THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER '1910. > a Our policy has always been to give the best we possibly could for the price. Our growth and continued success and our present position will testify to the wisdom of policy. 'What About Your Overcoat What about getting one - with some real class to it like the Progress 0 Cavalier, Duplex, Comfortable Overcoats for Canadian climate. The classiest Over- coats ever designed. Price$12, $13.50, $15.00, $18, $20 and $22. SOOO OOOO OOO AOA ALAS A ALAA SAAS AeA ttl l Alias saa ston's, BROCK STREET. WITT VVTTVITVITTITIIITOTOIITTT000090000 009 009 lt ol lor rvoritorrrrrrrorvrovereveeseeeeeveee 2000000004 The Biggest Sale of the Season J SATURDAY, s30AM. LL WHITE TAILOR-MADE BLOUSES, in Linen, Muslin and Vestings, all sizes, ranging in price from $1.50 to $2.50: Saturday Price 98c. KM: UNDERSKIRTS, in colors; also White AN Flannel Underskirts. Regular $1.50, $1.25 Land. $1.00. Saturday Price 68c. ND GREY STOCKINE'TTE BLOOM- LJHITE A : Regular $1.50 ERS, neatly made, all sizes. and'$1. 20. Satarday Price 68c. LANNELETTE E NIGHTGOWNS, in White, Pink Blue, extra good quality "of. Flannelette, Stinmed and well made. Regular $1.10, Saturday Price 68c. | LADIES' HEAVY WINTER COATS, values $12.00 to $18.00. Saturday Price $3.98. 4 LADIES' WINTER SUITS, newest style, aliexcellent. Belling 'price in regular $17.00, $18 50, ete. 9 Sutirday Price =. 98. AT HALF PRICE. - SEE WINDOW DISPLAY | serio of last year. i 3 MINTOSH WAS HERE CALLED AT RANDOLPH HOTE L FOR SOME LETTERS, 1 Is Your Honey Idle ? enrulng valu- able to lose by laying the We The Young Man Wanted in Toro for Theft of Thousands From Do- minion Express Comipany Recog- nized by Cuts in Papers--He Has Likely Crossed Border. an power that is too Fdward E. Melntosh, of Torentd, who is wanted by the provincial police on a charge of stealing a money pack- age containing four thousand five-dol-! lar notes of the issue of the Traders'; Bank of Canada, in transit between | Toronto and Ottawa, and ¥1,500 hS cash "besides, the property of the Po minion Express company, was in Ring- ton this week. On Tuesday and Wed- | nesday. he called at the Randolph] hotel for his mail, and on both ocoa-| sions received letters directed to him there. He hax not been seen since Wednesday, and it js supposed that ho, received a {ip concerning the warrant | issurd for him, and got across the. border at this port, or at Brockville! or Prescott, i A cut of McIntosh in the Toronto Globe of yesterday was at once re- vognized by pansy (Brien, clerk at the Randolph, Who recalled the name! CESS STREET of the ig man to whom he py 107 PEIN 8 ' the letters. McIntosh. did not stay at) George B. McKay, hotel, vida ntly boarding at some r. other place. The police are on the | lookout for him. ! The robbery alleged to have been N committed by Melntosh was a most | daring one. The money package, hich was stolen from the safe in the Dominion Express company's car at tached tp the Toronto and Ottawa rain in March, 1908, was shipped by he American Bank Note company to head office of the bank in Toron- to, The package was reported missing after the train left Smith's Falls journey to Toronto, and in- | estigation showed that the robbery | took place at the station, where con ection i. made , with the Toronto Montreal "PR. train. The express 10H ir oo a time was convinced hat there had simply been a mistake, nd that in removing the package from one car to another the bank tes had been mislaid. Diligent search was Pinkerton detectives, Fradors' 'bank, and the Cana octive Bureau men, engaged by Jominion Express company. I'he disappearance of a bag con ining $1,500 belonging to the Do- niniont Express company at the same ime ns the package of bills convinced + detectives that a bold robhery had 'pon committed from the express car. (Quiet investigation revealed noth- 7. The train crew was examined rom time to time, and all were un- lor surveillance for a congiderablé yriod, Orie of the first to leave the employ- money away. sug- gest that you gain = by Acs opening a Savings count now with the BANK OF TORONTO INCORPORATED 18305, | AsSETS---$50,000,000 | ; KINGSTON BRANCH: the A MALICIOUS ME. | This is Statement of Archbishop in | Montreal, tne ust on the made geting by the for the fan De the - ARCHBISHOP BRUCHESI. Montreal, Dee. 1.--"Maligious fiction Lirom Deginning to hd!' Was the Je- claration of Archbishoh "Bruchesi, this prorning, in regard to a report in a ment of the company after the rob Toronto morning paper that he was ry was Edward Elmer McIntosh, the | to be made a cardinal' with a view rakeman on the train, who said hel to his, later, being appointed pope. wiched to become a chauffeur or go Si ------ ito the business of renting autos with his brother, who is now in To- cnto. His sudden notice of resigna- ion gave some grounds for suspicion it nothing develoued to warrant the withorities taking action against him. The authorities had just about siven up hope of finding a solution of} he robbery when a remarkable dis sovery was reported to the manager sf the Traders' Bank by Alexander i heterkofi, ¥ Gallery avenue, To- "nto, He claimed that while in the top fat of the house playing PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. United States steel corporations have decifed to maintain present quota- tions, Canadians and of outbreak in Mexico are food, A quarter of to be spent in improving real postoffice, with $ x x : . : W. D. Earngey the Bord Clu iis four-vear-old son, Carle, a pencil { .. acy at t Oren "lub, : iforonto, scored conservative support Iroppeéd out of his pocket and rolled i the Natiiimbial flown a hot air register, o 3 Rationalumla. . . The anxiety of the little boy to re-| Jt ie alleged that a foreign ship over the pencil caused the find. The |R!NE cfomnne iscrimuhates American vessels. little fellow in searphing for the pen- | sit had pulled up the grating and had | Graham:White, the British aviator, | : 8 h fis0overed a tin box contuining the [has sailed from' America for home with . £100. wotes, which he found much fun in i 100,000 in prizes. Wyelifie College authorities, Toronto, laying with. There were several thousand dollars' worth. are taking steps to build a new chapel The father, who is an employee of | 4nd students' rooms. he Canada Foundry compavy, im-| London, Ont., and Preston hin mediately reported the find to the] both lighted with Niagara electricity eller of the Traders' Bank, who injo? Wednesday night, urn ealled in the private detectives | A revolt has brokem out in Macao, ind provincial police, The house was | (hina, and the Portuguese troops de- searched, with the result that all but | maid expulsion of the religious ord- a few of the stolen bank notes were] oS. discovered. Those still found to be A Statement is made at Ottawa that missing had been circulated and | Archbishop Bruchesi will be created a vere at the time in possession of the | cardinal, with the intention of ulti sank. mately electing him as pope. Theuerkoff, who reported the Chief Forder seized a lot of fur pelte iid he had only been in the house a [near Parry Sound and is prosecuting hort time, having rented the place | two men named Doball and Taylor for furnished from' Edward Elmer Mcln- | having them in their possession. tosh, who had lived there with his! The senate, having tired of waiting nother and brother. By communic: a- | for the commons to get down to ion with the C.I.R. officials it was business and set it something to do, learned that McIntosh was on the! has decided to adjourn until Jany- train the day the bank notes were | ary 1th, tolen and the issuing of a warrant| A fleet of" ninethen grain-laden steam- tollowed. ers was preparing to leave Fort Will- inm for lower lake ports, on Wednes- day night before the close of naviga- tion and the expiration of the marine insurance. Owing to ill-health W, H. Beatty has decided to retire from the presi- dency of the Bauk of Toronto at the beginning of the year. He will be sue ceeded as president by Duncan Coul- son, general manager of the bank. Going in February. Halifax, NB, Dee: 1.=It was ex- pected that the Canadian cruiser, the ey would leave this month on a jeruise to the West Indies possibly with the H.M.8. Cornwall, now in port here, and schedgled to leave on Dec. A Million Increase, 15th, but it is announced to-day that the Niobe will, probably, not leave Ottawa, ed di and indicates] on the eruise until the enrly part of h 3 expansion of trade of the country, Febraaey, ts for November {otalled $6, | 024,781.67, as 'against £5,002,761 02 in the ng poutis. a year ago, an increase of $932,000.63. For. the eight, months of the fiscal your the total was $17.396 911, as) wgninst $39,160,567 in the same i Americans in vicinity short of a million dollars is the Mont afiinne find, THE CHOLERA PATIENT. Thought to be Man consin! Toronto, Dee, 1.~Despite the vigi-| 'ance of the Canadian immigration and health officers, who held the steamer Royal George in cholera quarantine for some days, it looks as if a pa- tient, infected - with this terrible dis- ease, 1 at Quebec, entrained, passed through Canada a thousand miles or so and entered Michigan at Sault Ste. Marie. His name is Jon- stheke, a Russian, and he is now juarautined in Wisconsin, eld in Wis. Knew the Family Well Cambridge, Mass; Dec, 1.--Conting- ing the trial of Haltie Léblane, the Canadian girl, ¢harged with the mur- ider of Glover, a wealthy laundrypman, it developed that Hattie was on very friendly terms with both Mr. and Mrs. ------ ---- Glover. The defence , in eross- Pleads Not to be Sent Back. |otamining Mrs. Glover, brought New ® York, Dee. 1--Tieading that | many points in the girl's favor. ihe amapd from a Damssens harem' x : - ind will be put to death if she is' Death of Mrs. Macaulay. sent back Marie Mohila, a firosk wo Montredd Doe 1oMes. T. B. Mac: man of enusual Fs is boing de: nulav, wile of the manager of the tained, here, pending deporiation pro- San Life "Assurances vy, died sedcdings. The matter has been browght yesterday st her home on Selva ne migration depiartmen boat street. She had | {i Contest Christmas Suggestions HALLS OF QUEENS ALMA MATER Se ON SATURDAY. THE for Presidency Between Bruce and Menzies--Deputy Mini- sier of Railways to Speak at! Science Dinner, By Our Queen's Correspondent. : The Alma Mater election campaign | again waxes warm at old Queen's. Candidates harangue the students at. every opportunity. Mass meetings are being held in all faculties while cam-| paign literature is being lavishly dis- | uributed throughout. all departments. | The presideficy, as is usually the case, i= being well contested. Louis Bruce is, in reality, the representative | of science, although this session he is, registered in atts, and because of this; fact, will undoubtedly find a substan thal following in the classic faculty. He is extensively known and relatively : popular throughout the college, and | will poll a large vote on' Saturday. i Percy Menzies, M.A., is the arte-divin- ity candidate. This is his sixth ses-| sion at Queen's, and he is known prac-, tically hy every student as one of the; i best all-round men at college. Menzies! would make a president of whom any | society might well be proud. ---- Prof. McClement addresses the meet ing of YM.C.A. this afternoon, His} subject will be "Sowing and Reap- mg." Tha Philosophical Society offers the following programme : Dec. 12th, "The | Philosopher' s Stone," Prof. Goodwin; | Jan. 9th, "Arts Conquest of Nature," Prof. Ferguson; Jan. 23rd, "The Rela- | tion Between Philosophy and Theo- | logy," Prof. Dall; Feb. Gth, "The Philosophy of H. G. Wells," Prof. | Grant; Feb. 20th, 'Criticism and Philosophy," Prof. Jordan; March 6th, annual meeting. The regular hour | of meeting of this society is & p.m, | in the mental philosophy class room. | At the regular meeting of the Po-| litical Science Club, this afternoon, | the question of taxation of municipal | improvements and land values will be discussed, i Ramsay will address the Association, Saturday | "The Call to the Minis | Rev. D, C, Missionary morning, on try." F. J. Pope, M. AZ Ph.D., assistant | ngineer to John Hayes Hammond, speaks to the science men, this after noon. His subject will be "Ex&mining and Reporting on a Mine." { Committees of the various faculties have been' chosen to. make arrange | nents for the junior year dance. A general meeting will be held this week. | The deputy minister of railways amd anals will be the chief speaker at the] science dinner, ! ---------- GOVERNOR-ELECT DIX. To Give Time to Duties of Public Office. : Albany, N.Y., Dec. 1.~Carrying out | hig determination to sever. all privat | relations before January lst in order | to give his whole time to the duties | of his office, Governor-Elect John A} Dix, has resigned as vice-president and | a director of the Fitdt National Bank | of Albany, in which he has had large | interests. 1t is expected that he will resign as a director of the Albany! Trust company, and as a member of | the executive committee of its board | of directors at a meeting of the direc; tors to-morrow. May Hang on Waturday. Belleville, Dec. 1.--Robert Parker, the condemned murderer, is sentenced to He hanged on Saturday. The erec tion of the scafifold has commenced, | Mr. Porter, M.I., prisoner's counsel, | leaves for Otta'vay where he will make | a final effort for executive clemency, | The prisoner is very hopeful. Parker's wite and some of his family are here, | Later--The Whig received this de- i ahatch from its Ottawa correspondent, | tis afternoon : 'It is understood that the sentence of Parker will be commuted to life imprisonment. At a meeting this al ternoon the necessary papers iwill prob ably be madeSut." i Medal for U.S. Professor. London, Dec. l.--United States Am- bassador Reid, accepted, on behalf of | Theodore W. Richards, professor of! chemistry at Harvard, the Davy gold medal awarded to the professor | ov the Royal Society in récognition of his researches in the determination of atomic weights. TO OUR ADVERTISERS, During the present busy season advertisers will confer a favor by Special Sale To-Morrow ALL DAY, 9a.m to G. 1,000 Fancy Knitted Fas- cinators, Motor Scarfs, Rink Scarfs and Fascinator Shawls In an endless variety of makes. Some Fine Bhetland Wool, some Spun Silk, some Italian Mercerized, suitable for Ladies, Children and Babies. These will besold To-Morrow at exactly Half Price. A NP AAA A PM AI rt. htt BIN ONS MN a All the $1.00 Makes for 50c. 75c Makes for 38c. 60c Makes for 30c. 950c Makes for 25¢. This is a fine chanee to secure TWO suita- ble Christmas Gifts for the price of ONE. POSITIVELY no telephone orders accepted for this special sale. 100 Boxes Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstit- ched Handkerchiefs fine make, 3 in each dainty Gift Box. Special To-Morrow 50c Box. sending in their copy early in the morning----or, better still, the after. noon before. There is such a rash of advts. just at present that changes must of necessity be sent in early to receive attention. Nothing in the long list of useful articles we could name would be appreciated half so ch as a Gillette Safety Razor. Every time he has a smooth, clean shave he would be bound to think of the giver. We have them in Morroeco Covered. ...... 5.00 Silver Plated (Pocket)... $3.00 Gillette ( $6.50 We have Safety Ragors from the Gillette type down to 15 cents. Sult any pocket and all guaranteed. Lots of useful suggestions to pick from. Mon's $5. 00 Tan Winter Boots For $400 We have just received: three & regular lines Winter Boots too late to sell this year at regular prices All waterproof All with doubly sole. leg. One with leather lining. Grea! Bargains for anyone wanling a good Winter Boot All this week we will offer these at $4.00. i of $5.00 Tan © Oue with high $