BEEHEEeS | The Wise | Shopper Will Shop Here "Where Quality and Value Always Keep Company." Rodger & Wright. O00 POCKET NAIL FILES. Sterling Handles, with magic files, 60c each. TENELRY CLEANING OUT- A small oak box, containing jeweller's soap, chamois skin brush and sawdust for dry- ing. A most useful an for sister, $1.25. ' HAT PIN HOLDERS. A little gilt stand to hold hat pins. with trinket tray; two sizes, $1.25 and $2.26. WHOLE PEARL RINGS. Solid Gold, genuine for little fingers, each, CORAL TIE PINS. A Pearl-haped Coral in combination with a tiny pearl, very nifty, $3.50, mien ror In Glass, Surling Mounted; $4108 OUR #25 DIAMOND RING 1s a superior guality stone ; mounted dn an 18K. gold setting. TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Who contemplate buying expensive diamond orna- ments. we would suggest making their selection early as the assortment Is Dow complete. pearl, $1.60 Silver § jessie le le ls; ------------ Rodger & Wright Formerly Spangenberg's, 347 KING ST. KINGSTON, CERIO TOAST That Is TOAST An Elestric Toaster Would make a novel and new XMAS PRESENT * Ash to see them. OPEN EVENINGS, Electrical Cont actor 167 Denes St. - oe Bag DORR CRUNERGEEEEEE alae eGE WARNING: To the B a of the Town- 'ship : TAKE NOTICE THAT THE COL- WL ot Naxos for the sald Township is protected by bond given in my ! by the inion of Canada Guarantee Co, the expiring suid bond : al anual 16th tes not paid at that dste will POSITIVELY be collected with CH 8 MeIVER, Tax Collector. CC a SPEER EEEEERECRRE EE) v * Among those noticed at the perform- ance of Miss Barbara Teunant, in the Grand Operas House, on Monday even- ing, were Colonel Crowe, Colonel and Mrs. H. E. Buarstall, Professor and Mis. J. C. Gwillim, Professor and Alexander McPhail, Professor P. C. Campbell, Misses Eva and Rose TH, Saptain and Mrs. A. de Mow- bray Bell, Mr. R. R. ¥. Harvey, Rev. J. 0. and Mrs. Crisp, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Mrs. W. G, Craig, Mrs. W. Gil- , Mrs. H. Richardson, Miss Hora, Misses Mcintyre, Miss Edith Folger, Miss Lois Saunders, Mrs. H. Saunders, Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss Muriel King, Miss Edith Goodwia, Migs Mollie Saunders, Mrs. Robert Fraser, Miss F. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Mr. Angus Mac- donell, Mies E. Macdonell, Mrs. Mc Dowall, Miss Muckleston, Misses Fer- mn, Mrs. H.: A, Betts, Miss A, ag Mr, James Redden, Miss Mar- ion n, Misses Brownfield, Mr. Harry Bates, Professor W. Anderson, Miss Blanche Hudon, Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Mra, C. Newlands, Nr. J. H. Sparks, Mr. J. and Mrs. Frank Dobbs, Mr. J. B. Walkem, Mr, Shannon. Lo a Albert Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Hamil ton Merritt entertained at tea, on Saturday afternoon, at the Military Institute, Toronto. Among were : General and Mrs. Cotton, Miss Elsie Cotton, Colonel and Mrs. Victor Williams, Captain and Mrs. Walter Kingsmill, Major Clyde Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paterson, Mrs. Sweeney. > + 9 There was a Dutch luncheon Country Club, on Thesday. Covers were laid for eight and a very oll | time was spent. The guests were Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss' Helen Gor- don, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Doris Kent, Mise Nora Macnee, Miss Madge wson, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Sylvia Cochrane and Miss Dorothy | ill * 9 A ladies bridge club has been ur ranged to meet every two weeks, The! first mating was held at Mrs. George Mahooi's, Gore street. The members are Mrs, shichard i Miss C. Hooper, Mrs, nnett, Mrs. George Mahood, "Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Mrs. Charles A, Low, Mrs. Stafiord ' Kirkpatrick anid ¥s. Hugo Craig. Mr. and yey, Hoy Dupuy, Am herst, N.S. anil for land, next week, and Miss Adéle Dupuy and Wise' Violet Dupuy will spend the water with their aunt, Miss Pardee, Mont- real. 2 * + 9 Miss Mona Knight gave a most en- joyable musicale in Picton on Tuesday at the of the week for Toronto to spend few days with Jr 0 Knight! On Friday evening, Mise Beth Small will entertain the Children's Club at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. B. W. Folger, Ring Sige. Miss Amnie Fowler, Union street, is entertaining at the tea hour, on Thursday, in honor of the bride-eloct, Miss Katie Maitay. It is rumored that the engagement of a popular Kingston girl, to an out-of-town man will be announced ati es 0 Miss' Ruth Anglin, Earl street, will entertain the Dancing Club on Satur- day evening. > + @ There was a high tea at the Coun- try Club on Monday evening. * Mrs. R. C. Carter apd Mise Madelon Carter and Mr. Hansard Hora will go to Totapo en on the 19th of December, ta 3 spend Christmas with Mr. and . Ernest Cunningham, a and Mrs. A. TI Palmer, John son stroet, left, on Monday, for Ot: spend Christmas with Mrs, 's parents, Col, abd Mrs, Irwin tawa, street, Mr. William Nickle, Earl street, tuned, on Monday, from a trip Mistreal Es a r. re ur Cuaoningham, Beverly street, will return from Tor- onto, on Thursday. and Mrs. Pred Birkett, Ottawa Tory ad little daughter, Vera, Mr. H Taylor, Toronto, Mr. George Tay Hontreal will all. come to Kingston, to d Christmas with their grandmother, Mrs, Hugh Fraser, King street. re- to of on es fm on RN to be the rs. cRalver, street, tor a few a vey not. recei REET ins , Pitts is the gues of ia Burton, Stuart a Mr. Saxe Brown arrived in town this week from his two months' trip abroad. in ol the guests 158 | evening. She expects to leave the end al given for Major James Elsmley, who is leaving for Poglhnd to take a two years' colicge at the slaf eg: Mr. W. Baggaety and Mr. Ir- win have returoed irom Halifax, and are attached to the R.C.HA. Mee. J. B. Carruthers and Miss De-{ rothy, Carruthers will arrive in John, N.B., ch Friday, and are ex- pected in Kingston early in the week. Mrs. Henry Skinper and Miss Nan Skigner, West street, loft for Mon-| treal, on Tugsday, to spend a month | with Mr. W. B. Skinger. , rr > Dr. and Mis, W. C. Coy and family, of Vancouver, are leaving on the ith, for Kingston, where they expect fo Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. , A. Mitchell, Wiliam street. They will spend a fow d days ep route in Winnipeg. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs, J. NB. Campbell, Emily street, whose little son has undergcte an operation at the Kingston General Hospital and everyone hopes lor his y recovery. Mr. Easton Burns and Miss Freda Burns will go to Toronto, to noend Christmas with Mrs. Robert Partridge, Crawford. street, ® Mes. William Harty, is expected home from Toronto the end of the week to spend a few days. Little Madine is still too ill to travel, so Mrs. Harty will return to Toronto to be with her. > * 9 Mrs. Charles A. Low Union street, expeet to leave shortly for Ottawa, to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Low, Gladstone {avenue.. Mr. Low will join them for (Christmas day. Mr. Domald Mcintyre spent a few days in Toronto this week, | Professor R. W. Brock, of Ottawa, is in Toronto, the guest of his father-in- law, Judge Britton, Huron street. t Miss Alice Hague arrived from To- routo, 16n Tuesday, to spend the holi- (an wi th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hague, Far] street. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Platt returned from Picton, on Se where they {have been the guests of Dr. and Mis. 1J. W. Wright for the past week. | Mrs. W. Gilehrist, oa Cape Vincent, has been the guest of Mrs. ol Craig, West street, for a few days. Miss Horwitz, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, {Gore street, leaves, on Wednesday, to Imeet Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wright, at | Btirling, where Mr. Wright is giving a concert. They will then leave for their home in Deloro, |" Mrs. Lewis, of Vancouver, niece, Miss Ada Lindsay, sail for old country on Saturday. | Miss Marion Hagve, Earl street, is {Fhe guest of her grandmother, Mrs. | fieargn Hagub, Redpath street, Mont- eal, | 4 apd Mrs. Russell Wilson are ox- pected in town, this week. 10. attend | the Anglin-McC 'uaig wedding. * and her the . the Standard in Mr, R. C. pd Bank, left, today, for his home Bradiord to spend a week. | Mr. Francie King went to Pembroke ion Monday and he will also visit Ot- , tawa before returning e. Mr. E. H. Pense, of Ottawa, spent Tudsday in town, the guest of Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, Ongwanada. Mrs. W. 7. Miller and son, who have been in Hamilton, the guests of Mrs. Thomas Miller, will arrive in town, on Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald University avenue. Mrs. R. J arson, Brock street, will entertain at tea, to-morrow, in honor of Miss Eva Rogers, * Everyone is panied that Miss Jessie Smith will not be able to come to Kingston for the Campbell-Rogers wedding. Miss leave, on Friday, spend Christmas Charles Abbott. Miss Olive Chown, who is studying at the Whitby Ladies' College, will re- turn home, next week, to spend the holidays. " Mrs. F. R. Harris, Newark, N.J., arrived in town, on Monday, to spend 8 couple of weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Steyen- son, Barrie street. Miss E. Grange, Ottawa, is ing Mre. Joseph Haycock, street. Macaulay, King street, will for Stratford to with Mr. and Mrs. visite King At Chaffey's Lock. Chaffey's Lock, Dee. 6.--Navigation is closed for this season. The Jocks are put in order for the . winter months. lLockmaster Fleming had the misfortune of cutting a nasty gash in his. band. The C.N.R. survey party is eeting with good success on route ow Sydenham to Chafiey's Lock. The grist mill is Huming full blast. Cops Noonan, ton, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, in, and Mes. Monroe, Montreal, called on recently. Messrs. Fleming and made a business trip to Smith's i . Capt. John and Mrs. Flaming; 0, are recemt visitors. Sehool progressing under - {management of T. H. Fleming. Roller Rink is Closed. YY Ice rink opens on Saturday, weather mt AM. C. J. Graham has intimated that he is so sure of winning the oralty dlection that he intends to to the city council at its next his resignation alderman is favoral "The White bn" and family, | Hmusements. | GRAND Y OPERA) NOUSE ) The People's Forum SATURDAY, DEC. 10th HET Bx ENGAGEMENT. Mativer Evening at 8,15, TOTS ¥. Ena PRESENTS MISS BL LARK Re in the America Pricen--Mat. 25, 35, Me; C Ryening 25 35- 80-75 3% pom Seats now on Sale. AT Griffins Orpheum The H ame of Polite ¥audextlle, and Our motto is: NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD. 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday DEC, 5th, 6th, 7th. PROGRAM : The Sternoffs Novelty Dancers, \ | In Bifs from Musical Comedy. { Arthur Lynn Pictorial Songs. | Overture, "Right of the Nine," Bert. Butcher. AFTERNOON SHOW, 2 O'CLOCK. { All Seats Se. Evening at 7 o'clock Admission 10e, Children under 15 years admitted at all times for 5c. Miss Kathleen Parlow UNDER AUSPICES OF QUEEN'S MUSIC AND DRAMATIC CLUB, GRANT HALL Thursday, Dec. 8th AT 8 PM, Assisted by MR. IRWIN E. HASSEL, Musi¢, and Hetr Wirner Sehibach, Tenor, PRICES--§1.50, oh. 3c, and B0c. Plan now open at Nglows. AT Wonderland AM 5 PEOPLE 5 ---- The Finlayson Family They présent orchestra numbers, also singing and talking numbers by four and Scotch mamber by one of the boys. OUR NEW MOTION PICTURES ARE ALWAYS FIRST RUN. Admis va Only Sc. - N. PAPPAS. MAID Stevens & Primrose|*" 5c. TO-NIGHT 5c. CONDENSEP ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lec a word. Each con~ secutive insertion thereafter half comt a werd. Minlmum charge for one in- sertion, 30¢; three insertions, B0e; six, $1; sue month, #2. HELP---WANTED. GIRLS, AT ONCE. APPLY TO IM- perifl Steam Laundry, Barrie St. A NUMBER OF GIRLS FOR WORK- room. Apply to N. C. Polson & Co, Ontario Street. HOUSEWORK: WwW. L A GIHL FOR LIGHT no washing. Apply to Mrs Shaw, 294 Earl Street. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK family; ne washing or Apply at 111 Welling- in small ironing. ton Street SALERMAN WANTED FoR WINTER for our choice Nursery Stock and newest varieties potatoes; liberal terms. Cavers Bros, Galt. COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, one who understands plain cook- ing: references required. Apply to Mrs. Geo. McKay, 56 Stuart Street. EXPERIENCED SENERAL SERY. © ant nc washing, jroning. sweeping. Apply Yo Mrs. Be Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, 143 King Btreet West. INTELLIGENT ' PERSON earn fiom Sonthly Sarrespondin for new No vassing. Send FOr 'particulars Tress Byn cate, 3,969 kport, N UMERES TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH ed In every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; If you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day: you can double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Box "E. B. C." Whig WANTED--GENERA L- Mdcan 1 TWENTY ONTARIO AND SA. YE to buy for cash. J. 8. R. Brock Street. BUY, AT ONCE, Harses, fat and sound, weighing from 1,000 lbs. upwards Apply, I A. Jenkins, 687 Princess Street GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits, Price and workméii« aad guaranteed to please, Pressing Thomas Galloway, Bt, Sgt, Bibby's Livery. TO 189 Broc WOMEN WHO SEW, TO BUY Self-Threading Sewing Machine Needle: three in a tube, 10c, or 3 tubes 26c, delivered anywhere or "mailed on receipt of price; name machime----3 8 sheer, Que Street, Kingston. ANY PERSON HAVING G $opd- band Furniture an Steves ore sposing drep me 4 ca I will pay good prices. I have for sale Brass and Bron Beds and all kinds of Furniture In Oak. Hap ought Ranges. Will sell reason- able J. Thompson, 333 Princess rest. SITUATIONS VACANT. BOOKKEEPER, MALE OR FEMALE, wanted, with newspaper office experience; good mathematician, understanding advertising and contracts State capabilities and salary expected first letter, Drawer M., Belleville, Ontario. D SE- OSTEOPATHY. TH WITHOUT DRUGS."--R GQ. croft, D.O., Edna E. Ashe fe Q., Gr aduntes under \ 4 Founder of teopathy, "3% Street. corner D J one 447. No charge for gon- sultation and literature. Ottice ea hours. 18 to 12. 2 to 6. 6 to "HEA HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, 258 King Street. 'Phone, 346. A -------------------- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 181 University Ave. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- Spa ots Office, 368 Bagot Street. POR Panis A {iding, ock ana one 212 Tr 'Wellington. Streets. MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, . desuer, 42 Clarence Street, Kings- ton, Ont. Telephone 568. .Resld- ence, 33 Frontenac Street. "i DR GOVERNM ENT DENTAL AND 1 fuel ree? Foto NASH, DENTIST; {ckor, assistant, 18 193 Princess Bt DR. A PF ERAPP, 2. , DENTIST, 19 MONT- near Princess Street. = Ia the Matier of the Estate of Caps, 4 A. MeDouald, late of the Clty of Kingston, in the County of Fron- tonne, Master Mariner, Deceased. NOTICE I8 H. 4 - suant, © Lue HEREBY GIVEN, PUR Chapter 7. 129, oh others 1919, Bo a or deliver te T. J. ¥, Kingston, Solicitor for of the said Decea held by ARE PRT ast mentioned e cuter will proceed fo dis- ithe assets of the the DAT entitled eret ha pLsard only to the ms of which he shail then have ay nd that . the sald Executor will not be liable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any perso RO Persons of Shae claims. notice shall have been received by him at the ti time of Daced at Kilgwon this 125 gay of ® T. 5. RIGNEY. feftor for John A MN 5 > Erecaion Danatd, ol Sepalring done on the Arians ; THE | Ey A SUM OF MOXEY IN TEN DOLLAR bills Saturday, Dec 3. Generous reward. Box 613, whiz. A HEART-SHAPED Sol D LOCKET with initials F. E., and chain on Tuesday afternoon Reward for its return wo tnis office. A FEARL PENDANT, SUNDAY 0 AaAnE. Brock, viars ence or ® Princess Streets: a liberal reward will be given if returned to 320 Princess Street + tt HOLSTEIN HEIFER, ONE YEAR OLD, right ear split at tip, on or about Nov. 25th, from premises of A. Mc. Donald, Sunbury, Ont. Reward for information at above address IN ABINGER T TOW UNSHIP, ON NOV 14th. black and tan deer hound; tte strip dewn face and four white feet; answers to name of "Bryer" $5 reward if returned tc Jolin Burnett, Verona, Ont TEACHERS WANTED. cps pp LEGALLY QUALIFIED PROTESTANT Teacher for year 1811; male pre- ferred: state salary Apply t¢ Geo, A. Smith, Parham, ont TEACHER FOR UNION S88 Nos § and 9 South Croghy and Leeds Apply. stating qlaiifications and galary, to P. Simpson ort Ont ---------- Menge. O - Qu ALIRIED TEACHER FOR 88. No Oso: duties to_gommence Jar 'stating' salary. Applyh Sec. - Treas Gray ira, to i911 R. d Maberly, Ont A TEACHER FOR 1811 FOR 88 0 2. Tawnship of Abigger Rory stating qualifications, SXperience and salary, 160 Simon Bal fec.~ Treas, Vennachar, Ont, A QUALNFED TE FOR SEPA- rate School 1 duties 10 commence "Jan Apply, stating salary and experi. ence, 10 FL "a Auley, Bee. -Treas Railton, Ont, FEMALE (PROT Yar school ses ) 6, Oso, for the year 1911; state salary and EXperience Apply to Wm. Crain Sec. -Treasurer, Clarendon Station ontario \ "HBR "N¢ "TE. AC HER QUALIFIED TEACHER FO 8. Township of Clarendon; salary $300, for. the year 1811; applica- tions will be con¥idered tor feach ers net Holdin certificate, but whose scholarship, age, and othe aualifications are satisfactory i inspector Apply to Ervin Martin, fae. - Treasurer, Fernleigh, Out 88 No UPHOLSTERER. Ww. 1. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE pairing and carpet werk, halr mat tress renevatin Prop & card or call 218 Bagot Street. BIRDS, -- BIRDS, BIRDS. ------------ GERMAN CANARIES, FIRST BHIP- ment just received; these birds are in song and guaranteed; come in and hear them J. Driver Corner Queen and Barrie Streets 'Phone No. 612. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO Godw wins Insurance poriu ayer Northern Crown Bank, Bree Street, or 'phone 424. L INSURANCE. --FIRE, LIFE ocident and Health Policies issn Lan firat-class cottDaliten; standard Tan Boon, Agent, 1§% ellingeas Street GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK er. Put Rt your invoices in an envel hi one cent Ramp 3 1 ro in the re tte e do of i he rest. All k 5, Parad on ed foticr nge od aE 67 Clarence St., LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOB Ins Surafice Go mpany. Afafiabis ftion which the po +H, have for security the Snilintted lability of an the stockhold Farm and city on A \nsured at lowest rates. Before renewing old aE Eve Asw Pisiness get rates Tange range, ents "Phone, 325. ge "Ag MEDICAL. REARS. A Di orfiagt inte Bt urgeon, ® n Office hours, 10 to 132 amy Flo 4 And 7 to 9 pm. 'Phone CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR Carpenter and Builder, 258 Division Bt, for reasonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. All work done promptly. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R, MAYELL Carpenter and diner, 262 Syden. Street North Tr IeAROn. Prices on ail kinad of Jobing A) y work done prompuly ti and Architect. Auer Architeet Aga Ear ERNEST R. BECK Huda vised Statutes of On- | an mates Ly or o Drgpares of work Tw D SECOND-HAND MOWING es. Apply, D. J. Hay, 1M ce Street. COAL AND WOOD COOK STOVES oal Heaters, Quebec and other | of Stoves at Turk's. 'Phone -- HARNESS, ALMOST and other Tools; Wheel Barrow. Apply, Street. GOOD BUGAY, new. Garden aiso good 176 Nelson OR THE PREMISE ISES N En Princebs' wie" suitable Tor » Barrage. unningham Mudie. >, { TWO GOOD SBECOND-H AND King Heaters, suitable places, in perfect fendition, at reasonable prices pply, LL. Lesse's, cor. Princess and Chatham Street. FIRE for large VALUABLE STOCK Farm for Sale, from Kingston two large barns, AND DAIRY 136 acres, 3 miles on Bath Road; in figetsclans re- pair, with stabling for iwenty cows and four horses, 'a go seven-roomed brick dwelling and other omtbulldings; stock, imple- ments, and horses, with 1230 tons hay may De purchased with the © property If desired; a rare oppor tunity for going inte the dairy business Apply to J. § R o Cann, 51 Brock Street TO LIE, FURNISHED ROOMS, without board son Street WITH Apply, 234 OR John. AT ONCE, OR BY THE FIRST OF January, a Furnished House or rooms for light housekeeping. Ap ply at 244 University Avenue, 306 EARL STREET: 7 ROOMS, b & c: also other dwellings, stores, offices, etc Apply at MeCann's, 51 Brock Street <AARGE FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished: modern conveni- ences. Apply to 15 Montreal Steet, near Princess Street. -- 7 9» Vip- FRAME HOUBE, WITH SLAB, rooms, in good repair, No, 25 toria Street; rent, $5.00. Apply, Smith, 5% Charles Street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth pio 1H (pur _swh dock and xe: "ros! orage, ul 'Phone & §36b. a n-------, SUITR OF ROOMS, INCLUDING BIT. ting- room, bedroom and bathroom, ocated near Market? Bqugre. A I to Cunningham & udie, bs HOUSE, 19 Clarence Street. York Street, between Raglan Road and Cherry Btreet; possession at once. Inquire on premises or at R, Fo McClefigad's 156 Clergy Streets A WARM TEN-ROOM A BRICK RESIDENCE real Street, No. 118 MONT - containing ' 7 rooms; modern improvements, and in first-class conditien; rent, $10.50 per month possession at once. Apply to 55 Bay treet FOR SALE OR TO LET, THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS rR mises for ay years 8, oockpied = olosl anty Ski ists, exten ae from Saale cess' treet to Queen Street, ne frontage on both, and incl udin tensive buildin Apply to ningham & Mudie HOTYLS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite G.T.R. station, one block from CPR, on street car line: hotel lately remodelled: char is moderate; special rates by week. John Cousineau, Prop. PERSONALS. HAIR. MOLES, warts, etc. RS rover TD THMARKS, without scar, pe nantly Eros Br. i Biesnty Laker ve . ree Wd Bie iin ah tein: ANYONE, YWHER! mail Aly Deas A onnART canyasein r own boss end for Tree CIEL > 11 $69 Lockport, 9 how, Heaocock, THE NEWEST RULES, tions and forms pertaining to station agent and telegraph operator's work are Incorporated in the mew courses of tfainin iven In the Central Telegrap chool, 1 Gerrard Street East, To- J"ronto. Particulars free. Write T. Johnston, Principal ---- RBGULA- i FURNITURE FINISHER. te ------------------f-- ANTIQU E FURNITURE A SPECIALTY ebonizing and Bliding enamelling and all colors of mission work; all work given best attention. Pat Sidacoll, 23 John Street. 'Phone LEGAL. CHAM A & MODE ww Clarence Bt, A BARRIST- office, 79 Don't Be Afraid To strike out for vourseli" The other fellow is no wiser than you are, but he has the nerve. next time for Coal and Wood. SWIFT'S Try us the rm of Bt least 80 acres solely owned by him or by his father, daughter, rot er. or sister. a homest in motver s eeclali ale a 7 preempt 5 desrter Sanding tion in alongsidy his homest per acre. Duties----Must A i on omestead 'or pre-emption six monche } 83h of six years from ntry (including the Sate Jad arn homestead patent) and fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his Bomestesd right sad cannot obtain lop may enter for hy gL