5 4 END STOMACH TROUBLE, Mecleun, will conduct the village rink pC -- agin this seasob, The hockey clubs is Indigestion, Gas, Dyspepsia and at work getting in shape. Joseph Hearthir: Go in Five Minutes. | Thompson went $o Toronto for » few As there'is. often some one in your days last week. Ernest Blancher and 4 family who suffers an attack of Indi |*™° ehildren, Plog have come gestion, or some form of Stomach 12 Juande winter. dt the bame of his trouble, why don't you some a I hauncey Blancher, Rev. iapepsin in the house hays : Sunda is 'harmless blessing will digest Sh : ¥- anything you ean eat without Che A on hon is lo be. beld thi week slightest ort, and overcome a in the Holiass Hpk x British our, gassy Stomach five diinutes af- Columbid, at T. Berney's; Mrs. Ronald THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7% 1910 WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Various Points In ' Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. . Notes From Morven. Morven, Dec. Sth.--Hoy is being ship- | Toll your Pharmacist to let you read ped, But very little grain is moving 8s | gy formule, plainly printed on these yet. The Sanday school institute leld 150. cont eases of Pape's . Diapepsin, in the Bick church, on Monjay ufter- |p, you will readily see why it makes noon and evening last week was fair Indigestion, 8 Stomach, Hearthues L ly well"attended and the addresses Hy | oa" po aeoerece go in Sve niinutes, 13 Rev. Messrs. Down and Farewell were |, yolisves at once such miseries as interesting and instructive. Visitors © pei ping of Gas, Eructations of sour Miss Enwpey, of Switzerville, is visit- undigested 1 i Naudon,: Hoad : ing her cousin, Mrs. C. Sharp; Mr. Dizziness, Conslipation and Hendaches, Mallery, of Adolphustown, is visiting Joo 0 "Elo go : TRADE IMPERIAL Imperial Brand Men's Underwear Price $1.50 Per Garment. - 7 s Manufactured from specially prepared pure wool yarn of the ver highest grade. Havitg patent feld seams, whioh do pot take any elasticity on the { garment, aking it impossible to rip the seams. When buying Underwear in- sist that you get IMPERIAL CROWN BRAND. : By LOOK FOR THE LABEL. Thé Genuine Made Only by st J. H. Clute's. Some folks have tried so Jong to find | oi peut Det, Bo Se riots 14 : a relief from Indigestion and Dyspepsia ne again. Mr. and E-3 Marsasll At Brewer's Mills. . again. Mr. R " ' . or an out-of-order stomach with the|p,vay of Bloomfield, are a Brewer's Mills, Doe. 0.--The work onleommon, every-day cures advertised [fo 4 i wr "Sunday the locks 'is progressing f{avorably.|that they have about made up their: er the annual Many new hands commenced work OW iminds that they have something else | Christmas entertainment. Miss . December 1st. Capt. James Smith has{wrong, or believe theirs is a case of garet Hendrie, of Kingston, is visit- rurned to his home here, after a suc-|\ Nervousness, Gastritis, Catarrh of thefjy. her relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Will: cessful season op the Rideau. Misses A. |S or Cancer. » jam Wagts. Miss Pearl Davis, of Pitts. | and £. McKenna suent Sunday at J, is, no doubt, is a serious mistake. | Guid Mass, is spendi the winter | ® Docks, E. Murray in _ visiting his Your seal rouble is, what you eat wilh ber mother, Mrs. Hiram 'Smith. ° . arents, Mr. a Mrs. J. Murray. jdoes not digest; instead, it nts | » Fr H. Orr andl V. Fisher, Woodburn, {and sours, turns to acid, Gas-and Sto Mss. A exellar Sos ea a 3 Kingston Hosiery Co td Kin ston Ont. mach poison, which putrely in the di-' age for an auto, Rev. Mt, Word, of *y *y ' gestive tract a intestines, and, Plainfield, i g ; : . : sides, poison the breath with nauseous | guy ep be le: If your dealer cannot supply you write us. jars. ' : = - 4 A hearty petite, with thorough di- | oan Pathe Sant Sic oat | CEOCELIERPEEEPPUEE EEE IRCA SEE SREEREE gestion, and without the slightest dis-1¢, 4 ig visiting her ndparents. comfort or misery of the Stomach, is | Charles Willman and family are mov- waiting for you as soon as you decide |i, to Glen Ross. Maple Grove school - ¥ gp This Range Was » ade for You - 8 ---- to try Pape's Dyspepsin. is preparing for its public examina- Madam tions, on 1 inst. Mr. and Mrs, 3 Harry Roblin's home is brightened by 2 Tr ro 00, : ' : . 'You are a particular house- keeper the grrival of a young son. George You are a ation. Coun Bales of John Forbes left last week for Sul. | Tichborne, on the lst for installation Rosevear has been confined to his r Ke. Rave eet my hide, where he has secured a position, | of these officers: Bro. A. Kesnedy, home for some time with a serious buyer-- You are a good Manager-- THOMAS COPLEY, Prong 987, - mie i te ng Be, hes tar Hine. 'mates given on all nda epalrs and new orders wi Foci of an tents Bhop, 60,Queen Street. - on. a Coyetal Brand | at Mrs. W. Fisher's. Mrs. Joseph Rochefort, has returned home from visiting friends in city. At Kaladar Station. or use. | Kaladar Station, Des. Be Way, Hl Anonew ' Tamworth was in town today on Teese ANE et. business. Miss Eves, teacher, and BH. Banker, spent Sunday in Flinton, the » - coved ste of Miss Critchley. y Mr. and ® WM. MUKMAY, Auctioneer. rs Hugh Bishop, Cloyne, were over Furniture Bales given ate Suiday guests, at the Carman House. Finlayson, Quéen's. Quite a pbet from here attended L.0.L., 1038," "at William Hughes and Sons have taken |W.M.; Bro,. J. Dermott, D.M.; Bro. |jlingss, G.I. Thomas, Belleville, has a contract of getting out pine for the | William McKiver, chaplain; Bro. Jos- purchased the Rosevear property be- Pres sssnsssnranessaeed [Rathbun company. Irvine Dopking, | phi Steele, recording-secretary; Bro. |low the village and is already making + | Enterprise, spent Saturday and Sun. Jobn Kennedy, treasurer; Bro. Jd. W.limprovements. Mrs. Thrasher, the aged THE GLUB HOTEL day here' with his brother, George | Knapp, director of cgremonies; Bro. | mother of Alfred Thrasher, ig spendin; WMLLINGTON ST., near CESS, Dopking, of the station -stafi. Miss I. | Frederick Knight, // lecturer; Bros.la few days with her son. J. B. B, Fleming spent Saturday with friends | David ~~ Bridgen, William Kennedy, | Flint is removing a dwelling in the There ate other hotels, but mone |i» Tweed. James Kish, committee, The young|village to his farm in Sidney! Master approach the Club for homelike sur- people are practising for the Christ-| Lisle Watts paid Oshawa a fying vies roundings. mag tee entertainment to be held [it this week.. The wisgionary Located in centre of city and close on the 21st ai the schoolhouse. Miss | gramme at' the leagle was A Omething to principal stores and theatre. rges are moderate, Bpecial rates by the week. Jennie Miller, of Napanee, 'has been |of a novelty last week, five syoung P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, visiting her uncle, George Bertram, |ladies havin od themselves into resolved and has gone to Renfrew to visit|{a deputation from West" China, pre friends there. The government fisher- is your most precious posses- sion. Your first aid to health sented excellent reports of the journey _should_be_the reliable and men are taking out alot of 'ling, ito, and the work on, the mission proved family remedy which has beery destroying the other field. With the assistance of the organ fine fish. Visitors : John Warren, of |izer, J. W.-Walker, Esq., Port ope; ts to the number of fifty. BEECHAM'S Uso, and Mrs. Charles Bedour, of { the Home Circle has added to Olden, at George Bertram's; Rev. Mr, membership five since the beginning of the vedr. The church fathers hi#ve met in Redd Bverywhare, In boxes 28¢. --- " A Sata-- / i Tidings 'From Verona. discriminating Veronp, Dee. B.--Councillor James McKeever, went out, this morning, to attend the final sitting of the council + [for the current year, Ira Reynolds has so far recovered from his late sick- ness ag to be able to sit up, Jobn Bur- leigh and R. Simpson, Odessa, were at W. Burleigh's over Sunday. Wesley Burleigh William Storms, after spending Sunday at their respective * That-is why we ask you to come in and let 2s show you this The Imperial Oxford There's not a better baker in the Dominion. A special divided oven flue guarantees. that, - A special STatyylataniees the most heat for the fuel consumed. Special ash-door guard guargntees cleanliness. ickel lifts off and saves 'work of scouring. And : The Gxford Economizer | saves 20% of your coal bill. We want to demonstrate these exclusive Gurney features to you~ their economy, efficiency, the satisfaction they give. Then we leavernit to you to decide---can you afford to use any other range in your kitchen? You'll find a full line of Gurngy Oxford Stoves on our floor--all styles and _ all prices--Made for every purpose and all kinds of fuel. Come in any time, "we're always glad to seow them. ie Nr ted by M arrived at Crow Aake, to-day. Stewart Manson, pani i88 | first mica came across the bay n Fdna McMahon, Parham, were guests John Palmer, of Windsor, is here for . i: Py the Taggart mines on the 1st on the Ln nk of the Misses Fyrleigh lost week. lice. % o. : : int : Nidinguton. tugdg®t From Athens. THE chy a G y Dec, SR A. W. Stow SPORT REVIEW. TH om on Athens, Die: 68-Tulltey fair is 6 be held here, on Tuesday next. Miss | Noves on Football and Other Field the service in homes, here, returned to Renfrew to- | Finlayson, of Kingston, D. McGregor, day. Thomas Goodberry, injured by | and S. Hassen, at J. W. Knapp's; Miss the falling of the new chease factory) A. Gendron, and W. J, Knapp at W, solemn conclave to debate the ort wall at. #nctington, is able. to be lB. Thasrett'ss Mr. and, Mrs, William | ability of unging' the church around again. jring the wall wil] Knapp at 8. Jones'; Mr. and = Mrs. | 80d re-installing the bell. Miss Elia have to be Oa until dpring. [| W. Reynolds ut John Hicks'; Theo- Haight was in Roslin last week. G. Herbert C.. Bur , returned to Syd- r, is confined 16° his house : at | through 'illness. The WMS. beld a ru ' " 185 Wellington St. The Up-to-date Restaurant and Pating House. Separate appartments. Well furnished art, fy the Presbyterian church' tast Sunday might, while Rev, Mr. Fendelson too: his place in Parham. Mrs. C. S. Lake, Sy , has moved to this place. Georgh Botting has gone to Harting- tonto reside. Carmen Aylesworth has taken a position on the K. & P. train as express messenger. 'Miss Becca Hatnah and Ernie Newman, Cobalt, Grape Wing has been engaged to teach at the brick school-house, east of here, where Miss Ethel Slack has taught ha for "the pat two years. Miss Lena Brown, teacher at Glen Ellie, will con. |, tinue her work there during the com- ing vear. Born, on Nov. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, Asa Wiitse, a daughter, and !;, on Nov, 27th, to Mr, and Mrs. Wal- The Eastern Baseball League mecting Champion Wol, his signing to fight Owen Moran. Manager Fraik | Events. . s been postponed to the 13th inst. demands the right nanie the referee in the event of E noe says that he not going to quit playing first base Simmons Bros. THE YELLOW HARDWARE STORY to direct the Chicago Cubs rom the bench. Owen Moran received $3 for = de feating Nelgon, and the ter . got $5,240 for taking a lovely beating from the Englishman. Hockey is Rpreading wwith' leaps and bounds, across the border. Now Cleve. laml is to have an amateur league, the teams. of which will play their games on the ponds in the public parka, Toronto - News : Home time ago it was decided ta drop Cobalt and Hailey- bury from the NNH.A. It would's be surprising now to see the players, some of them atleast, go back to these con- tres amd organize 'teams, Hans Holmer, of. Halifax, who now {calls himself the greatest long distance runner of the age, will soon sail for Edinburgh, to take t in the famous | Powder Hall e on Jon Luary ist. He will leave on Decemifr The Canadian Rugby Football Union has decided that the Hamilton Alerts and Hamilton III must y the semi: final next Saturday, in Hamilton, the winner to go to Montreal a week later, jand meet St. Lambert in the final lace Connerty, a daughter. Louis Stevens and George Brown have re tuniied from their cheese factories to apond the winter here, A. E. McLean, marble cutter, has donated a hand- some stone cross, to be placed upon the inew vault at Trevelyan. William Htching Scaly falling Hag dore Middleton, of N.W.1., with his|W enham high this mpraing. The | parents here; Mrs. J. 7. Bedour ¢ Stiles Concert' company gaye a third | Joseph Bain's. The C.P.R. surveyors YoY successful sewinz bee at the exhibition herd 'on' urday evewming. The firsonage, on Wednesday Iast. Charles ' from | Anees was im Toronto, on Saturday, and lighted. a our full j Sounee dinner, THOS ' GUY Prop. were quietly marcieh in Kingston last week, James Collter and Charles Fitz. gerald shipper 'y large quantity of live stock to Montreal | Saturday. James Grey, wha has n suffering % { with quinsy, i able to be at work again. Miss Gertie, Beattie has gone to Chapleau fer the winter. Miss Madge Rankin, Napanee, is visiting at GG, W. Sheppherd's. Reports From Maberly. Maberly; Bec. 6.--The Saratoga Me dical company is drawing. large crowds every evening. The Farmers' Institute mecting was held on Saturday even- ing, with a good attendance and some fine hes = were delivered. Hunters, traders and Mappsts arn meeting with success in UU ur line. Messrs, preven James Forvester. and George Ewing, ha or gry, thin. sud of Westport, called on friends on their | and irsitation of the scalp, and pro- way to Plevna on Monday. Mrs. the and beauty of Briggs has returned home after visit: to with Cuti- ing hr father and mother at Verona, with Mrs. G, Buchanan has returned from Smith's Falls. Mes. James Flaherty spent Friday in Maberly. Thursday is _ Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles | POWtry fai: day in Perth. High *guarantsed. J&B. Meleod, special | Prices are expected. Miss Cora Buch- . agent, Kingston, Ont. , anan spent a few days in Perth. Mr. 4 dai and Mrs. J. Carey and Master Eber al Walroth spent Sunday in Maberly. William Hughes, a much respected resi- dent of this place, has been strickend | with a parslytié stroke; little hope is S out for recovery. Sore eves are common in this vicinity. Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Dec. 6.--Mr. and . Mes. James Warren, of Watertown, are vis Alexandér 1ext time you don't feel just right, let us buy a 50- cent bottle of Psychine®%rom your druggist to give you to cure your indisposition and prevent worse ailments. JIN ALL WALKS OF LIFE. « Herpickde is Used to Core Dandruff. E. H. Lyon, New York, N.X., says : "1 am very fond of Herpicide and én joy using it. J is refreshing." Dr. J. H. Bash, Toledo, Ohio, writes: "Newbro's Herpivide 'has given bofter Satisfastion than anything 1 have ever your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50-cent bottle of Psychine to be given ou free of cpt dWe will undoubtedly buy and dis tribute in this manner, hundreds o thousands of these 50-cent botiles of Psychine. : 4 And we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepara tion. } A confidence that has been based our 30 years' experience with splendid preparation, with a full ku ledge of the hundreds of thvusands of cures it has made This being (11-g curious business. A third of a century ago Psychine It usually commences in a subtle ade remarkable cures. fashion, almost unconsciously. Today it is making remarkable Yet if you do not check your illness, cures it grows and grows. . In the interim, millions of bottles of Ane one fine day you find you're pgychine have been sold. "en Hundreds of thousands of people made well and kept well. Mrs. Borkey, of Chadron, Neb, says of Herpicide : "I dleaned my head of dandrufi and shopped my: hair from falling out. It is the best remedy for dandruff 1 dyer used, and 1 have used a great mens' ; R. 8. Coleman, Aun Arbor, Mich., says | "l have ised two bottles of Hetpicide and derived benefit there- rom. : Sold 'hy: lending deuggists. Sead 10¢. in wtamps for sample to The Herpicide x % x The greatest scavengers of the body Why? are the white corpuscles, or phagocytes y in the blood. Because Psychine is largely made up These white corpuscles attack dnd of those herbs that scientists now know eat ap every germ of disease that in. increase and strengthen the white cor vades the body. puscles, the phagocytes. That is when they are strong enough That's why We have received hun- and in sufficient numbers. dreds of thousdnds of unsolicited tes- It They're not strong enough, then timonials, that's why we can afford | they wage an unequal warfarg until-to buy and give away bundreds of they are finally overcome bY their thousands of 50cent bottles of Psy- more powerful enemies. chine, that's Why Psychine benefits The body becomes . steadily sicker these diseases: and sicker until actual disease sets in. - nn Now, we have had all sorts of so called edres. COUPON No. 134 To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM. | 193-195 Spadina Ave, Toomo I your offer to try a Jc ba of Paychine (pronounced Sikrew a our expense. 1 have po' Bad « Be tle of Paychipe under 1h pls indly adviae my druggw; to Co.ver this bottle to me. * fats, si si i a ek HC "i. s ¥ 1 it 3% f Bronchial Coughs wiv. Weak Lungs Weak Voice 4 Weakness La Grippe Bronchitis Hemorrhage Sore Throwt Apsemia i i J parents here. at will shortly leave his farm and move to Caintown, to the farm = of + Wi Tennant farm. sm Tennant. George} Seott, Gananogue, will soon take pos-| | 5S | session of IF i if di i g i ! if i isl + TH i fs And a great many people have geri ously endangered thelr health ex- perimenting with them. a Bul years ago--before even science was able to tell we had the right treat. isease--viz., herbs, matures {Early Decline Female W Catarrhal Affections Indugestion ; Poor Appetite ] 3 J Chills and Fevers Obstinate Coughs acd Nervous trontid] | Srepopei' My Name. .oouiviinsis. ERR EA Street snd Number . My Druggist's Name... «. . fd i a ment for 4 Street and Number... This conpon i« not goo for a "ie. bettie of Peychine If presented (a | he Aroggia ~ it must be sept uewe with Len buy the S0c. bottle of Papchine Pow pour druggist and direct im to Avliver ii te This offer may be' withdrawn at | any time without noes. Send coupon to-day. Messrs. E. Herbison ALT Fosumonia and ute certainty, we know why certain . § disease, Now we don't ask you to take our i tierbs cure X and in word for the tremendously beneficial a SIL oF of Paychine. Pill out the con cytes. J Tw nb Fait" | AND €--egé OUR COAL is known by its burn- i Now that science can tell to an abso : . What 'We Prove That every precyjition is taken that will enable us to furnish our customers with milk of absolutely the highest quality, For Milk, Cream and Ice Cream try - . SO0E00000000006606¢ SseeRestenseesese | £ . ! : ; SS000000000000000000000000000000080000000000