HIS 5 DREW: CARNEGIE. | He Has Bestowed the World Osor 3 the Benefits of Beevolence While Some $18,000,000--Seeing He Lives, * Andrew Carnegie's zift of $10,000,000 Mor the furtherance of 'international ; hat of his [peace brings the benefac tions to something" Nk [The endowment increased today is second jn size to only three others of Chisthe $10,000,000 foundation for the ing, made in 15,000,000 in 1908, the $16,000,000 endowment of the Carnggie Insitute in Pittsburg and the $12,000,008 fund for re estu'> lishment of the Cargegie Institute in Washington, . Mr. Caenegie's gilt to libraries during the past twenty vears are estimated at United States and $17,000,000 abroad. is largest ion, $15,000,000. - Pitteburg lastitute, $15,000,000, Washington Institution, - $12,000,000, THE BEXEFACTIONS OF AN. o $150,000,000. | 000,000 for ihe | ANDREW CARNEGIE. Peace foundation, $10,000,000, . Church universities, $10,000,000, Beopeh universities, $10,000,000, funds 000, Carnegie Steel "Co. employees, $0, Drunfermeine endowment, $5,000,000, school, Pittsbury, 82. | Peace Temple at The Hague, $1,750,- 00. g Allied Engineers Societies, $1,500, |X) American Republics, $750,000, o colleges in United States, 20,000,000, swollaneous in United States, (esti- ted), $20,000,000. Miscelianeue ini Europe (estimated), . yi) , hy iL - 'otal, $179,500,000, 8.x ie's Intest endo t wid- ween him and John D. atm Sr. a gift to insti- tutions at +20,000.000, but a part of this was for educational See Bibby's 85 sweater coats. Ten Wuge searchlights, to cost $139,- DOD, are to be installed on the forti- cations at the entrance to Manila Sex Bibby's 85 sweater coats. ing all items into consideratiun, of the electric locomotive Gas, Heartburn and Dyspepsia Leave in Five Minutes. There would not be a case of indi- an Baty i readers who are sub {md had acid dyspepsia, while the doc E DAILY HUNDRED YEARS OF PEACE. 1) 4 9 il | Comniiftee to Juvite King George to Canada. | » Dee. 15-Col. James WW. airman, and RN. S$. Neville, see | » of the executive committee of | 'utennial celebration, lave in| Geary to attend the Five Dollars a ------------ The Price Cut No Figure With Him. | "I 'wamt to say for the benefit ' of | some poor dyspeptic that Stuart's Dys- sort pe,wia Tablets will give comfort' and Fe : | vited Mayor | meeting to be held in the city- hail on | Friday afternoon to complete arrange | {ments with their project, i Thev aim to wmvite King George tol | Canada in 1912, or owe or two years : for a national celdiration of the | | successful defence of Canada in 1812-| 114 bey would erect a monument to | j celebrate it and would hold a great | | pageant also. They suggest that if | the' Laited States wishes to do any-| nz definite in the matter of 4 cele bration of 100 yeare of peace at the same time, it should make perpetual the Rush-Bagot convention, which prohibits armaments on' the great This ednvention is now 'ter-| able by either Canada or the | United States on'six months' notice. later, A LORD FOR VIVIAN GOULD. ov] George Gould's Secand Daughter Betrothed to Baron. a cure every time." Five dollars a box | london, Dec. 15.--The marriage en- would not stop my purchasing them |RoRement is announced of Lord Decies should 1 ever suffer again as 1 did for jand Miss' Vivian Gould, second a week before using them. {daugliter of George J. Gould, of New "The one 50c. box | bought at my York. i druggist's did the work and my diges- | John Graham tion is all right again. } % "Many of ok Re bors have also | the title a short time ago, through the tried these tablets and found them to death of his brother. He was born be just as represented and Mr. Elims December 5th, 1866. He is a licuten- also wants me to use his name in en- ant-colonel of the 7th Hussars and a ing' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets." {member of the : dorsiig s_Dyspep (order. He has fought in many cam- A. Ellms and Charles F. Ruzeell, { paigns, serving against the Mad Mul- Asst. Postmaster, lah in Somaliland, in the Matabele South Sudbury, Mass. | War and the Boer war. "Miss Gould is Mrs. James Barton, of Toroato, {in her nineteenth year. Cannda, writes : "For eighteen months | 1 suffered from what 1 supposed was | bladder and kidney trouble, and took medicine from three different doctors, | without any sign of cure. 1 felt =o ill | at last 1 was hardly able to do my work. | Grenfell, missionary to the fishermen "1 thought I would try a box of on the coast of Labrador, has arrived Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. and see if in this city from Palm Beach, Fla. they would make me feel better, nev-'| where ne went on the invitation of er really thinkirg I had dyspepsia, | George B. Cluett to consult about but after only Eve or four tablets | plans for building a schooner which had been taken all the acid trouble | Df. Cluett has offered, to Dr. Grenfell. disappeared and then I discovered 1 | This witt-sost $25,000-and will be used to convey supplies from\New York and tors had been treating me for kidney | Boston. and bladder trouble and ope of them | Dr. Grenfell is accompanied by Mrs. treated me for rheumatism. Grenfell and Wilfrid T: Grenfell, jr., "My digestion is fine, my complexion | two and one-hia!' months old. They clear ard 1 am able to do my work | are on their way to England to spend and low spirits are unknown to me. | Christmas at Parkdale with the aged "I am thankful for finding a cure so | mother of the missionary. leasant to take as ------------ good and vo _pltasant, 10 $2,000,000 FOR COAL GONDOLAS. Stuart's is Tablets, } amar prised at the change they have m. Terminal Rect auib - Spend That Sum. in me." All druggists sell and recommend Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, because | picishurg, Pa., Dec. 16.--H. W. Me- they contain only the simple natural | yaeter and F. H. Skelding, receivers digestives, and taken after meals pre- |i (ho Wabash-Pittsburg Terminal rail vent acidity and cause prompt diges- | ond, were granted permission in the tion and assimilation of food. hon. United States district court to -spend Physicians everywhere endorse the $2,000,000 for gondolas to be used in because they are as sale for the ehild the lake coal-carrying traffic. It -is ns for the adult; they are invalualle |... that bids will be asked = at once, apd the orders placed as as possible. The money will buy 2, for sour stomach, nervous dy: ia, heartburn, gas on stomach and cH aed weary form of at derane= | ooo cars. Because of the inadequate ---------------------------- equipment, the road has been unable CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNIOMCid@ handle a large tonnage of coal, and great loss has followed. Next World's Convention in Sydney. Australin® : Boston, Dec. . 16.--The mext conven- tion of the World's Christign Endeavor Union will be held in Sydney, Austra. lia, in 1914, the anual business of the union held in this city baving so de- cided: " . President Francis E. Clark reported that more Christian Endeavor societies had been formed of late than: ever in the history of the movement, and that the body is in an unusually 'healthy financial condition. Theréd is now no country in the world without its Christian Endeavor societies, Pre- sident Clark said. : An invitation to the World's Chris- tian Endeavor Union to hold the world's convention following the Syd- ney meeting in Toki, Japan, in 1917, was referred to the executive com: mittee, Hope Horsley Beres SHIP TO AID GRENFELL. Will Spend Christmas in England With Mother. * New York, Dec. 16.--Dr. Wilfrid. I. A Referendum Exhibit, Buffalo Times A South Dakota referendum ballot in the possession of the News is seven feet long and nine - inches wide, and covered with proposed laws in. fine print. One of them runs to 76 sections and has about 20,000 words in it. An- other sheet, about two feet long, is covered with proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State, and then there was the ballot proper with names of candidates still to be voted. Fn Oregon the people voted on thirty two amendments and some other things _and the ballot was eight feet long by a width that was a 'trifle too marrow to cover an ordinary bed. That is what comes whea the repre sentative system is abandoned. And these Western States are only in the beginnin; of their practice of doing public Dusiness by mass meeting. The Mystery of a Duel. Policeman Shot, nather. Having fought his duel and saved his we 8 iia shot in the air, |ficer Lubbock, of this city, shot and the editor of a French ' provincial | probably fatally wounded James Fife, newspaper went back fo his desk, and [also a mounted policsméin. Fife . was the incident had quite left his mind | with Lubbock's daughter on the street when he felt something strange in his When the latter met ther and opened thigh. He looked and found that he fire. Miss Lubbock ran to her freher was bleeding profusely. A doctor was | and endeavored to keep him wom called, who discovered that a bullet shooting. The attentions "of Fife to was intedded in the editor's thigh } Labbod 's daughter were objectionable some two inches deep and required ; to Lubbock. v a | dither side. The cloth, tapestry and various other ma extraction. "Why was this not taken i -------- Didn't Start Forest Fire. notice of on the spot where the duel . oak place he Seal. The oie Golden Gate, Wash., Dec. 16.--Loupis a 33 much in the ack 3 the doe |. Glave Blip" witmss nt had fired into the air, and bis sdver. Huttied on the chatge of Laving start. sary also took a distracted sor quiet. on 4m 33708 start aim. There had evidently been in a lowest Sus. The Niy was out tion ob doing the slightest h twenty minutes. The evidence showed ten loing & elt i that Glavis had pothing 'to do with a as he left the field and bad shaken hands with his antagonist as a sign of leged to have been caused by a small fire started on hig own land. ! Two Girls Asphyxiated. Veungstowii, 0., Dec. 15.--A 'special . for . since "leather, braid, oil- ET . ford, fifth Baron Decies, succeeded tol distinguished service p Houston, Tex., Dec. 16.~Mounted Of- | big forest fire near White Salmon, al- |: 5 BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910. ES i Gram-o-phones (Lockhead's Studie) SO0n § . A RICH SCARF OF ER wrap, lined with a It will be noticed that pm -------- When a noted Irish orator was in America a few years ago, he appeared at » Meethp in Si. Loms deliv. ered an gs oa the subject of "Home Rule for Ireland." Thee : "Would anyone like to ask the 'Berline MONT REAL ee The oo. PAGE NINE. - -- _ a -- -- © ! One Best Christmas Gift . 3 7 and the one that brings the 'most grateful recollections of the giver 1s to be found in Never has it been possible before to give genuine pleasure at so modest an outlay. Victrolas $100 to $300 few dollars the means whereby there is always at one's so much entertainment and € Think of obtaining for a command the priceless voices of the world's great singers, exquisite instrumental melodies, by famous bands and orchestras, and the best achievements of the kings and queens of comedy. ¢ Think of having all this in the home ready to entertain yourself, a few friends or a house full of guests. Sizes, styles and prices ($15.00 up) to suit all purses. Over 3.000 selections to choose from. ( Double-sided records are 90c. for the two. Sample by mail on receipt of price and 10c. for postage. q Call at the nearest dealer's to-day and know what this wonderful entertainer means to you. q Be sure to hear the VICTROLA. r Gram-o-phone Co., Limited Dealers Everywhere Remember this trade-mark @ and you can't go wrong. 1 VICTOR RECORDS, MACHINES, Etc. For Sale by : D. ' J. DAWSON, Drop in and hear Caraso and latest records 224 PRINCESS ST. i -- - MINE AND BLUE FOX. Dozens of the little ermine skins go to the making of this kim. ono-like scarf and huge granny muff. Two scarfs, each twelve inches wide, and a yard and a half long, and edged with blue fox, are joined for thiee-quaniirs of § Ja, 30 a ta form the back of this beautiful in a delicate peach-blow shade. ie garment js at least ten inches Jom i front than the back--The muff of ermine--tailless, In he banded on one end only with the blue fox. as is the Wrap----is ¢ EE ------_ and in an unconscious condition xl in an ealled. Order wns in a measure tostored. While. the andidnee eoquid still hear the clatter of the ambulynes amd the sound of its going as it con- voted its burden to the hospital, the { i stepped forward and asked : was § "Would anybody like to as) another question?" [ The Hungry Boy. to fill a good healthy and cost muck Mess than meat. Clark, Mir, Montreal. : . _ Figures may not lie, but they won't | ' {convince a boy that summer vapation days longer than winter dais at EEE e0sses Esse asi 0000000 OIOOPOOOOIOIOIOORERRG Ingot Copper, Ingot Brass, Ingot Aluminum 3 Prices Right. Deliveries Prompt. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. v OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. $0000000000OORRIIOOGY eeesceeescessssebenesn S80s00es ambulance which had |" Sometimes it sems just imposvible | oh boy. Try Clark's Pork and Beans, Substantial, -- -- - T Tr i --n -- Fun For All Christmas St ackings, At 5c, 10¢, 20¢, 35¢, 30¢, Tc, $1, 1.26 and 2.50 each Crackers or Cosaques Contains Hats, Caps and Toys, at -166 Mincess St. A. J. REES, Phone 58 LLLL0042 2048800000066 theoeseeseseesseerees XMAS Suggestions LARGE STOCK What is nicer than a Piece of Furni- | ture, useful as well as ornamental. xX t : | : : : | CHINA CABINETS, J s, SIDEBOARDS. BEST LINE 15 THE CITY. ALL FINISHES, : SPECIAL ROCKERS, LARGE LEA- THER SEAT, GOLDEN OAK, : 75. PHONE 577 R. 4. REID, 'mover : | va