W.C.T.U. CONVENTION ACCOUNT OF IT GIVEN BOCAL UNIONS MEETING. 'There Was a Great Time in Owen Sound--The White Ribbon Dele. gates Were Delighted With the Dry Town. MH may have been because of the re ports of the late convention coming om various sources, and especially from the White Ribbon Tidings, that #0 large an attendance of members evinced so much interest, Tuesday af gternoom, braving the intensity-of the weather to be present at the W.C.T.U, regular monthly meeting. The presi- dent, Mrs, Macallum, presided, and led devotional exercises. After a brief ex. position of John xv, she feeling refee- red to the death of Mrs. C. A. Jones, who had taken a promitent part at the provious meeting, and who : had been an active worker since becoming, un member over a year ago. She will be greatly missed for her zeal in the enuse dnd her genial presence. Mrs, Lyon read minutes of last meeting, followed by business resulting there- from. Mrs. Rogers, treasurer, report- ed the floances in a favorable condi tion. - The delegate was then asked to give report of convention recently held at Owen Sound, To do justice to so im- portant a gathering, in so limited a space, would be impossible. Of the opening of convention the Owen Sound Sun said that "the wearers of the lit- tle white ribbo® badge were in pos session of the town," and truly the cordial welcome was all that could be desired. The beautiful town, clean and } lighted, was all that could be desired, In going to the first evening meeting the streets were so illuminat- ed, that the visitors thought it was got up for the occasion, and were sur- prised to find that it was nothing un common, Instead of lights being placed: on either sides of the street there were semi-circular crossing the wireet from wide to wide, containing a number of lights, these following one snother at equal distances along the treet, gave it the appearance of a Rage illuminated arch. When it was found that these were supplied hy na tural gas, the wonder ceased, but the AT churches; also the Temperance League expressed their good will towards ther society, All acknowledged the energy of . the W.C.T.U. during the late campaign, and agreed that the success atiained had been largely due to their untir- ing efforts. At Thursday's luncheon a formal welcome was tendered, fromthe council, board of trade, board of edu cation, and the inspector of » hools, Ihe mayor could not be present, but was ably represented by R. H. Miller, father of H. H. Miller, M.P., who introduced the anti-gambling bill in the provincial kouse last session, He said, after welcoming the convention, that he was cather late in offering them the freedom of the town, as they had that from their entrance into if, and the interest of the town's people in their meetings was a guaranice of their welcome. He told of the diffieul- ties of their éampaign, and the suc wessful issue. He was followed by In- spector Reid, who spoke of the interest in the subject of temperance in all de schools. Much time was taken up with plans of work in the different departments, many re ports showing excellent work done, and many suggestions made for im provement along the different lines, As is ususl where local option has become law, there were many reports as to ite inefficiency, Mrs. Hyslop, in her address, referred to them some thing like this: There are always those, who knowing weakness of their jellowmen and desiring to profit by it, wilt resort to illegal means of supply- ing their wants, and there are those places called blind pigs. But let me tefl them that one pig that can see, ony Padre, gree ten that are blind out of BA ce, I hursday, the election of took place. Mrs. McKee, at the previous convention had signified that she could not accept the position of president, another and all were anxious, as to who should be the wiecessor. . But when it was found that Mrs, Thornley: was available there was an unanimous vote in her favor. Al- though it was ten years, since she had given up her position, all remembered how acceptably she had filled it. Al- though Mrs. McKee had given long and valuable servide for which all showed their great appreciation, yet they were pleased to welcome one who could so ably take her place, Mrs, McKee was appointed honorary presi- wigter untiring partments of ithe officers year, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, jail and $200 fine. He claimed that this was unjust for merely selling a bottle of liquor, and refused to pay it. At the end of the three months he would not be Liberated un- til the fine was paid. But if he would rather Bot, he cous remain in jail at hard labor until the amount was paid with an allowance of fifty cents a week: he didn't take long to decide to pay the fine. And since them no one has kept the law more strictly than ke, or watched more closely that oth. ers kept at. Mr, Abraham's address was master- ly and referred especially to the license laws. The new W.C.T.U. Lumbermen's Missionary, Mr. Pethick, scems to be the right man in the right place. He is, intensely in earnest it being his one desire to win souls for the Kingdon, is of strong physique pleasing person ality and not afraid of the difficulties to be encountered, and is a fine music ian, He sang several solo: during con- vention, accompanying himself on the banjo, which he always carries with him to the lumber camps. He usually entertaing the men any time they. are at liberty during the day, and has a song service before the meeting at night. He believes in the brotherhood of men and proves it by his actions. The closing Pore of convention were very Psy, but in the midst of it ali, time was found to present the retiring president," Mrs. McKee with a hand some bouguet of white chrysanthe mums, tied with ten white ribbons, one for each year of service. As it was be ginning to grow dark the 'president suggested that all present join hands round the church, and sing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again,' after which the Rev, Mr, Wpodside, pastor of the church, pronounced the benedic- tion, closing as successful convention as has ever ween held --COM. COMING SATURDAY. "The White Squaw," Matinee and Night. All of Nature's children love ro- mance: they want to have their hearts touched tears well up in the eyes to prove that the feat has been accom- plished and then they welcome the laughter that chases away these "dow- drops of the soul," This is about the briefest possible description of "The White Squaw," the romantic Ameri can drama to be presented under the direction of Louis F. Werba at the most members of the celebrated Drew family, of which John Drew and Ethel Barrymore have international fame, and is a garcenr par excellence, Mr. Drew will be supported by an excep- tionally «lever company apd DLrings with him the original beautiful pro- duction. If you have anything on your mind that you want to forget for a while, see "Billy." \ Gertrude Elliott, This is the way George C. Tyler, managing director of the firm of Lieb- BLANEY drake iy, "Billy," at the Grand on Monday, 12th, Ia Dec. Queen's theatre night THE SPORT REVIEW SETTLEMENT OF HOCKEY HOLD- OUT 1S LIKELY. Offered Marty Walsh --Shrubb Wants to Race Woods-- England Won Soccer Match. Yale's mew grand stand will seat 60,000. Ali Shrubb wishes to Woods at 15 miles. Battling Nelson will quit and go in for farming. Harvard wilt have next season a movable steel grand stand. The Cuban clmmate is said to make American ball players listless. Abe Attell regards Owen Moran as a better boxer than Ad Wolgast. The American pugilistic invasion of Australia is proving a big success, Marty Walsh has been offered a managerial berth in the Ontario Pro league. : : England won the international soc- cer game from Scotland by a score of 2 goals to 0. « Yale and Cornell hockey teams will meet in Chicago on December 30th and 31st and Jautary 2nd. The little town of Drumbo is a | great hockey burg. Two teams will | Se entered inthe O.H A. this winter. The Lindsay Racing Association in- tend holding their winter meeting on the new half-mile track on January 11th and 12th. Gold watch fobs, in the shape ob miniature footballs, were presented to the Toronto AA.C. senior champions of the O.R.F.U. A western paper suggests that the National Hockey association call up- on the services ob Hon. W. L. Mao kenzie King to settle the salary strike, Ottawa Citizen: Bruce Ridpath hits the nail plumb on the head when he says that Ottawa will not stand for anything but tne fastest hockey in the land, 'Varsity basketball team will have a trip the first = week in January. Many of the American universities have asked for games, including Ro- chester, Cornell, Syracuse, Lawrence, On arrival in Australia "Bob" Fitz. simmons was tendered a great ban- quet. Now he says that the cost of A race [bie the ring same was charged to him. Fitz has the hammer out for Promoter Mela. tosh. There are five clubs in the Stormont hockey leagug--Williamstown, Mille Roches, Cornwall Juniors, Rough Rid- ers and Internationals of Cornwall. The league set a time limit on the selection of players. ~" Oulsa was given its first glimpse of the Detroit Tigers as they appear when in 2 real slugging mood, last Monday, and three of the Havana twirlers were the sufferccs. In the fifth inning the Tigers made six runs, half of their total, while the Havanas were able to make but four in the nine innings. / " Renfrew anid/ Wanderer officers ars trying to bring about peace, the Ww s announcing that they will take the hockey players in as share holders. It is iikely that the salary limit will be raised to $3,000 in order to accommodate clubs who are up against holdout players. Edward Barrow, prospective presi: dent of the Eastern Baseball lehgue, will zo down to New York on Satur. day along with President McCaffery of the Toronto Club for the amnual meeting that takes plate on Monday, it is all over sure but the shouting for Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Balti- more and Newark have signed sealed and delivered declarations that they will vote for the Toronto man to oust Powers, APPEAL TO OTTAWA, Big Legal Tangle Over the Six Mil. lions, Winnipeg, Dec. 8.--Through John H. Moss, of Ottawa, W. R. Clarke, of Kansas City, yesterday, appealed to Ottawa against the legislation now be- fore the Alberta house which provides for the taking of some eight million dollars subscribed by Americans the building of the Alberta and Great Waterways railway and using it for other purposes. Clarke is president of the railroad, and has already invoked the wervices of Secretary Knox, at Washington. A legal tangle which has no rival in the annals of Western Can- ada is looked for as an outcome. Although no definite statement has been given out, the Royal bank repre- sentatives are still in the city, and when the bill is finally made law, it is stated, they will refuse to turn over the $6,000,000, for | is sold in @ir- tight packages to ensure plantation freshness to every purchaser. The sealed package keeps the goodness in and contamination out. Your grocer sells "S I i »n Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body Phosphonol t= its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality, Premature decay snd all gesnal weakness averted at ence. will make Fd anew man. Price atled to any address. at. Ons. or at Best's Drug Store. Our Crystal Brand Ot Standard Granulated Sugar is wa- excelled for preserving or table use. ANDREW Haiario Street. Wood's Prasphoding, a box, or two for Scobell Drug The Great Tunes apd invigosates ie Blond in olf Fotis Chrce Nerv. ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, ney, Weakness, Forlanions, matorrhon, and Effects Abuse or Price $1 per box, six for One will pl "ix will cure. Sold by all or mailed in pl , Of POOL) 'ew pamphlet mailed The Co. Yormer':: Winzieom Toronto. Ont, J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. ] | eard t to ay Albert Street. A rot at nglon's or J. . Haudersone resolve reforen wiven. YOU TAKE NO RISK. Reputation and Money are Back of This Offer. We. pay for all the medicine during the trial, if our remedy to completely relieve you of stipation. We take alk the You are not obligated to us in Our use] fails con risk any our way whatever, # you accept offer. Could anything he more fair for vou? Is there any reéason why you should hesitate to put ow claims to a practical test ? The most scientific, commonsense treatment is Hevall Orderlies, which are eaten like eanuy. They wre very pronounced, ;entle 'and pleasant 'n action, and vartimlarly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diar- rhoea, na sen, flatulence, griping ot any inconvenience whatever, Rexall Ordérlies 'are particularly good = for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Orderf lies at our risk, Two sizes, 10c, apd' 25a. Rem voa oan ght Ren) Remedies in this community only at ed store--The Rexall Store. G. W. a ler & Co., explains the wonderful po- pularity of "The Dawn Of a To-mor row," in which Miss Gertrude Elliott (Mrs. Fqrbes-Robertson), will be seen at the Grand on Wednesday, December 14th. The company which will sup port Miss Elliott is almost identically the same that played with her dur- ing the five triumphant months of "The, Dawn Of & To-marrow" at the Carrick theatre, in London. The scene reproducing perfectly a London fog is-one---af -the-most- remarkable ever placed on the stage. Notice to Fat Women Presumably you know, ladies, that the proper caper nowadays Is lines. Curves are passe. You have got to take off your fat. This must be done in one of three ways. By dieting, by exercises, or by means of Marmola Pre- scription Tablets. The two former will keep vou busy for months and punish you pretty severely. the latter will cost you 6 cents at the druggists. The tablets. will not, make any alteration in your diet necessary, and yet in &ll pro- bability, before you haye used up one case, you will be losing from 12 to 16 ounces of fat a day. Which methad do you Hke the hast? EEL if you fancy this pleasant method of etting off the fat, see your druggis nstantly, or else write the Marmol Co., 118% Farmer Bldg. Detroit, Mich, to send you a case by mail. These cases contain so generous a quantity of tab- lets that the treatment is very eco« nomical. It is, also, quite harmless, for the tablets are made exactly in accord- ance with the famous Marmola Pre- scription. effect was beautiful, The meetings were held in Division 'Street Preshy- terian church, a large and commodi- ous building. During the interval be- tween morning and aftetnoon sessions, luncheon was served in the Sunday school hall. Tach day during the luncheon hotir, the different societies desiring to present greetings were in vite; On Tuesday the women's soci etivs- were present. The surviving charter members of the Owen Sound branch, the first W.C.T,U. organized in Canada, all the members of which were present with one exception, con- veyed the greetings of the local branch, There were also greetings from the wo- men's societies of the different churches. The Daughters of the Fm- pire and other societies of women in town, Wednesday the ministers pre- verted greetings from their several dent at Mrs. Thornley's suggestion, Mrs. Gordon Wright and Mr. Abraha.n were the speakers at the large public meeling, Thursday night. Mrs. Wright's address for eloquence and earnestness, could hardly be surpassed. fhe spoke of the great convention i$ (ilasgow, and referred with interest to many other parts of the world she had visited. In speaking of the. gdiffi- culties of law enforcement, she said ihat the penalty Jor infraction of the Tiguor faw Wis not severe ~enough-nor properly enforced, and gave this itd justydtion : A druggist in a local op- tion town in Virginia had been accus- od of illegally selling bottles of liquor but nothing could be proved against him. At length there was a case and! is as full of hearty laughs and jolly sufficient evidense to convict him. The | sentiment as a watermelon with seed. penalty. imposed was three months in] Mr, Sidney Drew is one of the fore- Grand, on Saturday, Dec. 10th, mati- nee and night. It is a play that deals gracefully and dramatically with love, with the elements of human interest and with comedy thai scores because it is bright and wholesome. DECORATIONS FOR WOMEN, No Less Than Nine Receive French Legion of Honor. Paris, Dec. 9.--Among seventy Legion of Honor decorations conferred in con- nection with the inauguration of the monument to the late Jules Ferry, the French statesman, the unprecedented number of nine were granted to wo- men. All of the women recipients of 'the decoration "aie "connected with teaching, as the monument cele brates M. Ferry's work for lay educa- tion. Ticklesome Comedy, "Billy." The "est lawzh we Will. have had in vears is promised at the Grand, on Monday, Dec. 12th, Queen's theatre night, when Sidney Drew, supported hy the original New Xork coast will present the Daly's Theatre, New York comedy success "Billy" From all ac counts "Billy" is one of the most agreeable and , wholesome comedies that has come to light in years and The Christmas Whig. Elsdwhere in this issue attention is called to the Whig's Christmas Num- yor, which w'll appear on. Saturday, The elition is limited, so orders for extra copies should be sent in early, ---- Robertson Bros. carry a full line of the cheapest and best cutlery at wholesale prices. | 7 OUR 8IG SAL OFFERS YOU GREATER MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITIES THAN YOU HAVE EVER HAD BEFORE. GO WHERE YOU LIKE, YOU WILL FINDNO SUCH VALUES AS WE ARE OFFERING. ALL NEW GOODS, AND ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES. YOU CAN BUY XMAS. PRESENTS DURING THIS SALE AT. PRICES WHICH WILL MEAN A SAVING TO YOU OF TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY LINES WE HAVE TO SHOW YOU. EVERY ARTICLE CUT IN PRICE, AND EVERY CUT GENUINE. NO BOOSTING FOR SALE PURPOSES. YOUR OWN COMMON SENSE WILL TELL YOU THIS SALE IS GENUINE: -- MEN'S GLOVES. Mocha Gloves Boxed Regular 75¢. SALE PRICE... .. ... «.c.vvivuen, B9c Regular 90¢ Gloves. SALE PRICE ... . ....... 69 Other lines Gloves and Mitts at v....... 89¢c, $1.19, $1.39 MEN'S FUR. LINED GLOVES, See these Goods. SALE PRICE... i «ris nec o + smiisnnwnre ss inaas + 3180 All Gloves and Mitts * for Presents are put up in fancy boxes. MEN'S SUITS AND MEN'S OVERCOATS, BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT SALE PRICES. NECK WEAR. 25 Dozen only of Men's Silk Ties in fancy, boxes. While they last. Your ehoiee for ...... ... 19¢ All regular 50¢ Ties, boxed. SALE PRICE... .. ... ....... cewnany 308 All 65¢ and 75¢ Ties, boxed. SALE PRICE .... ns i consvinusarsssnss nsersnees $90 SWEATER COATS, BOYS' SWEATER COATS. © Sizes 24; 26 and 28. Regular Tie. SALE PRICE ... .. . 59¢ Other Lines of Boys' Sweater Coats at 69c, 89¢c and $1.19 LEATHER COLLAR BOXES ¥ Make a nice Present, Regular £1.00 boxes. SALE PRICE .............60¢c Regular $1.25 boxes. SALE PRICE ... ......... 8%¢c JEWELLERY. of Cuff Links and Tie Pin, make a MEN'S FANCY SUSPENDERS (boxed), regular 50c. SALE PRICE MEN'S FANCY SUSPENDERS (boxed), regular 75c. SALE PRICE ....... .......q...¢..... vr. 49c Look at This.--Men's Suspender Sets of three- uarter armlets and suspenders. Regular price, $1.00. SALE PRICE . 69¢c per Set. #1 fe oe wl mies Be elvis sas un ann Est asiams sa NBER Eur ran 4 MEN'S MUFFLERS Newest styles. Regular 25¢ and 30e. Fr mss ass res Bees eneas MEN'S SWEATER COATS. lastto goat ........ ... Regular $1.25 lines. SALE PRICE... .. . Regular $1.50 lines, SALE PRICE .. . ....... $119 Regular $2.50 Sweater oats. SALE PRICE .. $1.95 Regular $4.00 Sweater Coats. SALE PRICE .... $2.95 MEN'S DRESSING GOWNS AT SAL EPRICES. ' MEN'S FANCY HOSIERY, Cashmere, ete. boxed for presents. ALL AT SALE PRICES. Gina sc ba Wasa Hair : MUFFLERS. Regular 50e. dev B80 One line while they elem, 88 Sf a PRICE . i ... 3% $1.00. DREGE x av «vives $125. SALE PRICE......... ... $2.00. SALE PRICE . ....... ........ MEN'S FANCY VESTS. Very large variety to choose from. SALE PRICES. ..... 19, $1.95, $2.45 up to $4. "All Fancy Vests for Presents are put up in a nice a We ewes J Regular $ Sets, consistin most acce table gift. .s » SALE PRICES .. ........ 39¢, 69c, 89c, $1.19 and $1.49 A large Stock of Cuff Buttons, Tie Pins, Watch Fobs, ete., ete., all at Sale Prices. % STORE IN KINGSTON. co. AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. YOUR DOLLAR WILL BUY MORE VALUE THAN CAN BE HAD IN ANY