotel, though a Frenchman, can! hold lest he fall." prepare a fine Scotch dimmer, and dis i Se in FINED $10 FOR A POSTER. and Kind ' Twenty-five years ago he was in the; apartment + of the old Balmoral! hotel in Montreal. i The best student's lamp, and the ouly ome to give entire satisfaction : Hundreds of them in use in Kingston. of be. biinglas whos tried t ba: ¢ who tr adence of John T. tinguished himself in a haggis parade. | 4 "street, has been y morming, when it yr Mr. be + teacks went po an | i and freight, was destroyed by fire on i ' spoke on the modern Sunday school 'in ! where he had been located for | years past. {ed here | terday dairymen's | and slight hopes are extended ! umbrellas 1, 1910. DR. SOPER DR. WHITE $2. ae) I Specla diseases Skin, Blood. Nerves, Biadder and Special Ail. ments of men. One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- vice Question blank and book on diseases of men free. Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 p.m, and 2 to 6 pw. Sundays, 0*am. to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toronto Street, Toronte, Ont. YARKER VILLAGE, Work Bridge. Yarker, Nov. 30.--Companies of boy scouts could be formed in this vil age. Edward Joyner has moved to Yarker and has entered the employ. ment of the Benjamin Manufacturing company. The chief speaker, Rev, Mr. Fairwell, did not arrive to address the | institute held here last week, which put! somewhat of a damper on the meeting. | tev. Mr. Sexsmith, of Newburgh, Surveyors at for CNR. mmm me -- Te ARERR HHS EERE RRR * Sui . TRAVELLING os Bibby's is AEEEREEEEREEHIRBREERBERRNE § i HH Aa HA AAAS : U eo ATTENTION & splendid Outfitting we We ask your attention, Sir, to the ®t have chosen for your Winter wear, a - ¥ He * place of Mr. Fairwell, The pulpit in the Methodist church was draped in black in memory of the late Mrs. C. A. Jones. Mr. and] Mrs. Jones, while residents here, were! rnest workers in all church work, he as leader of a well-trained chdir, and Mrs. Jones as organist. Her remains will be buried in Yarker cemetery. Manson Lee has his new windmill power for pumping purposes erected, Miss Gertie Lee is home from Water- town, N.Y. Andrew Warner clerk in P. Thornton's genera! store, Phe surveyors for the bridge work of the C.N.R., were here taking measure- ments for crossing the river. The] Holiness Movement adherents have | their new camp ground nicely cleaned | up and very nearly ready for camping purposes next summer, 1s DIED IN ALBERTA, Remains of Erastus Cook Brought to Gananoque, Gananoque, Dec. 1.--On November 24th, Erastus (ook, a former manu- | ! facturer of this town, who, for many | vears, conducted the Gananoque Wool- | len Mills, died at Pincher Creek, Alta, several | I'he remains were forward- | and funeral took place, ves afternoon, two o'clock, to Christ church, where the rector, Rev. R. Serson, conducted a funeral ser vice, after which the remains wre in- terred at Willow Bank. A number from Gananoque and the surrounding rural district attended Lhe meeting at Mallorvtown, al yesterday, The voung son of is dangerously The River street, is seriously for John Lee, First ill with pnen of Orlando ill, his | street, monia. Latimer, young son recovery Among the visiting brethrer at the Masonic lodge of instruction on Tues day evening, were T. DD. Minnes, J Smeaton and. W, 8, R. Murch, of About fifty members of the lodge came up on thé Kingston. Alexandria Bay steamer Riverside. - - - 4 MUCH THIEVE AT HOUSE. Everything Movable, Prey to Light- Fingered Gentry. Dec. 1.--The rushes, comps, towels, rubbers, walking canes, pod ket Knives, soap, and other articles from the parliament buildings has assumed such proportions that stririzent steps are to bie taken to put an end to it. Ninetywix towels were among the articles stolen last the pressroom being the most quent prey, while dishes peared from the government cupboards with consistent regularity A device was adopted some time a to save the towel: from the pitferers, They were padigéked the rollers, This; however, bas not stopped the robbers." The towels have been slit across and removed. Street car tickets and odd have Deen taken from coal pockets, the drawers of desks have been ran gat od, and pens, pencils, tobacco, pipes and cigars abstracted. TWO. LITTLE PAIRS OF BOOTS. By Mrs. Susan Teall Perry Two little pairs of boots, to-night, Before the fire are drying; Two little pairs of tired feet In a trundle bed are lying; Rhe tracks they loft upon the floor Make me feel like sighing. Ottawa, wholesale thievery § of hats, session, ire have disap on chanae Those little boots with copper toes! They run. the Givelong day: And oftentimes 1 almost wish They were miles away; So tired am 1 to hear so oft Their heavy tramp at play. Today | was disposed to seold, But when I look to-night At those little boots before the fire, With copper toes so bright, I think how sad my heart would be To put them out of sight. I mourn becuse I thought how nice My neighbor "ross the way, . Could keep her carpets all the year From getting worn or gray; Yet well T know she'd smile to own Some little boots to-day. -------------- Poor Girl Inherits $40,000. Minneapolis, Minn., Dee. 1.--To fail heir to" $40,000 left Hy a rich uncle who died recently at Svdoey, Aus. Our Clothes, Hats and Toggery come to us from makers who & ¥ y guarantee their products Eh There's No Uncertainty Hern. We want you to see the splendid Suits we are selling at $12.50, $15 and $18" See aur English Blue Worsteds, . Special. valuss.. $15.00 * J See our English Cheviot Black Suits, hand tailored garments. Custom tailor would charge you $256 and. $28. Bibby's Special, $18 See our great' $10 Tweed Suits in Nobby Patterns r D> OVERCOATS ..... . SEE OUR ULSTER. - SEE OUR $10.00 STORM COATS. i " Ra SEE OUR $12.50 TWO.-STYLE OOLLAR SPREDWAY OVER. COAT. fra See our elegant Broadway Winter Coats, made from. Fine Heavy Scotch Tweeds and Cheviots. Newest patterns and color. §. ings. Double breasted New collars. Regylar $18.50 quali Bibby's Special, $15.00 $8.50 COLLEGE The Big Store With Little Prices. AAAI IOI oh AACHAOF HNN - $94909409992999099099¢ ONCE S00CRONNRNONOGIIR s -Ingot Copper, Ingot Brass, Ingot Aluminum 3 Prices Right. Deliveries Prompt. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. 0000000000000 00000000000000000 CAUTICNI A smaller quaatity required thon of aay other extract. ; difference between "wvanilla 2 (so-called) and hirsffs. TRUE VANILLA is a difference you never ean appreciate until you have tried ShirriTs. It is a flavor revelation. Far stronger-and immensur- ably finer than the common Kinds, oe Ask the gro- : Other delicions Bhirri Bavorings ars Lemon, Almond, Ratafia, Ross, Pineapple. Strawberry sad ninety others. RA r-- Mexican vanills Lean gatherer, tralia, 's the fortune {hat has come to Miss Ethel Mayjak, a pretty steno- Zuapher, twenty yesrs of age. A lotter from her foster: mother, Mrs. Maggie Maviak, of Houston, Texas, tells Ber of the death of her uncle and of the estate 'which she has ine hevited. The uncle was a ret'red bank- or of Sideey. bs Also a splendid On Wednesday, at the home of the! Robert Servite, Rockport, waa fined bride, in Quebee city, Dr. Giles B {120 and costs for keeping intoxicating y ¥, omby son of the late R. © liquors above the simmt "sowsd, "on Murphy, Baccheille, was united in| bis premises. marry ta ind Adele Bisse', sister Teaperial Brang Minder wear in taade oF, « Bisset, of Detfoit, Wich in Ke bw poten citizens, suit or overcoat made 1 rwho » "in wages afer for $I8, at Prevost's, Prock [ thromgh FP % eet. All Brockville, is | "Buy Cough Syrups" at Gibson's sew goods to chose from. ; Robert Lamb, ak Eh a 5