Livingston's OVERCOATS | ] Progress O and : Duplex. : HESE Wonderful Coats have sprung into t popularity, because there is no equal to them for the Canadian winter. They can be adjusted in a moment to weather con- * ditions, for mild or very cold days. Price $12.00, 15.00, 16.59, 18.00, 20.00. See our showing of 1iglish Caps Just placed in stock. -Duplex and Progress O Overcoats procure. able only at : Livingston's, BROCK STREET. A FEW NO VELTIES ~~ ON SALE THURSDAY, 830AM. Which Should Interest Xmas | Shoppers * : Manufacturer's Samples, Values $1, 1,15, - . ' Special for 68c. Also a biter quality. Regular $1.85 to 1.75 gr Special for 98c¢. Ladies' Embroidered Hand- . kerchiefs _ 1be, 18¢, 20c and 25¢ quality. Special 2 for 25¢: en's All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs | Regular 20c Fach. - Special 2 for 25c¢. | rdown Sacques WHIG, WEDNESIAY, DECEMBER 7, 1010 GIRL HER LIFE. Fatally Burned. New York, Dec. 7.--Inattention to her own salety while concerned for the well being of her pet collie dog, cost Miss Ellen F. Francis of East Quogue, LL, her life, on Tuesday. The woman brought the animal in- to the house to extract a piece of the operation she failed to notice that sho had got too close to the open grate fire in the room. Her dress ig- nited and aflame from head to foot, Her mother, an invalid, was barely throw a olanket shout the Surni girl. But the young woman was ne badly burned that het death followed in a few hours, aneas-------- PITH OF THE NEWS. During the last seven months 3,536 Chinese have arrived in Canada, John Walters, ex-registrar of Middle sex, Ont., died, at London, aged eigh- ty-two., An agitation is on foot for 'the sale ed States. Mrs. Newell, widow of 'the late' Newell, of Sarnia, London, Ont. An engine and seven. cars were burn- el as a result of a collision Sedgewick, Sask. 5 Louis Miller, bartender of Commer cial Hotel, New Hamburg, dropped dead Monday afternoon. I'he corporstion of Ingersoll is nego- works from the company that owns it. queen of England might be shortly. I'he United States estimated appro- priations for the fiscal year aggregate 748,414,560, against $505,294,513 for the previous year. By the narrow vote of ten to nine, the Quebec presbytery adopted the basis of church union as presented by the general committee. The new yards of the Canadian Paci- fic railway at Calgary are now prac- tically new track has been laid. At Gallipolis, Ohio, twelve inches of snow fell on Manday night, the heaviest for ten years. Street cars were put out of commission, expected 4 femperor William has sgnt $970 to of the name of La- | a French soldier vault, for saving German soldiers in the Pekin fire of August, 1908, Judge J. H. Thornton, Alexandria, was elected by the Louisiana general assembly United States senator, to succeed the late Senator McEnery. The Grand Trunk railway is again in the market for 5,000 tons of heavy section rails, and it is possible that orders may be placed for 10,000 tons. Charles W. McGuire was elected illus trions potentate of the shriners' gath- ered at London, Ont., from all parts of Canada and the United States. od Premier Briand, of- France, two weeks ago in the Tuileries Garden, was sentenced to three years' imprison- ment. Mrs. Sarah Taylor, aged forty-four, wife of William Taylor, farmer, near Evelyn, Ont., dropped dead, after helping her husband load Christmas turkeys. An, unprecedented attendance of delo- gates fs expected at the sixth annual meeting of the Red Cross in Continen- tal Memorial Hall, Washington. Pre sident Taft will preside. Near London, Ont., because some one played a piano after he had retired, William Marchum, an English farm laborer, threatened to shoot his em- ployer, George Hughes, and was com- mitted for trial. Four hundred and thirty dollars, re- prigenting five dollars per skin, ~ was the fine imposed on a farmer near Smith's Falls, on Tuesday, for shoot ing muskrats out of season. Dr. J. W. 8. McCullough, secretary of the provincial board of health, has roceived intimation of ten seattered cased of small-pox in different parts of the provises. There is no general out- break. ; The dead body of Gebbard, a far- mer, near Tilsonburg, Ont., was found in the shanty in which he lived. He had been dead several days: cause, heart trouble. Passing neignbors made the discovery. At Grand Prairie, during a fistiouff fight, between De. C. B. Nicholson, dentist, and an eighteen-year-old man, Nicholson was felled by a blow. In falling his neck was broken, and he died within an hour. The Grand Trunk elevator at Port gil FL 2 " 25,8 DEVOTION TO PET DOG COST Seeking to Ald Injared Beast She Gets Too Close to Fire and is wire from its foot. While intent upon | in an instan t. she was | { alle to raise herself from bed pid | George B. McKay, | Manager. of the Danish West Indies to the Unit-! : or. | ei dropped dead at | wowgy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re near | tiating for the purchase of the water- | It was announced in The Hague par- | linment that a visit from the king and completed. Sixteen miles of The Royalist, Lacour, who assault- | A Bank Account For Xmas! Christmas Gift. but ; how to nicely is a problem. ; give it i . An interest bearing Account i solves the difficulty, and we suggest starting one here for {] the recipient who WILL NOT {| WITHDRAW THE MONEY, but will add to it in the pride of owning a Bank Account. | BANK OF TORONTO INCORPORATED 1855, ASSETS $50,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH: : 107 PRINCESS STREET, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. porters on Their Rounds. Fry's milk chocolate. Gibson's. Fry's English chocolates, , We. J | Crawférd. » = | - Imperial Brand underwear makes a splendid Christmas present. | Pry's nut milk chocolate. Gibson's. Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner. Order | received at MecAuley's. Phone 778. | Oranges that are sweet, tender, juicy and thin skinned at Carnovsky's. It is understood that John W. Lit- candiglate : {ton wiil be an aldermanic lin Victoria ward. i Cunningham, {King street. Leave orders at | Anley's bookstore. Fry's nut milk chocolate. Gibson's. | People who are afraid to. walk on | the sidewalks for fear of falling, take piano tuner, 2I Me {the middle of the road for travelling. 10c. and 15¢. embroidery reduced to 15. yard to-morrow at Knok's. Edward Wright, an aged resident of i Bath, is dead, at his residence there, {at the advanced age of eighty-nine I years of age. He had been a ident 'of the village for many years. | Fry's English chocolates, 30c. J. Wrawford, The city voters' lists are completed {two weeks ahead of previous years The city clerk is all ready for the municipal elections. y "Buy cough syrups." Gibson's. Don't forget thay to-morrow is the opening date of the tremendous bar gain sale at the Montreal Stock com- pany. Look for the big green sign. Fry's milk chocolate. Gibson's: Table, hall and parlor lamps of every description ot rock bottom prices. Robertson Bros. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dine, Collingwood street, in their bereave- ment, in the loss of their four-months- old child, which died this morning. "Hot water bottles," at Gibson's. The ground is frozen so hard that a pile of earth which had been thrown up on Princess street in making an emavation had to have a fire lit under it this morning .in order to be able to remove it. "Buy hot water bottles." Gibson's. The makers of Imperial Brand un- derwear pay out $70,000 yearkpwin wages, which goes back into the hands of the Kingston merchants. "Sweet Castor Oil." Gibson's. W. A. Cook, advance agent for Gertrude Elliott (Mrs. Forbes Robert- som), is in the city, arranging for her appearance at the Grand here, on Wed- nesday, December 14th, in "The Dawn of 'a "To-morrow." Ogilvev's Royal Household flour, fin: est flour made. J. Crawford, Bargains in all lines of dry gaods, men's and boys' clothing and furnish- ings, at the Montreal Stock company's big sale to-morrow, Look for the green sign. "Sweet Castor Oil." Gibson's. Special sale at Knox's to-morrow. funeral of the late William Townsend took place, this afternoon, from his late residence, Victoria street, conducted at the house by Forneri, of St. Luke's church. "Old fashioned horehound candy." Gia Meint K.C in T CM. yre, K.L,, was in or ronto on to attend the or- ganizing meeting of the provincial committee appointed to hulp adminis ter the half million dollar fund given by Steatheos for the physical ining of in schools. a . Lhe Pap. Gibson's. Mrs. Anna Young, Picton, aged ninetyesix years, on Friday last, Khe was mother of Archibald Young, C The foneral occurred WEEK OF PRAYER SPIRITUAL REVIVAL TO BE} CENTRAL THOUGHT to be De Churches From in the Various A livered in V Night to Night. A meeting of the Evangelical All lance was held in the Y.M.C.A. build: | ing, vesterday afternoon. The follow: | ing arrangement was made for the an- | nual week of prayer, which will be! ohserved, January 2nd to 6th, 1911. The central thought is to be a spirit- | ual revival : ' } 1.-- "What Codstitutes a Revival ef Bethel. church; speaker, Rev. F. H.| Sproule. - -- i 2. "Lessons From Great Revivals," | First Baptist church; speaker, Rev. Dr.| MacTavish. | 3.~"Helps And Hindrances In Be vivals," Sydenham Street Methodist church; speaker, Rev. Mr. Mershon. 4.~"Personal Work During a Re | vival," Chalmers church; speaker, Rev. | H. D. Whitmore. i 5.~"After the Revival-Whai ¥" 8.1} A. Citadel; speaker, Rev. T. W. Neal. Mr. Ritchie, field secretary of boys'! work in connection with the Y.M:C.A., | was introduced to the meeting by the! president, Rev. Dr. Macgilliviay, and spoke briefly but very interestingly on | his department of work. ®8 | : HAS HAD SET BACK. Third Degree Evidence to be Sub- mitted. } Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 7.-As the | trial of Mattie Le Blanc for the mur- | fer of Clarence F. Glover was drawing; to a close the prosecution won its | first important point since the case | was taken up, in obtaining permission | .0 have introduced the evidence given | sw the girl at her examination by the | yolice immediately after her arrest, This evidence was given in French | hrough the aid of Miss Zella Gallant, | 1 nurse in Waltham at that time, who | vas brought in by the police to act as | 'nterpreter: Half a dozen witnesses were on the | tand yesterday, and their evidence | sas partially contradictory as com- jared with what they had testified be- | 'ore other tribunals, Seymour Glover, a beneficiary under he will of his brother, admitted that | w@ had heard his sister-in-law, Mrs | (Hover, express the wish that her hus- | yand behave himself. He said be had | weard Clarence Glover say he feared | omeone would "plug" him if he con- | inued going with other women, | Another witness picked up a comb | n the laupdry where the shooting is | said to have taken place, and said | hat he had seen Mrs. Glover wear- | ing it. re HAD A JOLLY TIME. Science Students at Spread on Tues- day Night. "It is always fair weather wood felld vy get together." Tuesday \évening science students, at .Jyeen's, and members of the "Twelve Point Five Club," gathered at the Jub hotel and held a banquet, pro, qded by Mine Host Peter 'Thompson, vho ably looked nfter the boys. It was a jolly affair, it fact it was vot d one of the best every held in the Jistory of the club. After the spread {.. M. Marchand presided at the piano «nd for a few hours there was a feast of music. Mr. Marchand rendered a jumber of fine selections and vocal numbers of a high "order were given by Messrs. Howard Scott, "Bob" Wil- son and Frank McCullough. Mr. Ro- rts was present to represent year 13 and he delivered an able address, n a few well chosen words he ex: nressed his pleasure at having the op- sortunity of representing his vear at this TA gathering and touched on a few matters of importance to the mem- hers of the club. He well deserved? the applause showered upon, him. A special feature of the evening was ihe presence ok "Tru whopulied--off some "stunts" which made all the hoys sit up and take notice. He gave a splendid performance, his werk be ing the best ever given by him in the city, At a seasonable hour the gath- ering dispersed, all feeling that they had spent a most pleasant evening. when Her Motive a Mystery. New York, Dec. 7.--Using the corded girdle of a bathrobe as a rope, Mrs. Mabel I. Brown, wife of a New York salesman, residing in Armaur Villa Park, an aristocratic section of Yon- kers, committed suicide, yesterday, al the home of her mother in Brooklyn by hanging hersell to a hook on the bathroom door. 80c--~Chocolates, Chocolates--80c, Fry's chocolate, in 4-Ib, original Jedi or by the pound, 30c. J, Craw- ord. FOR CHRISTMAS We are showing a large line of Sleighs for Babes from $1.50 to §5. Sleighs for Children, 75¢ to $1.50. Bobs for Boys, $3.00. Sat? oShuous JEaward Bugles" guarantee. All sizes and kinds from 80c to $5.00. 2 Double Runpers and Wide Blade for the little wots, &0c pair. 5 Shoes, Skeis. Toboggans and Hockey Sticks See our beautiful Brass Goods. The Christmas Shopping season has started and it will be a race between NOW and the eve of Christmas, WE OAN HELP YOU. Hundreds of Suitable Gifts are ready. Lack of space prevents us mentioning many. . Special Handker- chief Bargain To-Morrow 9 to 12 o'clock. and 2 to 6 o'clock. 450 Boxes Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 3 IN A BOX, Painty Chelstman box with 'a:Christmas. __... card enclosed. These are worth a great deal more than the price asked To-Mor- ". 45¢ Box. And : 1,200 Ladies' Dainty Handkerchiefs Fancy Checked Designs with Embroidered corners. Special Price To-Morrow 12 1-2c Each. High Sleighs for Girls, $1.00 $2.00. t to. Quick Hitch Hockey Boots Mabot Mule Skin, which ig light weight and very made to buckle up quickly and draw very § tough. Inside ankle support, with strap over 5 an tight. A Bplendid Skating Boo Prices MEN'S at $2.90. LADIES' at $2.00. > GIRLS' at $1.50. : BOYS' at $2 00. .