THE DAILY gues WHIG, MOoXnIY. TIRCE E EMBER 19, 1910. "How THIN FOLKS : THE WHIG, $7th YEAR. | iundred 8.6 Aupiee Jumps; wich were | Il : a4 : 5 CAN GET nes] ral, WIG, published at | purchased 'hy arhiteation, with the PATHETIC APPEA FDR, SOPER: | 90090000000000000000 1000000000000000000000 reet ngston, Or rie wit owned by 1 a oA f ® v : nan c------ iat $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 Y the former lighting We Now © . Pe + - yt New Accidental Discovery Gives o'clock 16 pages (OTPONY, in 1904, at B14 éach. They | gE. T. MCKINSEY WANTS DEATH DR. WHITE Sell * . ; We Now set °2 B hy j Seit Sui; » Er 1Ibby's Startling Results--Puts Flesh on Eki BRITISH WHIGC. 16 pages, + Dosh in We i Thin People and Rounds Out Im- i hed ra at§i a year Pe Min use for twenty years, are BY THE ELECTRIC CHAHL or Trunks = Ge + Cases = rts on Me nday perfect Figures. . % Ui tates, charge postage had really Worm out, have to be carboned | . ies = FH AAA SECIS IRERIGION to Datly $3150 3 and ® Weokly in ea : ' day, and ave of inferior luminos- | Has Been Blind an His Life and is Simple Preseription. Given. Print-! iy though : they . P Pp ing AH best, job Print " gh they can save a larger, Now Losing His YJpice--sSays That For womern--and mei. too, for that] snd cheap work] nine improved presses. jar ount of electricity. In their place! He Finds it Im bie to Earn a maiter--who can never appear stylish : r 3 | > na they oF af par utylan The British Whig Po Publishing Co Ld. proposed to put ome hundred) Living. ' abnormal thinness "nd angularity, this 3 Magnetite "lamps, which take ih 4 -s a Cl ino that . remarkable prescriptioh is destined to : gp pa Detrcit, Dee. 19. -Clmming hat Sota the | problem. As a beauty maker TORONTO OF OFFICE. ume from the magnatite stick which] i ciety has - demanded his. death, = the or t i i v . i i . i re 5 ¢ 1 . while it de brightest 10 Tomer Sitte 19 nd 3 9 Queen City San is used in, them and has a life of 150f Rev. Thomas Mehinsey, of Battle tq Bad-color to the cheeks and lps. It gmglipeles, IP. ne ntal Fo. hours with each trimmin, The lower] Teex, who all his life has been hope ' 8 requires no particular dieting, bw acts alipe representally K- Br' lesaly 'blind. and wow in danger of Speclalists In seases of ¥ Sal) Oa 7 Blood, Nerves, B ad snd Special J #8 an ald to nature by ita peculiar ae- Mecrroid burns for 1,000 "hours, the y i ' his - wsIny Is iy = ' ments of men tion on the nerves and blood suppl) gen & mo : . Fhe phived And nerves oi Bo over ai v Wiha magnetite stick, encased in a copper | oice, has appealed he governors One visit ad he body, ull the nourish t or fles! . : . > Se al ory for bullding Floments aes ir Tei . = - ibe, being made of difierent metals, at jou oa ---- wo lectric oe N uestion" blpok foc The trouble with thin people hat . "a : | ecution YY Means th eer yf meh Bias always been that they Ao Re, ple a Eo : hemically treated. The inner globe or Sse. Ben fedlcine on in BPD wi setain enough of the fleshy CARNEGIE'S LAST GIF {in use in present lamps), is dispensed | . w the ee rm. Hours : 10 a.m. io matter to make them gain in weight, ' ; - i : a Prise: McKinsey has been singing in 2 to ¢ p.m. Sundays. 10 am. to 1 Po, Syen to & normal extent: but this new Mr. Carnegie has commanded atten: with and therefore there will be : no |streets and earning a precarious hve SCOVEr i . , . Lo Ey = » : A en DRS. SOPE HIT! : Jens ros I blending certain air tion once more by handing over 10 chadows éaused ' by the lamp. It fihood by ie ae or ome. Hime ' = nS. 50 St R&W to Ba ind hundreds have gained from ten| trustees of his own choosing secur purms for i ETE hut is now losing lus voice and tie uly Feet, Jereate, 12 forty pounds in a few. weeks. There| . en ming # in « Ampists of x current as yop compelled to resort to the sell 8 no danger of Beaming too fat. When | ties to the value of over ten millions against 9.6 'ampires required by the| ng of little articles. The public, be You get the right w 1 a : r using. 8 eight then top| f 4 lars for the promotion of peads id lamps, or 310 watts in place of | says, refuses to buy and tells him that i The general h ; * . abies oa b> i a snd his greatly improved in anyone from: the | What a contract these men have ne 480 watts within a given time. he ought a pl inael} a a 'S. 3 Wi ISON. een to mixt omen "hi rill be educe y fifty-fiv . init es . hs RE Ket Blumn. with weil ron Laie Soon | Suetahen, This work a he edu fie Hy five lamps purchased in house, he considers, would be = wors n . | € our ¢ ean, with 06 J | } doe ¢ belie srongl ooking Si an Secome straight, | tional, course, a H ey ca . ' 19086, leriatang Current, enclosed han death. As he does not pelieve Member Dominion 10 Bait pint bottle get three ounces | the. endowment "placed in their hands, ures, are in fairly. good shape, and|in self-destruction, and seeks a les E Ltd Ar or Th epahepait and ihisce ounces | do a great deal towards converting oll be used on one éireuit Each painful death than starvation, he asks xchange, td. 5 ft aad one ounce g : an ith did of the governors of Ohio, compound esse , ther rk . < . the did o g ; Tobpnund enor 10), shake and the people from the error of their burns for ninety hours with one trim! yo, Yors, New Jersey and West Viz Mining, Listed and Unlisted| ounce tincture cadomens compound | WAYS. Their first assignment will be ino In addition to the new lamps, | ginis, where the electric chair is used Securities. {na cardamom). Take zn teavpoonful iv : SE | of tii i 1 utions efore and after meals, and we gh be- to cultivate in the governments ! {here is provision in the by-law for a] exe ulions, | Z a CORRESPONDENCE INVITED fore beginning. Europe a faith in- each other. This |, ser transformer and control supply THERE'S A BIG DEMAND Wah Lon 's Lau faith appears to be entirely wanting .¢ the central station, for an exten RE a 3 po 4 me Friadiuss. wow pusra at present. Germany protests that she "on of the lighting system, so that} For Athens Young Ladies as. Brides : Toronto, Ont. 1 = Witt BR EI Fd has no designs upon England, and j,ier fifty more lamps can be install: . This Winter. four laundry. Roteann LE 0a Cia the statesmen of the molher country ed, twenty-five Magnetites and twenty- Athens, Dee. 17.-Dr. W. i, Peat 1s moving "to the, Green property which # i y ; POvetd PIII rr od - 4 Meme a a * a " ¢ om PEPLOGPEVILOLICH FPL GLIRILVVOHOLLIV LOY | v 14 King St. East, "Phone Main A228, 8T., answer the profession by building five Tungstons, at a cost of $43 and < -more bi ist of the «deep. Thi 5 ivel ha recently purchased E. D. Wilson f Rifer Mmonavers 6 Seep: ¢ $15 respectively. If there can be alh.c vacated tne Gamble house, th New Go 3% or e | want of faith may be justified by the . ving of current, from the old cir popular hostelry which he has bean ' action of German specialists who have cuits, to meet the demands of the]®" Incting, and has moved to A. R, Xmas been p ' w tess i Brown's house, Wiltse street. Mr. and giving to England's defences new, well and good. The city in that I dia t eh Pandy Revi mos Ralsiss. Currauts dnd Pad "The a sou are looking for & | or J : . ' 1 the kind We Shing {log of altention apd to England's .vent will be getting more light with-|.«d to Eugéne Howard's, Glin Morris, All ¥inds oF Choice GR enemy a criticism of the severest kind. out an increase of the cost. If there| for the winter. at reasonnbla' pi loos Scranton Coal (o)! A And the attitude of these nations is is a larger 'consumption of power Bora i Jed int to Mr. and ii: . "| Mrs wi ® # aughter , o) the atiitude of most powers. In every the city will have to meet it in = the irs. Levi Wilson, a daughter Jorn Is youd coal and we guarantee. /¢ prompt delivery, Our store will be open every. evening this week. s e offer special inducements for evening % shoppers. $ SOLLPPVPVOLP0Y =. yeeries Prompt deliver Yiraoti rr L do . y . n the 3rd inst., at Moose Jaw, Sas irection therd is the spirit of distrust zpnual appropriation, foe the light | katchewan, to Mr. and Mrs. N L M. NOLAN and it is this spirit which Mr. Carne department cannot, on business] Mat#ey, a son, For ten vears Mir 15 Princess Strcet "Phone 730 Massey was principal OF the local : * $ hi rt Q : i high school FOOT WEST STREET. lis new trust. Success to him and pope than the individual something | Methodist anniversary services took his plans. One cannet help remark for pothing. place on the llth i Rev. FA reeves PEE " Sie ing, in passing, upon the origin of The Whig will return to this ques Read, Picton, conducted both services ol KINGSTON BUSHESS COLLEGE 3 Collections for the day amounted to (LIMITE NAAT MIE TUL sa pao that fund. The Cagnegie millions we : L.y2 FOR THE 'XMAS TRAD negie millions wer: (jon again. It will be one of the live 15 In addition a cheque of $3 i : . a. additio a i 3 : E made in large part, from the manufac: jcwues in the elections, and the plan] was received from Miss Ada * Hunt, of ian Sy "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" : re going to wind up thi ; yuars sles with-a rush by ture of armour plate, the plate that af ferir . : : » A i Special X Discount {bas been going inte he battizenip himsli on the subject and make sure flovtna iat ahtrel pe ia On every article in o. sto | that menace the peace of the world . tak te Baptist chureh, was in loledo on We were very 2 raninnare oy tt pha may. therefore as to it meaning before undertaking | Sabhhath last preaching anniversary EE id ZN} Term a pecuring fins, lot of I'he peace movem Ys ' 'to endorse or kill the project. services for Rev, Ingle Rev. «Lake Keeplig, gh cthand. Teles fy. : s bus : ; sre offering for the boil we be a kind of atonement for the busi: , am Berrington, preached in the Holines, grapiy. Service -" and Yaly ow Jie es, b (ness, a return of the profits to the F DITORI AL NOTES. Movement church last. Sunday after ue mh. v era ds loa on 5 t the all and see our big .lot of | J ; : ; Special service sre conduct rer 8 : x . | . sent purposes. No use writing to Santa (Claus now, | Boon. Special services were conduct tinue over plxty peu oT positions Slaves and Blove itinan people and for beneficient purp ' 8 IW. led this week in 'that church with cone of the 'srgest raliway corporations in Ce ada. Haniel any time. Call or writs far infc tion. H. F. METCALFE. Prin frre! UMBRELLAS, "MEN'S. - UMBRELLAN, VANES > RI.50. Folding the when travelling . ' 82.00, 1" VAT HY & CO. { gie hopes to remove-by the erection of grounds, afford to give the city any trimmed, natu: teel frame Price and silk and up fancy UMBRELLAS, MEN'S, p $4.50, UMBRELLAS, LADIES Foldir Umbr a, wi { - $2.00, it OR 2 ¢ wise. Rev. Westell, pastor ot PHI P III I IO OIRIIIIIT New gun metal vood handles med Something for Xmas £3.50. FUR_LINED GLOVES, + We offer a i owne's Englisi Glove, Toi reindeer, ' 1 ) tegular <> R200, FUR-LINED GLOVES >o% lL a. 4 P Han gas Sod Heaters of all sorts i Might catch him by wireless message At Household Goods 'and Bric-a- | Brae of ail ode bought and | i uidd A conservative papers-whose editor L. LESSES, f Cor Princess and Chatham Sts, does not see that the. western move I'he question before the people will | marriage. on the 26th inst i ererepiates mene ener - Kingston. ment hag in it some embarrassments be to. secure better street lighting Invitations are out for the marriage NEW St Cit NTI IC PROCESS. yposition as "Well as the gov sn Dec. 28th, of Miss Chrystal Rap : for the oppe Oo without extra cost ? Who would pot go oll. 'daushtor of Mrs. John. A. or I A Preparation Discovered That Wil nt--«escrithes the premier's reply f antaban? : ernment --des ¥ i for That scneme wll, to. John C. Hawley, Alexandria! Destroy the Doodrnff Germ } 4 to the delegation as chilly. The Whig : : tay, N.Y. They will reside in Syra-| For soo. tm, i heey va GOOD eallg"it candid" and courageous. Si Ihe shop windows are' worth seeing|ouse. The choir of the Methodist iat sie sist 1 TTT Wilfrid Laurier heard all that the dle these nights. Some of the contri-}vhurch, of which Miss Rappell was a | d ip the into the littl gates had to say, and said the repre- ances for advertising the wares ax member, hearing that she was at Mrs hits fries, and by sapping the vi : 8 . William G2 Towriss' at teg cn Friday i } } 3 ' seriously really ingenious. y % 3 8Y | tality of the hair s » root, cause S ] ORM sentations would be duly and seriously 2 sven nr dropped in to spend a social bourne ta re in final 3 considered. There was no attempt to . wening and "sav, favewe i Lo the bride aldness "For ve EY hate Joey Some pretty large stockings ave tobe. Ti eventt : leasanil : i ie ! x pleasanily of hnir st ta and sealp c shelve the petition, because it express ! being passed over the store counters Anse laa rel hn 1 i" & and seal , } A S H ed the mind of the west on a variety Dassey over v , | nt in music and social intercourde, | {Li the marker, | nd ap these duys. No one surely thinks of | ind on behalfof the choir an addreps 1, nis pariaatient. ovre. dar uff 4 joc i 1 who . of subjects. It impressed all he hanging them up. was read and a casserole, similar t atitil 'the discovery Made Light aid Strong. heard it, the members of the apposi- | mii the vue presepted to Miss Bro wn, wa Hed Newbro's Her HAVE tion as well as . the members of the Congress has abolished the pension resented to Miss Kappel! : Refresh- | « the danctruft Mey government, with its particular ur- agencies, thousands of them, and the mente Sere served at the close N 'UK x » engageme is annonce FUEL, gency. saving will be 2300,000 a year. It Mies Ethel Slack, daughter of . : the r ar practice of the Me GREAT ISSUES AT STAKE seeing that this year he is travelling th wlist choir last night Miss heitha by aeroplane. frown was, presented with a beaut m-- ful silver casserole in honor of her | < of every elector should be to inform | New York, to be used as the pastor hd TEEPE » POGOe TIPO PLE EPRI PPI EVE SUIT CASES, £3.00. We show sometni > BOO : { l.eather Fall Ca ol raps, 3 y and handkerchief genuin ather Light Add steel corners and dark urs oy ys Something extra. $6.50 ndid valoe $5000 dey ro - wm---------- -- SWEATER COATS, ENS SWEATER COATS, PEPVVLVOP0LVVTLD POOP OVOLVOVY Vool Sweater Coal with "three 0 { ply piped trimmed Special neck, neat trimmed >a Xmas gift .D.Bibby Co Sis Store With Little Prices DP DEP GPPOPPLPPLPLPPLEYG Le, K2.00, The tariff was the central theme, and could without doing anv injustice akol-| Philin Slack, and Kenneth C the premier said it would receive the ish some of the pensions and save a|ney, B.Se., Hamilton, son of 1 sv PRS ov, a vlace PLUMBER'S BILLS, attention it deserved. Just how far sul' larger sum annually. pev, of this place. DOCTOR'S BILLS, » 1 he Hevpicide Beaumont Cornell, who has : the past year and a half with VeN p---- -- guaran 2 the prayer of the western farmers can | : : Fhe= power question 18 coming to be met; it is difficult to see. There are ' The a cipal : vnele, Leonard. Robinson, C.T., two sides to every issue, and there are stay. he Susilo muniaipa union | william, arrived home Friday ' ¢ y may play witly the: question for alin Miss Jean Karlev arrived two sides to this, the side of the con i . : ¥ a 3 ¢ 5 3 while, but it won't be long. The peo | Ottawa Normal School Frida Gor Wellington and Bay Streets sumer and the side of the producer. og, and Miss Jennie Doolan from, To grist, ape ow < HP0PEIPPLOIPVLHIL 00D POPPI VPPPPPVLVIVOOIOV0 hd > ple who want electric energy at alow) g ronto Ndrmal, on Saturday, to spend i n B . rate will have to be accommodated { hrisfma holidavs at home NM ' Fucsd ¢ it y 3 oners i ym ax $ at " : be ea a : 1 : 0000 0R000S0S0POOIOOOND OCP OBONNIOOORISREGSS se ze from 1-10 to i . Wri 0000000000000 00000F0R00000000000SPIRISSLINISN : Both sides will be heard before any ' iff commission may be appointel dovd-George calculates, (and he's a Manse 1 as k from tt . N events ING S Lunch Counter a tariff com 3 Lloyd-George calculates, ( € Milton Maunsell returned last week from ) jail we i x e © Al Ly : Rooms i tor service, of termifials, demand more of good money, and it must. go- on It has been assumed hy some new wise 1 X P : > ww os ill Eastern Cg Il be con- A i od. By section 52 Telephone No. 1138. tinpenaios and continues to' have then hopes all Eastern Canagda wi on- | NA. act ignored. By section 5 Ihe programme of the western dele. the House ® program # "his eorohation al tage ING' S F radical change will be made in the ar of later be CA E tariff schedules, and it is possible that SOON £ ate _ re ne Son dn . L bos the cou I ! " nrg y nk ' AAR - iv - of her mother, rs. H. rnold. ennres, d he did wiieve pet : LEAD BLOCK TIN AND COMEBINA ION PIPE to ¢olléet the evidence on which the' mighty 'men with figures), ~ that it| Maple Creek, Sask. he habit, but i . 2 : 3 ther re or { a rr ------------ brs we Jique He was Wn advo NG's Private Dining changes will be based. Then the other cogs $2,250,0000000 annually to pre +. How the Changé is Made. rs Hue ie Mivocs THE CANADA METAL COMPA r LIMITED. questions, of transportation, of eleva: gorve the peace. My, what a- Waste} oq) Gazette | where inel Ii he treated | OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ING (James) Prop. than a passing thought. Hercin i+ nn uatil the great nations become really | papers that an. amendment of the ork n > c ! Piritish North America act would bh ' 2 hone « { an------------ " - problem of the greatest moment Pub ' ; « y } \ : 1 y . ------ ING ST. Nos 338- 342 lic ownership is a popular theme, bud v ---- RS required to give to Prince Edward Is & . bis * The Intercoloniar Senator Dandurand estimates that | land the six members in the House of up the p INGSTON is it practicable ' .m Sonia arty -fiv ternat I peace | Commons which it demands, Such a pe - . Fa 3 : 1 f what in twenty-five years international peace . Soke 3F 1) 2: : . ' railway i8 an object lesson of wha hav i Th ill be about | sumption is only right if the « i r-lined gloves, regular X3 now Now open, could be done. with a great work pl) anve EY a atv ae A the little province is to be made % , at Hunt's, ic \ Fun F Tr Caterl Contracts Taken. which had 'its origin in political oom 4awenty-five years Detore Mr. Bourassa apex ial one and the spirit of tio: ; ale J, ing fain . . If we please you, tell others. If Gi ll verted to his wav of thinking and | that act, parliament is given the pow. infidelity, -cruelty, a HOR-SHPDOT iH - . - we don't please you, please tell us. ' iis operation stil Y ONES boble wi ratio tend | #r to increase the--numbes of members put-- together Fher wy ome--aws . , some people will be ready to at en : we of. Commons, provided | till needed ji 1! et Tadd ChASHAaE Stockings, wation 1 large one, and involves _ lthe proportionate representation of | the ducking stool. 5 atk : oh Isa aE wil the provinces is not disturbed. Prim rE -- - At oC, 10¢e, 20¢, 30¢, 50e, Tic, $ 1, 1.25 and 2.50 eac h CE Ca Ly CE ] many many millions in its develop- | Reginald Ellsworth," of Manitoba, | p= PTS Island could be-given six NINE YEAR OLD BOY The wants of the west must, of has gone to England .to spend the embers bv legislation at Ottawa, but | Curgd of Bed W etting by Booth's 2 Crackers or Cosaques course, be met as far as possible, but (heistmas holidave, and hear some at the same time this provigee would Kidpey Pills. ! . oF . the premier is discreet in not promis- real British songs He can't hear have to be given 125 or more, aud a Mrs. J. Tait. of Denmark St, Mea' Contains Hats, Caps and Toys, at ing anything which he has not had them in the west because the Y ankees | Solid Quebec would be something ad rd, Ont., 8 : : --- - A rn time to fully investigate and study. are trooping in and they have. ric eat | 8PPal the stonte«t hearted of the - Our e year id boy has su Eventually thers' will De: an attempt, for patriotic airs. What's the matte To ans, - Jed Serer Ln hidney waakne 166 Princess Si A. J REE Phone 8 reasonably, to reconcile the interest: with a phonograph * } Graft Reaghes the Grave. Savers] remedies have been user ) 4" ' A of the west and east, of the producers y : - | Oswego Palladium ; ure the rouble, but none gave any 8 and transporters, of the fa-mers anil Senator Younz, of 'lows, a news. i In 'New York graft does not i (Fine "Fa he us He th s Kidne y manufactures, Tt. will not be an easy paper man, made the members of the even at the grave Preachers and sox. [Pili s "med went righ ved ot et gi ¢ said to be in cahoots with 1h the : 5 ; CN a aa a , upper chamber sit up when he ad-, 08% an ai Pondarick | 8 n . Before feasting--cooking. wndertakiiid "bit "the government wil dressed thom: 8% "bovs The . Verdi: { undertakers. | The 3 Rev. Frederick San i" to, duy he i | : Lynch, of the Pilgrim Congregational call devold of sll kidney com- EB be equal to it. Of that one iw quite . 5 Befors merry making cheery i ° a av ables tried to merit the compliment, { church, sgartled his congregution b plaint 1 wish ail dlothers knew of "fires. : } land they could not forgive Young when j saving : this excellent curative remedy 3 New oc © y CO ts : For both, the stove and the rg - | hg through the business 3m Blad thai Booih's Kidney Pills he said it was the editors, not the raft run rOug s were brought to ms, notice." } pr 1 EOP 3 grate, you meed good coal: : Qu ESTION BEFORE TRE is OPLE. aisle ors, that ruled the country. system of New York from top to bat > E The city, rather than iis power de fegisiut As tom. It even extends to the underiak- | = : Booth's Ridue: ¥i \ : d "ills cure bac an OUR COAL | part ment, is interested in the passage Heft Mr. Derbyghive, one of our Senos | oe. 1 had been in New York hdrdly.a - an tors, = would remark, "We like his ; month ax'a pastor when an undprtak y Ld ; : 3: of a by-law which is now before the 4 (2) ! be : xf . . : style." lor came to me and offered me a rake ? ng pair people and which has for ite ohiect the imi ai "lof on every funeral | would get him. nd #4 better lighting of the stroets. Upon | Milwankee Stands Anything. 08 sara they go to sextoms us well Ih Tilia. clon in ris mas { e 8 this bylaw only' qualified voter, Owese Times 1 do not know whether ther have an rr i La oe : Ft Mary Garden and her company pro- agreement with 1 the doctor. x stone, I ng gr | can exercise the franchise, and it igo of Salpme; jn Milwaukee, in' sli] RK 1; | Is t {well that thes voters should be fully jr wrtistic and horrible completeness | 87 overerEts at Supers Fe Ba diseases of tie : Jus! arrived at They ean pass the gation of Chicago people, who were "colid gold medal," given fo Presiden #1 bladder : hydaw, if they will, unanimously, oe denied seeing it in their own «ity. Taft hy the Brotherhood of Railroml | The Booth Guarantee, pw aa y | We do pet guarsaies to they ean defeat it. The SIR000, . which as reminding: him irresistibly of a Yih was brass plated with gold, sad ' ali cases, but if vou eter 50 poi REID & { HAR ; is involved in the transattion, be "cpusage dancing on a rel 'hot | was engraved by convict labor. { fit our ag are guthorized to te) or department, and it is very appare Over the pit of hell." The Milwaukee | Honestly eqroed calico 'ought never : v Pills sre sasd bs all druggists, Our ices will ease vou a leasan t surprise. ] pare. authorities found nothing in the play to be ashamed. : 6r postpaM from The R y P P : Erne on the city's intoresi. "municipality. The music is described, turn kindness. i Sota and guaranteed by J BM Ong 3 sd Yn EAP Sheu ee the or, amin wee howe 1ST Sastry «4 Dyers Leod. FP conscious of fhe: rexponsibility thai and in the présence of a arge dele} It his been discovered thai the (ne critie describes the Salome dance pen in Woreester, Mass, on April comes & liability of the Hight and pow. griddle," another as a "Name dancing Mirrors, Se. to $5, at Best's. © money. Booths Kid | ent that it ix a deltt. which ean be in- {to eall for the interference of the None of us are any 100 eager to re- | Booth Co., 1imited, Fort Erle, Ont |