2g ETEEZEEPEESSE | PAGE FEIUNT. Er -- - -- HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. Go to the STEWART HOUSE: Leading | Sommereial Hotel. Rates, 31.59 pe : JAS. STRWART, Prep me ---- YELLING, TITRE LE Christmas and New Year| Holiday Rates Round Trip Tikets will be issued] ; wr : Single First Class Fare Good going Dee. 24th, 25th, 26th | : -- RLY | Ar all your werk in half the time if you follow directions. 1 Sunlight Soap abselutely pure--savés clothes from in- jury hauds from roughness- dradgery- Good to return until Dec. 27th; xlso golng Dec. 31st, Jan. 1st and 2nd good te return until Jan. 3rd. and at Single First-Class Fare and * One-Third , 21st to Jan 2nd ineli-! 10 return until Jan. 4th sive; ood 2 TICKETS ISSUED FROM KINGS. | «FON TO" INTERMEDIATE S8TA-| FIONS ON MAIN LINE BETWEEN MONTREAL, AND TORONTO WILL | ----* -- NOT BE GOOD ON TRAINS 1 AND : For further information' AppIF a] GRAND UNION J. P. HANLEY I a Y ! ANLEY, Agent, Cerner Jphnston and Ontarie Sts beads Xmas and New Year Excursions Onc Way First-Class Fare Good going December 24 and 26; re- turn limit, December 27th, 1916; also going December 31, 1910; Jan. 2. 1911; return limit, Jam. 3, 1911. First-Class Fare and One-Third | Goed going December 21 te Jan. 2, 1911; return Hmit, Jan. 4, 181). Full partienlars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAC, Gen. Pass. Agen! BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union BAHAMA IDEAL WINTER RESORT Inst COURS " CABIN New twin screw 88 BRAZOS apa i ry feur other largs steamed 2% . nesting Assan Ww . lee, and Oalvesion, the y ifornia and Pacific CO pointe Ll ETE Seat of British Celenial hot roy ment. spientnd hotels axcelions 1° 1. tan nis. Rois motoring, yachting flshi Jath ng. A paradise of yi lowers and efutation with abun og of fruits. Write for litersiure an further particulars NY. i& CUBA MAIL 88. Co. (WARD )e General Office, Pier 14, East River New York. ' BIBBY'S CAB STAND Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT THOMAS COPLEY, Prone 987. Drop-a card td 18 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- line. Estimates given on all kinds rm and new work alse wood Floors of all kinds. AN will receive prompt attention. op, 60 Queen Street. COAL WM. DRURY, 285 WELLINGTON STREET, 'Phone 443, APPRAISER. EEG A & a sivas. OUR ROOSTER BRAND 'Ot sucking and Chewin Ranaeco a: forty-five cents. a poun a & Tobater, Way pay eighty-five? Jos Lo $ | J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and -------- i HOTEL | | fl Male, 2 | Electric Restorer for Men henol restores ev. nerve in the body Phos to its prover tension ; restores vim asd vitality, Premature y and sll sexual woukuoss averted at i a =. EEE ER AE » nrines, Lor at Best's Drug Store., ol will Our Cr ystal - Brand | Of Suaadard Granulated Sugdr is we excelled for jteserving or table uss AN W MAULBAN : Ontario Sire. Wood's. i FOR "XMAS Diink MeCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the ==. best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER WHAT'S Your Health Worth? You start sickness by mistreating nature them ol ! CASCARETS 10c 3 box for a week's seller . treat all Biggest in the wehd. Bexes a month, A LIVE DYEING CONCERN. In over tairty years' active business, our works have never been more erowded, both with custom and trade work. The plant is the most modern in Canada, and experienced super- vision stands behii d every oe R.PARECR & CO., | Princess Ste Kingston: Ont. I ------_--, ' Don't Persecute your Bowels Cut aut cathartios and purgatives~They are | brotuisharshcunnecessury. Try *CAR 'S LITTLE i LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. As gently op the liver, ehmate bilaand { | soutise thedals | carecemorane | efthabowel, | Care Come shpatien; Biiious- | ' : : [55 tadeche ond Indigestion, as millions know. i 3 1 Seal Pill, Small Dose, Small Price Genuine must bear Signature 1 A counterfeit coin looks : very wuch lke the genuine article. There are: about a score df typewriters that look like the Under wood, but that does dot give them Undlexwood qual- ity. UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. { | flix remains: were placed in the vali | ® leaves a hushend and eight children, most of them grown up. 1 J. D. Pringle has moved to Marlbank for the winter. A wee boy has come to gray at the home of G. L. J rome. ; . | ---- ¥ NEWS OF NEI i -- | WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL vs. or The Tidings From Various Points in' Eastern Ontario--What People | . Are Doing and What They Are Saying. retired from Perth. | Herbison ebtertained, on We ~ afternoon, ip honor of her friend, Sharpton Notes." > Tennant, who is visiting' her. Sharpton, Des, 14.-Mrs. A. Koen mafriage of Wesley Burns, eldest son of and daughter, Aunie, have returned af- Mr. and Mrs. Willian Burns, and Miss ter visiting at Belleville. R. Pater! Violet Truesdell, daughter of Me. sud visited .at Hartington recently Mrs. Ezekiel Truesdell; took place, on Mr. and Mrs. J. Manian, Yarker, Wednesday afternoon, st 5.30 o'clock, vent the week-end with relatives here. in the Methodist church, Rév. Nr. Kel- Mrs. J. Smith and daughier, Annje, ly officiating. Only the immediate re- spent Sunday at 8. Somerville. iatives were present. - After the cere bi: ---- |mony, a dainty repast was partaken Death at Tweed. : fy pun rwesd, Dec. 14.--The remains of the! The happy couple left, on the 5.90 p.m. late Edmund Turkington arrived at rein, for the east. John Baile, om Tweed fromthe west by C.P.R.-train, | Manday mori. Soman, WeConr non, a well-'knowh citizen and a resi- " - t.of Tweed and Hungerford; died fit, on Rouday, le} on he amine very. suedenty_ ou Theedny, J3th inet pho: Dog he back so severely that since been confined to tbe Henry Young uncle, the late Benjamin Baile, © on Thursday. Albert Reynolds is in Dé has attendance at the grand' jury session |DBOUSe. Mr. and Mrs. in belleville this week. Felix. Allore WER 3PEng the, LL In arrived home irom Sault Ste. Mavie on, ith ie: an rs. a vy, St. Monday . m, M5. Y I Tidings From Stella. "7 fay Yous Bath | Stella, Dec. 14.--If the present cold Path, Dex. T3:2%1 and His. Joseph) p i there will soon be Clement entertained a few friends on weather continues, re | WE oh § [hursdsy evening last. Mr. Cowley,!3 bridge to the main _ = he oop nspector of continuation classes, of Magyie L. is frozen in 4 de. mn Stet [oronto, and. Dean Ellis, of King- | 18, with a load | of rley, eonsign ston, also D. A. Nesbitt Ciimpecter | 10 Richardson's siévator, Kingiton. from Napanee, visited the school on | B. Fleming, in the general he pita or {uesday. Owing to the weather the | t7e8tment, will soon be able to / sland mail carrier finds it hard to turn home. The sailors are gr Pedtad make ihis daily trips. T. A. Wartman home from the upper lakes t hn, week. returned ¢n Saturdey from attending | The congregation of, the Bog : county covncil at Napanee. F.- FE. church held a bazaar, and con in Clarke returped on Tuesday from Sas- | Victoria hall, on Wednesday svenitig katchewan : (last. About 8150 was realized. ¢ ann | Stella Dramatic Club is holding a con- Echoes From Elginburg. | cert in Victoria hall, on Friday rer Elginburg, Dec. 15-slhe young poo | octia wer ue, yg a ar been ole's meeting¥, on Monday nights, are | 0dist ha te Wu 5 a has been being well attended. Mrs. David Smith installed in the } Noct bat ~as taken to . hospital, an Thursday, {H- Preston, tax collector, h bes to be treated for heart trouble. ¥ | makiry Jus sounds, The morsiass De Long amd bride have moved into a "en . es ig vol Dua, a Judie Reid | Comber oh Den ol the island. s visiting her sister, Mes. G. Crans- ' aa tn ni G ton, Kepler. Capt. Knight has return. Rev. 3 ames Ciimberland offieciated. { ol from attending school at Stanley |' unningham, --~ de -- rani rarracks, Toronto. E. Tolls and wife B.C., spent > h vel poe wre visiting their daughter, Mrs. B, here. RH. Jo 80TH as Nay, Sydenham. Miss Ida Smith from the west. spent Sunday in Jhingeton. Visitor : | Mr. and Mrs. Arthurs, Brandon, Man, | ru it ©. Dougherty's; Mrs. Smith and | Myer's Cave, Dec. J, ¥ilium Ne -hild, Kingston, at H. Sly's; F. Mc | Kinley, manager of the 4 ban er- Rory 'and wile, Sydenham, at W. Law- | Jones Lumber company, Ardoch, is in son's; Calvin Bearance, Kingston, at this neighborhood. Charles ( armichae iis father's, J. Bearance; J. Scott, 'the guest of his sister, Mrs. 'J. Cataraqui, at N: Graham's. { Mitchell, Lake View, for the " month, returned to his home in Mil- waukee, on Thursduy last. Mr, and' G. | Mrs.' T. I. Perry, were the guests of wed. ! Mrs. T. Neale on Sunday last. Mrs. * elub W. Loucks and ive eliléren, with A. ks, spent Wednesday evening at ier uests of Mr. and Mrs. i) R. Reid, P. 8. in- G. | place, Myers' Cave News Budget. last Verona Golden Wedding. Verona, Dec. 15.--Mr. and Mrs. sitson celebrated their golden ling yesterday. Verona hockey | wld its initial meeting for organizing ks, urposes on the 9th. Officers elected Lake View, the were: 1. A. Gamey, president; Dr.|J. C. Mitchell. 2 h &. J. Gedds, secrebary-treasurer; W. gpector, visited the school last week. Asselstine, captain. The rink opensd Miss Mary Dellyea, confined to the 'uesday evening with a grand pro- house for the last week, is niuch bet nenade. - The club is ready now to. ter. E. Morgans, who was. 80 seriously 'écaive challenges from ahy quarter. hurt by a log at a skidway in the fichael Williams has moved to Syden | woods, is getting better. Elburn Mor- ham for the winter. Mrs. Berry Pierce gin gnd brothers, John and Robert, nd little daughter, Muriel, are here have returned home for the holidays. rom : ol to visi with Rev. Mr. ¢ Carmichael and J. C. Mitchell spent) 'jerce as the parsonage. John El Wednesday last at Grayville, the guests 'eters, sr., was quietly married last of Mpg DD. Gray. Mrs. John Curtis week to Miss Annie Stiles, a member 4 son, Neéwcome, made a business of the Stiles Show company, Port (ip to Nokthbrook last week. Miss furon, Mich. Frank Simmons, here pi rence Bennie was the guest of Mra. visiting his parents, has returned to 3 0 Mitchell, Lake View, on Sunday sterling Centre; N.Y. He took along ; ep" Master Thomas Percy spent the iis young son, Gordon. | week-end at Harlows, the. guest of his ' REY sister, Mrs. E. Wood. Martin Neale News From Erinsville. | and brother, Harold, have left to work Erinsville, Dec. 14.--George McKeown |i. the lumber woods in the vicinity of has returned from the west. Miss Mary | wohbwoed: Manly Thompson, Harlowe, Mahony, visiting here for the past six ' 41, has spent the past six months in weeks, returned to her home in Wasso, | Watertown, N.Y., and vicinity, has re- Michigan. The meeting, on Thursday | i rnd home. svening, for the purpose of discussing local option, was largely attendods [ limothy Hunt, Roblin, spent Thurs day here. Ansys Harrison, spent' the | treal. i Wolfe Island Council. Woliq Island, Dec. 5--lunicipal council met 11 a.m, Members pres- ent: The Reeve and Councillors Green- wood, Flynn and Turner, Minutes last i contirm- thomas Evans shipped a car-load of | FFU" hil Ty John five stuck from the stofip, on Fri Friend & Son, account roads, $3.30; lay. Meewrs. Arthur Matthews and wy (ard, account roads, 84; W. H. John Lynch, returned from Northern | man amount of account, $1.07; Intario, where they have befn for the W. L. Allinson, aveount for roads, past few months. The young people $12 70: 8 Anglin & Co., account for aave all been taking advantage of the roads, 859.67; Jas. Greenwood, chari- good skating on Beaver Lake. Miss ty to John Grant, expense to Toron- Lacy and brother, Henry, were the to, $6.40; W. Fawcett, salary, $20 : ests of Miss Stella and Miss Mar- Yon Greenwood, salary, $20; John garet Lynch, on Saturday. { Flynn, sadry, $20; Geo. Turner, sal- ! . ! ary . (Jeo. Gillespie, salary, $20; . St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island. { ary A l a treasurer. $50; St. Lawrents, Dec. 15. Charles Ward: | |) Taigart, care Simcoe scow, $10; man shipped a large amount of hay to p_ MuDermott, hauling out timber, Uape Vincent this week: Farmers find | 5. Mrs. Mateer, charity to Morris, a good market for their hay in the 86: Mrs. Cadotte, charity, $10. Steam above place, and the demand is 12 | boat accounts paid. S, Anglin & Co, creasing. Capt. George Niles returned | umount of account, $1.09; British home last week after a successful sea- | Whig Pub. Co. amount of account, son on the.great lakes. John O'Brien $13; Bell Telephone Co., six months eaves shortly. to visit relatives in'rent, $15; James Crawford, I month Chicago. Miss Annie Gillespie, , visit- | captain, $50: R. Mullin, | month en- ing friends in Cataraqui, returned gineer, $66.66; Jas. Davis, 30 days home on Tuesday. Miss Nollie Mel- mate, $40; R. Berry, 30 days fre ville, Central, spent & few days with {man, %3% Geo. Rattary, 30 days Miss loltie, Kent, St. Lawrence, | purser, : Mrs. Davis, 30 day= cook, School is swing favorably under $0. Hi. Marlow, 30 days deckhand, the able management of Miss Cynthia | 820; W. Armstrong, 30 days deckhary!, Barry. Miss Clara Gillespie is recover- | $20; Roy. Card, 4 extra days deckhand, ing from recent illness. Cattle! #9; Geo. Rattary, 741 meals, $89.92 buyers invaded this seclion last week Mrs. . John Rawler, Sushing, $3.65 ; and secured a fine lot of beef, for; T. Nicholson, ice, $1.06; McKelvey & which this section and the island in| Birch, amount of account, $37.86; D. general is famous. i Dayson, writing up steamboat books] $25. - Deaths of Flinton Residents. Nosed, Fyn ireinwood, tHat tend- ers Flinton, Dec. 14.--Death has called | * away Philip Clarke, who had-been ill {NOE Mander, RL iaing 6 Sport Jar 2 fong time. Deceased was aged by vote of the reeve. Resolved that 3. and leaves & vidow aud family. | "following tases for 1900 be - re He was a good husband and father. mitted. RE assessment: Mrs. RB: The funeral service was conducted by Boyd, $13.30 Oscar Faweett, $30.20 . Rev. Me. Williamson, Mr. Clarke being ' oo) "suqds, $2.45; Mise C. McDonald, a staunch Methodist. The remains $7.05. Resolved that the list of 20 were followed to their last' resting 4... "unelected poll tax be remitted, place | a large concourse of peopls | These schoul taxes for 1910, assessed to the Union cemetery. * © lin wromy school section, remitted : Still another pioneer has | Robert Horne, $7.83; Mrs. Kyls, 82.14. away, in the person of John Boudrie, | Tye ing were appointed deputy in his sixtieth vear. He leaves A returning officers: No. I, PSD. R. widow and gix children. He died from | Grimshaw: No, 2, Jos. MeHooy: No. rheumatism of the heart 18, T. Conley; No. 4, John 1. Murphy; Word was 5 James O'Brien. - Coimeil ad- Mrs, bert journed to Dec. 15th, t 10 a.m. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910. °- i Wedding at Lansdowne. | Lansdowne, Dec. 15. --Miss Nunn has | Mrs. Jacob | ¥ 1 Miss The ! i of at the home of the bride's parents. | uesday tended uperal of Wis the misfortune to cut the index 0 : AE She 1 B f | ger of the left hand so badly that it Brockville. Joseph Bradley, postmas- | ! proprietor ed for enlarging steamer | 'time he | day. Elgin Brawley will ship a first ride on the cars, his destiaation a ' STRUCK ON. HEAD BY LARGE DOOR AND RENDER. ED UNCONSCIOUS, Accident to Farmer Near Sydenbam | ~--Edward Rittan Lost a Finger | --Cut It With an Axe While Chopping Wood. Sydenham, Dee. 14.--~0n Tuesday al- ternoon, while Robert Orr, a farmer, | living about a mile out af the vil-| lage, was loading hay with a horse | fork, the rope. became entangled in one of tne large' doors of the barn, raising it several feet. In falling | it struck Mr. Orr on the head, rendering him unconscious. Up to the present has not regained conscious ness. Tuesday kindling wood, while splitting had fim evening, Edward Ruttan was found necessary to amputate it close to the hand. The dog poisoner is.getting in his work in this village. John Switzer, of the Union hotel, lost bis most valuable hound on Wednes- Car load of potatoes to Montreal on Warsday for which he paid 63c. a hag. Norman Holland has been in the village aud has shipped a car load of mica to his firm at Ottawa, A representative of the CN. RR. is in the village to purchase the land already: surveyed for the right of way. - ~ Ou Tuesday evening, of last week, the whole village was greatly shocked at the report of the death of 'John Woodruff, one of Sydenham's~ most prominent business men. Al first it was hard to believe, although all knew he was very ill, and that - all was being done for him that, was possible, and therefore .hopedPor his recovery Mr. Woodruff was born i Sydenham about thirty-eight years ago, and had always lived here. For years he has conducted the flour and teed mill and also owned the . saw mill, and was a man of sterling qualities and was a friend to all No one ever appealed to him for help in vain. Mr. Woodruff leaves a wife and. six small children, besides his mother, Mrs. Joseph Woodruff, sr., six brothers and two sisters, William, 'of Kingston, George A, M.D, in Mani toba, wre, 'Rev.) J. HH. Smith, .of Athens, Herbert, of Perth, Clement, of Torogto, Joseph, proprietor of the American hotel, Miss Ethel and Harry at home.. The funeral was held on Friday at 2 p.m. from the house to St. Paul's church, and was well * at- tended. The A.0.U.W. attended and held its service at the vault. Dr. Woodruff, who was called home to attend the funeral of his brother is very ill at the home of his mother. Mrs. W. Sills received word of adhe illness, with scarlet fever, of her grand son, Russell Stoness, who is attending school in Woodstock. Among - thos who are at present on the sick list are Mrs. Dowdell and . little daughter, Marion, Mrs. G. Curran, Jackson Dowsley, Frank: Tronsdale.Farl Rut tan has returned from the general hospital, where an operation was per- formed for throat trouble. = Charles Ruttan, Mrs. D. Woodruff, Fred. Ells- to and Mrs. ¥. Trousdale have recov- ered from their recent illness ---- D. Moore drove from Woodruff's Landing to his own landing on the lake Tuesday. That is the first driv- ing this winter. Rev: Mr. Dowdell has secured the rooms in the double house owned by Miss M. Noxten, on Main street, and the St. Paul's Sun- day school will be held there ever Sunday at 3 p.m. during the winter. The line men of the Bell Telephone company are in the village completing their work, begun last month The pupils of the public school are pre- paring to give 'a congert in the school rooms at the close of the term. Fred. Scrivens has moved in part of James Foxton's double house, and Charles Abbott will occupy his own house, va- cated by Mr. Scrivens. Walter Camp- bell has moved back to Inverary: Rutledge Bros. have shipped hogs, for which they pdid $6.60 a cwt -------------- The Czar's Children. New. York Tribune A letter written at Nauheim, Ger many; on the day after the departure from the German health resort of the czar and his family, contains this paragraph: "People who have the good fortune to see the children (the czar's). will remember them as handsome, ~robust, simply clad girls, and a boy who seems to have been allowed to remain natu ral despite his expectations. When we saw them the yoifig heir Alexis 'wore a simple sailor suit, and the four girls had on white frocks and wore their hair loose upon their shoulders The least sed ooking is Olra, the oldest, while Maria, the baby gifl, was pronounced bv the women of our arty 8s 'too cute for anything.' He Provided It, Senator "Bob" Taylor, of Tennessee, tells a story of how, when he was "Fiddling . Bob," governor. of that state, an old negress came to him and | said ; "Massa Gov'na, we's mighty po' this winter, and Ah. wish you would par- doi 'mah old man. He is a fiddler same a8 you is, and he's in the pen' tent'ry."" "What was he put in for 7 asked the governor, "Stead of workin' fo' it that good- fo' nothin' nigger done stole some "I he is good for notiting what do you want him back for * "Well, yo' see, we's all out of bacon said the old negress inmo- I -------------- His First Train Ride. During the sarly hours of Sunday morn a long and lank oative ey "Frisco train, No. 104, for his being Kansas City, says the Saling county (Mo.j, Citizen. The man 'was decidedly nervous, but! was determined not to show it, . and attempted to cultivate an air of fa- miliarity with his surroundings. He sought a position in the mi of the chair car, placed his grip on the floor and braced himself dgainst the side of one of the plush chairs. ° "Won't yon have a seat, sir *"" ask . bing 2 9 ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? » THOUSANDS OF MEN an WOMEN INWEL2 THROUGH KIDNEYS FAILING TO PROPERLY FILTERVTHEIR BLOOD. Rhevpuatiam, Sciaties. Nervous Disorders, Dropay Discipe are'Caused by Kidasra. met Acting Right kidnevs the dpmmer See that you get the , genuine heritage of thous: of Pe Ans package as instrated below. They are the cause the housewife backache peing and ihe Rheumajic &gony down to his work They are also the cause when those early symptoms are n ot hich leads to perm : Dropdy - Backache, and Hright's " Weak shand's whe he ' bends look after themselves fem and all struggding at weaker and hopelessly Incap: biood as they = Reader, see ti you de nut the same mistake drugs or liniments 'Lumbago,- Blood Disorders, or Nervous Allments, STOP at once! It is your kidneys that need help . Make your kidnevs strong by taking aener's Safe Cure will have fear to-day may be make A using for Rheumatism heaithy and and you But start too late Sold by druggists every where at (0c and $1.00 a bottle ir your dealer cannut aly "voy write direct - CONSTIPATION nothing to --{O-MOrrow suppl uj AND BILIOUSNESS, WARNER'S SAFE PILLS for Con- stipation and Biliousness, purely vege table, = sugar-coated, absolutely free from injurious substances, are a per fect laxative They do not gripe or leave any bad after effects 25 box AS cents a Te cenvinee every sufferer f in disessen of the Sample Bottle ang Kidneys and liver that WARNENS SAFER CUE Box of Pills Free will absolutely eure a sample Bottle and & sample pox of Warners Safe Pills will be sent FREF OF CHAR (E, postpaid any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO: Teresto, Out, mention having seen this liberai offer in the laily HNritiah Whig genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher QR» The Top-Notch Skate "Automobile! to a real, up-to-date skater, and he'll tell you stands for the Lest thing in the Canadian skating the lightest amd most serviceable 5 BY that "'Automobile" world, for top-notch quality, for skate made: It is lighter than any other skate, besause of its aluminum alley top .and its perfect design Its blade is strong and durable hoon. bosause it is made of nickel steel Model (85 a pair LOOK UP! Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Ltd. tough and Other skates from $1.25 wp Whore shall we send your eopy of our IHastrated Cata- Skat o's Handbook ? Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver I ---------- --_-- The Famous Rayo The Lamp with Diffused Light - should always be used where several people sit, because it does not strain the eyes of those sitting far from. it. The Rayo Lamp is constructed to give the maximum diffused white light. Every detail that increases its light-giving value . wr + has been included. : : - The Rayo is a low-priced lamp. You may pay $5, $10 or even $20 for other Lops and get a 'more expensive container---but you cannot get a better light than the Rayo gives. This season's Rayo has a new and strength- «ned burner. A strong, durable shade-holder keeps the shade on firm and true. Easy to keep polished, as it is made of solid brass, finished in nickel, Orke a Rayo User, Always One. Dealers Everywhere. If not af yours, wei's for descriptive cirgliiar 10 the mearesl cgenty of th . The Queen City Oil Company Limite logue and in the flour means quality in the bread and the pastry you bake. Without quality behind your efforts, no knowledge or skill can bring good results, Better be without the skill than without the quality. J * BEAVER " FLOUR is the highest development of blended wheats, embracing the rich Bgalth-giving properties of Manitoba Spring wheat and the carbohydrates of Ontario Fall or wheat, which make delicate, white, light bread and pastry. Remember, it is for bread and - pastry, both. With BEAVER FLOUR in the house, you only need one kind to artain the best reselts in every form of baking, 4 BEAVER FLOUR means economy as well as efficiency. Ask your grocer for it to-day. Pe Eres Grains, and Caron. 2. E.TAYLOR C0., Lud, Chatham, Oat.